Big Time Break-Ups

Published Feb 27, 2023, 5:00 AM

Jana and her friends discuss some of the big celebrity break-ups in the news right now, and one of them hits close to home.
We try to figure out exactly what’s going on with Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox, and Jana has a admission to make from early in their relationship.
And Jana reveals a shocking detail from her past that she wishes she could burn from her mind.

Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I Heart Radio Podcast. We're back from Boston, New York. I'm kind of feeling withdrawals a little bit, are you. Yeah? I know yesterday I texted you both separately. You did Hi. It's such a high and then when you get back it's always like amah. So it is a lot of peopling. Yeah, oh yeah. I didn't want to speak. Still don't really want to speak. That's problematic. That is for the next minutes. I saved it for today. Yeah, it's crazy because we travel together, we hotel together, we podcasted while we were there, but then we also people with your people m and like I have you hug but I didn't have to. I get to do the meet and greets before and then after the show. So it's a lot. Yeah too, And you're taking on a lot of deep information. That's one thing that I kind of have realized this time. I was like, wow, I don't know how you've done this this well. I think one of the girls, because I had this one girl she was so sweet and boss that she was crying telling a near story and oh, Alan ding Ding, I goes the boyfriend ding Dong in London, England. So I yeah, So she was like crying. The next girl goes, this must be a lot for you, and I said, you know what I said, because the meeting groots are what like thirty forty five minutes and then after the show obviously was staying for however long, which I love meeting everybody and hearing stories. I love all that. And I told her, I said, there's so many mean, nasty, not not There's so many There are obviously some things. When you open yourself up to things, you get negative comments. But I often question myself, well why do I Why am I still doing this? And then I go, but this is why, because I hear these people's stories and how it's helped, and so that makes me feel happy. How we make them laugh, how you know they relate to you, how they relate to you, and so I think that's the piece where I'm like, Okay, this is this is why like this and these weekends helped me realize what we're doing is for good. It's really special because you get to hug them. Yeah, Like I just really like to hug and it was along two years of non hugging, so I feel like I'm a hugg around the loose, but I just want to hold people and hear and touch their faces. I have to rain you in after the catch, like are you done over here? I'm like, cheek to cheek, minus sneaky reporters that try and come and come to a show like that was just so crappy. Okay, So I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk about that. Well, and I'm still confused by the whole thing a little bit. So it was interesting because I met this person, so you knew it was a reporter, well, I knew where she worked. I mean, I'm assuming unless there was another one there that I didn't meet, But she came with her mom, and I, you know, just I was like so like I'd kept telling her how proud I was of her making this big choice and moving to a big city, and she said it was a culture shock, and all these things just interesting. Yeah, because those shows obviously are not recorded and they're meant to be you know, we give them a little more tea than we'd give them on this podcast, but it's also a deeper level intimate exactly. And that's the part where I'm like, in a way, I was like felt a little violated and I was like, yeah, I was. It was hurt that they went and that publication especially are so disgustingly low with how I mean, for example, they had someone parked outside my house, like they're just they're a nasty, ugly site, yeah, for just drama. And I'm like, I just I despise the fact that she was even an audience. Oh yeah. I thought about this last night though, because I was like I felt a little hurt. Yeah, you know, like that violation you're talking about, Like I was like, shame on you, Like this is our special time with special people, like good people, where we like talk about really deep stuff. Yeah, and we all share and we all cry and we all laugh. But then I was like, you know what, we're getting closer. That's all that is. Like when you play in the arena, do you ever read the burnet Brown? Is the Teddy Roosevelt que quote that she always talks about about when you are in the arena. And so this is just one of those things where I was like, you know what, not today say you get out of here. This is our special time. Yeah, And I think that's the thing too, because I'm like I love going on those tours and being so open and like not having the censor because I don't censor a lot on here. You know, I censor some things that I don't want to be on US Weekly. And it wasn't from US Weekly. They're actually classier than this other place, um, you know, from this other So it's like there's certain things I just don't want out there. And so at the shows, I'm like, you know what, these are my people. They've they've like, there are people they've followed along with us, and so they can get a little snippet. I mean, I say more of them. I sure out there. We go to DC in Philly, I'm like, because I'm like, what, you know, what reporter from that trash mag is going to come maybe whatever. Yeah, we're going to figure it out. Yeah, we've just got to give no more attention to them. I think it's interesting though, because