Cannabis Talk 101 is the World’s #1 Source for Everything Cannabis. Cannabis Talk 101 is your ESPN, CNN, FOX NEWS and The View of Cannabis, With our main hosts, Chris Wright, aka Blue & Joe Grande! They all share a passion for educating, advocating and defending members of the cannabis community. They discuss the benefits of cannabis as well as the laws engulfing it while breaking the stoner stereotype. Together they have embarked on a mission to spread the truth about cannabis while guiding and connecting industry professionals along the way. Visit for more episodes, daily news & articles, and MORE! Listen to the Podcast: iHeartRadio: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: FOLLOW US on all Social Media: Instagram: Tik Tok: Facebook: Twitter: Leave us a voicemail to be featured on the show: 800-420-1980
It's now time for Cannabis Talk one oh one with Blue Joe Grande and Marken Craig Wasserman the Pot Brothers at Law. We're the world's number one podcast for everything cannabis.
Welcome to Cannabis Talk one oh one with Blue Joe Grande and Mark and Craig Washerman, the Pop Brothers at Law. We have a great show for you guys today. Thank you everybody who listens to us. Of course, on every website you can go to I Don't Care if it's iHeart Apple Podcast, wherever you get your podcasts. If you ever want to be a part of the show, it's eight hundred and four to twenty nineteen eighty. That number again, eight hundred four to twenty nineteen eighty. We love hearing all the messages and we'll be playing more messages as the podcast come through. Make sure you check out our Instagram pages for daily news, learn the script to slam Home, so much more about our personal lives at Cannabis Talk one oh one at Pop Brothers at Law has an underscore under each word right there. And our little brother Mark Washerman is at Wasslaw. Big brother Craig Washerman is at waslaw Dog. Blue is at one Christopher right, and I am at Joe Grande fifty two. Matter of fact, I've been posting some workout pictures later lately. I don't know if you guys can tell. I don't know. Can you tell thank you? Can you tell a little bit? Thank you? Yeah? I was a fat bastard at one point. Now I'm just a fat It's like before, I'm just fat. Yeah. No, you know no, I was even way bigger than you. That voice right there is Mishka and his brother Slava from MMD Shops. You can see the website MMD Shops dot com, ig is MMD Shops, Twitter and Facebook, MMD Hollywood. They got four locations, Hollywood, Long Beach, Marina, del Rey, and North Hollywood. And you know, so when I say shops, they have dispensaries. They have a great logo, you guys.
I love.
I was on the website and I actually wanted to see what happens. I clicked I wasn't twenty one at the first time, just to see if it kicked me off. And it didn't. So that's cool. How you guys let little kids go on there first.
And I'm just kidding.
I love how you guys have your logo set up everything, and you guys started in two thousands. So I want you guys to walk us down because in this show right here, these two gentlemen have shops. If you're like wondering, and I'm gonna, I want to hear the story on how you guys came to find cannabis, how you guys decided to do it not only one shop, but four locations, and you started back in the day in two thousand and six, So take me before then, of course, when you guys were playing that crazy illegal game, because let's just face it, you couldn't open up back in the day without playing in the little gray market. I mean you had to. It's just a crazy story and allegedly allegedly you know. So how does it all get started? And who's the older one, Miska or Slava?
I'm the older one, Slava?
Really? Wow, Slava? That's bad because Miska looks older than you. Yeah, exactly, Miska like has more gray in his beard. Is that the problem?
People say?
I looked over here, I'm like, who's the older one?
Miska ruined ruins the day?
I meanod way to go way to fucking all up, Joe, you fat bastard, Joe, you know what love of course, go ahead and call me an asshole right now exactly. Oh day, it's like we're brothers.
Are you guys?
Where are you guys from? First off?
Belarus? Russia?
Okay, so boots it off? First off?
I you know to Belarus for former s Union.
Okay, great, My first cat that I met from the Soviet Union. I was seventeen years old, and he taught me bootsto office. We were shooting vodka the whole time, just boosted off. Yes, yes, to love to live whatever it means it all right.
Should have brought a bottle of vodka exactly.
I would have been going crazy going over here. So from did you guys come here as a kid? Give me the back?
So we actually came last night, learned English.
Who's in the other room right now?
Right, brought a back full of weed and we got started.
I mean, are you guys born here? You guys from there? Give me the background.
So we came here in eighty nine, in ninety eighty nine, ninety you know, Misko.
Was four years old.
I was about twelve, Okay, immigrated from Belarus. You know, it took us about a you know, about a year to get here. To us. Really, we lived in New York for a little bit and then and then Cleveland realized, you know, there's there's nothing much to do in Cleveland. Our dad actually realized and came to LA for a couple of days, came back, told our mom to pack up our shit, and.
We're moving to LA. And ever since then we've been in La.
Was it just you four?
It know, we have an older brother, our grandma, and our parents. So our six, six of us, six of you guys came. You guys come on a boat, a play and how to come?
We came. We we immigrated.
It it takes about a year to immigrate from from Soviet Union. Back then we went through Czechoslovakia, Austria, Italy, and then New York. So we we spent about three four months in each place, had to leave all of our possessions behind, came here, you know, about one hundred and fifty bucks per family member.
And this was like the real American dream story, right, yeah.
And came here and you know, we started selling with yeah, our yeah, right, cousins, uncles, dog, Walker's aunt had rented us an apartment and gave us a visa, so she was already here refugee visa through some relatives that were here for the past twenty years, came here to Cleveland. Then they just moved us into an apartment full of Korean people in Cleveland. We were I think the fifth Russian family in all of Ohio or Cleveland.
