Now it's time for Cannabis Talk one oh one with Blue Joe Grande, Mark and Craig Wasserman, the Pop Brothers at Law, the world's number one source for everything cannabis and we answer your voicemails. Call in at eight hundred four to zero nineteen eighty and leave us one today.
Well, welcome to Cannabis Talk one on one with Blue Joe Grande and Mark and Craig Washerman, the Pop Brothers at Law. Thank you guys all for listening to the podcast. Wherever you listen to across this beautiful globe of ours. As we get the information back, I think it's seventy eight different countries, So wherever you're listening to us.
Thank you, and the number is growing.
We love it when I see a new country because it makes you have to look up.
Where the hell it is? Right?
And sometimes I go, how ab is eighty? How am I so stupid that I don't know where this place is at?
You know? And you're not alone? Thank you?
Thank you for saying that and not claiming the I know everything, which I was waiting for.
I would be screwed. Yeah, because I'm looking how many countries are there there's one hundred and ninety five, if I'm not mistaken. So I'd looked up. But Trump said there was one hundred ninety eighty. Maybe it is, but Yomite is not a country, but it is a landmark.
But Yo, that was one of the best ever Yo semi or yose And he said it again.
He tried to repeat himself and correct himself. That was so, Yo, Semite is no Jew.
That's what it's called, anti semi, anti semit. I don't under I never an anti semite.
The Semite term. That's it. Explain more anti semit you anti semi.
But now, but why does semit mean Jew? Is that like in Hebrew semite is the word for Jew? Like what a semi come from? I don't understand that word.
It's a it's a derogatory term. You should look it up. Oh, it's derogatory. So I didn't even know that. More so so think, oh God, bad Jew. That goes the Jew saying if you call me a semi, you're calling me a motherfucker. Call me a semite.
It's a member of any of the people who speak or spoke a Semitic langguage, including particularly the Jews.
And Arabs. So it's just a Jew. It's not a slant.
It's not Arabs too, though it bulks you with a couple that's that's not just a Semitic language.
Hebrew is based in the Semitic language.
Did you guys learn any Hebrew growing up at school?
I did? Can you recite? I? I got bar Mitzvah?
I got he didn't I got kicked out of Sunday school.
Was it Sunday that you had to go to? Was it on Saturday?
Saturday and Sunday? And it was Saturdays on Sundays? Our Sabbath is on Saturday? Why did you hold on? Why did you get kicked out? Craig Washington? That was a fuck?
Do you remember what exactly you did around hide and didn't go to class?
I don't remember. So what did you do? Mark that you got ordained? Not ordained?
What the hell is by bar mitzvah?
When I was thirteen and you didn't get your bar mitzvah because you didn't pass the school.
I didn't do it. I was a rebel. So no more vinz for for you? And what's the right birthday? It's like get money and you didn't want to do. You didn't want to. That's how bad I was. I didn't give them, you didn't care. Don't give me any money. Keep on my Jewish relatives at home. Screwed the money. I wanted the money, mark going, I'm a little brother.
The money pleasant involved singing and chanting and performing the lights on him.
Older brother and little brother both got and I was the rebel.
What about big big brother? Did he get it as well? You're a little brother.
Oh shut up, So you're really the god darn rebel.
You really still fit the same book too. Nothing's changed. No, it's my way something.
I said that to your brother the other day and he just looked at me, like, funk, What do I say next? When you know what, Craig, I'm just gonna give you the answer. You'd give me what I'm who I am, and you can't change me.
That's say.
He took a big, deep breath and he goes, well, then fuck it. We're not doing an We're having this nice discussion outside about my behavior, my potential bad behavior, And I was like, you can't change me. Does that sound like a Craig response to his own thing that he's attacking.
Me with you've been behaved though.
But but my point is it's just a great Craig response though, right.
You can't use those responses. You can't use what I say against me. Dude. That is so my dad. Do what I say, not as I do.
As my kids said when they were four and five. Don't copy me. Yes, cop here.
All of you that are copying us.
We thank you for listening to the podcast and going around talking about cannabis and how great it is.
Make sure you ever want to be a part of the show. Call us up.
Eight hundred four to twenty nineteen eighty.
Mark that number again, eight hundred four to twenty one nine eight zero.
Since you didn't pass the bar Mitzvah class, you did pass the Latin class.
As you're married to.
The Queen of Montebello, please say it in Whittier, the Queen of Whittier, Please say it in Espanol, Senior, Oh.
Joe zetto zetto quatro, do zetto uno nuevo hoto zetto Wow?
Got it by weo bion, we will be saying that means good, my white boy.
Make sure you check out our Instagram pages for daily news.
Learn the script, all the good stuff, check out the podcast, all the new information that we put up there.
Mark. Eventually we'll get the slam home up. Matter of fact, we need to record one tomorrow.