I was talking to Alan and he was just saying, you just honestly can't trust anyone, And that like makes me sad, I know, because again it's like, I like the fact that we've created this really special. It's so special because there's so many tears and laughter. It's it's just like that's the special is like the best word to put it, Like, it's so sacred to me. Yeah, but you also want them to feel safe, right, Like I was thinking about that one girl in New York who had a very personal question to ask if that were to be And I know they're just picking up what you're saying, but you never know like they I mean, you want our people that are there to feel safe to ask questions. And that's just fair. And that's what makes it so cool out there is that they do feel that way, and we feel that way. Like I don't talk about hardly anything personal really like oh gosh, but when I'm out there, I say a couple, okay, and that's the thing. Yeah, we let it, We let it fly and ride because we're just we can just have fun and it can safe yes yeah to say yeah very girlfriend dye. And it's like we want people to feel say to that and yeah during our Q and A is when that a few of those questions were asked. But it's like, again, I felt safe to just be silly and fun and also and so do you guys, And so it's just I was like that was so disappointed, I know, but it does not shock me because they're the worst. Hey everyone, it's Bethany Frankel. We are reliving the best moments from all the seasons of the Real Housewives on my new podcast Rewives. From the table flips of New Jersey to the craziest hills of Beverly. No city will be spared, and I'm joined by my most fabulous celebrity friends that you will never expect to help me break down the drama. Christin Channa with Tory Spelling, Jerry Springer, Snooky even Emmy winner Elizabeth Moss. The list goes on and on, so let's whoop it up and mention it all because you can binge episodes of rewives right now with so much more to come. Listen to Rewives on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Moving on, though, since we're it's a hot topic which freaks me out. Oh, I love you? Did you see the rundown? I did? I did what? I did? You did? I did? Okay, I have funny hands. Would anyone like to start on the rundown of the hot topics? I would like to avoid one if possible. Oh, I wonder which one you could avoid Let's start with m m okay, hot topic number one. We're just gonna go because this is let's gets sent to us. Kelsey beller recalls sleeping on the couch and many a night and mid marriage issues with Morgan Evans. Kelsey Bellerini's reflecting on the painful moments that led to her split from fellow country star Morgan Evans. She went on call her daddy, who are you guys? I'm like so obsessed with Alexander Alexander Cooper, So we follow each other on Instagram and like sometimes I liked you. EMM, she doesn't see him or she doesn't choose. Yeah, I know, I just I love her. I think she's so she's like a Barbara Walter's vibe, like a cool vibe where she goes there and I love it. And but she's like the new Age. Okay, do you have thoughts? I hate this topic. Okay, well then I'm going to keep going so interesting. In a clip from episode, Ballerini took work for a long time, or call sleepless nights. I think, what? I what? What? The one the thing that I ended up, which she said was she She mentioned that he took half the house that he didn't pay for, and she she was shocked, and I'm trying not to misquote, but basically that the person, how did she not know that that existed in that person? That, um, what's the word? Guys like out here he's all like him, the fact that he could take half the house that he didn't buy, so that he That's what she said, And I'm trying to find the quote exactly, but i didn't see it in here. I think it was on the podcast, like she felt blindsided by like it was that it was an actual quote that she said on the thing, So I just want to make sure I quote it, but she just said that she didn't she felt so how could he take half the house like that? That he had that character to take half of the How did she not know that before? And uh, you know, I mean I could definitely relate in a way where there was a lot of anger. Obviously when I divorced my X, I'm like having to pay alimony or a lump sum, and then now I pay him child support. That's hard, and that anger has subsided because at the end of the day, it's like I just have to think, Okay, it's for my kids. Now having said that, it's it's very difficult. Also, I look at it and go, okay, well, this is what happens in divorce. Unfortunately this sucks. And whether he paid half or or you know, um or didn't, I mean I don't. I don't think my X was entitled everything that he got. But unfortunately that was, you know, the what happened. And you know, the I didn't want to go to court fight a post up and because yes she had a pre nup post up, that's stuff at the end of the day, doesn't really go in court. So when I remember fighting with my um with Max about He's like, I'm going to fight the post up and I'm like, but you know, my lawyer is like, well he technically could win. I'm like, then why sign a paper if it's not even gonna work, you know. So but one day it's like, all right, It's like, I'd rather what spend a year fighting in court or just pay them and you know, pay child support whatever, cut my losses. My issue with the whole thing. And I've said this, I've even said this to you when you were frustrated with yours. If the roles were reversed, men do that all the time for women. So I'm gonna Devil's advocate with you this though. Here's the problem. I have my kids seventy percent, so