Cannabis Talk 101 is the World’s #1 Source for Everything Cannabis. Cannabis Talk 101 is your ESPN, CNN, FOX NEWS and The View of Cannabis, With our main hosts, Chris Wright, aka Blue & Joe Grande! They all share a passion for educating, advocating and defending members of the cannabis community. They discuss the benefits of cannabis as well as the laws engulfing it while breaking the stoner stereotype. Together they have embarked on a mission to spread the truth about cannabis while guiding and connecting industry professionals along the way. Visit for more episodes, daily news & articles, and MORE! Listen to the Podcast: iHeartRadio: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: FOLLOW US on all Social Media: Instagram: Tik Tok: Facebook: Twitter: Leave us a voicemail to be featured on the show: 800-420-1980
Now it's time for Cannabi's Talk one on one with Blue, Joe Grande and Marking Craig Wasserman the Putt Brothers in Law. Today we find out how Craig Wasserman from the Putt Brothers in Law hurt himself the nickname Nails.
They say, the lights on, but nobody's home. Huh, Craig, is that what's going on around here?
That's right.
Welcome to Cannabis Talk one on one. Joe, what do we got going on today?
Well, it's just the old guys here. When I say the old guys, it's the old man Craig and the old man Joe.
So you might have thought it was Blue, but no, it was me.
Yeah, no, no, with the with the laugh, yeah, a nice fourced laugh of a. Actually that was funnier because that was actually real. We're actually cracking jokes. Right before we jumped on and I got called the mean girl you did by you?
Yes, sir?
Why am I the mean girl?
Because you're just mean?
I'm not that mean. I just like to have fun with you, and you actually, on the other hand, you like to have fun with me and push all my buttons. I was thinking about it yesterday, and Kohala goes, says, Craig really like to just jump on you like that and go against things that you say. I go, welcome to the show and welcome to my world. That's what crazy. And she goes, you didn't even do anything wrong for him to like disagree, and then he didn't agree. It was he okay with me yelling at him and barking back at him. I go, no, good for her, Oh he's fine with that. You should see when we actually really go at it.
Stand up.
I go up up, and I go, I don't know if we're going to really go at it is. We've got to do a few shows together. Because Blue is on vacation right now, and Cabo he's on vacation. What's up with that? First off? I mean, if you're on a vacation, folks, don't you like to be on vacation and just chill personally? I do? I mean, as it is for my social media, if you go to Joe grind if I'm all with the family, so you know, I just do Families of canvaus Talk One on one is a show I'm on. That's my social media outlets, and you know, pop Brothers at Law could be your work outlet. And for you, you're actually the same concept as me. Your work outlet is pop Brothers at Law. Correct, you're personal. If you want to see or you want to see the why or something, you go to MASSI the Green Eyed Palm, or you go to washlaw Dog. And you know sometimes he crosses over his personal to waslaw, but washlaw Dog that is. But work is work, and my point is with your brother, this twitch mean, I mean, this morning, I get a twitch. And not only that, I gotta play you guys. I'm gonna play it on my phone so you guys can hear it. This is what I get from a little brother.
Hey man, I was on a conference call and eleven fifteen. I am actually gonna be shutting down very soon. If there's anything particular you needed, let me know soon because I'm shutting down.
Mark, please shut down every day on your vacation.
I give it five minutes.
I mean, and this is right here. You know I called him about I don't forget what I called him this morning about, just to see if you pay. Oh, that's why I called him because before I drove in, I seen that he was online and I wanted to bust his ball.
He saw the Twitch.
Yeah, I'm like, dog, why are you going online? And I just looked at it to see maybe it was you. I was gonna be like, wow, I thought you were on it actually, and I was gonna even jump on and laugh and go like, dude, you actually figured it all out. So that was my intention in my mind, thinking Craig's jumping on Twitch to see whatever, and your brother's out there on the balcony at his hotel. Beautiful hotel, beautiful balcony. I'm a dog. Spend time with your damn family and leave the attention. He's just an attention whore. So bottom line, everyone, please do me a favor and just call and say hi to Mark. His phone number is eight five to five, Wastlaw. Just call him and just leave you a Hello, Mark, We love you, we miss you. On the show eight five five was Law. And I'm sure I hope those messages don't go to you too, do they? No, I don't pick him up marked us, so Mark checks all the messages at the office. Call him and say hi. So it's just the the two old guys. When I say old, it's because I'm the disabled one, and you're the old one that should have oldest, aren't you. No, your brother actually has me by a couple of years. I'm forty eight, your brother's what fifty one? Oh that's right, Jesus, he actually looks like he's a little younger with all that great that he had older than me. Yeah. But if you want to ever follow the show, it's Cannabis Talk one oh one on ig Pot, Underscore, Brothers Underscore at Underscore. Law Mark is at Wastlaw, Craig's at Wasslaw, dog Blue is at one Christopher Wright, and I am at Joe Grande fifty two. And as we get into the show, I want to talk real quick before we get into news and all the good formatted stuff. I just want to talk real quick about some go green stuff that's blew my mind. And cannabis in California reaches a new milestone, folks. It broke another record in July. And here's the crazy part when I tell you, three hundred and forty eight million in July is what they made. That's not even including.
