Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.
Imagine, if you will, that you are in a place of great beauty. Some teenage boys walk.
Past you, they yell out, they bitch tits.
The world you see is a place of paradox of beauty and cruelty. It will cut you off at the knees, then gift.
You a pair of easies.
And that, my friends, is why you always always need.
A buck up. And now I'm making an eye contact. I can't look up very provocatey. It's too intense. Yeah, sometimes Peter can't meet my life if I'm being.
Too Someone dancing and locking eyes with you is in the workplace, It's true.
Then too much around like tadpoles in a puddle, but dancing around staring at me so happy to s I'm happy to see you.
But I just once you sit down and stop dancing, I'll be able to look at you and take you in Katelaine Brooker from the bike.
All right. So in other words, I have to subdue myself. I'll bring myself unto you however you want me. Hello, okay, oh hell oh, And you're never a taliban. You cannot dance, you can dance or make eye contact with me? Been second?
Yeah, this week you're like the Taliban, you know what that is.
We've still got a sustained thing from what's happened in our two weeks ago. This will be like, this will be like because you know, friends of ours have been doing this podcast for a long time time called the Dumb Dumb Club, and they've come to some terrible personality clash or whatever.
It's finished, finished fourteen years.
Did you know that sun should happened while you're away? Yeah? Google it. Yeah, happened while you're like three weeks old. It's got yeah, yeah, anyway will be like that, and then our listen, this will be like I remember the crime the.
First crap was, so there'll be a true crime podcast about what happened to the buck up. Oh yeah, and the first pin with the red string will be like Nathan accused Kate of looking like someone that's not like a dog. The mad red string would go.
Last week, when you called me at another thing, and when you stop me from dancing and making I contact with.
You, I don't want to look.
At your No, did you'very intimate?
Did you have no judgment?
Judgments always when not a judgment, but we loved judgment. Did you have on this podcast.
First dance at your wedding.
Yes we did, but I can't remember what it was because it seriously.
Like romantic slow in each other's arm sash, she were there, what it was beautiful?
But you know, I can't remember why pregnant five months pregnant, so there wasn't any direct.
It doesn't approve of that fordly bad.
Okay. So the reason I can't remember what our first dance was was because remember Peter played me that song that I loved, surprised me by playing learning a song on the guitar and playing the guitar. Yeah, and then he played it. He's good, Okay. Acoustic so much acoustic was anyone from the band playing with it was by himself. It was by himself, no singing, No, he sang it. He sang it. It's a very obscure song that you wouldn't know. It's a song by I think a Canadian band called Brad called What the Daybreak. Give us one line to really and see what makes you laugh and see what makes you sing. It's gorgeous. It's a beautiful song. It's the only song I think they've had. And even when you try and look them up, there. It's like they've disappeared anyway. He surprised me, but that over so overshadowed anything else. I can't remember the dance or what the song was. But then he got a bit bigger headed and he played it three times. It's too many. He played it again on stage with me and the band. I played the tambourine a and then every day at the recovery barbecue down by this last too much. He was too much, but I loved it. I couldn't get enough of it.
He got his guitar out again the next.
Day, pressed it from his grasp, and in fact, would that I had got the fingering that guitar.
Jol of a guitar Day one of being married. The reason I asked was when we got married last year and the.
Gays of Greatest Wedding.
And we have a really fun thing, which is we have no traditions, so we can do.
Whatever we want.
No one expects anything. That's so, no one says what time is this, or when you're doing that or you're doing this?
Do you have traditions? Secrecy and promisecurity? And I'm just curious how you weave in.
A glory hole put my little finger through the hole.
Of the details, remember one of your I'm just coming out and going there's a lot of there's a lot.
Uncle walked away from the male toilets. He was in my stand up show last year and someone heard him say there's some gay ship.
Going on there, and it was just.
The toilets anyway, So I've been told all right. But one of the first things someone said about planning our wedding, I said, are you are you guys going to do a first dance? And Cody and I just again, no judgment. Yeah, we could not think of anything more mortifying than embarrassing.
Did you do it?
No, of course we did.
Not do it, but we had a great dance.