you would think that I wouldn't have to pay that much child for child support. But I'm talking about paying half the house. Oh, but that's that's where I just think in that area. So yeah, my anger probably lies more with like child support. So with that, I agree, like, yeah, it's a marital asset. It's just how the cookie crumbles with that. It is, but it is and child support, I mean again, yeah a little bit. You know, on the other foot, if it was fifty fifty, right, if it's fifty fifty and someone can't afford to pay to live that lifestyle, man or woman, That's my thing is I think it should be treated the same man or woman, and I think we naturally when it's the woman happening to pay off the man, it just feels different. And I even think, I mean even Nick has said this before. He's like, it just feels different when it's a man taking a woman's money. And I'm like, but it's how is it different? Because there's a Because I've talked to a few guys about this. He's like, I wouldn't. There's a I would never take your money. Yeah, that's what Nick says too. And even like you know whatever, he would say, like I wouldn't. If we were, I would never, But you don't. You don't know at the end of the day, when someone's in that situation what they're going to Actually you don't. And at the end of the days too, that's tricky. Well, And when it comes to money, like I think you get in panic mode. I mean, I remember when we were going we hadn't even filed and we were going through all these things. I was in panic mode. Am I going to be able to afford my bills? Am I going to be able to afford? And I threatened to take things that I normally would not do. But I think you just have to recognize that, like for the person that makes less money, it is scary, and I think, man or woman, it's scary, and you don't know what was tabled on the back end or inside of the marriage for that person to make less money, Like, yeah, I make a lot of less money than my husband, but you know, if that was to be our situation, I would need I mean I've tabled. I've been a stay at a mom, not saying Morgan was a stay at home dad, but like there's just so much even in the career in industry that like we the three of us, will never know what happened inside the house. She continued to go on with the career, and you know, well, that's the thing I don't there's so much speculation, right, And it's like there's two sides, and then there's the truth, three sides, right, and then there's two sides of the truth. And so I can relate in understand and have empathy for her on the side where she's worked her ass off where and it's hard when someone walks away with something of their hard work. So it's like when I had to write the check to Mike, I'm like, it was painful because I've never worked harder in the last few years. And it's like I gave you, like what this is so not fair and you sat and played video games and you know, and I'm not saying he wasn't not doing anything, either Morgan or whatever, but like that's I feel that my ex. Yeah, Like I was like, are you kid? Is this for real? Right? Yeah? So you would think that they would have more character to say or but again that's where it's like the white, black and white of divorce is. Well, they are technically owed, not owed, but that's as an asset. Yeah, it's also tricky because when this all happened, Morgan came out pretty quickly with a single that was his heart on a piece of paper, and he's saying this ballad I believe about the divorce indirectly about the divorce, and Kelsey kind of just laid loaf from what eyewitness. Again, I haven't been scrolling. This is difficult because we're friends with both of them. Okay, so I only I've never I met Morgan once twice I know, obviously more Kelsey. Yeah. Well yeah, it's just tricky for me because I like them both and love I love them both individually, and I don't know, truthfully, like hand on Bible, I don't know the ins and outs of any of this. I just know that I've always loved and supported Kelsey. My husband is friends with Morgan and knows that he's a really great dude, and so I've and we're not like this isn't a side thing anyways. I just really love the shot of her. But I have I think what's hard is that all of a sudden it's getting like stirred back up again because now she's come out with this project that is well, so I don't think it's the project. So I think because I remember I saw Morgan's DM or not Morgan Morgan's post about you know, basically her call, everyone's thinking like, well, you release songs, she can release EP. It's not the EP that's the issue. It's what she said on called her daddy. Yeah, that is stirring things up for because it's I mean again basically calling him out for taking something that he didn't pay for it. Well, the blind sided piece of all of it has been a big talking point. So do you think it's Do you think her going on there and saying that was the right move? I don't think there's a right or wrong. Honestly, I would say that she has a lot of good people around her that I would think would advise her if they didn't think that that was something that needed to be done. Likes too, She has such a she is isolated, well good Both of them actually have really good friends and people around them that I don't think would allow them to do anything that would be like, I don't think she did it to be hurtful, is my gut. Probably feels good to get some truth out there, her own truth, because she didn't say too much after it all happened. She kind of just girl gained hard and then hung out, which I think you can. I think you can relate a little bit, you know, to wanting to get your truth out