Pre July 4th Favorite Moments Show - 07.03.17

Published Jul 3, 2017, 7:57 PM

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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know y'all BA have all sung looking back to back down, giving them just like the milking buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all, true good it tet hoy and listening to me to each other for sto bar handy. Why don't you join yeah by joining me? Honey said, you gotta you do turn Yeah, you gotta turn to turn out turn love. It got to turn out to turn water wan go, comey, come on your make that h I shall will a good morning everybody. Y'are listening to the voice, Come on, DIGNI now one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. I have something, and it's so describes how I was living. It's so captures the feelings that I had about beginning on the pathway of my dreams. It's so describes how I felt when I was about to attempt something. And I have some striking news for you. It describes often how I feel still today to a degree. So let me tell you what that is. And I know what's happened to a lot of people. Here's an analogy that I um. I've heard a couple of different ways, but I've kind of, you know, fixed it around to where I can uh drink it better, and I think it fits my personality to describe it to people best this way. You know, I was I was talking. I've talked often about the urgency of doing something with your life, of of getting started today, of stopping the procrastination and putting it off, and waiting on all your ducks to line up in a row, and waiting until the stars aligned themselves. If if you ain't on such a thing, you're you're You're never gonna get started. I don't really, I don't know too many people who can say that all the ducks just lined up in a row. Things happen. Things happen even when you get them lined up. One of the ducks get out of line, or somebody knock over the domino, or something happens. But here's here's here's here's here's the point I'm getting at. God has so many blessings available to you, you who's listening. God has so many blessings available to you from where you are right now. I don't care what you've gotten yourself into or what you've done. God has so many blessings that he can send your way, but you have to do something. See a lot of people just sit around and go Man, I don't and something always happening to you. You're always getting a break, You're always doing this. You always do man, do nothing come my way. Listen to me. If nothing ever comes your way, you know why that is. It's because you're not doing anything. I promise you you're not. See. Here's a deal. God has all these blessings he wants to send you, but you got to give him something to work with. Now, come on, you have to give God something to work with. Yeah, God will bless you. God can touch people's hearts on your behalf. He can move situations around for you. He can align the stars. He can set the ducks up in the road. But align the stars and move people around, and touch people's hearts and set the ducks up in the road. For what based on what have you put forth? Any effort? Have you made a single step in any direction to do the right thing or go the right way? That gives him something to put his finger on. Come on, man, God can only bless you according to your faith. If you have a little bit of faith, give him that. Let him work with that. He can do that, you know, man, I didn't always start with these speeches you're hear in the morning now. I ain't always had these. I grew to these. I stumbled my way to these. I messed up my way to these. Here. I got it wrong so many times to be able to sound like I got some sense. I said it often. Failure is a wonderful teacher. Do you know how many times I have had to have failed to have what I have in my head today. I'm telling you, man, it's a process. People get mad at the process. You got to do something to give God something to work with. He'll bless you. But what you want me to bless if you ain't putting forth any effort, any effort, if you just sit down and start. I got a book coming out, I'm telling you, man, that's going to really explain this thoroughly. Man, Where you can get blessed from whoever you are in your life, wherever your starting point is, wherever you find yourself wound up you can get you can get it back from there. I've done it, man, by the grace of God, I've done it. I I I got over, man. I learned some things along the way. Because here's the deal. As long as God keeps waking you up in the on and he ain't through with you yet, when he's done, you're done. But if God still has a plan for you you wake up in the morning, He's still got some more work for you to do you wake up in the morning. So if you keep waking up, man, it's something that God wants from you, would love to have from you. And he can work with you, man, if you just walk towards him a little bit. So here's the deal. I know it's hard for the average person to start because the fear of the unknown is incredible. Well what if I failed? What if I don't get picked? You know, one of the hardest things I ever did was walking in to quit my job. Oh man, let me tell you about that day when I decided that I was gonna be a full time comedian after winning an amateur night one time. Quitting your job, following your dream, going forward despite all the nay says, it's like stepping off a cliff. It's like actually just walking off the edge of a cliff, hoping, hoping. Now not really knowing, but hoping hoping is the bad basis of faith. I stepped off that cliff hoping that my parachute would open and allow me to drift down. See, I've never sky dived before, but I would imagine part of the thrill. And I don't know this because I'm not going to sky dive to find out. I think part of the thrill for people is the danger part of throwing yourself out a plane and how it feels to be free falling, but the whole time they're free falling, having this exhilarating, over the top moment. You have got to believe, in your heart of hearts, you have got the hope with everything in you that when you pull this cord the shoot opens or else this ain't a good move at all. But you've packed your shoote yourself. You've taken the lessons, so you go ahead and you make the leap. Now. The only thing about quitting your job and following your dream is you ain't really been trained all that good for this, and you aren't really You didn't pack your shoot, but you ain't never opened it before. So I walked off this cliff, That's what it was like. And you following your dream is like you're walking off a cliff now. Let me tell you something. Here's the part where people don't never make the jump. They see somebody like myself who jumped off the cliff, and the and and the past. You don't open right away. And I hit a couple of rocks on the way down. I got my back cut up pretty bad. I got my clothes ripped off. They see that three years living in a car, man, he got in life toe down jumping off that cliff. I ain't jumping off that cliff. But see what you don't understand is you don't you don't know it. But eventually the shoot will open, and I'm at the parachute opening part of my life, man, where the shooting open and I'm drifting and I'm able to go over to Paris, guide my shoote over to Paris and glide. I've I've glided over to Africa and seeing what it looked like. It's a slow ride down. When the pass shute finally open, U and my back then heel too, and the cuts that I had on me, I remember now I know how to stay away from the edge. But the Paris shute then opened, and I'm enjoying my life for the first time. I'm gliding, But I got hit up against the rock. I can see more. I get a chance to see more things. I get to glide and see more parts of the world. I'm living my dream. The pass shote open. Your pass shoote is gone open. But I'll tell you one thing for shure, it will never open if you don't step off that cliff. You got to step off that cliff, got to get the pass shoote open for you. But you got the jump, baby. That's the hard part, ain't it now? Question is end of this story? Right here today? When you're jumping, you're listening Steve Morning shouting twenty one minutes after the ladies and gentlemen you are. It has a ride? Not a great day? Man, Ain't you glad? Ain't you glad he woke he up this morning? Ain't you glad? You got the ability of clothes in your right mind? Ain't you glad? Man? Somebody say I'm glad, I'm Somebody say I'm jowful. Somebody thank you Steve Harvey Morning Show with your code with a joint man. What's up shr Hey, Steve, good morning to you. Hey, what's going on? Kong? Hey? Steve? What's up? June morning. Uh well, let me decide what's up? Yeah, that's how you get his started on what dude last? But not leave buzzer back? What eighties? Six? Morning? Mr Harvey? How you doing, sir? How are you doing today? How are you doing? Good to be hire man? Good to be here? Always is? It is really good to be here. It's gotta be anything. Yeah anything, Ben went and you know what, I'm not leaving? How about that? How about that? I know you have some trible how you think the five doing everything? It goes again? I don't. I don't bring it up. I don't. I don't want to bring the biggest trade in history radio, They're bigger than direct Going to go to the state is the biggest trade in radio. You know as a generalmanic pulling off the trade of the sentry in back radio. Yes, yes you did, sir. I want to over down. We don't negotiated it. Brown to the