The black market, and that's a billion.
Yeah, So you folks that are sitting going three hundred and forty eight million. Holy shit, that's a lot of money. It is, it might be the same.
Imagine if we weren't so constricted by federal law and a lot of states overregulated laws and burdensome laws. Just imagine, I mean so, just imagine it hits twenty times that amount, and.
Not only that, the government would be making more money because they're taxing the shit out of that three hundred and forty eight million from these legal dispensaries and all the other different avenues that this may but because it's not just dispensaries. But bottom line is, here's the story. California set the cannabis sale record a three hundred and forty eight million in July, the biggest month since twenty eighteen rollouts of the state's legal market. Now that sale figures comes from Headset, which is a marijuana data tracking base out of Seattle, and before July, the biggest cannabis sale month in California came actually just a few months before, in March, when the pandemic hits with many retailers witness of course, they said it was the whole pandemic. And now it's at three forty eight in March. What the biggest one was was two hundred and thirty two million. Now, the crazy part about this, Craig, you're ready for this. The first month of legal sales in California in twenty eighteen, how much do you think? They made? Forty million, one hundred million dollars? So it was a good jump one hundred million legal.
Well, you have to remember in eighteen when they first rolled it out, it took a while to get any legal retail stores up and running.
That was just very exactly and not only just a handful, but to point out one hundred million legal back in twenty eighteen, now we're in twenty twenty July is at three hundred and forty eight million. And don't get it twisted. The black market's been popping before then, and it's popping I would say even harder now. Oh yeah, I would say the black market in California from twenty eighteen is what I think driving more.
I think the older generation is making up for the younger generation who's still going to I like to use illicit stores, illegal stores, and the older people who don't really want to go to the illegal stores, they find them.
Grungy or they don't they're they're afraid.
That demographic has picked up for the legal the legal sales.
And they're just being smart. I mean, I really think that, you know.
I mean, if you have a choice between the illegal store and the legal store, you go to the legal for a variety of reasons, one including you know what you're getting, it's been tested for the most part, And.
Couldn't you counter exactly what you just said with which I've heard you say you've been smoking shit that hasn't been tested for fucking forty years, for forty plus years now.
It depends you know what, it depends what.
So it's hard for you to for me to hear you say that the difference is this, This is the difference if you're going to buy a Maybe it's not, but in my head, if you're going to buy a vape pen, that didn't exist as I was growing up.
So all the illegal stores or your dealer or whoever it was we got it from, had flower.
It was all flower, and it was simple flower as far as you kind of knew.
Maybe who knows what they God knows. I probably you remember paraquat from back in the day. Para paraquad It was a chemical that they there was a radio host called paraquad Kelly from ninety five FM, I think at Kela West back in the day, like k Mad or something, and it was they they flew over and it was like they were trying to eradicate a certain bug or something and it would get on the weed and they called it and it was paraquat So that you know, who knows what the fuck was sprayed on the weed I smoked for forty years.
I remember God having a big deal about spraying a bunch of crops, you know, including of course the lettuce and tomatoes. Is were in California, let alone southern California, and if you go to the Central Valley, that's where a lot of produce.
I mean, So let's say, so let's say in thirty five years of smoking weed and buying it from God knows who and where and what it was grown and how it was growing, what was on it? Goddamn healthy. Now now if we go to the vape pens, now that's starting. And let's say and edibles, because I mean, although I mean it's funny, the edibles are a whole different a whole different ball game. Because back in the day when I had edibles I could eat. You know, some mom made them at home, I think, and brought him into the store and I would get brownies.
You know, they were good.
And when you say bring them in to the store, you just mess up on your phrasing. And what do you mean brought him in the.
Store dispensing into the illegal ones or or the quasi legal ones.