there. Yeah. I think they're taking a minute to do it too, which I like because it's a lot of people are like, oh, she's trashing. I'm like, I don't think it's I think it's I think it's anger because of course she's angry, just like I was angry. Yeah, And so that piece if that's and like he said, if that's your way appealing, then go for it. Well, it also is hard because it's like he releases this song, she doesn't say much. She continues to be successful, So like, I know, that's one speculation that I got when when I got divorced from X was that I had gotten this big career and I had forgotten about and I moved on and I wanted to go dat an artist. It was like all these things that were said about me that were untrue. But I had to like stomach it and not have a place to say it because I just was like, well, I mean, I can scream it from the rooftops, does that do me any good? Like, I know my truth, I know whose I am, I know the story. So I had to just stay there. But it's got to be a little bit frustrating to watch, to write the check, to watch a single come out to hear that would be hard, Yeah, and then not have said it yet, you know. And from everybody's perception, which is where things get slippery, it looks like she's living her best life and she's out on tours and she's getting these big things. But she's all she's got a new boyfriend and she basically said too that she's not single and she's chase and yeah, and that's what I mean. I've kind of always thought this because we she she's just I mean, she's young, and she's learned, she's learning all the lost. She is a good person, Like I just want to say that out lot. Of course she is. They're both good people, I know. And I think the divorce brings out anger, it brings out resentment, it brings out all of it, and so and both truth want to be hurt. And I sent her a little thing just being like, just don't let the anger um sting too much because it's like that piece was the hardest piece for me to to overcome with my X was the paying and you know the all I mean, just and what he did, and so I think that those those pieces were the hardest to get through. And it's like once and you have a choice to let that anger sit in you and stew over it or move on and just speak your truth. But there's a difference, you know what I mean, Like I feel like I speak now in hopes of helping, not of hurting and being angry, if that makes sense. Yeah, Like even when I did table talk, I was like, it's genuinely because I know, you know, obviously the X wasn't too happy about that, but it was also my truth and trying to help. And so yeah, everyone has a right to their truth, right, I mean they do. And public divorces, I just want to go on record, person, I never envy ever, because it's just so layered and so unfair, and it's so noisy that it's already a noisy enough dark enough chapter for a lot of people. That just seems unfair, he said. She SAIDs like are tough. Tough. Yeah, Christ and Cavalary reveals she's been approached by a lot of married men after Jay cutler divorce breaks down why she's not ready for relationship. US Weekly wrote an article that since her divorce, clearly I'm already relationship because I'm attracting all of these unavailable men and young men and young men. I mean, because I think she was hanging out with m Tyler Cameron, whose thing is younger. I mean, here's the things, like props to her for going like knowing that she's not ready for a relationship, you know, especially if you're still like if you're attracting like those kind of people, like I was attracting the same cast that I did last year, then obviously something there's something in me not wanting to like move forward to the next chapter. I think it's great she can recognize that and to put it back on her, like literally look at her and what she's doing, because I think that's hard to do in the moment. Especially. Yeah, it's like you look back and they were all unavailable, and she really enjoyed when she was like, I tried younger men, and I just feel like I just need someone more established and now there's some truth that I can really anchor it. I love it. Jinks girl, jinks. Well, the younger man aspect is so interesting because they dote on the older women and it's so nice to feel like a queen. But then at the end of the day or just like, it's also got to be hard to like in y'all's position, because people know who you are, so it's like are they doating? They're doating because you're beautiful and they want to be near you, But also like there's just so many hidden, ugly agendas too that it's got to just be hard to be like is this even like you don't want to just discount someone because they are young, But at the same time it gets tricky because it's like, well, shoot, I mean, do you just want to be part of this or no, the inside scoop or you know whatever, that's all just too many layers I couldn't do well. Yeah, I mean that's even in friendships too. It's like you want to be my friend because right you want my friend, or because do you think you can get something out of it, or we've dealt with this stuff. I had. We tried to look for a nanny because I've never had help, you know, And I was like, I think number three feels like it might be time to just really recruit someone. Yes, and this good for you, Yeah, good for me, But it still hasn't happened yet. Because one of these girls that reached out was like, has a profile, a public profile? Really great? So I insta stoctor or whatever, and then and then I found deep, deep, deep down, she has another Instagram profile where she's a singer songwriter. Yeah, well that's never gonna work. What are you trying