Ep. 25 Rookie Season with Eric Winter, Grocery Store Joe and Jenna Johnson

Published Oct 29, 2018, 7:00 AM

Eric Winter from The Rookie stops by, and he tells Jana and Mike all about how his wife reacts when he has to film a steamy sex scene for a role, and how he feels when he has to watch her kiss other people, because she’s ALSO an actress!    Then, straight from Jana’s alma mater of Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelor’s Grocery Store Joe and his dance partner Jenna Johnson waltz in! Jenna reveals a big secret about Joe that she learned after spending hours and hours dancing closely with him, and we hear about a huge project Joe has planned for after Dancing with the Stars comes to an end.   And Jana and Mike offer up another Relationship Challenge!

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Wine Down with Janna Kramer and I Heart Radio Podcast. How excited are you, Mike to have another dude in the studio. I'm so excited. There's usually way too much estrogen going on in here. Do you need it? So I got Mark and Easton. Wow. I know. But usually usually, you know, we're interviewing, you know, women, and then we're talking about our menstrual cycle, and then we're talking about yeah and all these things. And now we actually have a male guest here for you today. No, we're just we're excited to have him in. Ladies and Gentlemen. Mr Eric Winter, Hello, Hello, Hi. Some big topics you guys talk about? Well, we talk about everything. Michael and I usually start the show with like our fight of the week. You know how long I've been married for this next month is ten years? Ten years? So sancheum, where'd you guys meet up? She hates when I tell the story. We met at an event that was at a club. Okay, so it's still a club. I don't remember. I don't know the name of it. Spider or I was around. It was like when I used to club it was a concord those ones. Yeah, back in at a Pioneer Speakers event that was at a club, and uh, yeah, I just I hit on her. She was in a relationship, so it didn't go very well great, And then we didn't talk again for a bunch, like a bunch of months, and I stayed friends with a friend of hers that was there and we sort of reconnected down the road. And then so did you reach out again to her? Never? Was it? So then she reached out as part. Yeah, she says she had reasons because her friend was going through a tough time and I was there for a friend, But I never reached out to her. She called years. I think every girl has done that, like if a guy like hits on her and then when they break up, you try to downplay our situation every time. Too well, you you actively went for me. Wait, remind us of the story because Eric doesn't know we met. Classic web story. We met on Twitter. He was stalking me on Twitter and kept like favorite ing things on Twitter and three things and I was having a thirties meal. I was it was drinking wine and having macarony and cheese one lonely single night, and uh, I was like, who's guy favoriting my stuff? And look and I was like, oh, he's got a blue checkmark two. And I was like, oh, he's a football player. He's so cute. I followed him back and then with like in a second, he's like, Hi, thanks for the follow No no no no no no in a second, strategical strategically waited you know, a good amount of time. It was probably thirty minutes. At fifteen minutes, I was I was still eating my macaroni and cheese. You're a slow reader, yea. How is it with you know, because she's she's Mexican, Puerto Rican? Puerto Rican? Okay, I mean, is does that come into the relationship with the feistiness? Oh yeah, no, I had one thousand percent. But is it like too much at time? No? I love it. Do you not, like you snap your fingers back and go on Puerto Ricans? Yeah, I get back into the Latin flavor. You know, I grew up in up one thing. We're here in Los Angeles, but I always dated. I did a lot of so I know Latin culture pretty well. That people always say I'm a frustrated Latino. So like, I totally abide with with Latin culture and I love the spiciness and the flavor that they bring, you know, into relation and everything. Really she's she's like that with everything. Um so I can roll with it pretty well. And you have two kids. Two kids. You have a six year old almost seven in January, little girl, and then I have a we've an you born a boy eleven months. We'll not really a new born anymore, almost a year. I'm really happy you guys talked about your struggle because it's hard. It's very hard. And what I love about it too is we've done two rounds of IVF and the fact that you also gave the shots because Michael did, would do the shots for me too, because it's just not only I mean, I don't I know you. I saw that you she said she didn't like needles, but with us, it was just like doing something together because I felt so alone in the process, already feeling crappy about it and the hormones, and it's just something that we were able to do together. So I think that was awesome that you we did both rounds. You know it was it wasn't easy, and you go through your your your life just going don't get someone pregnant by mistake and then when it's time, you think it should be so easy, and it's just not. And with our daughter, I remember, was it easy with your daughter? No? It was our first in vitro. It happened on the first, on the first attempt um, but we had done a bunch of you know, ai s stept before that, and it was it was a struggle. But I remember I was doing a pilot in New York when she had to give her first injection, so I couldn't give those bad to like coacher on Skype, how to mix everything, you know, you had to take somebody here, put some in there, shake it around. Yeah, I have the bubble. And like I remember coaching her literally on Skype in my hotel room, going all right, you're gonna be fine. She's melting down, you know. And thankfully it took on the first and then we tried again natural for a while after after a few years, and nothing was happening. And then we went back into in vitros and it didn't happen right away this time, and we had one frozen that didn't take, and then we tried to get more and yeah, that's yeah, this was our last go at it. This this final in vitro and we did something that we she did a regular one first that didn't go right, and then um, this was like called I'm trying to think of the name, but it was like micro They take smaller amounts in multiple sessions and then pool all those embryos together and then you put them in versus going for the big batch and whatever reason, we put in four, which I was freaking out of God. Yeah, I was like, oh my god. But I was like, literally, you have a fifteen percent chance of having one of the four twins was like an eight percent chance. I still thought I would get twins, but luckily we got one. It's so it's just so crazy, like truly how hard it is because we had four miscarriages before we actually got pregnant with our now baby boy in the belly. But it's just the second. So we have a three year old and then I'm a couple of weeks away from from birth, so yeah, we're about a month away. Um. You know, it's interesting that even the UT when we went through it, both of our children been conceived naturally, but they both came right after failed IVF would get pregnant natural, So it's like Jane's system just needed a little bit extra like progesteron a hormones or something that kicked our system. And I guess that happens quite off. I mean we had heard that too, that it can happen naturally, either coming off of an in vitro or once you do it once, the next one can come naturally. I always say to people like, if you just sit in the vatu and didn't work, like, just try on the next try on the next round, naturally, because it's happened both times for us. So we kept hearing these stories of people that tried everything and beat all these things, nothing was working. Then they go to adopt. And we had somebody that went to adopt and actually picked up the child from the adoption and found out they were pregnant. Naturally, I love that adopted baby. And it's usually because the pressure the pressure comes off stresses even they don't think you're stressing. So we didn't adopt a baby, but we would every time are the in vitro failed, we would get we got a puppy. So every time a full house, yeah we're yeah, we're actually driving home, not the same as a child, but driving home with our new puppy and we found out the same day that jan was pregnant. Okay, how is how was the hormones? Because the hormones when I they're so crazy. It's yeah, there's no easy way around it. I mean, you're end up, you know, being married to the incredible Hulk for a bit, like you know, you lads are going through a lot and what's what's wild And we talked about this even in one of our anteviews. I think on people is it's it's incredibly hard on the woman. It's just tough on the marriage, it's tough on the guy. It's tough on everyone because we're all involved in this process and it's so brutal for you guys physically and we can't do anything to help you. And you don't know the horn and we don't know the hormone. We can't. You seem fine on the outside, but on the inside, you're