#328: Skeery thinks he can compete with Brody on the pickleball court; Skeery went out to dinner and drinks with Nate from the Elvis Duran Morning Show and they got into a fight with a group of women over who controls the bar coat hooks; Gandhi from The Elvis Duran Morning Show comes on to defend herself after Skeery calls her out for not upgrading her boyfriend Brandon to first class with her on a work trip- leaving him alone in the back of the plane as Skeery "does the right thing" by his girlfriend in the same situation.
Start Up, dot Up, start Up, Brooklyn Boy Boy, start Up, Brooklyn.
Boy, start Up.
Dot dot Up. They making noise dot up, start Up, dot dot Up.
Episode three twenty eight. It's the Brooklyn Boys Podcast. Yes it is.
We're here.
I love it, do you? Yeah? Because you know why? Because it's light out and we're just doing this podcast. It's great. It's great. Four degrees here in New Jersey yesterday. Yeah. Now I went out with a T shirt. I opened up the moon roof. Isn't that great? Day? Fantastic? And I also love that it's earlier in the day. I have more energy earlier in the day, So it's gonna be a great show.
You know.
I'm not not like sometimes we do this at eight o'clock at night, when I'm just like, no, it's great. And then right after this, I have my my Daredevil podcas Cass, which you can find on the Geekscape network. That's called Marvel Movie Talks the three pm East Coast. You're in costume already. Yeah, I got my Daredevil's shirt on. Yeah. You' very excited that that's a geek shirt right there. This is Frank Miller Art. For those of you who do understand def Leopard, Daredevil, Frank Miller. Frank Miller, Who's your favorite superhero of all time? That's a tough question. I would possibly Vision from the Avengers. Mm hm, possibly, Yeah, I'm going classic scary. You don't know anything about comic books or superheroes, so go ahead. Superman, right? Or Batman? Yeah? Actually I like spider Man. Like Spider Man the best. Spider Man's great, I would I would say Vision and Daredevil are two of my favorites. But a big fan of Captain America, the Avengers in general, and the Fantastic Four, and of course the X Men. Who does the love Wolverine? Come on? I mean, of course Wolverine's great. But I've already established this. I'm a Marvel guy. Yeah, well I read Superman and Batman, but I'm a Marvel guy. What about uh? What about Plastic Man? Was he real? Was that? It was that? Yeah? He was a real guy. He's retired now, you dumbass. No, in Arizona, no plastic Man. Was it was plastic Man like considered a monks. I mean the cartoon Plastic Man from the seventies or eighties, whenever one was it was plastics Was that voice it was plastic Man. It was baby Baby considered a real right, a real? Is he is he mentioned in the Conversation of superheroes? Or was he just like some kind of a parody plastic TV show? Yeah, he's you know, full of pfas plastic Man and forever chemicals. Plastic Man lives forever about brains. You know that the human they found plastics, microplastics in human brains. If you say so, as much as a credit card worth now questions, right, No, I don't. The plastic part of my brain doesn't care. There's also a plastasticistic man. Was a d C. It was a d a DC comics hero. Okay, he is a hot hero. Then he's a real Well he's yeah, I mean it wasn't like Superman. Not really. People America's favorite. No not, America's not part of the conversation. Okay, it's okay. By the way, there's also some microplastics in your seamen, just in case you didn't know. Oh, I'm sorry, I hope you were rinsed affterwards. Oh, David Brody with the funny, the sunny, the Sunday Funnies on a Wednesday. I mean, I I've been eating a lot of pineapples, so I'm surprised you were able to still tell that there were plastics in there. Jeez, word, just just letting you know what's going on in society. TikTok taught me that. I'll explain, well, my kids are plastic too. I guess ah, TikTok taught you that. Huh. Every morning we go on the way to work every morning. Okay, okay, I'm if I drive producer Sam and I bring a bottle of a plastic bottle of water with me, and she always looks at me and she goes scary. We got to get you off the water bottle kick, and we got to get you like like a Stanley or one of those who are thermous or some kind of a whatever competing metal a medical metal, metal, metal, metal pain, a metal water water bottle, whatever the one of the moment is. And I looked at her. I'm like, that's a lot of maintenance. That's a lot. Would you do you carry a water bottle around with you? Apparently kids do, like the young like these generations like uh like gen Z generations gen Z, gen Z, gen Alpha, they carry water bottles. Carry every woman under sixty walks around with a water bottle, most of them. Sorry if you guys slices, you don't. But I feel like I have a lot of women. I would leave it, leave it there, though, leave it, I forget it somewhere. No, that's why I don't. That's why I don't use water bottles. I don't know. I could be wrong. I played pickle ball Monday night with a woman who in instead on having her water bottle against the wall in the corner so she could walk over to it between points. That's fair. That's a bit much. It's not fair. You can go you can go a couple of points without getting water. Well, well, going to an event like that, or you're playing sports, go to the gym, bring a water bottle. But I'm talking about walking around in your everyday life people A lot more people are. You're just bringing permanent water bottles with them like these. You know, I had a water bottle in my car at most times, but it's not necessarily metal. I buy the sports bottles at Costco and I use those. Okay, I have metal water bottles, but you have to clean them out and I get a little bit of thirty and even plastic ones. Yeah, I buy a twenty four pack at Costco of the sports water bottles. That's not good. You're not supposed to good because I choose to and then I recycle the bottle. No, those are single use plastics. You're supposed to only use it once. It scary. In what part of what I said? Did I say I reuse them? You just said you reused them? No, I did not, I said I use them. I buy a twenty four pack of bottles, and I used bottle one, then bottle two. Sometimes they jump to bottle eight. Don't you don't put new water in bottle one slices? Do you want to answer him? Because I've already done okay, all right, all right, I'm just making sure that you don't. And if I did, I wouldn't tell you. I'd have these speeches about what you read online. What about watering cardboard boxes? How do you feel about those watering carda water in car cardboard box water in I thought I mean box water in box water. You're okay with that? Yeah, we've had it. We had it. When I worked on the Morning Show. We