Friends from The Hill

Published Feb 1, 2021, 5:00 AM

This is a Whine Down you’ve all been waiting for! Stephen Colletti and James Lafferty are back with Jana to relive some of their craziest behind the scenes memories from One Tree Hill. 

Find out what happened when Stephen reconnected with Kristin Cavallari! 

And the guys share their most intimate memories from the first moment they each met Jana.

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Wind down and Michael and I'm radio podcast. All right, So this is a really fun episode because well for the tree Hillers, I mean for everybody, but for everybody. But it's like, you know, so many of your fans and following are tree Hillers, and they're loyal, so they're always wanting to hear from former cast mates from the show. And we have two awesome, awesome guys to Yeah, we're going to have James Lafferty and Stephen COLLETTI um coming on the show because they've got a new show on Hulu right now. Um. Everyone's doing great. It's a really really good show. So um, I'm excited to talk to those dudes. But how are you feeling. We're about to go to Canada this week? We are, I'm I'm excited. I'm excited for the change. I'm excited for as we're just as sounds. It's kind of a sense of normalcy, right because we're used to traveling, were used to like going places and doing things. So and Jason has become such I mean the kids O. But Jason really is a homebody because he's not used to traveling. Yeah, we go anywhere in two seconds out He's like home home. Yeah, thirty minutes stops and he's like home. So it'll be good for him to change things out because once, you know, traveling is a little bit more back to normal and we're traveling more. We always try to take the kids when we can if we're gone for a decent period of time, so we want them to get used to that, like Jolia is, Yeah, and I think I don't know, Yes, I just wish that there wasn't the quarantine period because it just adds because we have to quarantine for two weeks. Yeah, and it's not I mean, honestly, that's not the part that's giving me anxiety because I mean we pretty much a quarantine here anyways. I mean we don't go anywhere minus like the grocery store here there, or like Jolie's, you know. I mean we go a few places, but it's not maybe out to dinner once every two weeks. But I don't know, it's not like it's going to totally change. But I think just having to be being told that you can't do something is what gives me anxiety. So it's like you have to stay in this house for two weeks and you can't leave, like automatically, I'm like boom anxiety because I'm like, well, what if this happens, what if like we don't even have a car, Like what if something happens with the kids, like hello, emergencies in the middle of the night, you know. So I'm just starting to like freak out about that. So I just actually emailed production because I was like, as if there is something that happens in the the middle of the night, like I'm not gonna be able to sleep knowing just in case something happened. No, for sure, I think they need to understand that with two kids, like I don't care if they have a doctor on call, Like if we have to go, we have to go, so just to be able to have a car, they're accessible, and you know, we're adults, we're professionals. We're not going to go anywhere if they say don't go anywhere. Yeah you know what I mean, Like we're not going to jeopardize the production or the movie that you're doing to be selfish. Yeah, you know what I mean. It's just I don't know, I don't know why. I just have I have so much anxiety around it, and you know, kind of like we said, it's not our space. And but at least it's better than it's better than what some I know some people are they have to quarantine in their hotel room and for two weeks. I'm like that, I for sure like I would. I wouldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I would lose my mind. I mean, it's like being in a jail. I mean even mattress right, even me, who you know, loves to contain his excitement, and he's dropping her off, like singing, pull him out her luggage and everything. He's like, all right, have the most wonderful time. And she's like, no, put my bags back in the car. I'm not going anywhere. You're too him happy, Let's go home. And then on the way home he's just miserable. And then you talked about at lunch with his buddies, like the next day they're like, you're too happy. You gotta contain it. Everyone knows you gotta contain. It's like I'm gonna miss you, when really you're like high fiving yourself inside. It was pretty funny. That is funny. Huh yeah. But we're gonna be together. It's gonna be great. No, the that we're gonna be together. I mean because there had been I couldn't leave without my kiddos and family. So I'm super excited. Um, so yeah, we're heading off to Canada this week. Guys, you were from here on out, the episodes are going to be recorded in Canaday. They're all going to be in French. That would be awesome. Do the speak French and Vancouver that I thought that was more Quebec where we went last time. Um, yeah, it's more of the eastern Canada. But but still that was you know, a lot of that was French territory in general, so I still think there's more French. I guess there's more French than there's like Spanish. Sure, Um hey, guys, did anyone get my one brick Wines? If you didn't get him, now, well don't you update this? How's that going? It's going really good? Yeah? Yeah, we have a red blend, very inexpensive, low sugar, low and sulf fates. I'm excited. Good. The sales are