Big Mike Straumietis, the CEO of Advanced Nutrients

Published Feb 28, 2025, 5:00 PM
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It's now time for Cannabis Talk one oh one with Blue, Joe Grande, and Mark and Craig Wasserman the Pot Brothers at Law. We're the world's number one podcast for everything cannabis.

Welcome to Cannabis Talk one on one. My name is Blue.

Alongside of me is Joe Grande and the world famous Pot Brothers at Law. And you are now tuned into the greatest cannabis show in the world.

I say the universe.

I say it is on my block.

Come on, guys, it's the galaxy.

Oh you know, it's bigger than your block, Joe, you know, but it still is the number one on my block though he lived, No, he lives on a big one, big, huge block where he lives.

Joe. Wait a minute, Joe is the block. Thank you.

So we have an amazing show for you guys today.

It's gonna be doing it real big, coming off of this four twenty and this whole coronavirus thing. It's so exciting to be part of the cannabis industry. Joe, let us know what's going down.

Well, we want to thank everybody for listening to the podcast Cannabis Talk one on one on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. And before we get into the show, I want to ask you off something. If you could spend millions or even billions of dollars on research for cannabis, like, where would you start? What brings us up is Canada was just given forty billion dollars in grants, right and the American cannabis industry was left out, of course of the loop for the research grants and credits who knows why, But not in Canada, where the government is utilizing everything from analytics labs to whatever they can do, to the ability to research and come up with novel treatment ideas. So my question is what would you focus on if you could do it?

And why?

Let's start with you, little brother, Mark Wasseran.

What would you focus on if you could spend millions or billions of dollars on research?

You know, I would have to say right now, focus on how cannabis, CBD, THC, whatever the case may be, can fight the coronavirus because there are people out there who believe it. I mean, we know one, Kyle Turley, and I don't see how that's going down the wrong road because we have our indocannabinoid system, which helps with the immune system. And we know that using cannabis in all forms and whether it has THHC or CBD helps the indocannabinoid system. So that's where I think money like that should go into specific research for this. Right now, they're looking to do a vaccine, they're looking to figure out what's going on with this virus.

A lot of money should.

Be spent pouring into Hey, cannabis can help defeat this.

That's at one point, I remember your big brother saying that cannabis can cure the coronavirus. If that's not the words that came out of his mouth at one point, how do you feel about that?

Now we've gon say that.

Well, how about this? How about this? There's been a recent article from the time of Israel. Now Israel's been testing cannabis for years, thirty thirty forty and they and right now at the so and so Medical Center I can't pronounce it's Hebrew, will begin administering medical cannabis to coronavirus patients in moderate condition as part of an experimental treatment. How's that. I think what we need to do is put forty billion dollars into the research that is being done in other countries already. So I mean it's I think studying it as a immune booster, studying it as a cure for cancer. I think it needs to be studied and test done and trials.

You could focus on one, though, and I agree with everything you're saying. I can't give you one, you know, it can never give you one exactly.

I mean it's it's so hard to do it. And don't hook get me wrong, I agree with you, but just for the sake of you mean, you don't one. I think that he would do it for which is beautiful right now. It's perfect timing, of course, and maybe a good stay. But no one disagrees with you.

No, you don't.

You don't understand what I'm saying. I do you want to.

What I'm saying is if you test it for the if you test it for the coronavirus, you're testing it and the testing is going to show a lot of different things. I'm not a scientist or biologist or or you know whatever the fuck these people do that just rocket scientists kind of people you know that that are doing the testing. So I think once they break it down to test it to test it for one thing, it's gonna be good for other things. That's my point.

Are you running for Congress this year?

I object to uh, this word stoner that you just threw out there. This this is our third episode, and if you're gonna do that, you got to say successful stoner.

Stigma. So Mark, I'm not gonna Mark.

You gave a great answer for the coronavirus. Is where you want your research? Your brother's tap dancing on everything. He can't give an exact answer. Blue, What would you use the money on if you could do research with it?

Definitely I would use the research money for cancer. It's been a long, long struggle with cancer. I believe that there's been a lot of testing out there from people themselves that have said, you know, it helps with cancer, and so many different from skin cancer to lung cancers to you know, you know wherever it's at. And I, you know, my father passed away of cancer, So I think I would step right into the cancer market.

Yeah, and personally I'd like to go to the pain management of it. Weight loss loss would be great as well, as I've heard it work. But every time when I was stone, I wanted to eat more food and much.

