Jack Posobiec - Trump in Driver's Seat for 2024

Published Mar 27, 2023, 10:00 PM
Jack Posobiec is a US Navy Veteran and a Senior Editor at Human Events.

Hey, team, Welcome to the Buck Sexton Show. On this episode, Jack posso Bic, Jack Posobic, how do we even describe the man known and beloved by so many as posts? So? He is a senior editor at hun events dot Com, a veteran Navy intel officer, a man who loves his Catholicism and his Polishness, and also podcast host and uh generalman about town. Mister mister Postoba, good to have you, sir. Thank you appreciate the intro. And the only thing I would add is that I am a I am but a humble purveyor of cheap and yet cheap, affordable, and yet quality. Rests to all those travelers weary from scrolling the internets. Yes, I am your humble merchant. Wow, he's doing He's doing a pillow Postso right now, look at this pillow Posts So I know, I know, I know the moves, I know all the moves Posts. So you know who else learn it from? You? You know who else knows them? These days, Chairman, She and Putin they're buddying up Russia China. This if we were trying to create in a lab the worst national security scenario over the long term for the US. It feels to me like a Russia China alliance, a real one, not just sort of a general economic go we're gonna be buddies. A real one is pretty scary. What do you think. Well, so, when you look at it in terms of just just basic grand strategy, real politic, you have to understand that in the world has currently constituted, there are essentially three great powers. There's China, Russia, and the United States. Now, in the Cold War it was China, China, the Soviet Union, and the United States. And this is what and that it was the Cold War, Cold War, Cold War China Goo's communist in nineteen forty nine. Then in the nineteen seventies there's all these secret meetings, the secret travels of Kissinger, and then of course the very public travel of Nixon to China that breaks up Russia China, that brings China into the US's orbit, and that sets the stage for the eventual downfall of the Soviet Union, as the Austrians used to say, in a world of three B two. And so what we've done, essentially is the opposite of that. We've decided to throw all that grand strategy out the window. We've decided to throw common sense out of the window and decide that in a world of three great powers, that we were going to drive both of them into each other's arms at the same time. Because when you consider it from the standpoint of any US diplomat, your goal should always be to try to isolate Russia and then isolate China so that they specifically do not ever do what just happened this week. What do you think about the bid administration policy in Ukraine up to this point, Well, so, I think what they've done essentially, and not just in Ukraine but also in there this idea of their interactions with Russia. I remember complete refusal of negotiations, complete refusal to have one on one talks. It seems like they're not even phone calls going on between between the Kremlin and the White House. Right now, I think of Reagan, right Reagan would be meeting with Soviet leaders even during the invasion of Afghanistan, so he always kept that door open and had this sort of two track policy where Okay, you can point out that the United States was certainly funding elements of the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, but also he was still meeting with Soviet leaders. He was still opening up this diplomatic side. Now we've decided to completely eschew any diplomatic negotiations whatsoever. You've got people that are just absolute radicals like Victoria Newland and Tony Blinkoln who just does whatever she says. I mean, he's basically her clerk at the end of the day, and who say that Russia has to give back Rama and the dun Bass, and the Kremlin needs to be reduced to ash and all of the Putin has to step down and all this stuff that I'm sorry, it's just not going to happen. It's literally just not going to happen. And then they've completely decided to forget about having any strategy other than simply thinking that it's it's it's nineteen ninety two again, and the United States can just dominate the world and tell everybody what they want, like we did in the in the Gulf War, and we did during this Packs Americana at the end of history that Fukiyama told us about the peace dividend, and unfortunately we're not there anymore. And you can talk about the millions of reasons why the rise of China, the relative decrease in American influence, etc. The overabundance of US power, trying to fill the world with NATO, like our adventures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria. The list goes on, but essentially the rest of the world has gotten to the point where they're kind of sick of it, and they're kind of sick of us, and they realize that what China has offered. Now with China's offering along with bricks and keep mind at India and Brazil are also going along with this. They're quietly right now, but they're also go along in South Africa as well. They don't really have a choice that Russia and China are saying, we're offering an alternate to the Western system, not just the American