The Brooklyn Boys SLICE TIME for Ep. #316

Published Nov 19, 2024, 2:51 AM

The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #316 and earlier.

Brooklyn Boys Podcast Slice reactions.

This podcast all depends on you, baby.

Free and it is Brooklyn Boys Slice time for episode three sixteen.

And before I heard a.

Little flavor flame there from you, I heard a little Brooklyn boyem boys.

I heard a little boy. Yeah, we've been getting a lot of response. Man, look at this. They'll loaded up. The talkbacks are loaded up right now. And this crazy day we didn't have a lot. Then Tuesday we were loaded. But now we gotta jump on it now. Yeah, now we yeah, now we gotta get cracking.

But we gave we gave a homework assign so hopey people did their homework.

This is the companion episode of the Brooklyn Boys episode. This is not the main episode. If this is your first time listening, got always episode about the episode, the episode about the episode, Right, it's like talking to Brooklyn Boys. Yeah, And the only way you can leave it talking about fans. The only way you can leave one is if you listen to the iHeartRadio app and then you click on the microphone. All right, So for those who listen on Spotify, Apple Music, you beat well, then come over here and leave a talk back. Yeah you can, Yeah, you could listen on those on those platforms. But if you want to respond and be part of this crowd, this little group, this would you call this a cult? What do we call these people? The same the people that are regulars on Slice Time.

There are slice timers, timers, there's Slice Time, slicetimers time, a longtime listener, a Slice Time caller, exactly.

All right, let's get to some feedback. This is from episode three fifteen, the Double Flip and the poop Choot.

Hey guys, is Angel from California. You know, one time when I was young, you know, we used to live in Boyle Heights, but my pups, you know, he decided that we were gonna move to a little.

Bit better neighborhood, so he moved us to LC.

It ain't no but anyway, you know, when we used to live over her in bol Hikes, there was this lady man. I'll tell you what. She used to stick her nose and everything. I used to hate it. Her name was on your cookause she thought that she was the president of the homeowners association. And we and we didn't even have a homeowners association have The people in the neighborhood were not even homeowners.

We all rented, you know.

But one day my grandpa and his friend Enrique went over there and they took her some flowers and they talked to her, and I think they did what they called.

You call it a London bridge. Oh yeah, London bridge, that's what you call us. Oh that took care of everything.


She changed her ow out.

Look, she stopped sticking her nose and everybody's business. She came the nicest lady and the next So maybe that's what you gotta do with a lady Kelly and Conway, the one that goes to your house and sticks your knows in the business.

You know.

Tel scary to go over and uh, you know tickets friend.

Sixty day or what the other called the jet jet Jet Jet said, Brian, you know me, I can do a London bridge, and now you know that will change everything to stop messing with you.

That's a good idea ta get into consideration. It might just work.

Okay, take this opportunity to uh, I know what, I shouldn't do it, but I'm gonna do it anyway. It's a long way from now, but you know I want you guys, if you can, you can.

Go support my homeboy, will you or I saying.

Now, he's gonna be at Rodney's Comedy Club and eleven eighteen First Avenue in New York, Now York, Yeah, baby, on January tenth and the eleventh and seven thirty pm. Be there or be spare and don't worry. He can handle it. I know you guys are jingle for him. I feel like he's like slipping in these endorsements.

But he can handle it. I know you guys are weather in New York and we York.

You just got rough with your comics Daether, but you know, go support my homeboy.

Well leave what I'm saying now.

Okay, you can check him out on YouTube, Okay, but he's fun here in person. Okay, so check him out you Rodney's Comedy Club, Okay, all right? You would later have a great week and hopefully everything works out with the Kelly lady and she stops bothering you.

Brought it hey, By the way, the London Bridge for those of you who don't know what he's talking about, it's a it's a sexual term, but actually it's a misnomer because London Bridge is a flat little bridge, but the Tower Bridge of London is what they mean.

They mean the tower clif it's more like you look at the This is more like Mike, like the Eiffel Tower. No, yeah, the Eiffel Towers when you laying on your back. No, the Eiffel Tower is similar to this. If you both leave forward, if you both know that you're doing the high five, the high time is the right. That's what.

If you're just standing straight up, that's the Tower Bridge of London.

It's a sexual between two men and a woman. Not necessarily, that's usually how it's referred to, though, it depends on what neighborhood you're in. It could be it could be three. It's three people basically to two men people stand up.

Nope, yep, no, yes, it could be three guys. It could be a guy and two women.

No, I cannot be. It's got to be two guys and a woman. You want to let me see your illustrations after the show. You got it? Hey, Brook boys, what up?

It's your boy Asian Mike from a Long Island.

Hey, so scary?


I thought I was only one from last week when I heard the traffic plan then she cursed live on the air. I thought these traffic group puts are like pre recorded first and then and then they played over.

But damn, that was crazy when I heard that. Yes, I didn't realize.

I'm not sure my last one went through, but I was saying that did enter day and scary. On the Big Show, you were saying that you were going to be marching in the parade with your dad for the Wooden Warriors project. And I just want to say that my son was also dear and he was watching the school Saint John's Daniell's alma matter.

Oh yeah, I told him.

If he saw you, just say hi, which was which was going to be pretty cool. But he didn't say nothing when he came home yesterday.

But oh, well, yeah we were there. I mean, the parade was long, and well, if you're marching and you're on the move, you're only seeing the people in front of the back of you. You don't see that you're not seeing the parade on the On.

The flip side, if he didn't say nothing, then he did say something.

This is true.

This is true, So approach to you here episode three fifteen about the bitch Kelly, Uh, this is exactly why when I bought my house, I specific bought in an area with out in and in Florida.

That's not that easy to do.

But I was like, hell no, and never gonna someone tell.

Me how I live my life in my own house.

That's right, you don't have an hoa. There's no organization here. She just wanted to be snarky.

So basically she in case you didn't hear the episode, she walked by Brissa Brody's garage was open and thought it was that he was hoarding shit, and then it wasn't out of order, and that that basically she heard the episode.