Yeah, have you looked at me lately? Have you seen me lately? I mean that's just a cop out.

You don't need, Mark, And and part of your other reason is you don't want to be in the house with your family, so you do anything and everything to get out of there.

So my working out out outside as a plus for you.

Good try. But I work out only thirty minutes, Joe, that's all it takes. You can't even do that. It's okay, It's okay.

Mark, I definitely do thirty minutes to day.

Has nothing to do with that. But our bodies are different by all means. So my point is that I would use that.

Joe alone, exactly know why you're taking me.

We're on the coronavirus, diet, shots fired, and the way you look and plus yeah, I'm just a little overweight, it's okay.

And helped me get my test done because I'm obedience and have diabetes, so I was able to get my desk out for you obedience. So my point is what I would use my money on, though, is for pain management, meaning I'd like to be able to help people and everybody in general say, like, you know, if you have a headache, if you have a shoulder pain, back ache, kind of like what you take advil and tie it off for same type of thing with an oil or you know, they say smoke. This just some type of research that gives better examples of how to use canvas rather than you should just use it. We're all saying you can use this for that, but give somebody the exact is what a lot of people need out there and what's gonna make them feel real comfortable and safe taking it. So I think the more research we get is gonna be great. And I love everybody's answers, and even yours, Craigs, as you say a bunch of things.

There's no denying it. It's great.

And I think Canada, with forty billion dollars in grants to come up with some novel treatments as well. I think it's gonna be awesome to see what comes out of there. But before we get and dive into the show, we got a chance to catch up with Big Mike.

How dope is Big Mic?

By the way, you guys, that was great, fun fun.

The dude is unbelievable And if you don't know who Big Mic is, yeah, we caught up with them on four to twenty, bring them into the show Blue.

Big Mike from Advanced Nutrients, it's going down. How do you guys do it today?

Twenty Yes?

Absolutely, you know business national holiday now.

Exactly and it really is.

And now that it's the national holiday, Big Mike, we are going national and iHeartRadio as Cannabis Talk one oh oneially launches today. But before we talk about that, I want to talk about humanity Heroes. I mean, everybody knows you're the founder and CEO of Advanced Nutrients, and you know, we'll talk about the company. But I was watching ABC seven News Dog and I see you pop up on there and I was like, kids.

Quiet down, what is Big Mike going on here?


Mike, that was so dope. I've seen it like three times on different news. Tell everybody how special that was?


Humanity Well, Humanity Heroes. We've given out over nine thousand backpacks over the four years down in skid Row. That's where we operate the most disadvantaged, marginalized people, and we thought, well we can if we do backpacks, that's just a temporary thing. It's not really saving lives. What can we do to save lives? And we said, well face masks, and we go, okay, what kind of face masks? And we give them the really the paper ones and stuff. They're going to just disintegrate and they're not going to last very long. So we came up with these. We had this made here in California company in bria Ats Sports where I made it, and it's washable, reusable, and we'll save lives. So we gave about seventeen thousand of those. And at the same time, we also gave about seven hundred ninety five masks to Providence Saint Joseph's Hospital because regardless of your ability to pay, they will treat you. And we'll give about three thousand more masks. May eleventh, we're going out again and we're going to be handing them to firemen, policeman, EMT and hospitals as well.

I think we needed. That's awesome.

It's great that that all of these facilities are getting these great medical needs fulfilled from a cannabis company.

Yeah, cannabis money.

It is.

Cannabis money is helping society, and you're right, it's a really great feeling to go out there and be part of it and not be stigmatized anymore, you know, and accepted with open arms.

And you've been through it since the beginning. I mean I said this earlier. You've been You've been at this longer than a lot of our followers and these millennials have been alive. What have you seen change from then until now?


Man, that's you know that mass. You see the man, your own nervous and all this stuff, and you try to keep your electric go low, doing whatever you can, and you're just basically live a very you know, surreptitious life, and you don't have a lot of contact with a whole lot of folks. You stay real close to a small group of people. Now it's open, you can talk about it. We're talking about it's going on on iHeartRadio mainstream.

It's I always tell the younger, the younger generation that they don't really get it. I don't think they appreciate that. When I was I'm going to be close, I'm fifty eight, and when I was sixteen years forty something years ago, where I had let alone, not being in the growing part of her in the industry part of it. Back then I was a consumer where I had to go to purchase my cannabis, Oh my god. They have no idea. You know, even back in the medical they had no idea when when stores were quasi legal. So this is just amazing that if I thought when I was sixteen fifteen, whenever I started it, there would be a national holiday.

