Trump Derangement Syndrome has spread to Elon Derangement Syndrome. Sean Parnell, Top Pentagon Spokesman, blasts the NYT over their fake news which could put the country at grave risk and should be taken seriously.
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Making the American Farm Strong Again. Team forty seven with Clay and Buck starts. Now.
President Trump this morning has officially signed papers to end the Department of Education. We're going to be reacting to that. Elon Musk, I think it's really kind of extraordinary, has become even more of a target. I bet you would agree with this, Buck than even Trump himself. Now, I think they've recognized that there are no new attacks they can levy on Trump. I mean, once they call you Hitler and the American public goes ahead and votes for you, it's like, oh, I don't know that anything is really registering when it comes to the attacks on Trump. But they are coming after Elon with a vengeance. And I was listening this morning our friend Sean Parnell, formerly of the Clay and Buck podcast at Network, now high up at the Department of Defense. Elon will meeting at the Pentagon this morning, and the meeting was designed to try to figure out ways to save.
More money through DOGE.
It was reported in the New York Times that the meeting and on its face, I just thought this was crazy. Buck, and I don't know about you. The New York Times reported that Elon was getting access to how we would respond to China militarily in the event they attacked, which is so outlandish and crazy. Like I thought I was being pranked when I saw the headline. They say that it is completely untrue. Here is Sean Parnell talking about what Elon was doing on the Pentagon visit. And I know Trump and Pete Hegset Defense Secretary have just addressed it in the last several minutes from inside of the Oval office.
But here's our friend, Sean Parnell cut six.
On the record. That is completely fake. And let me show you this. This started with this New York Times headline and they since changed it. But musk Set to get access to top secret US plan for potential war with China. This is egregious, This is fake. The New York Times should retract this story. Five anonymous sources. I've been on Bilat calls with the Secretary.
I see how hard.
He's working to implement the President's agenda and pursue peace through strength. This type of garbage from the New York Times undermines that process and undermines our mission. It shouldn't happen at all. Elon Musk is just coming over here for a visit.
I mean, Buck, this is kind of crazy. I first of all, do you buy that they would be giving a brief Why would they give Elon Musk a briefing on the military response in the event we went to war with China. It's a very strange thing, like what's going on here?
No, I think that whatever it is that they were reporting, whatever their sources said, was either just flat out wrong or misreported because they had the story wrong right. So it was either they just ran with it and didn't care, or they exaggerated dramatically whatever it was that I've been said, Keep in mind, Elon Musk already has a top secret and compartmented security clearance. He can see a lot. There seems to be this very weird game, you know, Tim Wallas, I think recently Clay said that Elon should go back to South Africa or something like that. Elon's been an American citizen for twenty years. Interesting, isn't it How the Democrats all of a sudden are the xenophobic ones when they don't like what someone's doing to their favorite group of toys, which is all these different federal agencies. Elon also, because of the role that he has with SpaceX, is going to know more about you know, aerodynamics, jet propulsion capabilities, space technology then basically anybody in the United States government. Anyway, I hate to have to break that to anyone, but if you want to know what's truly cutting edge, you wouldn't sit down with NASA. You would sit down with Elon. And I think that Democrats have a really hard even if they tried to think it through, which they don't, have a very hard time with that, because they like to believe that, just like in the movie Armagedin, there's a team of geniuses at NASA that will save us from the asteroid hitting, which by the way, is not true. There's a team that could get a great DEI seminar going for you, but NASA is not what we were raised to believe it was from the moon landing days. So they're going after Elon though. Clay and I think it's because of a couple of things. One, they see him as really the implementur of the Trump agenda right now, and I think he also worries them in a longer term sense because he's the richest man in the world running some of the most influential companies in the world, and he's going to be around for a long time, and his influence isn't one election. His influence could be much more meaningful than that over the long term, you know, not just the four years that he may be helping Trump. And that's why they've really focused their fire pardon expression. They focus their anger more at Elon than at Trump for the last couple of months.
I think you're one hundred percent right. I would also suggest that partly it's because they have now recognized that their attacks on Trump just don't work.
And what the.
Data reflected, there's some interesting data from the election buck that shows that one reason Kamala had so much difficulty defining Trump was every time she tried to attack him, it actually worked to Trump's favor. Because once you try to imprison someone for the rest of their life, and once you try to bankrupt them, and once you have called them hitler for nearly a decade, eventually you get to the point where all of those.
