If the pressure were on and you had to pick a friend to phone on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, could you decide in a pinch? Our hosts share who would get the call if they were in the hot seat and reveal how you would know if they ever won the lottery.
Plus, find out what they've really been getting into on the internet.
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First of all, you don't know me. All about that high school drama girl, drauma girl, all about them.
High school queens, We'll take you for a ride. And our comic girl cheering for the right teams, drama.
Queens off girl fashion, but your tough girl.
You could sit with us girl drama queens, drama, queise drama, Queens drama, drama, Queens, drama queens.
That's a good way to start this. Hey, everybody, this is our crip sheets, and sometimes we look at these answers that these questions a out of time, and sometimes we just fly by the seat of our pants, which looks like is what we're going to do today.
I like to be surprised with you guys.
Yeah, it keeps your improv chops sharp.
You know, yeah, I think that's the thing. I'm not I've never been really strong at improv. I'd like to get better, But you're so good at it. Did you take classes or is this just you being Finally, that's.
Just high functioning anxiety. Wait a second, I gotta circle back to what I said. Do you keep yours sharp? That doesn't I did not say that correctly? What is it? Yeah?
Well, I get what you were saying you were a little mixed metaphory, buts all.
Right, yeah, okay, hopefully everyone's still with us. We gosh, we are after such a good start.
You're hi everyone. We have a Q and A for you today.
Anybody want to get started? Who wants to kick us off?
Michael, you're up first, Michael, big pressure. Michael asks who would be the winner, the sole survivor on a Survivor season of all oth characters? Listen, we've done one like this, but I will allow it because I love Survivor and he has good follow up questions and the same question, but for actors or actresses in the cast, and would you go on the show if there was a celebrity Survivor season?
WHOA, there's so many There's so much packed into this.
There's a lot of questions. Yeah, okay, wait, so does this mean that the first question who would be the winner sole survivor on a A?
Yes, all the ot characters?
So characters, actors and then you personally. By the way, there has been a celebrity Survivor season, they just truncate it because I think we're softer than.
That's funny that I don't know that surprises me though, because artists, I mean actors are like, we do a lot for our job when when we really take it seriously, I mean there's a lot of training, there's a lot of hard work, there's a lot of long hours. We put our bodies through a lot of things that most normal people don't take the time to do, like training to learn trades and skills for months and months that just to be able to tell a good story on camera, like I would bet on actors and survivor.
Method actors perhaps like Daniel day Lewis might be particularly good.
I think we also are accustomed to, let's be honest, like our needs are met quickly and whenever they arise.
Yeah, when I'm cold, somebody's going to bring me a tea, apples and p butter.
Yes. And on the island where your only food source is coconuts that you have to open yourself and well worn, you know, it might wear you down quick. So I think when we did this before, it was like I think we did this in a Q and a ME with one of you. My answers were who would win a season? It's either Dan or Victoria of the actual actors. I don't have an answer off the top of my head. And if there was a celebrity Survivor season I got invited to, I would absolutely do it. I'd be terrified too, because I would be a humanist. I would do really poorly. One hundred percent. Yeah, I think I would.
Do it too. I think if I was in the right, like if the timing worked out, when I could actually be away for that long, I would love to challenge myself that way because I feel like I'm constantly surprised with what I'm capable of when but I have to be put into hot situations.
See, I feel like I've done it enough. I'm like, yeah, I've been tested, I've survived plenty.
It's a life survivor.
Yeah, no, thank you. Also, I love this woman. She has two perfect little children. I don't want to leave. I like hanging out, like I like my life. I don't want to go anywhere. I'm settin. I would root for the two of you, but I'm staying home.
There was a time in your life you would have gone.
Oh absolutely, I would have been the first one, gung ho, let's do it.
We're gonna be great.
I'm settled, I'm.
Good yeah, I can relate to that.
I don't know which character I feel like.
I think Dan would make it to the end, but like, I don't think he would actually win.
M I feel like he'd be so duplicitous. Yeah, they vote you off eventually, right, That's how Survivor works.
Every Yeah, every episode, a new person has voted off, and at the end it's down to a final three and you are voted. It's the winner is voted by a jury of your peers that you have voted out. So it's like there's like seven people in the jury. I believe the previous set and people voted out before they whittled it down to the last three. So if you do screw over everybody, this is sort of the thing. It's like you can backstab if you want to get there. The problem is it gives you a real tall order to then convince those same people why you deserve the money. Right.