good. Sales are doing good because I've been, I've been. People are liking it. So that's what's exciting about it. That is that is awesome because it's fantast it's so good. It's fantastic. Well, we have like the best wine maker too from Napa that did the you know, helped create the wine with me. So I've been and the fact that it's a little sugar makes me super happy. But I'm excited for you that it's doing well because this was like your baby. This was out of all the things that you're doing. I know you really want this too, you know, take off and be sustainable because it's something that you're so passionate about. I do like my wine. So um, and Michael is working on his hat business. Y'all, it's gonna be good. It's going to be excited. We're gonna you know. It's just we love you guys, that's all. So we just thank you for your support. So before we get um, James and Stephen on, you know, is it is it feel like kind of like when you're on a show like that, does it almost feel like a high school reunion? Not that based regardless of that was based in high school, but you know, it feels like you're seeing these friends from a long time ago. It just has that sense of like a high school reunion for sure. I mean, I was definitely closest to Stephen obviously, because I spent I did all my scenes with Stephen. Um, I had very few scenes with James. So and like when I was in the show, it was, you know there there was just some not cattiness, but just like you can't talk to this person if you're friends with this person, and so it just became like a So I wasn't very close to James because of certain situations on the set at the time, But now, I mean everyone's really close, and it's kind of frustrating because I'm like, why couldn't we have all been friends then? And you made like the Nevies life a little bit of hell. But it's cool al right, because you couldn't make up your mind for yourself because you as soon as you got in there, whoever you stuck with, you have to stick with. But now it's like annoying because they're like, we're all friends now out and I'm just like you one person literally made it hell for us because if we chose the wrong friend, we would be destroyed. So you know, now it's like, you know, well, now everyone's adults, but that's very true. Yeah, so um, which makes you just laugh at those things when you think about your anyone's past in general, right, the cattiness or the clickiness of things in high school in that age and young twenties, you're like why, You're like, why can't I have the knowledge I have the day and be like, um, You're an idiot for thinking that, And I'm going to talk to however, I want to know it's so true because but I mean, like going on, I mean, we me Chantala and Rob came on season seven, so it's like they've already had six years to form these catrets and connections and you know, all these things. So it's like we're just coming in like dipping our toes in, like I don't want to make a mistake, you know, but get that now though, it's nice, like you know, now that I've been able to spend more time with James on conventions and you know, just being able to you know, hang out, and it's you know, they're awesome. But yeah, Stephen and I are like we're like, kin, you know, I think what's cool too, And I mean just from their one convention I went with you two last year and then also meeting Chantelle and meeting these guys and a bunch of people in the cast. Um, everyone was just so nice, Like everyone was really approachable, friendly. Um, you know, you know, reciprocated in the conversation and questions and everything. It wasn't just one sided and anything when I was meeting any of these people. So that, you know, that just goes to show the kind of some of the character the people that I've met that you were able to work with. Yeah. So, and James and Stephen are definitely two of those guys, you know, So let's take a break and get them on all right, Tree Hillers. We've waited long enough. UM. So excited because James Lafferty and Stephen COLLETTI are going to be on the show today. So I remember they were working on Everyone is doing great. Yeah, And last time we talked to both of them was almost a year ago, was last February one Tree Hill conventiontion. Yeah. So I'm just so proud of them because that Everyone's doing great. Um got picked up by Hulu, and you know, I have a little piece of that world with like pitching show. I mean, me and Brian who was on the show about um the first of the year, about Love Addict. So we we had a show we were working on. It is hard to pitch a show. I mean we went to HBO, we went to Hulu, we went to Amazon, like you know, you you go in there and it's just like then they'll give you notes with then this other network on something else. So I mean, it is so incredibly hard. I think I was something about The Queen's Gambit that was passed on like for ten years or something crazy like that, So I mean it's and then there was another show too, and I know that's not the right amount time, but it was something where it's so crazy. Um, even the Stranger Things that was passed on a million times. So to be able to have a show picked up on a network nowadays is so hard. And I'm so proud of them because these dudes are They're great guys. I mean I was obviously closer with Stephen filming because he was my scene partner. I didn't do much with James, UM, but I love both of them. I'm so proud of them. Um, and James just got engaged, which is awesome to a beautiful, girlish actress. And then Stephen, I believe he's still kicking it man, just