Sunday Hang is brought to you by Chalk Natural Supplements for guys, gals and nothing in between. Fuel your day at chalk dot.
Com, Bold Reference, and occasionally random The Sunday Hang with Playing Fuck podcast. It starts now.
I was invited to speak on a panel at the University of Chicago, very left wing university, which, to their credit, says that they are committed to the marketplace of ideas, and the fact that I was invited, I think was a testament to that.
I did, not, however, decide.
To tiptoe into the event, so I want to set the table. Buck has not heard any of this. I bet most of you have not. There are hundreds of people there. A few of our listeners came after I tweeted about it was great to meet them.
But this is a ninety five.
Percent commal of voting audience, mostly young female audience, that was not very receptive to my arguments. I did not tiptoe up to it. The moderator was a left wing editor from the Atlantic who also had worked at NPR, and I want to give you a sense this is Towards the end it got a little bit chaotic, but this was me calling out the Atlantic. I think you guys will enjoy it. This is cut three sixty percent of college graduates now are women, right right, So it is impossible.
Sorry, girls for every woman, there are no girls here.
Girls, boys, you're girls and boys to me too, as well as men and women. You know, I know. It's policing. Language is a big part of what The Atlantic does now we do it out kick.
Atlantic is barely liberal, so yes.
Yes, also also has never made a profit without a multi billionaire running it, which is worth knowing too. But unlike my company, which is wildly profitable because we speak to a big audience to people. But I do think if you look at sixty percent of women graduate from college, forty percent are men. The math doesn't add up. Okay, buck, that was like I didn't tiptoe up to it. There she's cutting me off because I'm saying, hey, for all the boys and girls, and oh they're women. She constantly was correcting my language, and so finally I just decided I'm just taking the gloves off and flat out telling the truth here, which is The Atlantic is a left wing propaganda outlet that has never actually made a profit and has a billionaire owner and I don't know that very many people have ever called out an editor for The Atlantic in a public forum like that. But I don't think I would have done it unless she had been like, they're not girls, They're not girls. And earlier she was, you know, kind of coming after me on language too, So that is emblematic. Now you could hear the reaction. There was a lot of titters of dismay. Let me also hit you with a couple of more of these elements, and then I'll explain why I went. I want to get your reaction to these couple of things as well. Buck here is here. I am what's the first one this is talking about. Let me pull up the audio clips here because I'm not sure exactly what we have. This is me talking about COVID and saying, for a lot of young people, this is a failure like Vietnam was for kids who were growing up in the sixties. Listen to cut One, one of the guys that brought me here today said COVID shut down his school in March of twenty twenty, and most of the kids in his school, he's a junior, didn't ever return to school. We failed an entire generation of young people, and I think when you have lived through that, you have a lot less credit and faith in the government. Just like historically, and I'm a history nerd, it took a very long time. If you went through the Vietnam War, which maybe I can't see everybody's face, maybe there's some of you out there that actually had to go through the draft where you set and watch to see whether or not you're going to be sent to carry a gun and walk around in a jungle and get shot at. When you live through that, you might be pretty skeptical. In the sixties and seventies of the government, I think COVID for this generation of young men in particular, who got locked up, who weren't allowed to play sports, all of this, they're angry and when they see Trump, he seems like an avatar for their anger.
Okay, I think that's rational. They weren't happy about that.
And then I asked a question that really got him riled up, and she had to interrupt. Who is the most masculine Democrat. The conversation was about gender roles in the election, and Buck, I asked, Yeah, before we get to the generals, I just wanted to say on your point about about Vietnam. What the correlation or the the what's the word, I'm looking for analogy?
Thank you?
There we go.
Analogy to COVID I think is particularly apps because you know, there's that David Halberstam book The Best and the Brightest about Vietnam, and you know, we were led to believe that the smartest military minds, the smartest foreign policy minds, you know, they were on it, and there was a great reason for us to be doing this. And sure enough, in that generation, those who fought in Vietnam paid a terrible price by by being embroiled in that.
War with COVID.