Would you actually when you were younger go to the legal dispensaries back in the day just could pick up weed or would you just pick it up from a street guy? Well, mostly the street guys, right, oh.
Yeah, before there were stores.
Like I never went to a legal store before. Like when I was smoking weed, I'd always just my my boys, you know what I mean, little rich Kobe blah blah yo ant man, bring me a sack and bring me a little powder to whatever I needed. I called three.
I usually see.
The difference is since we've been in this industry for so long and represented people in the industry for so long, I always had a source where I doesn't really need to go to the store.
That's what I'm saying. And that's why when you said store, I was like, dunk, that doesn't sound like but I.
Did I would pop in specifically sometimes for edibles and they had, you know, nice side.
I actually liked them before before this message.
Because I could eat two of them. They didn't do much.
And now you're like, okay, the last time straying away from a thousand miligram bars triple X strength.
I don't need it.
You're not like your brother just eating anything and everything. God, yeah, he eats and does every He's a garbage can. He's a cannabis garbage can. If you're out there and you want to test a product, Mark will test it.
He will volunteer.
But you know, I mean, so you're looking at you know, as opposed from flour, which I guess the same argument could be. God knows what they sprayed. Pesticides are on it that I've smoked in forty years. But that aside, you start looking at the wax and the concentrates, and you don't know what people are putting in them, what they're taking out of them, if they're taking if they're purging it properly. From all the materials that don't need to you don't need to smoke.
You have the vate.
Pens, which people are putting all kinds of crapping them e acetate or or e or whatever the fuck they're putting in. That's causing people to have lung damage. So you really want to stay away from the illicit stores to get.
Your vate pens.
I mean that's unfortunately today's day and age, you can't and they.
Can't trust you and all the knockoffs and bottom line there there and if you heard about the deaths a while back, you heard about this, You heard about the brands being counterfeit, counterfeit brands, they've been infected. All the big ones have been hit hard. But bottom line, if you're just gonna get some weed, I mean, you could pretty much bank on it's it's gonna be okay no matter where you get it from.
But you would think, you would think.
But bottom line, A hundred arecu me one hundred, one hundred million dollars in twenty eighteen, the first month cannabis goes legal right now, a record break month in July, three hundred and forty eight million dollars, California sets a new record. That is your go Green segment. When we come back, as you talk about other products, I'm gonna tell you guys how getting high is getting cleaner with Davs. It's Cannabis Talk one oh one. Move right back after this, Craig, before we get to news, and I want to hear some good news. I know you have a lot of stuff today. I want to get to one more story dabbing gets cleaner.
Before you go on. One more reason why you don't want to go to an illegal store. A big reason getting arrested, getting arrested.
Is that what you're gonna say. Yes, I thought of it to say it last segment too, and I didn't go that's.
Just gonna throw that in and you really took us out to a really nice clean break.
But this is where they please ellaborate more.
Besides getting things, you don't know what's in them, and it could be bad for you. If you're in the presence of an illegal operation such as a cannabi such as a dispensary that's the legal not permitted, you could have misdemeanor charges against you and have a case.
I mean, it's that simple. And if you say something, if you're working there, you could even.
Get sales and possession with intents to sale, which is a couple misdemeanors. So and we've had those cases. We've had those cases where the place gets raided and the person's in there. They don't know any they don't know the difference, and they're pretty much.
If you're listening, going how who what is this? Me? Could this be me? It could be because your ignorance isn't your way out, and if you get stopped, they're going to ignorance. First things first, if you do go to an illegal shop and the only reason you find out is because they raid it and the cops come in, first things first, shut the fuck up. Don't say anything. That's your first tip of the day, right now. Do not say a word to them. Just pipe down, give your id, take me in. Know the script. If you don't know the script, once again, why are you taking me? Pulling me over? Why are you pulling aside? Blah blah blah, Because you're in the store, right so it's not like they're pulling you over, and well, but you're.
Not gonna discuss your day if it's not a pullover, then the thing is just when I ask you questions, I'm not discussing my day because you.
Don't want to lie to them and you don't necessarily tell the truth.
I'm here to buy illegal we yeah, don't say that.
So you say I'm not discussing my day period, and then end the story.
Act if you want to walk away? Am I being detained? Or am I free to go? And if they say you're free to go, then get the hell out of that. Right, that's right, But do not say that you're there to buy weed. You're there for a friend, the illegal I thought that you thought nothing.
We had a case, We had.
A really good case where I don't know if we had talked about this before, where it was actually a college student and he literally.