Just live and go live with it at Cannabis Talk one on one at Pot Underscore, Brothers Underscore at Underscore. Law, Mark's at Waslaw, Craig's at Wasslaw, Dog Blues at one Christopher Wright, and I am at Joe Grande fifty two. Blue is missing right now. He's handing a little business. He may be walking in later on in the show, but before we get to some news and some gogreens and some when cannabis goes bad, I wanted to play with you guys these voicemails as people leave us beautiful voicemails, and let's.
Respond to a few. So Pitt and Peanut, what do we got over there?
Hey, Cannabis Talk. I really enjoy your show. I'm calling because my boyfriend said I smoke too much. But I'm wondering what is too much. I'm wondering if I should stop smoking or if I should actually listen to him. So I gotta go five.
Oh that's awesome.
I don't know what's her name, did not say her name, I believe did she say her name?
Do you have caller? ID he should the car?
I mean we could probably whoever that caller was. There is no such thing as smoking too much.
Well, you know, I know Mark, you're gonna feel the same way.
But if you live in a household, I don't know if they live together, But if you have a partner and a partner says it's too much, it's not his.
It's not the partner's place to say you're smoking too much. Well, here's the thing.
Are you you know doing is it a negatively affecting you?
Or are you not going? Are you you're used to lazy ass not going to work? There's nothing to do with the weed. Well, the weed might be contributing, so you can't do it. Yeah, we talked a.
Lot of people who say, I'm not going to smoke. I'm not going to smoke for her work. That's difficult now and maybe effects, Maybe that's what she needs to do.
Is No, that's the problem. It was affecting her. She just wouldn't do it. No, that's not because the boyfriend thinks she's smoking too much.
She may not know. It's affecting her. She's living in this river. It's a lazy ass who happened to smoke weed?
Can you not call our listeners a lazy ass?
She's asking a nice question.
We don't know too much, Mark, Mark is explaining what is too much?
And any excuse anecdotal evidence us anecdotal evidence. And people who come up to you and say, I'm not going to smoke today because when I smoke, I go to.
The couch and they don't smoke too much.
We have we have people who work in turn interns work in our office and they are more than welcome to come out when we go on smoke breaks. And we have some that do, and we have others that I'm not going to smoke till I'm done with my work and I'm done.
And that person isn't too much. That's how it affects them.
But if one smokes too much exactly, they have to figure out, Hey, I'm.
Sounds like she didn't start smoking yesterday. Maybe not.
I always say this, if your loved one tells you something, your loved one might be right.
We didn't have that call or call back and let us know how much he actually smoked.
That she worked well, it look like her boyfriend's in the background was like.
A negative effect. Is there a negative effect to the use of cannabis? That that's the question.
There's a lot of negative effects that we see.
Keep it from a person, That's what I mean, from the negative effect on them by by you know, not working, not finishing something, not doing the weed.
It is sometimes because it knows.
That's why people who say I'm not gonna do it at work because I can't do it.
The weed is gonna affect you. Guys aren't listening. You're not listening. You guys don't get it. Well, the three of us hear it.
You're not if this person who calls But if this person calls in, the person who called in is not going to work and being lazy or whatever, and she smokes all day long.
She's not not going to work because she smokes. She's not going to work because that person is lazy who happens to smoke.
Let me ask you a question. What if she go hold on?
What if she goes to work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
On Thursday, she decides to weed and doesn't go to work because she's too high and she feels like I just don't want to go to work.
I doubt that's the case.
I'm asking you, I'm asking you and her boyfriend. Then she's using that as an excuse not to go to work.
Let me shore, what if that's the cannabis related effect as a cause and effect, Right.
She shouldn't smoke and she should go to work. And that's what I think.
The bigger problem isn't isn't necessarily that they're lazy, because saying lazy or or because of cannabis is kind of I get what you're kind of saying there, Craig, But what I'm saying is is as an adult that smokes, if I come in here and smoke, I'm not on my A game period.
You know that.
I know that, you know what I mean a lot of young folks don't know that. And I see a lot of young folks that come in that that try to get jobs or their.
Interns with us. They want to work with us.
They don't have the ability to get high and work all day.
They can't do what Mark and Craig do. Hell no, nobody's asking anybody to, but they don't know. And I'm not saying anybody is weed well, and people that I like, we hear it all the time.
I'm not going to smoke during the day because it slows me down.
So if her boyfriend says you should slow down, that's probably the case.
No, maybe boyfriend.
Maybe he's seeing her slow down and she doesn't see it.
That's my point.
Seeing and when your significant other says it, you should listen to your significant other. And I doubt most significant others are just trying to hurt your feelings. Probably well, well, maybe maybe you had three other ones that you've experienced and now you finally have a good one. That's not so either way. Thank you for your call. I think we have another voicemail to get to.
How's it going. My name's Braden Frankfurt from the Central Valley at California. I recently messaged pop brothers at law on their Instagram page and then I sent them an email basically, you know, discussing I'm in insurance and in the insurance business. Would love to be a part of something you know that kind of brings you know, some a safety net to the cannabis industry, whether it be you know, dispensary and businesses or you know, the farms itself. Would love to get a plan going to where you know, those that sector of the world. You know, that industry can be able to be insured just like everything else, with how much work they're putting into that stuff and whatnot. Would love to be able to protect their assets as much as possible. Yeah, go ahead and give me a callback or whatever works for you.
