A caller catches me up on his experience doing DMT several days in a row this week.
Later a caller reconsiders monetizing their passions, I hate Starbucks, a caller hunts for a new gig, and a final caller ponders what to do next in their life.
No pulp. I am a gecko.
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All from Flux.
Hello, Hello, Hi, what's your name?
What's up? Plugs?
Well, I wanted to talk to you about some recent experiences I've been having. Okay, so I've been experimenting with d MT.
Oh very nice. How's that been going.
So I yes, I guess I've experimented with psychedelics kind of growing up, and I always had pleasant experiences with them. Then I had a coworker tell me about this group, Discord group, and ended up getting one of these weight patents. And so first night I tried it, I was with my fiance and she wanted to try a little bit, so she just tried a little bit. She liked it, and then I was like, okay, well I guess I'll try just a little bit. I tried a little bit and you know, nothing too powerful or anything. And then after that ended, I looked at her and I was like, okay, I think I want to go all the way in. And so I did, and so I took to you know, a blinker, you know, two blinkers off the ten and my ears started ringing and the patterns I have my eyes closed, and the patterns came in and it was probably the most intense experien as I've ever had. So yeah, my ears started ringing and ringing kind of faded out. I saw these cool patterns. The most interesting one of the most interesting things I had was my I got a weird taste in my mouth, like I don't know if you ever liked a nine vault battery before, but it was a weird metallicky taste. I also had a weird almost as if I'd put like a couple of pop rocks on my tongue. So I found that really interesting. So I was like just really intense, and I kept telling on telling myself, Oh, breathe through this, you know, breathe, keep breathing. It's okay, it's temporary. Just breathe. So I was just breathing it and not fighting anything, and I broke I believe I broke through. I saw an entity. I don't know if you've how much you know about d MT, but it's for people to encounter entities. So this entity was a all black shadow that had kind of like a pointed hat, kind of like a triangle, like almost like a witch hat almost. It was really weird. And I had deep red eyes, and I found you know, describing that to somebody sounds kind of terrifying, but I got a more mysterious vibe to it, like it was introducing itself to me. You know, it wasn't intimidating. It's kind of eerie, but it wasn't aggressive, intimidating negative. So I came back out, came back out of it, and then you know, I told my fiance, Okay, I'm coming back, and she said, well, I'm surprised how calm you were during it, And I was like really, She goes, yeah, you were just laying there. Your breathing was normal, And I was like, really, because my breath during it while I was in there, I felt like I was like, you know, because it's so intense, but apparently I was just calm throughout it all. So I don't know if you've ever had any experiences like that. Have you ever done DMT?
So this experience, how long did it last? Because I've heard that it's only about fifteen minutes, but it feels like a lot longer.
We didn't time it, but she said I was about five to seven minutes where I was silent and kind of not there. But I definitely feel that I was in another dimension, that's for sure. I didn't have an out of body experience to the point where like you're looking down and you see yourself, but I was definitely not here at all.
And how long do you feel like you were under the influence for.
So I took the two puffs and held them in and you know, came came back maybe five minutes, six minutes later, and then it was very kind of short lived. Everything felt completely normal within twenty minutes after it came back, just like it never happened. I mean, uh, physically, you know, I didn't feel high or whatever.
So do you feel like you learned anything.
I've been listening to a lot of different podcasts about d MT and consciousness and stuff like that, so I definitely learned that there's more to life than one would think. But also it's just like I said, that entity I met, it was almost like it was cautious towards me, like I didn't want to reveal itself fully. But I ended up doing Guarantee the next night because I wanted to learn more.
Tell me about that one.
Yeah, it went great again this time. You know that my ears started ringing again a weird case, and sensation came in my mouth, and I, you know, felt everything I felt before, but this time I had I felt like there was like a weird triangle or pyramid on the left side of my vision. I had my eyes closed again, and uh but this pyramid was slanted at like forty five degrees clockwise and this I believe it was the same entity, which fully revealed itself. And uh so the backtrack a little bit. A few weeks ago, the mother in law wanted to go see Wicked. You heard about that movie yet?
Yeah, I've heard of Wicked.
Yeah, so you know, I'm not I don't really like musicals, but I was like, I at least spend time with the family, so we went and saw it. And so I think that movie may have had an influence on this trip because I saw this the figure again, but this figure was fully revealed, and there was a green kind of like you know, green skin with the same hat, but it was bouncing on each side of the top of the pyramid, kind of like a playful teasing vibe to it, and it was kind of like she was wholly revealing herself to me and kind of like tease teasing me, like, oh you thought you knew what to expect because you did it the time before, but it just kind of reminded me that, like, I have no idea what this molecule or whatever is capable of. So that was a part that was a really positive experience again, you know. And then the next day I tried to go in again, and this is where I had I wouldn't say a bad trip, but an unsettling experience. And that's kind of what I want to talk to you about.