in the single life but we have some questions that came in from our Instagram to ask them. So, did you see any on Yeah, there's definitely some on here that are that are sticking out to me. So as we're talking to him, I'll pepper these in there. Anything about Kristen, Yeah, there's one about you know, Stephen being pictured with Kristin at dinner recently or whatever. And you know, I think he already addressed that and said they're just good friends. Um, But now there's there's a bunch on here, and it's so funny. I mean, people love the Tree Hillers man. Oh yeah, I mean, and I think too James had I don't want to make this up, but I'm pretty sure James had a tough time coming off of One Tree Hill because he was so typecasted. Because I can imagine you being on a show like that that long and being super typecasted. Yeah, And I've always been someone on the outside of the industry. I've always wondered that it's like some of these shows that do so well, especially if it's like your your big break, you know, later down the road, does that plague you, you know, does that hurt you in a sense? You know, I mean it's kind of like, you know, our buddy Bob. Second, it's like you kind of just have to embrace it after a while. It's like, okay, I'm Danny Tanner. And but then again, you know, and I know Uncle Jesse wanted to do the farthest thing from Uncle Jesse. But then they obviously they did a rething, you know, um, a reunion, and they filmed again because Fuller House, because people love it, like people love to see that character. So it's kind of like, all right, you just have to embrace it a little bit. But Okay, I'm so excited because when I saw I think it was I was stalking your page, James. Sorry Stephen, but um, James posts a little bit more. But um, I saw that, you know, everyone is doing great was picked up on Hulu and I I literally out loud. I was like, oh my god, yes, Like I was so excited for you guys because I know it's been a work in progress and it's been I mean, how many years has it been now even working on it? Four four? I think, yeah, yeah, I think it's it's coming up on four like the next month. I think since we shot, so I think we shot the pilot in April of two thousand seventeen, and then we got together because you guys were doing more of you were raising more money for it, right to shoot the some some episodes of it. Is that that was did We did the crowdfunding for additional episodes, and you were kind enough to come in and do one of our live watches, which those were very popular for us. That was that was that was huge, um, instrumental part of our campaign and it was nice to get that, you know, the One Trail community on board and have you guys come out and help us out and do those live watches like it was fun. I mean, we don't get to see each other too often, so it was nice to have an excuse to get together. Yeah, and it was definitely fun. I'm curious though, because in those four years, was there ever kind of like that should we just stop like is this you know, we're pitching it, we're trying to do this, we're not getting or was it like, hey, no, we've got traction and this is all good. Or did you ever have that moment where you're like, I like, this isn't going to happen. Yeah? Yeah, I think that was the that was the hardest part of it all. The work um was amazing, and just getting to do what we love to do was was incredible every step of the way. Um, there were growing pains for sure, and UM there were a lot of challenges and things we had to learn a long way, but it always felt it always felt good because we were learning and because we we did feel like we were towards something. But I do think the uncertainty of it all was the hardest part, um of just really not knowing, um where this was headed. We we never knew. We always wanted it to be on Hulu, but we never knew that we were going to get there. We always felt like we were a long shot at best. Um And in fact, you know, we were totally prepared to just self distribute and see how that went, which is a much tougher road. UM. So so yeah, I mean I think that there were never moments where we just wanted to throw our hands up and give up. But there were definitely moments where I won't speak for Stephen, but at least for myself, it was like, Okay, what do we really doing here? Like how was this going to end? Because it just sort of felt like it was going on and on with no real life at the end of the tunnel, Stephen, what about for you? Yeah, I mean, um, for me, we always had that plan of self distribution. That was the like, all right, the last plan. Um, if we feel like we've we've you know, exhausted all options and we feel like we've gotten our fair shot, Um, then what you know, we'll self distribute, which which is you know, which is fine? And again it's it's still the accomplishment was really for us to get the money to shoot the thing. I mean, and and there was points in that campaign where we're doing the indieog campaign where I was like, oh, man, like this is we knew it was gonna be a big task, but this is a lot bigger than than we expected. And it was really really hard. Um, but you know, we're we're grateful for the people that jump board to help us out and you know kind of propel us. But you know, you're you're asking money for forty five days, so you know, um, you know, we can't do live watches for forty five days straight, although that would have been fun. We've got have hung out a couple more times, but um, you know, there are those days is where you're supposed to be kind of getting content there