Would love to you know, get in contact and you know, get this thing going. I mean, I know it's something that's you know, may have been thought about by other people, but would love to take action and be a part of you know, something that you know brings awareness and you know, just just makes a wrong or right.
I mean, we need to get it federally illegal, We need to get the bankings on our side, and then we need to be able to ensure these products because it's medicine to a lot of people out there, and you know, the people that are putting all their you know, life and savings and everything into it, they need to be able to protect that as much as possible. And a strong believe that as a medicinal marijuana's myself, so would love to get contract with you guys. You guys can give me a call back for my email, thank you good bye.
So yeah, I believe I got that email. Might have been in my spam folder. I sent it to my brother. I'm not sure where's the.
Bus driver at right now?
At the end of the table, ladies and gentlemen, mister Craig was driving that bus.
It just ran over a little brother.
I think we need to set a rule right now, listeners, keep it about thirty seconds.
I like the question, No, I like more of a state really a question, Yeah, but.
I mean what he's trying to say he wants to help absolutely the insurance and then were uncompanies that out there, g Insurance OG, cannabis insurance.
Does always needs.
But again, I think what he was trying to ask, you know, he didn't ask the question. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think he was trying to ask, how can he, as an insurance agent become cannabis and that was the legal question that he was trying to ask.
Thee that was made he's already in the insurance No, I think he's in the insurance industry now, I can't remember. Yeah.
Either way, if you really want them to respond, you got to venmo them money first.
A lot faster. Remember it's little brother will be getting back to you. We will. But thank you for your call and your voicemail. We appreciate. Let's go to some other ones real quick. Thanks for dicking to listeners. Guys. My name is James, and I'm calling for Blue Blue. I have a question.
I just started my first home grow and I'm trying to prevent from getting spider mice.
Rowing as a whole.
Appreciate it.
Okay, So if James, just a simple household remedy, if you're doing it in your home, not on a massive scale, you could add vinegar in the room, uh and put vinegar inside of.
When you say in the room, how do you do that? Well, I was just get to that. So you put cups.
You can put cups under under the plants or in the trays and make sure it doesn't spill in your water. Could ruin your whole your whole harvest. But one of the things that you do is you put vinegar throughout the room.
And it's a it's a natural repellent for them. It doesn't always work, but it depends how you know, how mutated they are, how strong white vinegar, red vinegar is whatever you know want Yeah. And another another thing is is counter you know, as you could put not butterflies, worms, no polka dot it, uh, but ladybug, ladybugs. Ladybugs, yeah, ladybugs. Ladybugs will also eat any spider mites. So you know, one thing we used to do is we.
Let go of.
You could buy a thousand lady bugs at any you know store that that you know.
Pretty much lady yeah.
No, there's agricultural stores and stuff like that that sell plants and things. They sell you know, a thousand and ten thousand ladybugs. You can let them go in the room. They will naturally go fight them all off and eat them all for you. One thing you do have to remember, though, if you do let the lady bugs loose, that if you have fans and stuff like that running, they are gonna get caught in the fans. You're gonna have a lot of dead lady bugs. Don't just you know horrible. Let them naturally come out in different locations. Don't just throw them out because they become to uh, you know, basically discombobulate it. If you throw them out, you know, throw them into the room, just put them down, let them crawl out and get onto the planets. Take them somewhere else, let them crawl out, let them be free and natural. And then it takes a couple of days for them to do their work. But you'll start noticing that you'll have twenty lady bugs on this one underneath this one leaf, you know, or or so they'll go to where they need to go. They'll go where they need to go to start eating.
And then natural pest controls what I've heard, that's the natural. That's good advice.
Where do you go to James wait to call to the expert here?
Yeah, and that right there. Send him Venmo twenty five bucks for that advice that he just say. Why not go?
Let's get the next voicemail pit, Hey.
Cannabis talk one on one.
I love you guys man.
You guys are doing great.
I enjoy to show a lot. Joe. You're a freak brother, but I love you man.
Keep doing what you do, all right, guys hanging there, thanks by You know what.
We love those type of voicemails. You don't necessarily need to ask a question. If you just want to share your love with us, just tell Joe. Tell Joe, well, I am a freak. But you know I'm sitting next to probably a bigger freak. And I know I'm sitting next to a bigger freak when he texted me over the weekend and goes, this is what I was thinking and I didn't do it.
And you're the only one that would appreciate. And I can't even share it with you guys.
And he didn't say this is off limits, but it's so bad that I can't even share it because my friend Mark wasslerman, I've grown.
Is that a bigger freak than me? Because I grew? That's my point. I grew.
I was fighting with my wife and I didn't say anything about the text her.
And then I didn't text it. You texted it to Joe and Staff I did. I'm not gonna say what it was. And the crazy thing is, I've seen I seen the texting guy. I'm like, what is it? Why are you talking to me?
What what did I do?
