If Another Pandemic Hits… Here's What We'd Do Differently!

Published Mar 18, 2025, 6:59 PM

Nate proposes the question... what would you do differently?

Get your head us together and we're gonna start to party Star Parts.

I'm ready a party.

The Elvis Duran After Party.

It is the after Party podcast.

It used to be the fifteen minute morning show podcast, but we never did fifteen minutes, so why call it that.

But we're here.

There's Danielle, and there's Scary, and there's Scotty b in the Serial Killers podcast room, there's Gandhi and I see straight in eight and Garrett is here and let's go.

Let's get rolling.

By the way, I love it when people bring leftovers from the night before in here for the morning and show and you share. Like today, Gandhi brought this Indian food she had yesterday. Oh my god, how great was that?

It was delicious. I brought chicken Berryanni and I brought it in because I know Diamond likes to eat it, and Andrew when he's here, he likes it too, So I brought it for everybody. Did someone complain?

No, But it did make me think about Scotty. How Scotty Vee always looks out for you. And if he goes to the local Indian market or if he sees anything at the grocery store, that's Indian food related. He brings it to you, he does, but he serves it like a shit sandwich in a way.

Well, she likes the samosas at this one market that I go to, so anytime I go, I pick him up for her.

That's nice of you. But there's always a butt.



He usually tosses the bag at me and he's like, here's your shitty, disgusting whatever the fuck this smell is.

I hate it.

Well, I had a triple bag. It was coming the oil was coming through the round bag and was getting in my refrigerator and it's stunk. So I had a triple bag it.

Oh god, I know. But it's such a nice gesture.

Yeah, you know, that's her culture, that's her background, that's her favorite food, that's her jam. And you're like, here, here's a bag of crap that I don't like and I don't want it him anywhere near me.

Enjoy Yes, every time.

It's like the sweetest, rudest thing ever. I don't even know how to explain it.

And I will continue to get them for you, and you'll continue to complain about it.

I will. Yeah, what's the point. I mean, it's a great deed.

You're doing, but because I love Gandhi and I just like to fuck with her anyway.

Oh okay, that's.


You know, on the show this morning, we were talking about this article that Gandhi founded the New York Times Scientist watching trending things from our life from COVID to now, how life changed for a lot of us. We learned a lot of stuff, especially from science point of view. Anyway, what about you guys? How is life different now? What was changed forever? If you can identify it a lot of things, we won't be able to identify. It's just I don't know, I don't think we can. We can identify divorced?

What's that that happened a lot with a lot of people.

Well, let's talk about that because of being stuck with each other and not having the freedom to run away. Uh, do you have a lot of people in your circles that are no longer together? And it really specifically probably COVID's fault.

Yeah, I think COVID. I think COVID just pushed it over the edge. I think, you know, everybody has their their issues, but COVID really just uh, you know, made it worse.

So right, there was.

That being stuck with people you don't want to be stuck with. Did you have anyone in your circles that was actually stuck with someone they had just met and.

They yes, right, Remember we knew that person they had just met. They were stuck together. They wound up getting pregnant, having the baby, getting I don't know if they got married or almost married. And then once COVID and the war went away and the world opened up, everything changed.

Yeah, you know COVID, It's true. Yeah, I have I have some really dear friends that are no longer together. But they were really really solidifying their relationship because of COVID, because they were with each other and they got to know each other a little better, and then they decided to have a life together. And then now COVID's over. You know, it's back to reality, and it's it's a sad thing.

You know. I had a buddy that was dating somebody and January of twenty twenty, they broke up. In January of twenty twenty, she still hadn't moved out yet, and then COVID hit and then they got stuck in the same house. So one of them is living in the bedroom and working out of the bedroom. The other one is in the living room, and that's how they existed for about six months until somebody could move out.

Wow, we were living different lives. I mean, it was a whole different life than life before in life after, because I have friends that they moved in with each other just for the COVID, just for the COVID, and then when the COVID was over, it ended and now they went on their own way. But that's definitely a chapter in our lives that will be probably one of the most important factors of our lives or chapters of our lives.

I think.

Wow, I feel like I really learned because I think, and we've talked about this before, if you could wish for something, a lot of people would just wish they had more time. And we kind of got that in a very weird way. You had time. It was restricted time, but you still had time. What did you do with it? And we really got to see how people would handle sort of like a lack of structure and what would go on. Some people did nothing and they just sat around all day, or they gained a bunch of weight because all they did was eat. Some people got in crazy amazing shape, I started painting, and we started that business that way. I realized that I needed pets around me, so I went and got a fish tank plans. It was just it was a fascinating experiment.

The regrets, there's a little regret here, even though I don't like to regret anything. I regret not shifting into some new lane during COVID, because while I was in COVID, I kept thinking it was about to end. I kept thinking, well, back to normal on any day now. And you know, two years in is that how long we were?


Yeah, two years before we all came back.

Yet I felt like it was so hard for my mom because my dad had just passed away a couple of months before, so she was already like in that, you know, being very sad, and then she cut out everybody and was home by herself, and so her mental state was like, you know, not in the greatest place because she was so lonely, you know, and Dad wasn't there anymore, and it was just it was a lot.

You know, I have a room full of crossword puzzles. I never opened up.

Let's see, I did some tied eye, Yeah that lasted a minute.

Bak baking, Yeah, absolutely.

I made so much banana bread.

Enough it was enough.


Our friends that live across the street from us, they were with their son and their daughter, so it was four of them and the dog, and they had once a week they had formal dinner parties for themselves. He would the father would wear a bow tie and a tucks I mean they would light the candles. Well, yeah, you would try to find these things we've got this time, let's try to do something unique. And they they did that, you know, for two years.