system, but the Western system at large that includes Europe, the World Economic Forum, et cetera. Where they say, we don't care what your values are, we don't care if your dictators, we don't care who you execute on a regular basis. We just want to access to resources. We want your basing rights, we want portage, we want to be able to sell our products in your country, and we want to make sure that all your rare earth minerals are coming to us, and you look, the Saudis and the Iranians. Guess what, the Sunni and the Shia buck have just signed a deal at the behest of Beijing. The Turks and the Syrians are signing a deal now for the first time in something like eight year, probably a decade, actually ten years where we've seen this, you know, the essentially air Towine wanted to side out of there. Now they're signing a deal. Israel is just kind of forgotten about Israel. The Abraham Accords are just completely gone. The Yemenes and the Hoothies, it looks like that's actually starting to quiet down. The Egyptians were getting involved. We're hearing all throughout Africa they're meeting with China and Russia, and even in South America as well. So we've seen this with Oberdor in Mexico and also in Brazil with their new leader, so with Lula, and so the United States really has to understand what's happening here. Plus what's interesting to me is to look at the role of Russia in this, because we've forced Russia into this alliance with China, but also Russia has been forced to be there as the junior partner, because they don't no longer have access to Western capital markets. They no longer have access obviously to Europe to sell their gas because obviously that pipeline is now resting at the bottom of the politic sea. I wonder who put it there, And they've basically severed their entire ties with the West. And so what you're seeing now is this massive balance of economic, geopolitical and military power that is shifting to this new Eastern alliance. And there's an obvious fault line right there for Russia where we could, as US diplomats, you could easily say, do you really want to be the junior partner to China? Do you really want to be subservient to Beijing? Because we could offer you an off ramp if we can at least get these things shut down in Ukraine. But of course no one in the US is actually thinking that way. What do you think a sensible end to the war in Ukraine would look like? What would have to get done for us to be at that place? Well, I think a sensible end is to understand that. And I say this with my Navy intel and had on that clearly, CRIMEA is a red line for the Russians for putin there. It's the home port of their Black Sea fleet, it's their main base, Sevastopol. They're not going to give that up. As far as specific territory in the Donbass or this land bridge that they've built, I feel like that's negotiable. Obviously, a ceasefire would be the first thing the armistice to be signed. And we're also, by the way, we are hearing noise out of the Kremlin saying that they want that. And remember it's the Biden administration right now that's rejecting it. They're saying, oh, this would be peace on Russia's terms, This would be co opting what they've done. This would be what do they say, parroting Russian propaganda, freezing the gains in Well, guess what, you know. The situation on the ground is the situation of the ground. But essentially, what the US would have to do is more than likely drop NATO membership for Ukraine. This proposal, that's obviously their biggest red line for Russia. That's why they win, and they keep saying it over and over and but number two, there would more than likely be some kind of international and this is what China wants. By the way, as well, they've also agreed to this. They want some kind of international peace deal for whatever's left of Ukraine right now, and then in addition, hammer out what exactly the economic agreement is going to be between Ukraine and Europe. So there's going to be one. Maybe it's EU membership or some kind of you know, you know, observer status in the EU where they get access to Schengen that type of thing, but not necessarily full NATO membership without NATO bases inside European borders, which of course is very very upsetting to the Kremlin. I feel like all of that could be hammered out rather than us getting into you know, I don't know. I just watched The All Quiet on the Western Front Front the other day, very good movie, fantastic, so fantastic, and I've read the book years ago. But they point out that for four years those trenches, you know, you have millions of people were being killed over you know, a football field's worth of territory in some cases, or a couple of football fields. You know, we could save ourselves a lot of the trouble and save a lot of lives, a lot of people's sons and daughters, and God forbid, everyone else's caught up in this conflict by just skipping to the end right now. And I think that makes sense from a moral standpoint and certainly from a United States diplomatic standpoint. Jack, I want to ask you about how this affects Chinese calculations with regard to Taiwan and just a moment, and also talk to you a bit about the twenty twenty four and politics here at home. But first up, the recent bank failures you saw are the largest since the financial collapse back in two thousand and eight. So if you've been on the fence about buying gold and silver, now is the time to make the call. Gold and silver can be a protection for your portfolio, but can also be used as currency and you could need it as that one day you never know. Why not have a little gold and silver on hand just in case to protect your portfolio. Now it's the time to call the Oxford Gold Group and hear what they have to say. The phone call is free. 