had a company that sent up like boxes of water. There was the official sponsor of NCL Cruises at one point. Whatever that water company was it water tastes different in a box. I think it depends on whose box. Yeah, David Brodie with the Sunday Funnies, this isn't Sunday on a Wednesday. On a Wednesday. See I set you up for that joke on purpose anyway. Yeah. Boxed wine, No, that's zinfandel, white zinfandel from a box. How about that? Did you drink neventeen ninety? Maybe maybe they still sell that. It's really cheap. Yeah, yeah, that's why they sell it. People who want a quick, cheap buzz will buy a box of whatever, get it, get a good buzz off of that. I don't judge people who buy boxed alcohol. No, I judge them if they're sleeping under an asp you know, an overpass, drinking out of it. But okay, I don't. I don't judge. I don't care. Okay. Hey, speaking of pickleball, I had a couple of unbelievable shots this past weekend. I had a ball that was hit over my head. It was a lob and running back. If you remember the Willie famous Willie Mays catch, the over the over the shoulder catch, So with my back to my my the other three people on the court. I hit a ball over my head behind me, perfect shot for a point. Then I had a ball. I was too close to the net and the ball. The ball scooted between my legs and I reached around and hit it between my legs for another shot. And then I got cocky and the ball was going to my left and I couldn't get the racket around in time. So I swung the racket around my back and hit the ball behind my back. Now that one didn't go over the net, but it was pretty damn close. So I'm getting Foncy's what I'm saying. Fun, I'm doing trick shots. Now you are okay? Yeah, I'd like to see you. I want to see you in action. You should come now. I want you to analyze this quote. So I was playing Monday Sunday and one woman came off the court. We were in the waiting area waiting to go on, and she says, ah, I gotta get warmed up. I sucked my first game. And the other woman says to her, that's okay. Everybody loses their first game. That's not that's impossible because half the people win it. That's correct, that's correct. Yeah, I bit my tongue for a change, and I didn't say anything. I just went to my phone and wrote it down. Yeah, half the people. Half the people have won their first game. But the only way that's not possible. The only way that's possible is if the people you're playing all played a different game and then they played you as their second game and they beat you. Right, But it's impossible for everyone to lose their first game because right then, well yeah, I see where you're going with this. I think, unless you're playing somebody who's playing the second game. But we all started at the same time, right, that's really my point, everyone losing. So it was a nice way of saying you suck. You should warm up more. Somebody won the first game. And by the way, I told you that, they instituted a three winning you have to get off the court rule. Yes, I won three times in a row, twice this weekend, so you had to get twice on Sunday. I had to get up the court. So they made it. And then what happens is when you when you lose or you win, two people have to leave, right, the two losers, the people who lost the game leave so there's an a waiting area of people waiting to come on. So usually we need two, meaning the game's over, two people are leaving. We need two new players who are waiting to come on. But when you yell we need three because I have to get off the court, They're like, oh, what do you need three? Well, you know the rules. If I need three, that means one of us, who just one, has to get off. They go, oh, are you are you humble bragging that you want three in a row. No, I have to say I have to leave. So I get these looks like, oh, he's bragging you want three in a row. I have no choice. I have to say we need three people. Yeah. I don't say, hey I want three in a row. We need I'm like, hey, we need three. Oh I guess you want three in a row. Yeah, but I'm being honest about it. There's no way to win. Even when you win, there's no way to win. No, of course not. So you're happy with the David Brody Amendment where they because I feel like they did that because of you. No, no, no, win three and get off. They did it. They did it because of pickleball. Hustler. I told you about all day on the scholl Hut, and by the way, I've beaten him twice. Now do you think I could take you in a match? No, you're too good. I mean you haven't play. I don't play right. So how would you beat me? I'm a beginner. My legs and arms toped. Okay, so I have a pickle ball court by my house. How how would we play? We play on the same team and I would be the handicap or something. You'd be a big one. I'd be the great equalizer for whoever we play. Yeah, you have to know the rules first. You also have to have a paddle and know how to play. I got a paddle. I got a Brooklyn Boys paddle pickleball paddle. Yes, I do as well. Is that a good paddle or no? Well, we got demos. I don't know which one he would use if you ordered one, but we got like we got like demos in case we wanted to manufacture them. No, I would not say the demos we got are considered quality pickleball paddles.
Yeah, you can't just get on the court and play. Yeah, I know how to play right now? The pick right now. Our listeners to pickleball players are like scratching your eyes out. I've played not well, well you haven't, did I have? When I went to Okay, I was down at the Seagate Hotel in Delray Beach three years ago when pickleball was really coming up. You know, it was really on the come up, and it was just a big sport that was played in Florida and it was just spreading to the northeast. I played till it started in the Northwest. So wherever it started, Florida picked it up quicker because the weather's better and there are older people down there that are retiring from Tenkeball is not a sport for old people. Sport old people can play, yes, but it is not a sport for old people. But it is definitely a sport that older people definitely adapt to adopt in their later years when they can't play tennis anymore. No, they still play tennis. No, my father and my father in law is eighty eighty. He's gonna be eighty eight years old. He plays tennis every day. That's got to be weird and he has to recalibrate because it's a different game altogether. It must it can't. I said, he plays tennis, yeah, tennis. Well, well tennis, what's he recalibrate? But they said, oh, people don't play tennis. No, but does he play pickleball as well or just tennis? No, because he plays tennis. But lots of people I played with play tennis, and I played well, lots of people that are in their thirties and forties and twenty there's plenty of twenty year olds playing.
