Ep. 3 Mom World

Published May 22, 2018, 12:36 AM

Jana tackles what it means to be a mom, and how to find balance with other parts of her life.  Spiritual Healer Shiva Rose stops by, with tips on how baths and meditation can help moms relax, and she gives Jana a suggestion involving a Jade egg.  Then Jana sits down with Siri Daly, and she dishes on why her husband Carson Daly drives her nuts when he eats an Everything bagel

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Wine Down with Janet Kramer and I Heart Radio Podcast. Hi, it's time to wind down again. Hi. Hi, I'm kind of in a mood. I'm just gonna put that out there, like right now. Well it's gloomy, that's I think that's definitely a problem. Um, it's like it rain. It's raining today in l A. At sixty degrees, and I think I definitely get like weather depression. I love this weather, you do, It's my favorite weather. It makes me want to do everything. Are you serious? Oh my gosh. It makes me want to crawl into like just a hole and in my bed and just watch like movies, which is great, but like I want to be productive today and I just feel like I've just been lagging and I'm just I don't know, I'm just kind of like And I just got back from Nashville too. I was in Nashville all last week and I love l A. But I just feel like depressed coming back and I'm like bummed about that? Is it? Because the sun is an out well, I mean the weather is like amazing always in l A. So I know I can't complain because it's usually sunny seven. But I think again, like I love Nashville, and that's where I really want to raise Jolie. But what do you love about Nashville? Like, first of all, our our house is well when we're selling it, which is also really sad, and a lot of memories with that. But it's just we can afford a house in Nashville. We can't afford a house here in l A. And what we're renting right now is way more than our mortgage in Nashville. And it's just I mean champagne problems, you know. Again, Like we have a house. We're so thankful, but it's just it's just difficult when you know what you can have in Nashville and then you come here and you're like, oh, I'm in a like a thousand square foot place. Yeah, it's a completely different lifestyle. And it's like schools for like every school in Nashville's and ten. So it's like in here, I'm like, oh my god, it's a fool Like I don't I don't want to I don't want to pay for private schooling. You know. I was like I I loved our public schools, and so I don't know, it's just I think I'm just in a mood and then also, like you know, Mike and I spent like about a week apart, and then you know, you just have to kind of get back into like groove of like being around someone. Wait a second, did you did we do the episode last week? And then you left for Nashville? Yeah, and he came. He came with me for Mother's Day. So we had like the weekend together and it was such a nice weekend and we went to the park and then it was you know, and then I had a few shows I had to play. I had a show for Diamond Resorts, and then I was in Ohio and it was great. But then, like you know how again like when you spend time by yourself and then you get back with your husband and you're like, okay, like this is we're back in this groove. And then but then we're back in our little box and nella, so it's just again it's like just getting back in like the rhythm of things. And then I'm like I felt myself like nitpicking, and I'm like, well, why isn't it like I don't know, I just like I just like came home. I think like, well, I know this is called the wine down. So I'm done. Why I just had to like put that out there. So sometimes I just I'm not getting the mood. Well, I want to go back to episode two when Mike came in and you guys really shared we did you really shared relationship stuff? I mean, you were an open book. I was. I was amazed, Well, what happened did you guys drive together that day? Because I want to know what was talked about in the drive home. I was honestly worried, like what was going to be said? And when we got out of it, he's like, that was so much fun. What I know. He's like, I had the best time. He's like, he goes, there's something so empowering about being behind the mike and having you know. He's like, yeah, does it suck to be the person that's the person that caused harm and pain for someone? Yeah, that's that's difficult and it sucks that it's out there. But at the same time, he goes for the first time because we've always had a major debate because I've always wanted to talk about the infidelity because I'm like, it's already out there, so it's like, why are you trying to pretend like it's not there and that you didn't cheat on me, you know, so it's like, let's talk about it, let's help other people. And I don't think he didn't. I don't think he's never gotten that until he came on the show, because he realized. He's like, wow, like you can help people, and you can share your experiences and and you know, help people get through things. And I've also shared a bunch of Instagram stories that people have dm me and just saying like like thank you for you know, sharing your story, and you know, I let my husband listen to it, and you know, because my husband isn't as um, you know, he doesn't he's not what Mike was doing. He's not listening to my feelings and he's defensive. So it's we were able to help some people. So that's that's awesome. Do you think that that empowered him? Yeah. I think he was like super excited about and he had kind of talked about speaking out about infidelity, especially with like football and stuff like that, but it needs to be his time. But I think stuff like this is getting him like Okay, like I I can talk about it in a positive way because I'm like, look, dude, I don't want to go back through all the stuff and say everything you did, because that's hard for me, that's triggering. But if we can say, yes, you cheated, Yes these things happened, but this is how we're working on things. This is how we're fixing the problem. And again, you know, it's not easy, and it's you know, there are some things that it's hard to go back in time and relive. But it's just I want to be able to give back and help people. And the amount of messages that I've gotten with people saying like thank you for doing this, and I honestly want to say thank you for sharing your stories with me because I don't feel as alone, like they don't feel as alone, but I'm like selfishly, one of the reasons why I'm sharing so much is because I don't want to feel alone. I don't want to feel like I'm the only woman that feels this way or has been hurt or cheated on, or has triggers or depression or you know, I mean, I have major, you know, insecurity issues about how I look and you know, why did you pick her and not