and driving it every day, and you're like, ah, already i am not on social media that much, and now I'm on here every single day I ask people for money. She got a little overwhelmed. But again, at the end, goal there, for for the for the show, um was what continue to drive us. And then there were these moments along the way that like we're so unexpected, and whether it's like Janet you coming in and doing the live watch and that being very lucrative for us, or being at some TV festival and James and I literally sitting in a lounge at one point frustrated because we can't get this video on YouTube and just a couple of knuckleheads trying to you know, trying to work the internet, and a woman had come up to us and had just seen the screening and she just started talking to us casually. Thankfully we were nice to her, because then ten minutes later she's like, well, she's like, let me see your campaign, and she wind up donating over twenty dollars in that mone and so it's just, you know, it's one of those things where, uh, lesson I learned there is like you know, the perseverance, Like even when you feel down, you know you've got to continue to strive, strive, and if you need to seek help, see get you know, get get your friends. You know, to be honest with with yourself and your friends about you know, where you might be or what you might need. And as long as you're kind of putting yourself out there and you're working hard, you know, things will happen, maybe not like you expected, but still amazing things will happen. With the timeline being, you know, the past four years working on this project, how much, if at all, has the concept around it changed, Like from day one of you guys you know, having this idea and being to what it is now. M hmm. I think the concept has stayed pretty um, pretty consistent. I mean, we we always knew what kind of show we wanted it to be. We always knew we wanted it to feel dry. Um, you know, in terms of its humor, we we knew that the humor was going to come from like those little moments when people don't know what to say to each other instead of delivering punchlines. Um, we knew that we wanted it to feel raw and awkward. UM and uh and and sort of make you squirm a little bit. You know. That's the kind of humor that we're really drawn to. That's the kind of Those are the kind of shows that really inspired us to make this show. UM. But I will say that like one thing that really I guess pleasantly surprised us and and opened up the whole process for us was when we actually got to set and shooting that first the first season was UM. You know that the actors that came in and really elevated the material. UM. It took you know, We've given a lot of freedom to just do what they wanted with their characters, bring as much as of themselves to the character as they wanted to UM, because we felt like that would just make it feel that much more authentic and real and uh. And then every single actor that came in, whether it was like for um, you know, a tiny little scene or a reoccurring um, a reoccurring role or you know our other leads, like they just took what they had and what was on the page and they elevated to this other level that we just didn't even expect and was always so funny and so real, and it just gave it breathed this knife into the show that we were really grateful for because you know, we knew that a show just about you know, Seth and Jeremy and Andrea. Like any show that is only, uh based on a few characters or where there's a few characters that feel real, it's going to have a limit to how many people it can reach, Right, It's gonna have the limit to how many people actually it actually resonates with. And so to be able to get in the editing room and just feel like we actually know these characters that we're cutting together and like these these scenes that are coming to life in a way that we didn't anticipate, was like that was incredible and that was that was kind of unexpected. So, I know, what everyone is doing great is um But for the listeners, UM give us like the elevator pitch, like what is it about and what can they expect? Yes, So there's these three people, James and I character and Alex Park's character Andrea Davis, who were on this you know, huge vampire drama. It was number one in the Zeke think um uh you know Vampire Diaries or um what what were the movies, Um, Twilight, Ye, sorry Twilight, I forgot. Um, you know just where everyone is obsessed and these faces are everywhere and people know who they are. Um, and so you know that's where they were on a show like that, and it's five years later, Um, and you're just seeing them at home kind of struggling to put life together. You meet life head on as they are, you know, entering their thirties and and um middle age, and um, things are not you know, not as as smooth as they might have expected. And obviously coming from having it easy and feeling the world is that their fingertips earlier on in their life. Um, now they're they're um, you know, they're struggling. The wheels are just kind of spinning. So um, you know these characters what they're they're kind of having to lean on each other. Um, when when they all don't really have bus any leaning on each other because of all that they're going through. Were you guys able to draw from any personal stories or situations from yourself for people that you knew to kind of bring into this material. Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of what inspired us in the first place. Was is um, you know, getting into our thirties and and just sort of realizing that that that I guess that sort of I don't know, that could of invincibility that you feel in your twenties, you know, it starts to kind of wear off and you realize that it was all it was never actually there, right, like, you don't know. The more you learn, the more you realize you don't know, and the more scary of the world gets. And that's something that we were sort of experiencing as we ended our thirties, and we were experiencing it against the backdrop of you know, this industry that is so incredibly uncertain and it's so absurd. Everywhere you look, there's just crazy things going on and hilarious things going on, and um, and we just thought that there was a lot of comedy in that struggle. So, um, you know, knowing that and sort of having those building blocks, we just wanted to create characters for you know, for ourselves and for this world that we could really map onto those situations and have them deal with them in um, really funny ways. You know. We just at the end of the day, we just really wanted to make people laugh. Um, you know, the struggle that they may be going through. I feel like it's a way to get through things, just to try to laugh it off and um, and so yeah, it was really about just like, you know, characters that were close enough to ourselves that we felt we could really portray them and and have it feel real and authentic, but at the same time, you know, heighten certain aspects of our own personality, like take it further to one end of the character spectrum, so that, um, you know, when they do get in these situations, there's more sort of explosive things happening. Um. I love that because I feel like in your thirties is when you're just like a total wake up call, you know what I mean. It's like what James said, I'd like we said the cloak of invincibility, because I think that that he just probably summed up my twenties perfectly. Right now, it's like I run around, whether it's it's burning them in oil or just you know, kind of not thinking too far ahead. It's everything's kind of a little more present and and and just the the long term consequences of things, like it's just not there, you know. And it's a beautiful thing. And I think we love to have that, but you know it's it's the push and pull about getting into your thirties. It's like you take the experiences that you have had, and we talked about this in the show, and you should be applying that and hopefully be in a better headspace, right Like, Oh, I just survived my twenties basically, and now I'm ready to grow up and be an adult. But it's just not that smooth of a transition now. I feel like when you get your thirties, you're like, I have issues and I gotta work three because it's mental and physical too. Like I used to I could play sports all the time, but now, like getting out of bed, you're like, oh man, I'm like I played in a softball game yesterday, and what's wrong with you? Um? I want to know some t though. Did you guys ever argue or fight during this process, like get annoyed with each other? Did we did we go to did we go to blows? Never any fisticuffs? When we got physical it got mentally physical. Yeah, we spent James and I had spent We spent basically all two thousand nineteen in an editing room together. And I don't care who you know who you love the most planet. But spending the whole year in the room together, that's marriage and quarantine. It's like when stop breathing last year, I know, I know, UM, so you know it's thankfully those are those are important moments for us because I usually when we're you know, having mental digits over something, it's something that you know is gonna be better off for it in the end. And you know, I think it'd be a real problem we were just constantly agreeing with each other and everything was hunky dorry because I wouldn't really be honest, you know, um. And what's a partnership about trust and honesty? So you know, you know, nothing crazy thankfully um. And and you know, but we know of course, where we are having a heated discussion over particular scene or something, um, you know, we were better off for it. And yet who wins who who? Who usually wins? And who's usually right? It's usually it's probably a coin toss, but it's usually I think that it's usually whoever was right because usually usually what do is well, you know, we'll have this like needed discussion. We'll you know, we'll lock horns over something and we'll sort of put it aside for a second until the end of the day, you know, just to get the work done, just to continue forward. And then towards the end of the day we'll talk about it again. Oh no, we're still we're still locking horns. And then it we'll just sort of like leave it for a minute and we'll go home. We'll go our separate ways, we'll get a good night's sleep. I mean, y'all are in a marriage. This is a marriage. But in a marriage, I was about to say, I wish it ended up with the person who is right, realizing that right, it doesn't really work that way in a marriage. That's because men are in James, you'll learn this, but like the women are right. No, you just think that because we're time to fighting the battle. So take it whatever I'm learning. There's some truth to that. If we really had any issues, we'd go to our producing team, or you know, we go to Alex with another actress um and producer on the show, uh and tossed by her, and we would get good insight there. So we need a mediatory. So, speaking of that, James, you and Alex are engaged, correct, Yes, congratulations, that's amazing. And so how