I mean the experts that you would think you could trust the most with the least amount of politicization would be health experts. I mean that what pre COVID, I would have said that if you said to me, who can you trust in the government, that's gonna shoot pretty straight. Although I knew about FAUCI and HIV and all that stuff from back in the day, but put that aside, I would have said, Look, I think that the overall that health experts really we all want our family members and our kids to be safe from you know, disease and pandemics, et cetera. And they completely shattered that to the point now where I mean, if you told me that you could, like just you could bulldoze the FBI and salt the earth and do something else, or bulldoze the CDC. I mean, I think the CDC is number one on my list. I think Fauci is the most damaging and destructive bureaucrat in the history the United States as we're looking at what happened. I know he was at Naiad, which is part of the NIH, but it's all the same circle of awfulness. So yeah, no, I think that it also radicalized a lot of people further to the right than I think they ever thought possible, which was clearly a consequence of Clay. I remember, Sorry, this is just going to come back sometimes. I remember I got on a plane and the airline attendant told me that my mask looked too thin, and then she said, you have to put this one on over it, and I just said, okay, well I'll just put that mask on instead, and she said no. And I said, why do I have to wear the too thin mask with the masker giving me? And she said for safety? And I was like, well, if the mask you're giving me isn't safe, then why are you giving it to me? And at that point I could tell in her eyes she was about to ban me from the airlines. Yeah, so you know, that's what these people were, That's who they were. And by the way, they would have been informing on their neighbors in East Germany, they would have been calling out their parents to the KGB in the Soviet Union that it is the same species, the same type of person.
And I think that is one reason why young men are rebelling against authority figures, because they've been wronged. And just like in Vietnam, to your point, Buck, the best in the brightest said, hey, trust us take this machine gun and go walk around in a jungle and try and avoid getting blown up by the via Cong. And if you came back from that war, you might have been a little bit skeptical about governmental authority, much less significant in terms of physical risk.
To young men.
But if you didn't get to finish your junior year of high school, and young women too, by the way, you didn't get to go to prom, you didn't get to play football or basketball or whatever sport you loved, and you later found out it was all bs. Would you be wanting to cheer lead the Democrat Party? I don't think you would. And I think that's one of the resonant impacts of COVID that a lot of people aren't addressing that did As these kids get old enough to vote, they're angry at the world and they want to channel that anger. And I think Trump channels it to them, certainly far better than Kamala Harris did or any other Democrat figure.
Philosophically, it's also a very good thing and a free society to have most of your high functioning citizens, high functioning individuals in your society, to reject the false security of consensus on issues of debate. The notion that you can just fall back onto consensus is a trap. It is a fallacy. It is either true or it is not true. It does not matter how many people say the untrue thing. And I think COVID was a huge reminder of that. Now, gender are you? Are you about to make some libs cry over gender? Here is the final clip, and then we'll have some fun. By the way, if you guys want to react, this was I asked the question, who's the most masculine Democrat?
Uh, and it did not make the room happy.
Enjoy who is the most masculine democrat right now in America?
And there's Mayor Pete?
Is that a gage job?
No, Mayor pe No, well no, it's just that he's not particularly masculine. Nobody's like, oh, Mayor Pete, he's a badass.
Chuck Schumer.
Is anybody like, hey, you know Chuck Schumer holding up an avocado and a beer to talk about the Super Bowl as anybody like that's trying to grill. Is anybody like, hey, that's a dude I want to hang out with.
But Trump's like a grandpa.
Well hold on.
Trump took a bullet in his ear and immediately stood up and said fight, fight fight every man in America and most of the women out here were impressed by that, even if the women won't admit it.
She's shaking her head strong.