you know, losing it because you're going through so much and all the hormone levels are all over the place. So it's just tough. It's it's a did you ever find yourself in the process being like I don't even want to do this anymore? Oh yeah, No, multiple time, and I'm an only child, so it's a little different. She has three brothers, so I was fine with one. It didn't take. I was like, we're good. We got one healthy child, happy, Thank god, let's move on with this chapter. You know, she really wanted to keep putting herself through it, and so I was supportive of it because it's what she wanted. Um, but it was tough. Did you look at the marriage too and say or is it just no, just just the kids? So you were you were solid and that. Yeah, we were solid. I mean you go through struggles of course, even without a vitro, arguing about things, but but no, we we were solid there. But it was just you have to reflect on it all and go, Okay, this is temporary. You know we're arguing about this and this, or you can't control this argument because ormonally it's all you're all over the place, or you know whatever. You know, it kind of balanced it. Yeah, you know, it's interesting. I was just talking to buddy mine who's starting to go through this process too, and Eric, you might relate to this where I was. I was kind of getting him some advice because they're about to start this process and it is hard on the guy, and you know, obviously all the attention and all the pressure is on the woman, which you feel very compassionate for a lot of empathy for. But what I found out and through this the last time Jane and I did it, but was by sharing kind of my feelings of you know, anxiety or stress or pressure or sadness through all this and empathy towards her, she didn't feel as alone because she felt like she wasn't alone in those feelings. So is that something? Did you talk to Roslyn and say, hey, I'm feeling this way too, so you don't feel alone? Or is it something? Did you still try to stay like stay tough and not really expressed that. Yeah. No, I'm a big, big communicator with everything hid munch or whole stuff in. I just kind of let it all out and that was that would be part of it. You know, we I would voice things just like you're saying. It would give her a better understanding a bit, because you know, if I wasn't saying that, she would try to figure out why I'm going through whatever I'm going through. Um it helped, you know, it helped talking through a lot of it. I mean, I want to get to all the things that you're doing. But I just I'm very intrigued on like the marriage side of things, obviously, what what is your y'all's biggest issue in general? Yeah, in your marriage. If there's one thing that you could pinpoint, like what, like you know, I would say for us right now, one of our big issues is we're having a hard time tabling thing. We're having a hard time with you know, stopping an argument before it goes too far. Yeah, that's always tough, right, strong personality, want to have our voices her yes, And we're like that too. We don't have a true alphabeta like we were both which is so funny because I said to him, I was like, I bet you she's the man in the relationship, not to like, I feel like she's definitely the mouse from the outside looking in. I see, I'm like, because she's you know, the Latina like I just I always just imagine, you know, you're probably just yes, Tier, I was a lot easier. She's an only child. There's no way he's like going down right, No, I'm very type. And we had this talk early on when we were dating, and I was like, look, here's a deal. We're both type as somebody has to give, and I know you always feel like she's I'm a strong independent woman. No, man's an attempment. I said, Okay, I get it, But at the end of the day, you're gonna have to You're gonna have to step aside and be the b at some point, and I'm gonna have to do it at some point. We both have to take a step back and be the submissive one at some point. If two people are always trying to be hurt, you're never gonna it's compromised. That's what every marriage is built up. Well, I'll compromise is different. No, it's not like when you compromise, you've taken the step back. You're now the beta in that situation. When you don't compromise, you both canna outful that you're never going to resolve anything. Worlds. Go find yourself a beta, and then you'll be like, oh, now they're always submissive and I'm born everything I want. You know. That's the thing. Yeah, I think that's why Jane and I were able to have been able to make it work is because we were that way when we first met two where it was we I gave it back to her, you know what I mean. And and and so I did come to Eric's defense before I even at him. I said, well, she thought maybe you're in the mouse, and I said, no, it's probably just a strong, confident kind that can handle that personality, you know, because I understand that even if it's about this, I'll take it. So, you guys, so ten years next month, you know, I hear that's a lot kind of with jama being in the business and entertainment world. And oh, that's a long time for Hollywood. I think that's a long time for any marriage. It is. Do you get when you look at your marriage, you consider it, Oh, like this is long for Hollywood, or it's just hey, this is just our marriage, separate of whatever else that we do. Oh yeah, I'm very much both of us thankfully. I think at the stage in our lives where we got together was the right time. And we met when we were young. We were both married and divorced before we met. How long we married before I was married three you know, three years? Okay, yeah, I just didn't work. We were very young. I got made yeah, yeah, and so and she also got married relatively young too, But we say, like, we're both very Hollywood removed, if you will, Like, I mean, we work in the business. We do the business. I'm from l A. Like, nothing really surprises me about the business. And I didn't want to be an actor my whole life. That wasn't my thing. I was a psychobio major at u C. I wanted to be a doctor, and I sort of different ways fell into this business and they started studying it and taking it serious. So maybe that's part of the reason why I'm not so it's a Hollywood marriage or whatever. I just it's marriage, and you gotta fight to make things work. And it's one of the I don't ever say it's a job, but it is. It's one of the toughest things ever. Everything you ever put your efforts into is a marriage. And kids is the other thing. Like it's it's full time. You have to be committed to it, you have to work at It's that you can't take it for granted. You want to be the best you you can be at anything. You know, you're an athlete. You gotta work, you know, and that's it. You guys, do you believe in therapy? It's psych degree, So fully supportive love. We love therapy, talking things out if it takes someone else being in the room, and as long as it's a good therapist that can handle both sides of the story, because you know, how do you guys deal with because I mean, you guys are both very good looking? So is that has that been tough too? With the people that have tried to maybe come in and Yeah, in this business it's hard in general because no matter how you I mean, we are given, you know, freedom to kiss somebody on a set on a regular basis all the time. The boundaries are broke when you go in even though it's acting and you're not supposed to be doing. When you're spending a lot of time on the Yeah, break can be twelve hours during the day you're sitting on set. You become you get to know the people. You know, they're cool and the charming, they don't have issues. Yeah, you know, it's like it's the Instagram and then you're, you know, breaking this wall that you normally would never do in life, and you're now kissing the person because it's in your scene. So that's like, did I just feel something or so You've got to balance, right, Like what all that is and you are acting and at the end of the day. Sure, I mean there are people that try to get in the middle of stuff. We've had it early in our relationship where someone you know tried to you know, hit on her, hit on you know whatever, and you kind of just have to nip in the butt right away and and make your your place known where you are, and they know usually go away. Yeah, I think that's important to and just setting. You know, we've always said things you you're putting you can put yourself in the bad situation. So it's hey, maybe you shouldn't read lines in the hotel room, maybe you shouldn't read lines in the trail. But with a drink. In my early twenties though, I would flirt with that line because it's like, oh, yeah, just come over in my room and we'll have a glass of wine and read lines. And you're like, wait, this is now. You've just invited trouble into your into your setting. If you're single, I mean, have a drink, why not like you? But yeah, most likely the chances I probably wasn't saying at the time, but it's it's about knowing your boundaries and keeping them health. But it's it's so hard in the day and age when everyone's very pretty and things look nice when you don't know they're