Yeah, but okay, if you're listening to this lifetime, I heard the episode, all right, she was. She was making snide remarks about the stuff I've stored in my garage. You're not going to pass in this back exactly, and then an inspection email went out like three days later.

Did I update everybody on that? You did? I did update everybody? Right, Yeah, it's fine.

You guys know already, right, scholar from New Jersey. Okay, the car Mines or caral thing is at like two Brooklyn Boy episodes ago. Brody said that the only way he would come in early for like a morning show at SEE one hundred would be maybe if they're having car mines. And then he said, Oh, but what would really be nice is if you brought some home for me. Scary, So I'm putting it out there, Scary. You better either invite him to the car Mines breakfast or bring him some.

Yeah, that's great. I'll bring it back to my house and come over here and pick it up. That's fine.

Still, it's still easy than going into Manhattan for it, and it's also cheaper. Bring me some of that calamari and that chicken palm and big clams.

You really want that after it's been sitting out for a few hours and then it's wrapped up, and then it's it's.

Gonna kick it in the fridge and then you're going to bring it home. Yeah, but it's never the same on the reheat.

It's it's less than it saves me one hundred bucks Calamari on the reheat. On the reheat, certain things don't hold up. That's shut out, microwave, klamarai shangat French fries. Also, they don't travel well. Toast them up. You could bring Mike wave Colum. You could bring fries back to life.

Yeah, Yeah, there's waste to do it. He got an air friar. So here's what I'll do. I'll meet you outside the tunnel and you just give me the food.

Right there?

Boom, Okay, Reggie here, Okay. The middle name initial thing that David L. Brody About twenty or thirty years ago on the Fifteen Minute Morning Podcast, Brody was talking about his name, and he was telling everyone he wouldn't say it, but he said that it started within Hell, we're all still waiting thirty forty years later to find out the name.

It's not thirty.

First of all, the fifteen Minute Morning Show didn't start until like twenty nineteen, maybe right twenty eighteen.

Okay, So what does the L stand for in Brody? Leave me alone about it. That's what it stands for. Okay, you're not going to tell us now. I like that.

I like that.

Why I don't even know anyone was Lawrence Lawrence bro No, no Levigne. You gonna say no, no, no, uh no, Lawrence let no no really how about Lynn?


But I learned your middle name. I didn't know your middle name, yeah, Peter. But but what's the big deal with with David L. Brody? What's the big deal? Why don't you. I don't know. I was wondering why she said it. I don't know if she like was like, well, I probably left a cliffhanger out there, and then you never answered it. I left a dangling participle. Yeah, I left a dangler. Yeah, you did a little.

Maybe I'll mention it at some point, not on Slice time. Get on, Vali, I gotta have trumpet sounds or something.

It's not a big deal. You left a dingleberry. Yeah, okay, it's not a big deal. Go on.

MJ from NJ. Are you all right?

You're doing okay?

So you got a lot of advice about the cholesterol and everything else. Just you know, some water. It will be fine. Girl, you're doing it. You rock in this world.

Wait, she's talking. Oh she's talking to MJ. She's talking. But she didn't remind everyone who she was. That was yeah, Reggie, Okay, that was Reggie. It was Reggie.

Yeah, Brooklyn, boys, this is Louis from the Greater Atlanta area. This is for episode three point fifteen.


H hate to break this to you. This is in regards to the Apple trying to own you, sending you codes to your old Apple device. I hate to hate to break this to you, but Google does the exact same thing. Get read part two.

No, I don't.

Part two. This is Louis So I have a Gmail account and whenever I try to log into something, Google will try to have me authentic eate and they want to try to send it to me. Try to send me a code to my old eight year old LG Android phone they no longer have. And so that's exactly the same behavior that you're getting with Apple.

No, because they send it to your phone number.

For part three, we don't have to hold just keep talking. So I guess the question now remains is whether or not, Brody, if you'd like Android to take credit for this this type of behavior and Apple is just stopying them. Similar to like how you how the iPhones always are two years behind. Yeah, at least does with their things.

Right, So so Android you're responsible. Here's the thing.

I have an Android, so I know how they when they how they they verify when they want to do two step authentication, they text you or send you an email to your Gmail account. If they're sending a message to your old phone, that means they have your old phone number. They don't send it by device They don't like, oh, I'm gonna send to you your Galaxy seven from ten years ago or whatever it was.

They don't.

They don't go by device. They go by phone number. That's all. But Apple assumes I have other Apple devices that I want to go upstairs and go run and get and and turn on every time I want to log in. Ut they're very narcissistic. No, they should say would you like something to your device? Or would you like a text message? Okay, to which I will choose the text Listay, Brody, you.

Know there are bigger problems in life. I need to bring it up.

You did all the broadcast, say Brooklyn Boys, Saint Luke Brooklyn Boys. All right, so we said a little bit anyways, Caitlin from Baser with Luke Kenny. Sure, we're relistening to episode thirty seven, and Brody played the clip of scary interviewing gridw weird how you saw you at the airport with Yezilia.

And several years old and.

Just hearing you get ahead of your words and Starter and it's so cute because you love him so much. But I always laugh hysterically every time I hear that clip. It is a constant in my memory of my Brooklyn Boys and yeah, we love you guys, say say chow for now.

Huh, thank you.

He's like a pizza bagel. He's so small.

He's like a little little slice.

You buy him in a little frozen ones piece of bagels.

Like, is he a sliver? He'd be a sliver slice. He's a sliver.

Hey, we should play the waight out clip for people that haven't gone all the way back.

Maybe on the next episode of the Brooklyn Boys. Why don't you bring that home?

Okay, it should be on your phone by the it is Yeah.

Okay, high bie boys, It's Rifka from Brooklyn. Just wanted to put my entry in First Lifetime Homework. I was picked last for Jim in high school at my all girls' school. It was this ball game called mah and I Am.

I think that's what it's called.

Was a while ago.

Anyway, I sucked, so I understand why I was picked last, but uh yeah, brought back some bad memories of feeling shitty.