Audience members, Oh yeah, crowd work now, Oh yeah, I'm doing crowd work. Some woman out there was shaking her head that she wasn't impressed by Trump taking a bullet, saying fight, fight, fight if you want to be entertained, and I think a lot of you will be entertained by it. Because here's why I did it, Buck, and I want to see if you think this is smart. It's easy to preach to the choir. And I love the fact that many of you out there that we get to talk to the millions of you every day. You have spent four years with us, You may well have spent thirty three years with RUSH before. You are a part of a large coalition. You don't agree on everything, but you have open minds, and you're willing to have a conversation with us for three hours every day. Most of the kids in that room, most of the kids in that room had never heard any of the arguments that I made. And maybe maybe ninety percent of them left saying that Clay Travis is a Neanderthal. But maybe ten percent of them, maybe twenty percent of them. Their minds are young enough and malleable enough that some of the things that I said, and some of the arguments that I made, maybe it just seeds there. Maybe it makes them listen a little bit more to arguments that they might not have otherwise heard. Buck, Maybe it just makes them aware that the argument even exists itself. Because they're in such an island of insolarty that they don't actually experience the larger debates of society. So one of my goals for twenty twenty five, now that we've won the election, to the extent that I can do it, and obviously has to fit the schedule and radio and everything else, is I'd like to go out the college campuses and talk to kids, to these audiences, even if they hate me, to try to open their minds to a larger marketplace. Because I do think we have the better arguments. I just think a lot of these kids aren't hearing them. And so anyway, that's my idea. I don't know if you think that's crazy, but this is my idea of what I want to do.
No, I look, I think it's a great idea. And I also think that there's a difference now some years ago Clay trying to do that. And it's so funny to me because the Conservatives who have been doing that, and there are some who have really kind of built their careers on going into college campuses and speaking. The more the lunatics with the purple hair and the nose rings scream and shriek and pound the uh yes the doors, the more news coverage and the more it just turns into a pr wind for the conservative. But there have been cases where people who aren't that high profile have gone to some of these schools, and I mean it has actually become a security risk because the left wing loons are so outrageous. You know, they they're pulling fire alarms, they're throwing things, they're you know, they're they actually assaulted. I think it was Charles Murray uh and and a female professor. I want to say this was a Dartmouth college.
Some year buck Riley Gaines got attacked at San Jose State University, I think it was.
Yeah, I think it was Middlebury by the way. Anyway, I can't remember what the school was. But these things have been happening. I don't think that same ferocity on the left will be on display, not because they've change their minds. They're still lunatics, but they realize that the country is not really not with them, you know, they're they're a little bit more, a little bit more on their back heels. I'm not saying that they agree. I'm not saying that they've you know, wised up or anything, but I think they recognize that assaulting a conservative on campus, you know, five years ago or whatever. Four years ago, they would have been we're Nazi punching, and now it's like you might want to watch your watch your butt on that a little bit. I wouldn't do that.
San Francisco State, by the way, was where Riley had her issue. I'll also Tommy Lerin, who works with us at Autkick, also had her own issues. Going after women speakers is even particularly pernicious to me, Like, I'm six foot oneint eighty. I'm not claiming that I'm a badass, but I'm bigger than most of the people that would have an issue with me on college campuses, let's be honest, and I don't think they have the bravery to even step two men as often as they do women. I also love, by the way, I'd ocour you guys to go listen to that full conversation the moderator. Definitely, it's so perfect that she was trying to police my language so often in the answers that I was giving, and what should have been an open form, well this is.
It's just like, if you're ever dealing with this in your life in the office or at home, tone policing is the first move of the week. Argument I'm just saying, yes, tone I don't like your tone is usually not because what I've said is correct and you need to have a serious adult conversation with me. And when a journalist does tone policing or word policing, it's because they don't want to actually get into the substance.
Sunday hang with Clay and Bucks.
All right, Cobra Kai time Buck. I cannot wait. I am ecstatic. I know. It's amazing to me how much time kids get off from school. Now, did you ever get a mid winter break? It's mid winter break season, so my kids don't have school on Friday or Monday. This is like, obviously Monday we'll be here, but Monday is President's Day. And it feels like we just keep stacking more and more holidays so my kids get home. That's one reason we're watching on Thursday. It also drops today in advance of Valentine's Day. But it's kind of amazing how many new holidays I feel like end up on the school calendar that I don't remember getting. We certainly didn't get a fall break back in the day, we got spring break. Now everything just keeps getting added on.