And we literally the school.
Yeah, we we just went to school and with our fob clothes and you know.
And fresh off the boat and fresh off the boat, right, you know, do you guys look back and just go damn. We come from literally one hundred and fifty bucks and literal you know what I'm saying, like the fanbam of one fifty and now.
I mean it's kind an accomplishment the drug dealers, you know, coming from nothing and become becoming drug I love immigrants parents dream, but how did it know?
Then you come on the boat, your you go to then your dad on the boat, well exactly okay, well yeah, fresh off the boat.
Sorry, you guys come to Cleveland, you go back to New York and Pops comes to La Where did you guys first.
Land in La La? I think about ninety one.
And then where'd you guys stay? What are you west?
Hollywood? The Russian Hood?
The Russian Hood? And are you guys still out there too?
No, we will miss in Hollywood and I'm in I'm in the valley.
I'm mean, you guys don't live together no more.
You guys finally separated at He lives in my garage. My big brothers in the garage, the little brothers. Just he's just sitting there smoking bonglows. Hey come out here, twelve kids and all.
That's beautiful. So at what point does cannabis come in to the Miska and Slava household?
I think I could take that story. So when uh talking to your big Yes, that's not the mic.
It's over there though. Sorry when we're having to my fun here, just guy talking about blast.
When I was twelve years old, everybody asked me. I think I was turning twelve or thirteen years old, and everybody asked me, Uh, you know, it was my birthday coming up. Everybody said, what do you want for your birthday? I said, it's pretty simple. I just want money. So everybody gave me money. I got like two hundred bucks. I got my friend to drive me down to Venice Beach. I bought a scale, I bought little baggies and a half an ounce a weed. And that's how my career got started.
Little brother started it.
Wow, I was the first MMD. Now I'm just kidding there, but.
Boy, you're not.
But kind of what do you call it in theory, And allegedly, allegedly my career got started.
And that's literally all you have to say is allegedly, because therefore you're in the clear that way. So at twelve years old, cannabis gets introduced to you, and then did he introduce it to you? Then?
No, no, he totally tried to get me in trouble. You yes, son of a bitch, radded on me so many times.
So your big brother's fucking rating that doing good?
How about this, what's the first time, what's the what's the first one you remember going?
I don't remember? Is I found out later?
I was making money. Some of us were hustling.
That's kind of yeah. I was not doing great in school. I was, you know, selling weed. I was taking girls to Olive Garden. I was golfing every single day. I had different priorities, you know.
Right, your big brothers.
My brother was hating on me, so he told parents. Got You know, parents were very strict. Cannabis growing up was not something that they were okay with.
You could equate it to like crack. Yeah in their minds.
How so many that the whole week for manage. So let's get there real quick. What did your parents say when they finally figured out when Slava rots out on Miska going he's showing weed.
Mom. Uh, you know, they got extremely mad, You're going to hell the devils to get you.
It was never like a religious thing, but it was kind of like, oh, you're gonna be a drug addict, and we didn't come to this country to raise drug addicts, and you know, and and then there was like I thought that they threatened to send me over to like a military school and the whole thing. So, you know, so I learned from that experience, right, I gotta be honest. I learned I got really really good.
Don't tell your big brother stuff.
Yeah, let me tell you before, before our dad threatened him all that stuff, he actually twisted both of his nipples because I didn't want to like put his hands on him.
So the one thing twisted.
Nipples twisted him and he, you know, Miska looked like he was about to you guys like a butterfly.
You know, I wouldn't mind, Yeah, I would. I mean they're still twisted. Are they like silver dollar areolas? Are they quarters?
It's a little sensitive, all right.
As you said that, I'm just wondering now what your areolas look like. Are they inverted? Exverted?
Nipples get skinny and all of a sudden there's a.
Few pounds with three hundred and fifty pounds, and now I'm mister, let me check out your nipples. So, Slava, when you've seen Mishka getting tortured for that, did you feel no?
He laughed, He pointed, I know he didn't just kidding I did.
It wasn't it wasn't like it wasn't like a rat out, rat out. It was it was basically months of fleeting with him to do better in school with me and our older brother, and you know, he was basically telling us to go fuck ourselves, you know.
And this is pretty really what she hates. Different right here, So Miska seven years different, You're seven years older than your brother here, Damn you look great. But I'm gonna give you that. That's good. You look really good. I don't know if that makes look really bad, but.
Can you hear me?
His headphones are working? Thinking who fixed these pits? Why do you think never coming back?
We're with Miska and Slava from M M D Shops. You can see m M D Shops dot com and Mishka and Slava. I would imagine growing up that these Russian names could have been pretty tough for a lot of people like and then I think Mishka, you probab, got real popular when the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse came around, because when I first heard your name, I was like, oh my god. I felt like a little fat kid Miska Muska Mouse. So that became good and popular for you. I'm sure super cool, right, you're like the super thank you mom for namor me now that I'm older, and it was not a pedophile.
It was always Michael.
And then I think I was in junior high school or high school and girl I said, what's your name in Russian? I said Mishka. She said, oh, that's cute. I said, my name has never been Michael since.
Yeah, So did you go when you guys came here, did you go Michael? And then what was your Slava?
Steve? Steve?
So your American name was Steve. You're like the Kim nail girl. My American name is Steve.
Basically when I went when we immigrated here, and we were standing in line, and you know, it was my turn, and the person the you know, the the the person at the desk said, so, what's your American name?
I don't know, Slava.