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Bing is more than happy to go to Moscow to give Putin all the face that he needs, because that's what Putin needs, right, He needs this credibility on the world stage. He needs an answer to the you know, everyone looking out there saying, okay, what's to become of Russia. It's this huge wild card. Hijin Ping goes in and gives them all the credibility in the world. What does this mean that he's now beholden to He now owes that all to Sheijin Ping. So you've got Russia on your side. The calculation of what because what does China need for the to fuel their massive growth? They need gas, they need oil. And guess what is directly south of those massive gas deposits in far eastern Siberia is Beijing. It's right there. And so they're built. They've of course signed a deal for pipelines. They're going to be building nuclear plants, atomic plants, They're going to be doing everything. As it comes to the degree of control. When you look at Taiwan VSA V Taiwan, so Taiwan So, China is pursuing an interesting strategy, where Russia, you could say, is pursuing the Mkinder world island strategy for this dominance of Central Asia, this dominance of the heartland theory, whereas China they are focusing more and more on MAHAN, the influence of sea power on world history, and so MAHAN focuses specifically on the strategic sea lines of communication aka choke points, whereas China focused on in the Western hemisphere. Of course, the Panama Canal, and then we're also hearing Tierra del Fuego, which is the strait between and Argentina and Aerarka. Because they know that the flow of trade, the flow of the economy determined on these choke points. Where they focused on in the Middle East, well, it's very obvious the Suez Canal, the Strait of Hormuz right right between essentially the Arab Peninsula and Iran. Now we come to Asia, that's the Strait of Malacca, so that gives you Singapore. And then what's the most other important last piece for all of Asia. The very last strait that they would need to control, of course, is the Taiwan Strait. So this is part of China's grand strategy of building the One Belt, One Road aka the New Silk Road over land that's through Central Asia to Europe, and then the maritime Silk Road that includes all of those choke points that I just let outlined. So the Taiwan Strait is key to China's strategy these maritime shipping rounds because I hear people talk about the issue of Taiwan and obviously the political history of it being the former government of China, the Republic of China of all of the mainland now you know, in exile on Taiwan Island. Beijing considers them a rogue province. They're sort of the facto country on their own because they're self governing, they claim legitimacy over the rest of China, etc. Etc. The calculus for them though, is can they control the maritime shipping routes on the inside of the Taiwan straight into the outside of the Taiwan straight and as long as they can control those bucks, I don't necessarily think that you're going to see a Chinese invasion or even a naval blockade of Taiwan, unless, of course, unless, of course, the United States eggs them on, or Taiwan moves for some kind of formal declaration of independence on their own, a declaration of independence as a as a sovereign nation. If you see those, then of course I think you will see China. At first. I think it would be a military blockade. A naval blockade would be the most obvious move by China. They've actually done it. They did it just about twelve months ago when they held li fire exercises all around the island, and also would be very expensive, right so you're talking about huge sea lift even though it's very close, you've got it. That's an amphibious assault. That's amphibious invasion. You're talking, I mean, think of Normandy, the price of Normandy, and how hard that was even back in the nineteen forties the United States to conduct. You're talking about the same exact issue against a fortified position. It's not going to be easier for them. That being said, a blockade, starve them out, allow you know, not allow United States to resupply, not allow the United States weapon US weapons to get in. That would obviously be a huge, huge win for the Chinese Communist Party and a very easy operation for the People's Liberation Army Navy to be able to conduct. So I think that I think that right now, the signals that we're seeing out of Beijing seem to be that they want to go back to this longer, slower process of pushing for Taiwan to be absorbed into China, which is the same type of process that they were using for Hong