Well, not only that, it gives you the chills.

You know.

One of the things that that I think that that we'll we won't ever really get the feeling of is is growing up and knowing that cannabis is just like having a beer and it's not quite there, but it's going there.

And with our with our you know, you know.

Philanthrophispists and that's out there, you know, putting in work and creating this you know, this whole uh you know machines that we're here doing. We're gonna get it to that level to where it's just like drinking alcohol or or you know, but even better, you know.

For much better. It is much better.

And we've got like Chronic Relief has got a big, big program going on the today. They know Feeding America charity. I advise everybody to tune into that and help feed America. Again, cannabis is feeding America. That's just great.

Did you have many ropes to jump. But we're big mic for that.

I mean, you know, because so many people at certain points wouldn't take money from the cannabis industry. And you're a company with advanced nutrients that helps make plants grow, so you make money not just off the cannabis industry, you make it off people who want to grow tomatoes, you know whatever. So how difficult what did it used to be compared to now? And now they're like, oh, you're helping Mike, oh.

Please, yeah, day and night difference. And one of the reasons that four years ago when we started this, didn't ask anybody. We just we just went down to skid Row and started handing out backpacks. And now we're accepted and you're not getting the pushback. Before, you know, city hall didn't necessarily want to, you know, talk about what we're doing and stuff. And now they're more open to it and seeing things.

And well, the funny part is in every city that has allows cannabis, there's always some kind of charitable thing or you got to pay some kind of other tax, and you know that that that's something that still has to be addressed over taxation.

Of Well, listen, let's talk about that what look, the fastest way to kill the black market would would be would be the guy Evin Newsom to just say, hey, listen, we're going to kill all the tax during the coronavirus on cannabis. And the reason I think that would be important is because it's safe cannabis. Well, what are the big differences between then and now? Way back then you were we were smoking pesticides and heavy metals and microtoxins and all kinds of stuff. Now we have clean product. Now people say, well, you shouldn't be smoking or whatever, but you could take an edible. And here's the thing. Cannabis is way less carcinogenic than than cigarettes are. And if you're gonna inhale and people are gonna do it anyways, you know they're not going to stop at least use safe product, especially because this respiratory problem with the coronavirus.

Yeah, I mean the state. I think the reason that it passed though, it just mean, really, what amounts to a sin tax is what's happening.

To put They put too much on too fast?

Well, yeah, I mean, I mean, I'm not a mathematician, I'm not an economist, but wouldn't you were wouldn't you rather get a little of a lot or a lot of almost nothing. I mean, it just doesn't make sense to me. Just the regular state sales news tax would go up, like, you know, more.

Than the marriv The black market is thriving, it's exponentially growing right now, right now, amazing, it's just like on fire right now because people don't want to pay that extra tax.

The fact.

So Mu's probably gonna come back on the screen and pick up weight right now.

I got my back I got my backpack ready to go.

I'm ready. I'm literally you know.

So it's just crazy.

There's still a long way to go in this in this cannabi space, but at least we're here and.

We've got a long way.

And now we've launched our podcast, Cannabis Talk one on one on the iHeartRadio app, Big Mike, What does that mean to You've seen a company like iHeartMedia pick up a show that you know, you've been a part of, You've been supporting us, you've been knowing us all a long time, many moons, and it's like when you see a company like iHeartMedia go I'm going to back.

This when I first do you guys, first told me that. I was like, you gotta be kidding me, really, like, you're not like bullshitting me. That's true, and it is true, and I'm so I'm so happy. I'm proud of you what you guys have done and from where you went to this that warehouse and now you're you know, your main stream. That's this incredible story in the.

Warehouse used to be. Actually you actually go way back there. That warehouse got we literally had to move buildings because it just got to be what you're well, I think you were there right almost at the at the tail end.

You have an audience there, and everything was kind of.

Cool like that. Yeah, yeah, but it got pretty crazy there.

We had a fight in the back.

We had a legendary green room. The green room is why everybody came.

You know what.

It started getting too populated. People would randomly show up. There was you know, they were leaving trash around and stuff outside. And we actually moved into a Class A building after that, into Newport Beach, and when we went into that building, we're like, okay, no more guests, I mean, no more you know, you know, yeah, audience.

No more audience, no more green room.

