Anger Management

Published May 10, 2021, 4:00 AM

Jana is angry. Angry with the loss of her family. Angry with her situation. But she has help to get to the place when it “gets better”.

We talk to life coach Cherie Healey and hear some incredible advice to change her outlook.

And we get some insight from a psychic and a tarot card reader to find out what may be in Jana’s future.

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Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I Heart Radio Podcast. Hey guys, welcome back to wind Down. It's uh to trust me. Um, I just want to say thank you so much for all the love last week. UM yeah, I just I really appreciate it. I didn't know how it would be received because I was like, well, I just cried the entire podcast. But it was really comforting to see the messages because even people that weren't going through my exact situation, we're able to relate in just different ways with their own pain and their own grief. And you guys went along with the tapping, which was so cool, and I just appreciate it, and I appreciate you guys still wanting me to, you know, keep on the show. And I'm if I'm gonna be honest, it's been. It's been a rough week. Again. I'm I'm just waiting for when they say it's better. Uh, But in the meantime, it's definitely been. It's hard, and it's it's um. I think the hardest part is when you imagine something and you work for something and then you're the rug kind of gets pulled from underneath you. You're just kind of left there on the floor kind of spinning like what like. And so that's kind of where I think I'm at, just the realization and then just divorce sucks. Uh, there's it's such a it's hard because you know, I was in the office with one of my lawyers and you know, they're laughing, and I'm like, this isn't funny, like you know what, I understand they you know, they have a million cases. I'm just one case out of probably five thousand, you know, I mean, and it's just yeah, I'm like, this is this is hard, and this is emotional and this is like I'm not laughing about this, and it's just it sucks. And unless you're going through it, it's just a really awful feeling and I hate it. And then it's like I didn't want this, and that's kind of where I keep going to. It's like I didn't want this. I didn't want this, and so now I'm just trying to get out of that mind frame of Okay, I didn't want this, but now how am I going to get past it? And That's where I'm at now, and that's why I'm reading so many different books um reading right now. Lisa turkis book, it's not supposed to be this way, and that's been helping a lot and just realizing, Okay, this is this is it, this isn't what I wanted. But now I have to figure out how to get out of my slump because there is no going back, there is no um. Yeah, it's it's just sad because when when you sit in those offices it's now a business transaction. I'm like, this is my life, this is my kids, this is my money, this is my my livelihood, this is you know, everything that I've built for myself. And it's when people want to mess with that, it's just really hard because yeah, I came from nothing and I worked my butt off and anyways, but I'm that's my SOB spiel for the day. But I think we just I think it's it's okay to be in those spots where you go around and round and round circles because you're gonna get out of it. And I've gotten out of the Will you ever change? Will you ever changed it? Did I make the right decision? I know I made the right decision, and that's what I can stand from in But now what I'm kind of going around circles is when is it going to get easier? And it's probably not going to get easier for a long time. So now I have to get myself up the off the couch, find a way now to just try to try and that's like the hardest part. But I'm doing it. I'm trying it, and I hope you guys are too. I'm pumped because I got Shari Healy coming on. She's a she's just like a overall life coach. She's been on the show before, so hopefully she'll be able to give me some wise words and then after that we're going to have someone hopefully show me that I've got something better on the way. But before we get Charian, let's stick a break. Hi Shari, Hi, Janna, Hi, how are you honey? You know it's the million dollar question. Um. Right now, I'm just kind of numb. Had had a few good cries earlier today and a lot of anger. Um. But yeah, I had one of those moments where I was driving and was like, I have to pull over because if I gotta I gotta pull over. It was one of those kind of kind of days right there with you know, I've been there, right, you know that I was mama of young kids when I filed for divorce, And why I'm here is to tell you what it's going to look like on the other side and how to get there, because we have a phenomenal divorce and the kids have gotten through it, and I have a lot that I wanted to give you. Yeah, I would. I would love that because right now I have a lot of resentment because of how things are going, and it's making me just angry, which I think I need to have a piece of angry because yeah, so that way I don't get too sad knowing like or like did I make their right It's like no, no, like I made the right decision. But I am starting to feel like a little bit too much because of I feel like someone's someone it's just take take, take, take, taking, and it's like you already took everything, like not everything, but you know what I'm saying, Like it's like you took my family away from me. You took so it's like I'm that's where I'm stuck right now and just being like angry. Yeah, and you need to feel that. And I know I heard Sarah telling you that as well and Gabby, and it's critical because I would say where I went wrong is I went so full forced into being there for the children and trying to create this really good divorce. I was like, I never planned out getting divorced, but if I'm going to get divorced, it's going to be the best divorce ever, which is a great intention. But I delayed my feelings. I think I put them off and so I had to. I think Gabby said this to you, like, they'll still be there. If you don't feel them now, you'll feel him later like I did. And I think I want that you're feeling them now. I'm glad that you are. Now. It's just hard because