real crap underneath everybody. If you're not saying you got to try and keep yourself out of any possible temptation or situation that could go sideways or mislead somebody. You know, something we haven't really had to deal with yet. But the boundaries around like the whole acting because I've done a comment yeah, but it's been you know, a Hallmark kiss, Big Independent monsters. Yeah. When I see that, I'm like, oh, that's cute. Like and even knowing the guys too that I've like yeah, and I come on saying I get to know the guys and I'm like, yeah, it's great. I like this guy like Kevin, like one of my guys that have been like love that my movies, Like he'll come stay with us, Like, yeah, it's just fantastic. But that's going to be interesting when you get back into something like that. This is my scene scene. Yeah, well again, it's you know when I've had when I had you know, you've had those scenes too. There's so many people it's not like that. It's so it's so not sexy, in which I've always kind of tried to tell him to like, it's not definitely not a comfortable environment, but like no one wants to be in their underwear, you know. Even when I was in my underwear making out with Stephen Colletti on one trahill, I was like, this isn't this. I didn't feel anything because it's sorry, Stephen, but it just didn't people there, you know, for you guys are in that world. I'm just I'm just a guy. I'm an athlete from the world. I don't find it still easy or comfortable. My wife is way better with that stuff, and I am like, I won't watch her do love scenes. We produced a movie together for Lifetime and she had this big love scene. I left and I was on set every single day. I didn't stay on set for that. I didn't want to watch it when she does and I have to see it, like if it's on TV. I don't even watch a kiss. I don't like it. I'd prefer to turn the other way and just not have to see it all the time. She has no problem watching it if I do it, like she's fine, it's acting whatever. I don't. I don't care I don't think she likes it, but you know she understands. I still never watch you do it well, obviously because of our issues. Our victory is a little rocky for that, but I would I could never ever, I'm never going to be an actors. I don't know, Eric didn't You're not sorry, I just I cannot. I can not happening. Soel hey, what do I do? You know? She would be there with me, So let's let's go into the acting. Because I'm starting to get a little warm and now getting fiery. Okay, so I'm loving this conversation, but I first I have to tell you guys about Brooklyn. And I always say that you spend what's it half your life in bed, more than half your life in bed, so you need to have a good mattress. But also the sheets are so important. And I know Mike is always super super You're like, very finicky with your sheets. So when I told him that we had some new sheets coming into our our collection, He's like, oh, no, no, no no, And I was like, no, I'm telling you. I was like, these are amazing. They're They're the winner of the Best of Online Betting category by Good Housekeeping Brooklyn is so sure you'll love your new sheets that they offer a risk free sixty nights satisfaction guarantee in a lifetime warranty on all of their sheets and comforters. I mean, they're so incredibly comfortable. I love it also too, because it was founded by a husband and wife, so I love that. But their mission is to bring five star hotel quality sheets to everyday life. And this isn't a little tip to luxury sheets without the luxury markup. So most betting is marked up as much as so to me, that's crazy. Get twenty dollars off and free shipping when you use promo coo Jama at Brooklyn and dot com. The only way to get twenty dollars off and free ship is to use promo code Janna at Brooklyn and dot com. That's b r O Okay, l I N E N dot com promo code Janna. These really are the best sheets ever. Okay, it's that time again. Janna got another fat hit fun box to's that house. I was out of down and I was like, hey, honey, can you please open some of the boxes And he's like, oh, here's your fat fit fun box. And I was like yeah, I know, open it please. Yeah, And she wanted me to go into the box take out all the products, which I was reluctant to do. But then I go in and we're like face timing, and I'm like, oh, like even I was getting excited everything. Yeah, because it's too Two gland glow mass that we both use, which are fantastic. I will admit that, sorry guys. Um. Then a sleep mask which you're like I don't know if I'll use, and I was like, wait, has like rice or beans and you can heat up and put on your eyes for you like your shinus is so again for it kind of turned into to mine, but it's fantastic and for those of you just remind you. Fat fit Fun as a seasonal subscription box delivered four times a year with full size fashion, beauty, home, fitness and wellness products for just box again. Full size, not samples. Okay, this isn't a little sample section at CBS or anything like that, Like you're getting the full thing check out. Yeah, not happening. This isn't travel size, this is a full stuff. Okay. You can sign up for fat fit Fund today. Fat fit Fund boxes are amazing and always sell out. Use Janis code Janna to get ten dollars off your first box. Go to fat fit fund dot com to sign up and start getting the box for a life well lived. Use promo code Jana to get ten dollars off your first box that's over two hundred dollars for only. Go to fat fit fund dot com and use code Janna to get ten dollars off your first fat fit pun box. And actually it was fun opening up with you, Actually was fun. Usually I just like, all right, this is Janics, you can take it. But I was like, oh, and I think it's something too that the husbands can get. You know, you could sign that up for your wife and just it'll show up at the door and you'd be like, well I didn't order if the fun but the husband to say, but I did it for you, honey. What played? What played? Sir? I like it? All right, Eric, So you're on rookie. I'm on the rookie. You just had a huge premiere with the rookie. Yes, how stoked were you to get that? That that role? Well, I will say this was a role I had to really fight for. And and it's it's interesting because my last pilot before. This was the same group of people, same director. It was Mark Gordon's same everybody. You have toally felt pretty good them walking in for your test. I had to go through the whole thing, and it was brutal because I I was meeting with um that casting office I know really well, and I was like, oh my god, shoots, l I know the whole group, where's my offer? This is perfect for me. And they're like, Nope, you're too nice of a guy. You're not this guy. And I was like, it's acting. I have you want to see my reel like I just did the good doctor I got. I'm sorry, they don't know you at all. You're an absolute ass that's gonna sugar with everybody who had him for far too long. So I was told, oh, look it what a sign. That's a that's a really good sign. Sure fire hit. So they told me I had to go, and they didn't believe I could be this much of a jerk, and I took it so personally and I was so I was just oh my god. I went in had probably the best read of my career maybe, like it was like where the whole environment changed in the room and all the air went away, and it was just this crazy intense moment to get emotional in the second scene and I was like tears and all this stuff, and I was cursing at one of the producers, like what do you what do you want from me? I got that? There you go. I was just an asked the entire thing, the entire time in the room. I knew everybody in the room, didn't had anybody. I walked out and they all freaked out and came running out after me. I was like, Eric, are you okay. I was like, I'm fine, it's acting. You're welcome, and it was so it was just like one of the best moments I've ever had in the business outside of Evil Laughlin test. That was the other one. That was my two favorite moments in the business. Um and then I still have to go through They wouldn't give it to me off a tape because Nathan still had to approve me, so I still have to go test for Nathan to see me. Thankfully, I kept, you know, doing my thing every step of the way, and when I finally got it, it was was the best feeling ever. So this job, this role is a very you know, personal I've been like you have done three ride along? Was there anything crazy that happened during ride along? We had? I had want Both times before that, I was in Rampart, which is very tough division, and nothing really went down. And then this one um ride along, I was with Liz Freelander, the director, and we had a moment where with the guy there was like this big corporate party gang night. This night, like this gang celebrates their gang on this night and they usually party it up early and then they head into Hollywood and then they tear a polly when they come back and cause problems. So it was kind of a slow night and and the gang units off and the guy riding with us, the sergeant says, hey, I want to take you down the street. This is a big gang streets you can see what's going on. And we happen to go down and the cars