I know that now. I know that. Yeah, but I'm saying, but when it started it started, I don't. I don't know. Older people started first, and now everybody plays. I don't think that's the case. And anyway, scary you didn't play pick a ball? You still on a pick a ball court and try to hit the ball. I did, okay, I I had a couple of volleys going. I mean I wasn't the greatest. Oh you were it because I was thinking, I bet you were the greatest. You're a piece of shit. You really are, you really are, Brody, You didn't hit this the jingle for commercial at that point, Usually you'd like, oh you brought You're a piece of shit. You hit the jingle. No, No, I'll let you. I'll let you get again. Rip one. I've seen you. No, No, let's be honest, I've seen you play sports. And pick a ball for someone who doesn't play any sports is not You're not just gonna go and start beating people. I play all. I play a lot of sports. So for me getting on the court and playing a new sport that's similar to other sports, I picked it up very quickly. You don't play tennis, you don't play ping pong, you don't play paddle tennis, you don't play racket at all. No, so getting on a on a pick a ball court for someone like you is probably not going to be a smooth transition. It probably will not. But but I feel like I can get an insult. I could volley, I could do something I can. I can go get the ball. You don't have any faith in me. I don't sport. What's the last sport you played in? When? Was it? Maybe softball? Back in college? Oh? Oh, and as long as it's been since you're in college more than more than four years. No, you played softball on the on the on the on the work team, Yeah, the work play charity softball. Yes, I did, I did. I've seen you play sports. Well that was ten years ago with the Brooklyn Cyclones. Yeah, no, I haven't did it recently. Yeah, we did the Autism Speak Celebrity Softball game, that's correct, and then we did the Brooklyn the Brooklyn Cyclone Celebrity softball game also like eight ten years did that was probably the last time I played, right, I haven't like taken a shot in basketball. I haven't haven't dribbled the ball. I haven't done that. I haven't done. How good would scary be getting on a pickleball court having not played any sport in ten years? Scale of one to ten. Leave us a talk back, it's the podcast. All right, Brody against my better judgment? You have better judgment. I went out with Nate from The Big Show Elsterman Show on Saturday Night. Now, I say that because Nate has a tendency to drink a lot and then sometimes get us thrown out of places, as we did at the Jane Hotel that one time when we were away. He claims we were asked to leave, and he's always you know, said, hey mean, I wouldn't mind it, you know, if ever I got into a fight at a bar, and you know me that's not me. I'm like, I'm a lover, not a fighter. Yeah. Well, we were having an amazing dinner. It was me and him and a buddy of his that he knows from growing up, and we had an awesome dinner in the village and then we went over to the Highlight Room, which is this rooftop place in the city. It was covered, of course, and the bar was covered or your meal was covered. No, the bar was covered. It was like, I don't want people to think rooftop bar, what are you doing in the middle of March. So it had a clarify. Anyway, we were feeling good. We had a couple of drinks in us. We were the music was on point. They were doing your hand on his thigh, They were putting some they were doing some throwbacks like throwback hip hop and great dance music from the two thousands and whatever. Anyway, you know like Nicki Minaj, they played Nicki Minaj. You know I grew up from your childhood childhood. Yeah, so do you know when you go to a bar. And I don't know if people, if the slices can think about it this way, but when you go into a bar, sometimes under the bar there were these little hooks for purses jackets that you could put under the bar. It's basically under the ledge of the bar where you you know, and now there's no seats at your feet, by your knees, right by the knees if you're sitting on a stool, Now there are no stools. They take them away because it's prime time on a Friday night, Saturday night, whatever. So we put our coach down and this is, dude, this is straight out of like no, straight out of a curb or your enthusiasm episode, because you will relate very shortly if you don't already. So we're standing in front of the bar. We get a space to bar, and then right below it there are these hooks. So the three of us put our jacket on them, were sharing a hook and as we you know, we order and we drink. What happens brody as the place gets a little bit more crowded, you start to drift a little right from that area. Sure, and as a courtesy, these three women walk up. They need a place to they need they want to go and get a drink at the bar. So they're like, hey, we get in here, and then you know, we move aside for them. Now we're pushed a good four feet away from our coats because we're like, ah, you know what, this space is empty here. You guys go stand over there and you go or do you drink?
And the girl comes up to Nate and goes, whose coats are these? Are these your coats? So then Nate was like, yeah, these are our coats and she goes very very belligerent, says, oh, okay, well we're here now you're gonna move those right, So then that starts that begat the Great bar coat hook standoff. So Nate goes right back over to the area by the coats and says, no, no, no, no, we were here first, we put our coach down, we ordered drinks, we let you into our space, and she goes, yeah, but now you're you're standing over there, so this is our we're standing here now we want to put our coats down, and they was like, the fuck you are find an empty hook. So Brody, I thought punches were gonna be thrown. I started doing the scary uh tap dance like I'm out of here. Yeah, get out of that right right, because three women, angry women who were probably from don't want to say Staten Island. That type of ads. He were to no, no offense to Staten Island. They were like going at him. So he wait, I thought you were going to say they took the coach off the hooks and drop him on the floor. They were about so so, so Nate guards the coach in the area by the bar, puts us back to the bar and folds his arms and with the shit eating grin on his face, it was like m M, yep right, and she starts getting loud. You what kind of guys are you? That's you. Guys are supposed to be gentlemen. You're not a gentleman. You're you're a piece of shit. And then the two of them start going at it, and they were getting loud, and I really thought this woman was gonna hit him, until funny, did you guys give up that space so they could stand there? We gave up the space so they can get in and get some drinks. But fuck you, these are our hooks. So they neither wanted the space and the hooks. Yes, but that they didn't have got their drinks. You should have taken your space back. They were just they felt justified. No because now we found another open space, another area there were no hooks. There were no hooks in that, and all the hooks were already taken. So she expected that because because we moved five feet away from our coats, that just because our coats were over there, and now they're standing over the area where our coats are, where they're gonna plant their asses, that that all of a sudden they get to use the coat hooks and then we have to take our coats off and hold our coats. No, you gave them the spot to stand right, there's no commit Are there stools? No, this is not even a question. No, they don't get the hooks too. They don't get the hooks. Who the fuck did they think they? How did it end? How did it end?