Did you did it a third time?
You said, yes, yes, I've done a couple of times after that, but I didn't take as much, so I didn't go as deep and those were just kind of like you know, psychedelic visions and kept my eyes open the third time.
So to recap, you took it once, you saw the outline of an entity. Then the very next day you take it again and the entity reveals itself. It is Alphabe from Wicked, and she is taunting you.
And then it wasn't it was it was it wasn't her from Alpha.
It was inspired. It was it was Alphaba inspired, I think. So yeah, now tell me about the third time.
Okay, so this is where things get weird.
You know.
And every time I work long hours, I get home from work, I shower. I'm going to know, I'm going to go back in. I take a shower, you know. I mean that's the first thing I do after I get out of work, shower and I'm in the shower, you practice breathing and kind of getting my mind straight and h. So this time my fiance wasn't home. I was just alone. But I felt comfortable enough to do this alone.
And and.
Uh, I was laying down. I did you know the amount that I've been doing the two blinkers or whatever, and I make it a point to keep my eyes open. I guess I did it. I think I did it twice before this time, but they're half the half of the dose. Kept my eyes open, had music, and I didn't, you know, fully break through to this other dimension. This time. I did the full amount, no music, playing the same lighting, you know, in my bedroom, laying on my bed looking out. But I was told, you know, by the Di Square group, you'll always keep your eyes open, So I kept my eyes open this time. And I don't recall closing my eyes if or when I close my eyes, And I don't recall if or when opening my eye back up. But I went in and this time I didn't. At first, I didn't see all time. I don't recall seeing a lot of geometric patterns. I don't I didn't recall anything like the the first two times, I did get the ears ringing, I did get the weird sensation in my mouth, but this time it was really dark and black, and there was like almost like these tubes or lines going in further, like further in my sight. And like I said, I don't know if my eyes are open or closed, but it was a really weird unset. I wouldn't say negative, but it was kind of unsettling, almost like a anxious pair annoyed thing feeling. But at this entity, I was really looking forward. I was hoping to see the entity before because I wanted to ask what if it had a name? You know. This time I saw a different entity and it was humanoid and from what I remember, kind of had like a mummy look to it. It was kind of creepy, and it was bouncing around these different angles of lines, like almost like seeking around the corner looking at me, and so you know, I felt pretty uncomfortable, but at the same time, you know, I was like just breathed, this isn't forever, and it's okay. You know, it wasn't threatening. It was just creepy. And then when I came back, uh, you know, I had like the cool kind of psychedelic visuals with your eyes open. I came back, I felt I kind of felt discouraged and a little sad because the experiences weren't like it was before. I asked about it to the group and one of the people said that, oh, you know, there's duality and everything, and though it wasn't a very pleasant experience, you have to appreciate it for what it was and what it might be telling you. So I think maybe.
Yeah, that's kind of the that's kind of the motto when it comes to intense drug experiences.
Yeah, so I think maybe it was trying to tell me, like again, like, hey, you have no idea what you're doing, and maybe you don't need to rush anything. You know, this group talks about, you know, don't force anything. If you don't feel right, don't go into it. I felt right before I went into it, but it told you know, afterwards, I was thinking about it, you know, like, don't rush it, don't don't you know, don't force yourself to go back in there. There's no need. And so I've taken the last few few days off from it, but I do plan to go back in either later tonight or tomorrow.
How recently was this third DMT experience?
I was two or three days ago?
Okay, so I think it was two days ago. So hold on, hold on, So when did you do it?
When did you say you did it for the very first time?
Actually, the first time I did it was last year and I smoked it off a lead bowl, which is kind of a funny story. I don't think you had time for that. But the first time I did it, I believe I was coming off of mental health prescriptions.
So so hold on, So just iould just want to get a timeline here, So you how many times in the last seven days have you done DMT?
I'd say four or five, but two of those four I believe, but two of those are the full dishes that I took.
All right, So you're so in the last seven days, you've done it four times, and I think you want to do it again tonight.
Or tomorrow whatever.
As let me ask you a question.
Yeah, h.
What are you hoping to gain from doing d m T five times in one week.
I'm more so interested about uh learning and uh broadening my consciousness.
What are you trying to learn?
I'm trying to learn about reality, trying to learn about just kind of life, what it all may mean, whatever, I'm open whatever it has to teach me.
Well, okay, can I can I offer you? Well, but I here's I'm because I'm open minded. But can I offer you alternative viewpoints as well as for other questions?