And he goes, sorry, I had to send that to somebody else, gonna send next to my wife. So I figured I sit that you. I'm like, geez, dude, why would you even right now?
Twenty five bucks Counseling.
And listen, guys, if you want to join the show and you want to go ahead and get your voice HRD, go ahead and call us that one eight hundred for twenty nineteen eighty. That's one eight hundred four to twenty nineteen eighty In Spanish, Craig.
Oh, Joe, zetto, zeto quattro do zeto nuevo oto zetto.
You're going fat getting better and BET's the next voicemail pitchtre.
Hey, this is still calling from Oregon.
I fucking love the show.
It's great.
It's I just love all the knowledge that you're giving the people.
Uh, especially that fucking fat fuck Joe Grande. Oh, he's the best. Keep on doing the things, baby, love it. I got a lot of friends in Oregon. Yeamn Joe.
I guess I'm just sift through these and just pick out the Joe. I love and hate it all in the same time. I don't think that's hated. I think that's just when you call somebody a fat fucker you love.
If we're going through all of the friends, Joe has that of making these calls.
Clearly call the next one. Really, let's go for the next one. Thanks you for coming so thank you much, guys.
I'm a big fan. I want to give a man I set up. Hey guys, man, I'm a big friend of you guys. My name is Nicholas. I work up in Maryland as a driver for a logistic company. I gotta say CBD and all this stuff about marijuana and all this stuff. I'll tell you at the end of my shift. I was putting hours a day. At the end of my shift, I can go home and out the last. There's nothing I'd rather do than the most the last. I don't feel any pain. I'll for any problem and this whole coldd stuff. Man. I hope everyone say safe. I hope you guys are doing well. Love the show. Yeah, man, just keep doing you guys, love it man ship.
And Nick.
Nick followed up with another one though here we go, let's he this.
Hey, sorry about my last nssage. I was just nervous, guys. I'm a big fan of the show. I love your show. I love kas to one a while. I listened to it every day at work. I'll listen to all your podcasts. You guys taught me guests to the day. You guys infore me so much about everything going on in the world and I love it. I'm a driver up in Maryland for the Logistic Company. I can't only have this broadcasting because it's allegedly but love your show. I love you guys, what you're doing. I hope you guys are doing to stay. You guys are doing well. Keep doing you guys. I love what's going on, man, just love it.
Thank you.
We actually got to talk to that guy, Joe, call.
Him right now the show. Let's go on the show. Ye do that? Blue? Thanks for showing on you there. Nick. Hello, Hello, Hello? Is this Nick?
What's up?
Hey Nick, It's Cannabis Talk one on one. It's Joe Gande, Blue Mark and Craig Washerman. We're all right here and just wanted to say thank you for listening.
Thank you Nick, Thank you buddy, Thank.
You Nick from Big Brother. We appreciate you listening.
It's good to listen to Schelle. I love listening to you guys every morning before work.
All doing work actually gets me, gets me to my day, helps me. I actually recommend it to a lot of the people I talked to throughout the day your podcast, give it a good time because they want to get educated and get more to it, and I'm glad to talk to you guys.
Awesome, awesome, And you remember when you're out there, what do you do in the cops ask you questions?
I just shut the fuck up.
And you're on the road quite a bit, right, yes.
Sir about home to birching hours every day.
So you you you are out there in the mix. And have you been pulled over anytime while all being a trucker.
I haven't been over.
Because my company is kind of big out there, and the cops all you like to mess with us.
So that's a little cool, very nice, very thanks for trucking whatever you're trucking all over wherever you're going to.
We need to you know, we're gonna what size T shirt you wear, man, I wear large.
We're gonna send you out some T shirts and stickers from Cannabis talk one on one man. We're gonna get your little care package sent out to you.
We'll we'll and that way you could represent out there and sticks can give you a call, stick up the stick up the road and some STF. We got some STF you and pop brothers at law, the script and all that good stuff. So we're gonna go ahead and send a little care package out to you.
My man.
That's that's awesome your car.
Thank you, decunt right on the window right very much listening. We appreciate it.
Take care of yourself, brother, and spread the word, all right, brother man, So that's awesome.
Well, there it is, guys, this Cannabis Talking on one. We'll be right back after this break. Welcome back to Cannabis Talk one on one. Well, you will find the best damn cannabis show on the planet right here.
Just ask nick nick Nos.
We call listeners that call up and leave us numbers and send them T shirts and yeah, these great stick get them, get them involved in what's that number eight hundred for twenty nineteen eighty.
In fact, you don't what check this out.
The first person to call one eight hundred for twenty nineteen eighty with the slam poem by mister Mark Wasserman or the script.
You're gonna get some kind of a free.
T shirt or something. We'll send you a T shirt for that clevery roll T shirt for everybody in your family, but you're just not everybody. You might have a big Mexican I found be like, well, Beadro needs one. Lisa needs one. Today, Hose b host c Hose family, the whole family needs one.
All the hoses need on. Speaking of hoses, what's going.