Anyways, Yeah, that'll do that. Here's guy.

I always picked you as someone who'd be good at Macharaim scary. On the other hand, he doesn't have the coordination for the Makarina.

No, hey mam, hello be boys, it's Riskay, Brody, Scary actually had your back on the Big Show.

I could be wrong.

I'm not sure if I'm remembering everything correctly, but all I know is that Diamond was giving Scary ship because I think she wanted to go to the game and Elvis. Everyone was like, well, who are you going with? And and Scary was like, oh, I'm going with Brody, And then like all of a sudden, everyone kind of like stopped talking about it.

Funny, but I'm.

Pretty sure Scary had your back.

I sure did, did Plague. Apparently they an't like Silent, so they found out that I got Jets tickets and then they were trying to grill me on the air. They will Diamond, who was upset because she's a Jets fan. Danielle is a Jets fan. They're all Jet fans in the in the room, and they're no business go to a Jet game. He's a Giants fan. First of all, that holds no weight. Fuck everybody who thinks that that you can't go to a sport just because because honestly, you get tickets, you go. If you're a fan of a sport, go to the sport. If you're not, you may become a fan of a sport, but you don't have to go just because it's not your team. I go to Yankee games all the time, so that that holds that you go to Yankee games all I have, Oh, I mean I have over the years. But that's no excuse. So so yeah, so Diamond is like, you shouldn't be taken. Who I should be going to that game? Not you? And who you taking? And I'm like taking Brodie the ultimate Jets fan. Yeah.

And by the way, once you mentioned my name as going that, Trump said, Trump's everything because we're Brooklyn Boys co hosts.

We're boys.

It's not like he was bringing some unknown person.

Saw the connection right away, okay, and then we moved on. It totally makes sense.

Plus, you probably don't want to keep talking about me because it all the text messages like we love Brody.

You know it is.

Well, I apologize, Diamond. The good news is they lost.

What are we talking about? We had three commercials right there. I'm sorry you guys.

Remember I was gonna I was gonna reset Diamond in law the Jets last, so you didn't miss out. I mean, we had a lot of good free food. We'll talk about on the Brooklyn Boys. We ate like kings, we sat like kings. We hung out with celebrities, well one celebrity, but that story we'll talk about.

That's all other stories. Brody embarrassed himself, No I didn't, well, no I did not, And he has no idea that you called him. We'll talk about Brody embarrassed the hell out of me. Folks.

All right, guys, here, I have a little homework for you. It's it's not political. Well it's a politician, but it's not political. If you haven't already watched jd Vance ordering donuts, it's a famous clip from about a month and a half ago where he's awkward and doesn't know what to say to the people buying, then go watch search for jd Vance or his donuts and then listen to the way he talks to the people behind the counter and how he doesn't really know what like to make conversation. Because I'm gonna reference it on the next episode, because Scary pulled, uh pulled that routine the football game.

Okay for sure, all right, and Brody and Brody literally, oh, I don't want to give matter. I don't want to give It was a celebrity, but it was the wrong celebrity. It's a good thing though, similar names. That's all Brody talk about. Brody is so embarrassing. I know, I'm not because you didn't know, and I didn't know. I know, but but you I didn't say anything, and you yelled the wrong thing. All right, we gotta go. I did, Okay.

Then I was curious about the whole daylight saving thing with Europe. I actually googled it while we were I was listening to the possible earlier and it turns out that most of your with exception to like Russia and Turkey and a couple of other like Armenia countries, they're the only ones that don't follow it, so they actually go by the same thing that.

We do there. That's right, but not the third countries in.

The world followed daylight saving, and most of them are in Europe, so uh, just the heads up there, thank you. They do follow it, so yes, I would have been right. Is wrong, And the whole paison fest sounds like a bunch of you know, Scooby dudes over there. They fucking I hate those types of Italians.

They're not real Italians, don't really, you know, they've got the ghoul Italians.

And you you aren't.

Is wrong?

Thank you, thank you, Vinny. A couple of things.

Sorry, I love the vinnieklin is insulting the Paison's.

I love that. But here's the thing. Number one, I said it on the podcast. Isn't that the pot calling the kill black? Viny Vinny, It's like, I hate those kind of Italians? Which ones you talking about? Well, he doesn't like that they say gobbagool. He probably says capacola. All right. Anyway, I said it on the podcast that Europe celebrates. I did look it up.

And also it was two's two weeks earlier, so it wouldn't have affected a football game and the time change unless it was all on the same day, which it's not. So I was not wrong, and I also corrected myself on the podcast.

And Vinnie Vinny also also, what embarrassed me with Brody at the football game? Then what did you yelling out, Vinnie? I did not yell. Yes, you did, no, I said, vin that's a teaser, all right, it's an I love you, Vinnie, thank you.

Different from Brooklyn Again, I know I did a few of these already. It's a funny story about the paddy wagons.

In New York City.

Long story short, Midtown Manhattan. I come through the mid Town Tunnel and I see this cop pull over a in a Patty wagon pull over an accurate TL And while he had him pulled over, one of the other cops in the car sees my call, all black tinted out, and he uh, he tells me to roll down my wind and me and my friends, this is twenty five years ago about we were doing something.

That we shouldn't have been doing, if you know what I mean.

And I almost got arrested that night, but the sergeant went easy on me and just gave me a ticket for a failure to display my inspection sticker in my window. But paddy wagons can absolutely pull you over, all right, I us you don't.

But if they want to be dicks, they can. They can. They have the authority to.

By the way, we pulled up into a parking lot at the football game and I pulled up my Black Dogs charger and scal pulled up in his beamer and a police officer happened to be standing in the parking lot and he goes, oh, it's a nice call to me at to SCIO's nice cause because we pulled in together.

He's I'm surprised your windows are tinted. Would look cool, I said, Officer, isn't it illegal? Yeah, but it would look cool. Exactly. You know what, the officer, It looks cool. You're still get a ticket. Exactly.