Steve Harvey Morty Show turned when it found five draft and now I'm not getting in it. I don't know. I don't want nobody anybody know I pulled it off. I can have a text all the time for many great move man. How did you do it? Man, how did you know he was gonna bleed and dead? Day? All he needed one more ignorance, shell callor something else to do. I don't got to watch more people oh Tuesday, And I thought you said, Jay, you weren't a part of the I don't want to be. I don't you in it out? You know that all it takes and draw him in talking about it, haven't I wake up in the morning. They're gonna make me mad in a minutecause every time I'm not saying that it's time for something funny, isn't enough. Roscoe Wallace is in the building. We'll hear from him in a minute. But right now it's time for truth to be told with Junior. We'll be back. You're listening, Steve Hardy Morning Show. We're back now, Junior yourself, truth be told? Now? What is this one? This is one we figure out? No, not just a situation that we everybody be dinning with. And I'm just talking about it, just telling the truth about a situation. How to hand told you this? Well here, I'm still confused as there's a lot of the listeners. Now I speaks up on behalf of listeners. They know come the issue is we're talking about people that we all can't stand. People exist and they exist in droves and a lot of them, all our friends. I'm talking about cheap people, cheap for no dog. We were talked about the penny pinchers. Shut up, go ahead, sign to the five group deep that complained about everything. You want to do everything, but don't want to pay. I'm telling you deep, people here getting on my nerves. You can't do nothing, you go out to eat. How come they always upset of anything over fifteen dollars? Anything one dollars deserves a comment. They're gonna bring it. This is she got to be fifty way they' getting from? What kind of it's fifteen dollars? Yeah, you go out of town. Why the hotels are so high? Hotel got to be this sleeping now, it doesn't matter what it is. They cheat. Well, I figured out a way for us to handle cheat people and to deal with them. The way we have to deal with cheat people now is bring up they financial wolves before they do. So that's the best way I found out. We probably on vacation, about a couple of days going down. I called him already, I said, dog, I found you the way to get the Florida. I know you don't want to fly with the rest of us, but they got a race horse leaving right now. You got to get your ass on this horse, no matter what it is they're doing. Dog I know you don't want to sleep in the room with us, but I found a way for you to sleep in the lobby for twenty not You just got to bring up they financial wolves before they first wait first, Like if we're going out to eat, though, I know you don't want to eat with us, but I'll let you buy my doggy bag. We know you ain't being got to do with. They't gonna pay for it. Cheat people best way you can't see Monica, And they're not that cheap. No, they have dignified. They're not going to buy your damn doggy bag. They have to if they're gonna eat. They're gonna complain about, Yeah, we ain't got time for trying to keep all her money for shocking complaining. I'm like, what am I complaining about? I'm not paying? Yeah good. I love Shelley, but Shelly doesn't acknowledge that the check actually came out. That's true to We're going on everybody, what's up coming on. Don't talking about cheap. I let me get on in there with all the money I got. Ain't nothing cheap but the nugging rings I got on. Man, you can't be cheat waiting much go big te gold chain, all different side of eagles. And when you know you're being very we were, We're going on Rome. What's up? Rosco? Man? Man on that little time of man me and it was cooler and the new man jam whatever, what a rascal? How you doing? Man? Rocar? Get you deeping right? Hey? Man going, I's going well, thank you for good. I'm good. I like you man. You man it kind of cool. I've seen him a couple of times, you know, I got y'all tell him he got bob shop over there, but he don't know how to cut curls, so I gotta stay with. I don't need anybody cut my hair. I bought the last eighty five boxes free. I about curl free, yellow red bottle, got it all. I'm we're going on college. Hey, Roscoe, what's happening? You know every there? Why'all in here? Talk about this movie? The president? President? You know, you know you don't give trouble chance. You know what was knew what he's gonna do. You know, ain't much your damn day. I want let him go do it though, Okay, really push that guy out of the way around just see like that. That was good boy. Drive away. Damn that we the United States, we even standing in the backup. Bog will stop you. Everybody staying the backup, bogill stop you last country. But you didn't think it was rude. I wanted to push the guy like that. You know, you gotta do what you gotta do over there, you know what I mean? You don't see how travel or run I go to you phone. You know they ain't all that nice of people. Now, wait, you've been where Damn that push your back? He didn't say excuse me, and nothing got to hire. I gonna look Trump don't know vogus. Stop you what you're gonna excuse me for? Because you don't know what to have manners? You gotta have presidential like behavior. Wait, admitted, Hold on, Hold hold how y'all want man to have presidential like behavior when he ain't a presidential like qualification him? Hey, Rosco, I'm gonna switch gears for a minute, and you're primp. You're gonna get primped. Are you gonna get played on? Yeah, Hunter, you're gonna get a shot. Whoa, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back. Let's go time, gonna run that prank back? Yeah, you're not graduating. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Travon place. Uh, this humble of this Uh, this is my name is Joseph, the work open student Affairs. How you doing today? I'm good? How are you? I'm good? Listen, you're supposed to be um. This is your fifth year here at the university. You're graduating and in the next seven eight days? Am I right? Yes? There have you got at this joint? Okay it listen, I'm giving you a call. We got a bit of a problem here that we want to try and discuss with you, and maybe we can get you over at student Affairs and come in and have a meeting with us. But we wanted to bring it to your attention. Now. You took a one of your last subjects was English, uh, and you had an English exam with a You guys are writing an essay? M I R M. I am I correct about that? Yeah? And yeah that's true. Okay, this see that we got some problems here that the professor there is actually a simulating that you may have cheated on this, on this essay that you've actually written. No, I mean from from what he's telling us here at Student Affairs, is that you may have plagiarized from things uh that uh that we're in your essay due. No, I didn't. I didn't plagiarize nothing. That was an essay. Everything is documented like it should be. So I don't know what you're talking about, essentially cheating on no exam, on no paper, nothing like that. You must got me mixed up with somebody else. No, no, no, not at all. You're actually Mr Travan, correct. I mean that's me. But I didn't cheat on no exam for that matter. Okay, well, let me let me try to bring you up to speed here at Travan. What we're gonna need is we're gonna need you to actually come in and talk to us over here at Student Affairs so we can try to get this thing rectified. But I will let you know, it's gonna take a few more days longer than graduation. So as of right now, you're actually not gonna be walking uh and graduating with the rest of the students. New Man, you got me messed up? What do you mean I'm not gonna be walking well? And who we get this situation rectified here, You're not gonna be graduating with the rest of the students now, dot. I don't know what I gotta do, but you'll need to figure it out. We'll find out what the problem. I mean. I didn't cheat on know exam there you're talking about dude. My family is coming down here and you're talking about cheating on the English exam. Look like checking on an example. And I'm getting ready to graduate. Man, Now, y'all need to fix it, like right now, like today while we're on the phone. We can't do that. It's a little it's a sensitive subject. And like I said, it seems like it's plagiarism. You know, if we can get you to actually come over the student affairs next Wednesday, Man, you've got me. So what's you mean next Wednesday? Dude, I'm graduating in a few days. When you saw my next Wednesday? Man, why don't my professor didn't give me a call? Why are you calling me sir? This is not something that professors actually take care of. This is a student affair situation now, and it's a very sensitive situation. And what we want to do is try to get this thing taken care of. And if you if what you're saying is actually true, then you'll probably graduating. Man, you got me. I'm telling you writing that this is something you got me. August. I'm graduating. This to me, I don't mean here too long to go through some my last few weeks of school, and you talk about August. Man, didn't even time to hear what you got to say. Man, my family is coming down here, don everyone to see me graduated. I'm the first graduate from my family. He's talking about them. Tut my cheat on the paper, paper, little a paper. Then you got me. Man, I'm gonna work two or three cars to see me