On with news, Well, we've got another Florida Democratic congressional candidate Richard Thripp tweeted, the DNC. You know what the DNC is the Democratic National Party Committee Committee Commitment. Now, I think I talked about this before. Their refusal to support universal health healthcare and cannabis legalization is dividing the is dividing the party. These policies have been both widespread by partisan support and for good reason. He says, we don't want to hand Trump another four years of destroying our country. So we've got forty two states and the District of Columbia that authorize medical or adult use cannabis in some way or another.
And forty two there's like fifty states.
Right, and we still have the federal government with they're head up their butt. And now we have the Democratic Party who's passed a lot of good acts on behalf of cannabis, but they don't want to put it in Biden's policy state, which I just don't get. I just because Biden is still so anti cannabis, no matter what the fuck he says, deep down he doesn't want to put it out there on his policy page that part of the policy.
He'll lose half his votes. I mean he'll lose a lot of a lot of the Who are.
They gonna vote for?
No, Trump has shown he's not for it. Well, you're not getting the cannabis community. Both of them are not getting Both of them are not getting the cannabis community. And it's almost like you just throw away your vote.
If Trump decided to go cannabis, you know, next week.
And I still vote for it, voting for him? Are you sure? Seriously? That's a good question. Yeah, it's a real good question question, you know what I mean? Would you vote for Trump? Not someone who can't read a speech? Why you say that?
Hey, yo, Semini is a good place to be man.
No, No, you know he can read a speech. He just met you watch him read that? You can't. I can't read your don't they have teleprompterts you look straight ahead? And don't you ahead of time too?
Oh my god, that was painful. I'm sorry his and I don't care Republican Democrats. I'm not I'm not bashing on that, I mean, just him personally. Was very difficult to watch him read that.
I think about it earlier, saying I don't write speeches, I don't read speeches.
I'm just gonna speak and that's the way I'm gonna talk. And I was like, Okay, that was great. I kind of felt like, Okay, how's that gonna work for you? I was working now that's the thing.
Yeah, he decided to just come with it like I'm gonna just talk like a guy.
So Joe, speaking of that call, of that initial caller regarding do I smoke.
Too much much? Yes, yes, Well here you go.
Colorado University's Department of Neuroscience and Psychology says, quote lazy stoner stereotype smashed by study finding marijuana consumers exercise more. In this study, current cannabis use was associated with lower BMI and more exercise behavior and healthy older adults wishing to increase their physical activity.
Craig, what's b me body mass in de nice? Why not gotta be bitch for that?
I'd answered and say bitch.
I didn't think I knew it.
He should have been stupid bitch. He asked me a fuck acronym and I we answer it, and then.
It's there's a few more facts real quick. They called me for the more facts on the history. Researcher said. The analysis public this month is especially important because more and more older Americans are consuming marijuana for medical or personal use. Adults over the age of fifty the fastest growing population of cannabis consumers in the US, with national prevalence rates estimated up over almost ten percent.
Of what it was a few years ago.
Of that group, people sixty five and older showed even a greater increase in use.
Well, that's that's proof in the putting here locally in California with the dispensary growth, like most people that go into dispensaries are older than forty five, so that forty five and older hands to fifty plus is in there interpact even when you walk in. I remember the first time that I walked into a spectry, I was shocked to see people that look just like you, Craig and older walking around in there, and I'm going, wow, I had no idea this is wide enough for a walker, wheelchair and everything else.
And that's the first time I met you, Craig. I was so happy.
It's like that Walker CNA. CNN dropped a breaking news today. By the way, since we're on news topic, CNN dropped breaking news seeing that cannabis can be related to bad to heart disease. I saw that by the CNN though, Craig, that's where you get all your information, bro.
I never said that you get all your information. I'm going to say that.
I'm gonna say that there probably is some anecdotal evidence that somebody with a heart disease, lung disease and they probably smoked weed, and they're gonna go because of this. It equals that there's a lot of times they look at that and you I disagree with anecdotal evidence. Well, you know when they say this happened to this person, and I believe.
I don't have the article, but when I the article, say the headline. You can't read headlines, it's you. It's your headline horror. You're a headline. You're a headline. This stuff, right, it's what's making ways. Hold on, we'll hear about it.
It's headline horror segment right now.
Everybody reads headlines and that's all. I don't I don't think it. I'd have to look at the article. Then I'll look at the article and that show I'll talk about it.
There you go.
Well, speaking of some news, I just seen this headline right now, you guys, and I got to read a little bit this to you. A number of Jews are returning to Germany to work in the industry and the cannabis industry. And then the headline continues to say, it's no secret that we date April twentieth is also historically Adolf Hitler's birthday. This is a bit of historical bad joke humor, but just that it's just crazy to think that Germany is sitting there going, hey, let's start producing a bunch of weed out here and make some money.
And this is the big thing.
I didn't finish reading it, but a new days dawning and people are, you know, headed out to Germany to start growing a personal journey back to the homeland.
Interesting. I just felt that, you know, you started talking about your guys.
It was this morning, and I'm just shocked to see this as a headline, and it was on high Times right now. Actually one of the it's just broke right now, latest news and it says a number of Jews are returning to Germany to work in the cannabis industry.