Was everyone danced together as a wedding, but like the two of us like taking it away in front of everyone.
That even the kissing I find is sort of embarrassing. I said, so funny, you said, I find a bit kissing. I turned to Cody, although I did love it at the time.
Ten minutes before we walked out to our own wedding, I turned to Cody and said, we have to kiss in front of you.
You have to kiss in front of you. Yeah, in front of your dad's dad's are very supportive. Yeah, yeah, but you're still kissing. Seen me? Another man, Cody is from Queensland. Folks spang up for it. Everyone.
Oh and there's a photo of it, and it's the worst photo I think you've ever seen of me. Ever, I'm all scrun stuff and I'm in.
Everything went in. No one asigned from a Hallmark movie looks good. Pashing completely just get this O. Friends of ours said to us, they rehearsed. Oh, good idea. They have rehearsed. Romantic but good idea. But also they won't stay together. They rehearsed the case they won't stay together. They won't stay together? Are they still together? Okay? How long has it been? Four? I don't want them to break up, but I just find that agree strange. I understand rehearsing like a dance or even your vowels, but rehearsing how you kiss in front of people, it's like rehearsing how you look at each other, isn't it?
Also with our vowels at our wording, you know what we did wrong?
Lack of communication between us two. Our vowels were completely different, as in the way we rather.
It was fine, but I went in you know, laughs of plenty, yeah.
Trying to. But then you got annoyed because Cody got big lam and Cody then it really got huffy. No, I didn't get huffy.
I got hauffy that we've stuffed it because we both did our vows wrong. He did a thing where he did all his promises and I was supposed to do that and I didn't.
You didn't do it. It doesn't matter. It's a perfect wedding, no dancing for us, all right. And I wanted if people, and not that I'm not interested in you. But someone sent us a present. And you know what they say, what yesterday was history, That was your wedding, and today is free ship from tomorrows a mystery. Today there's something. That's why we call it the present. Oh what am I holding?
You are holding someone a present sent us a present kitchen language.
Oh yeah it is. This is our first bit of mail. All right, I love it. What's our present? Oh? My good boozy bitch coasters, it's there for you. It's his boozy bitch. Well that's for your color, perfect hand if when Kate whips out the color, it says.
Oh my god, there is okay, this person has sent us goodn't look an apron and it says bitch can bake?
Oh I love it.
This isn't a sponsored thing, by the way.
What's this? Why have we got a trophy?
What does the trophy say?
Podcast potty mouth of the month? Well who's and we don't know who'll win that? I love that? And stubby holders that say ship face so lovely? What I love it? And there's a.
Card designed in Melbourne.
All right, thank you, I love you. That's what the cards. That's what the cards say, Simone, thank you so much. Simone. Hey Kate, bitch chits Nate, Nate and Sasha beautiful same mine. We love it.
Please everyone send us stuff.
Yeah, we love you. That's all weird for. And also we're very easy to poison if you want to send a speak.
Or if you listen to last Skates and Garlic and some bottle openers, what does it say?
They say?
Boozy bitch m thank you.
I really need a bottle opener. There you go, because I don't drink beer and the carbonated drinks island needed one for the other day. Soy sauce. Oh did they have a r yeah and oyster sauce. So I tried to open the soy.
Sauce and it hurt and get a bottle opener.
You always do that fish sauce and else why do you need that? The thing? I thought the other day that and it really annoyed me about me no surprising, No, my darling. When you get a bag of shredded cheese and you look at you're about to rip it open, I've already I already feel compromised about pre shreated chest. Need to get it no, because of no, that's not even cookorish, that's just a straight stop it. I can't that's not cookery ish. By the way, that was such a French where you haven't been introduced. We preferred it ab that. That was highly a stand brilliant producer. Brilliant because they put an anti caking agent the cheese to stop it matting together. Anyway, So I'm already feeling not one hundred percent when I buy shredded cheese. But also I'm not an idiot, and he's got time to be grating cheese all the time. I'm with you when you're pulling out of the fridge to use it and you go to rip it open and you're see instead the little picture of the scissors. I hate you so much. No one's doing that day. But how was am I giving my cheese open?