Okay. I think if you're trying to learn about reality, inducing yourself constantly in a world of hallucinations is the opposite. I want to learn about reality. Just go outside and take a walk and real, you know, because if you take if you take a drug, it's gonna make you hallucinate that you are seeing al for but from wicked and she's teasing you. That's not a great way. I don't think to learn about reality. And I'm and you know what, there's gonna be comments on the fucking thing that are gonna fucking be like, you don't know what you're talking about, and all the aliens are real, and what do you know about reality? You're a gecko, and you know what, I'm open to that. That's fine. I respect it. I like drugs. I like psychedelics. I think it's good too. I think you can take some stuff away from them. But I don't. I just I'm I think I'm just mildly concerned about doing d MT six times in a six times in a row, five times in a row, however many times in a row it is.
Yeah, So I.
Just add a certain point, what to what degree is this going to be healing and helpful to you? Versus like you're just hitting a lever over and over and over again. And I don't know, I'm ignorant to that, but I'm just I think it's worth bringing up and talking about.
Yeah, And I'm not dying to like escape my reality. I'm not doing it to heal any part of myself. I'm at a pretty decent place in my life, you know. But I also don't plan on Ben's using this, you know, Like I have this pen, and once the pen is gone, I don't plan on getting another one for quite some time. I just want to learn what I can from it while I have it.
Okay, what have you so? I mean you've already done this five times. What have you learned?
That's a kind of a loaded question. I learned that there's a lot more going on than what we're aware of, like what, Like I said, it's it's kind of hard to put into words like uh more on like a where we're at consciously and where we're at the cosmos almost.
Well, yeah, well, I mean yeah, yeah, we're we're part of a we're on a little ball that's like point zero zero zero zero percent of infinity. Yeah, it's pretty crazy.
Yes, and you know all the things going on like ah in the US, it kind of fascinates me.
But yeah, all right, I'm gonna take some questions from the chat. Is that cool?
Yeah? I'd love to hear from the chat.
All right, cool, all right, you don't have to you don't have to look at the chat though, I'll just I'll read the questions for you. Has any questions here? Let's see, Uh well, someone said, oh yeah, okay, uh someone asked, what's your favorite McDonald's order? We can you can answer that, while more well, some real questions come in.
My favorite McDonald's order, probably I'm almost really hungry when I get McDonald's. We'll probably a quarter pound double quarter pound or cheese and my snager a couple of chicken nuggets from my fiance with the diet coke, always die coke. I'm a part of the diet coke cult.
Yeah, oh yeah, I'm a big die coke mf. Someone wants to know what is this discord group? Although if you say it and it goes on this podcast, it might get flooded.
Yeah, I'm not allowed to talk about that.
Uh. Someone asked, have you ever done d MT?
I mean we're just talking about that.
Then someone asked, how are you learning about reality from drugs and not going and not from going out and experiencing things.
I think I've learned quite a bit about reality by going out doing I'm a very active person. I have a lot of social interactions every day of the week. So, like I said, I think I'm learning more about perceived reality.
What I believe, I believe. I believe. I believe you on that. I don't. I don't think you're a basement dweller.
Yeah, no, no at all.
Someone said, do you think your desire to learn more about reality comes from a fear of your own perceived reality? U?
No, I don't. I don't. I don't fear my perceived reality at all. Someone said, I was just saying, I'm very curious about, uh more of what I see. You know, I'm on a cosmos level almost.
You know. Someone said, do you think reality is real?
Do I think reality is real? That's a good question, especially I don't know if you've heard. I'm sure you have the whole simulation theory. I've been learning up about that and that blows my mind. But I don't know, man, I don't think we're meant to know.
Someone asked if you've ever seen the movie I Robot, and if you have, if it's good.
I have seen I Robot, but not in a long time. Yeah. I think it was a good movie from what I remember. I think it would be very dangerous to resimulate what's going on in that movie.
Someone asked what your greatest fear is.
My greatest fear probably dying alone with my loved ones present.
Do you mean dying alone without your loved ones present?
Yeah, I guess.
I lost my father to cancer, and he didn't have much support in the last few months of his life, So I don't know. But fear is a kind of a weird idea for me, because I don't think I necessarily fear moving on. I guess I have more so fear about doing it alone before I move on.
Someone said, what does the missus think of all these reality learning experiences you are going on?
What does the missus think about it? She she's sitting right next to me, and you want to talk to her?
Sure, yeah, we can get her answer to that question. Hi, mister ghetto, Hey, what's up? How's life? What's your name?
I'm uh z z z.
What do you think of all this d What do you think of at this D M T stuff going on?
I think it's cool. I mean as a a little bit with him, but I only do like one puff and I just get like visuals and it's really cool.
Are you afraid that he'll lose his mind?
I have pretty bad anxiety, so I have, like I always think of the worst case scenarios. So whenever he goes in, I'm kind of like hyper hyper vigilant about like his breathing and how he's acting. So I always feel like a breath of relief when he comes back and he's normal.