Attacks have no more impact.
And I suspect that what has happened is they looked at Elon and they said, Okay, he hasn't been attacked in the same way. And it's interesting, Buck, to me, because what they tried to do initially was say, oh, Elon's really the president of the United States. There was a calculated attempt to try to divide Trump and Elon by saying, Trump, who you've tried to tell us, is this authoritarian Hitlarian dictator is actually not in command of this regime of this new term. It's actually Elon Musk. That seems to have fallen flat because that was their initial way to come after Elon. Now the new attack is, let's try to hit Elon in the pocket book, Let's try to destroy him.
I mean, this.
Tesla stuff is crazy, Buck. Some of it is just silly, like there's a video that went viral of a woman pulling down her pants and like rubbing her butt on a tesla. But then there's actually scary stuff like the fire bombing. And I don't know if you saw this video that has started to go viral. I saw our friend Bill Malujin shared it this morning of a guy with a mask on who forces a woman off the side of the road, gets out and tells her that she supports Hitler because she's driving a tesla and demands that she immediately sell it. This is strange stuff.
You know this if you think about what they had done with Trump, which was the creation of the ultimate political boogeyman. There are a lot of people who now that they do this, let's say, you know, they'll talk about like stochastic terrorism, right, which is if you just put the message out enough randomly, someone somewhere will act on it. This is a very This is a Democrat concept for whenever they want to blame terrorism on Republicans, it's it's stochastic terrorism, right, And that's that's a concept that they've come up with. It's actually from mathematics. It's essentially, if you try something enough the variability of a vast with a vast number set, someone's gonna do something crazy. But what you see with Elon, I think is they have had to transfer that rage mechanism that they have built up against Trump. Well, what really is the you know, Trump's only he's doing it.
He's president.
He's not running again like they you know, they tried to kill him twice. Like, it's just he's not going anywhere. He won, and they have to deal with it. Now they've had to accept at some level that he is president and this is the next four years. But I think that the emotional need they have the same way those little maniacs who say they're antifa, meaning anti fascist, and they run around all dressed in black.
You remember this.
I mean, they pop up at different protests, But it's really all just one big act of self congratulation and narcissism for total losers, the total losers of the left. And there's lots of them, there's millions of them. Maybe it's only five or ten percent of the Democrat Party, but Clay, they need somebody to hate and blame for all their problems because for a decade they've been trained to do that with Donald Trump, and it just doesn't hit the same way anymore. Not only that, I think there's an element of they feel like they were betrayed because Elon Musk was their hero in creating an electric vehicle.
Oh yeah, and now it's.
Like the bitter ex girlfriend, where you start behaving in a fundamentally irrational way. Could be the bitter ex boyfriend for people out there where. It's not only that Elon is now allied in some way with Trump, it's that they thought he was their great savior of climate change. To me, the funniest and most ridiculous aspect of all this buck is when you're lighting Tesla's on fire, you're actually destroying the person who has done the most, probably to fight climate change, maybe in the entirety of the world.
And these people in particular, who are the ones lighting the Tesla's on fire. I can assure you the overlap with people that are full of rage at Elon but also believe the propaganda about climate as an existential threat. It's probably close to one hundred percent. Okay, if you're that upset about Elon, you also believe climate change is an existential threat, which means that your willingness or your need to act out your childish rage against Elon and the Trump industrial complex is more important to you as a leftist maniac than saving the planet from the climate change threat that you believe is going to make us all go extinct. Gives you a sense of how deranged these people are. But the Democrats created a cult, and the problem is you can't always control the cult members. Like when you tell the cult members that the world is going to end, and you get to the one hundredth time you've told them that, Yeah, a lot of people are going to realize, Okay, that was insane. But some of them are like, no, it's on the one hundred and first day, and that's who we're lighting Tesla's on fire. They are not giving this battle up at all. They are still insane, and they are deeply enmeshed in the really the MSNBC New York Times DEI woke cult. I mean, it's we should come up with a more specific name for it, but that's what it is. The Fauci worshiping, Zelensky loving maniacs have all come together.
I think, deep down, Buck, they're actually starting to realize they're the bad guys.
And I think I've been I've been thinking of this, saying this for a while to I told I think that they're worried, Oh my god, what if we're wrong about everything. I think that that does occur to some of them.
