The full story behind Kate's awkward moment at the Logies.
Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.
Imagine, if you will, that you are in a place of great beauty. Some teenage boys walk past you, they yell out, hey, bitch tits. The world you see is a place of paradox of beauty and cruelty. It will cut you off at the knees, then gift you a pair of easies. And that, my.
Friends, is why you always always need.
A buck up. Don dun, don't ju don't bonus hep da Bonusseppe our second only ever bonus appe yes first one. Nath velbo Hi, that's me and you are Kate Langbrook. And this roast potato. Let's not even mention it every again? People went mad for it. I reckon Now. Most of the time on this podcast is me admitting I was wrong. I admit I love it. I'm wrong a lot. Does Cody love it? He doesn't listen, and which is great that you're you know, he's a dabler. Here's a dabler. Months ago you said you were going to do a roast potato. Sorry, you're a fiddler. Yeah, what am I fiddling with? I'm a riddler. Oh you're dropping them right, I'm on a high you well, yeah is high. This is our second ever bonus atte because we need to speak about TV's because these loges so much happens. We have to break it down. Firstly, Yeah, I just I need to read an article that came across my life this week. Really is that? Okay? Sure, I'll just kick back. Okay, the headline really got me, by the way, and I don't love reading this out.
Why did you take that long pause and you're laughing? I think you are about to enjoy yourself when nor is it what I think it is going to be? Is it about me presenting?
Maybe? Yeah, I lift you up. I'm your biggest fan. You raise me out. I'm not happy about it. Don't take no joy headline. Kate lame Brook's comment falls painfully flat. Right, Yeah, what comment was that you could hear a pin drop? It continues?
You know what I literally heard. I literally heard from the room and I went, oh, they don't know what I thought they know? Continue, continue and set the scene. So this was at the logis and I was on stage with Dave Lawson.
I literally heard the room go like Scooby Doo and Dave Lawson is an actor on Utopia and also an old friend of mine. A lovely man, lovely man, lovely lovely man. So there's a whole lot of us for people who you know, may not know, who came through Triple Ar Together, which is a community radio station in Melbourne. You were doing the breakfast radio show.
I did Breakfast as painted Breakfasts after me. Dave Lawson, Angus Sampson, Dave O'Neill, Like, there's a whole lot of us that came through there.
So we've alcome good brethren. Yeah. Thing between us a brotherly love love that you could hear a pin drop and according to you also yeah. After Kate Lanebrook's bizarre comment on stage the logis which left her co presenter baffled. Take it Away's welcome to the stage from the Project Kate Langbrook and from Utopia Dave Lawson, I'm playing that's great. I love that music though even though I don't like Maybe I'll tell you another time about my war with Maybe should have said that everybody And Dave Lawson, yep, I didn't think you'd agree to do this because I didn't think you liked strong women. Mate. I'm very happy here, Kate, thank you for that. We're thrilled to competition do you hear the crowd? All right now, Nathan Valvo, Yes, Kate, you didn't understand it, did you? I in the in the moment, no, no, But then I gave it a minute and I have a theory. Okay, all right, do you want do you want I tell you my theory? Yeah? Yeah, yeah. First and let me just say this, let me be the first person to say I just had assumed, because everybody in the room was showbies, that people would have a knowledge of showbies. Yeah. And who is wife? And who is wife is? Yes? Nave ding d play the Muslia. Dave Watson, of course, is married to Sarah Snook, who plays HIV on Succession, Chief Roy chiv Roy. Yes, jaf Roy is the bad assist female character I can recall, I would say probably the biggest show in the last decade. Yes, so, and I and very few people have not seen Succession or at least.
About about it, right. And Sarah Snook has taken the world by storm. In the Taking of the World by Storm, she fell in love with Dave Lawson, who's been a mate of hers for years. They went into lockdown together, they got married, they've now got.
A baby together. So my joke was Dave Lawson won't like and also it's a double joke. Really.
One is that people alrea talk about strong women as though there are weak women. Huh, Like, why don't ever people talk about the weak women? Start calling out the weak women? But it's always like, strong woman, I am a strong woman. You're a strong woman.