me? And why don't I look like that? So it's like there's so many things that go with it that I'm like, I want to be able to share so that I don't feel alone too. So you sharing other people because they're resonating with you, and then I feel that way too, Oh my god, like thank you And I'm like, no, thank you, like because you're you're sharing your stores with me, and I'm like, you feel that way too, like you're you get upset to like I'm not the only crazy wife that is yelled at my husband or you know, gone off one day, or do you feel like you're getting validation, like your feelings are actually valid. I just feel comforted. Yeah, I feel like there's an army of wind down listeners that get us, that get me, that get you, that get like what we're going through, and you know that we can be like a safe place to be able to share and say like, hey, this is what worked for me. You know, I don't know if it's gonna work for you. Like this one girl reached out to me last night and she's like, what do I do? And I'm like it's so hard. I'm like, but this is what I did, this is what helped me. And if you guys are both working, you know, like blah blah blah. But it's like this is also away from me to like also realize too with the work two years down the road, there are things that have improved, so I can look back and be like, God, I know how crappy that feeling is right now, and you grew through it. There is like some silver lining through the hardships. And has anybody reached out with any date night ideas? Oh my gosh. So yeah, someone said, I like the popsicle stick one, so either you put it in a jar and you just pull out a popsicle stick. So I'm exciting our anniversaries tomorrow it is, yeah, three years. Well he has to work, but um I planned a weekend day for us on Saturday. So I'm really excited about that. So I'll share that on but yeah, no, so I am pumped about that. Um so yeah, we'll see. Will that be the first that will be the first date night? Yeah, And I've kind of curated it, and um, he planned last year, so we kind of we alternate anniversary, Like who plans it? That's nice? Yeah, so and but again it's like the anniversary is triggering, so I have to like be present and do you plan on being intimate. Is that like the agenda? I hope so, But I feel like whenever I like, I want to and then if he isn't, then I get let down and then we get a fight, and then I'm like, oh, why don't you want to sleep with me? You want to sleep with X, Y and Z. Why not? So it's like it's I have to like just let the mood take the But sure, I'm an ed love that. I mean, are you concerned because there's the extra pressure because I know, and that's what one of the things like he always has a hard time with because he feels the pressure. But I don't, like, why should there be pressure on intimacy. It's like two people love each other, they should have sex and touch each other and kiss. But issues he does, I know, but he's struggling with something else. Of course it is. That's why you guys are working on it, because you're not in the same place when the all time you had sex since you're getting divorced. Oh for hour ago, we need to find you a man to just go to town. You're kidding, kidding, Okay, do we talk about that in the next episode? Next episode? Next episode, we are we're going there. We're going down on sex, no pun intended, no, but no. Episode four I'm excited for So this next episode, Um, we're going to talk about sex and intimacy, which is which is touchy for a lot of people because some people want to have a lot of sex. Some people are like I'm tired, Yeah, I don't want to, and then there's a lot of well everybody a different appetite. And we have an expert. I'm so excited, you know, we can ask her all. I'm just gonna be like, all right, just sit here for like five hours and talking about this. So, yeah, you guys, Episode four is going to be a really good one. And I'm excited that you guys wanted us to talk about sex intimacy because that's something that is a huge problem marriage, not just marriage. You know, I've had some relationships to where it's just it's been one sided or not. It's it's very interesting, like the dynamics of sex. So we'll talk about that little about it. Well, it's so weird because I was in a relationship for almost how long are we married for again? Almost seventeen years? When did then? When did the sex stop? Oh? Boy? I mean we're probably having sex once a year after I had my son, so probably seven six years ago. M yeah, because of you or him? Me. Oh, you just don't like sex. No I do. I just didn't. I just didn't want to him in that situation. I feel like you're just so much better because you are just you know exactly what you do want not you know what I mean. Like you're like, I don't want to be in that relationship. But that's because I'm old. You're not old, so I mean older, I've had a tune of life experience, and there's no you don't. You don't want to waste your time when you know, when you know, you just have to. You have to move forward. You have to otherwise you die. Eastan, do you have a girlfriend? I'm happily married. Thank you very well, that's right. How often do you guys have sex? Uh? I mean like like perre a couple of times a week. Yeah that's normal. Yeah, like for young, young couple. I guess yeah maybe maybe I don't know, but I can't wait to find share share before we go to the episode, Well, next episode, UM, send us some emails. Jane Kramer at I Heeart Media dot com and uh, tell me about your sex life? So what I not in like the graphic novel? Way please because we have gotten some of those emails and those are scary. How about questions only? Questions only? Yes, that would be great, not dirty stories. I don't feel like reading a fabio novel right now. Okay, So I um so okay. So we have two really amazing guests coming on the show today. We have Shiva Rose and she's honestly, she just she's knows at all. And she's She's got an amazing book called Whole Beauty, Daily Rituals and Natural Recipes for Lifelong Beauty and Wellness. Um, so I'm really excited to ask her some questions. I know you're her daily routine seems incredible, incredible, She's a goddess. And then we have Sirie Daily coming on the show. Um, she's got a really amazing blog. She's married to Carson Daily, so I'm excited to see how she balances mom life. Yes, oh and here she is. Hi. Okay, So how how do I how do I explain in like, if you like, how do I explain you? Because I was trying. I was talking about the book, but It's like I just feel like you know everything. So I just said, like, this is Shiva Rose who knows everything like holistic wellness UM learning how to be awake, learning how to feel hashtag woke but not. But I also feel like that's become too cliche. But yeah, but just like