Hey, Brooklyn Boys, Jamie Food Jamter, you guys asked if we were picked lass in sports as kids. Well, I've always been terrible at sports, I admit it, and stupidly. In college I took a basketball class. Well, usually people would split off into three on three games during the class, but no one ever wanted me on their team because I was terrible. Well, one day, two women who were good at basketball pulled me aside and actually spent the whole time showing me how to improve. Okay, Jamie from Queens again, you guys were talking about tipping when you're standing at a counter and ordering the food.

Yeah, for me, it depends on the place.

There are a lot of mom and pop restaurants around where I live, and a lot of them have.

Very nice people, very good food. So if I get sixty.

Seven cents, or a dollar twenty five and change. I'll drop it in the tip container because I'd rather help them out than some big chain place.

Okay, I think I don't know if I understand that logic, but okay, yeah, they own the place, right, You're.

Already given them money, given them money owners. It's like I want to pay more for my food. That's you know, whatever, what makes you happy?

Whatever it is I think I see becomes.

A too Ceo to me to zero, how I love you, talk goody to to zeerol.

I think I'm in love with you. Whatever it is, I think I see, thank you, it.

Comes up to sero to me.

We tried Victoria from Brooklyn.

Thank you, Victoria. We asked you to send your your earworm jingles from when you were a kid, and that that was one of my childhood too.

I think we were talking about specifically businesses that have jingles in your town.

But that's okay, that's a national one. That's a national one.

Yeah, we were talking about like a car dealerships, front of stares, you know.

Regional things. But that's okay. But that was fine. It was a great great It was the first time somebody just sang to us.

Like that, and that was like animated commercial right where everything was a Totsy roll.

The train was a totsy roll roll.

Brody is scary, never scary and Brody this is well from CT.

I completely agree.

The Daylight Savings is the dumbest thing ever they need to know on that crap, Brody, those pickleball characters are like a bunch of children scary as right. You should write a children's book about all of them, little Brody and the Pickle Crew. And to go to your one of your last points about the getting pick glass in the sports, I was always that kid, yep, because I'm a big guy. I always got pick glass. But then I ended up surprising everyone and like I'm not half bad.

But those exactly thank you got cut off at mid fund.

Those people we knew what he was gonna say.

Boys Sam from Saint Louis and a three fourteen, What Brody could have done in Scary's apartment, I think you should have hit his microphone maybe see how long it takes them to find that. But I listen, my brother I had three pop figures every time in his house and there is one that he still has not been able to find. And it's been hidden since last summer and drive some crazy.

So that could have been fun. FU you guys.

That wouldn't have been fun for the slices because I wouldn't have been able to connect the better would We wouldn't have even been able to do a podcast. But okay, it's the Brooklyn Boys podcast with Brody.

And by the way, somebody dm me and told me I should have taken a dump in your tub in your shower.

Oh that's not that's not much style. That's terrible. That's awful. You got no way to get it out. It's like it's Skyler from New Jersey.


Instead of constantly sparing Brody from having to split a bill with your friends having to be witnessed to someone who's not gonna like at an Italian from festival about you just invite him to everything and let him decide if he wants to go. Yes, Reggie here, I really wish Brody was invited to all these events scary because honestly, we'd have more stories on the podcast.

Yes, and not just pickleballs at home depot and customer service fights and the Jets game. We did go to the Jets game. We we definitely, we definitely had a moment on site.

And I don't go to home depot as much as I used to since I don't have a home.

I spent the whole I spent the whole day with Brody. But yes, yes, we would definitely have more than Facebook marketplace rants and Brody customer service issues and he came to everything. Did I talk about a lot more than that?


I don't.

I'm talking around.

By the way, Wy'd I tell you about the the somewhat disagreeing argument I had with a with a with a nurse today on the phone. You tell me, you'll tell me I'm wrong, but the slices will know I'm right.

It's me again. You'll figure it out. So one of the Facebook groups, a woman posted saying that she stopped listening to Brooklyn Boys because Brody was complaining like what, I said, Yo, that's the bit that he's doing that on purpose. She said what Then she said, wait, so it's not real? So I said, well, oh.

No, no, no, it's really Wait on part.

Three summarizing plots of movies he once saw, and you're supposed to guess which movie it came from and let them know, and she said, oh, I had no idea, go back and listen again.

Okay, right, well, hopefully he's not listening to this, because then she just heard what you know, by the way episode one, I'm sure I complained about something.

That's just a stick. That's me. That's what he does. I mean, that's who I am. Man, if you listen to this long, you didn't just notice I you know, finally an episode three sixteen had dawned upon me, Brody, you complain too much. I'm not listening anymore. I was watching Seinfeld, and then by episode eight I realized that Kramer's kind of wacky.

Boys, it's Caitlin again from being sure.

I've been meaning to call in about this. Something that really grinds my gears is when people say I have multiple different blah, you have multiple different colors.

It's the Department of redundancy department. That's right, that's you're being multiple different Oh my god.

It grinds my gears again.

Just a small no love you guys, all the small things they all add.

Up, are ye, Blake ready too old?

It may seem that you are not repeating all of the benefits of the lions main uffron.

As you continue to forget playings.

On m a regular basis, I am here to assure you that does certain spike and forgetfulness is an indication all of the properties of the main mushrooms are beginning to absorb.

Deep into the bus of the.

Optum pore lobe that will soon stimulate your hippocomforts, which plays a crucial laws and processing consolidating and retributing vital information deep within your brain.

Just think of it. It's a forest fire.

First, the higher clowns and burns everything, and out of the ground comes new growth. That is what's happening deep within the carpore lobe in your brain.

A strong stroll, do not give.

Up, endure and you will see the full potential of the Lion's main mushroom.

So continue to send in your seven to nine am not of high plus taxes, shipping and handling for your three months high of the Lion's.

Main mushroom, and you will see the power that will be only for you.

At least do it until the.

End of this month, for I need to buy all my little grasshoppers many many gifts.