through this school and now I'm come getting rid of graduate. Are you talking about how to wait until August a graduate? Man? Hell no, I'm on my way to the office right now. And you can tell whoever the professor is that I'm on my way and he needs to be there too, sir. I can really tell you that we can try and get this thing rectified and earlier the next Wednesday, Man, what's your name again? And where is where is your office? I'm Joe. Okay, okay, okay, okay. So I'm about to get in my car right now and I'm about to come over there, and we're gonna handle live today. And I as are you singing to me cheating on the exam on paper? Man? Is that sir is the professor and that there's a possibility of plagiarism? Here? Are you kenning me? Do I've been in five Yes, I'm the first man to graduate from Carlors. Man. My grandmo is eighty two. He as old as she come in here and see me graduate. And you're telling me the about teening on the paper, and I got away till August a graduate. Man, thank you telling protessor to come to your office right now, because I'm on way to get my car, on my way to come to your office and we're gon handing this today, said man, you got me. I don't have any more room or my schis to actually pull anybody in today or you're gonna call me with like this. My you ain't got room in your casule. And hell now, miss missile whatever your name is, I'm on my way to your office. Right now, and I'll under get you. I'm gonna tell you, and I'm telling you up front it's gonna be a problem. I ain't graduating in a few days. You've got to do it with me. You got to deal with my family, my mama. Where I'll play this wn you got up hurt, Sir? I underd is there a possibility that maybe you played Giarize and didn't know that you did that? You mean the paper was officer? I already new, Sir? Can I can? I? Can I tell you one more thing? And then and then all that You can't say you're not ready to call me with somebody. I can't graduate with my class as I didn't been this for five years, this tech. I've been stud in my off and you're telling me I can't graduate until aug You ain't got to tell me. I do have one more thing I need to tell you, and then I'll let you be on your way. Okay, Man, Can I tell you what I want to tell you? New? Go ahead, I'm telling you this. It was nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank phone called by your best free and Brian. What hello, man? Do somebody gonna playing jokes like that, dude. Man, then you know how hard I five years year. Man, you are the first black male in your family to graduate from college. You're doing it, big boy, man. I know, man, it's been a journey, bro. I see's I got one more thing that you. Baby? What is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man, it's that Steve So that is you? A graduating o Lord? Yeah, people deserve to be pranked. Goodness necessary. All right, tell me now this story goes right with your prank. This is a college student in Florida who tried to prove that he should get a good grade by locking his professor in her office until she was willing to let him take a makeup exam. Jude shad Uh I could choo Q is accused of trapping Heather Holly, a math professor at Santa Fe College, in her office because he felt he deserved a shot at a new exam, but she managed to escape, at which point he threw himself on the floor and began crying and screaming. When she worked her way down the hall to the room where she was supposed to be teaching another class. I CoA cho Q followed her and interrupted the lesson plan numerous times. Holly called cop to remove this who was charged with false imprisonment as well as cocaine possession, marijuana possession with intend to sell, and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. All that put the country yeah again? Why why can't I dig it again? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is Monday. Reverend adnoid there he goes and he can depth jam back in the building there here with church compliance and back in the he is now having to fund that fun paying good money for a two funded player. Anyway, This is yeah, that's the this is if the Jackpotte joined. Don't speak, Yes, change change hollelul yeah with you? Are you breathing through directly through your now it's just clear, just get that's a mouth breader. If I haven't heard, was they got some in heller for that? You've tried all of that. None of that works, all of the This is this clear. This is a good day. You went with bick vapor. What I'm telling you is this is a good day. Well, I have some complaints after you, let's see if you can handle this. The timber rings Sister Bernardina, Loma, Linda and Gustie Parral had a fight with the drummer and the bass player for sitting the instruments on the tambourines and bending them. Now one of the tambarines is around the drummer's neck and he can't get that off. The bass player is still unconscious with a tambourine learned in his left butt cheeks. They are wanting for you to think out how to get the drama and the bass player because they don't look like they're gonna make it sound the tamarin and one shakes his neck and the other shakes his butt. You can get a song out of it. Yeah, I get this in real quick, and said that the tips on their black brand kids, Heir, we'll meeting meeting room the right parents, grandparents tips on their black grandchild's head. If you don't see nothing the most disgusting trying to come to the little room. Goodness right ahead, Tristan. I think y'all need to start with just grieving scalps that need to be the first seed. That is the saddest thing it tried to act like that up with a little girl. Walk away from you, away from he Pada the baby. I listen, I sins the most Dan pepper lips peppers. Yeah, sins the most dan pepperless. I got rest implants in her back by accident. She was supposed to be lying on her back for the procedures. She didn't know and laid on her stomach by accident. The doctor didn't notice and gave her two breasts on her back. She is asking us they help get a broth that's gonna hold up all folk bread with shoulder straps. I'm thinking, yeah, yeah, really, I'm thinking, here we go. We got one more, can keep it? Go ahead. The gangsters and thugs with small dogs with me didn't need games with small dogs. Well, me didn't meetium. Don't you know how ridiculous? Yeah, if you don't have a pit bullets, get your rash out of here. We gangster, the gangster. Where are you got a dog you can hold in the palm of your hand. Yeah, you can't beat gangster with a gold grill and a yarket. It's not gonna work. That iation is holding the dog and that is not I don't get your dog food. Don't have to get Okay, alright, here's a cart. Right. Somebody cut chiplands on sandy in the church being tied back of the church. That's still thinking. Now. What they wanted to do is have a chipland breath test to see who if it would lead to who did it? And this means you're approval and not if you get started. But we're gonna have a lineup and smell everybody's breaths. Gonna be the tester, not oh we go on time or can we wrap this up? We have one more had a lot this monday. Okay, good god, it is summertime, which means the big girl don't like the show loom. Okay, say that one. Big girls who let the show just a little good? They were meeting meeting room four. You got a lot of meeting for these girls. Just just be a little bit. It's a little terrible good. Just not much to scare you. Just just a hint of good. You've seen him. They're all in the ball. You don't want me walk back. That's a little hint them right there. Do you think you should cover that up? I think you know. I like the ones that have more back meat. I love back meat. I'm a back meat man. I'm a back meat man. You should like the lady with the breath on her back. That's her. They could be took care of them. I'm not turning away a woman with foe breath. I'm not gonna know what you now, Why would I do something to back? I don't care. If you're coming to go and it's all right with me. So when the back I hate, let me. Then the walk and their arms don't move will be asked. Just don't move it. Yeah, yeah, you hands straight off and down straight up. I ain't trusted. You're listening to Steve hard Morning show, ladies and gentlemen without further adude. It's him, we love him. He's not gonna say my name. Hello. This is your gene saying I don't know. He brings everybody out but won't bring me out. Listen. I want to say this. That's something very major going on in my life right now. I just have to share it with the world. I do. I am getting ready to audition for a play Cole Braveheart like the movie. Yes, yes, I am auditioning for William Wallace. Ye, you can do it. Yes I can, man, Stephen. I've been working so hard and diligently, I really have and um I have um partnered up. I have a new acting coach who is Jay Anthony Brown here going to help me with what i'man. I believe you can do it. You're ready, So here coach you. Yeah. JA was in drum Land boy, Okay, here it is U signs of Scotland. I am William Wallace. William Wallace was seven ft tall man. Yes, I heard kills me about the hundreds and uh. And if he was here around here, he would consume English and fires from his eyes and both of lightening it from his art. And I see a whole army of my country and here in the finance of teary. You have to come and fight as free me and free What would you do with our freedom? WI? Don't you fight? Well? Fight I fighting. You may die running, And because I'm riding a horse you die. You will live at least by in your bed and listen and dying in your beds many years from now. I will be willing to trade the days from this day to down for one chance. That's my chance to come back here and tell your enemies that make you take your liss but might not I take you. I think you've got the part. I think you're getting hard, but just slow down down, you get very good. And don't say that, Steve, you stupid and you suck. Yeah, I want to hear that. Wat maybe you'dn't hear the last. Well, ain't that trade all of your days for this day? That for one chance, yes, one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, day we never take. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back. Let's go Shirley. What what what are you talking about? What? What are these o? H O h A. Yes, st we've kind of decided we come together and as a group and we had it made a decision because we love you. You're a fearless leader and we want your concern. Yeah, you need this, you need this. Oh h a Steve. And for those of you who don't know, it stands for over hosting anonymous. You have you have that you have over hosting anonymous. You got to go to the meetings. Yeah, you have to go to get the chips and everything. Yeah, my name is Steve. Yeah, you have to do all that and and I'm over hosted. We see signs of it, yeah, we do. We want to help you. We know other people who've had it. Yeah, yeah, like Ryan Seacrest, great example, great examples. Clark had it really yeah it really had it. Yeah yeah, and you have it, yeah, Simon cow Simon definitely. Nick Cannon had it for a minute, but they stopped it. Yeah, abruptly. Yeah, he quit, Yeah, he quit. Yeah, so Steve, you know, and in lieu of all that, in light of all of that, we we just came together as a group to help you. So so Tommy, let me ask you, when when do you think that the whole over hosting started? I mean, how old were you when you were just when you started hosting? When? When did it? When did it? When did it appear? I don't really see it as a problem. Denial that it's worse than I thought it. It's pretty bad. Yeah. Yeah. Now is it true that you have taken on another hosting job? Yes, yes it is. When does that? Yeah? When is that? And that's this summer's Steve Harve's thunder dog as well as so you have two big shots for every him God and we thought, yeah, and is there something else, something else that we don't know, we don't show time coming. Oh my, God of god, O, father of God. You have O h A to the worst degree. He's an overhost service. He's an over host Timmy, you have you don't try to turn it, that's what. Yeah. Is it true that you've called trying to get soul trained back up the host that we've heard that we've heard that her room has been called and yeah, yeah. And so you don't see it as a problem yourself, Steve, you know, no, no, absolutely, that you that's the problem. Yeah. Yeah. And is it true that you constantly you never ever are seen without a suit on ever, no matter all the time, you always have you ready to chili. True, but for the most part, I would have to say it's not looking at Yeah. And we've been told that even when you're in the shower, you start hosting to yourself, hosting alone, hosting alone. That's when I host actually talking to body parts of the ship, and you're hosting, you're hosting of anything. This is the worst case I have Mike Miken Rope understand actually, wow, wow, Well we're gonna send you to oh h A over hosts anonymous, and you'll be there with other people who have the problem, and you know, you guys kind of like the camp that you have for boys, and you guys will be able to ride horses and barbecue and chat it up, you know some of them. Because maybe when he's in a room, yeah, with people who have the same problem. Yeah, you could see yourself. You'll be going to the meeting with turn coats. Do you understand we're trying to help. We're trying to help. Let me this last one is crucial. Is it true? You've been thinking about hosting the time joining the show? All right, your coming up? You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all, Hey, coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after the hour, get ready for today's Strawberry letter. But next come on food NBA party. That's the prank, Steve n b A party. That's all y'all need to know. Stupid, I know, it just just just just right there. But you support him, though, Jason, what's the problem? But he has o preaking like you ain't over murdered right here, diseases suffer from something here. Hell, I'm looking for Brandy brand how you doing this, poncho man? I want to Marcus his boys? How you doing man? Oh? Yeah that y'all talked to Marcus Man. He would tell me about you know, the the playoff party man for Sunday Man. So, uh he told me if it was cool, I would come through. Man. I just want the call and how to to see if I could I need to bring anything, uh food or some drinks or whatever. You know, you took me friends of the market. Yeah, yeah, this is puncho man. I'm friends of Mark. Okay, yeah, yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah, yeah, now you he's great, unless, of course, you know you you drink himself especial, but uh yeah, it's just gonna me Marcus and uh you know, some other boys gonna be here and uh you know where you want to bringing to me while I'll be so yeah, that's cool. Okay, okay, okay, what time y'all starting, man? He told me like around one. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be there all day, but you know you're going through about one one three o'clock. You know that before the game he started with had a you know, got the slap screen going. If it's to be laid out so yeah, let's come up through. Whenever you comes through, all right, just remember man, puncho. All right, I'll be there. I got it, all right? Cool? All right? Hello, hey hey brand yo, hey punch you again. Man, listen real quick, how much how much food and and and and look at through you have? Uh? I think we gotta love for for something. It was why what you got going on? What's up? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I got I got like three boys gonna ride with me. Man, I just want to make sure you get enough over there. Okay, who is this again? This Puncho. You know we talked about thirty minutes ago, this Puncho Marca's friend, right right, Okay, Uh, I mean my call you about thirty minutes ago, told you Marcus told me. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, I'm I'm sorry for me bringing back and forth. Uh yeah, well, I mean I guess it's all right. So you know, we ain't trying to overload the joint. Man. Just you know, I know Marcus and if you're a friend of his, then then that's cool. You can come to you. It ain't be three guys, man, ain't be three guys coming with me. Many they they they're really cool man. We'll we we we we we were bringing something to put on your pit or whatever. You know, it'll it'll be good. Okay, yeah, yeah, that's that's cool man. But you know, yeah, yeah, come on from that. All right, all right, all right, I talked to you. I talked to you, all right, brat is uh wait is one of Marcas. It's one of the guys Marcas? Yes, no, no, no, no, no, I got it's it's three guys. Me. I made four, you know, three other guys. Yeah, whatever, man, that's cool. Yeah, bring him through, man, come on, it's like alright, alright, alright, look hello, hey, Brad punt you again. Man. Listen, Hey, I'm I'm gonna bring one more Um, I'm I'm I'm gonna bring one more person with me. Hold hold, pump your brakes player, wait, hold up, hold up, now, what's up you? Marcus his friends? Yea, you're you're me and I'm Puncho. Yeah, okay, I know you puncho man, but you're bringing everybody, but just go kid. And Marcus is cool with me. That's my fault. We go way back. And if you cool with him too, then okay you can come. You know, I'm trying to have an NBA playoff game. You're bringing the whole NBA with you. No, Mom, an't like that, man, man, I mean playing that big. You know, my wife is gonna be coming through here. And you know I got the house played out. I told I wasn't even destroy the place. I just got the dog house like two weeks ago. I try to that up. So if you're coming through, you come through, you know, bring one or two people with you. But that's it. Okay, but listen to it. Would not decided me. I ain't gonna bring them dude with me. I'm just gonna bring a little lady from him with me. Man, if there is that cool, I'm just gonna bring a little lady fri him. No news. Okay, that's cool. Now you're talking okay, because I know she gonna eat it, But come on through here with her and you know, be done with that's fine, right right right. I'm gonna call Simone nine, tell her and tell her that that that she's coming with me. Okay, what's her name? Her name, Simone? That's what's my wife's name? Okay, okay, but maybe they'll hook up while they while we're watching the game. Now, ain't she ain't here? So I've seen her in her girls, so that that Neil's done. Okay, okay, so check us out, man, I'm I'm gonna reach out to Simone and let I know that we're gonna we're gonna leave it and get over there like about one. And you say it's cool, right, Yeah, yeah, it's cool man. That that's a whole lot better than being about up here. Okay, okay, back, yeah, yeah, you're years now and I check this man, mine, Uh you know, my friend she she she's married, you know, and and she wanted to get away from my husband for man, man, I guess they've been going through so you know, you know, just keep it that way all the way back back up there. You're bringing a married woman. Small were the eyes of that? My wife's name is Samoan. Okay, we'll dog. I mean what this one, Simone is the last name is? That's my last name? Wait? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold wait wait, hold hold on, hold on dog? This this okay, this, this Simon is light skinning. Yeah, you keep on describing her life skin five short hair, that's the Halley CAUs. Yeah, that's that's that's that's that's how about you know my wife, hey, do me and Simone been free and for a minute, man, it wasn't ntil Like a couple of weeks ago she reached out to me and saying she was she was going through some some some he reached out to you to tell you that she's going through some stuff with a dude. Well I don't that dude. Okay, okay, my wife, hey man, you know about a year, but who counting? You know what I'm saying. A year that's about the time we started having some issues. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on over this party. Hey man, I'm sure we can try to do picket this kind of situation. I pumpy O pras my wife. I don't give you. I'll give me about her either. You know, they say, you know what, I've always believed this. There are no mistakes of this. Everything happens where it's close to me. So it's funny how you call me. Okay, okay, listen, man, listen, I'm get this number. My boy game no no, no, then I get it done. You probably calling it from her now. My boy gave me this dog. Leave leave Simane out of this man, you can't tell me right now. You know I'm not up this call with you. Right now, I'm gonna call her. I'm not to say I ain't gonna call that all. Don't don't tell her my wife. Just bring her to the party. I got a gift for this for you. I got a three eight, I gotta smith, I got a quest I got a side fourteen killer and go right up here. So you just come on over this part, okay, Hey man, hey man, listen, listen. My boy, my boy gave me your number. Man, So I don't know who my boy is. I can said, he don't know you, Marcas don't know me. But guess who else knows me? Though that you don't know? What'll? Stay up? Hey, Brad, this is Nephew timing Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Marcus got me to prank phone call you. What is this I'm gonna get up? Yeah, Hey Brad, what was you gonna do with the party? Man? Damn man? Uh, it's like camp anyway. Let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What'syall? Thing? Not bad? Yeah? I think you're gonna really get it one day. One day. I'm down at the get. I didn't prank Shack once. I'm gonna prank him. Now come in and get it and get it cut off. Think about this Instagram college. Just let that marinate for a moment. A university in China is offering courses on how to become a social media star. This is a college course. Now, yeah, and this and this stop at jay and this is serious business. It may seem crazy, but this fashion entrepreneur and blogger has earned forty six million dollars. He earned that back in two thousand and sixteen. His name is Zaying. Uh, more than China's top actresses. Um yeah, since going to college. Moving on, here's a question. Do you spend more time with Facebook than your friends or you know, being on social media or whatever than your friends even when you're together? Uh? It says ignoring your real life friends right in front of you because you're busy with social media has become such a problem and a com and practice. Now. Psychological researchers from the University of Kent have dubbed this fubbing bubb again. You heard me subbing. It's called phonebook so much. Yeah, it's called phone snubbing. Phone snubbing's also known as phones. So with your friends, you're just ignoring them and you're on your phone. Yeah, d And phone snubbing yeah, is the practice of focusing on your phone instead of the friends sitting around the table with you. Well, we're so connected to the phone. That was really unlivable. The old picture back in the day, when people get finished with sex, it would smoke. Now, grab your phone, you grab your phone, yeah, and send somebody a text. He was terrible again. Alright, Tommy, I love you. Listen to this rich man. Rich men are getting tired of being trapped. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Weary letters coming up next to get ready for that. But first, According to a report in The New York Post, listen guys, more and more rich men who spend time vacationing, like in the Hampton's and things like that, they're getting vasectomys. Why do you ask? They're getting vasectomies so women looking to settle down cannot trap them by getting pregnant. You know that's big, That is big. Uh. These guys who want to have fun, you know, over the summer like we all do. Uh, they want to you know, hop from bed to bed as it were. They believe they have been lied to by women who claim they're on the pill when they're actually not on the pill. Okay, women who attempt and sometimes succeed in uh such a stunt know that they're in line for eighteen to twenty years of child support if they can pull it off. And since the guys are rich, those who would be some big those would really be some big checks coming in, you know. So huh three don't you? Oh, Tommy and you, Yeah, you got to worry about this story. There's the guys are rich. You know, there would be some some big checks coming in. Like I said, sometimes in the Big Memory, Ray Donovan, they had an episode where the guy, um, they one of the in the beginning I was. I watched the very first one when the lady was taking a condom and Ray Donovan had to protect him to come in and got the condom because she put it on ice and she was gonna get get pregnant. That happened. That happened even even if you have a condom. Yeah, my my age, and they just just no nobody, Yeah, you're right, they're not eggs eggs? Yeah, man, what did you say? This is it? I'm falling upon. I ain't gonna do my My spirm is not swimming, is vac stroken? I ain't word but nothing now, I ain't got that to worry about. No, all right, So there you go, miracle from guy Strawberry. Buckle up, hold on tight, here we go. Subject. Yes, years and years of cheating. Just Steve, Shirley and Tommy. I'm a wife of fourteen years. I've been with my husband for eighteen years. We were together as young teenagers. He doesn't know that I've been seeing someone else since before we got married. I love this other man simply for the man that he is when we're together. His focus is one on me. He is he has unlimited he has limitless sex drive is what she meant to say, and pleases me every time. About a year ago, I began a sexual relationship with another man who I care very much for. I love his company, I love the sex, and I feel safe when we are together. My husband and I spend our time arguing, screaming, yelling, and slinging insults. I know everyone will say that it's because of my cheating, But my husband has no idea, never busted me. It's more about his shortcomings. He hardly works. I pay mostly everything, and I don't respect him for that. I love him, but I don't like who he has become. Sometimes I pray that he comes home after I am asleep so I don't have to hear his voice. He failed me. I believed in him, but in all these years he has failed to deliver. His only true passion is smoking weed. Am I wrong for running to the arms of two very successful men? Well, morally, I know, take that all in right. Morally, yes, of course you're wrong. I mean you know as well as I do that this is adultery and that cheating is wrong. You know that, But I mean, why did you write the letter as the question? Is this like a true confession sort of thing that you just wanted to get this off your chest? What is really going on with you? And I'm quite frankly, I'm not surprised that, um, your husband never caught you, because usually women are just way smarter than men at cheating. But but having said that, you are miserable in your marriage and something else is going on. You're cheating with not one, but two different men. I don't get that. Why just haven't you filed for divorce? You're some sort of serial cheater? I think, Um, I think it's just sort of some sort of really uh, you know, I think you enjoy the thrill of cheating, you know, of possibly getting caught maybe or something. You need that excitement in your life, because honestly, I don't think you ever gave your marriage of fighting hands because you admit that you were cheating with this man before you even married him. Now you're cheating not only on your husband, but you're cheating on the man you started cheating with. So you're just a serial cheater to me, Steve um years and years of cheating. Let's start at the bottom of the letter. Am I wrong for running to the arms of two very successful men? Uh? You're asking us this. Am I wrong? You already know? But the thing is you don't care though. Okay, then, now let's go back up to the top. Shirley, Steve and Tommy. You're the first person to ever put Tommy in the Strawberry Letter. And I know why because he's been talking a lot during the Strawberry Letters. And we offer you are humblest apologies about that. Now, let's get to the letter. You've been with your you've been a wife of fourteen years, you've been with your husband for eighteen. You got together as teenagers. He doesn't know that I've been seeing someone else since before we got married. Okay, right there, right there, you would never ever committed to this man or to the