And even then room.

Yeah, we started bringing the guests to the to the class A building, it was kind of like, ah, you could still smell the aroma and the security is like hey, dude, like I'm not going to say nothing, but I'm just telling you.

And it's like, okay, we get something more just us. It's been fun. It's been a fun ride, man.

And I'm excited to tell you. Also because the cannabis stimulus package we're working together with with Moxie and we're handing to two hundred people are get fifty dollars worth of cannabis today for one penny because we have to charge, so there's a transaction.

How does somebody just.

Go to my uh big at Big Mic go to the Instagram and I never heard of Big micd video.

Well, with two point six million followers, you.

Mean after you get on, iHeart, I expect you to be guys to have following in the multi millions. Like absolutely you will.

Well, we can't wait to have you in the studio with us of course in Burbank and come join us. As we appreciate all your support and everything that you do for the cannabis community and for just a community in general. As your Humanity Heroes is doing so much to help save people's lives, and you're helping with cannabis, good grows, good everything.

So we commend you for everything you do. Big MIKEL appreciate you.

Thank you.

I appreciate that, and I'll pass it on to the entire team.

Mike's such a great dude, right there, Glad he can catch up with us on the show today. Craig Washerman as your cannabis news little brother. Mark Washerman has stories from when cannabis goes bad and I got your go green money making stories and something about high times. They're about to grow and blow up you guys, even bigger than they already are. But now it's time to hear from our guy who shut down the one oh one as a rapper with his group Imperial Stars, created Cannabis Talk one oh one. He's an author, Hew, he sought after a public speaker, my man Blue, who's making waves in the cannabis industry.

Brother, So if you're looking.

To find out who's who of the cannabis industry, Cannabis Talk one on one is the place to find it. George Savantes is an American writer, publisher, horticulture and cannabis advocate. He specializes in cultivating and medicinal cannabis. This is our cannabis influencer of the day and he has over thirty years with his hands experiencing in the cannabis industry, which a lot of people in these days don't have that kind of you know capacity. You know, you got these people coming in the industry pretending to be professional growers. They don't have thirty years behind him. He has a book out he's it's called Cannabis Encyclopedia, and he's created his own strains. He also has his own Feeno brand, which is the Seeds. And a lot of people right now have to realize that someone like George has been around for so long and been advocating for the industry.

He's huge in this in this space.

What is he? I don't know him? Tell me more like, where does he come from? Who's this guy? Do you guys know who he is?

So we're not we're not growers. If you're a grower, I'm sure you would know who he is.

He's from northern California, right and he has he has about seventy one thousand followers on Instagram. He's an award winning, he's won Cannabis Cups and all those different things for so he's actually.

Grower, he grows, grows flower then.

Okay, so yes, he's a cultivator. Yes, he's been cultivating for years. And actually I'm surprised that you guys don't know who he is. In fact, all of our cannabis community just kind of turned their backs on you and just walked away from every one of you.

Guys. It's embarrassing to me.

You know.

Welcome to the Cannabis Talk one on one show.

Yeah, no, no, that's what you're here for to educate us on them.

I mean, you're bringing this social influencers to make you waves because we don't know who he is.

Yeah, it doesn't mean we have to know all of them. I mean that, I think that's a great that's a great call, Blue. I mean, because we all there's a lot of people out there that a lot of people in the community don't know just because of the mere fact of there's so many people. If you're not in that if you're not in that area or that space, the growth space or whatnot, then you might not know who he is. And especially cultivators because all you hear at the end of the day, is the name of a.

Brand and it's out there, or you see a face that's the face of the brand. And the cultivators, you know that without them, none of it would be here, none of it.

So sorry, but but was your pops a cultivator? Did he actually grow it as well?



My father grew cannabis, taught me, uh, you know, some of the tricks, and then my brother picked it up. And my brother and I kind of just went at it for a lot of years, you know, And back then we knew who George was even and I mean because he's been in like High Times articles since we were kids, you know, and we've we've read up on him and just heard all the good stories about the guy. More than that, he's an advocate though, I mean, he's been he's been pushing for people's attention in cannabis for you know, over thirty years now, so he's he's been around for a long time.

Did you learn anything from him about cultivating?

You know what?

I Actually it's funny you say that, because there was a thing, there's something called super cropping, and and you know, I actually learned how to super crop from one of one of his his YouTube videos years ago, and I was just watching one of the videos and and kind of showed us how to super croping. And then from that point, you know, we've had friends and experimenting.