being your ultimate self? How did you get into this UM? Well? When I was are we are? We? Oh? Yeah? We are? Oh yeah, tell me everything. When I was twenty six, I was dying. I had my first daughter and I was diagnosed with I was so exhausted I couldn't recover and I ended up going to a rheumatologist because a dermatologist saw something on my back and uh, they tested me and found out I had a rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and sclurre derma and I had a year to the one doctors told me I had a year to live. So this was AIX and this sort of a catapulted. You just had your daughter. I just had my daughter and I wasn't recovering, and I was like, ah, this motherhood is how do people do it? Uh? And that sort of got me onto the path because, uh, when I was told that diagnosis, I have a really rebellious nature, and something in me was like, watch, I'm gonna turn that year into a hunter exactly. There's something in us, in US warriors that I was like, this isn't my story. And then a friend of mine recommended this holistic doctor and he told me he would get me on the path to healing within a year. And I didn't start feeling great for many years, and I went through ups and downs and roads and turns and this and that. But finally, I think in the last nine ten years, I've been feeling, you know, my optimal self. My hormones are level, my autoimmune conditions are in remission. And that's all because of the holistic approach. It's it's diet, it's uh products that you use. It's getting rid of all the toxic chemicals in your home. It's spirituality. It's a connection to nature. It's getting into touch with your goddess self. It's doing Yoni exercises. It's like it's so much, you know, I need you Just to come to my house for a month changed my way of life. And well, that's what this this book is truly about. Because I started a blog, so I was married to an actor. I was in the Hollywood work know about eight nine, nine, ten years ago, we got divorced. I'm sorry, thank you, thank you, but I think thank you reed no, but I have a partner now in Texas, Texas. I'm moving there in a year or two. Yes, so, uh, what what happened was ten years ago. You know, your life sometimes breaks apart, but it actually breaks open. It's all perspective. I understand you, yes, because if sometimes we don't know it at the time, when everything is crashing down around us, it's just a way of your of you going to the next level. It's like rebooting the computer. So I did not know that at the time. But ten years ago, when it crashed and all my auto immune flare ups were coming back, I had two daughters to raise. So I just went I said, you know what, I'm going back to zero. I'm gonna start. I'm going to get this house in nature. I'm gonna start growing my own food. I'm stopping to the acting. Even though I love acting, it wasn't fulfilling me. And I just started from ground zero, and I started my blog, The Local Rose, to sort of document this journey. And then the book is a culmination of that because there's so many things. It's not just recipes, it's not just a meditation. It's so many different things. It's a lifestyle. So what do you think, like someone that wants to start this approach, what what would be the first because to me, like right now I'm hearing all this sounds amazing, but I'm overwhelmed. Yeah, oh my god, i have to get rid of everything mouse And so what was like, what's the first step that, like, I would say, take three. Take take a moment in the morning when you're clear, and just tune into yourself. Sit down on a on a bare you know, rug some and just look out the window or just close your eyes and just tune into yourself. I would say it starts with that. It starts with connecting to that energy, that source energy, and whatever that source energy is for you. It could be God, it could be nature, it could be soul, it could be spirit um, whatever that is for you. It's like a little like buzzing, I don't I mean, you know something, it's just a little whisper, But it's connecting to that essence of spirit or soul, something bigger than us. And that's like the beginning, I think, and all these things can actually make it louder. And then how do you act on a them? Um? How do you act on it? Yeah? So like with so okay, like today I woke up and I'm like feeling a little depressed, Like what what changes? Like what route do you go to? Like a dress? Well, gratitude, which we've all heard is huge. That that's sort of like that does that every every day her gratitude because the gratitude really is like the entryway into that world. And then would you say like five things you're great? Like what what do you? Yeah? I mean I go through I'll go through the list. If I'm really low and I can't like get it, you know, together, to even connect to source, then I will start with just a gratitude list. Is that the first thing you do in the morning? I want to know what is the first thing you do when your eyes open? Thank you? Um. I have a skincare line which came to me in a meditation. So the first thing I do spray my face with my radiant rose water and then I go where do we get that up? It's like a super vidom for your skin. It really plumps you up. And um and then I go do a living tea. I drink that. So it's in the book. I'm I'm like a spiritual practice horse. So it depends how much time we have. We want your whole daily routine to the spiritual horse. I want to become one because I feel like, I mean, honestly, I'll be honest. I start my day looking at Instagram and it sucks the life out of me. I know, I know. It's the very first thing that I do, and I'm like, and then the second I'm on there, I find myself comparing myself to other people and I get the breast and I'm like, what am I doing? And it's and I'm doing it. I know what I'm doing. But it's systematic the way that it's formed with the dopamine hits. I mean, I'm I do it too, we do you, but I but I'm making it. Definitely you have you can't start the day that way because it is it's made to release and and get dopamine hits. It's that's what it is. Every time you get to like it's like a dopamine. It's a reaction and it depletes us. At the end of the day, it depletes the dopamine in our brands, the serotonin. So what we have to do is start bringing that in, especially as women. Women are made to receive, which is so crazy, but when I got this concept, I mean, we're we're vessels, we're receptible, so we're supposed to receive. So we can't give to our children, our family, or community, the world unless we're receiving. So first thing you have to do is receive energy in the morning. So what I would do is I meditate every morning, even if it's three minutes. I mean, I have a twelve year old at home, now animals, I have, you know, life, but I have to do that first