One Tree Thrill (part 44)

Published Mar 21, 2025, 3:55 AM

Sophia and Joy play a rapid-fire game of would-you-rather, reveal their wildest adventures, and choose their favorite outfits from Brooke and Haley's closets.

And move over, Beverly Hills—The Real Housewives of Tree Hill are revealing their best taglines!

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First of all, you don't know me.

We all about that high school drama.

Girl drama girl, all about them high school queens.

We'll take you for a ride. And our comic girl cheering for the right drama. Queens of girl fashion, but your tough girl, you could sit with us.

Girl Drama Queens Drama, Quise Drama, Queens Drama, John the Queens Drama Queens.

Well, hello, friends, we are back, thanks to you all. With another Q and A. You really are keeping the good ones coming.

I love these, I'm so excited, and I love all the nicknames. Everybody's really taking it seriously. Now one of them. This is my favorite right now, hot Mess Express, because I definitely feel like this is me many days.

Oh absolutely. Do you remember when Snickers did those custom candy wrappers. They literally had one that said hot Mess, and I bought them every time I saw them at a convenience store.

I do not remember that, but I feel like I knew that in my life.

Now we should start with hot Mess Express. They would like to know if you had to wear one of your character's outfits in real life, which outfit would you wear and why?

Oh man, this is hard to say. There's just been so many great ones throughout the seasons. Oh gosh, I don't know. I feel like Haley had There was a one with the I had my hair and a side braid and red lipstick and it was like this tan top with maybe it was a button up. I feel like that one looked really pretty. I can't remember exactly what it is, but I feel like that was one that I went like, I would definitely wear this in real life. What about you?

I remember that. I think maybe I'm feeling nostalgic about it because we just watched it recently. But on Brooke and Julian's you know date episode where they run around and cross everything off her bucket list, there was just something I loved so much about that sort of charcoal gray and then lighter gray striped dress.

Oh yes, it was so friends and you had your lipstick.

Yeah, and on the back of the scooter and the heels. I just thought it was so cute and I'd like to have that dress and then vespa around town for a day.

That sounds good. Yeah, that sounds fun. Uh okay, So we got we gotkeekes here. Hey, Cakes wants to know if you could time travel where would you go ooh.

That's actually so interesting because we're kind of talking about time traveling in our outfits, but not back to whatever that was or whatever year you wore it, Like, would you want to go to a completely different time period?

I would Actually this question came up in a box of dinner time questions. We have this thing that we sit down at the table and sometimes if it's a you know, if it's not a super chatty day, but we want to connect, we'll pick some questions out of the box and ask each other. And this came up last night. Uh, it was or would you rather spend a week in the past or in the future? But I think the future all the way. Like, if I could time travel, I would want to go into the future. We know so much about our past, We can find out so much about our past, but the future is the one giant unknown, So I would love to see what that world is like.

Interesting. I immediately thought past, because there's moments I would have liked to be in the room for, you know, I think about periods of time that I've read about in you know, Glorious Dynem's early work, or being able to actually go to the march on Washington and hear doctor King deliver a speech in real life. To study history is so cool to me. But I think if we've learned anything in our lifetimes, it's that you have to make sure you're learning history, not just the history certain people.

Want you to learn.

Sure, And I think it would be so profound to be able to go back and see some of these historic moments with your own eyeballs and hear those words with your own ears. I would love it.

That would be really cool.

That's so fun. Okay, Tay wants to know. Shifting Gears characters like Karen, Keith and Haley often serve as mentors to others in the show. Who is someone in your life that made an impact in mentoring you and what were some of the biggest things you gained from that.

That's tough.

I mean I've mentors have been a difficult considering my history with trusting the wrong people, and you know what, I just wrote a book about I think that mentorship has been something that's been hard to find to really know, like what who I could trust? But there are a few there are a few people in my life who are ten twenty years older that I've feel like I've had pockets of time with where they may not have been with me for the full last like twenty years or whatever, but I have these wonderful My friend Jackie in La Daphne was a wonderful mentor to me when we were on Montree Hill. She and I spent so much time together. And then when I left the group that I was in and then moved back to La, she was also really helpful. And then I have like spiritual mentors who I haven't spent time personally with, but I've studied their work, like C. S. Lewis or Tim Keller, and they've contributed so much to my faith being a structure of built so much around logic and science and not just like going with what you feel, because I think our feelings can be just so deceptive, and those voices in my life have been really powerful. Yeah, what about you?