I've never seen a whole season of Survivors, so I don't really know how it works.
It's great, and can I tell you something, Jeff Probs is arguably the best host I've ever seen. Do it wow fun because it's not scripted and he just rolls with stuff. He's incredible. Listen. I would do it just alone, so I could give Jeff probes to Hug. I would take a couple of days of starvation to give sweet sweet pap approbes to a Hug.
I feel like there's got to be a sleeper hit character that's gonna just any Carrie. Now, somebody that like that is you know, cool and encouraging and is like gonna it's I mean, this is like Hunger Games, like who's the person that's the underdog that nobody's really going to know? But they like slowly climb their way up through their ranks and then make it to the top. It's like somebody like Bevin. I was gonna say miss Lauren, Oh yeah, I could see Miss Lauren. J Guys, I don't know. I'm like trying to run through the rolodex of characters in my mind.
Katie, I gotta say Katie would be a contender because she's obviously a lot going on upstairs and has no moral compass.
Yeah, Quinn would. Quinn would probably get pretty far.
She's athletic, dude, She's a tough cookie. Yeah, Quinn's in that running. Could you imagine if Quinn and Katie were in it together.
Oh, that's a nice episode of surviveor.
Yeah, Mark wants to know if you were to win the lottery, Guys, I actually did win the lottery this ticket. I just had to pull out of my phone because it was blocking the camera so our producer couldn't see my recorder while he was fixing it. I won five dollars, yes, at the Tennessee Peppermint Red lottery. That's very exciting.
What are you gonna buy with it?
A lot I'm gonna go redeem it and buy five more tickets Like a true gambler.
You're a let it ride type of goal.
What would be the signs is really the question if you were to win the lottery? What would be Oh? So, I guess this is assuming you won the lottery but you keep it secret, But like, how would people around you know?
There would definitely be signs. I spoke about this recently and I'm trying to think of who it was with. You know, when you go to some beautiful place around the holidays and all the trees are wrapped in lights, like the trunks of every tree, everything's just in white twinkie lights. It's so beautiful Next Christmas, that would be my house.
That would be a sign. Yeah, that's a good one, you know.
And I suppose it could be a thing that I could do. I could really just commit to spending a few weeks of doing the labor to get that done. And maybe it's not as expensive as I think it is. But I think it's really expensive to do that.
It's a lot of work. But let me ask you a question. Is it though limited to only the Christmas season?
I see, I would leave them up a year round.
Yes see.
Would you just live in a garden of lights?
I think you do the whole neighborhood, whether they like it or not. Hoab damned.
I would love that.
That's awesome.
I would really love that.
Guys, I don't think you'd know. I would not like I keep shut on lockdown. I just don't think I would be pretty staff. I think I don't know. I don't know what the signs would be.
The sign would be that you just get like even.
Quieter, probably travel more. I think also because it would scare me a bit, like that much money, there's a huge responsibility with that, and I would be much more inclined. I might you might see me on a few more private planes, like taking some right, Like, I'd probably get a subscription to one of those private plane companies just because I hate going to the airport.
I love that. In the same thought and the same breath, you went, there's a lot of responsibility with that much money. I think you'd probably see me taking more private jets. You acknowledge responsibility and then completely sure ship.
Yeah you see, this is like, this is this is the human dilemma. I want the things that I should not want, and I do the things that I should not do, and we all do it and then try and find our way out of it.
I think for me, this sign would be the neighborhood would suddenly notice that the house next to me got bought leveled, and then a whole entire food cart pod moved in, but it was only for me. It'd be like, did you guys notice the twelve food carts that moved in that pod? Yeah, it's just for Buckley. What is that about? It would be that would be my sign.
I was going to ask if you'd buy a CornDog machine, so I have my answer.
One thousand percent corn dog place, a churo place.
Cotton candy machine.
No, never been a cotton candy guy.
Me, really don't care.
Kind of crushed me out.
I'm a crunchy, salty kind of guy at heart. So the cotton candy never never did it for me. But listen, Julia, if that's if that's a big thing for you, maybe I get a cotton candy truck. You know, when you come by, you get your cotton candy.
Everyone will yes, I'll just let you know what I'm coming over.
It's like the Candy Bowl in Wilmington all over again.