Is that like, was that like Superman?

Superman tie over it? What a super cropping?

So essentially, when when you, uh, when the plant's growing and it starts to grow its branches, you know, we would crack one of the branches so that it would it would actually break it, and then it would create a not there. And what would happen is it was it would allow all the water being pulled from the roots to head towards that knot and then it would and that not would become pretty big, and it would create more flour at the end of it, because the more water and the food can get to the flower.

I'm just planting. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, it's hey.

I've got big Hey, i got Big Mike's startup kid over here.

I've used advanced nutrients for years and and uh, you know, the big Bud and all the big bloom and and all the different products they have are pretty amazing guys. So there it is, and that's who's making waves. Craig tell us what's going on in cannabis news.

All right, let's get straight to it. I'm going to follow up real quick on his story before I get the one get to the one that I want to discuss today. Uh remember I talked about that case in Massachusetts where the governors shut down all the adult you shops but not the medical shops. Well guess what the adult use shops lost now, Yeah, basically based on it. It makes a little sense if you're taking the coronavirus seriously, because you can only be a citizen of Massachusetts in order to get your medical card. So if you if the adult use, people can come in from other states to go to an adult adult use shop. So if you have to get a you have to have a medical card, which means you need to be a citizen of that state. Therefore, it's gonna limit the amount of people coming into buy cannabis. And that's actually what happened, and that's why they lost. Onto the next door, It's just said the.

Logic there were why wouldn't you want to make more money from everyone coming in.

It's about the coronavirus, Joe, It's about the coronavirus. More more important is that California cannabis distributors are setting up a network to share info on firms that pay bills and don't pay bills. Wow, they're creating a blacklist. And this is while some distributors are actually closing right now. They're Look, you're looking at over get this number in receivables. Everybody know what receivables are. What a business is owed? One hundred million dollars easily, easily one hundred million dollars in receivables are our.

Bunch of companies.

That's total. That's total.

That's total, total. Yeah, because that's everyone. That can't be one company.

That's and and what that and what that's doing is it's causing companies like the Snore based Pacific Expediters they just had to close their doors. They had to close their doors. And they have an outstanding debt of at least a half a million dollars for the startup of the company. And this is due to people not paying their bills. And also they indicate, the CEO indicated that it's also based on the ridiculous over regulation and how hard it is for any cannabis business to be profitable.

This might be good, you know, Craig that that the taxes and things like that that are owed aren't paid, because it'll show if there's multiple people, uh, you know, not paying them, it's gonna come to a point where they're gonna realize that they've overtaxed it.

Well, I'm not I'm not sure. I mean, that's that's not one hundred percent of the problem. I mean, it's a huge, huge part of the problem is the over taxation and regulatory costs. But it's also I mean, so imagine the over regulation, taxation and regulatory costs coupled with not getting paid, right, I mean, I mean, it's it's just ridiculous. So, I mean, I just thought that was interesting to hear that that, you know, and it's funny too because they must be they must be getting legal information which I haven't looked into regarding. You know, they're gonna put people on blast and they're gonna create a they're gonna create a they're gonna create a blacklist that says don't buy from them, they're not gonna pay.

Well, they just haven't paid shirtain bills. But can they do that legally and put people I.

Have I have not. I have not looked into that, and I'm sure they're specialists in that area of the law.

It would be a form of defamation. I mean, wait right, we don't do that kind of law. Truth is a defense, exactly. Truth is a defense. So, hey, you don't pay your bills. Hey that guy didn't pay my bills.

You know. But there are there.

Are privacy issues around collections and collection agencies, and there are certain law federal collections accents.

But mark, mark, mark you you you've done collection law. Isn't it true? Isn't it true that the actual original creditor can do things that a collection agency can't. Yes, well, especially if it's a business.

So there's different consumer protection laws for the consumer when it comes to collection agencies.

But when it comes to a business.

You as as a for instance, if a if a collection agency hires an attorney, they have to have a go into court as a third party creditor, and there's lots of different issu shoes and laws that come with that. And these cannabis companies there we actually had a we actually were representing in a civil action a client who was being sued.

This was a few years ago. Before the regulations.

Who was being sued for not alleged non payments of.

Kennet three four hundred dollars right, and it was it was a bogus lawsuit and they were spreading vicious rumors and lies around the community and ultimately, you know.

We got the case dismissed. But I digress into that. Just sorry about that, big Rether.