are you know, park normal, and then I get a little further double parts and then we start going this is weird, and we end up coming on one of the you know houses they know as a gang house, and there was probably a hundred gang members standing in the street with drinks in the house. Out of the house, sergeant rolls down his window and the size the flex in the moment and I'm in the back seat not bulletproof doors. The directors in the front seat, she has a bulletproof door. Backs aren't just so you know. And he goes, hey, what's up with all you guys double parked? And I'm like, who cares? Right, And he's like, I need you all moving to cars. I'm coming back in fifteen minutes with my boys. And you see all these gang members posture, because it's a whole posture, right, you know, hands start going towards just the all start posture, and the air means one of those moments again where the air comes out of the car and you just feel still. And I saw this is really bad, Like at any moment if they decide some one decides to earn a stripe and be a hot shot. It's one cop and two civilians, and then we go to turn to leave and another car of gang members comes up and we get blocked. So now we can't even move. So it's a magic of who's gonna let who house? And the cop pulls his gun and has it low against the door at the window, just in case. So when we see that also he's not comfortable in the situation, and I'm dying, going a bullets start flying, I'm dead, I end up back and now I can't play it. You don't know what I would do in this audition, this is my emmy. It was crazy, and so little by little they inched away. They let us pull out, and within five minutes, this guy's on the phone immediately on the radio on his cell phone, calling every division. Within five minutes, there's like thirty cops at a church's chicken at eleven o'clock at night, and they all start getting stuff out, saying how we're gonna go infiltrate the gang house and make them all go home. And so the director and I are like, should we be doing this right now? But then part of us we're like, yeah, got a selfie really quick, and you start planning the whole thing. And it goes on, and then the airship flies over and these dudes left. They all move their cars, so we never got to go bust the gang. They went home and they went to Hollywood problems that they do. That's very nice. So that they moved so they listened to the gang. That's fascinating. It was a moment where I was like, this is bad. The paper were involved with that, with liability and everything, because nothing ended up happening, like if something would have happened or even to do the ride along. You know, I can't see if something like that goes sideways. You wanted to be a cop, you still that's one of those things like if you look back in your life, like what would you want to be, Like, that's one thing, law enforcement of some kind ultimately FBI, but that's something I've always been paying. Yeah, when he retired from football, He's like, I think I'm gonna you had you were going to go to act like an orientation. You went, you went to the oriented That's right, Yeah, But then I told you and I basically wanted to be on like the what they call it there, basically the squad that kind of like anything goes and I don't remember what they called it in Tennessee, but James, like, you know, I was like, you know, I said, if you really passionate about that, but that would that would be like we're trying to have a kid. I can't do that, all right? That was my I text rose after that incident happened, I text her from the card, like you won't believe what she's like, You're an idiot, You're an actor playing a copy. Do you ever come home in your uniform? No, I thought about I might have to do it this year for Halloween, Like if I'm pen I was like, I'm just gonna roll straight from work. Vest Belt. Can just tell us about your character because I'm pumped to watch. I told you, you know, I don't watch honestly many network TV shows. And then I saw I remember, I was like, yeah, besides that, we know that it aired October sixteenth, that we've been traveling in the past two weeks. So it's it's it's d v rd on that we're so ready to watch it because he has been really to watch it. But know what, like what what tell us more about your character? So preface this was saying the show is sort of like a Gray's Anatomy meets Hill Street Blues. It's very it's a very character driven show, as our creator says, that sort of masquerades as a cop show. So it's not just about the cases. It's really it is really a character piece of all of us and how we interact um on duty, off duty, how our personal lives, you know, bleed into being a cop and how it affects your personal life, so to speak. So in that I am this very militant like tough um much of an ass training officer, a P three that is in my rookies face at all times, or anybody that is sort of on the department. And my whole way of being is, if you know, if you want to be a cop, and this is really what you want to be, if I can make you crack, if I can break you, you'll never be able to handle the street. And a lot of training officers do handle it that way and then the right along as I've done in the interviews I've I've done with these people and talk to them. Everybody does it differently, but it's like that tough like I had tough coaches growing up that I hate did, but they always made me better. And I had the ones that would give you the you know, the pad on the butt of the compliment here and there. I'm the guy that's never gonna give you the pat I'm never going to tell you did a good job. You're just gonna either know it by looking in my eyes or you're not. And he's that guy that makes you earn every second of it. And part of the reason that comes out in the pilot is my backstory, and you see, I have a have a wife that um how much I can say, but a wife that is struggling with addiction, and you you meet her in the pilot and she comes back for more episodes, and it shows you sort of why the she's the one person that gets to me and breaks me at all moments and sort of what what sets the show apart then the other cop shows out there. I think a big part of it. You're gonna fall in love with the characters, you know, versus if you were to watch any other procedure where it's about the case keets you going. Another cool thing is because we're a show that's on patrol, you get cases, but you get case after case after case, like you get a lot of cool cases happening all the time, versus if it was an FBI show and it's one case for the whole episode, So you get that action that fun. We also have a lot of with Nathan. He's such a charming guy. There's a lot of natural humor built into the show and a lot of heart so I think people are gonna fall in love with the characters, hopefully, whether you love him or you hate him, and that's gonna make you want to come back. And plus you get all this great you know, cop adrenaline. Well, thank you Eric so much for coming in. You guys can watch The Rookie ABC's ten nine Central. Thank you so much for sharing all about your life. Thank you, thank you for having than appreciate. I love Eric. Oh, I can say it for everybody. He's definitely my new bromance. I feel bad that I said that he didn't wear the pants though. That's but that's you, like, you don't really come across politically correcting those kind of situations, like you basically want to say, Oh, so you're like the little bee in the family. She's so very right, but Rosalind has such a big personality. Yeah, that's why I was like, of course, you know, he just does whatever she says. Why of course. But you know what's funny, Jane and I were talking about kind of the you know, the relationship coming into it and like what she just through you know, word of mouth or whatever. And I told her kind of like we said, we recapped with him earlier, and I was basically saying, well, yeah, maybe that's it, but also what if he's just a type A also that's very confident in his skin and were so right? I was so right. Yeah, there can be two type hit it. Yeah, he didn't turn it up. I mean that is that is a fiery household that I'd love to just I would love to be on the wall. That's so much I feel like him and I had a lot of comment and how we probably handle our type A fiery women that I'm gonna I'm gonna disagree with you on that. I don't feel like I'm as fiery as I was. No, because tamed the fire the beast, you know, it's into the fire. Is therapy, and I want to talk to you guys about talk Space because I think it is so cool. So today's show is sponsored by talk Space. It's the online therapy company that lets you message a licensed therapist from anywhere at any time. So there's been so many times when I haven't been able to get in, you know, with my therapist, or honestly, I didn't have the money to pay for a full session, and I've just I've had this question or I needed help or I anxiety around something, Well, you can do that from anywhere. All you need is a computer with Internet connection or the talk space mobile app. That means you can improve your mental health even if you've had trouble making time for it in the past. So I don't