thing before you get out of bed. I get out of bed and I drink this tea, special tea which is the vodka or later did you say it's called living tea and it's it's it's a meditative tea and then you just sit in silence and drink it and meditate. And I do that and then I do a Kundalini yoga. It's the recipe three minutes. So I mean, so you have your two kids at home, I mean, do you set an alarm because sometimes I feel like, you know, yes, I look at my Instagram, but I'm like, all right, you know now I gotta go get Joli. So it's like, should I do you? Do you and make intentional time to like set an alarm to wake up earlier or did I wake up now? And rhythm with with you know, your spiritual calling but also just you know, you got into rhythm with the moon and the sun and all that. But you can you can, yes, set an alarm and go okay, then this is the ten minutes for myself before I get up mind. So you just have to practice doing it. Yes, And at first it's like anything at first, it might be it takes twenty one days to break a habit. I thought it was three twenty one days to really break, and then twenty another twenty one to set new. So forty days. If you do a forty day meditation, your life will change. Can I can I? Um? Have you be like my accountability person? Sure, I'll give you my number. You perfect because I need someone to keep me accountable. It's like a spiritual guide to be like because if not, I'll be like me. I know it's so easy for us to fall into that. What you know, what are your thoughts on I know essential oils are huge, but how how much does that really like help with health and benefits. I love essential always because because it's like the ultimate high vibration of the plant, especially if we are trying to get plant medicine. I mean, such as rose. If you are feeling down, rose can really lift you up. It's the queen of all flowers that's been measured to have the highest vibrational uh vibrant vibrancy of the plant. And you really do smell it, and factually and scientifically it will open your heart, heal your heart, open those receptors in your brain. I mean it is, it is all proven. I make things from my home to clean my house with essential oils, so when you smell that, it can definitely change. I mean it's such a huge direct link. Are there any essential oils for sex with my husband? You know what I mean? Okay? It all comes down with with how you feel about you, you know what I mean. It's all about that. And I am fascinated by the men and women, the polarities. So you you just have to get him to be in his masculine and you be in your feminine and that's like and how you do that is by is by being loving to loving, like like just love loving, and then that will turn and then it'll mirror and then it will feed you. It'll feed you because men are like I mean, it's it's so fascinating to me right now, especially now that I'm in this relationship, just like the polarities like the more you feed their masculine where they feed you're feminine. And you know this is all like time we're living right now. But I mean, like we like, I I feel like we need to go back to some of the roles that like, you know, like like my guy's a cowboy in Texas, Like this is the hell yeah right, your guys a cowboy? How is he responding to? Like crystals? And that's very open because I think if a man is okay with his masculinity, he can be he can like be okay with all that he's like, Hi, baby, was that Over the weekend? I have a male friend that I felt like, how like, so I went to the crystal store because I'm very much into crystals. I don't get the crystals. You'll have to take plan to make smart. Girlfriend. Joey's obsessed and like really, like you're just like waving around this crystal that made my face. My sister rose Quartz crystals and she met the guy that she married but later yeah, okay, but anyway, so you went to the guy's house. Yeah, and so I bought these the black yes, and I put them in all four corners of this and I was like, he's we didn't think I'm not. You're the girl on how to Lose a Guy in ten days placing Listen. I think men, if they if they are in their masculine, they can trust that you're in your feminine and you know you have wisdom, wisdom to bring to him. I mean at first, he's are they are open to that? I mean that guy is a total alpha dude and he's a real man. Yeah, and he's into it and he has crystals in his chick explain he's a musician. Actually his name is Dan Dyer for her, and he's the most amazing musician. Love the plug. So yeah, because he's not really a cowboy, he just the cowboys song. So why convinced me in a minute, why I need to get a crystal in my house? I would say, get a crystal in your yoni like do my vagina? Yeah, like yoni egg time start over crystals and I do. I have a whole chapter on that, which is you know, an amazing It doesn't that hurt? No, it's it's made in the in the shape of an egg, and it's been women have been doing it for five thousand years. Said no, I know where have they been doing Because you were talking about the issue with your with your husband earlier. So this is a way where you activate your sexuality, your femininity, you get I like to this. You won't need to if you use if you use a yonig crystal, which they've been doing in China for five thousand years. The concubine started it to to please the emperor and then they realize that it's giving them all this magnetic Okay, magnetic. So maybe I'm not there yet to putting things. But like what about like can I can I start with the house? Yes, you can start with that, but what is that going to do? Okay? But this is what I like to say with a yoni egg. Okay, it says that you don't need vagina. Yeah, I was kidding. It means sacred space. It means sacred space and sanscrit So this is the thing. Uh a yoni isn't just to carry a child, It's not just to have sex with. And this is what we don't know here in the West. It's like having a beautiful house with a beautiful empty room and you're not using it. So when you start realizing the energy you hold in there, all of women's desires, their discipline, their will is controlled by that chakra. So if that is not activated, if it's not strengthened, then you know your will leaks. It's like a leaking definitely. You have kids, well there you go, especially after you have a kids. So that's why it's like important to get that strengthened in so many ways. Oh my gosh, your listeners feeling, they love it. I live in my own reality so much so that I your fantastic. So where do we find you at um? I met Local Rose on Instagram, the Local Rose and Shiva Rose Beauty, which is my beauty products. So we can get the stuff where we get it. I sell it on my shop because it has to be certified. That's the thing. You don't want to just type it in the computer because