286. How to actually FEEL your feelings
In a day and age when 7/10 of us are chronically stressed, living in survival mode, too busy intellectualising our feelings to actually feel them, unsure of whether we will ever feel great happiness again, sometimes we need to return to the basics: how do we actually FEEL our emotions. In this epis…
285. Overcoming relationship OCD & anxiety
Even in the most perfect of relationships we can have doubts; even when everything is happy and wonderful, questions can still linger in the back of our mind like 'is this person really right for me, should we break up, should I be feeling this way?' This feeling is a symptom of relationship anxiet…
284. Did the pandemic rewrite our 20s?
Today, let's talk about the pandemic skip and the lost years of our 20s that many of us are still trying to catch up on. Covid-19 was such a period of collective trauma, and a lot of us feel frozen in time, having missed out on key experiences, developmental milestones and opportunities during our …
I Trust Myself to Make the Best Decision With What I Know Now
I am thrilled to present one of my favorite episodes from my new podcast Mantra! Each week, we unpack an empowering mantra—a simple, powerful phrase to help navigate challenges, find clarity, and unlock potential in daily life. In this special presentation "I Trust Myself to Make the Best Decision …
283. The psychology of 'only child' syndrome
We've all heard the stereotypes about only children - they're selfish, they're dominating, they're arrogant, they are spoiled. Well, it turns out that might not be accurate. In today's episode we break down the intricate psychology of the only child and do a quick review of birth order theory, incl…
282. Can we change our personality?
It feels like the personality we have is the one we're stuck with, regardless of how much we wish we were different...but is that really the case? In today's episode we are joined by writer and author Olga Khazan who ran a year long experiment to see how much she could change her personality to be …
281. Reclaim your power in dating
Dating right now can feel like a minefield - in today's episode we break down exactly how to reclaim your power in today's dating climate, including: The 3 reasons we lose our power The consequences of becoming defeated with dating My 5 tips for reclaiming your agency Why we need to STOP playing…
280. Is it anxiety or intuition?
Intuition is this deep sense of knowing that guides and expands our lives. Anxiety on the other hand restricts us by keeping us beholden to fear. Despite their differences, they can feel remarkably the same, especially if you are someone who has an anxious, overthinking disposition. In today’s epis…
279. The psychology of career jealousy
When you're struggling with your sense of purpose, job hunting or feelings of success, it can be very hard to see someone else who has everything you want, and not feel jealous. In today's episode, we break down the very important psychology of career jealousy in our 20s, including: The 3 types of…
278. The psychology of tattoos
It's said that around 1/3 of society has tattoos - that increases to nearly half for people in their 20s. What is it about this permanent form of art that so many of us feel called to get? And what are the psychological underpinnings behind our design choices, why we may find ourselves wanting more…