know, Honestly, I think that's incredible. The talk space platform has over two thousand licensed therapists who are experienced and addressing life change. Sorry, the talk Space platform has over two thousand licensed therapists who are experienced and addressing life changes we all face. So to match with the perfect therapist for a fraction of the price of traditional therapy, go to talk based dot com slash Janna and use the code Janna to get forty five dollars off your first month and show your support for the show. That's Janna and talk space dot com slash Janna. And you know who I know who would really, really really love that app app is our amazing friend that is in studio, Mr Nick What yeah, guys and Catherine, Well I'm gonna say, and you know who also is here is his wife Catherine. So Katherine and Nick are our besties. And how do I say this because I Katherine's just like mean me right now? Um, I I love their dynamic. And let me tell you why Nick loves therapy. That's okay, that is Katherine's husband. A husband loves therapy and Katherine does not love therapy, so the wife and I just think that's such a fascinating dynamic. Again, that's just a stereotype essentially. But yes, naturally, as you know people are in life, that's kind of how it is. Is usually the male stereotypically not as in touch with emotions. I want to talk about feelings, and usually the woman is Can I just ask Katherine, how like, what is Nick asking you to go to therapy and you just don't want to go? Or is it just more because I know you connect more with Mike about the whole, you're just not as emotional. Yeah, I'm just not as an emotional person. He I mean, I go to therapy with him, I just don't love it like he does. Um, he's just a lot more emotional. It's just the girl and I'm the guy. I mean, how does that feel in this aspect? In this aspect, I'm criticizing myself though too. I'm not just saying it's time for me to have the mike. I mean, go ahead and defend yourself. Um. No, I'm naturally wired that way. Um. A little more emotional, but I think I just like to talk, and so sitting down with somebody and getting things off your chest is just it's therapy. Um. What do you think your biggest challenge is though not being able to you know, with Katherine kind of not being as excited to go. Um, it's not a lot of challenge as far as getting her to go or opening up or anything like that. Once once we get there, it's great. It serves its purpose. Um. I was just told early early in our relationship that good times, bad times, no matter what, go, Um, don't wait till you have an issue to deal with to go. Just keep that line of communication going at all times. And that's that's a good way to do it. What do you contribute, you know, your feelings about just wanting to talk things out and and be so communicative. Because again, just through all the therapy Gena and I have done, you know, family of origin is a big part of those things, and my family certain things weren't talked about, not just my biological parents, but my aunt's uncle's grandparents and all that stuff. Is that something in your family that was always instilled, like you guys talk things out. Ah, yeah we did. UM. I grew up in a very tight knit family that UM, as we've kind of learned going to therapy for for years now, UM, that we pick up things that we were raised with. And there were a lot of things that I didn't realize growing up that have molded me who I am today. But I had such a great childhood that UM always kind of went into it and and everybody get upset with me because I was like, no, my childhood is great, nothing went wrong. I told me, love me, Mom was there, they were at every game. You know, it's perfect. But as you dive into it deeper, you realize that that kind of created some things that you deal with every day that maybe I hit or masked or or what because I felt like everything was so good. What do you guys thinking this? Are both you guys again? For Jenna and I we have like more anxiety around being parents because of all the therapy that we've done, knowing like you just said, Nick, how your family of origin really structures you. What are you guys doing? Are you conscious about that? About that when you're raising your three kids. I think it's terrifying. It is, it's absolutely because it was very obvious when we started therapy, like, let's go to therapy to figure out how to fix Catherine. Like I had the very exact really what you thought, Well, yeah, I mean I had the very obvious family issues, very like your mom. Me and my mom didn't have a good relationship, she had a drug problem, you know, all of those things. We are not emotional, we don't talk about a lot of things. So I felt that way too. It's like, all right, let's go, let's figure out how to fix me, you know. But then he realized that like he thought his was perfect, but it wasn't. And that came into play a lot too. But the problem was is I can deal with conflict and move on. He sees conflict and he's like, oh god, it's over breaks out. So I was like when we were dating, um, when we had our first fight, I was like, oh man, I really thought this relationship was gonna work. But that's what probably the perfect family, that's what that was. That one of the things that maybe hurt your image was it wasn't perfect. So and I don't know. If you know my parents, I just I didn't see it. Um, you know, what was their conflict and stuff? Sure, of course there there wasn't every relationship, but as a child, I never saw it, So I guess deep down I never learned how to really deal with it. So in you know, high school, college, all my relationships never was there much conflict, Maybe because I dated girls that didn't have those strong personalities and then I married one that has a very strong personality. So but to answer your question, Mike, I was thinking about that. It is. It is very scary when you think about how that all comes into play for kids. So like my oldest son, Kayden, who's nine, is already not very touchy feeling like me. So I go to therapy and we talk about it, and it scares me. You know, I'm kind of like, oh, no, how do I deal with this now? I already recognize that he's more like me, And is this something I need to deal with now? Is this? Like I don't know the answer. We haven't even really talked to him about it yet, honestly, um, but we need to. But yeah, when I'm in therapy all the time, I will be in tears and they're like, what are you crying about. I'm like, I'm just thinking about my kids. I think about my kids and I cry because it's like you do. You're the best you can as parents. And again through therapy, you understand that, like you don't know, one blames their parents necessarily for maybe character defect of flaws that you might have now as an adult, but you understand that they do the best that they can. We do the best that we can. There's something going to happen, something's gonna happen with our children that we have no control over based off circumstances in life. That we're trying to do our best, but we can't control every aspect absolutely. Are you trying to maybe be more touchy feely that way? They they'll see that more with like Nick, yeah, because because you're so emotionally connected to your kids, but just not as much right And and I can say you don't love Nick obviously, you know you guys have been together for a long time, but it's just you know you. That's again where you are like Mike in that aspect work intimacy, it's just not oh yeah, for sure. And it's funny the other day, Ramsey or two and a half year old, like in the mornings, you know, we do kiss and I give her a kiss because Nick usually takes her to school, and now every morning pretty much she'll go, mommy, daddy kiss and so she always so she's recognizing it. I don't know as much about the older out and kiss. Kadam was the first. If maybe we weren't as conscious then and he's not, or if that's just him and he's a boy and he's nine, I don't know, because Emmy is pretty my six year old, she's pretty affectionate. Affectionate when he was younger, um, yeah, more, but he was always just kind of a boy and like wild, you know, just kind of like didn't want to sit still, ill, didn't want you know. So yes, more than he is now. But he is emotional, so it's not like, you know, he's not a kid that doesn't He does keep his emotions on his sleeve. So he's not that stereotypical boy that you know doesn't have emotions or gets upset like he's sunsetive. He's very sensitive. Hold again, he's six, he's sex Okay, So do you notice the change because of the divorce. He I always explained him as a rubber band he is. He is a go with the flow kind of kid. He always has been, and he just was born with the super happy disposition where he was laughs and hugs and kisses. He's super loving. He's very sensitive, though varying. His feelings get hurt really easy. But the divorce hasn't really affected him. He's asked a couple of times, why do you know? Why do why do you guys live in different homes? And I explained to him he is such a broad group of friends who have different experiences. Some of his friends just have a dad, some of his friends just have a mom, some of