Oh my goodness, that's the effect. A musing was a little lot by the way. Wait, here's one more. That way is right by the way.

Oh, and missusco, may I suggest that please no dip and flip at the table.

That is no word, okay.


But by the way, I think he's from the same part of the world as the trucker you see, our friend from San Diego from Yuh.

All right, well, thank you? And oh I think he knows the guy from Omaha too, So yeah, to update you, Yes, I'm still taking the the the mushrooms, the Lion's made mushroom. I moved on to Courtisceps so cordyceps the virus in in uh, the last of us.

Scary sent me a video of a guy eating a Lion's made mushroom chicken sandwich. Is that you, Scary that sent it to me? But that was a slice? Did I send it to you? You must have been attached to it the guys. First of all, they call it a chicken sandwich made of mushrooms. Then it's not a chicken sandwich made of mushroom. It's a mushroom sandwich.


Why is there so much dead hair at the end of this episode?

Oh, Scary fucked up? Is there really dead air? At the end of the episode, doll scared fucked top? Really? What episode three sixteen? I didn't know that. Wow, I gotta check that something. What awry?

Hey for Jamie from Queen's Again, you guys were talking about living not pumping gas. Brody, you were so right about me. I don't pump my own gas. But that's because I don't need to. I don't drive. I've never driven a car. I've never wanted to learn. I don't intend on.

The Oh, oh my god, Jamie, it's the great.

So yes, I don't pump my own gas because I have no car to put gas into.

Okay, Jamie, cars a freedom. Tell that to my car when you want to come and go. Tell that to my girlfriend. She doesn't drive, she has no car, never got a line. Alien, she's not allowed drive. She's just alien. She's just like Jamie from Queen We I mean Robin doesn't even know how to drive a car. Nope, she says she too. She says she's too nervous.

She shouldn't be nervous. He's a very capable woman. She should be She says, I'd be too nervous to drive.

Hey, scary and Brodie. This is Maddie from Queen's Brodie. I'm just curious who pumps your wife and your three daughters gas. We all pump our gas, Brodie. You may not see it, but there are plenty of us out there that pump our own gas. We don't always rely on a man. We can and do pump our own guess.

Hold on, I understand that I would never have said that women don't pump their own gas.

I said that.

That men live for cars, and that they they're more apt to do car things. And I know a lot of people who don't teach their daughters how to pump gas. But we're in Jersey. Well, you don't pump your own gas. They pump it for you. I taught my kids had to pump gas, so they're not a pump gas all right. And my wife grew up in New York, so she absoutely knows how a pump gas. Of course she doesn't lamb from Ohio if it came out well last week, did no?

It sounded like an asshole in audio format. Oh, by the way, you said the man squirts soaping your hands. I've laughed so hard on that that sounds mad dirty anyway.

It was intended to be dirty.

I have a good day.

Thank you Liam again, Brodie, that's your entire life existence.

How about this move to Italy start your whole life over.

What are talking to you?

You're rating Spike to number one podcast and I'm pretty sure you're not going to see an asshole every time you step outside.

That's the best option you got, right, What are we talking about?

Liam again? I'm just wondering if Daniel's son loves you or podcast. I've never heard him put his two cents in? Is a contract?

What is it?

Just let me know?

All right?

Yeah, Well, Spencer actually saw him a couple of weeks ago and he basically he's listening and his girlfriend also listens. So his girlfriend is also a Slice.

But he doesn't need to call and leave messages that he's low key that way, I'd.

Like to hear from him, Spatty. If you're listening to hear Danielle, leave me talk back, Yeah, Danielle, let us know. Spenny's on his way back to England. He is, now, let us know what up he is in England.


By the time the Slices want to hear from you. Stephen from Rockland County scary.

I'm very happy to see that you finally invited David Roderi to something. You didn't invite him to paies on Palooza, you didn't invite him to Delfrisco for the State Dinner yep. So at least you invited him to something, even though he's the only Jets fan that you could think of.

And that's why you invited him.

And I don't want to know what this man has done to you.

Thank you.

He's a great guy. He writes great parenties, he's a great joke. Just to finish my thought, he's a great guy. I don't understand what your issue is with him. He's a great friend. From what I can tell, he's a man of the people earth. I think you owe him a little bit of an explanation and the slices of explanation. And as far as the daylight saving time thing goes, we've got to get rid of this. It's not doing anybody any good and it's just messing everybody's brain upend causing him stress.

All right, let's get rid of that. You're absolutely right, you're saving daylight. You're not saving daylight.

And Brody would have been my first pick no matter what. When it comes to the Jets, and we've got to several Mets games together, come on with a lot of Mets games, because again he doesn't know what they're the Mets fans. Well, that's not true. I know a lot of Met fans I know, and I know some Jet fans. But yes, you're right, but there are certain instances there. I just Brody doesn't belong and believe me, I'm making the right decision on his behalf and he doesn't.

And I overlap for some things. But the event diagram, the outside part of the ven diagram, like the things I do. That's like Sky wouldn't go to pickle ball. No, they wouldn't go to like sci fi, I wouldn't go six Scar is a new Marvel movie. I'll come with me.

I'm saying it wouldn't go to a Marble Parties involved a lot of grief by locificladies. Involved not inviting Brody to ser Now you make it sell like yellow. People be bothered by my appearance. They love me. That's what they tell you to your face.

The Brooklyn Boys Podcast.

We will be right.

Back, Oh man. We have a lot of these today we have a lot. I'm actually impressed the slices came correct.

They did the homework. They really They only got one singing jingle so far.

Hello Brooklyn Boys. It's Jennifer from Pompano Beach, Florida. Just wanted to answer some homework assignments. Number one, I do have two O'Reilly auto parts in my area, brick and mortar stores. It's actually pretty big stores. And number two, I am about four foot eleven and about one hundre and fifteen pounds forty four years old, and I know how to change my tire. I can also change my oil and my air filters. I also have changed a nineteen seventy eight carburetor on a Camaro from a two barrel to a flour barrel when I was younger. So I'd like to think I know a lot. Sometimes I just can't get the look.