And I think that's why you were seeing them act out so vociferously and violently. It's because in the back of their mind they're like, wait a minute, we've been arguing we're the good guys and we're on the right side of history, and Trump's win of the popular vote. And even if you look at this is the thing that's crazy to me, even if you look at what they're doing.
Fuck, Elon has trying to save.
Taxpayers money and they're lighting Teszlas on fire for it.
I mean, this is what it's It would be different if Elon.
If Elon were like, the wars are for bombing Gaza, Yes, I would understand. You know, if Elon was giving press conversations, he's like, well, all technology is so much better at bombing gaza.
You know, if he was doing like good to Elon impersonation, thank you, thank you, I'm working on it.
But you know, if he was actually doing that, I would understand a little more. He's like, hey, guys, your taxpayer dollars are being lit on fire, and the money that's being spent by the government is debasing all of the money that you are earning and all the money that you are saving. I'm trying to stop this from straight up destroying the economy so that we have to have a reset, the likes of which nobody wants to see. And people are like, light his cars on fire.
They're trying to treat him like he's a bond villain and all he's doing is trying to make the government spend money more efficiently. It's one of the craziest bad guy descriptions that I've ever heard of.
And there's also a there's a I don't know if you'd say it's full circle, if it's poetic justice, it's they They called for this fight. They made Elon, They made Elon who he is. They created him. Yes, they created him because of a lot of things, a lot of the madness, a lot of what they've been pushing for, certainly the Trump era, which is really its own period of American politics now right. I mean, it's just different than everything else we've seen. But Clay, they transd one of his kids, and he has said, I am not surmising this. They trans one of his young children, not even like, you know, seventeen, eighteen year old or whatever.
And he said it means war and he was serious. And that's where we are.
That's one. And they tried to shut down his factories during COVID. And I do think that the combination of those two has created a true fixation on destroying the woke virus in all of its essence. And we need to talk more about this, because I'm just I'm kind of blown away. It's rare that I'm surprised. I didn't think we would get to the point where the fire bombings of car dealerships will be taking place.
You are listening to Team forty seven with Clay and Buck.
We're talking about the attacks on Elon and also some of what Trump said from the Oval this morning, well afternoon morning, was pretty close to being one or the other. And it's really interesting to see how Trump is not backing down at all. And one thing Clay that really did come across substantially is that Trump recognizes when these judges and these Democrats opposed things like getting elite members. These are It's not that he's taking Americans who have joined a gang and just sent them to some foreign prison somewhere. These are non Americans. They are not supposed to be in the country in the first place. They're illegal aliens who are also part of a violent gang that is a designated terrorist organization. They are being sent out of the country, and Democrats are going to the mat to make sure they have maximum due process rights. The same Democrats and I mean the same individuals in some cases in the media and the Democrat Party, who had no problem with nonviolent j six Americans rotting away in a DC gulag for a year without trial, are now really concerned about trend to IRAGUA members. But let's actually get an update here on the Elon story that was running on the New York Times from Undersecretary of Defense Sean Parnell, who joins us for the first time on the program, since he has taken that senior Pentagon role. Like I feel like I should salute Sean, thank you for being with us, and tell us, tell us what you can about what happened with the New York Times saying Elam was going to get all the China war plans.
It was completely fake. And you want to know what else. We had a heads up from the New York Times reporter. I should say there's five reporters on it, but by one of the reporters the night before that they were planning to write something like that, and this was the angle that they were going to take. And we told them last night that it's not true, Like what are you doing? That's not true? This is completely fake. Yet they ran with the story anyway. And what's crazy to me, Buck, is that like this Secretary, Secretary hegset has been working so hard to put peace through strength, to build up our force, to work to implement the President's agenda. I've been on the bilateral calls with foreign leaders. I've heard him. I've heard him make the case for peace through strength. But articles like this that Elon Musk is going to come to the Pentagon and get a super secret squirrel briefing on war plans with potential China, not only does it undermine the Secretary's you know what his goals and ambitions are here, which I think is part of the point. It also is is it's dangerous. It's dangerous because many of us took this job, Buck, and I know I speak for the Secretary too, because we've got a lot of kids our job. I think we've got four years to get this done, you know as well as I do. Buck. The operating environment, the threat environment globally is changing rapidly. We've got to change and evolve our force to meet it. But we we've got kids that we've got to make sure that they inherit a world that is better than the one that we had, that is more prosperous the one that we had and is safer, and our articles like that, like this from the New York Times work against that goal, and it just it just makes you wonder what their motivation is. It's to me, it's just sickening.