it's you know, the other day he had asked me, He's like, hey, you know, do you wanna do um you know, birdhouses? Like I've got the kids because he hasn't moved into his new place. So I let him come and see the kids obviously, and uh and I was like yeah, sure, and I went out there, but then I just got struck with this emotion. I was like, this isn't real. This is like like I'm not ready to do this yet, you know, because it's like I would love to have done this, but now I'm like, I'm still mad at like I still like, do you know what I mean? But it's like I would love to do that, but I was like, I don't think I'm ready. I gotta, I gotta go to the room, like I can't. I can't do this right now? Is that? Is that okay? So glad do you hear that? Because yes, I know how much you want for the kids to not suffer from this, and you said they didn't ask for this, they didn't deserve this. But I want to go through with you a few like what I would call powerful beliefs that might be guiding lights to get you through it, because I would say that. I remember saying I don't want to have a broken family. I came from a broken family, my parents got divorced. I said I'd never do this to my kids. Yeah, so what I learned and I feel this to be true in my bones and especially now my kids are almost off to college. So I've come through it. And we got to us when they were very little. They choose both of you, They chose you. These kids came in to have the experience of Jana and Mike and all that comes with that. You know, all the lessons that you have to learn, all the things that you're going to go through in front of them. And what I know is the greatest gift that we can give our kids is to let them see us change and grow, To let them see us be human and to be perfectly imperfect. You know, That's what I feel like we all are. We're all here to learn our lessons and for you to be showing them how to go through pain and hurt and prioritize Mommy, to like take care of mom and show them that they will do the same thing. They're watching you so they will know either I throw myself under the bus and be a martyr like mom, or I actually take a loan time and I take space and I go away when I need to feel feelings and I ask for help. Like I loved hearing that you have all your friends coming in and helping. It's also something I did not do. I was like, I gotta get out of bed because I got to be a mom and I'm gonna be a great mom. And it was like this kind of trying to do it in a way that I think I paid the price for. You'd see, like I try to and we nested, and I'd try to be with the kid's dad and like be nice and loving and all of that, and then there would be like these little digs. You know, this resentment would seek out when I least expect it because I had processed the resentment and he he cheated to I mean, we have very similar experiences where you know, I had every right to be livid at him and take from him, you know. But here's one of the things too, that that helped. I'm come back to some powerful beliefs for a second. But one thing that got me through was I said, I know I'm going to have to lead this, but if I want this to turn out well for our family, I know that's on me. And and it feels like you could easily go, well, this happened to me, and why do I have to take responsibility? Why do I have to be the one? But it's also a great position of power to be in to say I know I can lead this family, and I know you well enough already to know you are the super achiever of the family, like you have what it takes to lead this family into a better place. You you said the other day, I don't can't see it, and I want you to start seeing it. I want you to just start imagining and I can help you fill in the blanks. But like, how great it's going to be. And I know it may feel like a leap where you almost take that anger right now and be like, all right, I'm gonna live in a gorgeous home. I'm gonna have lovers. These kids are gonna end up so happy. I Am going to be free and living the dream where all my other married friends are gonna be like I wish I had some alone time to go on trips. I'm gonna crush my business, you know, like to start laying down what you want, because I know that you're at this moment for a reason, and the more you can bring in, almost like with your fist in the air, this is what I'm going to have. I don't know how and I don't know when, but this is where I'm leading this family to a really joyful, beautiful What I said to my kids is we're going to be family forever, but we're gonna have two houses, and eventually there's going to be even more love around because they'll be even more people around you to love on those kids, and you have to get you there. What will be in my darkest hours the highest value that will that will help me get there? So you choose, in every hard decision and in every alone moment, what is the thing that I cling to? Like, for me, it was peace at all costs. I wanted peace, and I in every hard conversation and argument, I would choose peace, which now looking back, I don't even know that that was the best. It got us a peaceful divorce, for sure, but it made me compromise some things. So I don't know as I say this, what might come up as the thing that you cling to. Because it only takes one person to set the tone for the family. Yeah, so if you want the tone to be love, if you want the salt to be really loving, I do. I hear that, and that's what I do want, and I know that I I can. I think I'm just still in the space of I just fear that I'm gonna I'm gonna resent him for the rest of my life for breaking up our family. And I don't that sound that seems so heavy to carry? It is heavy, and I will not let you carry it because over time you will be able to it won't be possible because you're you're already such a creator and you already have such big dreams and visions for yourself, it will be impossible to drag that thing along. But I'll tell you the exit, like the escape hatch for that, and you can. It might drop in now, it might be something that you hold for a while, but here's another belief that you can carry, that that you came together for a reason, the two of you and your blueprint for what success looked like was we're together forever, we have a happily family