long. I don't know when you all got engaged, but how long in that process with you guys working together, Like did you guys get romantic or get engaged and and kind of how is that working together with someone you want to spend your life with. Um, I mean, listen, it's it's great. It's like, UM, you know, it's it's a kin to working with this It's just I think it's it's a sort of what we do here with this show. You know, It's like, Um, Steven and I have known each other for a long time. I've known Alex since twenty fifteen when I directed on her show, and that's how we got to know each other. Um, And so you know, she has been there since the beginnings. It's the very first episode of this show. And UM, you know, we had the pleasure of working with producers that I've worked with on three films before this. They were the ones who, really, you know, they had all of this knowledge and how to get your turn of your your little into project into a reality. And they, you know, they were gracious enough to share that knowledge with us and and take us to the promised Land. So you know, what I have with Alex is just like, you know, I think about it the same way that you know I think about the rest of this sort of like film family that we formed. It's just like it's the best of both worlds when you find you know people that you you know, you love personally that you can then love working with as well. There's definitely a balance. So I will say that because I know working with with Mike is it can be hard because you're just you're always together. So it's about finding that personal time for yourself too that is so needed on more his side. But um of of course, of course two, I think in our experience it was like with Alex it was like she we needed to give her those the space that she needed as well, because we were really like taking over this house with these computers and like you know, we're editing, and we're editing. We we didn't always we couldn't always wear headphones. We needed to hear it from the speakers. So you know, she's trying to like live her life while we're is playing the same, like the same you know, piece of dialogue on a loop like seventy five times. It's just and sometimes it could be her, Yeah, sometimes it's her or sometimes it's Stephen like, there's there's not not to give too much away, but there's a there's a line that Stephen has in the show and he goes, you're trying to get me arrested? Are you trying to get me arrested? And She's like, that line is in my head when I wake up in the morning. It's in every time we hear the word arrested on TV. She's like, trying to get me arrested. For some reason, it's that line that she heard the most. How did you propose tour? Uh? Just here was it? Yeah? It was a quarantine proposal and we kept it super simple and safe. And you know, this is our this is uh yeah, this is our favorite place to be. And so yeah, I love that, Stephen. You know I have to ask you, is there going to be a Laguna beach reunion with you and Kristen? A love reunion? We were we had our union, We had dinner together. I know, we were like, all three of us should get together. That was It was good too to see her, and it's nice to have an friendship with her after all these years. Sure we've got quite the history back there, So it's always good to see her. I know, I love both of you. So it was it was cute, like I feel like because you guys were so young then, you know, but I was just like half the internet just lit up. I was like, well, this is this is going to go crazy because you know what it was like. It was nice to see that it was a pose reaction. I will say that because after the extreme discomfort of my phone blowing up and having to turn and um, you know just just yeah, having that kind of blow up much more than you ever would expect. Um, it's nice that, you know. For me, it's I don't really think too much about um Laguna and the show, and for people to have like a positive reaction into I think look back on the show fondly and kind of have memories of watching at and kind of rooting for these people on the show in a way, um brings them some sort of joy. That's cool. So yeah, that UM speaking of that. So right before we did this, we jumped on here with you guys on Jane's Instagram. We asked her followers to send some questions and it's lightening a lightening around. Yeah, it was a million questions, which I love it because of them aren't even questions or statements like James, marry me, Stephen, marry me, one of you marry me. I don't care who like. It's just it's unbelievable. It's so funny. They're just saying. One of them said, James was her hall pass? Oh yes, me, yeah, just noises. Um, you know. So, I'm sure you guys have heard a million of these before. I'm trying to get some different ones. But one thing is, you know a lot of people like to ask with a show like that, you know, what's if you can narrow it down to one thing, what's the one thing you're looking back like you miss about it the most. Stephen, I'll start with you with um with one try Hill sorry, with one show. Um, I missed Wilmington, North Carolina. It was a beautiful place. It was nice to, uh, to spend time on the East Coast after you know, I grew up on the West Coast, so um, you know, I spent a good chunk of my twenties on the East Coast and it was just a different culture. It felt like a little bit of a different country. So um, you know, it was it was nice to get that perspective and thankfully we actually went back to Wilmington's to um to shoot a little bit for our show. So there's some some