One is getting a tiny pair of scissors peeling it like?
They don't have you rip. There's no option to rip. They don't have a rip tape. You've got to find scissors in your kitchen to open your bag of cheese.
Are you sure you're not drunk?
Give me your Your comprehension is like way off my Alan Degenerous review that we said last week, And I've got to say, ready, Allen with the e not Allen, like Melbourni and Ellen de Generous.
Nothing is less interesting than someone reflecting that they were canceled but they're ready to return as the phoenix from the ashes. Nothing interests me less.
Hang on a minute. So I didn't know about this Ellen special, Uh huh, I've just seen clips popular. I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know that she decided to return, that there was a hunger for her in the world.
There isn't one, and it's her finale, it's her goodbye.
Oh yeah, bit. Hannah Gadsby he's annoyed me. Don't forget that Hannah Gadsby.
Was meant to go out of that that was her What was that show called?
Uh? It was so famous, it was a great show shows. What's the show hang on?
Everyone's going to be screaming.
No, it was a woman's name. It was calledtte it anyway, that was going to be her swan song, and it propelled her. And I don't tell me that Ellen de Generes doesn't think that this is because everyone knows that Hannah Gadsby story. Ellen de Generes is no way that she doesn't think and doesn't identify with Hannah gad spy.
She's probably trying to link the two when this is my this is Nate's review. Firstly, I almost was out at the start because it had her vomit standing. That was me reacting to it, standing the side of stage with all of the headlines about her her head, yeah yeah, and then her looking up with tears in her eyes and taking a deep breath and walking onto the stay.
With Amanda Rogers anywhere to be said. So I was like nearly not there, not front row in the audience.
Who oh it's real name.
Talking about she came out at the end amandas from Geelong.
Oh yeah, she came out at the end for a curtain call. I didn't watch it to the end, but so that annoyed me. What was it called Alan generous? I don't know, goodbye, canceled something?
What I think if you're going to do I don't know. I'm not you, but I do I do think that maybe I'm not one for details. No, no, that's right. You're a big picture ghansh. So that annoy me.
Here's my very quick backstory. I think Alan DeGeneres is a very good stand up and I love her stand up, her stand up in the ninety and stuff.
Well, I was going to I haven't seen a stand up for you like Seinfeld.
You're like Alan very you know. She had a whole bit in this show about there's too many things going on in the car and it's funny.
It's a good bit.
She has a bit about reverse angle parking you have to bail when you come do. There's good stand up. She's a good comic. But then the pity I got canceled for being a strong woman.
You got canceled because you were awful people. You're bully. Yeah, you were me and greedy. You you were too into the awful guests.
Yeah, not a good person. You got called out on it.
And so she's not even on thee any She's just saying I'm a strong walk. The audience gave her a five minute standing ovation just for coming.
Out that annoy me.
But my biggest issue onto the stat this was my biggest issue.
K My biggest issue is she linked it to when she came out and there was troubles with her crew when she came out. And I give her kudos to that because she came out when it wasn't cool yet lost her sit Come over it, I get it, but please.
I mean she lost her sitcom because her sitcom was about her dating mean okay, but also do you know what I mean?
Sure, but don't link coming out as the same pain as you being a mean person.
Two different things. Very true that annoyed me. Don't link days and Australia's most successful new comedy podcast, huh that you can't get some gems of truth scattered, realized hardship of quis to make yourself feel better that you got called out for being a meanie.
Anyway, My final.
Thing is this.
If you edit all that bits out and just to stand up, it's enjoyable and I like it.
More of that. Yeah, good, solid, stand solid. Does she look rusty?
She looked so good, amazed, she looked incredible.
No, no, I don't mean when I say did she looked?
I mean she said her name age, and I was like, no way, I had to go and.
Yeah, okay, calm down my question about whether or not she looked rusty. As if she look rusty, she did a lot of warm saying did she look rusty? Name a person, no matter how ancient and decrepit, it's hard to say that they look rusty.
So that's that We're actually gonna speak about age later.