his friends have two dads. Um, So you know, I've just been it's been really helpful to explain to him that everyone's experience is so different and he's really lucky to have a mommy and a daddy that he gets to spend time with and he enjoys that. He loves it. So he's doing really well. Thank you for asking, um, But I think, yeah, come be But they start to close up a little bit. They just do their boys, And I think that's a good point, Jen. I think some of it is just biological for years and years and years of these stereotypes holding true, that it's like out of our control that a person, that kid's going to be who they are to an extent, Yeah, parents can help mold who they become, but some vases out of our hands. Right, absolutely, So, Nick and Cat, do you believe in therapy so much that at some point you will include the kids or have them good with therapist? That's a good question. Yes, And when we when I say I don't love therapy, I actually do like therapy on my own. I have learned to love that. I don't love couples therapy. Yeah, I do think. I do think that I would probably take my kids to therapy. That's but at what age? It's like, So that's the thing that kind of worries me too, is too much therapy at a young age bad? Too? Like? Is that? I think? That's that's tough. I think that's all. You gauge it on how your child is. But also you don't want to give them a complex thinking that they have to go to talk to somebody because they have an issue quote unquote, right, that you don't want to encourage that. It's more about if you see certain signs maybe and you're just like, hey, mommy and daddy both go to talk to a person, talk about feelings. If you don't feel comfortable talking to mom and dad, give them another outlet if they don't come, if they're not communicating to us, especially at the tween and teen stage. Yes, especially because that it's yeah, great point too, because they're too cool to talk to mom and dad exactly. Yeah, absolutely well, And I was going to say too with with Kayden, he doesn't have a hard time talking about things, and he is very sensitive, like Nick said, and he's very sweet to his little sister, like he's still very like, very huggy with her, and you know all that stuff. So I don't think it's necessarily an issue that we have to like, but it is very interesting to see how your personality and how you are moves on to the next general. But because you guys are doing therapy, Kathyn, you guys are aware of that that. Okay, hey, I notice what's in myself and I'm not that intimate touch of feely. Let me just keep an eye on this with Katan. Let me observe it, so at least you guys can know so if it, if it manifest into something else, you can be on top of it. And I actually told Nick the other day, I said, hey, I want you to be aware of this, and especially being dad to son. Even though he is more you know, he is more touchy feeling, he's not necessarily with cadence. It's like, let's be aware and make sure you're all being kind of sensitive to that next question, how do you deal with because this is something that I have to deal with with Mike not having your meat needs met more on on a more regular basis, where you you do want more of the touch, you do want more of the emotion, and having to kind of be like, Okay, this is who this person is and they're either a trying or this is just how it's going to do you set your expectations at a certain level or I mean, again not saying that you are Katherine or Mike have because again I have stuff my our issues too. Yeah, so I don't. I don't look at the issues anymore. It's just two different people in different perspective, different just but it's when something we need that so much, like that's such a part of us that like we need that connection and love and mainly I guess there's two avenues that that really worked for me. One is is kids, Um, you know, getting some of that touch from from your children, UM, just having a close relationship with them, UM, cuddling with them, talking to them, that type stuff. And second is you know I made a commitment no matter what. UM. Marriage to me is is a commitment through and through and you if you're good times, you're bad times, you're better and you're worse. And me and Catherine always talk about this is my worst, this is you said you'd love me feel my worst. But I think, UM, seeing the other side commit to trying is yeah, that's what is all you need. So there's there's a relationship where you saw that you know she wasn't trying. She wasn't And that's an even the marriage. You know you're very religious and you have your values in your core. Would that to be something where you would just live with or would you have to find your happiness elsewhere? A very difficult answer. You can't cross that bridge until you get to it. That that exactly, UM. But if you saw other people living that way and then they'd be like, Okay, they're not trying. So because a lot of people email us in and they say, you know, my husband just isn't trying. It's like, how can if two people aren't trying, then how is it going to or not working? That's how is it gonna work? Yeah, and that's that's the biggest issue. And I think that's why a testament to our both of our all four of our couple ship is that we see the other person trying. And just like Catherine said, you know, I think when jan and I first went to therapy the very at the very very beginning of our relationship, it was they kind of fixed Mike, right, So this I felt the same way. But then as you see the other person cleaning up their side of the street and we're doing ours, it's like you learn to come together by taking care of you go you end up learning you go to therapy not to fix the other person, but to fix yourself, and then you guys go closer to go for you. It's he wasn't able to do that. He wasn't he wasn't invested in that. So it's like, of course, so it's and how how could you live that way? You know, I don't know how someone could. Yeah, you can't. When you're committed to growth, it's you know, it becomes suffocate you. You feel suffocated, um and you have to continue to grow. And sometimes the only way to help the other person grow is to change the situation. That's true, and and that's but that was always the scariest thing. And I've told Katherine this a million times when I was in that weird up and down with Mike. Whether it is he really gonna change? Is he not? But I always feared that maybe if I did leave him, that would he would then be the person that he's going to be that I wanted him to be. But that's going to jump start him to change. So it's whether or not you're gonna hold on and enjoy the ride, or or you know, maybe he gets it with someone else. I don't know. It's scary no matter what somebody decides it is, you know, I mean, there's no right or wrong answer. It's obviously if someone's trying, it's easier to stay. But who knows you both have to be to grow. That's true. You know what I'm asking, why do you call her the wardens? To me? Catherine knew that, I mean, not really, but it goes back to the whole thing. Like any guy and we're making plants, it's like, hold on, let me ask the ball. How many guys say that? So it's just a different word us, a different word a you know me like I like to get a laugh. So when I throw that out there and nobody's ever really heard it, so they're like, I don't guys, I don't let me ask the warden if I which is fantastic, which is absolutely fantastic. Well, I know everybody's scared of me. That's been the latest that all the guys are scared of me. YEA, well because you but you're a strong person. But here's I will say just what I love about Catherine and and and the kind of our girl group is Nick isn't not saying that they're not the other guys aren't amazing husbands because they they're good husbands. But like Nick is, you're one of the best husbands. You know, very close to my husband out there. I mean you you help with the kids, you do the you're you're there. It's been a great you know, we're the same age. Think's been a great role model from me to be a father. On how interactive he is with the kids. That's true. So I think the guys are scared of you, because that's how it should be. You do you know what I mean? I make them do a lot of so they're they're sorry. I'm gonna tell their wives that they need to be doing. It's different than that, though, Like, I don't know. She doesn't make me do anything. It's no no one can make anybody. But I don't know. It's just I, you know, with what I do for a living and everything I have, have tind it a lot of nine to five dads don't have so nick as a realtor. Ever since we've had kids. Um, you know, I'm usually dropping them off at school or picking them up or you know, if Katherine gets off work late, then I need to have dinner made for the kids. You know, I'm not going to look at and go, well, the wife's the one that makes the dinner while the kids are sitting there at the table, like what the hell I'm hungry. You're subjective to your environment. They're adapting. You adapt to the life you've chosen, and and that's the cards that are dealt. And then it just becomes second nature. Speaking at dinner have you