It got with the girl getting into Nate's face and Nate's boy Jason jumping in between them to kind of like separate them. This girl was gonna smack him or hit him or throw a hook and I'm like, I don't, we don't need this. First of all, it was my contact that got us in the bar. Okay, of course he had a contact. Of course, if we hadn't had your contact, make sure you went. He went over to them and said, these guys are with me. There's nine flights down. We came up and elevated. We were on a roof. But either way, I'm like, I don't need this looking badly on me. I don't need bouncers to escort us out. And then my boy sees it the guy we're being deposited into the street, and then mys like two girls had two guys somewhere at that rooftop ball who showed up like two minutes later. Nate would have had his bar fight that he wanted. Hey, were these two girls in the bar by any chance carrying an upside down Captain America popcorn bucket? No, they were not. Why why do you ask? Okay, because the people that one was pregnant from the movie Theater from the movie Theater spot, I see that was that was That's what it sounds like. That's a callback, right, So yeah, so fuck that. I'm sorry, I'm getting all crazy, but no, you should listen. I have I have two bar coach stories for you. Coincidentally, no way, so yes, I do so.
End of the story is, uh, we didn't give up the coach. They stood, We stood out ground and they backed off. All right, good, very good. So, uh, two fridays in a row, I went out with my friend to go watch UH sports on on on TV at the at the restaurant bar that we like. So we went on Friday night, uh two weeks ago maybe I think the Knicks were playing something like that, and my waiters, my bartender was George, and I ordered what I always order, but I don't normally sit at the bar. It was really crowded, so we were like, let's sit a tomorrow watch the game. So I ordered what I normally order, and I ordered without horseradish, sauce, without pickles, with extra with Russian dressing on the right the way I like it. Right, the sandwich, I like the way I like it. Give me a cheese with nothing, nothing, nothing anyway. I want to talk more about this experience, but I want to stick to the coat story. So we're sitting there watching the game, and you know, my order comes out perfectly, perfectly with the five modifications I wanted. Is exactly what. Everything's great, no problem with the George is fantastic. He's getting me drinks, you know, so it is whatever whatever, okay. So at this point, it's still cold in the area, so everyone has their coats. Now they have high backed stools at this restaurant, so my coat is on the back of my stool. Okay, okay. George comes over and he goes, hey, guys, I got a guy on the phone says his coat was stolen when he was here. Anybody see a coat get stolen. So everyone at the bar is looking around, and it's like, I didn't see aybody steal a coat. How would I know they stole a coat. If I see somebody grabbing a coat, I assume it's their coat. By the way, if you're listening in South Florida, you relate to none of this. You don't have to. When it's seventy degrees. They put a coat on. So everyone's looking around like it's like, I didn't see anybody steal a coat. So the guy goes, well, look around, look on the floor, see if there's a coat. It's a black coat with a with a whatever he describes the coat. So I look down and I see a coat on the floor between my chair and the one next to me that you know, resembles the coat he's describing. I go, I don't know is this the coat? He goes, Yeah, he goes idiots says his coat was stolen. So here's my question. If you're at a bar and it's cold outside and you leave the bar without your coat, and then you call the bar and say my coat was stolen, how did you not notice you didn't have your coat when you went outside in the cold and you had to wait till you got home to call when you have a phone in your car, and then you call and say my coat was stolen, as opposed to saying, oh, I think I left my coat there. Now, it's one thing if you're at the bar was completely hammered and didn't know what the fuck was and how did they get I don't know how drunk, but anyway, Yeah, My point is, if you're at the bar and you go up to the bartender and you can't find your coat, you can go I think my coat was stolen. But if you leave the bar without your coat in the cold weather and it was like forty degrees that night, how are you gonna go home and be like, oh, I think my coat was stolen. No, you're a fucking idiot, or you're an alcoholic, you drunk off your ass. Yeah, his coat was stolen. It was on the floor, the fucking idiot. Hi. So the next Friday night, another coat. Sorry, yes, I love it. We go back to the same place. We're like, you know, we had a eight time. George was great, they got my order, right, Let's go back there watch the game again on Friday night. So we need two spots at the bar, and there's an empty seat and then to the right of the empty seat is a coat. Is a chair full of coats, and a couple of girls next to them to the right of that right, and it's like fur coats. They're clearly women's, like fluffy, furry looking coats. So my buddy's like, well, let's just get just sit here. So I said, excuse me, can we get the seat because now I'm using it. So I said, you're using it for your coats. Yeah, I said, yeah, but you can put the coats in the back of your seat. Now they keep falling off. Okay, but the seat's not for you. The seat's not for your for your coats. Well, we got here early. You should have gotten here earlier. So now wait a second. This is now seats are not for coats. For seats are for right down. Here's where it pays off that I'm now a regular because I've been there two fridays in a row. I see my waiter George, who, by the way, who got my order right the last time, and I gave him a very nice tip. I said, hey, excuse me, George, can you settle a bet? Hold on, what's what? Write this down? What's the day, what's the day time of it? I always give a nice tip. So he says, hey, how's it going. I said, good, good to go. I settle a bet for me if you get here first. Can you use the chair for your coats? He says absolutely not. I said, great, please move your coats. Ah, She's like, this is mumbling on the curson under her breath. She moved the coats, so we sit down. Does this place have a coat check?
Okay, even more of a reason that you were right, But okay, no. I did I mention the co check with the guy who said his coat was stolen.