Pod. I've got to tell you something that where once again, where you see yourself through the leans of how someone else sees you. And it's very hard for me because I live with five other people and they always watching me. Yet it's too many, and it's too many now that they're pretty well essentially all adults are on their way to adulthood or have adult observational powers, right, but still coupled with none of the responsibibility, he's being a child. Those four little right, just you know, I mean, I love them, but I actually okay. So two things happened. One I cracked at last Monday night. Cracked because I was really tired. It turned out I was getting sick. I didn't know it, but I was a bit run down, and I was just like, why am I making coming home from work and making dinner.
Isn't rare for everyone to be at home? Ah, yes, at night, all five of you.
Oh yeah, especially now because Lewis, the eldest, is working and he's got a girlfriend and Sunday has just started working as well. Right, So anyway, but when we have family dinner, like at least twice.
A week at the table family, you are.
Eat from the middle of the table. So dinner's ready, all to the table. Yeah, and it's very frustrating now if you don't know who's going to be there, or if someone's gonna have a friend over, or Lewis's girlfriend's there, or like just what numbers so we always have a lot of food. Anyway, I had just cracked. I cracked it. What made me crack it was my daughter coming home and going can I get twenty dollars? I had to go to the shops and get milk.
Yeah it was twenty bucks.
Yeah yeah, but just the everything, I just went, you're nineteen years old.
I'm sorry, i'd ask for that now, and I'm.
You're on holiday, hayes, my mum's there, and get me some milk, I'd go. I didn't even I hadn't even asked you, by the way, but I knew that there was no milk. Oh, just the principle that you live in a house anyway. So what happened was for some reason that just tipped me over the agent. Given all the other considerations that.
Were going on, Was it the right milk?
I didn't look yet it would be, well, we're a full fat.
I just meant all the times that I tried to do the right thing and get something from mom from the shops should always be like, oh, you've got the wrong thing.
Now see you're find your terminology interesting. Once again, get something for mum from the shops. No, mate, you're not getting something for mum. You're getting something for you the family. This is exactly how I was. Yep, this is exactly how I was. Right. So they're all sitting around the table and Lewis had come in first, with Sunday. They'd had the conversation. Then Artie came in then because he'd been at tutoring online, and then he got it, and then Sunday got it when Yanni came. And Yanni is always the you know, he's fourteen, He's always you know, whatever's going on. Anyway, Yanni is the one who always mysteriously has to absent himself when the dishes are being done after the meals smart, and he's always the other he go, I go where he goes. I was on the toilet, I said, I said to him the other day, have you got gas dring troubles.
So I was so I just said to them, I'm not on for this. I said, you're all too old now, I said, you're on holiday. Basically, why am I coming home and making dinner? Well, I've got adults, the rubbish that we shouldn't have to ask you to do things, you should just be doing them. For some reason, I stumble like a blind pig in the forest upon a truffle, because you don't always you know, parents, you're always like saying the same thing, and became angry. And anyway, for some reason, I said, you all have to start contributing because I don't want to resent you. Oh my now, for some reason that I really must have landed with them after that. So after dinner and Peter was just enough dishes, milk exactly right. So they were all they were. They were all like, we get it, we get it. And then afterwards and the next morning they're scurrying to put the rubbish the bins out and the last it was just amazing. But then I came home the next afternoon and Sunday came scurrying out of Peter's office and I went, what what were you doing in there? Like she was a bit stealthy, and she said, oh, I wanted to surprise you, and you've caught me. And I go into the kitchen and there's a VARs with flowers in it and there's a little note on a post it note that says, Mum, please don't resent us. Oh my god, no nailed this. And the kids have this incredible, this incredible. There was something magic that they understood the words angry, disappointed, they've lost all their power, streets of no phones and blah blah and whatever. They're just they it's like it's like Homo Simpson talking to his dog.
The amount of times I heard the word disappointed in my childhood. It has all meaning.
I said it to you only moments ago when we were discussing our nomination for a podcast.
Anyway parenting tip. It was just a all the resentment card out.
Good flowers, just lovely flowers as well. Yeah, and then she said to me, oh my god, they cost nineteen dollars, which and I just went to the supermarket and I said, they're so beautiful and now they're flowering.