So this like a definition of whatever deformation of character because it's true they do owe the money, so they couldn't sue for that, right.

Well, yeah, it would have to be under in looking at the article, they're looking at privacy laws, different kind of privacy laws, so that's what it would fall under.

Well, something I want to say, Craig is this kind of reminds me of you know, the guys in the industry and that were black market that just didn't pay their bills back back in the day.

You know, you got people that are yeah, but.

You know what, you know what, you know what you you you were in that we were all in that gray area market back then, and it was cash on the barrel head brother, it was cash up front if you were For most people, it was cash up front if you chose not to do that then. I think that was the problem back then, if you chose not to take the cash because it was it was all cash. This is Craig and that was your cannabis news.

Great cannabis news. Craig. What's going on?


Hey, we want to give very special thanks and you know what, I was nervous on our first go around, our first episode, and I.

Completely forgot to do this. And you know it's very important that wet Craig.

We didn't want you to give thanks to anybody.

We don't.

I don't hear my name in there. There's four of us.

Wow, Wow, you guys are all about them.

Nobody else helps with the show, just them two.

You sign a deal with Earl iHeart, You sign a deal with iHeart, you become Prima Donna's I guess. But we really want to give special thanks to our producer Elvis, our social media director Jennifer Beth Ann Sophia, and David Wasserman at iHeart for helping us get this podcast up, and to the whole world to hear.

And a special, very special shout out.

To big Boy good Boy because he deserves it, and everyone who has supported Cannabis Talk one on one. We truly appreciate all.

Of you, and you know now that we're social media and we're zooming.

This guy used to sit next to me and he's not a stranger to the mic. I've heard him on Big Boys Neighborhood, Ryan Seacris. You might have heard him on Fox Sports Network two.

His name's Joe.

His name's Joe, but I call him the round Mound of radio. Tell us what's going green, Joe?

Well, you guys, the parent company of High Times Holding Corporation announces an acquisition of Humboldt Hair Heritage, Inc. And it's subsidiaries Humboldt Sun Growers Guild and Grateful EIGHTLLC. Now this is a major expansion into the cannabis growing and processing industry. It kind of goes hand in hand Blue with your guy George, who's a.

Grower out there.

Maybe they'll hire George as well to help them start growing. But with High Times opening up two flagship retail stores in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, this is huge for them because you know, currently eleven states right now you can you know, have recreational weed. But they're right now going to get this brand and I believe once they have this type of brand, and by the cultivation from Humboldt out there, they're going to clean house. I mean, they should be able to make an amazing product. As for those who don't know, the Trifecta out in California, Humboldt County has been notoriously known for making some of the best weed ever period because of the way the weather is there and it's mostly grown outdoor and because of the weather.

I believe it's the weather cause it's in the mountains. Correct, Blue hit me.

Off, Joe, I didn't know you were a cultivator.

Joe, Joe, I said, that's what I believe, Joe.

Just so you know, that's actually George Savantes is facility that they're purchasing.

So welcome to the show.

Well, I wish you would have said that in your segment so we could have understood it. But you know, it's hard for you to ever explain anything.

So it's not my fault that I just made that up, you know.

But either way, like he's such a dope grower that what High Times is doing is buying in a great area for great growers. Now, the funny thing about this that I find a little gray is that you know, High Times is known for their big cups and this and that, and if they're gonna start producing such great product, it feels funny if one of their you know, subsidiary companies, that's one of their product lines is in their own cups and you know, so that's the one like, oh, this one wins, that one wins, but it.

Won't be allowed. They're not going to allow that.

We would hope that, and you know, but my thing is, I think it's brilliant for High Times to jump into the game where they're they're opening up stores anyways, and you got to believe that.

Why not use your brand? Why not use your brand and that guy brand.

Well, here's what I'm confused about. They're a publicly traded company at this point. They're purchasing a cannabis flower facility, which they're going to end up showing revenues for. And that kind of scares me because I'm not sure that they can do that right now as a publicly traded company.

Right I don't know the answer to that way.

We're not public trade. I don't think they're publicly traded yet. They were they were raising some kind of some class. I'm not a stock person, so I don't know. But they were raising some kind of stock certain stock class before they went public.

Right, So they're they're planning to go public and so and I'm not and I'm a huge fan first of all.

Right, Yeah, and I don't know how a public.

Or a company that's going to go public can can carry, you know, federally illegal products like cannabis on and let.