They should retract, not only should they retrack, Sean, congratulations on the new job and thank you for the work that you're doing there and for hopping on with us. Don't you think, Sean, that this had to be coming via a leak in some way to the New York Times, And if that occurred, wouldn't that be criminal based on the method that it was distributed? And given the story that's out there about China war plans, what kind of investigation can we expect or should take place here?
Well, we're still in the early phases of this, so we're still trying to wrap our mind around how something like this could happen. But yeah, certainly it's it's a leak, in this case a fake one. So whoever, who the two anonymous defense officials. I mean, you sit there and you read the article from the Times, and you wonder if these anonymous defense officials are even real people. I don't know, but thankfully in this regard that the leak was fake and we were able to control the narrative. But the fact of the matter is that this, this is a big building where we do nothing but but plan, plan, plan, for every contingency. And we can't have you know, anonymous defense officials passing off, you know, what they think might be classified information to to reporters who then turn around in public and publish it. Yeah, that's criminal and and and I'll tell you there there there have got to be consequences for that. So we're still trying to figure out how how we approach this. But yeah, I'll tell you this is, this is on all of our minds because this isn't this is I mean, there are politics is behind everything. But what we're dealing with here are are global national security issues that could affect the safety of Americans or potentially the safety of Americans. You can't play with that stuff. So yeah, what I can tell you, we're definitely looking into avenues that we can you know, investigates the loaded word, but we've got to do something.
Speaking of Sean Parnell, it's just an under Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon formerly as you know, Sean was a friend of ours here on the Clay and Buck podcast network, and Sean, just give us a sense of what some of the top agenda items are right now that Secretary of Defense heg Seth, and then you working at the Pentagon with the rest of the team there, what are some of the top items that you're trying to do in terms of reform, in terms of transparency and just war fighting efficiency.
Yeah. So I think the top priority for US, Buck and Clay is defense of the homeland. It's been something that both Democrat and Republican regimes over the last twenty thirty years have probably not been as strong as they needed to be on this. But you know, we are very very focused on full operational control of the southern border, and that means the cartel is not controlling a single square mile of anything. That means stopping the flow of Fentanel into our country. It's the number one cause of death for people in America between eighteen and forty five. It's absolutely unacceptable. It needed to stop yesterday. I think we're really focused as well on you know, it is this This process will be slower, but a real focus on the end of Pacific and deterring China. What looms large over many of these these BILAC calls. Don't want to go into deep on what's the substance of the conversations, of course, but the rising tide of the CCP is something that looms large over everything. We recognize. It's something that we're going to have that we've got to focus on. It's a challenge for sure. The third I think is figuring figuring out a way to increase burden sharing with our allies. You know, the truth is our allies need to do more to both protect their nation and protect protect the so that we don't have to. You know, we're always going to be there, We're always going to step up when we're going to do our part. But as I mentioned earlier, the world is changing and evolving rapidly, and if this country, the world's loan superpower, does not change rapidly and evolve with it, bad things will happen. And so those I think buck are the top three priorities for us. I think, you know, operationally, but internally to the force, like we're aggressively assessing standards, trying to get a sense of maybe how things changed over the years. We've removed all the caustic and divisive diversity, equity and inclusion nonsense from almost all of our digital platforms, the climate change insanity, all the electric tanks crap that's done and gone. At the Pentagon, we're cutting those programs and reinvesting them into programs that will make us more capable and lethal. So lots of things that are happening here at de Penagon in the first two months, and look, it's going to be pedal to the metal for us for the next four years because we really, we really want to change things and we're not going to waste any time doing it.
Good stuff, Sean. We appreciate you making the time. Buck.
We still need to get I'm in DC right now, but we still need to come hang out with you guys at.
Some point Sean down the line.
Uh, and make sure we get to tell your story from over near the Pentagon.
Oh for sure, now that I'm kind of like more settled, we can definitely make that happen.
One hundred percent fantastic. Thank you so much, Sean. Maybe I don't know, I Play says he's never been on an aircraft carry you know what I mean. Maybe we've got to do some journalism. That would be pretty cool. Get him on a helo, get him out to one. I'm just saying that's a good idea.
We might be able to make that happen too.
Sounds awesome.
Thank you,