No, it's not a coach check place. It's a put your chair in the back of your stool and it does himself back anyway when I sit down to order. So that's the coach story was this bitch thing. She can keep the coach, the coach on her chair or extra chair. So I sit down and George says to me, so you're having the same thing. I said, you remember, He goes, Yeah, last week you ordered a you had to seize the salad to start. You had a French dip sandwich, no horse riders dressing, Russian dressing on the side, no pickles on the plates, and instead of French fries, you wanted to potatoes skin no skyon. Wow. I'm like, dude, it's only I was only hit last week. That's crazy. He must have a photograph, but he says, it was a unique order. You were very nice. We had a nice conversation. I remembered it. He said, anytime you come in, I got you. Bro Oh my god, you might have You might have met the perfect waiter in David Brodie world. I'm in heaven. Is this like, are we in the Sims right now? Is this even real life? Yeah? That's crazy. I'm not going I'm not going back this week, but next time I go. He's like, he's got my orders ready to go. Agreed? Is that, ladies, Jam Bartley has met his match. Finally, somebody who got it. I doesn't have to ask, probably didn't write it down and remembered it, and we'll remember it forever more. I guess you're going every weekend to this place. Well I told him, I said, you're not going to see me this weekend. But uh, very excited. But yeah, Coats, Coats of the bane of our existence is what I'm saying. All right now, Scary, you told me you want to have another guest on the show. Yeah, I do you? Are you okay with that? Or do you want you want to say yes, no, no, listen, if you've got something right now, let's do that and then and then we could always could always go go to that person. I want to have Gandhi from from the Big Show on because oh, okay, I want to I want to That's funny, you say Gandhi because I have a funny story. I would like Gandhi on the air for I'd like Gandi on. Can you get her on the phone. We could do it right now, or we could save it for the next break. Whatever you want to do, you want you want to do something else? This is our third break, right, yeah? But yeah, we could do three or four, three or four? Do you know? Let me if you know what let's do. Let me let me. I'll save I'll save the story that I want her for. Okay, until she's on the phone. Let me read a couple of things off my phone that I've been saving. Here on a second, Okay, yep, this person posted. Not a friend of mine, but I was one of the groups I'm in. I can't believe my kid. I just said O contrare mo frey, and my twenty three year old had no clue what I meant. So everybody wrote, that's because it's all contre montfrere. No wonder she didn't know what you were talking about. Well, even at even the three year old will not understand that either. But twenty three year old, twenty three year old, okay, gotcha. Twenty three year old wrote, he wrote O h C O N t r A r E M O f r A I r oh contrere mo frere. And you know he didn't say it with a French accent. Now you know it's weird about that. I know that phrase really well, oh contre monfrere, but I don't know what that even means? What does it mean? On the contrary my friend, Oh core Montfrere right, okay, okay, wonder how that became popular. I don't know. Probably from a movie. Anyway. I was on a page of a guy talking about Italian food. They were like, oh, everyone has an uncle like this, and his uncle was Italian. So this guy writes, speak English, you're in America, and he writes it you yo, you are, You're in America. So I wrote back. So I wrote back, you too, buddy, It's you Aposta ra So I love to speak America. People speak English. People. What did they write back? I'd love to know. No, they didn't write anything back. Shout out to Aaron Kaplan. We were asking he's Cappy Cap on Instagram. We were asking people where they listened to our podcast, and he said he showed us a picture. Because I'm assuming he's in the Navy or has connections. He was in the crow's nest of an aircraft carrier in the middle of the North Pacific. Oh my god. He sent a picture of him holding all the planes out on the deck. Hold on, I'll have to zoom in. You see that. Oh yes, okay, right, the flight deck. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Yeah, this person in my chicken palm group that I'm part of on Facebook. Were you part of a chicken parm group? Yeah, yeah, it's a chicken it's for Jersey chicken palm people if you want to. People post pictures where they had their favorite chicken palm to get for everything. Really, this is excellent chicken palm at low And they wrote local period Little Silver, New Jersey. So everybody wrote, well, where's the location in in in in in in Little Silver, New Jersey? And uh They're like, yeah, little Silver, what restaurant? And someone wrote local and they were, yeah, what's the locale? What restaurant? The name of the restaurant is local, So it fucked everybody up. Yeah, what's the local? Well I thought you would say the local is in local calorie, but okay, no, no, okay, it's a high colnary. I sold I sold something on Facebook to a guy. Okay, no, you don't say I did. Yep, but it it was Facebook. You were, yeah, it was a piece of furniture. I sold something that was that we didn't use anymore and I didn't need it, and I was like, oh, I'm gonna sell it. So the way my the way my townhouse is located. It's easier for me, and where the piece was located the it was closer to the door that's in the back side of the townhouse, which is actually the front door. If you pull up on the street, you're where the garage is. It's the back door. So I said, when you get there, and I give him the address. I said, come, I give him the address of where I want him to go. Come to this street. Okay, we'll call it side Street because I'm on the corner of the community and park across from number let's say number one, Okay, on the left side of the street. Okay, yep. So again I said, when you get here, go to side Street and park on the left side of the street across from number one. Okay, okay, all right. So I see him out the window. He pulls up and he says, I'm here. So I messaged him and I said, you know on a Facebook messenger you're on the right side of the street. I need you to be on the left side of the street. He rights back, Okay, I'll be right there. Please pull your car over to the left side of the street. Yep, I got it. And he gets out of his car. So I yet out the window. Hey man, I asked you three times to pull over to the left side of the street. Do you not know which is the left side? I mean, I'm on this side. You really want to the correct side? Is the left side? I said? You really? Right? Do you really want to carry it across the street?
How many fucking times do you need to tell someone to pull over to the left side of the If you don't know what side is the left side, don't fucking drive a car. Well, maybe he thought you meant right as incorrect. Oh, yeah, that's the right side of the street. Scary, I said left, over and over again. I said, pull over to the left side of the street. Yeah, but you you yelled at him, that's the right side of the street. No I didn't. I said, that's not the left side of the street, that's the right side. You need to go to the other side of the street. Whatever words I said, the right Yeah, but he might have been hearing it as as right as straight, right is correct, defending oh, I must be on the right side of the street because you said that street. Yeah. I said, please pull over to the left side of the street, over and over again, and he walked across the street. He knew what fucking side I lived on, I said, across from Okay, next thing, Why did it even matter if he was on the left of the right. Did it matter because I didn't want to carry the fucking heavy piece of furniture across the street when I didn't have to, dumb ass, how heavy was this piece of furniture? And what furniture was heavy?