ever heard of Thrive Market. I have not, but I'm interested to hear. It's really great because it's delivers right to your doorstep. And what's great about it, Katherine too, is you know, um, you can get mac and cheese. So they have as Mac and cheese. I mean they have really like they've easy. It's healthy, living, easy and affordable. So some of my favorite products in there that I get UM are the as Mac and cheese. I love ands products. It's really good for kids. It's the best selling non gmo foods and natural products, always at below traditional retail value prices, so that's so good. And also what I love baby We love the Myers all the fantastic so the detergent, the stuff on the counters, the surface cleaners. And also we get um this really great non hypoallergenic lotion for Jolie. So you can get anything from baby products to food to the best fresh meat and seafood. I mean it's really it's amazing, high quality. Um more than sev The Thrive Market catalog cannot be found on Amazon, which I love Amazon, so this just makes me even happier. Keep in mind, Thrive Markets prices are already up to fifty off and now they're giving an extra off your first order plus free thirty day trial. Head to www dot thrive market dot com. That's Thrive t h R I V E Market, m A r k et dot com slash Janna and that's off your first order and free thirty day trial. So we have been doing relationship challenges. My favorite one was the strike that for you not at all if you didn't do it scary. But did you ask me what I needed? Last week? I don't think you did. Did you ask me? Why are you just coming at me? Did you ask me what I needed? I did? Would you when you ask that? I don't know the day, but I remember coming? Actually no I did. I did ask that, did you? Yeah, before we left out of town because we still have to do our even though we're saying and we still have to do it. No, I did ask you. I don't think before we left town. Oh, I thought that was just the normal thing. Just you guys are packing, you need anything to anything? I don't know. Yeah, no, it was Hey, why you're away? Because still understandably so like you know, we're away from each other for a week. It can be triggering at times for Janna, and I want to make sure that she feels safe. Well, she's away and I had Jolie the whole time, but still, I never want to assume comfort ability or anything like that. So I don't want her to think I'm being complacent. So I asked her if there's any additional things within the boundaries that we live in, if she needs anything. So I did ask. I wasn't that thorought or thoughtful because you were. Just because you weren't present for that moment doesn't mean I didn't ask. Thanks. Then, um, Nick, I'm gonna let you pick our relationship challenge this week. Do you have something that you can think of? How about this? Um? Love languages, different love languages, Catherine's is. So, how about just a gift that you know your spouse would appreciate. Oh, that's that, and it doesn't have to be it could just be something. Any flowers? Yeah, I love that. That'd be great. It's a good one. There you go, that is a good one. It was funny. Okay, I want a I'm gonna alright, So the relationship challenge, the relationship challenge of the week. We're gonna because Catherine her, that sounds so bad that your number one is gifts? Sorry language, how dare you? I'm a cover of your fans because you and I are like the same language. Gifts. What is your number one? Though I don't remember words time, quality time, quality access service. I think I think hers is gifts access service. And then sometimes you're more quality time because you like doing things as a family. And yeah, from the parts, that's after the gifts and after that, after you do, after you do the dishes and buy a gift. She likes the call time. I'm not a terrible no, you do not. And then I have a good one for next week. Then it's other persons. So this week it's the husband for the spouse. No, no, no. This week is you just give your either a spouse, partner, whatever, You give them a nice little gift just just because gift, which is so sweet. But then the next week after that they'll be what they're number one, so you would love me more better? That week stayed next and Katherine, have you ready to get out? She's like, oh, I didn't listen to that, and like, uh, I'm gonna be like texting are like James podcast is on? Did you hear the challenge hold hold my hand. That's why I loved though about this on any like Jane started off with, is that it is just a little different than most stereotypes. But I've personally loved it because Katherine's like the only one of your friends that has been able to understand aspects of me more. Well. It's get the text message, you know, because you know, Katherine was there with me when we found out about everything, and she's been there for me through the lowest of lows with with our stuff and I mean with everything really, but you know, I'll never forget the text messages she sent me, and she said, I never realized how much I could actually relate to Mike and the things that That's what basically was said, right absolutely, And I was like, what, I remember screenshotting it and look at that. But it's you know, at first, it's almost you know, we all kind of judged him, and then you realize that there are actually similar issues that you guys. Absolutely absolutely, and I think that, you know, I look back and some of the things I had to say at the time when I was angry, which anybody would, you know, I can I can definitely see things differently now for sure. Absolutely. Wow. See I can be emotional, fella. There's a new podcast that Jane and I have been excited about and been listeners of. It's and Me. I'm trying to work here, Can you do? Mind? Three and Me has a new podcast called Spit. Do you ever feel like you are more divided than ever? If you're tired of hearing about all the things that separate us, you have to check out Spit, a new podcast from my Heart Radio and twenty three and Me where they explore all things DNA and how we are all nine point five genetically alike? Does that mean more like siblings? On? If so? A fact? Though we're siblings? Postpare Tune Day, Thirst and sits down with the biggest artists, including Pete Wentz and Mike Posner and influencers of our time to talk about how the world of genetic teasing is changing who we are in the world around us. They explore a variety of important topics, such as how science stacks up against the stories we've been told, how much nature versus nurture impacts who we become, the modern definition of family genetics and race outsmart In our genes and a whole lot more. Make sure to check out full episodes on the I Heart Radio app or wherever you listen to podcasts. Okay, so I am so excited to have girls re store Joe and Jenna in studio. Um, I love you guys. Thank you. First of all, I mean grocery store Joe. So, I mean he has the last name Joe. Do you just is that what everyone calls You just have to go by that now, Yeah, everybody calls me grocery store Joe. Um, my last name is a Mobley. People have a hard time pronouncing grocery store Joe. Okay, there you go. It's cool. So, um, honey, did you did you watch the first Yeah? You know I always watched the first couple and then I'm like, all right, this is your thing. Yeah that's true. But remember so grocery store Joe. Sorry Joe, he got wroted off the first night. Such a sad night. But now look at him, did that? Did that just like break your heart? Like to be where you just like, please don't be the first guy. Please don't be the first guy to be voted off Bachelor. Yeah, it then it break my heart. It was it was a little embarrassing. I was, you know, he didn't sign up for it, so we just got to get that clear. He was like found in the Whole Foods and so I read that. Yeah. Well, I was walking through Whole Foods and they're like, hey, are you single? I'm like yeah. She was like, you want to try out for the Bachelor, and I thought they wanted me to trial for the lead. So I'm like, yeah, let's do it. Yeah. Absolutely, And then next thing I know, I was in l a and not getting a roast that first night. It was embarrassing. Anything who was that came up to you and asked you that they I think they Yeah, I think they sent scouts out to bigger cities. Grocery store. Yeah yeah, so every Whole Foods across the country. Probably that's funny, But you actually own a grocery store in Chicago, right, I used to. I used to. I don't anymore. No, I'm just now I'm just a dancer, you know. Well, okay, so let's let's transition. You have one of the sweetest partners of all time, Jenna. You've you always. I had the privilege of being able to be in one of the seasons that Jenna was on, and Jenna, You're just You're just a genuinely nice girl. You you wear your heart on your sleeve and I'm so happy that you know you're engaged and you're like I look at your Instagram years and vowels, and I just you just exude happiness and it's so it's so beautiful to see because you deserve all the love that's coming your way. Thank you so much. But how is it? Obviously you guys are getting lower scores dancing how people know? You know, it's