forever. I had the same thing. But it could be that because you're such an achiever, whatever karma you had to work out, whatever lesson you were supposed to learn together, you knocked it out of the park early. You already did what you came together to do, and you're on such a path of self growth. It could be that you just moved so quickly through what your souls came here to experience that you're over early. And there's this formula for happiness that says, whatever my blueprint is for life has to line up with my life, like whatever I expect has to be reality. And when they're out of balance and they don't equal each other, then you're in unhappiness. And if there don't equal each other, if you thought you were supposed to be together forever and now you're not, and you feel helpless to change that for the rest of your life, then you're bound for suffering. You're not just unhappy, you're suffering because you're you're disempowered. You can't do anything about it. Family is broken, You're supposed to stay together forever, and that is going to just lead to long days of suffering, which I'm not all about. I think life is short, and I think we're supposed to be here to do and do this thing. So you could say to bring those back into balance, to find happiness again and freedom to create family that you want. That maybe my blueprint is, Yeah, we probably came together for a really big reason, and if I find out what that reason is, then it would make sense that we're not together anymore. And I think there's a blessing in this. It may not be parent right now. I used to be so goddamn mad at the kid's dad that I was like, I never want to see you again. I can't believe we have kids together and I have to see you all the time. But I know what the blessed thing is. Yeah, I would not be the woman that I am right now if I hadn't gone through that with him. And I see the karma and my kids too, that my daughter's working out stuff with him, my son's working out stuff with him, he's becoming a better man. It's it's kind of mind blowing how much we've all learned together going through this. So I dig for what's the good reason that you two came together in the first place, and what would be the good reason that you're not together anymore? And how's it going to serve the kids, Because the only way to really hurt them is to be really unkind to each other in front of them, to like go through some really horrible, knockdown, drag out awful talking about each other in front of them, which you wouldn't. And the greatest gift that we can give them as mamas is to be happy and good to ourselves. And I want that they see a model for healthy, happy love, like a really that both of you have really healthy relationships out of this, that they could learn what love looks like. Because I heard you say about staying together for the kids, which so many people do, and then their kids grow up in that sort of toxic energy that you think you're acting like really great and not showing them, but they feel it more than we could possibly know, and they're marinating in that, and they know something's off with mom and dad, and then they take on the responsibility for your unhappiness. They think it's because of that. Yeah, I think and I know, and I definitely feel that. I mean, there's they I'm sure they felt the tension when we have arguments and stuff, and I know that's the outcome, and they're the greatest thing that's ever happened that, you know. I just like my mom always said, my parents got divorced, Like she was like, we were just meant to have you guys, And you know, I and I do know that. I think it's just this I imagine, this healthy change of what I was like promised. So that's the part, because I don't think it was ever you know, I was always you know, I dreamed, I was dreaming that it was always something that it wasn't. And so I don't even know if that other that image is actually real, but it's what was real in my in my dreams. You know, it's real that I made it up that it was this happy family, And I think that that's what's that's what I'm losing, is that idea of what I dreamt and prayed and fought for. Yeah. I remember once saying to a friend that we had to move after this divorce and that my blueprint for being a great mom was to provide them a house that they would grow up in until college. One home. And he said to me, well, Sari, we know that people who do the best in life for the ones who can handle the most uncertainty, people who like grew would change. So do you really think that's the blueprint for being a great mom? Giving them only one home, never having them be challenged or move around or deal with change. And I just that blew my mind because I thought, no, that's actually true. Anybody interesting in my life that I would want to be friends with has been through some kind of hell. You know that shapes us. And so I think, when you have those fights, you're going to teach them how to fight. You're going to teach them how to talk about emotions. You're gonna say, Mom, Dad are really having a hard day, And this is how mom feels, this is how I feel right now, and model for them what it is to go through hard times. And maybe you're expanding your definition of what family looks like. So what are the three five things that I can do right now in this kind of you know, the next ninety days of kind of crisis? Yeah, okay, I want you to figure out what the good reason was for marrying Mike, for you two being together, the kids, and what was the blessing? Okay, right? And so what's then also the good reason for coming apart? The kids? Okay, because they chose you too. And you don't know exactly what's going to come of all this, but you're all learning exactly what you're here to learn. I don't think that you would have come to this moment if you weren't supposed to. And I also think if you rest in this. I spoke to a spiritual cher when I was deciding whether or not to pull the trigger on my marriage, and he said, in the tantra in the old, old, old ancient texts, there's a there's a rule that if you're going to endeavor to do anything in life, your likelihood for success needs to be high. Otherwise that endeavor could be your undoing. And I think the thing that caused you to finally say we're done