So somebody in the back, you know, they heard, they know that my name is Slava. They're like, how about Steve?
And I said, okay, it's Steve because it starts with an S. Literally, that's how I got You want to hear it.
You want to hear something funny?
Yes, So allegedly, when we started in this business, you know, you have dancer names, right, I like a stripper name, of course.
So like we were super creative.
With our stripper names, you know, Michael, Steve, and then it became a Dave and John.
Oh really yeah, so you had a few of them.
So we were super creative, you know, Dave and John, Michael Steve.
And then like we come out of the you know, we come out of our closet now and now we're like, we're Mesha and Slava and our staff is.
Like, fuck you.
We've been selling here forever.
Dave, pick a name, Dave.
That is so funny. You know, we're gonna break real quick. We're gonna come back and we're gonna hear how it all started. In two thousand and six, it's Cannabis Talk one oh one with Miska and Slava from m m D Shops. We'll be right back after this. Okay, we're back with Dave and John and we also have Michael and Steve, but filling in for all four of them is Mishka and Slava, their government names from back in the good old Ukraine from MMD shops dot Com. Now that they can go by their you know, belly button names that are legal.
Damn gave everything away.
That's so awesome, you guys.
I love this.
Go check their side out MMD shops dot Com, Instagram is MMD Shops Twitter, Facebook, MMD Hollywood. They got four locations, Hollywood, Long Beach, Marina, del Rey, and North Hollywood. Now, guys, we heard the family dynamic. I want you to take me. Just before two thousand and six, and how you go about because we know now Mishka started telling we had you know, sixth seventh grade and allegedly, h how does it go from there to two thousand and six opening up a medical dispensary. Who's leading the story?
So two thousand and six comes around.
You know, I decided, allegedly a couple of years before that, like, I can't just be selling weed, you know what I mean.
My my brother, you were really.
My brother and my parents were pissed. I was like, yeah, I'm going to get a normal job and you know, start delivering pizza. And then and then of course I.
Started delivering.
Delivering pizza. But uh, after hand in hand, after that, you know, we got got.
Into real estate. He opened, uh a few businesses that he was doing great with that. We're generally around, uh medical industry, medical industry, medical medical compliance and uh, and I'd been doing really well with real estate sales.
So I had my sales hat on and uh, a couple of our.
Friends, uh at this point, had been growing weed. So uh we said, uh, and some of these guys, you know, they they were like they were the originators of the group that brought Skywalker to the market. So it'll take you back to a little bit of history back there. So we decided, let's go visit my boys over in uh San Diego, and let's go check out what they got and uh, and we go to my friend's house. We go into his garage and it was like, you know, it's like opening the white pearly.
Gates, you know what I mean. He was like like, oh my god, I can't believe. I can't believe this is going.
Oh my god, it's no so great.
Now, by the way, this was like two lights and six plans.
Although I've seen some nice garages, there.
Was nothing impressive about it. But to us, it was like the coolest thing that that we'd ever seen.
So on the way home, we looked.
At each other and we said, uh, you know, are you down, Let's let's do this and uh and we're like He's like, yeah, fuck it, I'm down, let's let's do it.
So, uh, you know, we started good careers.
Medical industry is a great career.
It was actually our first house that we bought together, and we were living together in this house. And you know, on the way back from San Diego, we looked at each other and we said, so do you want to do this? And we're like, fuck yeah, let's do this. So we started growing in our garage right back in like two thousand and five, I think two thousand and four.
Legally, keep in mind we had six plants each. I think our uncle was living there, so we might have had an additional six plants on top.
Of eighteen plants the area.
We go eighteen plants there. We sucked at growing weed.
Really, we were so fucking bad, dude, if you could imagine fucking up on every possible level, we did it.
And then were horrible. I can't even fucking believe we decided.
To pop were smoking your wed like, dude, this is you want to free eighth. No, I'm cool.
Nobody smoked that weed because it didn't actually came from it.
Yeah, it burnt.
It actually looked good while it was growing, but like either the air conditioner would go out like week eight, or you.
Know, they almost the Yeah, we almost set the house on fire a couple of times. We were horrible, Like I can't even tell you, like anybody could have been better than us, you know, I mean, so, so of course we decided to expand, right like fuck it, We're amazing and we're gonna do this.
We're in the game, man, the game, right.
And this is when medical cannabis the dispensaries had started really uh becoming a more popular thing. So uh we called the one of the very first cannabis attorneys, uh that that ever did it. I'll give him a shout out, Stuart Richland.
Uh, maybe he can come on the show. We're looking for some good cannabis attorneys please.
Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up.
Oh so you followed Mark Craig.
They don't follow you, little bit.
They didn't come here to Davin bastards. They did a last minute no show them.
Son up a bitches, thanks Mark, correct. Yeah.
Yeah, So he met us at I think he met us at a coffee bean, uh growth somewhere by the grove.
He came up in a vespa.
And uh and then we started talking about opening a dispensary. He gave us, he gave us some advice that that was that was good or bad back then. But we said fuck it, let's uh let's start looking for locations and uh and we went for It's and that's where that's where he is.
His experience came into play. Looking for real estate. My experience came into.
Play, you know, as far as compliance and audits and and t of it so much and getting through the legal stuff. So so to be honest with you, I mean we we kind of from the beginning saw the big picture. We saw that this is really going to be an industry one day, and we want to do everything. You know, right from the beginning, we want to get the right paperwork.
We want to be a you know, we want to.
Because you're a Prop six four then at the first right probably probably before even pro right, yeah, Prop two, fifteen, right Prop to fifteen at the beginning, right.