So when he comes back and he's normal, and then he okay. So when he comes back and he's normal, and then he's like, Hey, I'm gonna do this again. Are you like? Are you like? Does that make you nervous too?
A little bit?
But now that he's done it a couple of times, it's like, I'm getting used to it.
I guess would you ever do it with him?
Like go all in?
I don't know because I have quite a bit of like mental health issues. So, and I'm also on SSRIs and it's not really recommended to be doing drugs anyway.
On that, someone asked are cats birds? I don't. You don't have to answer that. So what do you what? I want to know? What's who is? Who are you guys?
What's your life?
What do you guys do? How old are you guys?
Where So I'm in my late twenties, he's in his early thirties.
What do you guys do with your lives?
I do like customer service and he is like blue collar?
It's pretty cool. What do you what's uh? What's what's your guys' dream? What do you what's your dream in life?
My dream is to open up a restaurant or a coffee shop.
One day.
I think coffee and food really brings people together. And something that's really important to me is like community.
What's his dream is it? Is it involved doing more DMD.
Doing more DMPT. He's figuring it out.
That's cool.
I think. I think I think Flex really lives live day to day and I think I think that living is for living, like just experiencing every day doing the best you can.
Yeah, I'm on that wave now. I've always been a big planner and a big like what's going on this year and that year? And I actually I think that's good. But I think you gotta have you gotta have a good ratio of vaguely planning and then attempting to actually just live each day so that you're not constantly anxious.
Mm hmmm.
Can I can I talk to what's what's his name? Again?
Can I talk to Flex again?
Here he is?
So get what?
Well, did you have fun? Did you have fun having this conversation?
Yeah? I've been trying to get through to you, man, I've been trying to get few to you, through to you for the last four or five months or so, and you know, each each time, I'm like, oh, what do I want to what do I want to tell him this time? And so uh, you know, there's one point where I was like, oh, I wanted to tell you about how I broke free of addiction and how me and my partner both did that, and how we came back together. I've wanted to give you my my my love story with fiance. I wanted to tell you some of the worst tender dates I've had, possible or almost died. There's been a few different things, but I think this is the one I wanted to reach you with.
You know, you seem like you lived quite a life so far, flex and look at and look at you. You've got so much more life left to live. It's pretty crazy.
Yeah, definitely. I mean I've been to some really little places in my life, especially the last couple of years. But since me and my partner got clean and sober, you know, my life has just gotten so much better. I found a career, I went to school, I'm financially stable, and I would have never imagined doing this while I was using.
So well, it sounds like it sounds like now, I guess you can do all the dmto that you want, maybe not that much, maybe not that much. Dmpty. Maybe not maybe not that much dmpty, but.
Yeah, I mean I don't have a desire to do it long term and extensively. Like I said, I'm just trying to take as much of what I can out of this cart I have right now.
You know, Flux, is there anything else you want to say to the people of the computer before we go?
Thanks for all for listening and saying some crazy stuff in the chat about me that I didn't read. And you know, if you're struggling with addiction, there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can accomplish things that you never think you could before.
Thank you, Flux. Have a good rest of the day and a good rest of your life. And uh, you know, glad to have you here in reality for as long as you desire to be here.
Hey, I'll be here till my last breath.
Take care, Flux, you do bye? I would I would consider doing d MT. I don't know. I don't know how I feel about psychedelic drugs anymore. Like I've done mushrooms a bunch and that's nice, but uh, I've really not to This isn't anything reflective of the caller, but I've really kind of given up on the idea of the epiphany, you know, because this it just I've always felt like this idea that you do like DMT or ayahuasca or mushrooms. Granted I've never done d MT or ahuasca. I've done mushrooms and I've done acid. And the idea that you do a drug and you come to an epiphany and it changes your life, I always I always felt like that was bullshit, because you don't. All the epiphanies that I've come to in my life have been as a result of like years of stuff, years of operating in a certain way, and like the are like epiphanies are gradual things that come to you after years of life experience, and I don't. That's just one of the things I think I've learned is that they don't the idea that I used to have, like I'm gonna do a drug and it's gonna change my life maybe I you know what I I And that's just for me. If you've had a drug experience that changed your life and gave you an epiphany, and then that's awesome. And I'm not invalidating your personal experience. I'm just talking about for me. But yeah, I've just never felt like that. It felt like it's like, for me, it felt like it was like cheating. It's like what it's like. It's like, it's like, of course, the idea of a drug that's gonna magically make you change your life is incredibly appealing, but it's just always felt like it was too good to be true. Maybe you can go and do ayahuasca and Brazil and come back and it's a catalyst for a long term, extended change. I can see that being a thing, But at the end of the day, it's a lot of that shit just feels like it's like just trying to avoid doing doing any work, which is understandable. I don't want to do any fucking work to change my life, I I but I don't think I would. I would love to go to Brazil and do ayahuasca and then come back and be like, oh, everything's changed because I did, because I after I just one day, everything changed. But I don't. I just don't think it's that easy for anyone. Maybe it is. May if you went to Brazil and you did ayahuasca and it changed your life forever, then that's awesome and I'm so happy to be wrong and I and if that happened to you, I would love to change my life in one day by doing ayahuasca. But I don't. I just I'm like I think. I think it's like, you know, you fucking go to therapy for years and you try to eat healthier, like it's all just it's like it's like it's boring, unsexy bullshit. Ultimately that I guess led to any epiphanes or life changes that I've had. It's like being trying to be courageous in putting yourself out there and being in uncomfortable situations and lots of writing and lots of thinking and lots of talking and lots of living and lots of time have kind of felt like they've led to the epiphanies of my life. And maybe you throw some mushrooms and some shit in there, but I don't know. I'm crazy.