Kong right up until the protests really kicked off. And when those protests kicked off in twenty nineteen, that's when you saw the National Security law come in from Chi Jinping. That's when you saw the freedom leaders and democracy leaders being rounded up, and of course we all know that just a few months later, COVID nineteen seemed to just make all those protests disappear because everyone was forced to lock down, and the leaders themselves also disappeared. So they would prefer very much to use that low and slow process, because of course the Chinese planned things out in terms of generations. They're not like the US where we think of election cycles. They don't have election cycles, right, and she and Ping of course is firmly in control of the party. And I've heard some other you know, kind of China watchers say, oh, she is threatened, he's vulnerable. No, he's really not. He's taken every He took their elon Musk essentially jack Ma, and they locked him up for nearly half a year because he went off the playbook. This is not a guy who feels threats internally. The only thing that he's going to respond to because look at it, he's got the United States in his pocket, he's got the World Economic Forum in his pocket, he's got Joe Biden in the White House, and now he's got Vladimir Putin, who owes him a massive favor. He's holding a lot of cards right now. Buck, That's all true. Jack. I want to talk to you about twenty twenty four. Do you have your guy yet or Gal could be or are you waiting to see how this plays out in the primary? I want to discuss that with you in just a moment. But first born from the tragedy of nine eleven, the tenthth of Towers Foundation has been honoring America's heroes ever since. The foundation honors fallen and severely injured heroes and their families with mortgage free smart homes. This year alone, hundreds of gold star and fallen first responder families with young children, and our nation's most severely injured veterans and first responders are receiving homes. 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Well, I mean I would have said this six months ago, but I think you've really seen it this week that it President Trump seems to be in the driver's seat. He's got a lot of gas behind him right now. Obviously, all this stuff out of New York, out of Georgia, out of DC, these potential indictments. I think there was a miscalculation on the behalf of the Democrats in Mark Garland, who, by the way, it's very clear that Mark Arland is behind what's going on in Manhattan and Georgia as well. I don't know if he's offered these guys some you know, positions Oh, Alvin Bragg, I'm gonna nominate you is the assistant US whatever in the DOJ after this. But you know, he's going flat on his face, but it's it's done the opposite, because it's what it's done is show I think the whole world that that Trump was telling the truth about the deep State, that they really were out to get him. That would Amandimilius and Lee Smith and everybody pointed out that this plot against the president was real. There was, as crazy as it sounds, a conspiracy to get him out of office. And now there's a almost a you know, a preemptive coup going on to try to stop him from returning to office. And I think the American people, I think they really miscalculated. There used to be a time in this country, you know, back in the nineteen nineties where the media kind of set the table, where media really set public opinion in this country, and if there was a headline in the New York Times, a headline in the Wall Street Journal, it was done. People just went with that. And that that really you can talk about the Iraq War and the lead up to that, where that was kind of the last hurrah of that of that era, but it's not like that anymore, because suddenly, if they announced charges on President Trump, I think people's more initial response to that is going to be, you know, something like, that's bs, why are they trying to stop this guy? Because there's so little trust in the system right now, there's so little trust in the media, there's so little trust in these institutions, certainly so little trust in the federal governments, that all it does is help him and actually burnish his credentials. And so I would have said it six months ago, i'd say it now. I think the nomination is Trump's. Obviously he's seeking that. I don't see anybody out there on the playing field that can really challenge him. I think that if you saw when he went to East Palestine and met with the families there, that it just seemed to me that he's got this this emotional residence with voters, particularly in the Midwest and the South and the Upper Midwest, that I don't see any other politician in America really breaking right now. I just don't. And how does he stack up against Joe Biden. I think we can pretty safely assume it will be Joe Biden running for reelection, although it's not. But well, they will take they will. They will put Biden. They will put a stick under that guy's you know, coat jacket and prop him up weekend at Bernie's if they have to. Yeah, they will. So let's assume. Let's assume it's Trump Biden go. I think I think it actually goes in Trump's favor. And here's