you don't want random you want you want a fight, No neo fright. Jade is a kind of jade that's not porous, and it's been used for thousands of years. So you can go to my site and then I have and if you don't want to use me, you don't have to. I don't want you know that, I can send you to people who do it too, because I want I think allating. So I'm super excited to read this book. Thank you. I'm so glad you have it, so excited. It's called Whole Beauty. I want to know more about your daily routine, and I also want to know how and what kind of ritual you do before bedtime. Oh okay, well this is this is a good question because I think women can do this everywhere we we have. I mean, just like you take a shower and wash your hair. Your hair gets dirty, right, your skin gets sturty from just living well, so does your spirit. Your spirit takes on things just because we can't see it. It's like I like to imagine, you know, thousands or hundreds of years ago, they didn't see bacteria, so they didn't believe it. They would operate on people without an you know, an aseptic, so it's the same thing with our spirit or energy are sold. We like start collecting things. So one way to get rid of this. I love to take baths. Love to take baths in um, a good bath. And this is like it doesn't cost you anything. It's it's you know, what do you put in your bath? I mean, well I do, Okay, this is where it gets a little too high high bib. But the water has to be good. So you know, I have a filtration system on my house. So if you can get nice, you know, you don't want to. I have great l a water. So that's the only caveat is like, hopefully you have good water. Um and if not, then you can buy a hot that you can buy a hacket with cris um as salt with him Alayan salt and Himalayan salt is wonderful. Light candles. If put a crystal in the bath. If you're trying to bring in love, put in rose courts. If you want to say, oh sure, whatever's gonna make you feel you know what I mean. That's the thing, like I don't want. The thing in the wellness world that is becoming a problem is now people are like, oh my god, I can't eat pasta. I can't have wine. I can't. You know, that's the other side. Could never do that if someone told me that wine pasta course. I mean, I go to Texas and I would like wine and eating steak. I'm like happy as a clam. You know. It's like you have to live your life too. You can't be some monastic monk living in some you know, some way where you're not enjoying your life. You've got to enjoy life. That's about being juicy, that's about being alive, that's about being you know, in your goddess element is about enjoyment. So yes, baths, I would do black termaline if you're getting rid of negativity for the day. Lemon grass is a great essential oil you can drop. You know, you can mix it first. Don't put it purely in the in the water because it can burn. So I have like a scrub that you can do with lemon ground. Like there's things you can do in the bath, ritual, light a candle, put a mantra on, and then it's all about like filling yourself back up, releasing in the bath. And then when you're putting the body oils on. Just imagine you're anointing yourself and you're filling yourself back up and put the phone away. Well, that's what happens. Our brains get this. Get into nature, I go. I try to walk every day with my dog and I don't bring the phone. And yes there's mountain lions and there's you know, rattlesnakes right now, but you know what, the phone is probably more dangerous than all these elements. Just get into nature. My best ideas come to me. And that's when how this everything came to me from walking in my canyons without my phone. Because the E M F, you know, it affects your brain, so it's not just your imagination. It's like you're literally having a hard time to focus because the E m F radiation is so strong. Do you dream while sleeping? I do dream, yes, And that's a great way to get you know, journaling, writing your dreams down. If you can um listening to your dreams, that's a that's a wonderful thing to do too. So I got eaten by shark last night. So what is what defends if you're young? Because if you're young, Yanny, he would say that you're everything in your dream sweet, So you know defense, which which practice you're following? Well, I I absolutely adore. I think you're you're you're beautiful. I mean on outside, but it's stunning on the inside as well. So I'm just thank you for for shedding some light on the things that I know that I have to change in my life with getting more in tune and um things I need to get rid of on a more regular basis and just owning it. Yes, owning it because this is an exciting time. This is a very exciting time. And the Dolly Llama said, I don't know if this is accurate, but he said that the people who are going to save the planet where the women of the West. So I feel like we're a very strong time. And I don't mean in that like aggressive, like you know way. I'm saying like in a love, be kind, kind, informative getting the information out there, which is what you guys are doing. So I love it. Yes, thank you so much, Thank you so much for me on the show. We really appreciate it. Alright, guys, So I want to talk to you about Mode Cloth because, um, I ordered some cute clothing from there. But the greatest thing is it's comfy clothes, but it's also the bathing suit was so great? Was it? Oh my gosh, I loved it. I wore it when this past week weekend in Nashville, and I got a cute little one piece and it's just it's adorable and it's so great, and I feel like there's just so many things you can get from bridal clothes to you know, swimwear to just like rainbow bright colors, and it's just I don't know, I think it's fantastic. And what's great about modocloth is it's designed by women for women, So there's amazing sizes, so you can go from extra small all the way up to you know your size. So to get fifteen percent off your purchase of a hundred dollars or more, you go to modcloth dot com and you enter the code Janna at checkout. Seriously, the clothes are fantastic and they're super comfy. Um, go as soon as you can. Expires on August four. That's modcloth dot Com promo code Janna for fifteen percent off your purchase of a hundred dollars or more modcloth dot Com promo code Janna. Okay, you guys, I'm so excited because we have Sirie daily on the show. Hey girl, Hello, you're beautiful. I love your liplo. You're rocking it. What's the color? Do you know? I like to do that when my kids aren't around. I don't know why, but when they're not around, I'm like, I'm going to wear a lipstick. You know what I love though, because I was stalking your Instagram, um and you're just you keep it really real and that's what. No, but that's what like, that's what I love because I've