Anyway, did she ask you for the nineteen bucks?
No, I never gave it to it. I never gave it to it. I'm like, I'm not giving you the twenty bucks. Twenty bucks up, fad. It's a parenting point this week, amazing. I'm into it, but sometimes I forget it. Sasha also has her eldest son is the same age as Sunday. When we were both using the same contraception, it was my fault, it was supposed to, you know.
Did you ever have fantasies of them being together?
No? I don't think so. Too close.
I was a teenager. My good friend Gemma, maybe she listens to the buck up.
Oh why wouldn't you had.
A younger brother. I had a younger sister, different schools, and we laughed as teenagers. We were like, we should introduce some haha, laugh laugh laugh. Maybe one day they'll get together. Not only do they get together, they're together three kids. He's my brother in law. We always joked about our younger siblings walking up. Yes that's his name then, because they've got so many, they've got a lot of kids, and I was figuring out the kids' names as well.
AnyWho. I mean, you know, I don't want to yuck your yarm, but names is how we distinguish between.
Have names melt my brain. I'm very bad at names.
So you've known him for twenty years whole life. But so they've never okay, wow, bring that up that No, we've not, we've not. We never done the matchmaking.
Speaking of money, by the way, yes, and I'll put this on our Instagram because it was on mine the other day. We'll put it on the buck up one. I owed Cody some money comingber. How much for the money, Well, don't even We're all over the draw money. We have a joint card, yeah, we both. We always forget to use it. We have some joint card.
But how could you possibly owe him money because it was I can't evenmber what it was four? But why would you owe him money?
Well, there's certain things you like you're paying for that, mate, Like if we go out for dinner and he has his usual eight cocktails and I have half of one and I'm too drunk, Why he's paying?
I find that so injury.
So we've been together for eleven years and we are still very very separate with money, like completely down the middle each other money keeping?
Does that work in it? Would? It would alternate because he's a very successful sign No, but hang on, you're very successful and.
Better with money because I had to learn to live without it in my twenties before.
And also, comedians didn't make any money during Lockdown, whereas scientists they were clean. Give me that cocker sound.
Yeah, it was scientists trying to get a cure.
How dare they?
I'm doing zoom gigs to accounting.
I love that. You really believe that? Fouci Oh, I love that. Ask me to turn against I can't And this is where I'm so compromised. So no wonder he can't listen to his podcast double every fiber of his DNA tampered within the Wouhan lab must be absolutely Oh excuse me, Queen Cooker.
He works in skin cancer and you've just gotten something removed.
Oh so I did get something removed. And you know what I thought of you the whole time, as the doctor was.
The payment story. It's not even that good, very quick well already even I threw him some money.
And online or the Combank app I'm always a little bit funny. When I owe you money.
You're gonna get a little joke in the little description where you.
Put who you're paying it to. Puff. Oh yeah yeah.
And com Bank wouldn't let me pay him with puff in the description what they brought certain words.
I think I saw the people have got all judgemental at the bank. The bank.
I can't call my husband Puff, who is a man and a big one, and two puffs.
Can't. That's the ludicrous each other money.
I've thrown him some cash, and the Combank said warning words used in this description are unacceptable. Please use non offensive language.
Also, I don't think business combat offense. It's just a description of and who you are, and you don't want me to give you money. Homophobic, very Homer trying to control the financial language. I even oppressed minority what because can't you sound I don't know.
I haven't tried many other words, but maybe we should just leave it that one.
I would say, why for the pod? The more for the pod? That's that's upsetting combining. I don't know. Corporations tell me you can't say try and get into morality or even into political issues. I'm like, like, you know, the stupid markets with Australia Day and blah blah and the voice and I'm just like brack off just by just grocery and awesome thongs or whatever you want to sell me or some petrol. I don't need you to be in my moral are You're only motivated by money.
Marti gras come that month. Every company in Australia wants to be on board the Marti graft and they come out with the worst campaigns and the most one will run one on the back up pod like gay TM. But the banks will have a gay TM when they make son allowed to use it.
