Jana's Engaged Part 2

Published May 26, 2023, 12:00 AM

Allan's here!

Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I'm Heart Radio podcast.

All right, so welcome to part two of wind Down. Everyone. Welcome my fiance Alan Rosso. We get to keep him forever. He's like, what did I sign up for? He's like, it's me and my three wives. Is so Mark, that's Mark, that's our we call him Daddy. He's like the podcast Dad. Mark is a huge soccer fan, and so he was the one who said I think you should date a soccer player. Oh yep, sorry that it just.

That just seemed like right to me. It just seemed right. Okay, I don't know why that was in my head, but it seemed right and it turned out to be very precious.

I mean, you're of a psychic Mark.

Maybe I AM could.

Have used you about nine years ago, Big Mark.

Okay, the old magic gate ball didn't that much to say.

So do you have any questions? Mark? I know you have to go soon.

I mean I have a lot of questions. I'm trying to think a word to begin. I guess we'll start with how long have you known? How long have you known that you were going to be taking a knee?

Oh, she told you that I took a.

Knee, not that she told me.

Pretty much.

Yeah, from the moment I met really wow.

Yeah, yeah, you knew very quickly she was the one I did you. Wow. That's lovely.


I feel like I have lots of questions about you and and I hate to double up if if this has been cover on the pod before, but we haven't.

Honestly, he's very private, so like we don't. I don't. I haven't even said like his anything like really truly. I mean I've really respected his privacy on things, but I mean he can he can.

Should I also respect his privacy on things, And I'd ask these questions.

I think people want to get to know him, and I think he's open to I would like to. Yeah, so let's try it.

Well, h are you have you been married before?

I have you?

Okay? You have kids?

Yeah, I've got a little boy who will be sixteen this year and a stepdaughter who will be twenty four.

Twenty four?

Oh wow, and you were married for.

I was married for.

Eleven years together for together for yeah, like sixteen years fifteen sixteen years.

Wow, Okay, I mean I don't need to get into that stuff. I mean that seems like your business. So it's a blended family, but not like in it, you know, where the kids will be playing together, like there's a big age gap there.

Yeah, there's a few age gaps. Yeah, but they all got on.

Well yeah that's good. And Janna's met the kids adult and teenager and everything hit it off.

Well yeah, yeah, it was nice.

They were out here about three weeks ago, three four weeks ago, so here for like ten or eleven days, so it was nice.

And how are we going to handle logistics here of London to Nashville.

I go back for about ten days a month, so I've got fast and foremost I go back to see my kids and then I've got some business stuff back in London as well, So yeah, roughly.

A soccer coach, football coach, right, and.

A football coach.

Yeah, but I've got a protein bar business as well, which I go back for.

Oh wow, but during the season, the football season, you wouldn't have to be there full time.

And the moment, I mean, I stepped away from from my last club about nine ten weeks ago, and at the moment, I'm just weighing up the options of where to go next, whether it's whether it's Yukia, whether it's America.

Oh wow, Oh so okay, that's great. So we were undecided if to where the like you know, the marital home might be or maybe would be an international you'd have multiple.

Well, I think if we're going to go international, we need to talk to the rest of the couch because the rest of the couch is a little codependent.

Yeah, it feels fair. We're not moving, are we.

I think we'll have a home in both both sides of the wall size.

I can't wait to visit the other home. I think home bases. You know, we have definitely the new Nashville home. And then you know, I've always said to him, like, wherever the job takes you, like I just want you to be happy and successful in your career, Like we'll be fine regards less, which is again very new for me, because but I just I trust him and I trust what we have, and I'm like, I'll, you know, we'll figure it out. Like I think you make work what you you know you really want.

And if I'm correct, you two. This is another example of a dating app success story. No wrong, no, oh, I read that somewhere.

Yeah, he DMed me.

Oh so it was app based, but not like Riya, this is like Instagram DM.