He's mass too.

She's Marissa Toomee from uh my cousin Vinnie, my cousin NNI's you knows everything.

That's great. I love it. Yeah, scary, can't change a tire. A little spitfire there. I like that.

Hey, Brooklyn Boys is caring a hotel for pa going off of what you guys are talking about with the weight and measured person, and actually a little bit deeper than that. I'm a fuel hauler, so I hauled gas fees, all kind of stuff like that. And the weight to measure people they actually come to the terminals where we get our gas well patrolling prongs from, and they have to calibrate all those things to make sure that the terminals are giving the proper amount.


Part two come up right after that. Part two right here.

So the way to measure.

People also go to gas stations and verify that whatever producty you're getting the dollar amount to gallons per dollar is dead on balls accurate really, and if it's not, the gas station has to shut down until that is rectified. Otherwise they are legally not allowed to sell gas.

How do you guys take care? I didn't know that, all right.

Yeah, the ways that measures people are very important. However, they can't pull me over and give me a ticket.

Yeah, even though they look like a police car, they look like a police car.

Hey, Brooklyn boys, m jacom men jam doing my walk ping as usual, just se lifetime. Thank you again, Donnie. I did mention him before, but I guess I think my thing was empty the file. So, like I said, I don't know if he's getting I know you do get it, but then sometimes you need not get it. All right, I'm just hoping everybody just calms the hussing. I know I was doing the same thing. All those people deserve it. Fucking me again. Yeah, because we're kind of with you guys, especially the Kelly fuck the pickleboard pickleball bitches. I thought it was in the building too, Like Scary Shid, I thought the same thing.

So that's good.

You're not going to run into them. You gotta do something with that Kelly person. I agree with have the dog shit on, hold on, but she's got a camera and then she'll get in trouble for the But anyway, thanks for all the laughter. You guys. Make me pay the slices, make me Paich Cowboy truck, I love him.

It's me again.

I'm playing it anyway. Welcome new people, Alabama Girl and anyone else that's new displace time.


We're not going to get mad at you guys. I know people still have fights with Reggie and Jet Dez and Jamie. Jamie's so sweet. Everybody is good. I'm glad that you have this cowboy trucker cracks me up. One velde everyone I'm going to times in this house.

She's like a Walmart greeter. If we could provide a light and a laugh, well, we hope things get better for we m Jael, and we can provide those things, then we've done our job.

Thank you, Rody and scary license plate conversation. In the great State of Iowa, we have what's called a blackout plate. It's just a black plate, white lettering. Why do we have some one of those things? Well, islands where we have a choice of over like fifty varieties of plates to choose from universities and all that stuff. And Dort College d u r DT was a black plate with white lettering, and people like that blackout.

Let's continue this on part two.

So they were taking that Dort College plate and getting a bracket and putting it around it and.

Covering up Dort College.

Well, that's illegal to cover those things up.

So the state up I always said.

You know what, you on a blackout plate, We're gonna get you a blackout plate. So now we could do a blackout plate. Uh, you could look it up. I don't know if that were the first ones to ever do it. Don't tweet me, uh but uh.

Yeah, look at that.

Don't tweet them.

Uh your congressman, get your blackout.

Plate all right night blackout plates. Okay, I'm looking at it right now. I googled it. Yeah, I gotta get one of these. Actually, my black dogs. Charge of this would look awesome. Wow, black on black I love it. Hey Book, give me a heart attack. I saw this.

Bernie is scary again. Anyways, this is your yearly talk back where Humad says.

Nope, fuck them.

You're going to change hours twice a year. Don't care anywhere. These tucking people can't get their ship together and agreed on something, let alone our daily savings time. So fuck them, Hey Book and boy Bob on this. I saw this, Bridie and scary, So brody, me said, seventy five now three hundred are we're gonna get her? Watch you play in a tournament and you're signing up for a can we go cheer you?


Rody, Brody, let me know, bro it would be fun to watch play one of this out Hey Brooke on this and so it's brody and scared. So it's scary question.


There's this new social app out there. I know you haven't gotten your name on it. Blue just checked, So are you gonna go check it?


Uh huh and then awkwardly post about it. Huh huh.

Let me know the app.

His name is Blue Sky. That is this. By the way, Brody, are you over a year ago? Would you have the slices come to one of your matches? Would you indvices? Absolutely not? Okay, there goes only because they'd be bullying and people going, that's pickleball Patty, that's pickleball Tracy. There's resting bitch face right, you'll get proty in trouble. Yeah, this statue, Steve. Yeah. And as far as the app, blue Sky, uh signed up checked it out. I don't like it. So you had your name right, I got my name. Uh, it's gonna go. It's gonna do. It's gonna go the way the threads. People are gonna care about it for two minutes. Oh I know about that first and wins the immutable laws of marketing. Twitter wins in that category. Yeah, but you're gonna have a second choice. You can't have a third. That's why Master Don and tribal didn't work. This guy came out a year ago. I'll tell you why Blue Sky was smart. They did what Gmail did. Remember when Gmail first came out, you couldn't get it. You gotta get an invitation from people like I gotta get I got. You went crazy. You were dying for Jim, But I wasn't dying for Blue Sky.

I know, but that they did the same marketing where you had to get an invitation. People are to send me a code. Send me a code blue Sky in case you don't know, it's for people that hate Twitter and hate Elon Musk right now and they needed something else.

I love Elon, so I'm not I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying with Twitter. Twitter is the original, It's the og. It's where seventeen thousand times more people than Blue Sky and Threads and all these other ones put together on terrible. But they're all awful.

But blue Sky is at least has a better layout and more functionality than Threads, Threads and shit.