Question. Yeah, for everybody here, knowing what you know now about that the pandemic and how you squandered the time, would you make the most of another pandemic another pandemic hit in a week?

Yeah, what would you do differently?

By seventeen houses? Every house by now because those interest rates were so low and now it's like you'll never get a.

House work, right, That's a very good point. Knowing where you can go to escape. I guess this is another way of putting that.

Yeah, if I know it's coming, I'd like to rent like a log cabin somewhere and like take the whole family and we just got hunker down together, you.

Know, well, and look what COVID did to property prices in the suburbs and the rural areas outside of the big cities. How many people do we know that actually bought houses upstate New York places they ever been to before. Yeah, and they bought them off. Now those houses are worth triple.

The thing scotty and scary, and I regret is we didn't film anything. Yeah, we were coming into this desolate Wow. When I say desolate, Manhattan wasate.

It was so deflighting that you were able to have a full football game in the middle of sixth Avenue and not be interrupted. Yet that's how it was never cars coming out, and that's a five lane wide street.

I think on I'll have to look for the picture, but I think it was three or four days after the pandemic started. I went to your office office, which overlooked Canal and sixth Avenue, which, if you know that is a massively busy intersection that's right where the holl Indunnel empties. And I stood there for three minutes. Not one person walked by, not one car drope.

That's crazy.

For three minutes at eight am on a weekday morning, it's.

Crazy, insane. But then you saw a lot of people who were totally directionless and out of their minds, walking around not knowing.

Where they should be.

It was definitely you felt like you were on a set and these were all actors, but they weren't.

It really drive by birthday parties like that was the first, Like I remember my kid's birthdays, Like you decorated the cars and then an email went out. Everybody got in line and met at a specific place and you drove by the person's house.

Beeping the horn, the confetti out of the car, and if you were lucky, you got a firetruck to come. Yeah.

Yeah, Oh did any of you do something?

And at the time, if if you let anyone else know you were doing it, you'd get into trouble or people would chastise you. Oh the unsafe practices other than scary going to nightclubs that were like in basements and broke.

Do you remember when we first started, when we were here and I was able to get a couple of N ninety five masks from my friend at the hardware store, and people were going bananas because those were only for doctors.

How dare you because three of us wore them In some social media clip, that's right, and people just went off on a how dare you give those to the emergency workers that actually need them?

I'm talking about doing the sneaky stuff, sneaking out and hanging out with people in a room with doors that were closed.

Oh god?

Or like, what about the people who jumped the vaccine line? You remember how it rolled out to certain tiers of people first, but then we all knew some super like wealthy people or politicians. Who how did you get the vaccine so fast?


You knew someone? I did that?

That happened a lot. I did that, Remember when I think I already did it.

I remember I went to say anything I can, and I asked you Elvis, I go Elvis.

Is it okay?

If I say I got the vaccine? I don't know if I should say it. Remember you said, I think it's okay. I don't know. Maybe we shouldn't say yeah.

I don't know, because I Heeart gave us these these little emergency cards that meant absolutely nothing. And I went to the line at Jones Beach. I said, I first responder, you know what. I showed the card because it's had emergency response or something on it, and they were like all right front of the line.

Yeah, that car was supposed to get us through the tunnel, like there was supposed to be like like army people like blocking the tunnel.

And I remember the first time I felt like I was doing wrong. We had some friends of her for dinner and we sat at a table together.

But I remember at that moment, I'm thinking, oh God, oh God, if anyone finds out we're doing this, we're sunk, because you know, because there are a lot of people who would just hyper judge you, and you would watch them hyper judge other people, so you wouldn't dare tell them.

If it got what you were doing, would tear you to shreds, absolute shreds. People would tear you too.

I remember you.

I remember we got a box of wine before COVID became, you know, official, And once we got it, it came from Rochester, New York, which was like at the time, like the hotbed of where COVID was starting. So I remember out my wife Ali, she she chlorox the box, not even open the box, just the box itself and put it in the shed for two weeks. So it stood in there for two weeks before anything else.

And do you remember when I posted I posted a picture of me taking in an Amazon box and I was so excited because it was filled with lysol and wipes. And I posted it and people wrote, use the bus that sanitized that box before you bring it inside.

What are you crazy?

You're poisoning your face. I deleted the post.

I was Karen's.

Actually Karen's actually made their huge stay stay showing during.

COVID at night. I was so bored at my house because remember I live alone. I was my friends and I would plan these barbecues and we would go to my friend's house in an alleyway outside when no one was looking, and we would all sit there and we would it was the middle of the summer, man, and we would just every day we would grill and we would just hang out and drink and eat.

And I know we weren't supposed to.

Be doing that. That's where you got it.

But I lived alone. No, but I think as I came home to myself and.

Text each other on the way and did you see scary story? Staying away from.

One day, and we did go down the Jersey Shore, a bunch of us, and there was this one place that allowed us to use their pool and it was open and they had a DJ spinning, so I went, but it was outside.

And I mean to close this out.

I mean, and to your point, we were all looking for some naughty thing to do so we could try to feel somewhat normal.

And here we are.

So when the next one hits, we needed we need to come up with the prepared list, like we need seventeen houses and we can all trade with each other.

I don't know, it's I think if there's a zombie apocalypse, we have to kill Scary immediately because he will forget it. He'll hide the bike and then he'll turn around and he'll infect all He'll I call, I.

Call Santa fe House.

Okay, all right.

I think if you had to pick the one person that couldn't care less about others during pandemics, Scary would get the problem.

Yeah the most today, Yeah, the most complaints came in about you.

Yes that is true.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but we still love you. We gotta get out of here. It's for the after party.


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