Let me say, let him say, give me the cooker, Oh yeah, cooker.
Let me say, Paul, now we do and now we don't. I got a message on the what'sapp, I mean on the WhatsApp, on the Instagram.
Yeah, from a bucket, a bucket or a.
Name was Kylie?
Hello, Kylie, Hello, Kylie. Good name, great name, Austrange name going twice.
By the way, I got tickets.
To so A girlfriend asked me if I want to go with her? Hello, Priscilla. Very hard to get tickets wide yet, but I must. It's all gone. But a part of me now wouldn't be. It's not for me. I don't go on for me? No, no, I thought, A part of me thought, who do I know who loves Kylie more than anyone else? Surely Valvo is going.
To Arm'm going twice. I'll go with her if she needs want to go with?
Are you fool? What are you talking about?
With her?
Meant to go with? What beauties? He don't really like her? What I've never said? I don't really like her? Oh?
I thought you just said it's not really for me, as in the Kylie cons is not really for you? Is that what you just said?
No? What did I hear? I heard that as well? Yeah, we've heard what you said. Okay, if we got rewinded you what I said, that's not for me. Oh no, No, Carlie's for me, okay, talking about where I said it's not for me. No, Carlie is one hundred percent for me. No, I thought you would be asking me to Kylie with me? What would you think of her?
I'm just getting from the associopath.
But that's not doing anything.
I don't think if you want to go, she announces another one.
No, I don't even want it now, I'm looking. I'm wide. I just thought that you would. Kylie messaged us, okay, lovely different, Kylie different, Kylie, Hey, guys, do you always want to move on too quickly? Just rolled her eyes and I don't know which one of us it was at me. That's two people that have worked together for twenty years that I roll had some and the exhalation ring that was good. She's also been doing deep body breathing.
Hey, guys, I've listened to every episode and love, love love. I just want to confirm a cool memory of mine. I leave on the Mornington Peninsula and back in the nineties, my dad listened to Triple A at the station Kate started on. He would see Kate skating on blades with her head shave and laughed about the time she tasted her own pee in a dare.
Please confirm yes tech tech de Okay, no, I'll tell you what the urine didn't taste. Drank was not.
A dare, okay.
That was something that my girlfriend and I did for that to celebrate the end of our one year on Shot a one year on our shot trip on Triba R the F and K Show. So that wasn't a dare. But shaving my head was a deer or that the guy that Okay, So triball A used to have these annual balls which were just so fantastic. And then of course when triball A became on there, like we current to the bull. Not everyone can afford to go to a ball, right, so we have to all be miserable and do shit that people can everyone can afford as a consequence of which you do nothing. Anyway, That's just part of the you know that thing anyway, And the balls were really fun. Bands will donate their time and you dress up and whatever. It was still cheap. There's a cheap ball. It was like one hundred bucks anyway. So one year the theme was was it like it was space? I think? And I said, we were talking on the Breakfast show about what would happen, what costumes people might have, and I said, space is like the future. Maybe someone would shave their head. And James Young, who then went on to beat my husband's business partner later on in their bar, Harry and Yahyas, he said to me, Pale, nobody's going to shave their head. I said, someone might shave their head, and he goes poal, if anybody shaves their head, I will drop my dad's in front of the fifteen hundred people at the Melbourne Town Hall and I will reveal my as it transpired, his two oranges in a string bag. And so I went to the barber around the corner from my house and he was very reluctant, and I said it and I had long hair and I just sort of had it died Red.
Was this after Demi Moore's g I Jane came out.
Remember, I don't know, I can't I don't know when it was ninety in the shaved it was like maybe nineteen ninety seven or ninety eight, I never know time. And I said to him, can you shave my head? And then I wore a long wig, really long wig with a fringe, and then we were all on stage because we were all doing the Breakfast show together. And on stage I pulled the wig off and there I was shaved or headed, totally ball shiny like Razor shaved, Razor shaved, and I was wearing some.
Silver Please get us a photo for the sequen.
A silver sequin out of silver sequin boots I'd borrowed from the Channel nine wardrobe department where I'd done that I'd worn in chances and then they'll be perfect. So I asked if I could borrow that.