to hit it? Hannah in my living here? No, thank you, But yeah, it's just the public profile just comes with a lot of like layers of all of that stuff and knowing what people's intends. I mean, you have to wonder what people's intentions are, even if you're not in the public eye period, and then you get these kind of things. Well I think that's why I was so like, Okay, breaking news, don't don then, because you know, obviously set their record straight here on this one. I didn't meet Alan and Riyah, right, he dmmed me and so I ignored it because to me, it's like and I remember, you know, I have conversations with other like like the Christians and who you know where it's like guys will DM us right and some with a blue check mark those are the ones that we will see you or whatever. But that's how you know. I mean, shoot, I met my ex husband on Twitter like he tweeted me or whatever. Me slid into my whatever, So uh, I you know that's just another dating app, I guess for And I've slid into guys dms before, Like I'm not above saying that, Like I've definitely done that too, because if I'm like right, if they're not on RYA like that or a dating app, what else you got? Right? So it's like either it was either riot meeting someone at the grocery store because I love to be honest, I don't go out gymnastics is not safe, not a safe or DM so like you know, we've done freaking Jesse James Decker was like the biggest, like she was my h who do you want me to DM? So actually I wasn't the one DM. It was Jesse like she would DM straight out, so funny, like okay, do you think this guy's CTE. Okay, I'm a DM. So she was like my biggest hype girl last year, and so with Alan, when I got his DM, I honestly was like, you know, because it was after kind of hot girl summer, I was like like, I'm not like what saying his DM so honest it's not like sleazy, No, not at all. I think I honestly don't remember what it said. And I can't remember from the king because sometimes the sex messages are so appropriate and I'm like, I feel like I'm in trouble with the queen or something. I don't know it just like I would I. He's so like it's the it's just the cultural difference, but it's so appropriate that I'm like, gosh, if he slid in your DMS, I wonder what it was like you were being called to the motherland and you had to go, like was it like? Because I think one of the time when we were in that's Australian. Why did I suck at it? Why I suck at his accent? I know? But when when we were on tour, one of the things was you said, or he said, I will await your call very proper yeah, but I was like, also, I feel nervous. He's awaiting quickly get on it him love me. I just would have. I just like, it's funny because I've seen some of your dms that you've gotten from certain suitors as we'll call them. It doesn't seem to fit him, does it. No. I just can't imagine what he would say. Well, that's why it's so weird, because I would have never expected someone like him to d M because it's just he that just doesn't seem like, how did he know about you? So when I that's the question I'm always asking because I'm curious because I want to know because other people of And then they're like, well I didn't know who you were. I'm like, but then I went member that one guy that I can't talk about that and that one still pisses me off to this day. I won't tell you who it was. It is, but there was this one guy that I dated and he was just like, oh, I didn't even know who you were. And so then when we started to date, I look in my I look at him on Instagram, go in the dms, and he had DM to me a few times and I like, so then you did know who I was, Okay, but also we believed his excuse for that. You know, I know that was when I was there was a few of us. I didn't, but a few people did. I think I took where I stood. Pretty sure you you bought into it. We're crazy anyway, so you don't know, okay, but you're also like beautiful. That's the thing I have to say. So like when people are like, oh, I don't know who she is, Like if I've seen somebody at the grocery store that's hot, I'm going to just DM them. No, I'm just saying like I always assume there's somebody, especially in Nashville. Like I'm always like, hey, you know what I'm saying. So, like, you don't look at Jana's profile. So he two million followers and no, because he originally said that he didn't, he didn't. Yeah, pants up here when I say, I just came up on his feet, which I don't know how which one said that? Allen? Okay, Yeah, so I came up on his speed and he he must have looked at my profile, didn't not knowing who I was. But then he yeah DMed me and said I again, I don't remember, and he doesn't have it either, but it said something like you knows been requested. It was something to the sort of you look like a great mom, and you know, I would love to get to know you or something. At the time, I was past hawk Grow summer and was like, I'm not, like, yeah, I'm not like you'd been trappling everywhere everywhere? What's the point? Like I kind of went through that whole little like m hmm, and so, but then, you know, something about it just kind of kept kind of thinking like maybe something kind of kept drawing me back there. So eventually, obviously I reached out. But I think, you know what's interesting is I'm like, did you like me because I blew you off? Maybe? Maybe maybe it's okay because he's such a good looking dude. They probably you know husband, I was like, not in breast and I bought him a drink and he was like, what is going on right now? I think that's and I wouldn't kiss him. Yeah, guys like that, that's normal. Yeah, it's actual normal behavior. Yeah. Having said