had this conversation with another friend and she's like, I just want to show like all the great stuff. I'm like, yeah, but as like a mom and me, I want to see like all of it. I want to see like the real real too. And that's what you. You really do, keep it honest and really where you have no makeup on I or you, then the next one you look beautiful. So it's like I love seeing that, right, It's balanced, right, I mean sometimes I wear lipstick, but most of the time I'm in all gray sweat, I haven't showered and yeah, I don't want to tell you how long and things like that, but um no, I mean I really have showered. But dude, I get it. I went to the first time today have a shower. Yeah. Yeah. Um. So you have three kids. I do, and we're married to Carson Dale. How is that being married to him? Were having the three kids or all of it? You know, like it's great. I were like in the thick of it, as they say, you know, my kids are nine, five, three. He has like twelve jobs, million jobs. How do you balance that? That's what was like my biggest question. Seems like so much, but really, like you know, he does the Today Show. He's home at ten o'clock from that, so he really is like hands on and around and I feel like we're, you know, we're just doing the normal things like go into flag football and doing all the car pooling. And it's very kind of I mean, there are the times when it's crazy back and forth and right now the voices live and so we live in New York and it's hard, but you know, we we balanced it pretty well. I think like we're you know, we're a big kind of just home family, Like we don't do anything boring living in New York. I do. I love it. I moved that four years ago. I'm from Minnesota. Oh nice, Um, and Carson was born and raised in California, so it was like totally new to us. But we love it, like we have a great community. Were close to the city and we get here enough so we get our you know, our fix of And how long were you guys married? Have you guys been married for? Well, we did everything backwards. So we had our first son, and then we had our our daughter, Eda, and then we got engaged, and then we had our third child, and then we got married. We've been married for like two and a half years, but we've been together for you know, why to go that role? Was it just something where you guys didn't really care about the marriage, Like we knew we were We knew that we were solid, and we weren't in a rush, and you know, you wanted We knew we wanted to get married eventually. You know, it was important to us and and I actually was so lovely because our our kids were there ceremony and we sympsised our parents like they We did it two days before Christmas and Um, two days before we got married. We had our mom's open like an early Christmas gift, and it was the invitation to the way it was just us. Oh my gosh, I mean that's what we had to surprise them because it was literally on our case. Yeah, I'm sure. Now how is it change actually being married now? Had did it change? Or are you still? Like? No? I mean that we always joked we did all the hard stuff first, you know what I mean? So now, um no, you know, like I just did all the whole name change stuff and that was really all that felt like different. I guess you know. Best advice for making it work, try to focus on each other first before your kids. That's like what we tried to do. Hard. It's so hard, right, Like you go on a date night and all you're doing is talking about like your daughter whatever it is. Stop stop stop stop. So but I mean, you know it's just balanced and like trying to do like little things and for each other instead of you know, on a daily basis, like putting each other. I don't know, it's so hard. We do, I mean we try. I mean we tried for a while. We were in a good groove of like maybe once every two weeks even like we'll go out for like date lunches, like anytime you can just like get away for like like go out for a beer, like just so that you can have some time away from your crazy children and be a couple. Yeah, exactly talk about each other and like like not you know, who's gonna take London to soccer? Like you know, just what's your biggest pet peeve. Parenting with him, Oh gosh, I feel like I'm always the bad guy. I'm like the nagging mom um. But I don't know so he you know, he's like fun dad, and so that's always hard. But because moms, your moms are I'm around, like in the mornings, you know, he's he's at work, and I have to be the one that's like do this, do this, and do this, do this. And you know, my son like moves through quicksands in the morning, and I have to Like he's nine years old and I'm like feeding him his cereal with like a spoon. So so I have to nag and like on those rare mornings when Carson is home, he's like, wow, there's a lot of negative energy. I'm like, because I have to, I have to be you know, so But no, I mean I think that we really do balance each other out. Well. He's like an amazing, amazing dad, and you know, I don't have a ton of what do you guys fight about? Tell me that your relationship isn't perfect? Oh my gosh, is there a perfect relationship? Just like you always say. I'm like, oh, they just look I know perfect. I oh you see that? Like I like, I'm this is what I wonder about Chip and Joanna Gaines. I know we need to have them on there on here because I want to just be like, tell me, you guys are like not perfect, no, no, no, no one I know. But it's so funny the perception of like, yeah, oh, like you have it everything and like you know you've got here's something he does. He like, thank you and everything bagel, and he starts to like he likes to like, you know, kind of maybe take some bread out of the bagel. And then he scraped some of the seeds off, which I don't know why because and everything bagel, you should want everything on it. And then the seeds are like everywhere and it's all and it's all over my clean dish where the clean dishes go, and then all the seeds and look at me, I'm like getting drink. I'm well, I'm also like a clean freak. He would probably that would be his complaint about me, where it's like let the seed, let the seeds fall down. It's okay, but it's not okay. You don't have a dog and I have. Who's better at new math? At what a new math? The common core? None of us? Well, actually I probably am because I was really like I liked math in high school. But but no. My son's nine, he's in third grade. He brings home his homework and I'm like, well, but you could just do it this way. No, Mom, that's not the way I'm supposed to do it. I have to do it this way, and I don't understand it. I'm like, but but this is the answer. Just do it this way. Right. So my kids are still I still count on my fingers, So yeah, there's they're so screwed with me. I would like, go