We're going back here and the cat story. Is there a photo of the shaved head somewhere?
There would be somewhere, but I don't have many photos, but I'll find one. Someone will have a photo. There you go, so her Carly's dad remember, and I used to go rollerblading, but I had to. It was always really hard because you know, the thing about one way is there's the wind, Oh that irish blessing. No, the wind always be at your back, road rise to meet you. The wind's not at your back, and the means at your front. It's terrible and wonder roller blade. I'd roller blade it all the way down the beach and I couldn't come back. I was too weak, and I think my blood sugar had dropped. And I had to ask a man if I could, if I could hang onto his bicycle, and he had to toe, he had to.
I got to why rollerblades not just roll the skates? Was because rollerblades were in?
I don't know, No, rollerblades must have been in. No, we're in. Yeah, yeah, I had rollerblades. I think I had them until really til we moved to house, like a couple of years ago, when I really had to let the dream go. But I'd love to do it now.
Yeah, Barbie Kate, little pink roll away down.
Anyway, that's kindly. Carly really took down memory. I don't really like. I'm not mad normally on looking back. Okay, but that was a good look back.
It was all right, just shaved head and you're drinking pears?
What did it? Tastes like? I drunk a lot of water, but it tasted like water down cask wine. Oh I'm not that bad. It's sterile like you.
So yes, my hobby is reading articles about people that live long when they tell you how they did it.
I love that every single person. It's impossible to crack the ton without someone going Edna, what's your secret? And it always very well wildly between I drank a cart and of long necks every night to never go to bit angry all about bullshit? Y.
Yeah, I actually did have a been in my stand up whereas I get annoyed when you scroll down the article and it's like exercise oh fuck.
Oh yeah, No, that's ludicrous, that's ludicrous. That was true. Maria to one hundred and seventeen French woman.
Theres another French woman?
What national was this? Maria?
I don't know, but she's dead now, but she lived seventeen.
Her secret to long life? Are you ready for this? Yeah, it's the end of our pod. Yeah. Avoiding toxic people? What tera said that?
One hundred and seventeen year old said one of the secrets was.
Avoiding toxic people. Very mod relationships, modern terminology, very modern terminology. Did she also talk about self love? No, that's Margaret Stratton okay, English English, English, English, English, one hundred years old, one hundred nothing compared to Maria. By the way, a spring chicken in arms. Maria could have been her mother because she would.
Have been seven Margaret was toxic ad Maria Cutter. Maybe Margaret said two things second one great, first one working work and.
She Protestant English one hundred percent.
She retired at ninety nine, retired from what working?
What a lady, and then died at one hundred. At one hundred never never stopped working, Never yours. Your secret to your long life is working. What do you think is going to happen the next year after you stop working? It came out of your mouth, to God's ear, lady, what's her work? The second thing was making jam, making jam your little road from last week, Yes, one hundred. I've got to ask.
Give me more, se a couple more, a couple more.
You give us some every episode because I forget you'd love it, love Adam, but it is something nice because I'm not a sociopo.
Love Larry.
Genie lived to ninety hang on having j A N I S S E.
Jennie. I think that's French. She lived eight doesn't sound French.
But men don't live as long, So no.
That's pretty good for a block that joke. Why do men die before their wives? Why? Because they want to form dish?
Episode of Red Faces.
Going on right now, Larry.
He said, you've got to have good booze and hot women.
From dead Larry, Oh, Larry, two more.
You love this woman? Roslin Menica m E n A K. Menica, Roslin Menica. She lived to one hundred and three and three not bad. She put it down to two things. First one's boring, walking.
Walking terrible. Yeah, get sed. I hope she's dead and she's alive. And I said that, I feel, let's go murter, you know, let's make a walk to her own shallow bush grape. Not enjoying it so much now.
Yeah, stylish wardrobe was her second big go back from the grave.
So sorry, walk terrible, I love her, Minica, come back, Menica, she has she left us respectful dead terrible? Is she dead? I think, I think terrible. He's the last one. I think you mean any of that you may have. But walking, it was the walking. I don't even say that there's a pattern in them, assigned from old Larry. They all feel that they have to put something worthy, and they the truth in bracket. I agree. Okay, so there stylish wardrobe, but I better say walking.