Hello, Yep, how's it going man?
Yo, it's going good, It's going all right. What's your name?
My name is Chris, Chris.
You know it's going good. Actually I feel pretty good. I uh like everything's gonna be fine. You know, everything is gonna be fine. Probably the world is zoo is a tough, unforgiving place. I don't know if everything's gonna be fine in the world. I mean, I guess it will be. I don't know. What do you think? Do you think everything's gonna be fine?
You know, I'm I'm looking at it a little optimistically right now. You know, I get what you mean, though you ain't wrong, you ain't wrong.
Sure, but yeah, what are you optimistic about?
You know, future prospects, you know. Uh, people, people doing things.
People are doing things. Yeah. Yeah. I was walking around in Target today and I was like, you know, no matter who the president is or what's going on, really anywhere outside of this target, inside of this target, there's just there's just motherfuckers walking around Target.
You know, you know that's fucking real.
There's a guy, some some lady is looking at the back of a shampoo bottle and deciding if she's gonna buy it. There's a kid running around like you know, life, Life keeps going, Life keeps going. Uh. That's a simplistic way of looking at stuff. But you know what, I think we've maybe we've had enough complex ways of looking at stuff, and maybe we should have a simplistic way of looking at stuff. Every now and then. I don't know anyway, you know anyway that'd be nice. Yeah, and you know what's up with you? Chris? What? How? How what you called me on the phone today And I'm curious why?
Yeah. So there is there's one big thing and like one small thing that's before that. Okay, uh so yeah, I'd say, I suppose we can call for or you can start off with the with the small thing. So first and foremost, I didn't anticipate being as nervous as I was to take this call.
You're doing great, So I say, this is my new thing that I say now is I just I want you to know and I want you to understand it, and I want you to internalize that this phone call is one of the least important things you will ever do in your entire life. So the stakes are very low.
That is incredibly fair. So truth be told, I've called in before. I think it's God has been like two three months, probably two three months. Oh yeah, yeah, this was the dude who called in about two three months ago about like art college and and like talked about like how I left it and and sh it's been weird.
So oh okay, I think I don't. I don't think I put that in the podcast.
Yeah, which like no sweat, no pressure, man, uh you know, but uh yeah, I figured I've my my thought process has I suppose like changed a bit. So I ran into a bit of a dilemma and I wanted to get your your opinion on it, because you are you. You're a type of dude that I've heard before we talk about like, you know, if you really want to do something, to do it, don't let that talk you all that, sure, but but there's a bit more that goes into it rather than just like, oh, this is the one thing I want to do.
Well, listen, listen, listen, listen, tell me the small thing.
No, the small thing was just the previous call in and that oh writer ship, my bad. Yeah, the small thing was I called in before. And it's weird to say this about like talking about your feelings, but I feel like I kind of bombed.
Again again again. This is the least important thing. This is the ranks among the top ten least important things you will do in your life. You will take shits and cook eggs that are more important than this phone call right now. So okay, So there was so what's the thing, what's the big thing?
The big thing is so going short and sweet of it and then context later, short and suite of it is. I don't know if I want to continue doing art or if I want to do something else, like I don't know, computer science or engineering or something like that.
Okay, so you said so you said you were like, you're a kind of guy who's like, if you want to do something, just do it. And I'm generally a supporter of that, even though it's I guess hard to decide what you want to do. But if you have an inkling of an idea of a thing that you might want to do, you might as well try it. So what's the thing that you want to try and do.