is because you knew that that dream, the likelihood for success of actually realizing what you knew you could have with him was too too low, because to try and stay in it and keep going for it like that was going to undo you kill me. I think. I think because I heard about how you were constantly watching and trying to, you know, be on guard and man your boundaries. So so the next thing would be to write just right, like a divine contract, this is what's coming from my family. I am going to declare this vision your visionary. You created this business out of nothing, You had an idea for a podcast, look at it. You can do the same thing with the family. This is what it's gonna look like. I'm not into doing the birdoses right now, but I will, you know, and we'll do holidays together. Or I know you're scared about letting them go on overnight, so if they're too little, say no, say I'm gonna do the nesting thing, or we're gonna do or we're gonna move and the kids are going to stay. I'm not going to let them go overnight until I'm ready. You are in charge of setting up what's in the highest best interest for the kids. So write the vision, see it in living color as often as possible, like you're dreaming, because you're a dreamer, So work with that's already a strength of yours. I would also choose that highest value, if it's love, and ask yourself with every hard moment, what would love do? What would be loving? And in the moment, what would be love is taking care of me? Because I'm really resentful right now, and I'm not going to put myself on the back burner, you know, until I'm ready to be doing all these things. Um. I think energy clearings would be really helpful. I know you talked to Gabby about doing E F T and E M d R, and I would have said, M d R, you're already doing it, so I would get a really good and I can give you some names and numbers of really really good energy clearing people who do energy clearings, because at that level of your being where there's still trauma and there's entanglement and there's lessons to be learned and contracts and vows, you can let somebody do the heavy lifting on that stuff for you. It will speed up the journey. All right, sure, thank you so much for coming on. I know you just helped a lot of people, including me, so thank you. And can I have you come back in a couple of episodes please? Absolutely as more. Okay, all right, thanks you. I appreciate you. Okay, appreciate you. All right, let's take a break and then I think it's time for a second greeting. All right, so we're gonna bring Chris Medina in, who is a psychic and I'm so nervous what I'm excited. Um. He has a podcast called in your Head and you can also go to Chris Medina dot guide for more information on him. All right, Chris, thank you so much for coming on. Yeah, I just I'll let you do your thing. Thank you so much for having me on. Is this your first psychic reeting? No, it's not. I've had a few, not like today, but yeah, I've had a few in the past. Whenever I have crisis, I'm always like, I need a psychic. Let's do it. I'm to give you my quick little spiel and then we're going to jump right into it. Okay, okay, So just to let you know before you answer this question. I do not discuss death and I do not discuss anything that's going to scare the s out of you. Why that's what I need? Well, I'm gonna shake you up, but I'm not going to scare you. I'm not going to manipulate you're doing to being horrible to you. Okay, okay. Thanks. The second thing is, for the first couple of minutes of this reading, I'm gonna go in and give you what my guides are giving me to give you directly, and then I'll open the reading up to any questions that you have in regards as to what I said, or if you want to know about something that we didn't get a chance to touch on, we could do it at that time. Does that work? Yes? Perfect? And then the final final thing is your time is very important and expensive to me. I want you to feel free to jump in at any time to call bullshit. Do not do not worry about trying to be polite, not wanting to hurt my feelings, none of that. If it doesn't resonate with you, or if it sounds off, let me know. When I do hit stuff, simply confirm yes, but do not give me any additional details, okay, okay, And you haven't like googled, looked up and you know, looked into family history. Do you have a grandfather that died? Yeah? Yeah, you know there's an old man that's coming to me right now, that's pass from the other side. All everything that I have for you, I'm gonna try to stay away from the medium stuff because I don't have anything to bring in from that. So I'm just gonna do everything psychically. Okay, okay, cool, here we go. Okay, alright, my love, So let me please your mind, especially your mind, and let you know that I have nothing negative to give you. Your guides, angels, messengers, whatever is that you choose to call them, are trying to bring clarity and strength to you. And I know that you're gonna laugh at that. I know you know what needs to be done here. But your soul, your essence, your presence, what makes you you, is very very strong. You're just obviously at a weak moment right now. But when it comes to you again, I think people, I think people have the misperception of you as being like um naive or you know, um, why did you let this happen? And kind of put all the blame on you and all this other ship. I feel like with you when it comes to your way of thinking and it comes to the relationship at that you've gone through here, you're pretty much right or die? Does that make sense? Like you're kind of you're gonna You're gonna go above and beyond, and you're also going to turn over every single rock to make sure there's nothing underneath it. Because the last thing that Janna wants is is to have questions in her mind? Does that make sense to have to think could I have done this? Could I have done that? Or blah blah blah, whatever the case may be. So you handle your process in a way that works for you. Does that make sense? And so? And here's another thing what I love about you two is that you for all for for how you come across. I don't, to be honest with I don't know too much about you. I noticed a little bit about what I've heard and all that, all the big stuff, but