As before twenty Prop to fifteen, we're you know, it was a nonprofit uh model uh that we operated in. But we did you know, we went to the city, we got our business license and.
The first one was in Hollywood, North Hollywood. Now dealing with that in North Hollywood at that time in six did you guys get the raids? Did you guys get the threats from everybody?
So we totally got the threats we had. We had this one rogue cop uh I think he called himself John Smith or something.
The industry called him Johnson.
He would inside those guys, right, like everybody knows.
He would look at the window and he'd look and and be like, I'm going to put you in jail.
He'd be like, well, there's a brick and mortar.
It was. It was basically me and Mishka behind the counter, a security guard in the front, and and that's it.
And then one day, I think all of l A had.
Maybe forty shops or forty five shops, and like twelve shops get raided in one day.
All of the West Hollywood stores got raided.
So your guys was in there and we were not, and we were not to thank god to the Russian mob or who we think, thank god to North Hollywood. Nobody came over there, came over the hill.
Nobody knew we existed at that point, just over there. Yeah, and all twelve. So imagine, like right now, twenty five percent of the industry gets raided, right, and they shot a big raid recently too.
I've just seen that. But you know those are one of those are the illegal.
But imagine, you know there's one hundred and forty three legal operating dispensaries in Los Angeles. Imagine twenty you know, forty of them forty or fifty of them get raided today. We were scared shitless. You know, the whole staff quit really shows up to work. Security doesn't want to be there. Avengers don't want to show up. We're like, what the fuck do we do? We got to pay this rent, you know what I mean? So we fucking show up to work. We opened the doors, scared Shitlessen.
And just you and your brother to work. Miska and Slava behind the desk with dresses ongoing. We're but tenders. We take tips. How can we help you?
Right now?
Dealing with it back in the day like that? How did you guys intermingle with the other cats, like you know doctor Dina for instance, I mean she was around early on that. Did you guys intermingle with her?
How was you we were pre doctor Deana probably, uh, yeah, all the uh we got to know all the medical doctors.
They used to send us a lot of business. We were We always had the uh. We always wanted to be like the legal guys and and uh and and bigger picture and I gotta be honest. In the beginning of our career, we weren't necessarily loved for that reason. You know what I mean, we charged taxes when nobody else would charge taxes.
We uh, you know, we haanced compliance. You're just following all the compliants, Like dude, we got to do.
It this way.
I think we we lost a lot of profit that way, you know, where other guys were making a lot of money. But we just always wanted to do it that way because we knew we would be here today.
Yeah, I mean you would.
Now you have four locations and for those who don't know, we're talking to Miska and Slava from MMD shops and uh in Hollywood Long Beach, Marina del Rey in North Hollywood. It it's just funny how so many cats though, just want that quick buck and there's so many quick ways to make it in this game.
Course. Yeah, but you know, it's not sustaining.
It's not only not sustaining, but people get that rep I mean, let's just face it. For those who don't know that there's a lot of backdoor deals. Even at a lot of these legal shops, there's still a lot of deals that go down that are like uh huh, and it's hard to understand and play all the games that the Better Business Bureau of cannabis controls stowing out there, because sometimes it's like it's not so black and white clear. Sometimes I feel like when you're looking at it and then it changes right after they do something, then you go to that compliance and then it changes to another compliance. Correct after you did this, You're like, wait a minute, how can I keep up with this? How hard has that been for you guys to consistently especially yourself Slava with that medical background, figuring out more about what the Better Business Bureau is trying to put out there for everybody to be compliant. How hard is it to stay compliant?
And on top of it, it's it's extremely difficult. I mean, we're thankful for the regulations because the regulation allow us to do what we do and allow us to you know, to be open and to actually do business and and plan a you know, level playing field with other businesses somewhat. But the regulations are crazy, you know. I mean, they're they're tough, they're tough, and you just the mindset has to be the mindset has to be right to actually follow the regulations, read into them and and and and just do business like it should be done.
You know.
It's it's very difficult for a lot of operators from back in the day to to be able to adjust to that type of regulation.
I mean, I don't think it's a secret that we're in an overregulated over time.
We talk about that, Mark and Craig, we all sit there and they get so pissed off. I mean, including myself saying, treat it like it's alcohol. Treat it like it's let us treat it like it's a plant. You know, we've had people running for sheriff. It's a fucking weed. Treat it like it's a weed. For God's sakes. Treat these stores like it's a liquor store. So, I mean, I think you nailed it right there when you said it's the mindset as an owner, right, you have to be like, this is a different market. It's not a fucking liquor store. It's not a you know, dry cleaning shop. So you guys have to take it on the chain, like okay, here we go.
Look, I came from the medical the medical field, medical business, you know, particularly dealing with elderly people and adult day healthcare centers and and and physical therapy centers and things like that, and and the regulations that they go through is enormous, and they get audited three times a year, four times a year. So when you're coming to this industry with that mindset, knowing you're gonna get audited, you're you know, you have to follow the rules.
And regulations and things are going to change.
And things are going to change, and keeping keeping in mind that this is a new industry that the BCC still doesn't have everything figured out yet, so you are growing with a new industry, so you know, keeping that mindset, you're able to adjust.
And understanding that regulators and operators are two completely different, uh people. You know, the people putting together these regulations don't necessarily understand the hurdles that the operators have to go through and because they're not even in the cannabis gamp yeah, and vice versa. So you know, you come in with an open mind and you roll up your sleeves and you're ready to work. Yeah, it's not going to be easy. It's gonna be hard as fuck, but anybody can make it. If two immigrants from Russia they came here with three hundred dollars in their pocket, can make it, like you can make it.