Unless it's going public on the Canadian Stock Exchange.

Yeah, they were because they were selling stocks, right, remember for the longest time, not to that.

But they weren't in the weed business. Then they were in the publication business and event business.

Well then now the parent company of High Times corpse. So maybe they're using a subsidiary company.

Of subsidiary, subsidiary, sub ay Joe, subsidiary, tidiary. I don't worry about it. You went to college somehow.

Yeah, I don't know how I have a degree, but I do. I never had to say subsidiary to get my degree. That's why.

Subsidiary whatever, whatever, city, subsidiary whatever. But the point is that's a great observation though blue and makes you wonder how they are going to do that. I mean, because you're right, they can't as a company, especially here locally and the fifty United States do that and still make it because it's federally traded.

You know what, I think.

I think you might have hit it on the nose with their mother company, you know what I mean? So you know, I I think they bypassed High Times and they're actually using High Time.

High Times does this, but we do that and we're still kind of the umbrella of all of it.

So I'm assuming. I don't think I'm doing it.

I don't. I don't think the umbrella is going to work. If anything, that could be a separate company altogether that they put together to use the High Time brand that's not part of that might be a license deal or something like that, because if they if they're traded on the US Stock Exchange, they can't.

Yeah, they can't. They can't do that.

I'll look at that on the Canadian do that.

Why don't you do that and get back to US?

I show you know what I will, And then High Times they what they said in the big mission statement is their mission is to connect consumers to cannabis, not only the best access and experience, but by making the best products available to our consumers across the country and eventually the world. And that was Adam Levine, which is true. I mean I think it's we all know the brand. It's the most trusted brand in my opinion, damn near. And they have a new CEO, this lady named Stormy Simmons. I believe you guys know Stormy Simon.

She is a great lady. Yeah yeah.

And then if you can, you know, pull out your great lady Carter, maybe get her on the show one day, that would be cool.

You ask and you will receive with me.

I'm Joe Grande. That's your go green moment.

Mark Washerman, a k A little brother of the world famous influential part brothers at Law.

What's going on cannabis?

We are famous, Maybe we're famous, but we're not flames and we're not flamous.

Maybe maybe you're sitting over there.

You look very flavorous right now.

Hey, I am dressed as if I'm going to work every day, not like you schlubs and your T shirts.

He speak for yourself, speak for yourself.

Short underneath that button up shirt, standing up.

But I'm looking good. He's got he's got the button up on out A button up on?

All right, So I am going to need your help to pull the moral out of this story and let me know when it goes bad. So we've got this headline out of Pea Ridge, Arkansas.

Pea Ridge, Arkansas.

A man here's the headline, A man ate pot during traffic stop.

Oh nice, right, I saw how much?

Well hold on, let me let me.

A man accused of beating his stepdaughter with a spatula.

Was, Oh, it gets better. This is cannabis goes. This is cannabis goes really bad and wrongfully. So as I as I will get to uh.

He was arrested Monday after reportedly eating cannabis, flower and metha amphetamines.

During the traffic stop.

During a traffic stop, say, hey, Joe, you know you eat everything in sight?

You ever you ever chowed down some meth?

Hey, I get in trouble if I told you we had a little crank water back in the day.

I mean.

I haven't.

I don't think my brother has, but I never knew.

I've never tried that water.

However, I have eight cannabis, and I will tell you my quick story here.

Uh, Me and my friends were very young.

We were hanging out in the back of my buddy's truck, his dad's truck, which his dad was a police officer by the way, and they had one of those shells on the back and we were back there smoking a bowl, and all of a sudden, we hear knock on the knock on the truck, on the truck window, and they were all blacked out to it, you know, and we're in there, and we're sitting in there and we literally were just about to fire it up and we're like, hello, He's like, police officer, come out. We're like and we literally had all of us had cannabis, like we had joints, everything in our hands. And I had the bag and I just threw the whole like i'd say a cramp.

It's not bad, started chewing on it, you know.

So I literally swallowed it before he came in, and uh, you know, he ends up letting this go, finds us that we had a little bit of cannabis, tells us how a nice night, And everybody's laughing at me the whole night because I swallowed a gram and a half.

Hey, at least it wasn't meth.

At least it was but here's another right again, And I've talked about this over and over again and it pisses me off when I do these stories. What did I say? The headline man eight pot? Right, and you have to read the story to get into the meth, you know. But then that's always how it happens. You see these big headlines about coke and drug busts, and then you always see the pot and then you see all be goun and you know what, that stuff makes cannabis look bad?