Coming from Israel. When did they leave. I don't know, it's just comes in the forties. It's just funny how they do a play on words like that, like they.
Just like they just laughed and are coming back from the Holocaust, That's what I mean.
And oh they escaped finally, and now they're coming back back.
Fifty sixty years later.
We surround the whole country down through it. Sixty years later, they're coming back. I mean, they're one hundred. I want some weeds. It'll work in the weed industry.
Oh, it's just a good one.
Well, we'll come back with some cannabis goes bad and I got some go green stories for you guys.
It's Cannabis Talk one on one.
Welcome back to Cannabis Talk one oh one, Blue, Joe, Grande, Mark and Craig the Pop Brothers at Law, and of course we're going to think Pitt, Peanut and Jennifer and our whole iHeart family, iHeart audience, Apple podcast audience, wherever you get your podcast audience.
Thanks for listening to us and tuning in. Joe, Let's go green. Well this is interesting you guys out of Texas.
They say Texas is going to end the retail outlet sales of legal smokeable cannabis. Now, the smoking of legal cannabis in Texas. Make sure it's not him that well exactly what it's saying right there, and they're calling it legal cannabis smo well because it technically cannabis, right, So it's just funny that they say they're going to end that. And that's what I was going to get into the story because the headline isn't so what it is. You can't buy weed with THC in it there, but you can felling a you know, you can buy quote unquote cannabis which is also derived from the same Do you know why they're doing that? I do not know exactly why. I would love to, Okay, well I'll let you know.
Because they cannot tell the difference between cannabis with THC and a hemp product. You can on the field, if you're out on the field, it looks smells everything, while the smell is so much more dankier when I s there's some bud not not necessarily, not necessarily, cops on the beat cannot tell the a hemp bud and a cannabis bud that has tha seeing it, and because they can't tell the difference, they're like, Nope, you can't do it because it can't do anything.
You can't do anything. Bullshit. And that's actually why I read it. I can see that being the case.
But like one of these owners put in this article, and the thing that I feel for these is the biggest impact is to our patients and guests that come in here to buy this flower and Mary Jane's CBD dispensary smoking Babe shop, and one hundred percent I agree with that. And I want to share with you guys some anecdotal evidence from my friend Craig here who smoked a bunch of CBD joints not too long ago and kind of shared that story.
But it made me think of it going.
You know, I don't care if you're older, younger myself, I love smoking these CBD joints too because it helps with my I have arthritis in my hips, I have legal handicaps stick on my car because I'm so beat up, and for me, it helps my body relax and helps my inflammation as well. For Craig, Craig told the story a few weeks back on the podcast, I believe it was when he went home and his wife and man, it was like, oh my god.
You smoke so much.
And he only smoked maybe a couple joints, a third of what he normally smokes in a day, but he was smoking more CBD joints than ever.
But I was a home more relaxed than ever.
That being said, these folks in Texas are being deprived of that medicinal medicine because you cops can't get your nose out of your asses and smell the difference between you know, some some bomb and some not bomb. And in my opinion, when I personally don't smoke th C cannabis.
Smell it. I love the smell of it. I want to smell them all. And you could, to me easily smell the difference.
Now I've been on farms as well and have smell and see the difference. And to me, I can still easily see the difference. It's not okay, hold on, I can easily smell the difference. I'm sorry, you're right viewing your and I mean, you got some danky danks that's real sticky and has a bunch of sorts crystal that look even more. But they're starting to make some HMP ones that have something like that.
That's why the.
HEM companies need to be strategic and when they're shipping or or trucking HEMP products all over the US because a cross.
State lines with them all day.
Well you some states state even though the FEDS took it off the list and it's federally legal, that doesn't mean the state has to make it federally legal.
But I got a company in Oregon that's sending everything to New York to get it all packaged.
Correct, and if they go to the wrong city or the wrong state and city, they could get their ship confiscated.
They can't.
So there's I didn't realize the jurisdictions that you can't go to Texas is forbidding it. Well, that's fucked up Texas in the middle of the country. You gotta drive to Texas, you gotta go stay low figure go to Arizona. Well that's Texas, California.
The distributed distributors have to, you know, not go to certain areas because they're getting sucked with by.
The Even with hip, I thought you could just ride anywhere and everywhere with him.
Left United States, you can unless the state disallows it.
Well then you really can't. So correct state. So Texas, I don't know what, but know your laws. The states out there were around.
Well you know, I think these people in Texas, A they can't buy legal cannabis, legal all this other good stuff that's going to help them from an edible to CBD with the higher THC dose in it. You can't get that. But you can't get you know, t CBD tinksters. But there's a low amount of th seeing them. And so therefore, if you're having medical conditions, you want to get a CBD with a higher dose of THC in it, and you're fucked there too.
In Texas, which is just.
So sad for the uh you know, patients who need it the worst. And it's so funny because Texas is so big and so gunslinging, and so we think you think that they have a different look on it.
With them cowboys smoke.
