You may have heard what went down with Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes when they were cohosts on a morning news show, but Jana is ready to get the real story! Amy and T.J. are hanging out with Jana and Kristen to talk relationships, careers, and what it’s like hosting a podcast together!
Find out what really happened when their relationship was outed before they were ready, and we get real about how they spoke out about their situation after everything was out in the open.
Wind down with Janet Kramer and I'm Heart Radio Podcast. Well, I'm happy to see you laughing and smiling. I wasn't sure.
It's real touch and go there for a minute.
Called you earlier. Do you want to share anything?
I don't know what to share. I love that.
By the way, we both had emergency calls this week with Amy. That made me laugh in our conversation when I called you, because you're like, well, I texted Amy, I was like, that's funny because I also this week was like, do you have a second Because sometimes it's nice that we have that relationship where she's like, yes, I have ten minutes, you know where you can because she can really kind of center us back to a place of because I think both of us can go pretty extreme pretty fast.
It's the kindest way of putting it.
Yeah, So it's nice to kind of have that pull back to center because when she speaks, she knows us both so well that it's it's like, okay, no, you're right, and either AI was overacting or whatever, but in your situation, you know, I think what you were bringing up is a very valid point, and I think a lot of people would relate to it.
And I'm going to get through it without crying. Yes, okay, Yeah.
When you called today, I said, has this is this some sort of implement implementing a phone a friend program from therapist Amy? Because I thought, oh, it's ironic because we don't talk like a ton on the phone. We usually FaceTime or just text, yeah, voice mement or life away, which I just was.
Like, I gotta call my girl. I don't know why. It's one of those where I'm like, I just I need to. I need to call her and catch up. That's the connection I needed it. Well, forgive me, Jennifer.
I have sinned.
I did engage with a follower not my own follower on Instagram and gotten a little bit of a banter and that fell unsettling in my bellet didn't like it, and I actually killed with kindness. Still, so I think that threw off my energy a little. I don't normally do that because I just feel like people wanting to pick a fight with someone they don't know, whatever, And I almost.
Think those people get off on you responding back to them, I know, which is why I've stepped away from that. Having said that, I just before you finish, I I did someone said something to me the other day and dms and said, you're pathetic, and I just go thank you with like a smiley face because I actually thought it was funny, you know, and I wasn't going to continue on from there, but she had said something and it was to the silliest thing. It was about the sports game or whatever. She's like, you're just bitter, and I was like, I actually could care less who now wins. But I was just like having a conversation, you know, cutting asparagus in my kitchen, like best of luck to any t wins, like like call someone pathetic over that.
I just A'm like, this is.
Just paypot, this is kettle. Like it was just like you're so bitter, slamming on your key, bored from behind me.
I mean, but it's funny because she's like, oh, I took it this way, and I was like, yeah, no, that's not what I'm What I was saying was this, and she's like, oh okay, and she's like got it that, like that makes sense. And then it was the next day that she came around and it was a fine conversation after that, and the next day she's like, hey, I just realized I never apologize for being rude to you. And I was like, I appreciate that, but you like, it's okay, Like people there's You're not going to be the last person that comes on and tries to like insult me. I appreciate how you came around to it. Most times people will just continue on with they don't like you, they don't like you, and there's there's no way that and that I've learned we're not going to get that approval. And then I think they get off on the fact that we've responded to them. Yeah, the ones that are really nasty. This one was just not straight trolls. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was just that girl that I was was not like she just maybe was having a day.
Yeah, And I actually had.
A great one this morning who also wasn't super like in love with me. And then we wrote back and I was like, hey, girl, so I'm sorry you feel that way and I would hate to lose you, but also I'm right here if you want to come back, like I really do just love you. So there was that shaky, unsettling. What I really think ultimately is happening is I do not love leaving my kids. That's not new and we're supposed to take a fun little vacation just three nights in two full days, and I the anxiety I get leaving is just really monumental.
It doesn't make sense, but it feels so real.
And that's what I was reaching out to Amy, because she had sent me this really sweet text, like a what are you going to pour into the world today, you know, like her inspirational drop ins, and I back and I was like, I'm not pouring out anything but just sheer anxiety. I'm spiraling and she was like, Okay, she goes sweet and she just calls it for what it is, but basically was like, I don't in all of our time together, I've never known you to be super pumped.
About leaving town.