I don't know really much about your character other than when I pick up psychically and with you. I think that you're very perceptive. I think that you're very very intuitive, and I think that your everyday way of thinking gets in the way of your intuition. Does that make sense, because you're very much picking up on the intention of other people, whether they choose to say anything or not. So what ends up happening for you is that you pick up You pick up on what's going on here, and if there's any questions that that you have, of course you're going to go and answer them. But the stuff that is not said is what really gets on your nerves. Does that make sense? Yeah, I'm gonna try to say from that does not make sense. But when it comes that, that's That's one of the things that I think that really gets in your way here is again is having this insane amount of intuition being told one thing and then doing another thing. Then with you, I feel like, again this is very much the healing phase. I don't think that you've actually gone through that yet. I think that you're still sitting. With all due respect, this is not a shot at you. I think that you're still sitting on your pity pot right now and you're absorbing everything that's going But that's a good thing, though. Don't get off that. Don't get off that too soon. Sit there and take all the time that you need to forget about what everybody's telling you. Oh girl, you know, be strong, do this whatever, take whatever downtime that you need to heal, because with you, you're very much once once it starts hitting the fan, you immediately want to crawl and tell me if this is wrong, feel free to jump in here. But you immediately want to crawl into bed and kind of like wait till everything's done and over with? Does that make sense? Like kind of like you know, I just I need time to think, any time to absorb. So with you again, sit on that pitypot, do what you need, go through the healing that you need in order for you to feel better. But here's the thing, though, with all that being said, all the stuff that your mind is doing to you, as far as like playing tricks on you, and you know and kind of like enticing you and irritating you, would do it all that stuff here, I think that your biggest hurdle here in the biggest thing that that gets in your way here is that you want this person to feel the same way that you feel. And I'm just gonna put it out there. I think that's impossible because if that if that was the case that would have never been done to you in the first place. M How do you feel about that? Makes sense? And I also think that again, I'm not I'm not gonna throw anybody under the bus. I'm not gonna, um, you know, pick sides or anything like that. But I also feel like again with that intuition and that perception that you have between the two of you guys, knowing his insecurities, knowing his fears, knowing that this is somebody that tell me if this is wrong, I'm just gonna throw this out there. I can't think for themselves. Sometimes that kind of does what's expected of them rather than what they truly need to be doing, and kind of just can go with the flow. And you, because you know this person inside and out, is kind of like what the mhm. So that that that you know And I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know here, but I feel like that's a huge problem for you, is is doing the thinking for both you and this person? How do you feel about that? Makes sense? If I'm gonna tell you it's time for you know again, when you're ready, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna tell you this in two weeks here. But it's time to start getting mad. It's time to start really strengthen, you know, when you're ready to start strengthening your mind, strengthening your core, strengthening your character, getting up here and doing what it is that you need to be doing because you're not done living as far as like your life. This is just a little bump in the road here. What ends up happening to you again? What your guides want to bring us that clarity and that strength, And I think that again, tell me if this is wrong again, feel free to call both if you need to. But I feel like with you that you lost a little bit of your identity through this whole process here. And it's it's difficult because again with you, when people talk about being in relationships and you know, oh, you know that this person is codependent in relationships, I question that sometimes because isn't that person truly codependent in a relationship or is this person Does this person shine better when they have somebody else in their life to share things with? Does that make sense? So people will automatically say, you know, oh, they're there. You know, she's very codependent in this relationship. She can't see straight here. Well, some people need that extra balance or that extra person there to balance and even them out. It's not really codependent as far as like I need you in order to live, but I just feel better when I have that security, comfort protection right next to me. It makes me shine better. It makes me feel like, you know, I have everything that I need to move forward with. Does that make sense? It's like how I feel like with you that that because there's so much history and there's so much of this, you know that stuff out of the public and people don't really know here is the reason why you're holding on so strong. But I also feel like, again, you shine better when you have somebody there that could that that could pick you up or boost you up. Because when you're by yourself, you're very emotional. It could be very hard on yourself. You can do that, could have, should have, would have in the what it and you take yourself further down the rabbit hole than you need to. And that's what ends up messing you up. Is that again your mind, your mind just goes to those dark places sometimes and it's difficult for you to get up or to focus. How do you feel about all this? Yeah, and all makes sense. So when I talk about your guides coming in here, I know that's such a weird thing to say. I never used to say guides until people started asking me who's they? So we're just gonna say guides for lack of a better word. How do you feel when I bring in