That's what I love, right, now about your guys' story. It makes me so internally proud for you guys and your family to think like that. And I mean, is that the kind of advice you'd give Mishka as you just kind of felt like you told everyone, dude, if we can do it, so can you just have a smarter brother who's a lot smarter than you. Yeah, but be the hustler that's going to read the shit for you and make sure you do it all right.
I'm a smarter younger brother, you know what I mean. It's the most important thing you could do now. Yeah, I think you know, we're very pro business and we love this industry. You know, we wake up excited to go to work, although you know every morning could be different than the day before, and sometimes you uh, you want to kick and scream at the end of the day. But then sometimes it's it's very rewarding. I'd say, just don't give up.
What are some of the things that you guys would say that they can change for the industry to make it better, Like if you had your hand over the BCC are the governor, let alone the president? You know, Congress can change things. What are some advice that you'd say we can start here because God willing, we all know, make it federally legal. There's like big statements that we can say that are just big and grand, and of course that'll make everything great, but it all needs to happen so small.
You're not gonna You're not gonna turn a light switch on, right, I think, I think, and I'm gonna let Slop take this because he's gonna he's gonna have better opinions than me.
But I think, uh, I think.
We're overtaxed, which creates a big opportunity for the black market.
Which is still booming like crazy. You see these numbers out there.
Yeah if if they you know, they still taxed it because everybody, you know, they want to make revenue from it, but taxed enough to where we can compete with the with the illicit markets. Because nobody wants to go meet that corner in the in the fucking shady alley. You know, everybody likes going to a nice retail store, having options and having people with opinion, having your product tested and regulated.
Giving good advice for what they think is good for Yeah, exactly, educated but tenders and know what they're talking about.
Nobody wants to go to a back alley and buy their Janes at a back alley, like people like going to the retail environment unless they have to pay fifty percent more for it, you know what I mean. So I think that's one thing that we could start working on.
But I mean, yeah, I mean, in my opinion is a lot of people like to scream legalize it, legalize it.
But legalizing it means taxing it.
And it's already being taxing in California that work, so.
Even on a federal level.
So now you're looking at taxation on local city level, state level.
And then federal level. So when you're screaming legalize it, you have to you know, you have to.
Keep legalize it, though they have to lower the other states and city and taxes. I mean, that would be nicer for the states that are already I legal of course.
So to answer your question, I think two things to make this industry actually, you know, show the fruits of its of its labor is like like Mish Cassette's taxation.
And the other one is banking.
The funny thing is, and it's funny you said that, Slava, because in my opinion, as I see the cannabis game. I think banking is even the most important people from a starting standpoint, because now Slava can have proof on a you know, a federally approved banking system, and what are companies worth what we made this year, what we made that month, rather than we got that bag that back in that bag, there's twenty grand in each bag right there, we're doing well, which you know, you may be doing well, but you can show proof. And now you're buying another boat, another house, because that's where that real money comes from.
Or expanding the business and being able to burn the shop, yeah, real estate assets behind it, and and you know what I mean, and actually being able to like work with regular creditor, you know, just just being able to do business like you know you would if you opened.
A liquor store, yeah exactly, or dry cleaners or.
Any any other type of business that that's scalable.
You know. It's just funny to think how we mostly oh it's legal, right, it's legal. It's like, yeah, but it's not. And these people who own shops, so I want to get well, we're gonna take a break real quick as we're talking to Mishka and Slava from MMD shops. They got four dispensaries. I want to get to the first one's North Hollywood. How you go to the second, third, and fourth. We're gonna hear that story when we come back. It's Cannabis Talk one on one. All right, it's the Miska and Slava show from MMD shops. They are here. They're about to beat box and sing for us on Cannabis Talk one on one. Take it away, Miska I came to play have fun in the club on me. Miska I was good. So you guys, U walk like them out right by the power?
Would that be?
Take me down the lane of six North Hollywood opened? What's the next location? How hard? What are the struggles? Educate the people out there that are sitting there going I really want to get in the cannabis game. I mean, these two fucking dudes from Russia came with three hundred bucks one fifty a pop in their pocket. One changes his name to Steve, one changes his to Michael, and now they got fucking four dispensaries. How does that shit happen? I've been born and raised here in the United States. Educate me fellas, walk me down that well.
I think I think before in North Hollywood was a very different situation. Before you just went down to the Office of Finance, got a business license, and if you were smart enough to tell them that it was for cannabis sales, you probably would have ended up.
So at this point our first dispensary, the license cost us fifty four dollars.
Oh hell, life was that it was nice. First license was fifty four How about dollars in a lot of balls?
Because John Smith was going around raiding people.
What was your last license?
Costs a little more, a.
Little more than fifty four bucks, right, A lot more zeros in that, and a lot more numbers.
So North Holly was the first one. What's the second location? So how many years after?
Let me just tell I'll just take you through a little bit of history of how we do MMD shops are growing and slav You could tell me to shut the fuck up.
If yeah, don't, don't allegedly allegedly say too much fun.
Out just stop now, just talk about well that was fun.
So that's how they all got going, how they all got going.
And now we're right now.
So in two thousand and six, we uh, you know us and a and a partner and some help, uh you know, uh opened our very first store. By the time two thousand and nine came around, we decided that it's time to uh to expand, expand our footprint a little more.