marriage. Now, you got the nerve in your letter, after you state your case as to why you with these two men, you say in the nerve of you to say he failed me. I believed in him, but in all these years he has failed to deliver. He has failed you. Right, You've never really been in a man's wife. You've never been true to him, you've never been committed to him. And then you got the audacity to turn around and say that this man has failed you. Ye failed you. You're getting out of him what you deserve, which is nothing. You ain't putting nothing in you. You've been getting a lot put in you, but you ain't put nothing in. Oh, you're a trip lady, you man, because he's smoking weed here. You ain't here, just something watching watching cartoons, eat sellers. You ain't here. We'll be back with more of Steve's response to the Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. But Steve, come on finish with your response to part two of today's Strawberry Letter. Let's have it right now. You know, Uh, this one right here surely says it's just a chronic cheater, and that's what she is. I don't care to see one of the things we were discussing off the air walls. Uh. She's been seeing this man since before they got married, She says, I love this man simply for the man that he is. When we're together, his focus is on me. He has unlimitless sex drive and pleases me every time. Okay. Then the question was, well, why didn't she marry him then, because then, guess what, if she'd married him, she would still be seeing someone else. Just let me explain something to you. If you have a husband and you're cheating on him with someone since you were married, and your description of this other man is that when we're together, his focus is on me. He he has unlimitless sex drive and pleases me every time. Okay, that you would think was the ultimate. Right after that, she goes about a year ago, I began a sexual relationship with another man for what you just said. He was a man who is unlimitless and pleases you every time you turn around and go get another man. You're not just a shader, you're freaking away. You just what's wrong with you? Why don't you sit your hot trash tailed down from somewhere. Just thirsty, Just a big old thirsty band. It's nothing worse than an old thirsty chick. Just thing you see, you got to drink. That's her. Just sits your tail down somewhere. Do you have children? She didn't say that, but does she? She probably does after fourteen years of marriage. Now there's other man who I care for very much, love his company. She wouldn't love this sex, and I feel safe when he together. Oh he just great, big old man dingo, big old slave love. And she did have children. Who would the daddy be? Though she ain't got that kind of time. It ain't the dope smoky, don't you circus circus You got a freak show. You got you got a man dingo man, You got a weed smoker and another circles and have exhibits here here you come want to he here he is smoking weed all day. I think we get it. We gotta go. Yeah, it's overload, isn't it? Email or Instagram? What's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my Girl Shirley. Let's see if you guys feel the same way. Um, here's a survey, a study that says, uh, men reveal what makes some women boring to them? Okay, alright, so Steve, here we go. Do you agree with this? We're gonna ask. This is according to a survey from The Frisky The Frisky. Yeah, these are some traits that guys say make some women boring. Uh. They say, a really hot woman who thinks she doesn't need to have an engaging personality because of her looks. Oh yeah, oh yeah, but nasty. That goes to the old saying that boomerangs. Grandmama taught us. She said, I don't care how fine woman is as a man somewhere sick and tired of her. Yes, that's true, that's absolutely true. Next, surely, so you guys agree. Okay, someone someone, a woman who only talks at others and never asks any questions like talk down to people talk? Yeah, yeah, okay, you guys agree with that. Here's one a girl who hides her intelligence or has no independent intellectual curiosity. She just you know, she doesn't want you to know how it's too people in this relationship. It ought to be against the loan. What did you say? Wait for me? Get away? Because they cannot be too igod people in this I already don't know what to say. Now, you friend, all right, here's one I know you'll agree with. H This woman is a social media addict who cares more about portraying her life online, taking selfies and all that, rather than actually living it. I love it. If you're with a girl who's got more pictures of herself in her phone, She's selfish. That's what it's about. It's all about her. Okay, all right, you guys, everybody agree with that social media addict? Definitely? What have you sending me pictures? Don't say I'm not gonna be against that. You know, she could be as selfish as she wants to. I'm good. I'm actually comfortable with it. Now you're like a naked picture. I thought you said she was selfish. Well, if she's seeing your naked pictures as a whole differing and stop chopping up the hedge to Okay, I want to see everything. Don't want you don't see me a naked picture with your head chop. That's disrespected. Come one thing, Steve's quiet. Clean up the background when you take that picture. Okay, I know you heard me. A social media addict who cares more about portraying her life online rather than actually living it. I have kids, all right. Here's another one. Guy, a woman who has no independent interests or hobbies. Got something? Yeah, I love a woman with low self esteem, though I do. Man, Yeah, he low might not be low to you. You're like one with low self team only because you make yours scene. Am so having a very bad all right? Well, here's the last one. Women who only talk gossip. That's all they have to do, that's their whole conversation. He's gossip, gossip, gossip, gossip. No, I don't talk to hey gossip at the bank, they deal in facts down now, Okay, I think you agree with Steve Jake. Yes, I agree the gossipl If we embid and she wanted gossips, I don't care what she's saying. She can say whatever she wants. We'll be back after these jams. There, he goes, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That's how good god he is? He's good? Oh, yes he is, Oh, Larry, Yeah, to my sake, loud hammers, the good morning is everyone's has everybody? Hi Junior, O'Dell good. You're working on your voice. I see, yes, ma'am getting out based it on up. You can't get a wife with a high voice. Yes, yes, ma'am. They don't like it. Everybody in the house can't be screaming sounding like yes, ma'am. I gotta be able to know who the woman is. Hello, Tommy. I was with Kate over day, My mama. We had a good time. We was talking about you. You need to call again, you know, yeah call. We talked every other day, you know, MoMA on the pay roll. Mama, Well, taking killed and I didn't say that. I said you need to call or something that happened. Oh really, ain't nothing negative. It's about you. Oh okay, you want to tell me what's happened. I just said you need to call your mommy. Now you want me talk about it out here? Uh no, but but but if it's what I well, I just said some chiss to pope. Papers came to have you have it on the redgim was obviously yeah, what I think you need instead of a sectiment? As an attorney, I had to ask, didn't you had to ask? Bring it up? Now you're sending him me there, y'all the situation hidja effing how you're doing? Nice to have you over here. You know I never could talk to you when you was on time show. No, that would have been difficult. Nipicot is one thing impossible, it's something else. You're absolutely right. Hey, Colin, Hey, sister on good good seen tish you on Instagram? You got all a's yes, ma'am she's on in the row, Yes, ma'am. Girl. That's something that's a smart baby you guys. Thank you, sister. I'm so proud she smart. Hello, Shirley Well, Hello, sister Otel, how are you? I'm fine, don't overdo it. It's fake that well, you know, I just want to make sure that we're on, you know, the same accord. We're we're getting along now, so I just want to, you know, put a little extra into it because that's how well he's doing. Fine. Thank you for asking how you cooking? What was that she needed to put a little entry into the cooking since she put an entry into thing. Oh, I just said cookie. I'm sorry. I just don't have to cooking. Curl dell. Oh she pay you now cooking? That ain't That's why I ain't left it all right, Let's let's cook problem cooking. Move on. Oh he cooked it up if he got good cookie, cook cook cook cooking, and stay on apparkly not apparently, just not for cooking. I'm gonna say no, Jack, when you ain't had a man that long long as she had when she getting long, it's a tad down process. O. My ain't probably just getting told on. Can we change the subject's sister? Rotell what you want to change it? Too? Well? I mean, did you hear about Tiger Woods? You know I heard about a little po tagger. Yeah. Yeah, he was arrested for d u I there was no alcohol found. It ain't got to be Tiger Black now she its official Tiger. They ain't gonna get changed. Ran for yeas fishing. Now, once you get arrested, get your assoop down at the police station. Welcome back to Black. I bet on the police report you in the cablanation in that in that shot. That's right, kids like my third husband. When they're arrested him down in Jupiter, Florida. What did he get arrested for? What do you get arrested