He had been diagnosed with PTSD.
Under twenty one and a lot of the stores, like in Santa Anna, the legal stores set the age limit at twenty one, even for medical.
So it's putting to be eighteen and over, isn't it.
It's the state of California, but a city can make it stricter.
I didn't realize that.
Yeah, so he is forced to go into an illegal store. So what happened was he got busted for being in a red tagged store already been shut down, already been shut down to what red tag means, folks, This is the beauty of this case, he shut the fuck up. We actually did this one pro boner for this because we felt so bad for him, and it was it was a misdemeanor.
And what happened.
Was the store got busted earlier in the day. That same day, got chained up, red tagged, lockdown. Okay, a few hours later, the gangsters that they are, they come back, open it up, take the red tag off, cut the chain, open up for business, let's go. So our client goes in at this time when it's reopened and everything's off the walls, and and an officer actually drove by saw it and then called up. They had a whole bunch of cops coming.
They back and they rated it.
What they failed to admit at the time because then they arrested our guy and on misdemeanor charges of being in the presence of being in a red tag building, and about fifteen people got busted. All of the customers in there got arrested, arrested, and we were such a jacks, and we're like, look, first of all, the cop even admitted his police report the ship had been taken down. It was in the police report when he came back and saw, oh shit, the ship was taken down, we're gonna go rerate it. So it's in the police report that there was no notice that it was on red Tag. So we're like, we're not settling this thing. Fuck that, We're gonna go to trial. He had no notice because they didn't get him for being in the presence of an illegal pot shop. They got him for being in a red tag building.
He didn't know. There's no signs of none at that.
So we're like, we're.
Gonna fight this, and I think my brother went down to court three four times getting extended. Fuck you, we're not going to settle it. We're not gonna do shit. And finally they're like, going, I'm on already. Why don't you take a deal? Fourteen other people pled guilty to an infraction and pay twenty five bucks. That's still not bad, and my brother goes, well, God, then so didn't any So obviously none of them had.
Attorneys, obviously to not fight that insane take this on your No, they all had attorneys. Shut up.
That same day we got the case completely dismissed.
Did you look at all those other people and all those other trades, No, they.
Yeah, well, you know in theory, yeah, a bunch of No, it's not really pussies.
It's for that kind of case.
You could charge someone fifteen hundred bucks go in one appearance.
Let's make a deal.
Doing an infraction, which is the parking ticket, and twenty four dollars fine, come.
Out to your client. He had a misdemeanor.
He's fucking thrilled instead of you know, and we did this one pro bono for free, and we still went back five times, like we don't care. We're gonna drag this on until you get.
So because this is what's that's right, right, that's.
Right, Not that we can get you off for twenty five bucks and an infraction.
Did they at least buy you lunch or anything for this?
This kid, you know this.
You know, I was a young kid.
He was a young guy, very nervous, I believe.
I think he spent a year or two. I think he was like twenty. I think he's been a year or two in the army and he got out because of PTSD. I forget the exact scenario, but he could fight for the goddamn country, but he can't go into a legal storm by way.
But they'll send them free medicine. You know some white pills, right, there's some red some pills.
Anyway, that was that was that story about shutting the fuck up And if you go into a listed store you could be on the hook with chargers.
Yeah. So as I was getting to, dabbing gets cleaner and more high tech with dab tabs. Now, dab tabs are out there, you guys. Dablets are measuring portions of cannabis concentrates, so usually full spectrum in case in a nap victual, mineral base, ceramic. They can be heated and dabbed without having to remove the abstract extract, so now you don't have to get dirty and wet. And you know how I see your brother always putting the oil in his rig and everything else. They're just in little capsules. These small honeycomb shaped dablets are simply placed flat directly into a dab rig heating chamber and heat it, providing approximately three pools before turning black to indicate they are spence. Now, as for what's inside them, of course, it's a company called Ilo Research partners with extract other companies to determine which products to offer for these dablets. For example, closing when dabbing can be hard when you're trying to dose, actually dosing. When dabbing, you don't know how much you're doing. But now they're getting the signs down. They're measuring about fifty milligrams either THC or CBD or a blend of the both of them. And that's what's making it so nice. This is what I like about this. It is giving you a dosage fifty milligrams in these little dabs, which I believe that's where the research and everything needs to go. And you know there's in that with edibles, they say the amount of THC that's in certain weeds. But you know, I can't wait for the day where we're going to know this amount of milligrams. This amount, if you're this heavy, should help you for This should help you for that same type of things that we get when we take tail and all, or we take advils over the counter. If we can buy cannabis over the counter, give me the proper dosage to help with this damn headache that I have right now, to help with my shoulder pain. And I love the fact that they're trying to go there by this rig of doing fifty milligrams I'm saying it's real premature, but I like the fact that they're doing this a two things. It's cleaner, and they're using these now just little tablets that have about fifty milligrams.