We've gotten some partnerships, we would help consultant projects, and we opened two back to backstores, one I believe in like April, and then one the month right after that. In two thousand and nine, A couple of years goes by, we start working and then between twenty twelve and like two eighteen, with all the movement you know, between with so much regulations, much regulation because they told you you're okay in this location, you're not okay in this location. So you know, between twenty twelve and twenty eighteen, we'd you know, we'd open a footprint of I don't know, it was a lot.
It was probably over twenty retail doors.
We also did a lot of consulting for people that wanted to be in the business. Yeah, and we taught a lot of people how to run a retail store. But because by that time we got really really good at it. We knew the market, we knew you know, we knew the ins and outs of regulation of how to get the customer and all of that. So a lot of people came to us and listen, guys, you know a lot.
Of big operators in today's space came to us and said, yeah, can you guys show us the light? And of course in this space, you know, we're all just kind of learning as we go, you know what I mean.
So literally, because then things change right away.
Things change, So as you go, you try to help each other.
You know.
It's not like one of these spaces where you hoard all your information because you want to talk to people because they can give you some.
One of the partners in this like, when we're in this game together.
I'm never we're never going to be able to do it alone.
So so we started helping people and and that's how that number twenty came to fruition inevitably. Now, we never had twenty dispensaries. Of course, you know, there's a lot of moving parts, you know what I mean, But.
We've been Now you have four with licenses and all this good stuff. There's four good solid ones exactly. Yeah, And so it takes a long time to get four of them because you had to open some close some get the light, get this, get.
To move them to compliant locations by you know, there's a you know, particularly in City of la in twenty thirteen, you had to move to You had about a you know, less than a year to move your existing license to a compliant location. And we've had we had to move all the people that we consulted with, you know that we consulted and our dispensary to a completely different location. We lost all of our customer base. You know, it was like finding a needle in the haystack to try to find a location.
Weed Maps wasn't around back then, so it's not like, hey, just find us on weed Maps exactly right. So now you guys have your shops, what are some of the big selling items in your stores right now? What are the big like, oh my god, mmd pops with what.
I mean?
Honestly, we have anywhere between eight hundred and thirteen hundred different products on the board at any given time. So anything that's new and relevant and hot and exciting in the market we try to carry. You know, right now, one of the things that I'm really in love with is our drinkable section.
You know, we've got Is that what you guys brought here?
One of these drinks?
So yeah, one of those drinkables there. Uh, you know we got you know, I think the drink of sea lemonade.
Wow, what a good flavor too, Arnold Palmer.
And then we have non infused liqueurs. So they'll take the liquor, they'll take out the alcohol, they'll infuse it with cannabis.
I love that sector because it does a couple of things. It brings people kind of back to the market, uh, back into the drinkable market when necessarily they can't be drinking anymore. So it brings people back to the party. It Also it's just something new and cool and relevant, you know what I mean. We carry some of the best, if not the best flower brands in the market, concentrate edibles, tinctures, topical screams, a minute, anything.
I know.
You guys just got Mark and Craig Sun brand in their West Coast Cure.
Yeah, we've had West Coast Cure a couple of times over the years, and we just brought him back really uh really hard, and he's kicking ass man.
He's They've got a great brand.
They've got uh, they've got some great celebrity counterparts that work with them, and and people really, uh they love that brand.
I I I, uh, my hat's off to us. Cost Care.
We're actually, you know, we're we try to be very customer conscious. We we don't you know, we don't like our butttenders to to push a certain product. We we want the customer to decide. We try to have all all the brands that we have in there, all the products that we have in there, are really curated for the customer. We're not you know, we don't take you know, fees from the from the brands to.
Put their products up on our shelves.
You guys are shelving them yet like like the grocery store.
We're just not doing that.
Yeah, we we we really want the customer to be happy, to be happy where they come into it.
And I look at that and I think sometimes back in the radio days, when I first started in radio and doing FM radio, I think of the you know, the propaganda and the way that a lot of these are. Payola is the correct term that used to be used when a record label will come in give you money play that record. I would almost imagine, is it tough to stop these brands to go to your bud tenders and being like, hey.
Chop them, you know what I mean, though, chop them in a second.
But it's got to be I mean, I mean, I know it is, but I mean it's part of life, right. It's like, how do music get on the fucking radio so quickly?
I mean, it's like something that you guys, like you just said, you answered in a way that makes me go, yes, you're gonna be all over that, But it's almost like how do you prevent it? Almost? I mean they probably come in on Tuesdays and Thursdays to meet with the salespeople and they're like.
Hey, first things first are although our buntenders are great, they have nothing to do with the purchasing aspect of the business. And one we're you know, our purchasing department is curating product that is really kind of customer driven, you know what I mean. So, uh, you know, we don't go after necessarily the the just the stuff that has a celebrity push or or.
If it's good quality and people are mentioning it to you guys.
It has to be good quality.
It has to look good, smell good, test well, it has to have good packaging like that.
So are you are you putting your own weed that you guys you should grow back around on.
Your Absolutely, it's the only way I'm able to sell it.
You're like, okay, you buy that eighth I'm gonna give you this one. No, thank you, we don't want that one that you've give him this. No, we do.
We do have some product in m md jars. We also have a Mishka brand.
Well, so you started growing again and then you got better at it.
We we've partnered up with people who are better at it. I would say, so.
You got the own brand and he just left you out slov and said you I actually made him. I don't care. I got busted first, not you. It's my brand.
He was fighting it. I was like, no, bro, I was like, is the fucking name of the brand. He's like, I'm not putting my name on the brand.
I'm like, shut the fuck up.
Is going to be the brand?