Right, and they got the land and the and the plantations to grow it, like, let's grow some ship here.
We got a lot.
Everything grows bigger in texptations in Texas, well, you know.
What I mean.
This is the plantation that I have a big old area. I'm not using plantation as a bad racial term. I'm saying as a land term. This is my plantation in Texas. They got big, big, everything's bigger in Texas, so we have Oh God, don't.
Be so technical over her YouTube weirdos.
I wasn't trying to act and sound that way, but I'm Joe Grande.
That's your go green moment in Texas.
Help these folks out out there.
If you're in Texas, call your city people, call your state people, and allow the hemp to be free and teach the police the difference between hemp and CBD. Now it's Mark Wasserman with when cannabis goes back.
Thank you all right? Right out of Henderson, Kentucky headline.
Reads and we hear it time and again. The scent of cannabis led to the arrest of a Henderson man Saturday, accused of trafficking the illegal drug in the company of juveniles after officers were sent to investigate the smell of cannabis in the area of the sixteen hundred block of Colonial Avenue, where they found a vehicle allegedly occupied by Cameron Cosby.
I don't know if there's any relation. And three juveniles.
Officers said they there was a heavy smell of cannabis coming.
From the vehicle. So they approached the vehicle. And where was this at again, this was in Henderson, Kentucky. Okay, when you first said Henderson, there's a Henderson, California, there's well, there's a Henderson, Nevada also, But hendersons this is Kentucky. And the cops come up, and what.
Does mister Cosby do. He's so nice, he's so nice. Cameron Cosby just produces a large.
Quantity of cannabis in a bag and hands it over to the police. To the police, here's mar weed. You want something, So there you go.
And of course they get the search, and during the search they locate a second bag containing an even larger quantity to I'll.
Give you this one if you don't. Who knows what they're thinking, these people, but as uh.
And they also found paraphernalia associated with the sale of cannabis. So Cosby was arrested and charged with trafficking, possessing of drug paraphernalia, and second degree unlawful transactions with a minor Three of them.
Moral of the story smell smell, smell, smell. Don't let it smell. Don't let it smell in your car.
And here we got another one out of Napoleonville, Connecticut.
Kind of what you got the Napoleon Complex. That's not me, that's you down there.
Headline reads felony drug charge After traffic stop, A uniform patrolled deputy observed a vehicle commit a traffic violation and initiated a stop. As the car was pulling over, the passenger dumped a green leafy substance out the window. The car pulled over and the officers approached. As the officers were approaching, he continued to dump green leafy substance out the window the driver. They interviewed the driver, who said he had no idea what the passenger was doing or dumping out. Then they interviewed the passenger, Clifford Johnson, the third and during the investigative process, the deputies were able to establish because Johnson said I was dumping my cannabis, that he was dumping his cannabis all over and out the side of the window, and he admitted to dumping it. They had already seen him do it, So I don't know what the point of admitting it was, but he was charged with obstruction of justice for the dumping of the evidence possession of marijuana, his first offense. And once again we have I don't even know what the moral of this story is. Because the guy's dumping cannabis out the window.
What do you think, Well, don't dump cannabis out there, you know, don't be a dump truck.
Don't be a dick, don't be a dummy. I've done something like that, you know what I mean?
You know, but I've I've had like a little like a small nug on me, smelling up the car getting pulled over.
Small nuts, and I've eaten as I'm pulling. I've done the eat move. I ate it once and then as I'm pulling over throw it out the window. What are you? What are you laughing at? I'm laughing. My wallet's gone and all my credit cards. You free to jump on the table and grab one of marsh credit cards? That pickpocket. I wouldn't grab one, my belce. Did it fall out? You just you slid it out of I bumped you. I want to pickpocket? Goes bad? You can't wallet? Try this mouth washed it. It's amazing. It's out of Laredo, Texas.
The headline reads, two men are caught in possession of drugs while police were executing a search warrant in West Liardo. The incident happened on Monday after officers received an anonymous tip.
Regarding street level dealing of.
Narcotics in the twenty two hundred block of Madison Street.
So off, what do you the fuck you guys do?
Blue was fucking with your brother right now and he almost got him.
When I'm sitting here dying, I couldn't help him. Sorry, I did, I got you were doing? Trying to explain everybody, marks trying to tell you, guys a story.
Blue has his hands bray sanitizer and he goes it's its mouth washed, and he keeps squirting it in your mouth and look like I'm squirting it in my mouth.
It's one of those little thin ones like almost a You.
Didn't do it, did you know? But Jeremy just did. He came close. So I told Jeremy.
I went up, I put it into my mouth and I sprayed it like I sprayed it twice, and I'm like, dude, this stuff's amazing. It's a lemon scent and it's really hand sanitizer and he goes square square to hits two squirts right in the mouth and he's just like it's.
All funny games and tell you in the hospital and.
Night asked me, yeah, yeah, it's all I said, what does it taste like?
He's alcohol? That was like, you need some water, And that's when air freshener goes bad bad.