Can you also tell me that you're gonna make me feel like this is all gonna be okay, Clay. People are starting to ask me like, hey, like, have you tried out the G seven hundred stroller? And I'm like, I have no earthly idea what any of you were talking about. But I guess once I am a parent, I will learn these things right because the other parents in my life they speak this other language of kids stuff. I have no idea what they're talking about.
I'm gonna just tell you this, get help right now, and go ahead and get the car seat in. I'm every dad out there that has ever been tasked with trying to get a car seat in a car. It's virtually impossible. Some cars may be a little bit easier to hook into than others for first dads, especially in Miami buck where it's gonna be like one hundred and eighty eighty degrees, you're gonna be laid out in the back of your car trying to get this thing fastened, and you are going to be ready to commit homicide. That it's the number one advice for you just expected the car seat process to be awful. Every dad knows what I'm talking about. I got blindsided, no idea what I was walking.
Into Sundays with Clay and Buck.
I don't think we've said this on the air yet, have we, Buck, Because I'm about to share this video. Trump has put his mugshot on the wall as one of the you know, where a lot of the paintings are, ordinarily where a lot of historic relics are. Otherwise, it's a cover shot of the New York Post mug shot, and it is one of the last things you see before you walk into the Oval office. I do think this is kind of remarkable. You know, when we interviewed Trump at mar A Lago the last time I think we said this on the air, Trump brought t shirts out. I have one of his mug shot that he autographed for us. I have I'm getting in the process of getting this frame to put up in my home office.
But I do think this is important to point out here.
Democrats thought that mug shot that he had to get taken in Atlanta was going to be the death kneil to his presidential and political career. Now it's one of the things that you see when you want into the Oval office. Can you remember a bigger miscalculation politically than this, and for Trump to even have the showmanship angle, to have that up as you walk in, is just remarkable.
It's incredible, and I think it just goes to the sense of storytelling and narrative. And yes, producer Alges sent us this sense of humor as well. Yes he's just leaning it, He's leaning into the whole thing. This is amazing, Clay. If this was a TV show, people would think it was too unrealistic. It's the Trump Show, you know, there was the Truman Show. If the Trump Show is a TV show, people would say, there's no way that would ever happen.
And it's happening.
And I also think that politics is now the most engaging and entertaining viewer sport in existence. I mean, I just I don't think there's anything else like this. I think this is one of the reasons that some of these platforms like Netflix have such a tough time putting out new shows.
Realities pretty amazing lately, no.
Doubt, and we certainly appreciate you guys, I will say for this show just taking you a little bit behind the curtain. The number of big advertisers that are suddenly reaching out we can do this for four years.
I've said this before.
We've never had a beer, we've never had a restaurant, we've never had a car company. Now we are loaded with advertisers and we're killing it. You guys are doing a fabulous job supporting them. We love all of you.
But suddenly every big brand in America is reaching out. This is happening at Fox News too, and they're like, Hey, we need to be on the shows that people are actually listening to, and that's this show, that's Fox News, that is America has suddenly woken up, and the collapse of MSNBC and the CNNs of the world is significant.
Sunday Hang is brought to you by Chalk Natural Supplements.
For guys, gals and nothing in between. Fuel your day. Chalk dot Com.
Sunday Drop with Clay and Buck.
Download the iHeartRadio app, which is the best app for audio anywhere, And when you go to the klayan Buck page, you press the microphone button and you can record a message to us. And it is very likely that if you talk about how handsome, brilliant and hilarious we are, that your message will make its way on the air, or if you make fun of us, and it's actually funny. Also very likely, just like Clay's Ai flute collage, which is now really its own art form, Clay Ai flute playing has turned into a creative endeavor online. That is did you see me in the Hooters outfit? I did Ai Hooters with a flute. The people are listening and the people are very creative. I must say, Teresa from San Antonio, Teresa, what have you got for us?