your intuition and your everyday way of thinking? I mean, I definitely hear that because I I feel like I have a really good gut and intuition, like I I it's like I know, but I always like wait for proof. But I just need to start listening to that more and then knowing that. I like the clarity thing just because I keep asking for clarity, um, and I just I know it's there. I just need to feel it. But what ends up happening about how about when I tell you that you pick up on the intention of other people? Again, I don't want to throw anybody under the bus, but you know this person like the back of your hand. You know this person like nobody else does. So when I talk about the intention and also you know, um, picking up on what's going on, what's going on behind the scenes, how do you feel about that as well? Because I feel like again that also adds to your intuition. That also adds to that level of stress or anxiety that you get. Yeah, for sure, I mean I definitely have Yeah, I I take I take that on and I don't want to take that on anymore. But I definitely it's frustrating. For sure. That's one of your biggest lessons here. Again, I hate to dip into the past life and bring up past life information because again for one, for one thing, there's no way to validate that. There's no way to look back and look at somebody else's past life and say, oh, this is exactly who you were here. I have the proof, but people like people like that. It does trigger a lot of what's going on in this lifetime. But my whole thing is staying present and being focused on what's going on in this life time. However, you do have those lessons when it comes to how you love and how you receive love, because in relationship, relationships are huge for you, especially in this lifetime. You're you're gonna find your strength, your character, your identity through relationships in this lifetime. It's important for you. And what ends up happening again is that I think that you have like you I'm not gonna go I'm not gonna go as far as to call you bipolar or have a slip personality. But I definitely know, I know, I definitely feel like this, this very intelligent, this very you know um knows what needs to be done type of person. I definitely see that with you. But I also see that shadows side to you, that shadows side that when nobody else is around, the stuff that you can do to yourself, when it comes to your way of thinking. That's where your guys want to jump in and tell you again, Look, we've got to figure out a way to filter this so it's not it's not so intention so it's not so intense and so much for you. Yeah, but when when we talk about can I call him Mike? Sure, So we're talking about when I talk about him, what do you think about when I say that he does what's expected of him rather than what he truly wants to be doing and sometimes can't think for himself. Yeah, I mean, I hear that, and I wonder, you know, I mean, now he's free to do whatever he wants. Here's the thing, though, I'm going to be a little bit manipulative too, and I'm also going to be team you. Right now, here's the thing I'm gonna I'm having difficulty saying this. I'm just gonna throw it out there. What other woman is going to put up with that? Well, he's gonna, he says, he's going to change, and so the next girl gets the changed man. You've got to want to change. First of all, you have to acknowledge that there's an issue going on. And I don't believe in um not having self control, and I don't believe in making excuses and putting band aids on a wound where that where it just keeps bleeding NonStop here, and this is something to where I feel like people live behind that excuse as far as like you know, I'm not saying that everybody that that that nobody suffers from from things or they can't go through certain things, but we start living behind that excuse and people start putting in your head, oh it's this, it's that the reason why you are is because of X, Y and Z. I feel like people end up living behind that and make a bigger deal out of it than what needs to be made out of it. And I feel like with you that again, with you thinking about this. You're kind of like, don't be stupid, Like I know who you are and I know I know how you think, and it has to be extremely frustrating for you because you see through that. Yeah, but I don't. But I do not see anything negative you're I don't see you. You know this is something that's gonna be bothering you for the rest of your life. I honestly feel, and again there's you can you have the ability to change is you can do. You can change what I'm saying moving forward here by just you know, not doing anything about it, But I don't feel like that's in your character, and I definitely feel like with you that it's gonna be. I'm gonna say probably by summer of next year, things are going to be different for you as far as like um feeling. Again, that's not to take away that you know that you're not going to be good by this coming fall here, but by summer of next year, a total one eighty different, different, different outlook on life, different feeling, different vibe, more confident, more determined to kind of get things done here. And also too, I really feel like your kids are going to come in and show you strength here and get back to what matters the most, which is you and this family that you've created. For sure, I know about all this. I can give it to me, and I want that that bad side of me to come out. No I can't. I mean, I that sounds great. I want all that you know, and I hope, I hope for that. I don't want to be but I want to be alone forever, you know, So I hope that you know there's someone out there eventually you know that I'll But let's make it worth at this time though. Let's let's kind of take a step back here and realize, like I said when I told you at the very beginning, that you're pretty much right or diet like when you get involved in a relationship. This is the security, comfort, peace of mind that I'm looking for. I only want to do this once. I don't want to date around for dating is fundor. But right now I'm at this age where where I want the real thing. So we already know what it is that you have to offer, what you bring to the table. Let's take a step back here and see what the