And she's like, I think there's something about unsafety there for you. Ultimately, it's probably comes down to control, but I think growing up didn't feel super safe and steadfast, and so.
I don't.
I anchor in Jesus often, and I try to phone a friend if I think it will be useful, but I don't when I feel like I'm losing footing on safety and a little bit it was just kind of a little compound interest of a lot of little things all at once, and it felt like everything felt a little unsettled, and I don't even know if I'm making sense, but it just felt like anxiety spiral, anxiety spiral, and I could not get out of it. Like I could feel my heart racing, I could just feel like I'm not acting myself. To even engage with anybody in a comment is silly, and I don't normally do that. And I was like, then I shame myself into me.
Yeah, I mean I think it's like a because you're like, why do I have anxiety? That's that's the shame piece, right, And you're frustrated with yourself and you're you know, like a mess.
You beat yourself up over it.
But I think and I always go back to like the two things like both being like true, like of course, like no mom, we when you come a mom obviously, like you have that anxiety. And right now it's more forbably, there's a season that you're in, you have a lot going on. You have a lot going on, you know, within the marriage and work and all those things, and so like that just adds to the anxiety and pressure of wanting your kids are your safe, safe spot. You know, you're like they're obviously you know that's your little bubble and you love that and there's nothing wrong with that, Like that's it's beautiful. So to leave that bubble gives you more anxiety, which that totally makes sense. And the and part of all this is when you impressed and go away, it fills y'all's cups so much that it's so important.
Because so I think it's right.
So I think there that is can maybe try to trump over you can both have obviously both feelings, but like know that the bubble is needed and you're going to be back to your kids in three days. And also I can't nurture the bubble without going and getting exactly that Time's where I got today. I was like, listen, and you know, don't you feel like you is there more friction right before you're about to just go have time together?
Because I felt that this morning.
And I was like, I don't know if we're just do for it or what, but like I'm ready to like put on makeup, feel pretty, eat with both hands, have a server, yeah, and make out with my husband.
I mean that's something that I told Alan when we were in the movie. I was like, I need to have something on the books with us where it's even if it's just us going away to Gatlinburg for the weekend or like a BlackBerry farm, Like I just we have to have some just close connection without even if it's just for two nights, like away from the kids, and to have that connection time because yeah, the friction and life and all that stuff starts to build and it's like you got to recenter back to your person. I want to be a girlfriend for three days. Yeah, and you're going to have a great time. It's going to fill your cup, and your kids are going to be totally fine. Everything's going to be fine. Everything's gonna be fine. But when you are in that chaotic space of like you know, leaving in the world and the kids and like you come so to Amy, I was like, I know this is a bles like I'm blessed, and I feel I feel silly for even having that, And then I shame myself for feelings silly, and I'm like, Okay, well it is what it is and this is how I feel.
And we got to like we started to get to like the root of it.
But I will say today I had like an hour and a half, two hours in my home just me and the baby, and I don't know the last time I've had that, and it really saved my heart. Yeah, silence, And I think I'm the fuel in that a lot, and I have not had that either.
Good. I'm glad you had that. And I also think it's would you want sometimes? I you know, I'd get anxiety if I was to. I can't I limit my own Well, I can't do that because I'm gonna get anxiety and I have shame around that. You don't want me to feel that right now, So you shouldn't put that on yourself.
Be your friend, Love you.
So we have Amy and TJ. Amy Robock and TJ Holmes coming on. They were anchors on Good Morning America. They are now not at that job and they have a podcast. I actually do a podcast with them. I do part two. But we're gonna take a break and then get them on and see where they're at and what's going on in their world.
Hi guys, Hi, how are you good?
Are you?
How are you doing?
Oh good?
How are you?
What you got on? In the background? What's Trumper saying? What's he saying?
He was just supposed to sign the Lincoln and Briley Act. But he's doing a full beach given A. Yeah, his views in the past week, so he's talking a lot back there. He's making a lot of news to A.
Have you been watching the RFK Junior, I've been. I've been. I had to stop, but yeah, I was. I listened to it all morning. Do you have do you have thoughts on it?
Well, I think it's it's fact, you know what. I didn't like this one because we didn't learn anything. I found that the Democrats were trying too hard to get on TV. They were trying too hard to posture when they could have had a good substance of conversation. They were too busy trying to grandstand and make sure they on the evening news, if you will. It was too much of that, I thought. So I was a little disappointed. I was curious to hear about this guy. He's like I had some Banana's ideas that ended up working out.