for? Yes, yeah, because he was black. Oh okay, Tagger. Wasn't him driving his car? He will sleep? Yeah, that's what they said. They want. You're taking the jail. Yeah, sleep. He was sleeping. He was sleeping in the car with both your riems and mashed up. Yeah, he didn't lie to it was no alcohol involved. Zero. It was three in the morning. It was three am, three in the morning, coming from a restaurant. What a restaurant? You can't here. It's just restaurants, That's what I said. But what she was you have listening to a restaurant? He was at a restaurant. Ain't fell asleep on the way home. Couldn't find a white girl on the driving home? Against like a restaurant. I think the same, I think. Excuse me, okay, you hold on, hold on new let it go. You don't know you know I let it go. Okay, well, let it go, let it go. Sain't wait time, let you go. I told him, I'm not gonna know. What's just you should go the way but you don't want though, I am not. I'm going in right now. They got they got tiger wood and drunk on their new Yeah. I feel sorry for him, I do. I know, you know. Welcome, welcome back. I told you you wasn't gone. Yeah. Hey, another athlete made news lately. Shack well not actually shock, but shocks. Feet. Did you see you seen a chance to see that foot? Sister odal that Yeah, I've seen it. I've seen it. That's my boy. I gotta talk to him. So a little sad, you know, feet. You know I ain't never marrid A man caused your feet long as they walked to work. That's all that got. Could be good? All right, thank you, sister. A delta stopping by us always coming up at forty one after the hour, Nephew Tommy's Weekend Confessions. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for the Nephews Weekend Confessions, and uh the number is eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, we know how much you love this segment, and I go first. You have a confession yet in your own segment? Huh, well yeah, you know it's it's been going on for the since the whole weekend. But my number two is going through time about she needs. She wants to start going out with other people. Since I don't have a lot of time for her. You said, since you're married now, then you can bring it. So what I have done is taken. You don't remember saying this earlier? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I didn't tell you what I did. I took her cellphone and deleted every male phone number in there. M hm hm. Now you can't do called women. That's it. Other than that, it's yeah, you did what temmy, I deleted every male name out of her phone. Number two. There's number two. Yeah, how y'all doing this morning? What you're not going to a matter of time, You're just gonna be number two and made calls. That's what you're not gonna do, exactly like it A lot not gonna be in your calling the shots. Your job to be number two and call other people? What is? Where did they do that? That's fine? You are number two. Stop trying to be a number one. You know. So you guys are cool with this. He's married and no I'm not cool. Okay, thank you? Somebody I hadn't told y'all that this fool's marriage who was in trouble. Right after he said I do you know you did say that he doesn't understand any of the rules. That's new mouth, Calie Baptist Junior. What what are you doing? What are you mumbling? Hey, Tommy, I just got off the phone with the Hall and Boys quiet. They are free? That's fright? Yeah, so what I donna kill him saying that they ain't doing nothing. That's fried. It's rare. You get the Hall of Boys quaiet them for me. I got the phone with him hung up with name free friend say they free, fry. You better go ahead and book. I'm just saying, okay, all right, keep saying, going to do a few things. But I get pass. Well, what did she say? Did she know you blocked all the guys? You don't know yet? Just see it? She phone? Yeah? What is your wife? No, that's what I want to know. What is she now? She ain't got nothing to do with this, Sharon Steve. You just heard what he said out of his mouth. Yeah, no, man, go ahead. She mixing one and two again? Why are you doing? Well? You numbered them? So she was just concerned about number one. Your man, He's not that very talk. I can't he's booking a funeral. You're gonna stop that tall? Say something about plot man, Yeah, his plato. We don't need a whole seven foot We just need to be by three beet by three ft. It adn't even got to be deep, got to be deep. It off, shout grade. That's how short is. You're really short when you're great, don't even matter to be six feet three. You're not make fun. Oh the man I agree with than I appreciate. Stay with me, man, I just did you hear anything that Tommy? She's calling people showing who she needs to come him him, thank you. You need one number in your In fact, she needs a phone with no numbers on it at all. She came down. It's just receiver. People call you hello, you can just receive. Where did that come? Because you can't call no that you can't die out? OK, if you have nothing, you do you have a phone? Call um, that's what we're waiting right now. We're well, yeah, it's up in seven twenty nine, Steve, it is time weekend confessions. The booth is open. Call me, let me know what you did this weekend that you shouldn't have done. Don't calling here with your real name. Keep it on the low low. I know how to go. I've been there, I've been there, I'm there now. So just I'm riding with you. Called me up, Steve, get it off your chest. Any other confession? Yeah, Hey, McColl and hash said they open at the living They were viewing the one you know, McCoy Harris and funeral home. I like the viewing from eleven to one that had the services from two to three. I'm not going to the viewing. We already know what he looks like. Find out who's realm Vata tell me when your wife finds out it's gonna be dead. I got anything. Quit saying wife. Let's start there, but quit saying wife. Why what should we say? I don't know, but quit saying wife because this food. Don't understand that? Yeah? Everything and in the same goals with y'all. Time about you know, hug getting all my money when I paid? Why would I put hunt in my wheel? Because if you love me the way you love me, I suppose love me when I passed, you should be a couple of days right behind me. Shouldn't man this logic? Man? Okay, let's go to THEE. Let's go to out of Tennessee. Hey, baby girl, what's your name? My name? What's your confession? Baby? Okay, So me and my husband's Barrey killing this weekend and it was just me and him. So I was like, I hadn't done anything off the train in a while. So I went outside in the bus, you know, because we're the only people on the street first of all. So I went out there and you know, I'm trying to break them off, and then my mom put us up and I'm like totally naked. So I took my cart, my cover from my scooter that I have, and I'm under there and my mom is talking forever. You know, he's fully dressed. So we can't lose this. Hold on. We're gonna go to commercial. You hold type. We want to hit this. We're gonna play dam this is crazy, call us to confess. Eight seven seven. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, we're in the middle of weekend Confessions. We left off talking to a young lady named Shene Tommy. She called in and uh yeah, just bring us up to speed. What's going on with They decided she was gonna get bucked wild and when outside, but you know, to to live and things up for her and her man. And then her mama pulled up. So we're gonna pick up from right there. We butt down behind something it was it was it a scooter, the cover from her scooter or something. Go ahead, let me hear what wish. Yes, I'm here. Um, so I'm under the scooter cover. It's like, okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold hold, Let let me just I don't really like messing with this, but Tommy want to fix the story. You want to throw some spice into your marriage because you and your husband hadn't done nothing crazy in a while. Y'all live on the street. That was a problem. That's why I couldn't come out. Okay, So you decided to go outside while your man was barbecue and butt naked. So you were out there butt naked, and when you get out there, your mama pull up. Now what did you do after that? Now let's go. So I'm just under there and my mom underwear baby the scooter cover. So what kind of school like a mopad? Okay, So I'm just under it, you know, just waiting for her to leave, and she's talking forever. I don't even know what she's talking about. I'm like, lord, and so um, his daughter pulls up. She's here from out of town. She comes with the baby. So my dog is book wow. He comes running outside and he's like, what is this under the scooter and I'm like, oh my god, I cannot have this happen. And this girl down here and she's gonna tell her mama that I was under the scooter and my mom was there. It was just horrible. The whole thing was horrible. My husband just talking away. He's not even trying to hint to anybody, like go home or nothing like forty five vantage the dogs. That's like coming back over there and smell. And I'm like I'm going the house, going there, you know, And he's like, you know, no, somebody's under here, and I'm just like, oh my god. My hus was like, get in the house, Texter, and I'm like, you are not helping. Tell my mama to get in the car. Tell your daughter again, in the house. So finally they went in the house. The daughter went in the house and did something with the baby. So, yeah, the grand baby is there too, so