Except it's trucks.
Except it's trucks, good truck people.
Just yeah, I love it.
There twenty four to seven.
First Fridays in Venice every day for rob Okay, wait, we have a question that really relates to this. Jenny, baby Bear Jones, look at it. Nicknames keep coming. Asks. If you went on who wants to be a millionaire? Who would be your phone a friend when you were trying to win the money?
Ooh, such a good question. Also incredible nickname. Way to go, baby Bear.
Baby Bear, Yeah, who would you call?
So here's the thing. They don't know whether you're friend and is sitting in front of Google. Correct, right, it goes too fast, I.
Mean, does it.
I gotta say, have you seen people with AI now in job interviews where they're being asked a question in real time and the AI prompt is running and he is hearing the question and then takes like a two second pause and formulates a thoughtful answer. People are now doing this in job interviews.
How they have their phone running and like an earpod in or something.
They have the AI program prompt running while they're on like a zoom call, and so it is listening.
Oh this stresses me out.
I think we're making ourselves so stupid. Sorry you go.
No, I'm just saying like, I don't know if it needs to be like your smartest friend anymore as much as it just needs to be your fastest typing friend.
Yeah, that's realistic.
Okay, let's say there's no Google. Let's say like the person has been vetted and they have to be like in a booth.
Yeah, I mean so if you know a lot of random information might call you.
Yeah, thank you.
She was on my short list too. Well.
The funny thing about this question is I actually did play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire for charity last year, and I teamed up. It was really fun because they let us go and do it with a friend and so is Alex Edelman and I because he's one of the funniest people I know and one of the smartest people I know, I thought genius pair. And he decided he wanted our phone a friend to be one of his best friends, a great writer, guy by the name of Benj Passek. And we called Benj and Benje had no idea now what we were talking about, and then the call went dead so fast, and I was thinking to myself, Wow, you just really never know. Yeah, because the questions are so random.
Yeah, yeah, it's so true, Like there is so much random information I know, but there are definitely things that people could call me about and I'd be like, ah, that is that's not that's not in my bracket of completely random information. I could pull many rabbits out of many hats, but there are plenty of things that I that I can't as well. So, yeah, you never know, Rob, do you have like a particular person that you really feel like you'd call.
I don't, truthfully. I one of my first thoughts was like, so, SOF actually has a pretty good grasp on a lot of different things. I mean, if I knew ahead of time, like what the subject area is, you don't exactly?
You don't you have to decide who you're going to call before the episode starts.
Oh right, because you can't be like, I know who would know this information exactly?
Yeah, because my first thought was if it was history Conan O'Brien, only issue is we're not friends yet, then like, but what if it's, you know, a math question or something else, then he's useless.
That would be kind of fun if you could choose someone who you actually don't know, but you just think that they know a lot of stuff, and that if they got their number and you were just like, Hi, Conan, I'm sorry we've never met before, but I feel like you're gonna know the answer to this question.
A huge fan would love to be on your show. Do you have any available internships? I love you buy And they clicked the cut off the call, like you did not ask a question that was a waste of everyone's time.
Well, speaking of searching Google, Adam wants to know what's your most recent Google search. Oh hm, I don't know.
Let me pull up my phone. I have no idea you have to.
Take a peek.
This is so on brand and unsurprising. Mine was for a restaurant in Portland.
Mine is also quite on brand and unsurprising. I was searching an article about a house I wanted to look at on Architectural Digest.
Mine just says, page not found. How do I go so perfect? Trying to go back?
So perfect?
That's true? Okay, Shakespeare, Nashville Shakespeare Company, that was my last search.
All of those feel on brand, they really do. Yeah you go okay, well, proud of us. Let's see. Oh good one Comfy in Kansas. Love the nickname. Also, I love these kind of hard hitting questions. When you get home from work, are you changing into pj's or sweats slash leggings?
Hm? Sweats for me?
Aren't they the same?
Great follow up question? For me, it's it's sweats because yeah, I don't really have traditional pajamas.
When I think about Yeah, when I think about traditional pajamas, you know, a matching set, if you will, with the buttons. That feels like something I put on specifically after a shower. Yeah, I'll throw sweats on when I get home, but not stop to you know, necessarily take a shower. I wouldn't put my pajamas on coming in from the outside, I don't think.