Well? I mean, I like I like tinkering, the stuff I like doing, like doing playing around with like pecking ship like that, and coding and all that. So I've been thinking about doing that, but I still love art. You know, Art is still something I want to do. You know, it's just because of Art College. They've it showed me that, like, hey, this is probably what the industry is going to look like. And I was like, well, shit, I don't know if I'm going to enjoy that and so, but another part of me is like, well, maybe maybe I'm wrong in that the school was just ass. So I'm kind of going back and forth between that and saying like, well, if I could always just do something like coding or engineering or whatever and then have art still be something just I do on the side.
Let me let me, let me, let me tell you. Let me tell you something. It is perfectly legitimate, if not even for a lot of people, optimal of a strategy to have what you do for a living to make money so that you can sleep in a place and eat food, to be a different thing than the thing that you do for personal fulfillment, enjoy and enjoyment. That is not only a perfectly legitimate way to live life, it is for some people in some lifestyles, and an optimal way to live life. So if you just fucking like making art and you would do it for zero dollars in your free time because you just fucking like doing it, then you know, keep doing it. If you're really committed and determined then you want to make a career out of it, then I think that's a worthwhile pursuit as well. But if you're sitting here, like, I don't really like where this industry is going, and I don't really think I want to go down the path that would be required for me to do art as a living, and so let me just get into coding and I'll do my art at night when I have time, as a perfectly legitimate way to live life. So that that's really my opinion on the matter.
I could see that I get what you're putting down.
Yeah, because also I mean nothing. I just say, you know, nothing's gonna make you hate your hobby more than having to do it for a living. But some people like that it's really just how you're wired. Some people are like I take a strong identity in like what I do for money is my you know what, my art is my profession and blah blah blah. And that's a legitimate way to live too. But you know it's either way. Don't freak yourself out about it.
I getcha. I getcha.
Well, Chris, yeah, do you feel like you do? You go? You go ahead.
There was a very important question I wanted to add on to this. Okay, So so my question is, you know you're you're a man that talks about food with the people, and there's been a question that's on on my mind.
Go ahead, what.
What's your least fast food the least favorite fast food place.
Oh, that's a really great question. Let me think, Let me think. Oh, man, you're putting me on the spot here. I'm gonna go I don't like Wendy's. I'm not a big Wendy's guy. And less if they want to sponsor me, then I'm a big Wendy's guy. But no, I don't like Wendy's. Oh I don't know if okay, fuck these people. Even if they want to sponsor me, I don't know if this counts as fast food. I'm gonna say it kind of does. Maybe. I fucking hate Starbucks with a passion. I hate Starbucks with a passion. Dunkin Donuts all the way, Tim Hortons all the way. Starbucks overpriced, shitty coffee, zero food options, and the food options they have are are dainty and peteete and overpriced and gross and and and they're everywhere and everywhere you go in the morning, there's lines and huge lines for this fucking shitty, overpriced coffee. And it's it's disgusting to see, so shout out Dunkin Donuts, shout out Tim Hortons. Both fantastic brands. Love I mean Tim tim Hortons takes the cake when it comes to the on on on this thing because Tim Hortons, They've got great variety of sweet products. Like if you want to go there and you're feeling if you're feeling crazy, Tim Hortons has got you on like a Nattella eminem donut and a frosted milkshake fucking thing. But also if you're like I'm just want to get some lunch and eat a normal thing, and you want to get like a chicken Caesar wrap and a normal coffee, they got you on that too, and it's and it's the price is great, even even in fucking Canadian dollars, the price is great. So shout out Tim Horton's. Unfortunately not big around them. I think they're big in like Northern They're like I think they've got Tim Horton's in like Seattle or Washington, but uh, it's unfortunately not a big American thing. Duncan Donuts, I'll give it to they have some great uh, like the snack wraps are good, the bagel every time I get like a bagel, bagel, egg and cheese sandwich is good because when I try to get a bacon, a baked egg and cheese at the fucking Starbucks, it's like an It's like a dainty, dainty English muffin the size of a fucking quarter and it's like seven dollars and so fuck fuck the Starbucks people. So that's that's my long winded answer to your question.
You know what, though, do they do they have Tim Horton's in like California Because I have never been, I.
Don't think they do. I don't think they do. I think if they would have expanded that far beyond Canada, they would have. Uh what, there's Dutch Brothers, which I'm not super familiar on. I know they have that in Arizona. They have a Delicious They have delicious stuff, like yeah, what's Randy's.
Randy's is like this, uh I hope I'm remembering it right. It's this donut place in La oh yeah. And and it's like it's known for the big, the big fucking donut that it has as its sign. And they do weird ship they do like they do I've seen and like bacon and marshmallow donuts. I've seen fruity pebble donuts. I've seen I've seen trying to think of what else they have like they had. I saw one that was practically a cake, but it was in fact a donut. That ship's good.
Well, Chris, do you feel like this call went better? Yeah? Yeah, I'll probably I'm probably gonna put this in the podcast this time.