So yeah, we actually had RFK Junior on a couple of years more than a couple of years ago. It was I'd say, gosh, maybe five years ago. A lot of the podcast had to be cut, which was very disappointing because I think everyone should be able to have and who knows this might be getting cut now too, but like, I think everyone should be able to have their voices heard, whether we agree with them or whether we don't. And as a mom of you know, kids, both of us, you know, I have questions about certain things. I have questions about vaccines. I've got questions about all that, and so I like to learn and just you know, do research and find research and from both sides, right, And so that's why this one in particular was one of the ones that I really wanted to watch. And I'm fascinated by politics and watching fun fact, but I wanted to be in politics and obviously didn't go into it. But it was I was so diside, okay, right, but I was.
I was.
I was disappointed when I when they were talking because of the when some of them were speaking, it was just so like angry, Like just so, I'm like, can we just have conversations where it isn't so volatile? You know? And I have thoughts on both sides of things, But anyways, what are we writing down?
Tell us everything?
I was I didn't think we came on to talk politics today, but it was we were just looking no, no, it was fascinating. It's the top of mind for both of us today and it's musty TV for us. All these confirmation here.
I do want to know more about the Morning Run because the two of you have had a substantial career, both of you independently in that world news and just being amazing. And then you guys have created this daily podcast, which is pretty cool. You know that's very hard to find. I guess like news without all the noise, if that makes sense.
I guess.
I maybe I'm completely forty three when I say this, but I miss just learning, learning and not being inundated.
And so tell me on the scale from.
Zero added extra to all the extra, where do you guys land when it comes to reporting on the Morning Run? Because I have not had I didn't know about the Morning Run and it actually get excited because if there's a place that I can get filled in and not noisy, I would love that.
Yeah, we're really excited about it.
We've actually been talking about doing something like this for years and years and years and years, and so we knew it was going to be a heavy lift because this is a newsroomove too. We're used to having support staff, so it does require us to do what we love almost around the clock because we're monitoring everything during the day. We get a lot of writing done in the evening when the stories have been done, and then we wake up. One person wakes up at three am, the other one works at wakes up at three forty five am, and we were actually recording by five to thirty in the morning, so we it's it is a full time job, but we love it and yes, our goal is to give listeners the information they need to start their day. What's the latest, what's the greatest, what do you need to know? Without any sort of slant or opinion. Now we'll give our perspective having covered a lot of similar events or having covered the exact events, But that's.
Where it ends.
I think just Greg ask a question with that within the you know, when you watch one type of TV show, they go more this way, when you watch a different one, they go the other way. Do you consider yourselves down the line or do you find yourself flirting with appeasing one side or the other, or pushing your own agendas versus having a you know, truly looking at both sides.
I love oh, thank you. I'm so glad you asked, because this is something that's been I mean, it's a part of the industry right where you can't you have to engage people and almost entertain them. But if you dare use the word entertainment, then people don't think you're serious enough or it's not news. But it's always the trick in trying to find a balance to giving people what they need to know straight down the line, but give them some context and some perspective. Or in this Anthony Mackie story right from Captain America, he just calls the big hubbub right because he said something everybody's after him. Yes, we told that story and gave the facts of the story, but you know how we started that story off. We said, come on, Anthony, you done stepped in it right now. That's just everybody's having that conversation about him. So we appreciate being able to give facts but also giving some context and perspective and also showing that yes, we're viewing it the same way you're viewing it. Anthony Mackie, Damn, we love you, but you just messed up. So it's not a matter necessarily of taking side on stories, and certainly not in politics. But you know what, it's okay to be yourself. It's okay to give a little perspective, it's okay to be authentic, but you can still be objective in doing so.
Do you guys find that you guys are aligned with your views or are there areas where you're like, I actually, full hardly do not believe in this, but the other person does.
You know what's so interesting, Jenna is when we had our broadcasting jobs, I really didn't know and we didn't talk shock when we left work. Now work is our life, and so I've gotten to know.
We've gotten to know each.
Other's political views in a way that we hadn't before, because really, no matter what people think about newsroom, it isn't something that people discuss because we are supposed to maintain objectivity as much as a human being can when you're a journalist.
And so now to have a.
Deeply personal connection with my coworker, I'm actually surprised. We're very similar. So that's helpful we have, you know, we're not exactly the same on everything, but we're pretty darn close.