uh, she went and did something with the baby and I was able to crawl back in the house finished. We didn't I've heard you know that. Everybody come in. I was like, this is horrible and it's dark under there and mosquitoes. I got mosquito bites and places and anybody, and I'm like, this is horrible, just like the worst thing, and yeah, I just do it. On up to see me? Started that low pit and rolled off. What's I got on up? I'm under that cover, paked up that my friend and sat on it and rolled off naked. That's funny visual because I can't stay been over that long. No, damn, I'm gonna do it agin next week. No, not that. Some give it a while, Like I'm just kidding. Baby, how tall? How tall? Five nine? Okay? Yeah, what's what? What's that clothed you with? You was up? Wait a minute, I got to come in. You're listening to the morning show? All right, we're back and all our glory. Okay, listen, we're in the middle of weekend confessions with the nephew. Okay, he is right here. I'm not here to want to hear what you're going through. If you've been button nick it up underneath a mope head would have come on top of Oh your boy, let me know what's happening in your life? Yes to or size too. It don't matter what size you are, A seven seven, that's right. Let's go to line seven and talk to t J out of Georgia. J. It is so good to be on the radio listening to each of you. I wake up and listen even when I don't have to work in the morning. However, I saw you. I met a guy about a month ago and we've been talking back and forth. So we decided to um get together this weekend. I took one of my best friends because I really didn't know him. I go into the restaurant and he was already there and I see him, but I wasn't sure. But you know, normally, as some of my dates and and they'll get up, they walk over to you, there'll be a gentleman. Anyway, he was looking at me, gesture for me to come over there. I was justester with him as over there. So we met halfway. I get at the table. He had already ordered a picture of beer. Right. I don't know you. I don't know if you put anything in it, but I saw him drinking it. So I'm drinking the beer and we do that, and he's starting to do all this hard dance and then he wanted another picture of beer, So make a loan for a short um, and he pulled a chair over and one and pulled me over to sit by. So he got up to pay the waitress. And as he paid the waitress a gesture to my friend, let's get let's go. And so as he was paying, I ran out, got my car, left, didn't say goodbye, and so he text me and I told him that I'm not good at saying goodbyes. But I miss you. You told him you miss him? Yeah, because I had to leave. It was just it was just crazy. He was He was not a gentleman. I've never experienced anything like that, but him or nothing I was. We were go with the church is take okay, but you don't miss him though, maye don't feel better and mayn't feel better, right, uh huh. You gotta let an ignorant person down easy, right right, in the words of my daddy, don't snatch your head out the line's mouth. You got to ease it out. Okay. I just said I'm just not good at saying goodbyes, and you know the second day, but I don't think so. It's not sexy for a man over dance. You know. He's like in the thirties, they don't know what the beauty days, you know, dance, but when you over danced because there's a beer and this is what kind of gyrating? Was he doing? Hands above his way? Yeah, that's not day. But yeah he got up and I was he hands over dropped it. I'm telling you, like Eddie Murphy and Boomerang when he was on the dance floor, Rob, what do you I'm like, oh, baby, don't read the book or something. But yeah, so I left. All right, baby, we gotta go. I miss you, all right, you missed her already. Time, I miss you already. By bye bye. Let's thank you t J. Let's go to line three and talk to ONYX out of North Carolina. Hey, what's going on? Thirty second? Let's go real fast. All right, this weekend, my wife and I were chilling. We decided to play some space because the kids were out the house hold. You're gonna have to wait. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, all right, we gotta get back to these weekend confessions. All right, good today, nephew, ain't beat at all. We got Onyx on the line. She gave us a call and she was telling us about her wife and we stopped right there. So Onyx, hey, how you're doing? Alright, baby, take it from the top for me. Okay, So it was the weekend. We didn't have nothing to do. The kids were at the grandparents for the whole Yeah. Is it two wives in this story? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Okay, I just need to be clear on that my boys don't match my exterior though, So think like the brat and then another feminine lady and you are okay, we got you said you're the feminine one. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry now. But yeah, we said the kids to grandparents for the whole weekend Friday through Sunday, and we were sitting in the house and letting to do, and we decided to play some spade. But it out a little born, you know, being the two people there. So I decided that we should call up a set of friends of ours that we're really get friends we have been friends with for years. Um again, another couple just like us, with one masculine one and one feminine one, and we caught him up to play spade, but the masculum moments out of town on work, but her wife was home, so she's like, I'll come through and play with you guys man, and my wife was like, okay, no problem. We always have a good time. We played cards, no problems. So we go around and we start playing space and now we're in North Carolina in the middle of the summer, so it's hot and our air conditions on, but we've been drinking. You don't once the liquor sit in, so I was like, okay, night went on and I'm like, okay, let's make this interesting because I'm seating like a runaway slaves here. So I'm like, we're gonna play shift spades, and whoever loses their books, you know, comes up by the piece of clones table. Everybody's in the grants. Well, a little bit of time, one and one thing led to another, some line, it got blood. Once everything was over, we dropped the person home and now they're like texting and calling, but we don't know how to feel about that because we are really good friends with them as a couple. But you know, her her wife wasn't there so now real and keeping it really going wrong? You know? Yeah, but do her wife know that that something jumped off? Okay, that type of stuff matter, you can feel it was the other way around. I mean, I wouldn't mind, but we are about that life, so it wouldn't be that big of an issue. On they are traditional, so they are not Wait what what did you say? We're not We're not traditional. We're about that life or something like that was a happening our end. It'd be fine with us because that's okay. But in their sense they're traditional. I don't think they're really into the eminem ship. So I think that, you know, it might be a little bit different if if it comes to light. But let me let me get this right to bread. So her name is onest, so honest. You you and your you and your wife have an open relation marriage right right right. So I'm just curious though, can your wife uh have relations with with with a with a male? H No, that's not a rule. That's not a rule. Okay, So I don't know the rule. I'm just trying to we bring one female back and we both have to agree on that person. Okay, okay, okay, my uncle, right though, that's so damn you. Yeah, I don't want to play with you. I don't want to time for just one most thing. Say so, if October the sixth through the ninth, some wonderful weekend, y'all come joined this out there at the beautiful Atlanti's Hotel on in the Nassau Bahamas. The whole morning, you're gonna be that practically, we're gonna be so so engulfed in radiant rays of sun, listening around, ordering, ordering drinks and food, eating stuff. You ain't got no business. We're gonna be gambling all day, all night, sitting on the beach, sitting around the pool, riding on the Lazy River, staying in five hotels and lord ha mercy, the entertainment is off the chain. You got that right. Sweat, Yeah, Salt and pep ball new audition. We're just gonna be up in there killing it. Man, it's gonna be so so nice. Y'all come joined us. Go to Sand and Soul Festival dot com and make your real evacients now and come on hang out with this show. And we're gonna be doing it and ride the Lazy River riday out. You're gonna love that lazy river man, get you a raft and just sit down. You ain't gotta do nothing, You ain't got to push all. It just flows you. Man. You've been on the slides now I'm not rocking it down and the dam bullets being get thrown in up. I ain't got no water. Shoot I did, I did a couple of I didn't do the big one that that drops you down and you right there, right there, think about that, right into that. I'm with you. Somebody coming in this old ass looking back. Get away from here. Mr boys. The book boy by overlooking eggs trying to ride on the big slide. Baby has to say who baby? I had to get one time. We're still together, but that but you were saying, Steve, go to Stand and Soul Festival dot Com. We'll be in the Bahamas October six through the ninth, and we would love for you to join us. Yes, we want you to be same time over there trying to get on that tall slide and stop him from climbing up to still feel Mr boy, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.