that, I'm going to ask Alan how he knew about you. Yeah, you should shake him, shake him down little bit on that one. I mean again, he says, I just popped up on his just popped up, But I mean I do. I'll tell you the rest of how maybe in another time. But that is how I actually met him. And the only reason I say that, Why did I go into that whole damning thing. Kristen didn't mean to ryah or to meet people, and it's hard. It's just hard to meet people. So it's like you gotta you gotta, you know, yeah, throw everything kind of at the wall and see what sticks. Yeah, or across the ponds like work, just like work, or across the pond talking across the pond. No, I just but at the same incontinent anymore. So we know we had a problem. I was ready to date though, like after all that stuff, yeah, and after we were ready for you to dang chill and having actual alone time, swear alone time for sure. I was like, Okay, I'm I feel like I'm in a really good place and ready and then it Then that's when it showed up. So it will for her too, because she's studying and you know, oh yeah, yeah, hey everyone, it's Dean Anglert and Kaylen Miller Keys and Jared Haven I'm I'm here. I'm here too, guys, hosts of the new podcast Help We Suck at Being Newlyweds? Because I guess we just don't suck at dating anymore. No, I mean you're newlyweds. I am not a newlywed anymore. Yeah, I'm curious if I sucked at being a newlywed. I don't think so. I mean I made it to the altar, and I am so happy to be joining you, guys. I can't wait to talk about relationships, marriage, and just everything in between. It's about time we have someone smart to join this podcast. It's too long between us. This young lady's a broadcast journalism major. She knows what she's doing. I'm so excited to be hosting a podcast with my soon to be wife and of course my best friend Jared. How's that going to make you feel? Working together now? You guys live together, we're together, going to get married. Yeah, it'll be interesting. You think you need to get tired of each other? Absolutely? Yes. Be sure to listen to Help We Suck At Being Newlyweds on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Hey, dude, I'm David Lasher and I'm Christine Taylor, and we host the podcast Hey Dude the Nineties called if you all are nostalgic for the nineties, We just wanted to make sure you didn't miss amazing guests like the Brady Bunch cast reunion, the White Squall Cast reunion with Jeff Bridges. We've got Ben Stiller. We've got the lead singer of Counting Crows, Adam Durrett's Jerry O'Connell. We also had a Hey Dude cast reunion, So come join us on Hey Dude the Nineties called We have so many more great guests coming up, so please come back and join us. Listen to Hey Dude the Nineties called on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Moving on hot topics, it makes me feel really in the know when we do hot topics because these little, sweet young things. Chris Jenner sixty seven has no plans to ever marry Corey Gamble forty two younger guy because she knows things would not end well if they got divorced. After she sparked engagement rumor Frenzy the Diamond Ring photo. I'm Chris Jenner. If my heart gets broken, never remarried. I'm over. I'm just trying to figure out exactly what she means it would not end well if they got divorced in what way? Well, maybe he knows too much financially too well, but yeah, but I mean she would be because she can't be in the inner circles exactly what she wants with him right now. And when you're kind of at that age you have kids, it's like it's almost like I saw Kate Hudson too, She's like, no plans to rush to get married. Yeah, I am such an obviously, like I love I want the fairy tale and the wedding and the being married. I think that like sanctity of sanctity of marriage is like I love that. But when you're sixty seven, it's kind of like I'm Chris Jenner. Yeah, but what about him? Has he ever been married? He's forty some years old. I mean, well he didn't marry her to that baby. I'm kind of feeling and I can see where she wouldn't want to get married one hundred percent. Her age, her money situation, like all the things that gets complicated understood. I'm sure, who is pivoting on me and me having to really think Christian If your Corey gamble, he's fine, he's living. You may want to get married if it was Flip, if he had an older man, I bet you a bunch of money. I bet you she would. You guys together would maybe maybe if it was something that was actually really important to him. Now It's not like I feel bad for this guy or anything. But at the same time, I'm curious. It's not having kids. Does he wait? How how long have they been together? It's years it's been a ye. Oh, then been together since twenty fifteen. Oh wow, yeah, so eight years at that time. And yeah, I mean I know she'd be a beautiful bride. I kind of would love to see that, like love story. Oh, I would love to see her in address or whatever. She'd pick some sort of power suit, probably like carry branch that that would be fun. No, I'm just curious how he feels about it. Obviously he's fine and live in the good life. He's just always making me think. I'm like, I don't care how any things. I'm never marrying again. I just put my so you said that on tour. I don't believe you. I don't think I would, and I would have. I think i'd build up commune with my best friends. I raised our babies together because I have a backup plan with my best friend of Michigan. That's what we'll do. What the world, We just would raise our kids together. If you would just yeah, well, you're gonna get your Alan or whoever it is you're gonna be. We do know that you just