Can we ask what's an example of something we don't agree on or that causes a little like huh.
I think male female things more.
Than inter That's kind of why I asked with that. I didn't want to imply it, but I will.
The male perspective versus the male perspective is absolutely where we are the least aligned for obvious reasons. Genetic right is probably the way it's supposed to be because we give each other.
Perspectives that the other wouldn't have had.
But you know what, to your point, you to your question, black and white race, we have probably more discussions, more even heated certainly I would say serious is, but discussions about race because there's nothing in our private conversations. If we dare you dare put that in a tweet, you're going to get right, You're going to get canceled. But if you say it in a place of with somebody that you love and respect and you know where they're coming from, we've been able to have all kinds of breakthroughs personally in talking about that. But it takes us a while sometimes in covering stories to have different perspectives of like, hey, no, my people or somebody here would see it this way, and that has been really cool about our dynamic and it has been fun and it's been challenging, but I wish more people could have the conversations that I know we have behind the scenes when it comes to race.
Yeah, that's an interesting one because there's just a level of respect and also not understand like, I don't know the challenges that TJ You've faced, you know, I from things that I've heard from friends, but you know, and then it could be maybe easy for us to be like, well and not understand it, you know, and then that just makes frustration on your you know, So that could that would be I could see that could be challenged, challenging, but also lovely and healing and growing and like learning too, and I think that's a beautiful space within that as well.
It's been fun too because we were out in public, Golijah, and things will come up and a light bulb will go off or she'll say, oh, I never thought about that before, or I mean, I know there's a little on the funnier side, but some things just just culturally. I just found out that women do a base tan. It's just something that white before they go on vacation. You all are spiling you all knew about this. Nobody told us about this, but you'll have to go Tan before you go on vacation to Tan.
Yeah, so get earned, guys.
I gotta tell you, that's just you could have found about a million things and I would have never thought we would talk about that today the base time.
Yeah, just doing the morning run? Does that make you kind of miss or would you ever go back back to doing you a morning show again? If you guys were approached.
I don't think at this point in our careers we would ever say we would never do something.
I can't think of what that would be. But doing.
What we love on a different platform or on an old platform that.
We're returning to, sure we would consider that. At least I would.
I don't want to speak for you, but yeah, you know what, I'm excited. I would be excited to do it again. With the experience and perspective I have by being out of it. There is so much now I'm excited to bring to a morning show, to do things differently from the way I have seen it in newsrooms for twenty five plus years of a career. Those types of things, and also all we have learned about podcasting and a whole new world this has opened up to us and learning about a different business and learning and meeting different people. Like my first calls now if I was at a TV show, my first calls for guests would be to podcast. Would be two guests who've been on podcasts. That whole world that I think folks are coming around a little more too. We're talking about it data in the Damn Confirmation Hearing Is that your podcast? On your podcast? You said this?
And I was like, he was on my podcast? Are they referring to it? They didn't quote wind On, but it did come up about you.
I know that was funny. Is there a news story that is particularly hard for you to cover personally that has come.
Up recently or just in my prow.
Just to like recently for y'all show, Like, is there something where you're like, Hey, I'm not going to cover this, or be like this is just a hard one because it hits close to home, or it's it's just a topic that you don't like to discuss.
You know, I think we're we of that at this point becomes accustomed to. I mean, whether it's a school shooting, there's a tornado, it's a hurricane. We've seen like the worst uh does that that you can imagine in this country? But I think when it gets personal, this is a small thing. I know it's in the grand scheme of things. But we hesitated to speak about Matt James and Rachel m'connell's breakup because been close to Matt for a long time and Matt has been very instring. He was instrumental in helping me out of when we were going through our Funk channel. So on a story like that, there are so many things and so many people sometimes that you you don't even realize sometimes you have a personal connection to and so it gets in your head sometimes like you want to be kind, you want so you try to just do your job and just give the facts. I think sometimes it gets difficult when I mean the story about David Muir as well, the story about George Stephanopolos, right, those things that have been headlined. These are people we know personally. We got to cover it, but you got to you got to check yourself sometimes to not be too kind.
Yes, and interestingly, when you are at least my experience has been when you are on a broadcast network kind of out of respect for your industry or your fellow colleagues, we don't really report on each other ever, So now having a podcast, it's a different ballgame because that should be a part of what we cover, especially because we have inside information and knowledge and we know what's going on behind the scenes, and we know personally a lot of these people who are being reported on. So we've never interestingly enough, I've never really been in a situation where I had to report on a colleague because we just don't do that.