I don't know. I just I don't have time in my life for another social I barely have. I'm trying to I'm trying to be better on TikTok, which is where I really should be focusing my energies because that's where everybody is. But I can't. I can't. It's like Instagram and then sometimes Twitter and a little bit of time Facebook, but that's it. I don't have I don't have the bandwidth or the capacity to look look at all these other ones. Be real? What happened to that one? Be real is sitting there and I don't even go near it. I just don't have the time. But that that was a fad, like film yourself right now, it's gonna be theg Is that the one you to film myself right now? Yes? And the same thing with the same thing for Facebook, I mean Facebook. For me, I'm barely on there. I barely. I'm awful. I'm I'm I don't keep up to date with anything except Instagram and trying to do better on TikTok. Otherwise you barely catch me, you know, even on Twitter. I've kind of faded outside anyway. Whatever, No, none of that for me, All of it, well, I don't know. I don't have a job, so I have time.

Bring it on, boys, is Tee White. It's going to be a multi parter about picking teams in sports. So I am pretty good at basketball, but when you step on a court and you see me, you know, I'm a tall black guy, I look like I'm good at basketball. I know, whatever, stereotypes whatever, it's relevant. So we had a three on three tournament. I had two friends from the city I grew up with who we played basketball together. So we're like, oh, we'll sign up together. But one of my friends had a class, so he's like, I'll come late, but grab somebody and then I'll join in once I get back from class. So we're signing up and a kid comes up who who's a short, skinny Asian kid. Again relevant, not who you would typically say, Oh, this guy's great at basketball. So he comes up and he's like, yeah, you guys have two I've been trying to get on a team. No one will add me to their team. Can I play with you guys? So I'm like, yeah, sure, we got a friend who's gonna come, so you might have to leave our team once he comes back. So he's like, all right, yeah, that's fine. I just want to play a couple of games and nobody would add me to the team. So I asked him, like all right, cool, are you good? And his response was, I mean I know the rules of basketball, So I'm like, a fuck, we're screwed. We start playing and this guy is like fucking Kyrie Irving. This dude is great. He could shoot, he could ribble, he can pass like he's just really good. So we ended up keeping him on our team and not adding my friend back. So basically, he was the epitome of underpromise and overdelivered because he was really great and did not look like somebody who would have been as good as.

He planned that I know the rules of basketball, but uh yeah, let me fucking slim dunk on all you. Yeah. Oh I don't. I really don't know.

If I should, but ill, okay from downtown this this thing goes in that thing.

Let me try my hand at this. All of a sudden, the Globe Trotter's music, Sweet Georgia Brown's playing. That's great. I love that unexpected, unexpected.

Bronx from the Vinnie Steve.

Heyah, this is so weird.

I remember a conversation from the Big Show that must have been twenty years ago. You were all talking about the dipping flip. Then Carolina Bermude said you can do it if you strategically place your fingers so you don't dip where you touch. And John Bell said no, because as soon as you bite it, the term start running a mile minute to.

The other side.

So they sliced from the last slice time. I guess is upset because he's been hearing about it for twenty years. I guess it's been.

I don't remember that conversation, but you do. That's great, thank you.

Well, it couldn't have been twenty years ago because Carolina didn't start on the show.

To flee right romantic time ago. Listen, I gotta be honest with you. If you listened to the morning show from correct everybody, I love No, No, I'm not correcting. I listen to me.

If you listen to any morning show for a long period of time, topics come back.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, we recycle. We're good before God, we are good humans on this PA. That's really good.

You have to assume that the majority of audience didn't hear it, doesn't remember it.

Second of all, most of the time a good morning show won't remember what they talked about twenty years earlier exactly. So I'm glad you did that's very impressive. Who do you got here? Coming up here? Bround noise?

There's the old cowboy trucker here.

One more comments three barbrino hell a brilliant hold out there him round?

Why could in those didn't know how to change this prayer tire?

I believe that when his pop's Anthony, thank you for your service.

By the way, mister Anthony, he.

Would try and show him.

He was probably too busy going to Bruan eating his eggs bend and and sucking on his melon slash over there.

You don't do it.

You should check whether your local Firestoner or good Year Auto center.

Sometimes they have ladies clinics or they show the ladies how to change her. You don't check their all and their air pressure and stuff like that.

Maybe you can talk to the manager over there and having you can sit in doing on clinic you don't know, you can find it, learn out, change the spare tire, check your old or something like that. That way you don't get stuck on the side of the road road you know what, late than that and somebody might violate.

You or something. You know, bro, All right, guys, that's all I got for this weekend.

Know, it ain't really much that much I can talk about, but I'll see you next time.

All right, guys, take it, idiot, have a have a great, great week.

Couldn't you have waited to finish your lunch before you send those? He's like the podcast that ate Pizza on the on the podcast and age seventy seven said, we were terrible. That's right, so we can't criticize. I just it's funny licking his fingers. What was what was for lunch? Anyway?


After the.

Alter from alter ego, Good afternoon.

This is ship from Omaha, and it's always going to be brody with scary.

You know.

The one song or with the one jingle that always tends to stick to my mind and I find myself singing throughout the day and sometimes even when I'm sleeping, is the one that goes when you have not your heartburning, digestion, upset stomach DIARYA.

Yes, that's the one there.

It just sticks, yes, sticks with me, sticks to my mind, you know, especially the ending part, the one that goes diarrhea.

I wonder how many people.

They had to audition to get the diarrhea part.

Right, you know, and how many takes they had to do. I can just picture the guy with the big earphones and the the the the.

Filter on the microphone at the studio and he's got his hand on his ear and he's going diarrhea.

Oh my god, I just keep on saying that diarrhea.

Could you give it on? Could you give us one more time? Let's hear the diarrhea part one more time? Okay, thank you? Diarrhea? Uh no, give us a little bit, a little bit, a little lower DIARYA.

That was better?

What was going on here? I see my effects. I'm starting to use my board a little bit more. What was that? Is it a high pass filter? Yeah? Instantly put that on there? All right? Uh wow, we still got some more left for this.

You gotta put that filter on a go almost Terrian in the Morning Show.

That is how the white over person says that they used to say it that way. They don't anymore. No, no, no, okay, hey guys.

Me getting the old cowboy trucker walmore. We come on here back on ver No my my homework film.