You know what? You're right? Too many headlines, right.

Joe, exactly, it's ridiculous propaganda.

So we got Brian Lee.

Chadwell, thirty eight faces felony charges. Now remember I said felony felony charges of two counts of possession of drug or finalia and tampering with physical evidence which was eating it. So that's tampering with physical evidence. Those are two felonies. So here's what happened. The please stop Chadwell about nine pm for a broken break light. And here is where we can teach people, right.

Well, ding, don't we driving with a broken head any light?

That's right?

And eighty to ninety percent of all drug busts start with a traffic stop.

So, which is.

Why we are having the script memorized. We're telling people to memorize the script. I know we went through it a little bit. Should we do it really quick? Just a fifteen second version just for those who maybe didn't hear it yet. Big brother, what do you say when the cops first pull you over?

Why do you pull me over? And when they start asking questions, I'm not discussing my day, and they keep asking questions. Am I being detained? Am I free to go? And if detained? What do you say? I invoked the fifth and all you guys, what do you do? Shut the fire?

So mister Chadwell here apparently was not following the pop brothers at law or cannabis talk one to one because he asked the officer and guys, when I first read it and it makes me laugh again?

I laughed for.

Ten minutes because I cannot believe what this guy says.

I can't wait to hear this.

You know, you know I've read some things and I sput now I've heard everything.

He asked the officer for legal advice regarding hold on, let me finish regarding.

He asked the officer for legal advice regarding a no contact order he'd received for allegedly hitting the girl. Then he said he'd eaten a small bag of marijuana and meth in order to destroy it.

Big brother, how about that? How about that for not shutting the fuck up? Yeah, he deserves to go to jail. He deserves jail.

Or why you guys are making money and lawyers across the country and across the world.

That's why people are a little stupid.

That's why people are in jail, and this guy serves it.

If that wasn't bad enough, Chadwell continued to voluntarily talk and said that he eats meth to get high, but doesn't smoke or inject it.

You know, Oh my goodness.

Wow, But wait, but wait, there's more.

He then asked the officers to shoot him during processing, saying he was upset with himself. And he says the officers could say he tried to attack them, so he wanted to get shot, So he did that.

Now they held him on ten thousand dollars bond.

He's accused of beating his stepdaughter with a spatula, a wooden spoon, and a stick covered in thorns, along with forcing her to sleep He also forced her to sleep on the kitchen floor as some form of punishment.

He's and the headline was pot.

Yeah, exactly what a man man a pot?

But wait, but this also gets me here out of Pea Ridge. He's being charged. I told you the felony charges from the paraphernalia and eating the evidence. Well now he's also being charged with third degree domestic battery, which is a misdemeanor, And that floored me more than the other thing. He's got two felony charges for drug paraphernalia and eating eating evidence cannabis and meth and beating a young girl with a stick and all this other crap is that.

With thorns on it?

Come on, it's mister, mean, what the fuck is that, Joe?

Some of the laws around here. That just that's Arkansas.

I hope that's not here in California because people who do that type of shit need to get arrested and not just have a mister mean, you need a felony on your ass. Quit putting hands on anybody, let alone a woman, a young girl.

Come on, See, I know I knew that you would piss you off because you used to got beat. You got beat with a stick as a kid. I think so limits. Oh oh sorry, I one of the few things I forgot. But I'm Mark Wasserman, little brother of the pop Brothers at Law. And that's when Cannabis goes really bad, Blue Man.

That is really really bad, So real quick, guys.

I wanted to to take a second to tell you guys that I do appreciate everybody on this show and I sincerely want to thank you Craig, Mark and Joe, you know, for for participating and making this thing what it is today. You know, it's a blessing to be here on Cannabis Talk one on one with IR Radio, and it just feels so good to have people like Elvis and Jennifer and all the people that have helped.

Us from A to Z.

It's it's been amazing, and including our fans and friends.

Thank you be a law.

It's been a lot, I agree, been a great journey and I've been proud to be part of it. And yesterday the four twenty the virtual way, we did it and we participated as best we could after for last five years getting out.

On the road and doing what we do.

I think it's great and thank you Blue for just starting Cannabis Talk one oh one five six years ago.

Who knew?




Well, there it is guys, It's Cannabis Talk one oh one. Remember this. If no one else loves you.

We do.

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