I agree, And this is the final one, and this is the must be someone that you've read about drum wrong because she's French. Jean Colorment, Yes, smoking, she said, smoking gets even better. She started smoking at one hundred and twelve. She picked up smoking in a nursing home at one hundred and twelve years old.
No, she did.
She did google Jean Colment.
She started smoking.
Gulwas drive in a nursing home, which is so funny to me.
Nothing else to do. There we go, But I love that you want to live. Did you give me some more next week? Just as from elderly? Just maybe next.
Instead of like a text from mum, we'll have like a tip from the dead.
Oh it's from it's a tip from the dead. Oh hang on, I'm giving you just a little bit of and lang Brooks.
So it's been so long since I've heard from you.
Heard from Sarah and Langbrook, who mysteriously now calls herself Sarah. Whole life, she's been her name Sarah, well it was her first name, but no one ever called her that. Okay, but why the first I don't know. I don't know. But that's just very Sarah and Lamebrook thing to do. She's always been a Lanebrook and now sometimes She'll say Sarah to people and I'm like, what anyway?
She identifies as a Sarah?
Well, who am I have stopped? Can't her? A few weeks ago, I got tickets from our friend, friend of the pod, Kelly Black.
Thank you, Kelly publicist.
Kelly publicist, who has the most brilliant fortune in life. That her partner in her company is one of her best friends, Joe White. So Kelly Black and Joe White have a company together, black and White.
It's called black and White.
Imagine if it isn't that amazing. I think they hadn't occurred.
Do you reckon it's serendipitous? Yes, but I reckon it is.
What do you think it is?
But I still don't know what serendipreters means.
I listened to the podcast we explain it to you anyway, So this is it. So I got tickets to the Tulip Festival. This was tulip season a couple of weeks ago.
There's not many more kateline Brook sentences than I got tickets to the Tulip Festival.
Because we're Dutch and mum's Dutch. She lives in a Dutch retirement village where everyone's got their own little houses. They're all Dutch specific. They go to a Dutch church and there's a few Srilankans as well, but you know, the Schlankans have got ties with the Dutch anyway. So I said to mom, would you like to go? She's like, we love that very much. Were gonna go, but it's gotten so expensive. We thought there was an entry gonna go. There's an entry for the jeweler farm, of course, acres and acrees and aches. It's a lot of work to maintain all the where is it miles out? Miles out anyway, and it happens annually and they have a day trip. I said to her, so, how much were the tickets? Thirty one dollars? She drew the line of the movie ticket. Yeah, but she wasn't going. No, okay, that was too much for them, so they weren't going. So when she heard that they were free tickets, very happy anyway. So I said to her, how are the tulips? She said, stunning but exhausting. An endless stream of people, cues of killomet along. The weather was gorgeous, so everyone and his brother was there. Fifteen dollars for a sanger, Love you lots. You just sang up sanger. Do you know why she would have been saving letters?
Every Man and his Brother? Every man, but every Man and his Brother was fifteen dollars for a sanger. You know what you got in for nothing? You and your friends lash out.
She shouldn't be cuing up for anything. Have some respect for the elderly Tulip Festival organizers.
I think I got rid of that. I think, yeah, okay, I'm pretty sure. Don't you think? Well, I don't know you were going. I wasn't going. I thought you were going to go. Why did you think I was going to go? So you were going to go? Did I? He also said I'm not into going to Kylie? Or did I say that in your story? Said I'm going to go to the Tulip Festival my mother? Oh you mean your mum? And that story she was going to go, but it was thirty one dollars a ticket. Yep. How you see those things on the side of your head? You know they're not just for propping sunglasses on? Are we bucked? I'm going to take up smoking? I don't know. I've only got about twelve more years. The buck Up podcast is hosted by me Kate Lanebrook and him Nathan Valvo. It's produced by the brilliant Sasha French Audio and sound by the magnificent Yack Lawrence you might call him Jack. And Dom Evans, Oh we're lucky.