What was it? Was it?
Because I mean, I mean, be a layers a six foot tall wooden c details. Okay, well, now you're painting the picture better. I could have been a lamp, for all I know, A heavy piece of furniture, you dumb fuck. I don't know. But maybe you had a dollie or some kind of a hand truck. I said, Carrie three times. Holy shit with you today. I'm just saying you don't use eBay. But when you're on eBay, I don't. You can post things for sale and give the option of buy it now, which is usually at a higher price if someone doesn't want afraid to lose it. You're like, i'll buy it now, or there's a new option. It's been around for a couple of years where you could say I'll sell it to the best offer, meaning if a bunch of people make offers whoever I want to sell it to. Right, Okay, so I'm selling I was selling something for twelve dollars best offer, now if I can, if you're selling something, if I'm selling something to twelve dollars, scary, make me an offer twelve dollars. Uh, you know what, I'll give you six? Okay, someone else might give me eight. All right, it's listed for twelve. If you wanted it for twelve, you can just bid twelve. Correct. Correct, this person bid twenty offered me twenty four dollars for it. Okay, that's foolish. Yes, the best offer doesn't mean the thing's been sitting there for six months. Oh right, Because if you say best offer, best offer in my mind means twelve dollars is the max. No, twelve dollars is the minimum bid. If you want to make a bid in the option, you bid twelve. Okay. But when somebody says, I'll accept the best But if the best offer is six dollars and nobody bids twelve, then I can decline it and not sell it. Okay, But best offer could be much lower than what you're expecting, right, which is why you decline it and say that's not right. This person decided to go in the other direction and said, fuck it, well, I'm just gonna beat everybody the month for twelve. They could have had the thing for twelve dollars, so I sold it for twenty four because they don't know how shit works. That's funny, all right, Well, haunt with the best offer thing? Is that like a new thing or is that your classic? That's your classic? Slices? What did you did? You slices? Not hear me say it's a new thing for a few years now. I said that to serious, So you should listen to this. So let me ask you this. Okay, So I know the buy it now thing, and I haven't been on eBay in a long time. I just told you there's the classic auction, and then there's the eBay that buy it now, and and this piece, this whatever you call it, this best offer, make offer, make off? No, but is there a time limit on that?
Do you have to know?
Okay? So you that's like an open thing at for as long as this item is up, give me your price, right, make me an offer. Okay, But why would you offer me double what I was asking you wouldn't, I mean, if you would want it, right, if you really want it, you can see nobody's made a bit on it yet, right, So off of fifteen, if somebody comes back with a better offer, then i'll then then you can up your offer a few in opposite direction. But this person really wanted the thing, so all right, best that my offer is better than no offer. I'm just saying. Someone I know posted this. There was a story out a couple of weeks ago about an asteroid, a huge asteroid, striking the Earth, possibly in twenty thirty two. Yep, like a devastatingly big earthquake. I heard that story eliminating. Okay, So this person that I know, an acquaintance from school years ago, writes, this story indicates there's a three point one percent chance that it will strike the Earth in twenty thirty two. So far, so good. Yeah, he writes, I'm no mathematician, but it seems to me it either hits the Earth or it doesn't. Wouldn't that make it fifty to fifty? Oh my god. Yeah, people don't understand statistics, and okay, yeah, odds, yes, they don't understand how options. The only two options are that it hits and it doesn't hit. I get that, but the odds are of it hitting are three point two percent one percent. Rather, because it can go in a million different angles, one of the three point one out of one hundred angles hit the earth. Person doesn't understand. Yeah, the other ninety six point nine percent of the possible angles of the trajectory of this rock awful, don't hit the earth? What the fuck is wrong with people? Everything? Brody? Everything? Okay, let me see what else I got.
I got a job offer from a phone number, a text message that said call me. I saw your resume. One off you a position with our company. Okay. When I google the phone number, it's a it's a an out of state. I'm not gonna say what state, but not New Jersey, not even close to New Jersey. Uh pressure washer company that pressure washes your deck. So the phone number is is not real, is what I'm saying. Okay, it's not real. Okay, Oh, I'm sorry, you know what it was. Let me see if I have the phone. I may, I may have the phone. Here wasn't a text message, it was a voicemail. Will you tell me if this is legit. Let me pull up the voicemail from Jean Claude. See if I have here it is? Yeah, yeah, you hear it is. I don't know if I have the whole thing here, but here we go. Hold on, here you go, hold on see if you can hear that. Hold on here we go? Ready, yeah, been ready.
Hey David, this is John claud from Travel Skill. I was recently speaking to Denominatant. She told me to reach out to you, David. We are partnered up with the NBA. I'd love to have further conversation about how we can help benefit you guys. Again, please reastract me at two two six.
Okay, So this is Jean Claude from travel Scan. Well, you know Scary travel Scale, the famous travels oh so famous. He was recently who speaks like this? I was recently speaking to Dina Ahmed. Oh you were? You were talking to Dina Ahmed? Of course, that's good, who I also don't know and don't believe is a real person. And she told me to reach out to Dina told Jean Claude, hey, uncle, you know you should do today. You should reach out to David. Somehow he has my phone number and knows my name. We are parted with the NBA. It's part of the NBA. Dude, right there, it's a win win for now. Look at you. I'd love to help you offer your credit card number? What's he sailed on to?
Love to have further conversation for how we can help benefit you guys.