Yeah, I wouldn't either. I like them to feel clean. If I'm going to step into a pajama set, I agree with that. I just the first thing I do when I get home is take off my bra That's like, without question. It's just it's such a pain in the ass to wear these things.
It would just be funny if if every time I came home from being out in the outside world, I just put on one of those super long like sleeping shirts that like from Christmas Carol, like.
A nightgown, like a nightgown, preferably in a plaid.
Next episode we do for the YouTube, I'm gonna I'm gonna find one of those. Great Oh, this is a great question. So if Reid Chris is Chris, Oh, who's the costar?
You can go months without talking to, but when you see each other, it's like no time has passed.
I feel that way about all of us. Yeah, Like it doesn't matter if we see each other once a week or twice a year. We're just in it.
Yeah, Because I mean that's what happens when you spend that much time with get ten years together, you just become family. There's no way around it. So it's actually really nice, and every convention feels like a big family reunion. So we do tend to just pick up where we left off. I don't know if there's one particular person. I do feel that way about everyone.
It sounds like a safe cop out answer, but it's really the truth.
Yeah, yeah, I think so.
Yeah, it's such a common experience, and I feel that way about people that I've done other shows with as well. Like I'm at a point, you know, however many years it's been where I typically get to see my friend Marina, who I worked in Chicago with. We see each other in person kind of minimally once a year, but it's it's always like we're right back at it. And I just think there's something to your point joy about when you spend so many years day in and day out with people, you create a bond and you have this experience together and it never goes away. Even though part of the nature of our jobs is that you go from one set to another and you kind of start all over again, you still have the thing you made with each other.
Agree, I would say, yeah, it's everyone that I can go months without talking to. When I see eare it's like no time is best except for James Lafferty, because when you go months without talking and we see each other, I just find myself wishing more months had gone by because she just gets more awful with age. I love you, James.
Okay, Action Jackson is asking did you have consistent stunt up for some of the more physical scenes or was it different depending on who was on, who was a series regular and who wasn't. No, we pretty much have the same pool of people. They would just jump into different character roles. Yeah, but over ten years, you know, you get new people that come into town, and some people move off to other projects, and so there was a little rotation. But we did have some staples that were with us for the majority of the time.
That's it, is it?
That's the truth, this truth about Miss Angelica. But instead of dinner, we make it any food scene. Yeah, all right, Angelica wants to know what was your favorite Now Angelica had asked dinner scene, but I'm just gonna say what was your favorite food scene? And otch, I'm gonna say mine actually involved you, So, which is interesting because we didn't have a ton of stuff together. It was uh, you, myself, Chantal and Jackson trying the saltine challenge in the hospital.
So fun because what you actually see in the show is it's we're not acting. It's just it's like me going for it, you laughing and then me laughing and coughing, and Chantel one hundred percent going for it. Like I don't know, I don't think any of us were in character. I think it was just us as humans trying this and then laughing at ourselves.
Yeah, it was absolutely preposterous. Oh I loved that. Yeah, I was gonna say probably because it's the last one that we've watched together. But our big Thanksgiving episode was so much fun. Although now that I think about how much I enjoyed filming all of that, we didn't do much eating. Brooke was really just chugging, you know, fake wine out of a bottle, which I also thought was very funny. But yeah, I think I like meals because usually they mean we get to gather and to your point, Rob, even though Brooke and Clay didn't have that much overlap, we managed to have it with food.
Which again feels on brand. I love it very meta.
Yeah, tracks, I did also love this in terms of just food, seeing you in the kitchen, so like with the like with the glasses and the bird burning in the oven and moving around and all the props and everything was great. And also when we were eating the pot brownies and I were spaghetti and like just getting totally high and terrified. It was really fun.
That was so fun.
Guys, you were shown up to the table with the nicknames. We love it. Thank you come back with more.
The question for the two of you, have we since since I joined the show, have we done a Q and A where food hasn't been brought up at least once?
I don't think so. Man, the people know you're in good company. We love food. We're here for it. I think that's our next show anyway. Somethinks we need to do something revolving food, clearly revolving around food, where.
We eat it and then we talk about it and get paid for it.
Instead of watching One Tree Hill episodes, we just have meals. We just recap. It's a meal recap.
I love it. I love it all right.
Added to the list. Okay, guys, thanks for hanging out.
See you soon.
Y'all. Hey, thanks for listening.
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