talk to your dad. I don't know. Yeah, here's a calculator, yea here. Um, so you're a blog? Can you can you tell me about that? Because I think it's fascinating. But for the listeners that haven't, yes, Um, I write a blog called Seriously Delicious and I started it actually shortly after my first child was born. Because I missed before that I was in television. You have a very successful career. Well I was, you know, I was a segment producing and I've missed that kind of like creative kind of I was doing kind of comedy writing and missed that, and I missed having like a voice and an outlet where I could, you know, engage with things other than my son. But also another purpose, another purpose. So I started this, this food blog, so there was there was that part of it, and then I also obviously wanted to kind of keep track of all these meals I was making suddenly, and um, food has always been a passion of mine, and I started, you know, I'm like, oh, now I have to keep these like this little human alive, and like I have to cook dinner every night and things like that. So it kind of just became a place for me to to to create recipes, to talk about them, to keep it again like real and just talk about life and and so I've been doing that for like eight years. And um, what's your favorite thing to make? People to bake? Baking is definitely is definitely my favorite because it's such a like calming process for me. So like just chocolate chip cookies on the Saturday or something, or I love to do like a big like I don't know, like a roast, like a stew and the something some comfort food. I'm very like comfort food, or I mean because I grew up in Minnesota and we just war it's like winter all the time and you just want Yeah, yes, is there one dish that Carson is always like, oh, please make this this one thing. Yes, we do a lot of um, like a roasted chicken and it's actually in my cookbook. And then we will shred the the chicken and will turn it into like a taco night. So like we roast the chicken, we shred it. Then we like roast garlic because actually, like roasted garlic in your tacos is delicious. And then we'll do cotilla cheese and cilantro and all the fixings and have like taco taco nights. So we do that a lot fun. Yeah, he loves that, and then the roasted chicken is just great on its own too. You don't you don't have to make a tacos. Did your kids naturally eat everything? Okay, So that's a great question because my daughter is going she's two and a half and she's going through an incredible phase where now she won't even eat macaroni and cheese, which is like the one thing that she would only And I'm like, all right, and my doctor said, just start saying like it's either this or that, so give her an option or she doesn't eat. But the problem is now she's not eating. It's been like three a's and she will not eat dinner. So I'm like, what, it's like she doesn't want to try anything. She doesn't want to try the chicken. She doesn't want to it's like she's just like no. My kids were all about the same age. They were about eighteen months old and they like just hit this switch where they decided, no, I don't like what I just ate yesterday. And I think it's exactly And so I mean, my son is showing me like the light at the end of the tunnel. He's nine, he's now nine. I have to wait no, no no, no, no, no no, but maybe no, but he's he's like slowly getting there. And my girls are My girls are three and five, and do they help you cook? They do, and so that helps. I think it helps to get them in the kitchen, to let them you know, like touched with their fingers. The ngreen Ian's um to give us give some input, like what are you guys in the mood for? Not that then they you know, most of the time they're like chicken fingers and French ries. Okay, what else? But I really do think it helps. They do like to be in the kitchen. They especially like to help me bake because of course they like lick the spoon. Yeah, making chocolate chip quickies is my favorite thing to do because I don't the batter YEP, the mixer and then the bowl and then someone talked about later on in life that it could cause you stomach aches or whatever. Equal because I'm still going to eat it. I do it. I'm bad. And you're on the Today Show a lot with Carson? Yes, yeah, so how is how is that working with him? Is that just awesome? It's really fun to go. We do like cooking segments together from time to time, and it feels like very organic, like we're just at home, and everyone else at the show is so awesome too, So like it all feels very family, you know, like a family. Savanna and I have become close. She actually wrote the foreword for the cookbook, and so it's really fun when we go There's but it's it's still I'm like, this is the Today's Show. I had to pinch myself. It's incredible. I mean I grew up watching it and it's live and it's you know, a host on that. Yeah, so it's still it's all surreal and and yet like Neuron feels right and organic at the same time. So I don't know, how did you How did you feel when Apple turned the Personal Assistant into Syria? Oh my gosh, I woke up. I still like I remember that morning. I woke up to like all these texts from people I went to high school with them, like what happened? Like how do you fee? And they were just making jokes And now, I mean, I just I can't go to Starbucks. I don't know why I haven't learned in all of these years. I don't know why I still give my name because they're like, what, I don't have a Starbucks name? Why don't I do this? I know they Siri and Vanessa feeling I'm going to go with that because they're always go Jana Janna. I'm like Jenna, I'm like, yeah right, Jannah never mind. I'm like Vanessa, Vanessa even that that's there's a lot of letters in Vanessa. I'm gonna say, like sam yeaheah exactly, pan No, but that yeah, that's that's gotta be. Hey, sirih uber drivers, they're like, wait, is that really your name's what's the weather? Like? Everyone has a funny joke, Hey Sirie, how many cups is four tables? Or we have Alexa, but Alexa doesn't like me, and I think she honestly knows Alexa hates that my name is Siri. Did she but she just not? Does she not listen to you? She doesn't listen to me in my house, she listen to everyone else. I'm like, I'm really bratty with her. I started screaming she won't listen to me, and then like my mom will be in kind of just like you just have to be more polite, and she's like Alexa, please stop, and and Alexa stops. She just doesn't like you. You're too pretty. She's jealous. She's jealous. I think it's my name, Like, um, I need you to plug your book because everyone needs to get it. Okay, yes, it's called Seriously Delicious. It's available wherever books are sold Amazon. And that's seriously serious, exactly seriously delicious. One