pieces in a couple episodes, UM where one of the characters goes out to North Carolina and we shot in Wilmington's. So it was nice to to get it in our show as well. I love it. I love it, James. Um, Yeah, I think the I think Wilmington's for sure, Like Steven said, UH, just fell in love with that place, still love. It's kind a special place in my heart. But also the people, uh, the people, the cast, that crew, Um, there were so many folks on both sides of the camera that we're there from from day one, m from you know, shooting the pilot and then you know, to get to know people like that for nine years is um. I just you know, the older I get, the more I realized how increasingly rare that is, and it's just reat to be able to spend that much time working on something with people. UM. So it's really special, Like I'm just I look back on that fondly because I realized how how rare it is to have that experience to get to know people for so long and to uh Yeah, to just in with them and and do the work and sort of have another little family, you know. Guilty pleasure, chocolate, a lot of it. A chocolate that's like wine and chocolate. Probably yes, nice. Uh quarantine, I mean my my, Yeah, the amount of money I've spent on wine in the last year. Um, so just make a wine and have it be researched, because that's what I what I just said. I'm like, okay, because I have a wine, so I'm like, it's all research. I drink wine, a wine. Yeah it comes out. Yeah, I came out. Well, I'll send you one you okay. Jana was like, you know, I drink of wine. Mys make my own get high on my own supply. Alright, brilliant. I'm questioning our friendship right now, the fact that you would after the wine that we enjoyed when Wilmington's and we had went through there too, then you wouldn't even I'm going to send to both of you in congratulations of your Everyone is doing great, hey you, um alright, so everyone, um watch Everyone is Doing Great now available on Hulu. UM. It's such a great show. I love you guys both, and thank you for just being so authentic and being awesome. Guys. We we appreciate you, and I just, um, I'm wanting to maybe audition for episode I mean for season two. You know there's a season to like hook Ull Girl Up Alex j Is Reunion. I don't know. I don't think you're gonna have to audition for that. Okay, cool, all right, Well, thank you guys so much. Appreciate you winding down with us. Thank you, first of all, love Stephen and James. Like I said at the beginning of it, they're just great dudes. They're so genuine how you guys hear them are exactly how. They are, very genuine, very nice, and I just I enjoyed talking to to anybody from the whole crew. Like you said, they're great and their shows. Everyone is doing great. Get it. It's on Hulu. It's really good. Watch it. Um. On a side note though, in one of the scenes, because you haven't watched it yet, but I was rinning on a treadmill and I was watching one of the first like two scenes or episodes, and I jumped on the guys. I saw that Stephen and James were going live, so I just like jumped on the live and in one of the scenes, Stephen has to the pillow, like the casting director and the director are like make love to the pillow, and he's literally humping a pillow like in one of the scenes. And so I went on Stephen and James's live. I was like, whose decision was it? To the pillow? That's so good? But apparently it was like something that Stephen was asked to do in an audition. Really yeah, I mean not to that extent, but like' not how uncomfortable? Yeah, I mean, I like when I was watching it, I was so uncomfortable. I'd be like, I don't care if it's Michael Bay, I'm not king a pillow. That's so uncomfortable, I know. And he's like caressing like the head of the pillow, Like I couldn't. I I don't care. I just I don't think I could do it. No. Yeah, that's and like what you know, as a casting director or whoever is in that room, what are they looking at when they're watching this person, Like you know his hips are pretty good or okay, it's like at his facial expressions or like what are they looking at? Like what are they looking for? I think it's a power trip. If it's of anything, that's what I make. I'm gonna make you capello. Yeah, I don't know. I just sit around telling their other casting director buddies, I made this dumbass propello that's actually kind of funny. We got an email. Yes, um, this one's from Tabitha. So my husband I just found out we're expecting. Congrats, I'm only four weeks along. Two days after we found out I was pregnant, my husband took the whole day off um work for a one hour appointment. In my mind, he could have preserved those seven hours for O. B g U I N appointments or time after the baby comes. I tried to explain, it makes me nervous that he won't have is much time off available when we have appointments or when the baby comes. He got mad and said, my time off is my time, and I'll use that however I want. In his defense, his job is stressful and he needs mental health days to stay sane. But a whole day for a one hour appointment? Am I crazy? Uh? I mean, I don't think she's crazy because it makes sense. I think I think the problem is as women think more logical than men. Men just think what they need in general. I don't know. I mean maybe i'm but I think women are like, okay, like you have because may days off, Like you should probably take you know, one day off while before I go, and like we're thinking like weeks and months ahead of guys. Like we're thinking, like, okay, so you're gonna have to take a day off like when