We ignore it.
If you'll notice, from morning show to morning so to morning show, if there's another it would have to rise to the level of a Matt Lauer incident before anybody would report on anything.
And even then it's it's.
Like, did you talk about the clothes little the we did?
Did we did? Because you know I have clipped my clothes before, I have clipped.
During a awful fire.
No, And we I did say that. No, I mean and during a during any kind.
Of it's voicing one word, but that's just that was like, you know, no, I would you say to yeah yeah.
In the studio, but I but I also did point this out, Janna, And this is just total disclosure. I mean I have been to we both been to so many natural disasters, so many horrific scenes where there have been massive casualties, whether it's a terror attack, a school shooting, or a fire. And yes, you pay less attention to how you look, and yes you keep your look so as to not be distracting, but you're still looking in the mirror and I'm still putting on mascara and I'm still considering my hair not being you know, messy or a distraction. So you know, at what point is it too much? At what point is it vanity? And at what point is it just actually making sure that you aren't a distraction on television? Look, I'm not I just I don't want to say, oh, look what he did.
Sure, but then look what I did?
You know? So there where is the line in you know, you're a you're on a public visual medium, so can iteration has to be taken or is taken, and maybe even not by you, maybe it's.
By your Maybe he had people who did it for him. There's just a lot.
Yeah, that's interesting though, because it is it's got to be hard to have then cover someone that you work with and know, I mean I'm trying to think of you know, well, I even think when we do wind down, when we've gone out on the road, we do like a live podcast on stage with an audience.
We have such a great time, but there's.
Always even we like to take, you know, get it a little juicier things we wouldn't normally say on this podcast and just give them like you know why they came right, like they want the inside scoop. And so because we're trusted and safe people with each other, we ask more bold questions. But I still think I mean, even in that I can there's a two a too sworn off rule with like I can tell if I asked twice, and I get kind of like, eh, no, I don't want to answer that by just like I dip, you know, because I'm just like, okay, I get it, we're not we're not answering. Yeah, So I do think there's probably like just a level of respect. I think it's also being that you all have been in badcast journalism for as long as you haven't in so many different arenas, it feels like there has to you probably just know so much that it's like at some point you're giving benefit of the doubt or you're giving gracious assumption because you just know what you know and you can't unknow what you know, so probably being protective or knowing and giving gracious assumption, you just default to that.
We do.
And look, we not just at where we used to work, but just in the industry. I mean, this is yeah, it seems like such a big industry, but it's such such a small community. We all know each other. Every story that comes out, anything related in media, we know somebody connected to it without a doubt, but we hold back on commenting on on everybody.
With that commenting on it. When you comment, people will make headlines too, And so it's for me, it gives me the I get sick like the especially if they don't know the full context behind a headline too. But then also I've had to check myself, going, no, that actually wasn't a very nice thing for me to say, And so it's been good reflection too, to go, did I really have to have an opinion? And why did my opinion really matter in that moment? And why did I say it like that? Because that was probably not a nice way to put it and say it. And so I think, you know, there's kind of growth in all of it too.
But that comes from you could because you've been through some ish, right, You've been through and we have caught ourselves as well in writing a headline or writing a line like that's not actually accurate. I'm just trying to get somebody to click on that or get some attention. You do, you check yourself on that all the time, and that comes with perspective. My god, the headlines and things we've seen and read about ourselves that we absolutely could not believe. We don't ever want to in a position that we are doing that to anybody. We give everybody the benefit of the doubt on our everything that comes out of our mouth. That was that went for what was the those two famous I say famous, Uh, nobody else knows about it, just us. Kate Middleton and the Golden Bachelor. Yes, right, those were two examples that everybody was talking about. Kate Middleton with the picture, you'll remember that whole scandal, photoshop.
The picture, photoshop there, and they were saying terrible things about it.
Then the Golden Bachelor, right, they got divorced right after and everybody was saying, what is his deal? And then it turns out both of them ended up having cancer. Those were extreme cases. But I'm saying those type of mom, I hate, hate, hate, those stories where the mob comes after somebody and just everybody, just take a beat. Let's just wait to hear what actually happened. That type of stuff drives me crazy. And she knows that I'm getting worked up talking about it now. It's just it. I just it drives me nuts. Just everybody, just take a beat, let's wait to hear. It's a human being. They made a mistake.