God, God bless you, God bless you.
Is there anything else you want to say to the people of the computer.
Yeah, man, guys, you know, keep it sleazy, and you that one individual who's who's listening and or watching with this. Stop fucking procrastinating. I know, I know what you gotta do. Fucking stop procrastinating.
Do it?
Take care, Chris, you two get I'm trying to think what else is on my list of worst fast food brands? I'm gonna go. I mean, you know, Wendy's. I think you know what it is is back in high school, I just had a bad Wendy's experience and I really haven't had it since. What else is there? And the fact that I don't like I really I like. I love I love Burger King. I love that they give you a nice, big like The Whopper is a big It's a real fucking burger. The McDonald's burgers can be a little dainty at times, but you know, I'm not. I'm not gonna throw any shade at McDonald's. I'm a McDonald's guy. What I can only there's stuff that I like. You know what I gotta I gotta have jolly b I've never I han't had jolly be in a while. I'm really trying to think, like Subways fine, the only Yeah, Starbucks is just the only one that came up when I was thinking of like fast food brands that I have a strong distain for because they're just trying to be cool. I just hate when when places like that are trying to be cool and just up charging you for fucking nothing but shout out Tim Horton's those guys rock.
Hello, Hi, Hi, Hi, Hello.
Hi, Hello Hi. What's your name? What's your name?
Are we gonna? Can we start this over? What?
Can we?
Can we start this over?
No? We have to do. What's your name?
My name is Fenn. I am in California and I wasn't. I don't really have anything I want to talk about in specifics. I'm open to questions. I don't know, maybe I could ask you questions. Been a fan for a minute. I am a fan of men, and I am a furry and I live in California.
What have we ever spoken before?
Never? Once?
Okay, you're a fan of and you're a fan of? Like yeah, like you're you just have guys that you're a fan of, or you're like, are you trying to say that you're sexually attracted to men?
Okay? What what men are you a fan of?
Just one right now? But if I had the opportunity, I think Bowser from Super Mario is pretty pretty awesome.
I don't know. I feel like having his tail in your ass would hurt because he's got the spikes on him.
No, no, no, we're not going for tails.
No no, well he doesn't have a penis, so you couldn't just the way he doesn't, you know.
Fun fact, Nintendo took down a three D art of just what someone thought his dick would look like. They took it down for being like a copyright thing.
So I feel like he does canonic. Look here's the thing you can go yes, sure you can go on Divian art or whatever. The fucking twenty twenty four equivalent of Dvian art is. And you can find plenty of pictures of Bowser with a huge penis, but canonically, the creator of Bowser, Shagiro Miamoto, has never once had Bowser with a big, giant cock. And but the.
Really, but why I said the tail is because it's close, because in Super Mario sixty in sixty, in Super Mario sixty four, you beat Bowser by swinging him by the cock and throwing him off, and you go so long, gay Bowser.
Right there's there, he goes so long, gay Bowser. And so that's you know, that's maybe maybe you're that that is this is the closest you will see to Bowser and Mario having gay. And that is the end of this part of this conversation. What did you do today?
It sounds good today. I woke up, I woke up, I checked my unemployment benefits and I hunted for six jobs.
What six job? What kind of job are you trying to? What kind of job are you trying to get?
God, anything but what I did last time, which was security at a hospital.
Oh no, so you do security.
I'm trying not to. I'm trying to actually get something different, really anything, honestly.
Did you have any like physical encounters with people?
Yes? Yes, that was the job. What kind of I watched? I watched people with mental issues, be that violent tendencies, or they didn't want to live anymore, so I had to prevent them from succeeding in stopping living.
That's a crazy job. What kind of job are you applying for now?
Fucking movie theater McDonald's whatever.
That's not bad. How old are you?
Just anything? I am twenty two.
Okay, that's not bad. Working in the movie theater, you know, popcorn anything?
Yeah? Okay, Well, do I have any more questions for you? You said you had questions for me. I'll take a question or two.
Oh we go.
This is when you've been asked probably once before, but why not? Like?
Is it is?
The next ques? Next question? The next question, The next question, next question, next question, next question?
What's your next question? Favorite soda type?
Ooh, that's a great question. I I'm a big fan. Well, it depends on the time of day, because right before I hopped on here, I drank a can of diet mountain Dew, which is delicious and has a lot of caffeine. It's got like the cans got fifty four mgs and the bottles got ninety one ninety one grams of caffeine. It's pretty good. But at night time, if I'm a little sleepy boy, I like a diet am W. It's got a great taste and no caffeine. It's hard at night because you know what I was doing at night is I was slamming back diet sun Kissed because I didn't realize it. I didn't realize I thought it was caffeine free, and then I looked at the fucking label and apparently it's got twenty nine MG's in there, which I didn't think, which you know, is not that bad, but it's enough.