We did not meet on Rya.

He so what why what drew you to her in the first place? Were you a fan?

It was a big one tree killer Mark.

Well, no, my friend got a job here and Memphis as a as a head coach, and we discussed me possibly coming out to work with him.

So I was looking a lot.

On my phone on the Memphis and Nashville area, and as your phone does, it thinks of algorithms and spits things out on your phone, and this little face popped up.

I didn't know that.

That's cute.

And then did you like if if it's me, I'm doing my homework at that point, I'm looking in I'm googling her. I'm seeing who she is and what she's all about. Did you do that before you asked her out?

That didn't look into it too much? Now I think, do I feel background check?


No, that's just what girls do. That's what I did.

That's what I done. Did you know that she was a musician, that she was an actress, this stuff and if she was a musician, yeah, okay, gotcha, And that I was a man? Yeah, okay, that's good.

Yeah. So you knew those things.

And then yeah, I mean, I mean, obviously I knew once I looked up Push she was. I knew about being an actress in the music industry and that she looked like an amazing mom and had a couple of amazing kids.

So I knew that.

Yeah, and his message was very respectful.

Sorry, go ahead, that's what I want to hear. I want to hear that initial message roughly.

Yeah, roughly, I don't. I actually can't. I actually can't remember.

Because I don't know that that's could be educational for people, Like how do you do that? Like a stranger to another stranger, dming them with romantic interests, Like it's more than just a hey, right, it's like a hi, Alan, I'd like to get to know you better. Like what is it? What's the vibe?

I think it was.

I mean, I'm quite a traditional person enemy so I think it was. It was very respectful and monoly, and I think it was along the lines of you look like an amazing person, a great mom, and it would be it'd be good to connect something along those lines. So don't quote my words on it, but it was really.

Like it was really handsome and like not slimy. It was the part that was it was very appropriate and just like courtship.

Like so this was immediately shared with you two when she got to steer Mark.

Mark. We're all marying Allan, all of us. But it also was something where I saw it and I'm like, oh, he lives in London, like I'm not. And at that point I was very happy being single and like I was good, and so I kind of let the message go for a bit and then for some reason, I kept thinking, I'm like, there was this football player coach I think like he and so I kept going kind of back to the message and then I gave him we kind of what stopped a few times, but then I went away again for a few weeks, and then he would text and but he stayed pretty stayed pretty persistent.

Yeah, was the first date here or there.

Well, so he was like, hey, you know, if you want to come over here, and then I was like hm hmm, like if you want to me, Like yeah, I don't know this guy, you know what I mean, Like I do you know what I mean?

For sure?

Come here? And I've kids and I'm like I'm not doing that, you know, And so he had.

A Yeah, I was.

I was already in the US, so I made a short trip to Nashville from where.

I was and yeah, he was again very respectful, very And then the second we met at the One hotel in Nashville, and when he turned around, it was like I was living my I told the girls. I was like, it was like we were in our own version of like a Christmas movie, because like the lights were already up in the hotel, and like he's wearing this long like pea coat and just like I just see like his behind, you know, his jacket. But I knew it was him, and so I was like, I'm walking into the hotel and then I go hi, and he turns around like a slow mo It was like a slow mow thing with like a little the end the ends of his peacoat kind of like in the wind. And he's like, you know, he says, I can't impersonate his accent to save my life. But he was just like hello, Joanna, because that's how he says my name. And I was just like, oh, I'm done, done, done so.

And did you feel the same, Alan when you saw in person? You were pretty pleased.

I told you pretty please, pretty please?

And was it just drinks? The first day was drinks at the bar hotel bar, and.

Did we get fits?

So what happened was we give no, Well, what happened was is we were sitting down, we got a drink. He's like, what would you like to drink? And I was like, I'll take a gossip wine, I think I said, and he got a drink. But then someone approached me. They're like, oh my god, I'm wake one Tree Hill. And I was so embarrassed. I was so embarrassed, embarrassed.