That's crazy. I mean normally we just you get a.
Little pin thing whatever.
I mean. Yeah, Actually, actually it's worths where the utensils started from was dental equipment.
Okay, so a dental pick or something.
You guys are making this stuff back in the day. You were like an old chemist when it comes to this, aren't.
I wasn't making it, but it was being made very nearby me, allegedly.
As I think of the story, I could only imagine you watching this process of because this is still new. This is new cannabis use of you know, it hasn't been around since we're kids.
It was like, oh no, it's probably the concentrates I would say have been around. I mean, the old old school concentrate was hashish.
But that's the dark ball, and you know it was it was still.
Was so dark it is because there was no process. It hung and then they got it out of the plant. They didn't process it, they didn't put it in an oven.
That that purges it. They didn't put it in a in a in a.
Like a hot plate that's cooker basically where they heat up the water into a pan and it separates the bad ship from the good shit and it literally separates it and wow, strain it out and then they purge it and these purging machines and it gets out like like like but tane if I just remember.
Doing the black tar stuff, you put that black tar and you're like smoking it with it.
That was really oh god, yeah, it just tastes.
That was real old Hashi. That was first generation concentrated.
That's when I was smoking that stuff.
And then I mean when my kid got into it years ago, it was wasn't refined, and he met somebody who helped him with the process and from there he refined it even more.
So you're send one of the founders of kind of this. I wouldn't say founders, but he was very early on. I'm saying it's like within ten years if that absolutely. That's why I pointed it's still relatively and what we.
Believe he is one of the first to actually blat or make concentrates from buds.
How scared were you when you were seeing these equipments here, I don't know what's close to you, close to you when you were seeing what you're talking about. You know what I'm talking about, well back in the day from what I understand bringing around, what I understand is.
They blasted with big old tubes, glass tubes. I'd fill it up with the weed and they blast the buttane through it, and that the chemical process gets the the THC comes out and it drips out and it usually comes down there's really dark, ugly fucking color. So if you ever see that and he pulls out any dab stuff and it's it's brown.
Or black, just hasn't been processed enough, it's.
Don't do it.
Just don't do it because you don't know what's still in it. There could be still but tating in it. I mean the buttane pretty much and I'm not a scientist, but it dissipates pretty quick, but there's still a process that sucks out all of the buttane, and the buttane for what they say was the best chemical. That's why the butane hash oil was the most premium is because you're able to get more out of it and better concentrate.
Have you do you you don't dab that much though, Huh.
I do at night sometimes just to put you out.
Yeah. Yeah, because the first time I ever dab, and you're talking about these dosing. I went down to my son. It was I want to say eight years ago. He had a storefront in Newport Beach. For a minute, that.
Was a good shot.
Yeah, it was when we open about a year and a half in the city council or the city attorney. We actually made a deal because it was still a vague law back then. He was set up under the wall correctly, but there were no city limits on it was that gray line.
Was zoning.
So instead of suing us, we say, give us six months, give us through the summer, we'll shut down.
That's nice.
So we we we.
Got to stack some paper and make it happen.
So I go down there and I'm on my motorcycle and this is I just started riding again back then. And I get down there and he's like, damn, there's this new thing. It looks like they're doing crack right because they've got a tour old they're heating up this email base and nail and they're putting this thing on it.
And he goes, No, it's just the whole nine.
Yeah, it's concentrate. I'm going all right, I'll take a hit or two.
I'll try it.
I'm a freight train. I can smoke like my little brother. At some point, doesn't affect me anymore. So I take my tit. Okay, you don't even have to hold it in. They say, okay, So I take a second hit. All right, it's cool, I swear to god.
Five minutes, I am sitting down in a chair, thought I was gonna not die. It wasn't like the Edible experience.
But I was.
Fucking high, like I hadn't been high in twenty five years. I literally had to ground myself from getting back on my motorcycle.
For five hours.
That was your first dabbing experience.
That was my first dabbing experience.
I did your son, and look at your all right, da oh yeah he was with everyone like fuck man, yeah, like your boss is not doing well because everyone looks at Pops like he could smoke us all under the table. And now Pops is under the table, so.