it's hard, obviously, because I mean week three, someone was getting a perfect score and we're like still rocking in fives. But it's you know, I think it's to be expected. We are the underdog couple and I'm fine with that. You know, we have we have to work harder than everyone. I think we're putting in so many hours because it is new for Joe. But I'm so down because he shows up every every day with a smile on his face and he's like, all right, just tell me what to do this week, and he's down to do all of it. And that's the hard thing is, you know, the packages on the show, it's only like a minute package and so you don't get to see the seven days that we put in of blood, sweat and tears. And he just keeps doing it. So I'm so proud of him. Um, and I think we're that like cute comic relief in the middle of in the middle. Just stick him in the middle, stick in the middle. But yeah, we're still here. I know. Well that's that's what's so amazing. I mean, do you do you ever feel bad it? Does it hurt your feelings sometimes that they can be a little hard on you? Or are you just kind of enjoying it? No matter what. I No, it doesn't hurt my feelings. I enjoy. Yeah it doesn't. I mean I enjoy the entire process except for the minute and fifty I have to dance. But it's I don't know, I mean, I can only try my hardest, and it's I am. I feel like I am getting better, but the dances are getting longer, so it's just harder to you know, like the first dance with fifty seconds, the last one was a minute and fifty So it's hard not to make any mistakes out there. It really is, because I'm just not a good dancer. Um, but you know we're trying. Yeah, but that's what the show at the end of the day is about, you know, is the growth, the journey and somebody learning how to dance. So absolutely, How Joe, how's this whole ride been for you? I mean you've gone from the Bachelorette to Bachelor in Paradise to Dancing with the Stars. I mean, do you have anything coming up lined up next for you or you just kind of riding the wave right now? Yeah, it's it's been pretty surreal. Me and Kendall are gonna probably start our own YouTube channel. We're gonna try travel around you know. I love and all of this. I mean, yeah, look at that, and I'm learning how to dance, so I'm gonna be going. But it's it's um, you know, I wouldn't trade it in for the world. So, I mean, no, no other contestant that it was voted off first has had this what's that word like reception? Now this this following behind it, And what I say is, um, I think people forget that. Like he was living his normal life there for thirty two years and then overnight he became grocery store Joe sensation Like Instagram I didn't have Instagram, you didn't have social media, and I have like what a million followers or something crazy like that. Yeah, I mean that's that's Again, nobody ever in the history of all the Bachelor of backroom paradises who voted off first became a grocery storege. And you know, I will say, and this is this is completely off of no factor or anything, just my own opinion is And I don't know Joe, I don't know you, but I make up that you're very genuine, very true, nice, authentic person. And so I think I make up that that's why the country kind of fell in love with you, is that you're just happy to be here every day and and there's no sense of you know, entitlement or anything that even again I've only I've only seen you on these shows and stuff like that. I don't I don't get that vibe from you. And I'm a big skeptic. So if anyone, if the rest of the country doesn't like I can definitely see why they fall in love with you. Man. Yeah, I think a lot of people can relate. And I think even with dancing, like most people can't dance ballroom. They mean they understand it. It's you know, I'm not a performer. I never was, so it's so difficult, and I get so nervous right before we go out there. I mean, Joe, what if you won this freaking show. I mean, I think there's a chance we could win. I think I'll ever But but but that because here's the thing. That's what was so frustrating. When you go on Dance with the Stars, and that's what I supposed. I love the people that don't have any dance experience. When you see the athletes and it's like there, of course they're their bodies are going to be better for this or that and be able to move. And this is what it's about, someone who has no dance training, who is just going out there and and just living it up, you know, because my limbs are everywhere, I'm kicking all over. Well. I love Joe and he knows this, and I'll say it to his face, but he is by far the most uncoordinated person I've ever met. And that's not that's not entirely true. It is true, but he but he's overcoming it and he's becoming more coordinated. And I so seriously, I cannot believe that he gets out there and he dances every week, Like I can't believe it. It's amazing. I'm so proud of him. That's so funny, And I think that's a huge testament to like you, Jenna, to the other pros on what you guys are able to do with these stars that come in, what Glad was able to do with Janna, what you're able to do with Joe. I think that's a testament to what is doing with Bobby, is doing with Bobby, Like what you guys are able to do, and how you know how skilled you all are to teach such an intricate dance and routine to these people who have never danced before. I don't think people give you guys enough credit because that's fascinating. Well, thank you. Yeah, it is a minor panic attack every week, but yeah, I'm sure. I mean, at the end of the day, though, would you have wanted like, did you know you have loved someone? Okay, I would take Joe a million times over again because no, but it's true. We have the best time every day and we've become really good friends. We have like a weird random connection. I think it's because we're born on the same day, we have the same birthday, and we just have a great, awesome friendship and so I would not trade this experience for the world. So yeah, having my partners has been awesome. Well, Stars, but you got her. She She's made it very enjoyable. I love it. Well, thank you guys so much for coming on the show. You guys give it up a grocery store. John Jenner the Stars. I just really love the fact that Jenna said that she is happy with because I know when I was in the season to like the worst dance partner. But again, when you see someone that's really trying and shows up, I feel like that would that would be better than just having someone that. I'm sure everything despite how successful a couple is on the show, I think it's the day to day I'm sure is what makes that experience that much better because again people don't know that behind the scenes, how many hours you you guts spend together, like just going over these routines you know, all day. Yeah, I just I'm so happy. I'm just happy for Jenna personally too. And then again, like no other contestant has ever had that kind of reaction. No, again, I just I really believe that's a testament to his character and that he's that reel of an authentic and nice person. I was shocked she didn't keep him when on the show because I remember him like he's cute, you know, he's not absolutely and he seemed nice, so I was I was always very confused that she sent him home first. Well look at him now, baby, last laugh. And I feel like everyone now that's going to be on the next Bachelor. They just want to be like first off and then make the bigger name for themselves. No one can do. And that's the thing. He didn't even try, like, he didn't do anything to try to do that. He was just himself. He was just a guy that showed up. It's awesome. I'm gonna vote for them though, because I like them. Well sorry, I'll vote for them and Bobby. There you go, all right. I want to give some big thank you to all the sponsors today on the show. Big thank you to Brooklyn and dot Com is giving an exclusive offer just for my listeners. Get twenty dollars off and free shipping when you use promo cod Jana at Brooklyn and dot Com. Fatfit Fund go to fafit fund dot com to sign up and start getting the box for a life well lived. Use promo code Janna to get ten dollars off your first box. Talk space to match with the perfect therapist Nick for a fraction of the price of traditional therapy. Go to talk space dot com slash Janna and use the code Janna to get forty five dollars off your first month. Had to www dot thrive market dot com. That's thrive t h R I v E Market m A r k e t dot com slash Janna and off your first order and free thirty day trial. And also huge thank you to twenty three and me their new split podcast. Make sure to check out full episodes now on a Heart I Heart radio app or wherever you listen to podcast. This is a great show, guys. I love you very much of you. Oh my god, Nick is wearing my shirt. It makes an appearance about once a year. I love it. You can put it back in the closet for another year. Thanks for having us, Love you guys, thanks for being here. Do Do Do Do Do

Whine Down with Jana Kramer

At the end of a long day, nothing is better than winding down and decompressing with a good friend,  
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