You ever get around to try and coffee coke?
What is called?
Holy shit?
Did I talk about coffee coke ones?
Yeah? Fuck yeah. I just I'm sad that it's gone. It was my favorite thing.
Holy shit, Yes, I you, Oh my god, you just blew my mind. I used to be not obsessed with coffee coke, but I used to really want to try it. I remember coffee coke. Yeah, it's a real disgusting invent invention. I think you put like I think they put like cream and sugar in there to this cream sugar, coffee and coke. Who the fuck is drinking that?
This guy?
I fucking loved it.
It was good.
I didn't like any other flavor, but like the very dark roast one. Does it actually taste of like coffee?
That's it's really good. It's just really good. Well, thank you for bringing me a blast to the bath. Let me leave you with this. Give a shot to the bowser, No, give a shot to the Oreo flavored Coca cola. It's really gross. It's gross. It is both there. Both the Oreo flavored Coca Cola and the Coca cola flavored Oreos are disgusting. But you should try them if you have nothing else to do with your life.
Well, thank you for your time, while I'll let you go. I hope you have a wonderful stream.
Hey, you too, take care of Finn later. Hello. Hello, Hi, what's your name?
I'm Frankie frank and I'm from Germany.
Frankie from Germany, Germany. I was in Germany recently. It's an interesting country. It's very uh, people are very cold there, I've noticed.
Yes, I don't know. I guess it's some type of defense mechanism.
Maybe, Well, Frankie, what can I do you for? How's life? Sorry to just shit on your people and then open with that, but I guess I can't. I can't really take that back. What's up?
No, I've hurt the love worse. Actually it's fine.
I don't know.
I'm just I don't know, really, I don't know what's going on in my head. I'm I'm thinking a lot recently, and I started writing a zombie movie because I've been watching The Walking Dead and I actually just watched an episode where some group kills a bunch of people and puts their heads on sticks, and I don't know, I don't know. It just seems pointless to kill like fifteen people at a time. But I think it's bad writing towards the end of the show.
So it's okay, you.
Say, thinking a lot, What have you been thinking about?
I go to university right now and I'm starting philosophy and French, but it all seems kind of pointless. And I'm trying to get into a school a few hours away for interior design, but I don't really know if I want to do that, So I've been thinking what I want to do with my life. But yeah, I don't know if I should even be thinking or if I should be like out in the world, you know.
I would say, I mean, I feel like life is a combination of being out in the world and thinking. There's a there's a nice ratio. There's a nice ratio to be thinking and being out in the world to do. But I if I had to make a guess on what the optimal ratio of thinking versus being out in the world with, I'm gonna err on the side of being out in the world. I'm gonna go twenty percent thinking eighty percent being out in the world. That's my that's my that's my ratio, not my ratio. My ratio is a lot of thinking and a lot of nothing else. But yeah, I think that's probably a good ratio. What are you out in the world doing?
I don't know. I was on I went on a pretty big vacation this year because I've finished high school. And then I went and drove through a couple of European countries with my boyfriend, which was really great and we did like some work and travel and I'm thinking about going farther away because I've only ever been in Europe and being home is kind of depressing at this time of year because I don't know. There's not much to do or see, and i'd like to go somewhere on my own, but I don't have a license, so I would have to go somewhere that's like I don't know connected you.
Know, sure, sure, sure, sure, or I have to or.
I have to get my license, but I don't know. I don't want to.
You don't want to get your license.
No, I want to be I want to be forty and not be able to drive a car. I feel like not many people do that.
Want to be forty and not able to drive a car.
You're kind of how old are you now?
I'm twenty, okay, So just want to sit in a room for twenty years and eat food occasionally when you need to, and then you'll you'll be forty in twenty years.
Yes, and I'd like to be forty year old virgin or like a teen mom or whatever. But that train has passed, so you'll have to be a forty year old without a driver's license.
I guess what's your name again, Frankie Franka franca Frankie, the Franco very nice, very nice? Is Is there anything else you want to say to the people of the computer before we go? Franco?
I guess not.
Is there anything else that I can do to make your experience on the phone lines today any better?
Read my book when it comes out. I don't know what it's going to be called.
How do we read your book?
It's going to be about zombies. That's all I can say for now, Okay?
Or how do we or is it just like an idea? Is it is? Or is there a way that we can read your book?
Maybe I could come up with a name right now, you come up.
With a come up with a name, and then in two years we'll google it and we'll find it that way.
Okay, how about how about how about should happens?
I like that? Thank you, Frankie?
Okay, thank you?
Bye bye bye. Never weekend goes on the line, think your phone calls every night? Ever goes? I'm just teaching you a loud in your line