next person has to offer before we jump it. See if they're up to par with who you are and where you're I'm never settling ever again ever again, I'd rather be alone. Who's to say that within the next six months that this new look, this new you, this new vibe isn't gonna be the come up ins that've been waiting for, because again, you can't keep a woman like you down for very long. You're gonna again, like I said, you're going to go through the emotions. You're going to said on that pity pot, cry more, and do not let anybody tell you again here I am giving you psychic insight, but I am not going to push you because again I feel like we're kind of like in the same boat your work. We need a hot minute to get our together. We need to go through so we need to throw things around, we need to cry, we need to get piste off and do what we need. We need to get that all out. So honored, I get that all out. But don't ever ever mistake your emotions, your sensitivity as a weakness here, because that's one of the best parts about you. It reminds you that you're human. So again, when you're ready to find your strength, let's do that us. Thanks Chris, I appreciate you coming on, UM and I love that you also have a podcast and do you help other people on the podcast? Like do you do? That's so cool? So it's called in your Head and you can listen to that wherever or for more information, you can go to Chris Medina dot guide UM and it could people sign up to get a psychic reading from you there, Yeah, they can visit my website sign up for a half hour session, hour long session. I just want to make this, uh know one right out about here or out the gate. My sessions tend to go over. I am not a clockwatcher, so if you sign up for a half an hour reading, be prepared to be on the phone for thirty to forty five minutes. Same thing with an hour and ten. I want to make sure I get everything in your session. You're paying the top dollar for that. Let's talk about it. I love it, Chris. Thank you so much for coming on and shutting some insight. I really appreciate it. You're so my love, and please keep in touch if there's anything I can do for you, do not ever hesitate to reach out. Awesome, Thanks Chris, You're welcome to take care all right. Super excited to have Seth for million coming on so you can get more information from coming out Tarot dot com, um, psychic, medium, tea guardare, I'm so excited. Dom is something good? All right? Seth, do your thing, do me. There's there's so many ways to approach tarot and how it is a part of our lives, and my favorite way to work with it is to bring clarity, to bring confidence, and to help the person sitting across from me you today to have a more enriching life and work through whatever transformation it is that you might be going through today. And you're also you also do psychic and is that go in with the psychic and medium reading too, or how does that work that does? So some people will ask me specifically for mediumship readings. Psychic for me has a lot of connotations, and many people think of a psychic as someone who's constantly clairvoyant, But psychic has all of the It's kind of like an umbrella term that has a lot of things underneath it, including mediumship and taro and all the other Claire is like Claar sentience and Claire audience, so there's a lot of stuff that falls underneath that. For me, Uh, the mediumship will be a tool that I use. Clar sentience will be a tool that I use, which is feeling something in your body. So it comes reading for someone once and my neck got supertense and we talked about how in their neck they've been recently diagnosed with a pretty severe case of arthritis. So there are there are moments like that that happen. And then when I use my cards, that's tapping into intuition and sometimes the technique called scrying, which will help me see images that may or may not be in the card, but it might have something to do with you or may have something to do with me. So the the experience can take many different skill sets to arrive at the transformation and real the insight that you're looking for. And my favorite way to do that is to work with you either with a strong question something that you're focused on right now that you're trying to get a little more insight on and and dig through. If you don't have a or you don't want to ask a like a strong question saying here's where I want to really focus, then I'll also work in themes and it ends up narrowing down into something specific. The same way so how how do you have you had a tero reading before? Yeah, I have one, I've had before. Cool, So what has the experience been like for you? Has it been similar to that or different? Um, I don't know. It's one of those where I'm like, I don't really don't believe in it. I'm just I'm I don't know, Like, I just I don't know. I'm not I'm not used to used to it. Like my friends always like, you know, what's the intention of the day, And so she has the tarot cards and she's but I'm like, but you could have picked another a card and then it would have been something else. So that's I just I go there. Sometimes that makes complete sense to me because I do the same exact thing, not just the intention of the day, but the feeling of well, it could have been any card. But that's part of the point, isn't it that that the these things have collided to say, here's where we are right now in this moment, and there's so many things that could transpire after that may divert us onto another road. But here, in this moment, right now, this is something that we can touch, dig deeper into, feel, feel the the inspiration of or maybe even want to hold onto and say this is this is a talisman for me, or maybe the phrase I'm going to use to get through the day, to help me feel stronger, more empowered, more confident as I go through all the things that can come at me throughout the course of the day or several months, you know, whatever might be most most important. So how about you, would you would you like to focus on a question? Um, I think just clarity and then the future. Okay, let's dick. Clarity is pretty, Clarity is broad right, making the right choices, that's all right, it's a little little Yeah. I think it's great. Every every terror reader is