Yeah, I get that. It's interesting because I think, you know, so similarly to what you're talking about, a lot of the people who were supposed to be our mentors, you know, on our first job were not. Yeah, and it was really interesting to find mentorship. You know, we didn't get to look up to our boss, But I definitely got to look up to Daphne, and she definitely was such a good example for me of what it looked like to be simultaneously so collaborative and to work in community, but to be really courageous. My best friend Nia is like that for me, even though she's younger than me. She's absolutely a mentor in my life and someone who has always encouraged me to be the fullest version of myself, to embrace my intellect, to embrace my curiosity, to embrace everything that I think in particular, women are so often told to make smaller about themselves. Yeah, and that has been so valuable to me. And then I have mentors that are younger friends like my friend Dylan mulvaney is twenty six years old, and she is one of the most courageous and exceptional people I know who has had the some of the hardest kind of lot in life in terms of what the world wants to mirror back to her just for being the joyful person that she is. And yet she is the funniest, lightest, most comedic songbird, always has a Broadway song going like I've never met a more joyful human And she really reminds me that no matter what it feels like we're up against, and no matter what our community is up against, you can absolutely find your joy every single day if you choose it. And I think that's really such a gift.

Yeah, isn't it incredible how much we can also learn from people who are younger than us. It's something that I didn't I didn't know that I could have that gift until I got older. I really thought, like you know, in my thirties, I was just looking for people that were older than me that I could get advice from. And it just didn't occur to me to look at someone in their twenties or thirties now and while I'm in my forties and go, oh man, there's just so much to learn everywhere, in every corner, no matter where you look. If you're curious and open, you really can learn so much.

I love that. Yeah, I think it's so special.

Chloe, not Kardashian. It's kind of in the same vein, but not exactly. But but we'll stay here. Your characters on the show have taught so many lessons to the fans, But have you ever learned something from your own character or another character? On the show. It's hard Chloe, not Kardashian, because we were not watching the shows the way that you guys were, like watching these stories linearly and absorbing the character arc in the same way that you were. So I mean, I can't speak for you, Sophia, but for me, it was harder for me to learn lessons from my character in that way because I wasn't watching her or like like pulled back as a bird's eye view of observing her activity. So I feel like I learned more from playing her and from being on set and learning how to get into the mind of someone that's not me or doesn't think like me, and allowing myself to live in that empathy. I think that was a really valuable lesson. But I don't know as far as like actually learning from Hailey, I don't know what about you.

Well, yeah, I'm not really sure either, especially because now we're in this sort of accordion time where we're watching the show so long after we made it, but also reliving it moment to moment because we remember what it was like to make it. So I do think now that we're into our a fear of our podcast or our eighth season on the show on the podcast, I sort of see things now in so many more layers than I saw them then. But something that I that I really do want to take from Brook, you know, I think there were periods where her boldness encouraged mine, where my boldness could encourage hers. One of the things that I love that is not my natural inclination is to not give a shit what anybody thinks of me, and Brooke Davis just doesn't. She's like, not bothered. She knows who she is, She's going to be who she is. I struggle with that, and I think, especially you know, caring about community and caring about people, and caring about social safety nets and the ways that I think we should show up for each other, it can be so hard to not feel understood or shown up for, or I don't know, to be judged, which I think is a human inclination. But every once in a while, when I'm in some sort of a spiral or I'm in a moment of self doubt, and then we watch an episode of the show, I'm like, what would Brook Davis do? And it really does give me. It has given me at different points over the last few years, some things that feel like lessons or some boosts of courage that I really kind of love. And I guess that might be why. And maybe you feel this way about Haley too. It's like she almost feels like a sister or a cousin or some person I know really really well. Yeah, even though I played her, Do you feel that?

Yeah? For sure, like I could easily step back into those shoes. I know her very well, but it's not me. But yes, a very close family, remember right, certainly?

Yeah, like definite inner circle of family. And then I realized no, I sort of helped to make her up.

Okay, yeah, oh.

LEVI wants to know what is the last movie or TV show that made you emotional and why.

I'm really laughing because it's kind of silly. But I was watching Shrek the Musical, which i'd never seen before. I have Broadway HD, and so I watched it the other day at a friend's recommendation. And I really thought I was not gonna like it, which is why I had put it off for so long. But you know, my friend really liked it and I wanted to see it. So I watched it and I was so surprised at how good it was. What a great underdog hero story.

It was.