why. Because people can talk about the brashness of President Trump, but you know what, he can also point to two things that nobody else can four years of peace and four years of prosperity. That America was rich, the economy was booming for four years, and we weren't embarking on these new world wars. There was no proxy war in Ukraine. Tanks weren't rolling into Kiev these horrible images that we're seeing out of everywhere. China and Russia weren't forming these alliances together. It seemed like he was kind of keeping a lot of these things in check. And oh, by the way, radical Islam, I mean, buck, when's the last time you even said the phrase radical Islam? To wipe them out? He completely went from two thousand and two to twenty sixteen. It was our lead issue in like all of politics, and now it's it's just going completely wiped out in one term. And I think that because Biden's term in office has been so abysmal that things have gotten so crazy. The economy is in freefall with these massive bank collapse as you just mentioned, world of faris seem like they're completely falling out of control. It's essentially you're looking at the second term of Jimmy Carter here, and I think if he frames it that way and says, look, I've got the record to beat this guy, plus you've got these indictments, I think he's going to win. What do you think about DeSantis's chances against him in the primary? You know, I think De Santis is a strong governor. I think he's a great I wish we had fifty roun de Santis is running all fifty states, to be honest. I think though, that he's still he still just started his second term as governor, and I think it makes I think more people are looking for him to put to stack those ws in the primary. And that being said, I would throw out this. I don't think he'd be successful against Trump and a primary. But and I've said this publicly a few times already. I do think that he would be President Trump's strongest running mate right now when you just look at it in terms of the political process. Who are those voters that Trump needs to win back. Who are those voters that Trump needs to make inroads in? That is the suburbs. Trump's got the base, He's got the primary on Locke, but in the general he could really be helped by somebody like a de Santist to go to those voters and say, look, you know, this is about operations, this is about policy, This isn't about you know, mean tweets. You know, people have issues with that. I think it's honestly something that would be his best, his best possible pick, at least right now. And then because Trump think of it, he's term limited to just one more term, so he goes in. Then that sets up the Santists essentially to have an eight year period, so it's it's not just four years, it's actually a twelve year, you know, stretch of just absolute conservative dominance at the White House, which we have seen before. If you look at Reagan Bush, would you be willing to help broker a discussion between Trump, Trump team and dissentist team to see if that would even be a possibility. More than happy and more than happy to hey, they're in the same state that that actually would be, interestingly enough, one of the biggest other than obviously all the personality issues aside that. And keep in mind that that Reagan and Bush back in nineteen eighty that was another shotgun marriage that was made at the convention. There was a bitter primary fight that was put between George Bush Senior and Ronald Reagan, who then went on to become his vice president and then of course president after him sort of was in eight years and four years. This would be four years and eight years, and so it's it's not to say that it hasn't happened before, but also that there is a constitutional question of them both being residents of the same state that would have to be dealt with. Yeah, it's interesting because I see people this is one of those things where you'll say, there's a misconception that they can't be from the same state. You know, if you just look this up, and then people will say, actually, they can't be from the same state. And he said, he you say, okay, we got we gotta I can tell as far as I can tell, it's actually never been um it's ever been challenged, so it is one of those things that would probably go to the Supreme Court. This is dependent on the Article two states the electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by vote by ballot for two persons, of whom at least one shall not be an inhabitant of the state with themselves. And it says here on the original system, electors did not distinguish between candets and the nation's top two offices. The candidate with the most votes became president, the runner up became vice president. We all know that the Twelfth of Aimen, adopted in eighteen o four after two chaotic elections, mandated their electors cast separate ballots for president and vice president. However, the rule preventing an elector from voting for two people from his home state remained in effect under the new system. But you know, so which which one is it? It's very confusing, and obviously the way around it would be history. I'm reading from history dot com and it sounds like wait, but then they say they're misconceptions. There's no law or regulation against a president vice president being from the same state. So interesting. Anyway, the easiest way around it would just be for Trump too. He could easily switch his residence back to New York. Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, mister president. There would be some more taxes. Um. But it's like, well, they're already trying to what are they going to do try to prosecute you? Oh wait, that's true. What's the worst thing that can happen other than the tax could happen? Are already lost it lost a fair amount of money, um, you know, from running, I mean, and a bunch of other Yeah. I think that's I think that challenge is easily dealt with. I think it's dealt with and and and quite frankly, I think the Supreme Court looking at it because keep in mind that the Supreme Court that we have right now, kind of the Thomas Court, is constituted. They're very much originalists, and they're focused on original intent when it comes to constitutional questions like this. Well, the issue you there that they were trying to deal with in those initial unruly elections was that they weren't. It was you know, it came down to the second highest vote getter would be the vice president. And so the issue they were dealing with was who would become president. That was the reason for the rule in the first place. Well, if you're running as a combined ticket, obviously that that wouldn't be an issue anymore, right right, I mean here they're saying, by the way they say that, it's kind of the whole thing is silly, Like Cheney for example. This is why even if it was an issue, it's not an issue. To your point, I've actually looked at the bottom of the analysis here, because which you know, Cheney had been living and the two thousand election, Cheney had been living in paying taxes in Texas for five years. He just changed his residence. He just changed his residency to Wyoming. Boom done. Yeah, it's as simple as that. I don't think it would be that hard, which gets you again gets you out of the constitutional question. But even if you brought it to the court, I can't imagine the court would Are you optimistic? Jack? I mean, do you think you think things are going to get better in the country? You have? What's what makes Jack pisobic think that, what makes Agent post So think we're all gonna be okay. I'm kind of a white pilled guy on that you know, I do tend to think of myself as hopeful. I pray every morning, I do a Rosary every morning, and we do it with the family. And I actually think that when I look at when I look around at the world, and I see how crazy things are. But I also think that I have hope in the American people. And when I say that, what I mean is, you get to a point where things get so bad, where things get so crazy, when things get so completely out of control, when the units, when the when there's Chinese spy balloons flying across our military bases and US drones getting struck down in the Black Sea, when we even try to take a peek at what's going on in Ukraine. By the way, that that is how you're supposed to deal with the drone. You you shoot it out of the sky, right as rather than let it fly over your bases. Just a just a point of military strategy out there for everybody that that people get sick of it. That I think that people know that Biden generally looks weak on the world stage. Our economy is an absolute freefall. I think that this news about a potential Trump arrest was leaked because everyone was freaking out about the banking crisis, and I think the American people realize that, you know what, there may have been some mean tweets and there may have been a bad Orange man in the White House, but everyone's lives were a little bit better when that was going on, and so you know what it's worth it, Jack Posopic, everybody. Jack. Where can people go to follow your latest other than on Twitter where you are prolific? Yeah? Yeah, way too many tweets up there. The best honestly, if you want, if you want post so in small, quick concise, those is human events daily. We do the podcast every day. It's twenty five minutes or less. Because when I was in the Navy, they used to tell us the mark of a good briefer was to be good, be brief, be gone, and so that is our promise, our oath, and our solemn vow to our listeners every day. I remember the CIA, we had to do elevator briefs all the time because they basically just respired us for the notion that important people were going to say, all right, get the elevator with me telling him what I need to know. And I was always but I was always like, is the elevator, Like, is this a skiff? Probably not, But we're supposed to pretend that all those rules Jack, as you know, are right here to the letter all the time. Oh yeah yeah, yeah, no, Nottally, I've never had conversations like that in the peway, No other than you know Joe Biden, who has classified stuff hanging out next to the corvette in his garage. Anyway, everybody, Jack bisho, but go follow him, Go check out Human Events Daily and mister Jack, great to have you. We'll talk to you soon. Appreciate it, Buck, thanks here man

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