Again. Oh, he wants to talk to benefit you guys. That means and and again means that it was done before. You guys have worked with them before. Apparently, yeah, you guys, you guys, he's calling me, but it's you guys who wants to help. I don't remember anybody my family being helped out by the NBA. But thank you Dina Ahmed. Okay, Dina for for that valuable pass off to Jean Claude. But my point is the phone number is a pressure washing company in area code two two six, Not the NBA. No, not not even close. Wow, my god, And there are people that will fall for that. That's the same thing I could let me call. Let me call him back, because you know, Dina recommended him to call me. I should probably call him back. Because he's partnering with the NBA. We should pass they've helped me out before we should pee. Guys, wash out your mouth with soap, Brody. It's the official power washer of the NBA. The Brooklyn Boys Podcast.
We will be right back.
I think it's time we get Gandhi from the Big Show on because I got a bone to pick with her and I need to prove myself right and make myself look better. Thanks. All right, So I'm going to talk to you about before we get in with her. I need to tell her the story, uh that she might be able to relate to. Okay, sounds good. Let's see this all goes according to plan. Hey, what do you know the phone works? Man? I hope she answers. I told her we'd be calling her potentially. Well, I got this conversation I was going to tell on the podcast. I need her to it's helpful. She's on the phone. Yeah, it would be great.
She Oh Hi, Hi God your answer?
Hi? Hey, what's up? It's a scary brody and brody and scary? Yeah either way? And you have and you're with Brant. Haven't spoken a Gandhi since yesterday?
I know?
And Brandon's with.
You too, right, he is actually right here right now?
What do you want you well, jes Hey, what's up, Brandon? How are you pretty? Pay Brandon? Hey, listen, before we get into why Scary wanted to speak to you guys, because I don't know why he wanted to speak to you guys. I wanted to I was. I had a story for the podcast, and when he said he might be calling you, I said, oh my god, you'd get a particular kick out of this story. So I'm going to apologize in advance for the accent I'm going to do. But I want your opinion on this, and tell me how often you've had to deal with this in your life. So I'm at my friend's house. Met my friend's house and he says, hey, man, I got to make a quick business call. I got a new client, and you know, just you know, just hang for a minute, and you know. So I was like, oh, I'll go sit on the couch in the living room. And he's in the kitchen but it's an open floor plan so I can hear him. And for some reason, he's making himself a sandwich. He's having lun he's making lunch. He's you know, I already ate, so he's making himself a sandwich. So he puts the phone on speakerphone, so he gets the woman on the phone and he says, hello, you know, hey, it's it's me. You know, I'm not going to say his name. And she says, oh, hello, glad you caught me a great timing that you caught me just now. He says, oh, why, he says, because I'm exhausted. I just got off a very long flight from home and I'm in New York now, I just landed. So he says, oh, where are you coming from India and she says, no, I live in Texas. So my point was my point was he assumed, because of her accent that she must be I know, you're like, that's not Indian accent, Brody, I know, but I was.
Actually was okay, yes.
That's that's why I'm clarifying. Anyone else listening is like, oh, that's a dead on Indian accent. But I know what you would, Sata, So I apologize, so, you know, I could have done a little thicker of it. But anyway, my point is he heard the accent. She's like, oh, I just flew I just flew in from home. I landed in New York. And he assumed because of her accent, right, coming from another country overseas, like I would assume I would assume the same thing, right, But of all places, she's from Texas. Yeah, she's like Texas. Which is you know, your your family is from India and your father has an accent. People must think he's you know, how long you're visiting here for as opposed to the fact he lives here.
I actually to be honest, Well, first of all, you might get a kick out of this, My Indian parents lived in Texas for a while. There's a massive Indian population in Texas. Yes, in Dallas. There's a little like a suburb of Dallas called Capel. All the Indian people live in Capel, Texas. Parents lived there for a while.
Did you see Coppel?
I'll let you have that, yes, Hotel.
Okay. So how do people in India look at a map and say I want to go to America. You know, let's go to Texas. Because when I think of Indian people, I think, yeah, Texas, That's where I'm going. How does that happen?
So typically it happens because of community. So they will have a family member who is in a certain place. That family member might start up business. There are a lot of hotels. My dad, my parents initially moved to Youngstown, Ohio because my dad's brother is a heart surgeon and he had a residency there, So that's where they went. That's typically how they decide where they're going.
Oh no, I know how. I know how people go once it's already a community. What I'm saying is I always wondered how the community starts where, Like the first guy was like, I'm gonna leave Mumbai and I'm going to I'm going to Texas.
I will have to hunt down the first guy and ask would you make some calls NY as the official representative of India?
Yeah? Make all right, let's get down to business, all right? And what's going on? Someone vacuuming in the background there? What's happening there? Brody? No, that's the community. No, by me, that's the community landscaping team. The weather is nice and they're back to landscaping. Great. I'm gonna mute my microphone when I'm not talking. Oh isn't that great that they do that during our podcast? Don't they have any decorum anyway? So real quick, and Brandon, I don't know if you know if you're privy to this, but I'm gonna I'm gonna just gonna be very brief. Here's the deal. We're going on a trip the Big Show Elvis Daurancho. We're going to to the Bahamas tomorrow. And when it comes to traveling my everyone rips on me, and as they have on this podcast, including my co host David Brody here, they've ripped on me for the fact that I leave my girlfriend behind when it comes to going going through TSA when it goes because I go to go. You know, I have the global re entry and I got the TSA pre and the clear She wants none of it. She doesn't want to go through the interview process. She's completely lazy. I've told her time and time again. Yeah all right, And as I said to Scary, I'm surprised leaving her at TSA all the time that she allows global re entry if you know what I mean. Hyoh, well, so, because I've now I I've always defended myself by saying, look, I will even pay for her and I will take care of her. I will treat her like gold. But she doesn't want to put in the time or the energy to friggin do this so to punish her. I go through TSA every time.
And I go who doesn't want a boyfriend that punish them?