said that. Megan Fox says no cheating was involved in the MGK relationship as she returns to Instagram. So she deleted all she deleted Instagram deleted all. Well, first she deleted all the photos of her and him, of her and him, which I've done before. Yeah, and then come back with my tail between my life. The old clean up was really a it's damage control. It's damage control. I get it. It's hard to come back. The problem is is when you have so much out there and then you get hurt and then you see that it's like that's the initial like f you, But unfortunately it creates a public chit storm, shit storm, And that's basically what just happened. Do you think he cheated? Do you think they just got into a fight. What is y'all stance? I mean, I hate to make an assumption about something I know nothing about, but I'm gonna go if you cheated, who's cheating on Megan Fox? Who's cheating on Janna Kramer? Who's cheating on plenty of people? Not me? Um? I seriously, I don't know. I just kind of wonder, can I just say something? I might really start a pot? Yeah? Sure? Was it ever real? Yeah? You think it was real? For sure? That one was real? I know, I know someone that worked on a film. Yes, absolutely so it was real. Yeah, because at first I was like, is this salt? Because it's so extra drink your blood, kiss your lips that I get like very like, okay, this is very showy for me, and I'm kind of out. I think they got into a fight. Obviously they were leaving. They were left. They were they were photographed leaving a couple's therapy session. Oh well, that makes they really like them, right, they love therapy. I think it does. It makes the humanizing them a little bit. The drinking the blood part gets weird for me. I think there's uh some truth to some things that are said, like that maybe there was a DM and maybe she didn't like something that she saw. I think a boundary was crossed in some way. I don't know what it is. That's not obviously there's something happened for her to delete the photos and then for her to get off Instagram ned her to come back on and talk about the guitar player the other girl. I have mad respect for that because she could just let her burn whether something happened or didn't happen, I have like I think that's very classy of her to come back and say I liked that. Yeah, you know, she was not involved in this because it's not fair because if she really truly wasn't it's not fair for her to get dragged in a shot store. No no no, no, no no, so and if she was the way, that's big on her either way. Yeah. Yeah, the way that she worded it was great. So I I personally like that, And I think again, at the end of the day, relationships are hard. Something probably happened, and it's just again it's hard being in the public eye and then and then doing having that emotional I'm going to delete everything and then all that stuff, like, I get it, I've done it. This may be my forty year old forty one year old mom brain have nothing. But isn't this the same person that actively went on Instagram and said she was looking for a girlfriend for her and her boyfriend. What didn't Megan Fox do that? Wasn't it her saying DM me, if you want to be a brother, probably I'm gonna need someone to check that because I feel like if we're gonna start getting worried about dams, I'm just gonna need some consistency. That's all I'm asking for. I don't know, I'm pretty sure they looked for a girlfriend. Okay. Can I just say one thing about all this, because a part of me is like I always hate when people speculate and feel like they can come into our lives. I personally feel like it's being done right now in a classy way that we're not We're not hating on it, We're not being mean to anybody. We're just having conversations that bring up topics of conversation as we also have to be in the know about topics. If something happened, would you what happen? Yeah? Megan Fox is okay for a girlfriend on Instagram? She took to Instagram on Friday, December thirty just to December thirty d December two months ago of what year. That's all I'm saying. Did she was she being serious? I don't know. I mean, honestly, I thought it was a really good engagement, so I was like, good for you to get those numbers up. Maybe she wasn't being serious, doesn't matter. Currently she's pretty submit applications in the DMS. I think it came from something else. I don't think, because I'm pretty sure she's Oh, I don't think it was that. But I'm also just like, we gotta we gotta lay a real timeline now, right, Yeah, anyhow, Yeah, it's also the industry is hard, like can we just all agree that, like public entertainment, music, actress, all of it. It's just really a lot more layer than people understand. And I also think too, and this is something that there's so many beautiful people out there that it's easy to get a little shady when the boundaries aren't good. So Alan and I were talking and it's like, hey, let's just make sure there are such clear boundaries. And he is the one that brought up which I loved that that way, like there's no like, well, how did you not know that D that this is not okay, or that dmor or this that the other. So there's no like literally no blurn lines good Like I was like, oh my god, like you want to have an absolutely yeah, Like let's because I think that's like the part where it gets a little shady and like hazy in relationships is because you don't think. Like the other time we were talking about not knowing what the person likes, who doesn't like it's not no, actually that's not good too. I don't want you doing that. That's not right respectful what I think is respectful or disrespectful. You