By the way, it's an hour later he's still eating you know what?

You know that commercial? That brilliant boy. I'm tired of it. I hate it.

I hate that god damn commercial.

The one though for the gotten, amn ol zempic, whatever the hell that is for.

Yep, oh oh oh ozambic, I lost weight. What's the name of the song? It's magic? Oh oh, it's magic, you know, never believe it's not?


Is you gonna sing it for us?

You know? What?

You to hear? What I'd like to hear?

The oh Zempa commercial mixed with oh oh oh Riley's Auto Parts.

By way, did you watch SNL this week? It's on DVR now. I didn't know. Okay, so slices.

They did a sketch at the end of the show towards the end where these people were taking acting classes and how to act in a commercial, and one of the lessons in this skit was how to sing the ol'reilly jingle.

Oh that's hysterical. Yes, we were just talking about it. That's so funny.

He got there, I'm not looking a little fat girl on there, chubby, you know, and she comes out with him.

I've got two diabetes and I managed it well. And then I don't know what.

It goes on and on and on, and then the commercial goes on and she starts doing the mat and then everybody's dancing, and that is a fucking paint in there.

I hate that goddamn commercial. Whoa, I hate it. I hate that goddamn comerker. I'll tell you what.

I hate it because she says she manages her diabetes. Well, it's a little pill with a big story to tell. Pills don't tell stories. You couldn't go up with a better rhyme that.

I hate that.

Yeah, I heard, time it comes, all right, I try to turn off the TV, but by the time you know how, I get to the button, the girl's already doing the mashed potato ball.

Well, anyway, that's about two cents worth. That's my homework.

Hopefully I can get a good grade there, mister Brody, all right, scooty take it.

Anybody, don't be.

Uh, don't be uh dipping and flipping.

That's that's sturdy man. No, no dipping flip. I'm against the dipping flip.

All right, you get an a minus thanks, by the way.

Kind of ironic that the woman in that commercials doing the mashed potato dance, right, yep, I'm.

Not against the dipping flip because, like Brody, right, yours nasty little fingers were already on the other side of that pretzel or chip or whatever, and we don't know what the hell you've been scratching with that damn finger. Maybe you were pulling out to your damn tuckle from your uh, your pants, you know, from your butt cheeks or something, you know.

And then you flip around and you live. No one, okay, thank you, no good, no wind.


Okay, tell us how you really feel? All right? Continuing a long area.

And brody, brody and scary scarady? What's going on on? B boys? You know who this is?


And then you don't live anyways. I have a question for both you, fine gentlemen, since you're both in your Quinn qu engineer in years, what likely advice would you give to your twenty and thirty year old selves if you had the chance. Keep up the great work, boys, slice for life.

A man that's a deep one. Save more money, Yeah, yeah, I would. Mine would be don't invest in restaurants, buy property. I gave you that advice. You didn't listen by real estate, go invest in real estate. Should have bought a house. We made a call.

Handa from n See. I work at a grocery store. The roundup is a scam. The company already donated the money to the charity, and they're just asking you to donate to recoup what they already donated. So your money does technically go to that charity charity, it's just going to the.

Really, I don't know if that's it. I think that's a case by case base.

I've got to say that's a blanket statement. Huh. I mean, I feel like every organization is different.

But my problem is those companies that say we'll match you dollar for dollar up to a million dollars.

Right, just give the million, leave me alone. Just give the million, your master card, give the million. Here's somebody commenting on the off air show episode one, awkward Bachelor parties with strippers. Oh wow, we get credit for that. That's fine, we do so.

Reggie here, scary. You're someone who is very well traveled. You know every restaurant, you know every hideout. Where do you think the best place to get erotic cakes are? Because as someone who buys a lot of them, I want to be repper ented on the cake as a realistic person, not a model. So where do you get yours?

I like how Reggie interrupted that old episode of the off air show to just have that random thought and ask that question cake. Was it an erotic cake? I think she wants an erotic cake? Right?

Don't you want a barata cake like a cheesecake erotic?

I don't know. I mean you could just like google it. No, I mean, oh, there is a wonderful company. Oh, they do cookies. They're more like the cookie pies, like the chocolate chip cookie pie. What kind of pie? Are we talking about a chocolate chip cookie pie?


Okay it.


I uh, you want a pie? Would face? How would you say? She wants the ones with? She wants the ones with like actual like a pen of shape cake, yeah, peanut like like actual sculptures of things. I don't know. I feel like for the right price. If it that's a new TV show, we should do? Is it cock? Hih? And then just took a knife to it and blood comes out. It's cocked. I don't have to get back to it. I have to get back to you on that one.

Hey, Brooklyn boys, this is missus Lebov calling again from Milwaukee Hawk because I actually used to work at a very famous gas station here in the Midwest for about cold years, and I would say about seventy five eighty percent of the people that came in were men. I don't know if it's just kind of like a dirty boy thing to pump gas, but I know usually it was the men that would always come in.

Yeah, because of the name Come and Go. That was the name of it. She didn't say I said it was the name. She thought it definitely was, or unless it was sheets or BUCkies. I don't know anyway.

All right, I will say I did work there for a very long time, and I clearly ever pumped my own gas. I will say I would just wait for my husband to take the car then exampilate with me. I got crapped for it every single time.

But I don't know.

It just wasn't my thing.

Okay, Well from one more from her and that's the last one.

Also, not that it matters, but my name isn't really miss said Lablah. I'm just wildly obsessed with that man, are you really?

Oh, she's in.

She likes to shia all right, all right, the bof all right, Shia Labief, we have labouf RB's we have thank you for your submissions, and you're.

Oh, you gotta say, what's the last one and your emissions. You gotta like say, now, the last one, the final one. I said it. I said it was the last one. I said it. All right, Okay, we'll see you soon. I'm the Brooking Boys, and I'll tell you what happened to the Jets game. Oh yeah, other than the fact that they.

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The Brooklyn Boys Podcast

Funny, thought provoking and usually right about the dumbest things! Skeery Jones & David Brody have 
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