Hi, client, Buck, love you guys, love listening to you. Thank you so much for all you've done to make America great again. I just wanted to call in, se I just wanted to call in and say that if you were going to represent with Profit Coffee, you must mention that it is the one hundred and eighty ninth anniversary of the Siege on the Alamo. It was actually yesterday that the Battle of the Alamo.
Begun, and one hundred and eighty nine years.
Eighteen days later, one hundred and eighty nine years. It's a big deal here in San Antonio.
It's awesome.
We're going to try to come down and visit the Alamo at some point this spring or summer. We got to figure out when Buck's baby is going to arrive and how that's going to rock his world as a new dad. But that would definitely be super cool. The other thing we should mention history nerd. We got a couple of other calls maybe to get to here, Buck, yesterday was the eightieth anniversary of the flag being raised above Iwajima. For those of you who are big time history nerds, that were fair to say, Buck, that's one of the four or five most iconic photographs ever taken in American history.
I absolutely think so.
I think Letters from Ewajima is an underrated war movie for what it is. I think it's very well done. I know, you know it comes from the jap sort of the Japanese POV. But it's Clint Eastwood movie. Have you seen it, Clay?
Yeah? I have.
And The Flags of My Father's is the book that it's based on, right, yeah.
The first one, the the that one. The movie was not as good. I thought Letters from ewo Jima actually ended up being a better movie than Flags of Our Fathers as a movie.
But then again, Clay, I saw that.
I don't even know what to say.
Sometimes I feel like I spend three hours a day with Clay. I know this guy pretty well, and then all of a sudden he does something and just totally blows my mind. You think the new Beverly Hills cop movie is good? I thought you watch it. I thought it was I thought it was pretty good. It felt like a nineteen eighties movie.
I think you've forgotten what it is to be a child, and so you're looking at all this. You've lost your You've lost your childhood. When I watch these nostalgic movies, it takes me back to being a kid. That movie felt just like a nineteen eighties cop buddy.
Movie for your own bet like Beverly Hills Cop takes sports Rex from Clay.
I think the movie res he gets a time out for a while here.
Actual f You know what, most people agreed with me. It was not bad.
All right, We've got people weighing in here. Since I'm since I'm bringing us back on this segment, I'm gonna go right to Michael and Charleston, South Carolina. Michael, you wanted to you wanted to tell us your thoughts.
Yeah, what's up? Buck? Absolutely love listening to you. Man. Clay, you're pretty good too. I just want to say that after having endorsed anyone but you for Valentine's Day and now Beverly Hills Cop. Clay should not be able to speak about movies in the future any longer.
Wow, he's pulling your movie review card with Clay.
First of all, I apologize for still having a childlike sensibility glee optimism in my day as opposed to all of you, you scoundrels out there.
They look on the bad side of life.
Look, I didn't say Beverly Hills Cop was Citizen Kane.
All right. It's not the greatest movie that's ever been made.
It was a homage to nineteen eighties buddy cop movies, and I liked it, and most of the people, I will say who read on Twitter reacted. I didn't know what the reaction was gonna be. Most of them agreed with me. So why do you have such a heart of stone? I guess is my question for you.
I just feel like I'm gonna put this to Michael. Michael, I think Clay is a repeat offender in this regard. I think we're maybe even at the three strikes your out rule because he also thought Gladiator two was good, which is I couldn't I couldn't even get through that on a plane. I was stuck in a plane and it was all I had to watch, and I had to turn it off and just stare at the stare at the window.
Reason Denzel did that was for money?
Well, to me, okay, hold on, to be fair, how many jobs have you done for free?
I mean, and actually I saw a quote and this was from Dinzel hold On Michael hold On Denzel in an interview. I was reading this weekend. Somebody said, you've been criticized for doing Gladiator two for money, and he said, of course I did it for money. He said, I've never done a movie for any reason other than money, right, Like, if you're not doing something for free, then you're probably choosing to do it for me.