That's a big deal. That's like an after easy act, Like, oh my gosh, she has fans.

So after I paid that girl twenty bucks, she left Alan and Jane alone.

It was just for the effect, you know, we got.

To that effect.

Yeah, no, And but then we ended up I'm kind of trying to find a different place to go, and then we ended up going up to his suite. But we've just stayed in the sweet department and we ordered we ordered a take in member because we didn't want I wanted I didn't want anyone to see us because it was like, you know, even though I felt mad attraction in a connection, you have to be careful. There's people around Nashville that talk, and so I just wanted to keep it quiet in private. And so we had a lovely time. And then I saw him the next day and the next day, and then we faced the next day. Do you mean that you saw him the next morning or I had I got I had a sitter, and I had to go home. And that's the responsible Christian thing to do, was to go home in Jesus name. Amen, I just want to clarify for the folks, Yes, I went home. No, I know, they need to know.


And then she last, yes, I understand. And then he went back to England a couple days later, and then that was my when, like then I started flying there.

Yeah. I need to go soon. But I do have one more question. I want to set the scene for the for the listeners that he's very handsome as you as you all have googled by now, I'm sure. But he's in a black T shirt, he's in black jeans, and he's in flip flops. And I'm not sure how I feel about the flip flops. Janney, your thoughts.

The most American thing about him?

They're his house slippers.

Yeah, you don't mind that. Huh.

No, I like a guy in flip flops. He actually never he's usually he's always in trainers, so it's like it's weird to actually see him in flip flops.

It was wrong with flip flops.

I'm not I know, if I were walking around my house and flip flops, I would get my wife would be like, what's going on?

What do you do?

Really, let's let's put those away.


Yeah, I just think guy's feet aren't attractive. Does he have nice feet?


Cute man feet?

I confirmed just now when you said the flip flops, I had to take a good gander.

I forget like a long life of playing football. I feel like there's some damage done to those and some broken toes, and yeah, I bet I knew.

I was sitting with them underneath the table.

So I actually have a question period. Mark had asked a question. So the one part one of the podcast, I was like, you know, the announcement is I engaged? And he was just he was taken back a little bit given the short time period in which we got engaged. Does that bother you at all? Like how quick we got engaged? Or I mean I guess not because you, but I'm like And then also a two part to that is when you looked up my past, did any of that bother you with my past, like divorces and marriages and relationships?

No, I think I mean sounds of the first question. I don't know if it was your question, mark over it yours.

Well, yeah, I was wondering what the rush is? Necessarily, why not wait a little longer.

I'll try, and I'll be blunted about this. So I think I think you see, you see people who wait for years and years and years to get engaged and get married.

And I mean.

I've got friends who've waited years and then they get engaged and they split up a year later, six months later, or they get married and a split up three four years later, and they've waited years to do it. I've got friends who did it within weeks and have been together for over twenty years. So I don't I'm not so sure there's a set of way to do things. If something feels feels right in your heart and your soul, then I think you should you should follow it. We've got a relationship that's we trust each other and it's built on respect, and for each other.

And yeah, I didn't. There was no there was no rush to do anything. That's all. It just it felt it felt right.

Well, I think that's lovely. I think that's great if you when you know, you know, as they say, right, so, yeah, I mean why not? And she also meant you're not going to get you're not going to actually tie the knot for a while yet. So it's not in that sense. Is you're not really rushing into anything?

No, well not not, so.

It's just a commitment.

What about the past stuff.

Yeah, that's a good question, Joan. I kind of wish i'd asked that one.

I was, I was really I was taking your energy of like, Okay, what would Mark? What would Mark ask?

A good one? That's a good one.

Yeah, that's a good question. I think.