Well, I think next year ready. So it was partly that, but it was also a joke because he's married to Shive, right, And that's a funny joke, a great joke, but a terrible joke because I think three people got it yes, and the rest of the room literally went ooh. And the way that people do not their fault obviously obviously not to show these people not know what time was it? By the way, it was quite late ten. You've been there since what time? Oh my god, since four o'clock. I didn't hate it. And if I was there, there would have been four people laughing, not three. No, but you said you didn't get it too well, Amend saying he would have just give me a supportive love. This reminds me of This reminds me of Anne Edmunds, who has a story once where a lady came up to her after a gig and said, you were funny, but I didn't think you were funny at the time. Well that was it what that means anyway, so I had said. Also, there was no element of surprise to Dave Lawson, so I'd said to Day beforehand, because the script that they've given us was a real straighty one age. What was that script? It was for Competitive Reality? No, I meant, did they type you up see the viewer? They just gave us. We all think that you walk out and read a tally prompt and were written in. So you're written. My joke wasn't written in. What was What was written in was something about Competitive Reality contestants they have a really hard time from deceit and something to blah blah to dealing on the block, dealing with real estate agents. Right, So that was the joke. Not bad. It was all right.
Disappointed because my girlfriend was actually writing for the logs and I thought she would have given me a bit.
More, bit better hi.
So but it was fine, right, And so beforehand I said to Dave when we were backstage, I said, listen, I've got this idea for a cute little joke, but tell me if you're on board with it, right, And so I told him and he goes, oh yeah, chuckles, he's very quiet, and you know anyway, chuckles, and he goes, maybe I could say, oh, these something strong women everywhere now these days, or something like that, and then he went on, I better not say that. I'll get canceled, right, And I went, I don't think you would. But still I didn't fair enough anyway. So when I went out there, I knew that he was on board and that he was going to say something.
But then he didn't say anything. So it's his fault. This is all day Lows. It's fault be kind, lovely, talented Dave Walks, who everybody loves. Why do you hate women? Until this point? I do you hate strong women? Mate? Why breaking gate Lane Brooke down?
Anyway, So that was the story of that, And I thought when I was at the project, which was earlier this week, like they didn't even ask about it, but I think they were embarrassed.
For me, or they thought that I'd be to have this chat. Of course we do if we would have this chatter, and also there would be a story behind it. Of course, this story now we know Dave Lawson's fault. Dave fault is d ed so before this is a bonus ept, so very very quickly before we let everyone go and enjoy their Saturday. Yes, just you know me. You know I love award ceremonies. Me to ask me anything. Okay, you've been to the logis a lot. I have been to the Fay you reckon? Oh look, I don't know maybe ten? Have you ever won a logi or the panel? The panel? One for the panel? I won, and in fact I had the logo at my house. But why did I give it the working job? Because you let me take it as a strong wine. They weren't resting it after me. You hear that Dave is a strong woman. So the day starts early. Yes, and all ever hear from people that go to the logos is that's yeah, it's long. You know what is long?
It's not that even the night is that long, which it is. But otherwise I'm always like to people, well, what awards would you drop? The ones that you're not interested in?
I could name a few, Okay, name one. In Memoriam off your pop in Memoriam, you're bringing down the vibe. Wilson Jesus okay, okay, all right, there you go. See there you go. No, I love in memoriam altho cut that out. I know we're not. We're leaving it in if I can do my You see, that's the thing. You always think that there's something you could lose. You could hear a pin drop when I said that.
But that's the thing you always people are always interested in their own fish.
That's true.
But it's just that everything else starts so early, like two hours on the red carpet.
You're on the red carpet for two hours nearly. It was crazy. That's crazy. It's kind of nice because people turn up to say hello and get photos. Now what do you get fed? This is what I want to know. These are the things people want to know. I believe it should be chicken or beef chicken like a wedding. Sure they did beef or fish? No, thank you, and I wanted the bee. Who wants the fish? Nobody wants? Do they do that every second person gets well they were supposed to, but then had to have beef. Huh because he needed Halal's fish, not Halal. I think he just wanted the beef. He got the beef. So then we went beef fish second man to Ruin Kate and I was his date. My god, I was his beard officially. Unofficially you went to represent the project ould suppose if you're going to get technical or they just want to kline Brook at the logan. Yeah, I think just myself star power. Well I don't love it that but it was fun. Yeah, I mean it was awesome. So you're getting the beef. You get the beef, you got the beaf, No, I got the fish. Well he took the beef.
And then for some reason they were all I should have said, I'm halal to, I better have that beef.