But Jesus, do you think that your perspective in that, and your grace for that and your protection of that comes from the fact that you all met working together, and.
That you you.
Had worked together for a long time, and the way that you all have connected and you you bonded quickly over I would guess intelligence because I think Amy's a wildly intelligent female from just what I've always watched. You know, no offense, TJ. I didn't super watch you, Ton, and that's not it's just like I just like her.
You would not have been impressed. It's okay, No, it's.
Not that I've never It's just that I haven't as much. But I I'm asking that because I know you know the headlines struck y'all too, and that I wonder I guess my question for you is, because of that's that I mean, can't even imagine what that feels like, because only you two really know the truth of any of that, and because the headlines drove.
So much of that.
Do you feel then like you have a stronger protection and a strongerracious assumption for people and their humanity because of that?
Absolutely? And I think and I know both of us treated anyone we interviewed with that same level of respect. I that was a huge part of who I was as a journalist, who I am as a journalist, to not rush to a judgment or an assumption, and to recognize the humanity in everyone I interviewed, no matter who they were. But it's one of those things where you can imagine what it's like to be in their hot seat, you can imagine how tough it must be. But until you actually go through it and have the vicious headlines and you have the agendas and you have a narrative being written for you, you can't know how crushing and horrific and suffocating and frustrating that is so.
Yes, I think I was a little like that already, just extending great. I mean, something as simple as I always use it as the waiter at the restaurant might be an awful waiter doing the worst job ever, being rude, and I'll just go, you know what, maybe who knows what news they got before they came here, about their health, about their rent, about family member, you know, just give people a pat I was always kind of like that. Now I completely defer to whoever is getting trashed, like who I will defer. I need to hear this person, I need to sometimes even hug this person. You don't have to. You don't have to make an excuse for somebody's behavior, right, You don't have to do You can still put your arm around them and tell them they're doing something wrong. I just wish we could find a way to do that publicly. We never, but that's just how I view it now that people are making mistakes, we can talk about it, but we just don't have to assault them via social media the way we do, or assume the worst of them.
Sure, and I think within headlines and stuff, I know I've fallen guilty to this, but I've felt like I've had to defend certain things. You know. Now, it's like I know my truth and all of that, But do you feel like there was something for you or like I need to defend X or this, you know what I mean?
Like was that?
I mean that is the first several episodes of our podcast for us doing just that, because we stayed silent for a year, and unfortunately what happened with that is other people spoke for us.
So yes, we absolutely felt like we had a record too correct and a reputation to defend without a doubt.
Just should have done it earlier though, that's the only thing. Should have done it immediately, But we weren't as savvy media savvy as we are now.
Well in hindsight, I mean it's you know, of course, yeah, like you don't.
I didn't want us weekly breaking the news that my husband was a sex addict and rehab like I you know, but also I didn't want to come out with that information because I didn't think that was information that I wanted people to know, and so that was our own personal thing. But that was sold to a publication from a very close friend, and you know, then I had to then do the repair after that, and so you know, you know, reading and hearing because I was listened to your show when you guys were talking about it. But I mean to have, you know, a publication. I don't want to say out because that's not the word, because y'all have had your thing and you've talked about it, but like, it's not to not do it on your terms is a Really it's really messed up, and it's very violating and it's very disrespectful, and it's ensure we could you can say like, oh I wish I did it this way, but I mean you guys were just doing what you could in that moment too.
And Jenna, they did out us. They outed our relationship. They didn't out an affair, they didn't out cheating. They outed a relationship that, yes, we wanted to keep private until our divorces were finalized, but we were well into the process of our divorce and we thought we had to write or at least an option to have a few months of privacy while we were putting all of our affairs in order before we went and said, hey, the one.
I was nervous that TJ was not going to like that. I honestly felt it a little for me, and then I.
Was like, oh, no, no, and there's the clickbait we all talk about.
Damn it.
We've been working for two years. One word ruined it all, one word.
Getting our divorces in order. But yes, uh wow, Ayn, that was fun. Yeah, but when someone tells your story for you, it's really hard to untell it and tell it correctly because people only heard what they were told initially, and all the pictures that they put up as proof to sell their story all.
Stuck in people's heads, and it's sometimes.