You know, I mean, it's just like the Edibles where they make him into you know, like for adult use. It's it's one bars one hundred gram one hundred milligrams or less. Each section is ten milligrams. However, they portion it out so you have portion control. I think all that stuff is great innovation for the cannabis industry. I agree, and I can't people stop not doing what I did and taking too much.
Just exactly, and not only that microdose scene is so key. I was actually talking to my daughter two days ago. She was like, Dad, what should I do about this? Blah blah blah, And I was like, just take a little bit at first. Why because it's a new product. You don't know what it is, and you don't know how it's gonna affect you. Oh, okay, good idea. I'm like, it's like, but what if I don't feel it within an hour or two. Hey, it's just like feeding a baby food for the first time. You got a micro dose for the first day, a little That's what I day go through. Yeah, on the next day, try a little bit.
For a kick in, because you don't know when it's gonna kick in.
Exactly. Explain that story.
A half hour forty five minutes, It could be an hour and a half. It depends on your body.
People are wondering how you microdose. You got to go day by day. It's not a few hours at a time. Night by night you take it nice, that's it doesn't make twenty four hours.
It doesn't. Well, I think at night.
If you take it at night, I mean, if you did at seven o'clock last I do it at seven o'clock again the next day night. No.
No, I mean if you wanted to do it again in the morning, you could, because it's not gonna take that long. It's either it's gonna take within I think a minimum or a max, no, a maximum.
Of an hour or two to really really kick in.
But if people eating edibles and then they smoke a little something and that's smoking, it just made that edible really excel. Because I don't know about smoke a joint. I've heard some people don't say this anecdotal evidence of I ate a little bit and then I smoked a little bit, and then I felt even extra high.
So yeah, you know, definitely get higher if you smoke a little I.
Mean, because it took a little probably it took a little bit longer, hence that hour and a half for it to kick in.
Well, but that's what I'm saying, even after an hour and a half, it's doesn't kick in. You gotta wait that whole night because just you don't know. So the next if it didn't kick in, and by the time you go to bed or whatever, you're like, Okay, what, what's what happened?
Nothing happened. Wait till the next morning.
And whether you do it in the morning or you do it again at night, you take a little more and then you like we always say, remember you can dose up, but you cannot dose down. And it's cannabis talk one on one. I'm gonna kick you in with some news when we get right back real quick. We want to think Peanut, Jeremy, and Elvis and Jennifer, thank you so much.
Kay Elvis?
Who Yeah?
Texas Democratic congressional candidate Adrian Bell tweeted, it is and we say this shit all the time. It is hipocritical to penadize license.
WHOA Can we start this whole segment of your conversation over again. I know I said thank you real quick to Peanut, Pitt and Jeremy, Jennifer and Elvis, but I don't know what the hell you just said, he said, some of them of lomon legal. We never are rewind take it again.
Craig, Texas Democratic congressional candidate Adrian Bell tweeted, And we say this stuff all the time. It is hipocritical to penalize licensed applicants for marijuana crimes when the use has become legal in several states. Sentences should be expunged, forgiven, and opportunities created for minority business owners.
To enter this industry.
The war on drugs was a war on communities of color. The same community should benefit from the profits now being made the legalization of marijuana. This this is come this theme is coming up over and over again, and more Democratic congressional candidates are on this side, which I believe is the right side, because there's still people today going to jail for marijuana crimes across the country. Well there's the big mostly the big corporations making millions of dollars now.
Only doesn't seem right.
And you mentioned this a while Black a while back, and it just came back in a story that I pulled up to and it just goes, that's showing, like you know, more, Black residents makeup ninety seven percent of all marijuana arrest in New York. That is crazy to think that, and it goes like what you're saying here, I mean, we've just know.
I mean, it's funny how what we've been are our passion and our goals for the last twenty years has been the discrimination of people who use cannabis and the and that correlates too people of color, oh, the minorities. So we've been fighting that prohibition which directly relates to an increased disproportionately impact on people of color in the minority communities. So how it all rolls over to today, I mean, it's kind of crazy how it just kind of you know, it arose out of that and we're like right in that forefront of what's going out out there in the streets. People are filming more so we get to see this outrageous conduct that's been going on. We know it's been going on for years, and until the advent of the you know, always film the police. You were lucky if you can get shit dismissed based on the CoP's misconduct, because it was your word against the cop.