hundred simple recipes for the Actually, no, I'm sorry, it says one hundred nutritious and not so nutritious recipes for the real home cook. Okay, but how very simple? How very simple? Because honestly, I have the hardest time with cooking because I feel like, when I look at recipes, I'm so overwhelmed. So that was my whole goal with the book is to strip that away so that it's not intimidating. Like without the world views, I'm like, I don't know what the all of these things are. Ingredients, first of all, you'll probably have or you'll know where to find. I'm not going to like make you like, you know, google an ingredients and have to get it on like exactly, um the black market. I don't make you sift flour. It's all just very very approachable, and I add tips throughout the book, like, hey, if you don't have this, swap it with this, because I don't want My thing is like recipes shouldn't be You should just trust your gut. You should be like, Okay, well I don't have that, but I can use that and it'll still be good, or I'll try that, or you know this is this is my my don't take it so seriously, ladies, and thank thank you. Um are you eating m far? Are you eating a sandwich? Where did you get that? To describe it? Okay, I'm like in orgasmic heven right now, I know I can tell um. Let me tell you this, okay. Chef Michael Parolo is bringing his famed Italian sandwich shop, Parolo's Panino, from Miami to the heart of Los Angeles. Did you know that it's well, you know what I ate before you got here. I saw the box out there and I opened it and there was this beautiful head of butter lettuce with the most amazing balsamic dressing and I devoured it because it is my favorite thing. And there aren't very many restaurants that serve butter lettuce, and he'd us, but he also serves these amazing sandwiches that you're eating. Well, I just grabbed it from out here, So where does everybody else go and get it? Well? Hold on, it's Italian American traditions and combine bold authentic ingredients including homade, meatballs, and house roasted Italian beef and that's what you're eating the meat balls. The menu includes modern twists on classic favorites, such as the original Italian Depp only found at Parolos. How about that? Where's that? Tell me where I can go? Rose? There are eleven dollars. They're open from eleven to eleven PM between Gardner and Vista. So after the club go get you one and they deliver and they cat Wow, yeah, stop by and butter Lettuce being amazing. Butter Lettuce, if you a visiting, go down to Melrose. Can I stake at an email? Here? Um? I love your voice. So this is from Rachel and she's got an issue here. She's been dating her boyfriend for eight months now and he has a five year old son. They're great. She and the sun get along great, but when he misbehaves, the boyfriend refuses to discipline him and driving Rachel crazy and causing stress in the relationship. She feels like I could be his mom at some points that mom. Should I be able to discipline him myself or should I just let this go and get out of hand? Also, I get jealous of the boy's mother because of the connection they have that I can never have with him twofold issues. So start first with the discipline. All right, that's tough because if you're gonna be in this relationship, Um, I mean what she said, she's only three months in. Oh okay, I met three months away. Okay, yeah, she met three Okay, so you're eight months in. I mean I feel like at some point he's gonna have If you guys are really moving forward and this is going to be your husband fiance fiance and this is going to be your stepson, I feel like you need to sit down and talk to your boyfriend and be like, hey, like this is I'm not okay with this. I would sit down and talk with him. I you know, I am very open to being a single mom with a son. I am so open to my male friends who I'm very close with, or people that I hang out a lot with, or my special male friend. I always say, I am open to you disciplining Rocko verbally if he's doing something that is distracting that he's going to hurt himself or someone else, or is being inconsiderate and not a good citizen, because that is the most important thing. It takes an entire or not being a good citizen. Stop. I have said that before. Oh my gosh. But the thing is is that you know, you it takes it takes a whole village to raise a kid, and if you're spending time with a parent who was single with a child, you have to integrate into that and you need to be able to feel comfortable in keeping that child safe or keeping them from you know, acting out, and also holding your own sanity too. So I mean, the kids like screaming and the dad's not doing anything. I mean, I think it can be very frustrated, but say like, you know, like hey, buddy, like stop calm down. You know, So I think that's totally acceptable. Um, but I think i'd have the conversation first with your boyfriend. And the second issue, I mean, girl, look that is that's our son. And but here's here's what you can have because you know, she's just as jealous, and you know, if I was in the situation, I would be just as jealous of you having a you know, the relationship. But here's the here's what the great thing is is you're now able to have a different kind of relationship with him. You're able to mold a something different from his mom, and have a your own connection. So have your own connection, because they're going to have their own too. Absolutely, that's fun. You can't change that, and you have to respect that. And you know it's only going to make him a better person as he grows up with that, having that close relationships and and yeah, and find something else that maybe the mom. You know that you do something different with the mom, so then he can see a different version and you guys can again mold a different relationship because that will be then special in its own end. Today, Absolutely, let's talk about next week because some of these questions have to do with the bedroom, and that's going to go in the next week's show, because next week's all about the bedroom. Next week we're getting in bed literally and I'm really excited because we're gonna talk about sex intimacy and yes, we are turning the lights onto the problem. So I'm gonna be answering a ton of emails. Mike will be on the show. He's coming back. He's bad. So um, thank you guys so much for winding down with us today. I'm really excited to wind down next week because we're wandering down. Oh yeah, please feel free to emam me um. Some questions if you guys are going through it. Janna Kramer at I heart media dot com ye

Whine Down with Jana Kramer

At the end of a long day, nothing is better than winding down and decompressing with a good friend,  
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