Well, it's not that he got paid, it's that he could have done any project he wanted. Clay, but he's already very wealthy and one of the greatest actors of his generation, and he probably could have been. Okay, hass on this particular product, I gave it a seven out of ten. I think that's a reasonable number. I mean, three, three, four. Did you see anyone but you no that one? Michael, did you see that one. You're you gotta you gotta fill at Clay on your own on that one. Did you see it?
Which one.
Comedy or anyone but you?
No, no, no, no, no no. I watched the trailer and was like, I don't know how this made it to production.
See there we go, Michael, Thank you for calling in speaking subsanity to Clay. You know, I'm just I'm trying to help him with his cinematic taste a little bit. This is what I'm here for.
I will say this again, anyone but you, as romantic comedies go pretty funny. I watched it on an airplane flight. There haven't been that many good romantic comedies in a long time. So if you had to watch a romantic comedy with your wife or your girlfriend, I thought it was pretty good.
Glint is with the blonde lady who is a buxom.
Yeah, Glenn Powell, good looking guy, Sidney Sweeney, good looking girl, a little bit of eye candy in both directions, good humor. I I don't think there's anything wrong with that, uh, with that endorsement of any of these movies. I'm not saying they're the greatest films that have ever been made, but pretty entertaining.
Wow, by the way, Joy Reid apparently we just saw this now crying crying with the uh with the removal from MSN MSNBC.
Do we are we going to address this tomorrow? Are we going to dodger percent? We will play Joy Reid crying tomorrow. So we will continue to tap dance on her career being over, and we'll continue to take more of your calls.
But I apologize to all of you because Buck has lost that loving feeling. He's lost the ability to experience childlike glee. In fact, if he watched Goonies tonight, he would come back to you and he would say, there's no way that ship would still follow.
What Clay has shown you here is that not only would he be a very good defense attorney for you, he would be a good defense attorney for you, especially if you were guilty as all hell okay, because he could take any position. Clay could have been on the OJ team and would have been a rock star because he could take any position and make it work. Because I'm telling you Gladiator two trash trash movie.
Just in joy life and watch Axelf Sunday Sizzle with Clay and Buck.
You know, this weekend, I'm doing something pretty interesting. I'm going to be heading out to heading out to North Carolina to do some training with my brothers and DJ Shipley, who is a decorated former Seal Team six operative who we will be spending some time just going through tactics and all. We're basically showing up, saying, DJ, I teach us as much as you can this weekend about about guns, about tactics, about shooting, about marksmanship, you know, about self defense, about room clearing. I mean, you know, whatever we've got time for. We're just showing up ready to go. And so I'll let you I'll let you know how that is next week when I get a chance to after I've gotten a chance to see for myself. But it's really it's fun also to spend some time with the brothers. You know, I have a baby coming in less than a month now, and so the weekends where I can just take off with with the guys, with my two brothers and just go and shoot a lot and work on marksmanship and work on those those basics of firearm skills, it might be a little tougher. I might have a lot more diaper changing and things like that in my future. But that will be a huge blessing and I am looking forward.
To that too.
I will say, it is remarkable how hard it is to install these car seats in the back of cars. I don't know how many of you have felt the same about this. I know a lot of you are parents, a lot of your grandparents, a lot of you have plenty of kids.
But there's got to be a better way, you.
Know, There's got to be an easier way than what we've got going on. You gotta like slide through the and you got anchors and you got to slide this. This stuff should be so much easier in my mind than it really is. So oh oh, that's a great idea. Producer Ali is saying, leave me talkback baby.
Advice this weekend and we'll get to some of it next week.
So on the talkback app, or rather on the talkback feature on the iHeart radio app, you can send us. Remember those are like voicemails, so you don't have to if you want to call live on hold. We love our live callers on the phone, but if you don't want to hold, you just want to send in your message. You do that and it goes into us and we all hear it, and I certainly see, see or hear every talkback. We can't get to all of them on the air, but we'll get to as many as we can. So baby advice, by all means, send it my way and I'll let you know how training goes this weekend. Trying to work on my skills, just trying to learn, trying to understand more about you know, trying to learn from the best, honestly, and that's that's why we made this weekend happen with the DJ Shipley's