I hadn't seen the cartoon since it came out, probably, so there's a lot I didn't remember about it. But the songs were great. And then you've got like poor Shrek, this underdog that nobody sees or likes, and he's singing this song about what it would be like to be a hero, and he's just like the ultimate unseen.

Guy, and you so relate.

There's a part of everyone that correlate to that, And funnily enough, like it was, it was. It was Shrek the musical for me that was just two days ago. What about you? What about you?

This is actually hilarious because mine also has to do with a big grain animated character.


Yeah, we were just watching The Good Dinosaur, Oh right, and that movie is so beautiful and so sweet, and this this little dinosaur, you know, trying to find his courage, just sent me and I was like, oh, the little ones in the room aren't crying, but I am.

So special, really sweet. Okay, Tara is giving us some rapid fire, so I'll throw them out, okay. Text or voice memo? Text voice memo? Oh oh my god.

When someone sends me a voice memo, and I'm like, I don't have three I don't have three minutes and thirty four seconds to listen to this, Like, just tell me what it is? What is it? Or call me? Drives me crazy?

Wow, that's funny.

I love sending a voice text, but I do a voice memo, but I don't love receiving them. I get it. There's only a few people in my life who I actually want to sit and listen to their voice and it's soothing and I really enjoy it. But it's not many.

But wouldn't you.

Rather do this? I would rather FaceTime you and see your face and hear what you have to say. Yeah, And like have to hold my phone up and try to get the screen to not lock when it's halfway through the voice memo. I'm like, who made this decision?

This is a bad choice. I just hate texting. My thumbs get tired, all right? Sit down dinner at a restaurant, sit down dinner at a restaurant, or take out?

Sit down? I'm torn.

I don't know.

It's completely depends on the day. Yeah, I'll say sit down too. I'll say sit down. If I had to choose between never having takeout and never going to a restaurant again. I would choose take it like I would. I want to go to restaurants, So.

Yeah, okay, I love that. Okay, I'll do the next one. Lose sleep or skip.

A meal, skip a meal all day? Right?

Agree? I like I can bridge with a snack, but if I lose sleep, it hurts all day.

Yeah, exactly, okay.

Passenger or driver?

Driver me too, very rarely do I want it. Sometimes I get tired of driving if it's a long trip or something, but no, I want to I just want to drive.

I get carsick, though.

Do you get carsick?

Yeah, that's part of the reason I think I like to drive so much, because I don't get karsick if I'm driving. If I'm in the passenger seat, I do same.

What is something that's trending right now that you don't understand? I do not know what's trending anywhere, I promise, So maybe I'm not the right person to ask this question too.

Oh man. I read max question and thought, uh, fascism, and then realize maybe that answers a little dark but it does make me very sad.


Patricia has a happier question for us, Joy Patricia wants to know, what's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?

Oh, if the most adventurous thing I've ever done? Oh, I could go so many different directions with this. Having a child, I mean, what a wild adventure that's so crazy, like raising a growing or human and then raising it and then like sending her out into the world soon crazy. I don't know what else of going somewhere like, yeah, sure, I feel like I've had a lot of adventures in life, but I don't find any of them to be the most I don't know. I got to think about it for a second. I don't know that's okay.

I think there's so many categories of adventure. I mean, the first thing that came to mind when I read the question was falling in love. It's the most insane, amazing thing you can do. Then I thought, well, maybe that's too emotional, but you gave a good emotional answer, so I figured I'd meet you there. Then I was like, oh, if it's an adventure like a place, probably flying to the tip of Patagonia to hike Torres del Pine with one of my best friends. That was absolutely insane. We were woefully underprepared for that hike, but we lived barely and I loved every minute of it, including the last hour coming back in the dark in the rain. And then I think I also sort of think what we do for living requires such a sense of adventure, because at any moment, you'll just be told to pack up and move somewhere you've never been and make it your home and make all these new people on a set, you know, people you communicate with the best out of anyone, and it's it's like a completely insane thing we do, and it's also so great. So I think that's adventurous.

That's true. Right on board with that, Yes, absolutely.

Yeah, Samantha says, what do you love the most about your character?

Hi, Samantha, Oh, I don't know. Uh I I love Hayley's uh aunt. She's got this thing about life. It's the French word is on soullon. It's very like as as as it's going to be like las Fair, sort of like whatever. She's got this sense of like letting things roll off of her that even though she can get passionate and be I think she can be a bulldozer if she needs to be. She can be the girl that makes everything happen or helps solve problems or going back and forth, but there's this lightheartedness that's like, you know, it's all gonna be okay, and things kind of She feels very steady to me, and I really I like that quality in a friend, and so I like that in her too.