I heard a good word the other day from Pitch Little Brother actually book said this, and it was prolific. As I literally thought about it, this morning going, you know, so many youngsters are you know, so which everyone should be somewhat everyone should be somewhat affected by the BLM movement, right, But these youngsters are like, oh my god. A lot of white kids are like, oh my god. And it's like some people, Craig are just seeing it for the first time. They didn't realize that this is how blacks and Mexican can really treat it.
So it's like, you know, these youngsters, they didn't even see.
It's like starting now. It's just you're seeing exactly.
It's like, yo, we'll have seen this other cats like us, like myself, like I'm mashed the car straighten up, like but boy, hey, yes sir, no, sir, yes sir. You want to tap dance for you get myselmy David Douche juice, whatever you need to know.
I get it.
I get it because even when I was young, I'm sure my white privilege came into play on an occasion or two.
And that's what it is. And my point is if you don't ignowlge like I love that, you can just acknowledge it. And it's like okay, cool, weep, we keep pushing. But it's like some of these younger I didn't even know it was, like you.
Imagine this was in I want to say Long Beach or Lakewood when I was eighteen twenty one. I do know somewhere maybe around eighteen, could have been a little younger. And my odd and I were going to go to the theater, right, watch a movie, and we're in the parking lot like a bunch of idiots.
Was he black or Mexic or something where you say, buddy, something happened?
No, me and my white Jewish buddy. Imagine if we were people of color. Oh right, Okay, So we're sitting in there and we're smoking our pipe and fucking cop comes up, ash the pipe real quick. Cop comes up, gets us out of our car. Do you guys have weed on you?
No, no, it was.
This is kind of a funny story because we just literally we spoke about it this a minute ago. We literally had some hash.
Oh really, and we smoked and we had that was all that was.
After cleaning all your pipes and just put a little that's.
Rather that's different.
That that's I can't say I've never done that, but oh yeah, don't you don't have to.
That's what I've smoked several times.
So we had just finished.
Luckily we finished the hash because back then weed was one thing. Hash was a felony because it was concentrated. Okay, so it was different, but.
Yeah, I knew that.
So the cop gets out and he's like, okay, what do you guys got to go? No, sir, we don't have any on us. What's that little bag in the car?
This is all before I knew anything about consent and searches and all that shit. So he takes our little pouch that we had, opens it up on the hood, pulls out an empty baggie that had a couple seeds in it. He didn't really care about that, and he pulls out I don't know if you've got to be old enough. It's a little scale that you hang. Oh of course, okay, so we had one of those in there.
It was what's this for? Like a scale? Like you're sailing? Sir?
When I do get it, I don't want to get ripped off, That's what I said to him.
Then he picks up. Good answer.
Then he picks up the pipe, looks at it and goes, you don't you don't smoke hash, do you out of this. No, sir, that's a felony. We just stick to the weed.
He'd probably liked you for that and he'd let us go.
Yeah, that's a good answer.
If if there were two people of color sitting in that car, if Joe Grande back then at your age, was sitting in that car, he'd probably be up against the.
Hood thrown down. Yeah, probably probably, and.
They would have scraped the pipe to get the resident to say you had hash.
I mean, and they would have definitely had back up there. They would probably had u set gun points. I mean, there's just.
A different So it's it's horrible.
I mean, it's horrible, which.
Just happened to me, I mean more than not, so it's like, yeah, it's.
I mean, the police are just out of control over all, because there are plenty of instances we're seeing where it's not only I mean, it's predominantly people of colored minorities where this is horrible. But it's not just people of color there. Did you see we posted it this morning? Granted it happened two years ago and just surface now, but the eight year old kid who got cuffed that was terrible?
Are you?
And they said it was Okay, are you kidding me?
Are you are you kidding me? He got a little out of control hit the teacher.
Isn't that suspension? Or or you expel them and go to another school, take.
Him to the DARE program, take them to the jail, but don't cuff them and they can make a look.
Andy was a special need student who had a special program that something.
Now his parents come there spaking, but not that.
Till the cop. Don't come on what I mean, I.
Do it with the cops there, like when Blue said to the cop, arrest my son, right, but an eight year old?
Come on, a special kid? Are you kidding me? To traumatize him like that? It's heartbreaking to see that kind of shit. And I just don't get what's going on with law enforcement. I mean it's like, really, you couldn't sit down, take him to the principal's office. How they let that occur is just beyond just beyond.
Me when I see some of these kid things, like even recently on the news, they've been showing that family out of the Bay Area where their son passed away because they beat him to death. And every time that story comes on, I just get the fucking like right now, I just get the shivers. I just want to like, those are the type of people that just need to get their ass beat every day in jail.
