School District of La Crosse superintendent, Dr. Aaron Engel, joins to discuss the $53.5 million referendum that's on the fall ballot, plus changing the school start date to help alleviate added private school costs with bussing.
The state requires public schools to start on or after Sept. 1. But what we discussed was how the school district is required to bus private school students, and the added burden to do that. Private schools don't have to adhere to the state's Sept. 1 rule, and that adds to the burden to add bus routes when La Crosse public schools aren't going.
We also reviewed a bit, the elementary school referendum, and how the public meeting have been attended. The plan is to tear down the Hogan Administration building, built a new elementary school there, upgrade State Road Elementary with eight new classrooms and a new gym, while closing Hintgen, Emerson and Spence.