I mean, everyone regardless of how what the past has been. Everyone has a past, but it's how they've they've learned and grown and managed those situations. And and I don't I don't judge Janna on anything from the past. I don't judge anyone on anything from the past, as long as they as long as they show up for me and the people that I love and the people that are important to me. Then it shows that they've they've grown from from any sort of decisions or mistakes that might have been made in the past.

And for me, that's attractive.

And it's just one of the many things that it's hugely attractive about Jana. A's how she she has had all these upsets in the past, but she she moves forwards.

She's a little warrior mm hm. And that's and that's attractive.

I think you're getting a good version of Jenna.

I think you are.

Has everyone crying in the room.

I've got tears.

I think Cat's okay, our little warrior here.

Yeah, I'm happy for you. I think it's great. I think I think you're getting a great version of Jana. She's done a lot of work on herself. She's been through a lot of stuff, and I wish you both happily.

Ever, Aft, thank you so much, Thank you Mark, thanks for popping on.

Pleasures to meet you.

My pleasure, pleasure to meet you. I hope we'll see your own Bye. Mark gets you on the show frequently.

Talk talk football. We love you, Mark girls. Do you have you guys?


Mark Girls, Do you have any last things you want to say to Alan, I'm just glad we get to keep Allen forever. I wrote that.

When she sent the picture, I was like, you guys, we get to keep Allen.

I did because I love him. Yeah, it's wild though, right, Like I.

We have really can I just we have just really put up with a lot of douchebags, and I just am so thankful we have like a man in our world now who's just like respectful and seize you for who you are and like can handle his own. Like my favorite thing about Alan is that Alan is such a secure person in himself, so like he gets to come in and like finally you get someone to like step in and partner up with you instead of attaching to and clinging to and like it just I can't. I just love him so much.

Well, and I think, like, you know, I can go, Okay, what's my part? I you know, in the past, like I attached, I clinged, you know, for because I was still had a lot of work I to do too. So I think where we're at is we both did the work and then we found each other. Yea, Yeah, timing was perfect. Remember our little Christmas party Queendom. Yeah, I'll never forget it. Oh my goodness, I did I did? I have a video? I forget it, you guys, I have a video saying I know this sounds crazy, but I'm going to marry him. And we were all like asking a million questions and you were just smiling. You're like, I was just like, I know, I just know I'm going to marry them. I know that was there was me.

I was like, oh, she said she's gonna marry I marry him, the hopeless romantic. We all we all had our personalities then, like everyone I know.

Sarah's like, I mean all of you guys, Yeah, like, how is this gonna work? Pamulan's like getting out the globe and spending and I'm like, I know, I just I don't know why or how or what, but I will marry this man. And then I started googling what a Scottish bridesmaid could look like and I really went with it for a minute. Yeah, we have not discussed those details yet, but.

Maybe next year, are you guys, you're gonna be one of the brides that doesn't have any bridesmaids after all this time?

No, no, I'll have well TVD Queendom goes to the Kingdom, remember, but in the UK. But also why GBD, Well, I mean I want her to make your own decisions to what the wedding looks like. Hey, we make decisions together, I know, but she has allan Now we have to start to like, it's fine, we have to start to have let your girl go. You have to we're all marry now. I do have one question, would you be upset if the wedding wasn't in England or Scotland, or like if I was like, we're doing it up in the hills at Tennessee. I love it.

I'm here for it. I just want I just want you guys to be happy. I love you so much. This has just been so fun for me.

Me too, But I love Scotland.

Well, she's gonna have a vacation home there. I was kind of counting that we'll go back and forth because.

You don't realize you're marrying Queendom. He's already figured that out. And I love the relationship that you have with Sarah and Julie and Pam and Kristen obviously Catherine. It's it's cute.

Yeah, that's all great, every one of them.

Any last words any last words, my love. Okay, I love you, you accent. You're welcome wind owners all right, We'll see you next week for another announcement.

Whine Down with Jana Kramer

At the end of a long day, nothing is better than winding down and decompressing with a good friend,  
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