It looks it actually sounds cool, It sounds great. It sounds cute than I think sounds very cute. You know we're no longer sounds I gonna get your MILLI high.
Yeah, So you know anything that's in the Miska jars or or in the m m D jars, will personally do the quality assurance on uh, you know, just because we can't grow you say, we can't quality assurance.
What is it like if you don't like to bring it back?
No, no, like I check it myself and if I don't like it, I'm not putting it in those jars. Oh nice, this is like.
Approved, nice stamp of approved.
That's right.
So what's in the future now? Is it like four more shops, new location Arizona, this and that? What? What's what's what's the big goal for you guys?
Yeah, we're going into a hyperdrive expansion as we speak. We're going into a multi state platform probably in the next couple of years, Thank you so much. We got a couple couple projects we're working on all over California. We're gonna have probably a footprint up north, inevitably. We've got some stuff in Middle America.
And what's the next what's the first one that should be popping for you guys, to be determined, to be determined like whatever however it falls.
Right, We're so.
Rough to all the exactly, especially with COVID, A lot of states, a lot of municipalities.
You know, they they've put their legislation on hold.
Or you know, if if we applied for a license at a certain legislation, you know, in a certain state or a city, now they've they were supposed to give us an answer, but now that's on hold because of COVID.
So speaking of which, everyone pops off first. You know, Slava, as you mentioned COVID. How did COVID affect MMD shops?
Oh boy, I mean, COVID is very interesting because you know, like one of our main brick and mortars is Hollywood, and as you know, Hollywood is nothing but tourism. So when COVID hit the tourists of market and Hollywood, i mean died out come from that shop affected the most.
So that shop was affected the most. It yeah, got hit probably by about sixty percent. Wow.
Yeah, which is which is a lot because it's a really busy shop. Now, the other stores that are kind of in the in the suburban neighborhoods like kind of lifted up a little bit, so it started picking up a little bit of the slack. But eventually we we we got our head above water.
It was.
It was a couple months of real difficult uh, real difficult struggles that we had to go through, but we made it and thank God. I mean, being essential is just like a blessing from God.
Like, isn't that crazy to think that weed became essential cannabis.
I can't tell you how weird it is, because like two of our dispensaries are next door to beauty salons, you know, and it's it's it's so ironic to see a line of people outside of the cannabis store while these people are like giving people haircuts on the down low in the beauty salon, you know what I mean, like.
Kind of like a switch, right, It's like, you.
Know where the I was, like, what fucking bizarro land are we living in?
I just ship that it's next to a hair salon and Miska can't get that fucking gray out of his hair. I'm here next to a fucking salon and he can't just go in there and say, hey, guys, can we cut me a deal?
They can?
They keep a hound back on the asphole gray, you know, the that's the girl they're putting the gray in the hair.
He's doing that to look older because he's twenty four.
Wants to Yeah, he wants to link.
I want to, you know, I want to bephisticated.
It's really great to have you guys. For those who don't know, it's Miska and Slava from MMD Shops. Now it's time for our high five. We'd like to do the high five with everybody that comes in. We'll start with little brother Miska and then Slava. You can do the questions at the second after your brother. Okay, So question number one, how old are you the first time he smoked weed? And where did you get it? From?
Twelve years old from my friend Rex Rex Rex.
Next, you're Rexy and you Slava nineteen years old with my friends that have been spocused since fourteen.
So your brother didn't give it to you for who was it?
Your other.
Friends have been smoking longer than him, But for some reason, I kept you know, I did acid before I did smoking weed.
That's a long ey. I just found this out right now, I'm gonna tell mom allegedly he did allegedly right, That is such a long one. Okay. Question number two with Mishka and Slapper from m m D Shops, what is your favorite way to use cannabis.
So that to me, it changes kind of often.
I used to love flower, then I got really into the dabs, and now in like a post COVID world, I've been really uh diving into microdos edibles.
Really really, I'm not.
With the edibles that we have back there in the back. You gotta let you see these. They gotta to try them, and so edibles for you then.
Right now, micro dosing edibles is kind of my uh my flavor. But I mean, you know, listen, a good a good quality flower. You can't smoking a joint with it, or joint or a bong or like if it's a nice water pipe or something, you know what I mean.
Here's these butterable edible buds. You got to try these. They're like a rice crispy treat, cereal flavor, that's what they say. But and for and for you, Slava, what is yours? I just love a hybrid joint, A hybrid joint.
I don't know if these are really it's candy.
It's candy right there. What do you do now? Now you're acting like Slava? Hey, Slava, I want to meet your fucking brother over here.
Slava, junior, the old guy.
Yeah, the old guy who's try the candy over here? Question number three, Yeah, hold on, what's that Slava's head. What's the craziest place you ever used cannabis?
I don't. I've never not used cannabis anywhere.
So do you ever go back home to Russia or like Ukraine or something? I mean, that's that'd be crazy.
Allegedly I might have accidentally taken cannabis to Japan with me once, but.
We've heard some stories like that, all right, but totally.
Accidental and why was it sho No, I swear to God, totally accidental and uh and I threw it away on the plane because I just.
Like, I'm not going through customers, going to fucking jail.
Because I accidentally forgot a gramma weed in my bag and completely I wouldn't never because it's like.
A life sentence over there.
It's crazy.
So I have no interest in that. So, yeah, that that might have been the.
Craziest place you took it. But is there like another crazy the top of a building, something random crazy that you smoked at or did an edible at.
Gosh, man, I got kind of smoke cannabis everywhere I go, so it's hard to say the craziest place.