I like that. Yeah. I think for me, one of my favorite things about Brooke is her loyalty. Yeah, there's a sort of core essence of that about her. No matter how imperfect a person she might be, how she might stumble less than she has to learn, she really shows up for her people. And I think that's probably one of the things about her that even in the beginning when I was like, how am I going to relate to this girl who's wacky and nuts, like who behaves this way? That was sort of the way I found into her. And then I think we had this sort of journey together because, as you say, you you really have to get to know this person that you're playing and also find yourself in them and also know how they're different from you. And so it's a really interesting kind of relationship, especially to cultivate those relationships for as long as we got to yeah, and yeah, there's so many things I grew to love about Brooke Davis, but I think that's probably the central love it. A housewife from Tulsa wants to know. As a Bravo fan, I would love to know what your Housewives tagline would be.

Okay? Remember how I said, I don't know what's trending anywhere? Yeah, I also have never seen an episode of Housewives of anywhere any kind. You haven't, No, I've no cash, so I don't even know what the tagline you know, framework is?


So I only know this because my dear friend Jake Arnold, who's if anyone out there is also a home design fan, one of the most talented interior designers ever, who has a gorgeous British accent, which makes his content extra fun to watch. Jake and I talked about this at our friend's wedding because he was like, what do you mean you don't watch the Housewives? And I was like, Jake, I don't have time. What's the deal And he said, okay, so that all these housewives have this tagline and it'll be like in this town. I don't know, then something ridiculous.

So each of them have it like their own? Or is it like each show they all say the same one. Each woman has her own.

I think each woman. Hold on, I'm going to look because we texted about this.

Oh wait, our producers on board, she says, they all have their Oh no, this is in our assistant high. Okay, they all have their own. It's for the opening show, like the beginning of the credits. They've all got their own little tagline.

Oh God, okay, okay. So Jake sent me one and he said this was because it rained during our friend's wedding where we have this conversation. And the one he suggested in trying to teach me how this works was weather is unpredictable in this town, but come rain or shine, I'm still the brightest cheer. I'm obsessed. And then he said another one. He said, Ryan's would be why take the zest from a lemon when I have a zest for life? Like so, I guess in this town is not a requirement. But this is so fun. So AnyWho, Joy and I don't know, but Jake Arnold has great in this town's for you?

Okay, I'm asking chat GPT. I need some original taglines? Is it called a tagline, Yes for the Real Housewives. Okay, here we go. Let's see if it gives us an that we that we like. This is so good? Did you get there's so many? Okay, here's one. I don't chase drama. I inviteed in and offer it a cocktail.

Oh my god, that's fab Jake sent another one because now I'm typing to him about it, and he said, ooh, how about this one in a town full of swimming pools. I'm having the last lap.

Guys, this is brilliant. Here's money can't buy class, but it did pay for my patients.

Incredible. Is that a therapy thing?

Maybe a therapy thing? Like if we go to therapy, we would get it.

You go to therapy, you pay for that, and then you learn to be a more patient person.

Yeah, I guess, I guess. Oh that's yeah, that's how I was right imagining it, Like, well, I mean, money can't buy class, but it did pay for my patients. Like every with all the craziness that's going on around life, like it, it bought some version of contentment or in the middle of chaos. I don't know. Maybe, I mean, I'm sure that only lasts for a little while. Loyalty is everything until you give me a reason to forget your name. I don't play nice.

I played to win.

Oh man, these are all really biting, though I wouldn't say these are I don't play nice.

I played a win. Sounds very much like something someone.

Said on One Tree Hill once it does, don't you think?

Yeah? That feels like a like a what was then Emmanuel of a vaugierion? Oh yeah, Nick's character? Yeah, Nikki, it feels like something NICKI would say, or like a or like an alex du pray.

It's an Alex do prey line. It could be it could have been a Katie line.

Yeah for sure.

You know. Yeah, it's very like You'll never be Sarah neither will you. I love this game.

I don't know if I can fully answer your question, my friend, but I will. I'm happy that we got a chance to dive into all of those because that was really an enlightening and fun experience. Thanks for the laugh.

I loved it. Keep your questions coming, guys, They're so fun for us.

We want to hear your taglines next time. Sign off your so, we want your nickname, then your question, and then you can sign off with your little tagline.

Yes, yes, if you were If you were a character on the Housewives of Tree Hill, what would your tagline be? Yes?

Send them in please and thank you Bye bye, Hey, thanks for listening.

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