So back to Liardo and the anonymous tip for street level d going. Our officers arrive at this home where they get this tip and they see a Toyota Corolla leaving the residence. They conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle, at which point and this guy must have talked to the other guy in Kentucky because he threw several clear baggies outside the window and the police recovered them. They were filled with crack, cocaine and heroin. Then the driver, identified a twenty two year old Alexis Guzman, was placed under arrest for controlled substance. Meanwhile, they execute the search of the warrant. They don't find anything inside the house, but a man outside the house, Vincent Pana, was in possession of cannabis and he was arrested too.
That's what happens. Sometimes. That's when happens.
When you're dealing and anonymous tipsters come in, that's when cannabis goes And that's why.
You really want to avoid that black market as much as you play and you think you're saving some cash.
If you don't have a legal dispensary around you.
It sucks. But if you do, you know you're gonna be a lot safe for that way.
I got you know what, I'm remiss because we did a consultation today and this is perfect.
When cannabis goes bad.
We got a young kid twenty years old, undocumented. Why are you pointing at me because he's an undocumented Latino.
But I don't understand why you said that and then turned towards me and point at me like he's with you.
Like I don't get that. When I said the story, you talked about the Jews and you looked at us. I didn't look at you, guys.
I said, a number of Jews are returning to Germany, and then you look at the cannabis industry. I go, I found it right at us, I said, I found it strange that this is the headline. I didn't look at you guys like Hey, are you guys going back to Germany?
Well, I found it strange that you know this, His last name was Lopez. I you knowez, I don't. I don't know those are the but here's what happened to and it was that it's actually my last name is Lopez. You know the case twenty years old and he's a barber, right, and he's a barber's been cutting hair for like three years or whatever, and great, great job working at a barber shop. He's got a spot and then the pandemic hits and he's out of work.
So what does he do. He mixes up with his four or five friends.
What they do is they go around Orange County in LA and hit illegal grows and rip them off.
And so they went in to this spot. They went into the spot.
I don't know about that, but they good.
Sorry, they're themselves.
They're taking it and they're selling. They're taking it and then they're selling it.
So yes, So this is what happens. He goes with there's four guys, him and four guys. They go into this spot and they break in and they fill up and they get it, get all their ship and they leave and they get out and then one of them goes, let's go back and get more. And they went back. The four of them go back, but they tell the kid go in and get and get some more and come back. So he goes and there's ten other people in there, like he doesn't know who they are, but they're doing the same thing.
Like all these people know where this is legal, and they're doing it.
And then he goes in and all of a sudden he hears the helicopter and then he runs back outside. His friends gone surrounded, and he's popped with felony. He's very lucky felony burglary and because of COVID they release him. So and he's undocumented, so if if he would have been taken in, he would he would end up with ice.
Yeah, I mean like that, you know. So, uh, let me ask you this. Did did he tell him his buddies?
No, no, no, he didn't have to because a week later they got pop doing the same thing somewhere else.
And they're not his buddies anymore.
But they weren't they weren't stealing at the moment. I mean, the people weren't there. They were stealing it while they were gone.
Yeah, or whoever, who did he have a go No no, no, no, no, no, there was nobody. There was nobody there.
In fact, it was a spot the police Sevid was telling him it was a spot that they set people.
No, no, no, it was a spot.
That got raided like a week before that. And then of course they pop right back up again and they're doing the same thing, and so the cops already knew about that place.
They're gonna be bait shops to just sneak people. They had an alarm probably that's what I'm saying.
It's probably a bait, like he doesn't people.
They got away the first time, right, and then.
They went around him from legal manufacturers and cultivators trying to find their addresses on the website.
People still the biggest stores in the country.
It happens everywhere.
But the funny thing is a lot of the manufacturers and cultivators that I've talked to, they're running around the clock. If you're there, you're not getting hit. It's when you close at night they come in and hit. You have to security the four seven, three shifts a day.
I mean, you gotta look at Niemen Markets, nor Stromp's, Target, Walmart, all these stores get hit dog. There ain't no difference between that and a cannabis shop. You know what I mean, you're coming on the room. I mean, you know we've done some things at Mervyn's back in the day when I was a youth.
I hate JC. I mean, you know, growing up, we get some new clothes Gemco.
Oh that's great. Well, that's good you guys. You guys ready to wrap it up.
Let's wrap it.
Can you give us words of advice to wrap up this show?
So you know a lot of people get confused out there about entrepreneurship and understanding how to be successful and not being successful, and they start to beat themselves up because of their abilities. They think that they're not capable of. Let me assure you that you're just creating this inside of your mind.
Most of the time, we all think that we have limitations. Those limitations are just your thoughts. And remember the only time that you lose is when you quit.
So they don't be a quitter, don't be a quitter, don't be a dick, and don't be a hitter, and don't.
Shut up, and don't forget to set the fuck up.
No, listen and if you're out there man and you want some advice, man, go ahead.
And called Joe cell phone said one four five, There it is guys. It's Cannabis Talk one on one. Thanks for listening to the show.
We sure do love you guys, and we'll see you next show.
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