Look, I remember someone telling me this when I first got into this business, be careful because perception is reality. And obviously that's kind of almost an oxymoron in a phrase, but it's the truth, and so whatever the perception is, it's sticks and then that just becomes the truth, whether it is or not. And we knew that intellectually, we'd seen that happen to other people, but until you actually personally experienced it. I thought it was funny when you said we weren't media savvy. It sounds funny coming from the media, but the truth is that is a whole other level of being in the spotlight.
That we had never experienced before.
Well, and I think you're humanists. I think anyone's humanists wants to defend themselves because you know you. But I also think in the seat that I sit now, and this isn't the majority of the population, you know, Like I think that's where we get the trolls and the hate and all the things. But I think a healed person that's been through their own knows that taking a minute is actually a really mature, mindful and integrity driven response instead of coming out of the gate arms swinging, emotionally driven. And for the vast majority, if not all, of your careers, you've had to report that exact same way. You've had to report out of factual integrity and not emotion driven news. So to imply that in a personal way, probably I would imagine, was quite stressful and difficult.
You know, I never really thought about it that way us trying to at the time. I can still remember standing in my dressing room trying to deal with the situation because we weren't in the same city at the time. I'm thinking about the right practical way to go about right. We even wrote press releases in a very journalistic way I guess you could almost argue that we were reporting time, who, what, when, where, why? Why? It was we set it up like that, But I hadn't really thought that our minds were working in that way at the time. That maybe caused us to react and behave the way we did initially. But we we know from now on, a man, you say anything about us, we will be out and with a response in moments. We just we will not allow that to happen again again. Lesson learned, and to be honest, I'm still sitting here still thinking a little bit about talk about training that we were laughing. You accidentally use that word right, And I'm still sitting here thinking, how are they going to try to take that and make some negative hit?
Trust me? I After every episode, I'm like, did I say something where they constrained? And I just re listened to something just a couple of days ago because I was working with Sam or I was Sam Baldoni was on my movie set the last few weeks, and so they had asked about, you know, did I hear anything about Justin and Blake? And I'm like, I had to listen back to make sure nothing would have been any way just you know, because they will try to, you know, put it together. I mean even you know, they tried to your headline that you said about me, like you know, TJ things, Jana Kramer's crazy, you know what I mean, and you know, and you know he's you know, texting me like I'm sorry. I was like, no, I know it was funny, and I took it as funny, but like you know, they just try to turn something into something.
You know, but yeah, to that point that how bad I Felda was still trying to get adjusted to it. I didn't know you well enough at the time I saw it. I was like, oh, what if she sees this and things actually said something horrible about her. Obviously, some people only see the headline. If you're lucky, a few people will read a few sentences down, but nobody's going to go listen to the full podcast to get the full context for what I said allose other things, and it's a it's a terrible way, and then we all.
Quitting on a daily basis. I questioned this podcast.
You end up finding to pre edit yourself, which is just no way to live and it's not the right way to communicate. But you end up kind of doing that because you're just so afraid that, yes, you're gonna do what I just did. I should probably pre edit a little bit more.
Is there human?
Yeah, and in you know, obviously relationship show? What is because I want to celebrate I love celebrating relationships. You know, you guys fell in love, you know, was it the how you guys wanted to happen?
No, but love was found and I think it's beautiful and I think that should be celebrated. So what is the best What is the best part of y'all's relationship? And like, what what is you know? What does TJ do that you know fills your cup? What does Amy do that you know just makes your day brighter?
I wish they could see TJ's visual responses to some of these questions.
It's gold.
Yeah, I'm like, you know what that was?
Every question she was asking I had an immediate answer for. I thought I was going to have to think a little longer about it. But as you were asking those things, the things I love every day she lit to Relie slides across the hardwood floors in her socks. She does it twenty times a day. And what I mean, I always about her. She never gets rid of that childlike enthusiasm. It's always there. And so sometimes if you don't have not in the same mood or don't have the same energy, it might seem like it's annoying because it's almost like a little kid pestering you. I'm not no offense, but I'm trying to put people in the right mindset. It's she has that energy. And I think, I say all the time, you're not looking for somebody to grow old with, You're looking for somebody to stay young with. And I found somebody that I can stay young with who was my best friend before we ever got romantic. So I am just still getting to hang out and work every day with my best friend, and I get some man that benefits.
It's a little slideshow, okay.
And for me with TJ and it's he is the funniest human I know.
He makes me laugh. I have never laughed more in my entire life.