different. And some people like, don't tell me anything. I don't wonder anything about you. I don't want to hear any questions. Um. I love to work from where you are. You've already done a ton of work on your own to get to where you are today. And sometimes hearing all this stuff you already know, people like, okay, yeah, we'll already knew that. Help me out. Let me know where things are headed. A confirmation is sometimes it's part of the name of the game. Let it knows it helps me know it helps you know that we're zero it on something that's the right track. Yeah, it's a I heard this thing I was reading in a book and I can't remember the exact term of what they use, but it's like you have to hear something or see something a certain amount of times before you can actually start believing it. So I'm like, I've asked people probably fifteen times, and I'm making the right decision and making the right decision, and it's like when then you finally are gonna be like it's just going to click and you're like, I made the right decision. But sometimes you have to and I can't remember, I have to go back to the book. But it was it was fascinating because I'm like, wow, that's I do that all the time. I'm like, oh my gosh, I took this vaccination. Am I gonna get blood clots? And like, am I gonna be? Okay? I'm I gonna die. It's like until I get the answer like all the way and then I'm like, okay, now I'm fine, I'm fine, all right? So do you want to see these? Uh? And I can describe them as I pulled them up, what the cards are? Read them out. Okay, so I like to use layout. It's not every readers use layouts, which means there's a meeting to each position in the card that I laid out. The first card that I pulled, which is a current position with what might be going on now, is the moon. And these look a little different from what people might be familiar with. This moon has a big unicorn on it, a gorgeous moon m crawda down there in the bottom, and it's coming out of a lake and there's some some planets that are surrounding it. The the moon for me today and in this moment, is representing the state of everything that is being revealed. You're you're in a position of coming to understanding things that you didn't expect, things that are probably are surprise. It's like the veil is being lifted. And as you start to understand more than just getting it in front of me again, as you start to understand more, I think there is a there's a path that is still yet to be revealed. There's there's a bit, there's a bit you don't know yet as much as you may know at this point, there's still there's something hidden for me. And what's interesting I remember I was saying, there's a scrying thing that kind of happens. I see images. This looks like a like a This is gonna sound weird. So I don't know if this sounds if this is important for you or not. You know the story of King Arthur and the Lady of the Lake. You know, so the King Arthur received his sword um and through not only pulling it out of this stone, but it was it was originally the stone upon the world by the Lady of the Lake, this magical, mythical creature. And what it looks like to me is this sword is starting to come out of the lake. Uh. I'm gonna say this is a symbol for me because it's not a story that you know. So the symbol for me is there is truth about to be revealed. There's more for you to know, to understand, and to have that illuminated by the moon. Is is it's a secret. You don't know this yet, so you're about to find out more. We itch in the case of where you you are, I'm fascinating because I'm going to add a little bit more to this, So hold on to that thought for a minute. So as a result of where you are at the moment and seeking the clarity you're looking for. There's more information coming that's going to get you the clarity that you're looking for. It's going to be revealed to you. Though it's not something you can find, chase, or or discover on your own. Somebody's going to give it to you. And as a result, that opens up And this feels weird, but go with me, and maybe it don't mean something more to you than it does to me. At the moment. That opens up a whole new path of love and opportunity for you. Okay, and I'm going to switch those words the opportunity for love for you. But this, this revelation has to happen first. You have to get out of the mire of uh of where you are today. And that comes as a result of someone else saying, hey, here's this thing you didn't know. Now that you know it, what are you gonna do? And you then it's like the veil is totally lifted. The you know, the rose colored glasses come off. The feeling of um struggling through family and challenges around family moves out of the way and you're able to see clearly where you're meant to be next? Got it? What kind of questions does that raise for you? When? Ah, okay, cool timing and taros. Any taro reader will probably tell you as a challenge because once we leave, you know, once we're not engaged in this moment anymore, you have free will. You can make your next choice, and then the next reading might say something the timing has changed because of who you ran into or or the guide posts you you ignored, for example. So timing is relative. It's based on the information that we have today, though, I just think it would be interesting to hear what happens in thirty days. I'll let you know. I'm excited. Yeah, seriously. Um, so, thank you so much for coming on and doing the tarot cards with me. I appreciate it. And where could listeners find you? Uh, they can find me. It's psychics one on one dot com. That's the easiest place to work with me today. I can be found in so many places. That is one of the places that you can find the easiest. Okay, awesome, Thank you so much that I really appreciate it. And I'll let you know what happens in the next thirty All right, good, thank you. Thank you. Alright, guys, we did it. I promise you. I'm going uh figure this out, and we're gonna we're gonna keep on trucking on and next week I'll be a little bit stronger. And so will you see you next week By

Whine Down with Jana Kramer

At the end of a long day, nothing is better than winding down and decompressing with a good friend,  
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