On the way, you're bombed on to day you had no energy bomb an. Hang on, I've got to digest you did bomb. I'm making your career out of did did did? Did about bad? Bad bad? Anyway? Failing upwards? You failed upwards. I don't think you've held at all. That article was this but that particular news site that I read that headline off completely obsessed with you. You are in there most week. Hang on, who write the article? I'm not too sure. Do we have a name? Is it? No? We don't have a name, because every time you do the project every Tuesday Wednesday morning, you're popping up something. I mean, I think you've got you got we all remember you got in there saying kangaroos are hot. Oh yeah, kangaroo's are hot. It yes, all right? Ask me about the line. So you've had you had your fish, you had my fish and at our next table was they are freedmen? Huh? Bruno happened? Drad the producer Asher Keady, who I love? Can I say something to everything listening? I know Australians can be very hard Australian made TV show. Yes, people have attitude about it. Correct people correct rightly. So sometimes most of the time. Yeah, every now and then there is a bloody goodie. I know what you're gonna say. Katy's new series Let's Sat Together Fake is the best Australian TV show I have seen in a while. I agree. It is so good, so good. She is her with Wimm, so good. She's a true story about a woman being gas lit by a man. And my god, that show so good. Was that nominated Dating Him? Yeah? No, yeah, she was nominated. No, it was nominated for the Mere Yeah, she was nominated for Strife. Strife, She's been in everything, and everything's so nominated for anyway, I don't know, I don't know her old Byer. She was there with her husband Vince, and then who else. Well, that was just fun.
It was we were right down the front, right in front of the stage, so we couldn't be naughty.
Champagne's opening monologue was paying kill so good, Killer so good. Absolutely love that mass joke. One of the best jokes I've ever heard of. The log is also didn't land was that the one about them being waiters? No, no, the one about saying TV's gone so far that everyone does anything on reality TV like licking anuses. But enough about the married at first sight? Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, he did another joke, a math's waiter joke. I think they're bombed, not bombed. But here's the thing about humor. It's not guaranteed. I tell myself that every time I walk. Yeah, it's not guaranteed. And this is why dramas always win awards Famously, a comedy has never won an Academy Award, crazy because anyone can put on a nose made out of putty and make people cry. Speaking about Nicole in the Hours, aren't you I'm not fake in that show and she won the Oscar? How would you get a friend? I would never have a go at kid? Who would? I? Did? You just did? She told me I'm having to go at her in the hours she chucked on a fake nose and won an Oscar. I know, and I was yes anyway, But you know what I mean. The point is that it's easy. Everyone knows what a drama is. It doesn't need to have anything explained, or you don't need to. It doesn't heat differently. People are snobby.
But with comedy because comedy is so imprecise, there's no blanket comedy, which is one for Pang to do. What he did is incredible.
Yeah, and I you know, in showbiz circles it's often spoken about when you perform to people in showbiz there is no harder room because one they think they could do better. Everyone always everyone thinks they can do better. Two they're jealous that you're up there and they're not. Yeah, so they're like, how did she get booked? Howd he get that? And they're always like, am I going to get mentioned? Do I want to get mentioned? If I get mentioned? Am I happy about it? What are they going to say about you, So they're on edge as well as cameras everywhere. Yes, Also the show is shining lights on people's faces so they can be seen on camera, so no one's relaxed. No, no one see if they were with their backstraight, pretending they're having a good time. It's alf room. I had a great time. Yeah, I mean you had a great lough to so it went. Is there an after party? There's an after party official? Yeah, official. And they used to do all separate after parties, so every network would do their own after party, which was really terrible because it meant that you couldn't see your friends, or you're always trying to get into someone else's party or get people into yours. And now they do one after party.
Which is just so fun and like a schooly sort of thing, like with a like very moby dj K and just drinks on a bar and it's fun.
Some people. Some people make rumors that the toilets are a busy, busy time. For certain you're busy celebrity is doing certain things to make the night pop along. Is that a real ruler? People just act like that celebrities now, of course, but that's real that's going on. I mean years ago, we had a babysitter who did cocaine at my husband's nightclub and we were like wow, wow, while she was babysitting. No, No, she wasn't.
She'd gone to my husband's nightclub and then she did cocaine and we were sort of like, oh, we.
Don't know how to feel about that. Do you know what I mean? The whole countries are washing drugs. I don't know why. People are just pretending. Well people, it's more exciting. It's thrilling to hear our favorite Home and Away stars are racking up in the dunnies. I want to see Irene Away pop it into the disabled with the key? Would she be there with alf alf I? Reckon? They don't they need help. It's a long night anyway. That's so. I think people enjoy the night in a number of ways, in a number of ways. Yeah, come to the next Next year, the buck Up will be presenting an award. You will when they've made this war they made when they made a film about her, Oh yeah, a drama. Kate lane Brook will be played by Nicole Kidman, who wears.
The buck Up podcast is hosted by me Kate lane Brook and him Nathan Valvo. It's produced by the brilliant Sasha French Audio and sound by the magnificent Jack Lawrence you might call him Jack.
And Dom Evans, Oh we're lucky.