I go into labor, and like what if I have like you know, bad days and there's like two days and then like you know, a few days after the baby comes, and like so like we're thinking does paternity believe If he doesn't, then he's wasting his days, right, And so I'd get that you would be upset. And I'm happy that you said something to him. I'm sad that he responded with such a defensive statement. Yeah. So first of all, they don't say it, but I can tell this is their first kid um, and I think that's that's the thing he's not used to really, you know, realizing that as time is not all his anymore, it's about to not be all his, you know, when it's just you and your partner. Yeah, you sacrifice some of your time because you're spending it together, but we all we enjoy that, so it's not really sacrificing your time. But when you have a kid, right your time, that is your priority with your time. So he's he doesn't understand that concept yet, right, So to your point, she's thinking ahead when the baby's here, that you know, when she needs help, when she's got things going on. He's not thinking of it as like it's my responsive old yet, so he so. And also in his defense, I don't know how Tabitha brought it up, not saying that she came at him hard about it. If she asked him from a good place and he acted that defensive, that sucks. But you know, I'm going to say that my girl, Tabitha came from a really good place and didn't get mad at him and was just like, hey, you know what, I'm feeling frustrated because you know, when I see that you took this whole day off, I make up that you don't care about me and you don't care about you know, the days that will be needed for the baby. That's how I know Tabitha said it. I know she. I know she said it that way and so well, and I appreciate Tabitha at least acknowledging his need for some some time mental health day. So it's just, you know, Tabitha, You're not crazy. You know. He needs to understand that his time is in his time here pretty soon, Okay, like the baby is a priority. So he'll hopefully he'll come around to that and realize that. So just keep having a conversation from a good place and you know, work it out. Here's another one for you. I've been married to my husband for five years now, and we have two beautiful children, ages four and one. Recently, with balancing our full time jobs, daily chores, and two very needy and demanding little children, at the end of the day, i just want to crawl into bed, but I'm also longing to connect with my husband, let alone, go out on a date. It's hard to find time alone time together amongst the chaos of raising a family. I'm horrible at staying up late to watch a movie. I feel like our alone time needs to be specifically planned out time activity, because we sometimes spend thirty minutes talking about what we should do together. What advice would you give to those couples just trying to ride out the wave? Good question, Kara, Um, Michael and I have a marriage calendar. Um, and we basically I mean it can change, but you know it's like Mondays we read a book together. Um, Tuesday's we have our own time or or something. Usually actually Monday's we've because you have therapy. So usually it's been like your own time, but like it it changes, but we have like Wednesday's will do game night. Yeah, we try to have four nights a week that are typically planned on we're spending it together and what we're doing. So we have yet Jana said, typically Monday nights we read a chapter of this book that we're reading, and then we like maybe watch a show or hang out or play a game whatever else we want, but we do that first. This is all after the kids go down, you know. Tuesday is we play a game after the kids go down, and then maybe we'll watch the show or hang out. Wednesday's intentional time, so no phones, no TV, no you know, distraction. We just sit on the couch and a glass of wine and just talk, um, find out what's new in each other's worlds. And then we try to do a date night, you know, one of the other night. So we know that's not easy for everybody. Um, you know, it's easier said than done, but it's just knowing what you're gonna do. Like you're saying, you know Kara or is it Sarah? You think she suppose a't c A R A age. I mean I thought it was Sarah, but I'm thinking it's Kara because Car, I really thought that would planned that one out well to cover our bases. Kara, Kara, Sarah whereich every one of those were just want to respect you in your name? Um, but yeah, so I would say try to schedule something like that and just be flexible with each other. It's like, hey, I had a long day, I'm exhausted. Can we just get into bed and watch something? Sure, but then knowing that there are gonna be days where one or both of you're tired, but you committed to doing something different with each other, and if it's just like start with just one day, start with just like, Hey, on Wednesdays, can we just have intentional time or we just or on Thursdays, can we, um, you know, on Monday, let's pick up the movie we're gonna watch Thursday, so we don't wait already minutes to figure it out. Like Michael's like, hey, we're watching this movie on this day, you know, together. Um, so yeah, just it's tough, but just try to ask for what you need and um try to yeah, try to plan it out a little bit might help. Um, you guys are awesome. We'll see you in Canada.

Whine Down with Jana Kramer

At the end of a long day, nothing is better than winding down and decompressing with a good friend,  
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