So just really ties into the next little story I got is the DEA is being criticized for not acknowledging former.
FBI narcotics director.
We've talked about him, Harry and slingers racist comments in its museum exhibits and presentations about his legacy. Oh boy, because it's true. It was all made up and we've gone over this before. It was made up as a war against minorities black and brown, I think more black back then because it was the devil weed and it just it demonized.
I think it demonized a lot of people both not only that, I feel like, you know what, this is how I feel about these, even the old statues and all this shit. Acknowledge it, folks, Let's talk about the elephant in the front room. We could sit here and say, yes, this is what we were thinking, are they were thinking at the time, And you know what, as we reflect on it, you're right, it's wrong. But let's acknowledge it. No, or it's still not acknowledging it. It's like, yes, that that is true, and not only that, well, then they're right now, it's because it's not that it's wrong. It's like, okay, you guys did this.
You know it was wrong.
It was racist and that's how Canada's prohibition came along out of racism.
It was born out of racism.
But the reason why they gave him with the accolades that they did at this and they can say, which I could hear the rebuttal we did this because of this. We did not think of that. And as you mentioned that, you guys are right and this we need to evaluate what we're doing.
Yeah, that's gonna happen.
But I mean that's my point is acknowledge it, talk about it because you know, you didn't do it because he's a racist prick, and that's why we fucking you know put the statue up or that's why we're acknowledging this and that of whatever whatever it means.
Oh no, no, I mean they know they didn't put them up because of that, because I believe he was one of the first directors of the FBI or the Bureau of Narcotics, which was different back then. It's the comments that he's made and the reason why there was prohibition. They're not acknowledging that today, just like they're acknowledging all some of these statutes of Confederate colonels who were fighting against the country we now live in and the protections that we have, and they're taking down those statutes because that guy was a racist Confederate army.
It's just a whole war on drugs and the DEA and the FBI and all this shit that they think, oh, we're doing this. It always just makes my mind spin because their hands are in this so fucking tough. It's not the black folks, the Mexicans that are fucking doing it and making it all happen. And come here, you guys, it's the fucking DEA and the FBI that's making it illegal, making it possible for all this shit to come in and hands are being greased, and they know what's cracking here. Oh, we're gonna give you this bust over there to keep you happy for a little bit. But look who's really making the big, big money on this. But yet, you know, ninety seven percent of black folks out of New York, when they only make up thirty percent of the population, are being fucking arrested for this in Albany. But yet, you know, are they really the ones that are bringing all this shit over? No, it's just crazy.
It is it is, And you know what, I want everybody to tune in to the next show because I'm going to tell you why that might continue unless we take over the Senate of the United States, Congress of the United States and make it Democrat.
Really, does this have anything to do with Kamala Camela? Camela, Why do I always say it wrong? Camella?
Not really, but it could really, it could help out, you thought, Oh.
Yes, she can definitely help turn the stem the tide. And if she can get the support of the Democratic Party and people who are maybe independent to come in and say things have to change, this has to end.
Because she's pro cannabis.
I smile when I think of her. I smile when I think of her and Joe. Now I've learned.
I can't wait for her debate. I wish she could debate Trump.
Yeah, exactly. I like her because she's a hardest. Like Trump said the first day, Oh, she's so rude to Joe exactly, the guy who she was doing.
A week earlier, he said, that she'd make it really fine candidate exactly.
I still I'm saying. I smile when I think of her dog, I get excited. I think, you know, I like the change advance is going to be a good one. Oh, I can't wait for that.
They might not even let that what happened. They might I don't know. Penns might not want to.
I don't I can't see him actually wanting to actually be honest.
With you see him debating her.
Oh, he's like and then Trump, what he's gonna be tweeting the whole time, He's gonna say something fucking stupides can be right there. Well, it's Cannabis Talk one oh one with Blue Joe Grande and Mark and Craig Washerman, the pop brothers at Law. But today it was just Big Brother and Big Joe.
That's right.
Give us a call at Joe.
Joe, give us a call.
No, you gotta do the English eight hundred and four to twenty nineteen eighty ever want to be a part of the show. It's eight hundred four twenty nineteen eighty. And if you're listening and you speak Spanish, Craig does too.
That's right.
You need to call oto cianto puatrovnte o no nuevo o josetto.
Did you write that down or how did you do it so fast? Right now you're prepared on you type right, it's Cannabis Talk one on one. If nobody else loves you.
We do.
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