And that was one of the reasons why as a friend, I could never get enough time to hang out with him, because it was a blast.
It was a guaranteed blast.
So I amuse you, Yeah, you amuse me.
We have the same kind of humor, and I just and by the way, to actually be really funny, to have those quick responses, those quick ones, you have to be so freaking smart, like he is so intelligent. So I just have a huge amount of respect for him and his intellect, which also translates into just an amazing byproduct of humor, which I love.
How I love to laugh.
It's my favorite thing to do, and so it's awesome that my favorite person makes me laugh.
Smart and funny.
You're a real catch.
The sliding into DMS thing is going to really take on a whole new thing for me now that I.
Know you, I shoudn't start the podcast that way.
Just slide into the screen Tom Cruise style, do you know?
I'm not kidding. She does it all around the house. Sometimes not just going from one room to another. She'll just go to this wall and take off running and just slide to the other wall.
I mean, I don't even I didn't realize how much I did it, but I love doing it.
Yeah, And it is very Tom Cruise, risky business esque.
It's remind I like it exactly what I do.
I actually do it.
Around the house.
Have you ever done pledge on the bottom don't like a helmet first, but give it a try. I mean, sister, you can really get some link, you can get some mileage.
We're helmets.
Yeah, pludge, I can't. Well, thank you for coming on, appreciate it. Pitch, pitch the shows. Tell tell all our lists, our listeners where they can listen next.
Yeah, you're way better at pitching than me.
They can listen.
We launched the Amy and TJ podcast a little over a year ago. That's where we do our long form interviews, do a lot of back and forth, cover a lot of topics that are breaking. But we also have the Morning Run, which is our daily news podcast. And again, like you all, we're saying, you didn't know it was there, And we have now at a point with the Morning Run, which we only launched three or four months ago, we are so proud of it and we are now excited to go tell people about it and to go sample it and to check it out. And it's guaranteed there every day at six thirty am Eastern Time, so where you are in the country, it'll be there for your commute in the morning.
Yeah, unbiased, middle of the road factual.
With a with a little entertainment.
We we have a little bit sprinkled in there, but it really is kind of no nonsense in the sense that I know, when I wasn't doing the show, if I was out, I was desperate, if I was commuting or in the car or on a run, I would have loved to have had like a twenty twenty five to thirty minute synopsis of what I needed to know before I started my day, before I got to where I needed to be, And that's exactly what we do. So it to me, it's perfect. If you're on your way to work, you're dropping your kids off to school, and you just want to know what's happening or what's going to happen today, you'll get it on morning run, right.
And I got to know, TJ, what are you drinking?
It's uh, you know what. I'll show it to you because you probably wouldn't believe me. Jinna, it is.
January, so it's are you doing dar?
January's sparkling, bubbly with a little I am very mixed in interesting. I just fooled myself.
Into I'm like, are we starting early?
Like that is that a branded mug?
Yeah, it's a branded mug filtered water with ice. That's that's what I'm drinking.
Boring, boring. We would have been much if we had been drinking this month.
You'll do that another time off air.
All right, Well, thank you guys so much. Appreciate you, and we'll be chatting soon.
Thank you guys.
All Right, I said broadcast voices, did you I wanted to be an anchor woman?
Really? Yeah?
And do you know some dude at Channel four and Detroit. I went and sat in the general manager's office and he said, he shook me down, creamer. He squashed my dreams. But what he did is he filtered who was going to make it and who wasn't. Because he said, could you stand in the pouring rain and and report over a dead body in the middle of Detroit?
And I said, no, I don't think so, Like I actually don't think so. And then I was like, so, I guess I guess that's not it. I just feel like it felt a little ool crushing.
Yeah. Once I knew I wasn't running for the Senate, and then once I knew I wasn't go I didn't want to. The thing is, I just didn't want to go to college.
So I was like, what can I do that avoids college?
And I was like, actress, but don't you have to go to like school for like to be like in the Congress and the Senate.
Like that is what I.
Wanted to like, I really wanted to do that. And I mean I won extra credit with something to go to the Capitol and I got to sit there and watch, you know, a Senate hearing and all of it. And then and then after that, I was like, I don't think then, I don't think she's caught out for this. And then and then the anchor woman, I was like, how much school do I got to do? So I was like, Hollywood, it is your career.
Math is awesome. Oh okay, what a wild world, wild wild I love.
You, Love you to talk next week.
Bye bye