I mean, yeah, I mean, I guess. I guess A couple of foreign countries, A.
Couple of foreign countries and Slava.
I smoked of gany hash and Moscow a cloud.
Yeah, at a club in Moscow, off of a hot knife, right right in the club.
It was amazing.
Mom, I got a story. We're on canvas Talk one on. Listen to the podcast. What is your go to munchies after you get high?
Miska, my go to monchies after I get high? You know what, I'm fucking totally down with some.
Toasters, turtle.
Oh really, you know what I mean?
What the fucking thing? And oh my god, one right now?
Oh yeah, you wouldn't eat both? And you Slava your go too munchies.
My go to munchies, pancakes, bacon, eggs, breakfast, breakfast.
Oh you just like breakfast, like breakfast. I love that. To be a fat kid. Oh dude, I was three hundred and fifty pounds. Come on, lact hold on, let me pick up my lip right now. As we are doing the high five with Miska and Slava from MMD shops, they have four locations, Hollywood, Long Beach, Marina del Rey in North Hollywood, if you're ever in good ol' Cally. If not, they might be coming to a city near you. Question number five of the high five. If you could smoke weed with anyone dead or alive, who would be.
Probably, uh, probably Bob Marley.
Wow, it's funny. I was thinking Bob. When I was looking at your brother's shirt, as he has the Bob.
Shirt, I would say, probably Bob Marley. You know, I know who my brother's gonna say, and I just didn't want to You didn't.
Want to take his I don't want to take his. But and you really know your brother that well that you know what he's gonna say. Let me see write it down, write it down right there. I want to see if you're gonna be right, because if you already know what he's gonna say when you said Bob Marley, that's gonna be awesome. Okay, And now you Slava, if you could smoke with anyone dead or alive.
I'm blinking right now, but I would smoke with I would love to smoke with so many people.
I'm never gonna.
Forgive you no realize Miska said, he knows, and I have a name written down right here.
No idea what the is talking about? Right?
But he says he knows his big brother that well, he knew you rad it on him, So now he knows who you would choose to smoke with. If there was one person slav one that you like, Oh God, I want to smoke a joint with this cat and just talk and bullshit and hang out. Who would it be?
Willie? Willie Nelson?
Well, I guess your little brother doesn't know you that well, wrote Howard Stern.
Yes, I didn't say Howard Stern because I was afraid I was gonna take the steam right out of my brothers.
Right. I would love to, you know, smoke with Howard Stern, but I know he'd never smoke. You know, I've been listening to the show long enough. He's never gonna smoke.
Well, you never know.
People have said, Jesus, you know who knows Howard Stern?
Oh, now you change it for Willi Nelson.
I am Miam. I love Willie, but Howard.
Either one of those guys would be great. I mean Willie has just been around forever doing it, and you know, I mean Howard Stern's radio God forgot. I love the guy. You know, everything he's done, He's just amazing, his stories, movie, everything's great about Howard Stern. Matter of fact, no one has said Howard Stern yet on this show Shoe, which is funny, and I think Howard would be awesome.
I mean, Howard would definitely be by like for sure the first go to like if you got the chance to pick right now, are you smoking with Howard Stern? Is you know, just to have a conversation with Yeah, it's almost as good as hanging out with Joe.
I mean that's pretty good too. I would agree with you. Matter of fact, let's go smoke right after this. But anything else you guys want to tell everybody out there. Of course you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter, MMD Hollywood on Instagram, MMD Shops, the website, MMD shops dot com, anything else, Miska and Slava that you want to educate the world out there.
I mean, honestly, just just want want to invite everybody to come check us out, come check out the shop. You know, our shops are way cooler than our website or our Twitter or Instagram. I think you know the type of vibe that we have there is family, you know, it's it's customer oriented. You know, we love our people, we love our customers, and well you know you'll get treated like a king or a queen there.
Everybody knows your sh.
Nice And are they showing those Miska shirts there? No, but is this I just realized it.
Yeah, it's a Miska shirt. First, I'd like to thank you Joe for having us on the show. This has been a really fun experience. Uh we We got really excited when when you guys reached out. You guys are are doing the damn thing.
There's this.
It's clear why you are the dominant UH Cannabis UH podcast radio show.
I mean there's I don't think there's anybody else doing it quite like you guys. So hats off to you. Thank you so much for letting us come on the show.
It's our pleasure. Thank you for coming.
If if I was to promote anything, I would say just come out check out MMD shops dot com. Please come to any one of the stores you're liable to see uh me or this other crazy guy here. Anytime you know mentioned cannabis one on one We'll hook you guys up.
And is there is there a store that you're at more than the other?
You know what, we bounce around very frequently. We're we're at North Hollywood often, we're at Hollywood. Often we're kind of wherever the wind takes us that day. But you know, we we got action happening every day over there. It's it's it's a really fun environment. I'm looking forward to having your comeby one day.
I can't wait to come by you guys. Thank you so much. It's Cannabis Talk one on one. Thank you for listening to the podcast. If you ever want to be a part of it, make sure you call us up eight hundred for twenty nineteen eighty. As a matter of fact, me Scott would love for you just to call and leave a stupid message eight hundred four twenty nineteen eighty. Remember that phone number because it's our phone and we played voicemails. I'll do it. Hey, Joe Mishka, you've fat bastard and you just hang up on me.
You got it.
I'll do that every day from now on.
It's Cannabis Talk one on one. If nobody else loves you, we do have a good one.
Pete Thank you for listening to Cannabis Talk one on one on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.