might disagree, right, and there may be something that doesn't bother you, but that would bother him. Right, there's a lot that like doesn't bother you that really bothers me. Like what, uh well, no, we've already talked about it on here before. But just like that, you could make out with someone and then hand him to another friend. Like that's my favorite thing in the world to do. I want everyone to find their person. Yeah, you're like a great kisser. Not for me, but here this guy and I'm always just like, how do they do that? That is I can't do it. That's probably something in some therapist for he wants to dig into it, wants to get him off for back. Do you rebound them? Is that what that is? Some sort of like professional rebounder? Huh? Like you just you give them a rebound somebody to move on to or could be their person. I'm not giving a way out enough. No, that's how we know. So there was an interesting TikTok that went on Holly lamp here. I probably butchered that. So he basically her TikTok was her her husband cheated and she wants clarification and advice. So her husband had affair. He won't tell her who it is. He's admitted to it because she caught him keywords, she caught him. He had her number saved under a different name in his tex So she doesn't who it is and he refuses to tell her. He says that he's doing her a favor because he doesn't want her to know the details, and he says the details are not important. He just wants to have her forgiveness. Her point is she needs to know the truth in order to process and heal. Is she wrong for wanting to know? No? Nope, he I think there might be some truth to that. It is protection for her, but she is not going to know that. She's not going to understand that, and she's she's not dingo who it is? Is it the babysitter she might dri later is yeah? I mean yeah, like cousin gross, I just I think he doesn't get to choose that. No. Again, I think he could say, I think this is going to hurt you worse, but this is your choice, and then she has to be willing to deal with the consequences of knowing everything. I agree with that a lot also, And also I think there's levels, not levels, uh, there's certain things she should ask about, in certain things she shouldn't. So I've always wanted to know who the affair girls were, and it sucks sometimes that I'm like, in the past, I didn't know who they were and drove me crazy. And so with this situation, if it's you know, he obviously knows who it is, I think he should tell her. But also after that, the details, like that's the stuff I wish I could unburn out of my brain because I saw way too much. It's just it's like, I M so traumatic. I just yeah, it's like you don't. You don't trust me. You do not want to know? How many times? Where was it at? What was it? Like? Did did she? Because I mean I was I would ask like, that's where we're a lot alike. Yeah, could someone have convinced you of that at the time though, yeah, by therapist in so I stopped asking, oh good, yeah, because I would literally be like, how did she do it? Like you know, did you come? Did you you know? And so one intended I didn't like, but I mean I hear you. Yeah. So it's like those details because because then then now you have a picture and a movie be in your brain that you will replay over and over and over no matter what I know. But the less details of certain for me personally, the less details, and the therapist said the same thing, the less details are actually it's it's more helpful to not ruminate on because it's just it's just it's not it's it's not great. Having said that, I do think she deserves to know, like who it is, Yeah, whether he knows who it is or not, because that's a thing, Like he might be like, I don't I don't remember a last name because I was a few of them too. I would just be thinking it was every girl that I ever came in contact with, you, right, exactly what I mean. It's the neighbor down the street. I wouldn't trust anybody. It's a teacher, it's a well, if that's hard, I feel for her. I just hope that I just like, I hate it because it's just the worst feeling. And also, let me just say this, and this is something that I thought of too when I saw it, and something that you know dealt with with X is is no matter what they tell you, a, are you really gonna believe him anyways? No, because it's not like they came to you and told you about the affair, right, So they're obviously not very honest, trustworthy people. They're not dupids. So it's not like whatever they're telling you, expect it to not be one hundred percent of the truth, right true? So really, what's the like you're not going to really get the truth? If he could easily make it up, that's a thing. It's like he's already a liar. And that's when I'm just like, well, I don't try that. That's what I told, you know, I've told people and obviously Alan's like I can't come back from the mistrust because my brain goes MS too much. Yeah, no, too much. Yeah. Anyways, way to end it on a high note. High note, that was fun. Though it was so fun guys. Oh, which just makes me feel real current when we talk about current events. Uh huh, like actually don't feel like I live under a rock. Under a rock. Can send us in if you go to wind down Podcasts on Instagram, let us know what you want us to talk about on topics DMUs slide into our DMS on wind Down podcast. We would love to know what you guys want us to talk about topics and um we'll bring it to you next week. Bye bye

Whine Down with Jana Kramer

At the end of a long day, nothing is better than winding down and decompressing with a good friend,  
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