But once again, slices, you are hundreds the slice of my witness. Brody and Gandhi already ganging up on me because they think I've been such That's crazy. No, it's like it's almost like enough of a punishment. When will she learn her lesson that if she wants to lie your teacher, I'm not taking off my shoes, I'm not taking off my jacket. I'm going through security as quick as I can because I can and she doesn't want to. Okay, Now, you guys, only ever better than the Only thing better than going through TSA really quickly is spending more time with your girlfriend, your big dick. No, I'm not sitting in those lines. I'm not sitting in those lines. I refuse so what so Okay, So all that being said, I've been as as is happening again right now. They're not fastizing me. Hold on, hold on scary when you go through quick right, when you go through TASA, you go, you speed through. When you get to the other side, what do you do? I wait for her? Hold on, hold on, hold on, what do you do? Scary? Where are you waiting when you say you're waiting for her? Normally I wait for her on the other side, just sitting there the other side, way on a bench. I meet her in the I'll meet her in the United Club. I don't know.
Yeah, he goes to the lounge and he sits there and enjoys a drink and kicks it. I've watched this happen. I've traveled with them many times. I've seen it happen. Also, I'm not sure if you can hear Brandon cackling at this entire thing.
Oh we can, Oh we can, absolutely So. Okay, so this is you're kicking back, but you feed up on the bar taking a drink at the United Club lounge while strangers are patting your girlfriend down looking for explosives. Are you having a drink? I'm such a piece of ship. I'm a piece of garbage. How dare I? Well? Okay, now here's how you're saying that later, here's how. Here's how this is proof that I'm a good boyfriend. Okay, here's what I do when I for this trip. We are a Gandhi and I are both happened to be sitting in business class. My girlfriend whose ticket was purchased, is sitting in economy class. So I said, you know what I'm gonna do. That would be the ultimate disc that spending the time on the plane is more important than waiting for her till I get her ship checked at did TSA pre and whatever the case or you know what, she's waiting, she's getting her shit checked. So what I'm saying is this what I'm saying. I said, thank you, thank you, Brodie sing zang zip zi z darry whatever you want to say that enough. So in this case, I said, you know what, I refuse. I refuse to leave my girlfriend behind when it comes to the actual flight. So I bought her an upgrade so she could sit next next to me in business class. Now, Gandhi, who's been chastising me for the past ten minutes, laughing and giggling, you have an opportunity, I know. Hold on before before we go to Gandhi, do you admit you got in the upgraded seat because you fucked her over at TSA?
Because no, because priorities. My priority is to fly with her in the seat. When it comes time to the fly in a way did you pay for it? She could have paid for it. Why did you pay for it? You pay for that a guilt because you left her TSA. You left her behind because the strangers are examining her behind. Because I'm a good man. Okay, Now, if you're a good man, you wouldn't. A good man doesn't punish their girlfriends. Gandhi, Okay, let Khany talk because because Gandhi is gonna be on the hot seat right now. So Gandhi shut up and speaking of no and speaking a hot seat, the TSA is checking out your girlfriend's behind. Okay, all right, so god you all right? You have an opportunity now to upgrade Brandon. And what I learned today on our ride home together is that you're like, fuck it, no, So you are leaving him in coach while you fly in business. I think that is far worse than me going ahead for a couple of minutes extra, and she's gonna sit there and be screened because she's lazy and doesn't want to go through the process to get on my level. Is this a business trip, yes, okay? And did the business by your better seat?
Yes? Okay?
And so she's the better seat because our lovely boss, Elvis Durand wants me to sit next to him in first class. So even if I upgraded Brandon for one thousand dollars, by the way, he would, he's sitting.
Next But you've got no problem. This is what This is my problem. I've got no problem leaving him in economy. Good Brandon, how do you feel about that?
Man? I I'm cool with sitting with the luggage, to be honest, but I will say that I totally understand what you're saying. What I would not leave my girlfriend sitting in economy. However, I myself am totally good with going on the plane, sticking in my AirPods, pulling up my hood and going to sleep until we touch down.
Now, I'm not set, Brandon. But before you go brody, Brandon, I just want to say this. It's not about what you're comfortable with. It's about what the right thing to do is. And I am shocked my jaw hipper floor that that she didn't get you the upgrade. She's not paying for a ticket.
Uh, you want to pay a thousand dollars of my own one? You're crazy.
I'm biting my tongue here.
But we got to get in.
So like Brandon, I don't know, I've got I've got like a crazy shoe obsession and sometimes shoes magically just show.
Up at my house.
Oh this guy has like yeah, like.
He gives me that upgrade in in other ways. So I'm Elvis splice of shoes is what I'm hearing. Thank you, Elvis. El Elvis buys you the shoes. He doesn't buy you the shoes. She's gotta feel pain on her hold on, hold on from hard on, hold on, let me let me, let me, let me chine, let me chime in here for a second. Number one, scary, you did not upgrade Robin to first class. There's a big finance. You said business class. No that is that is first class. It's it's.
Your point.
Oh yeah, you use points stupgrader, so you don't really feel pain there, I got you. Yeah, Okay, here's what I'll say. If if Elvis is buying off Brandon's silence, would shoes, then that's up to Brandon. Do you used to say, who said Elvis bought him shoes?
Hold on, Elvis pays me a salary, so if I want to buy him a pair of Oh.
So so Gandhi. Okay, Gandhi buys some shoes. Here's what I'll say. And this is a take that that nobody, nobody's thinking about this take. I'm gonna I'm gonna save that take for a second. Let me just get get back to this. First off, Uh, most people don't say no to Elvis. First of all, we know that. Of all, if it's my situation. Let's say I was flying and my wife was going me personally, I would lower my seat level and go sit with my wife because I don't have the money to put her in first class with me. I think the real problem here, for there's two problems. I feel like Gandhi, Well, hopefully, I think Gandhi will make it up to Brandon when they get there, take him out to dinner, wait for him in the in the United lounge. When she gets off the plane first, because first class gets off first, she will wait for him. I understand if they were going on a radio line. So by that logic, I made enough to rob by bringing her up to the front with me in exchange for me going to tsa prex And it's the same thing and no, because you had the you had the choice of waiting with her and going through anyway, and you chose not to wait with her because she's stubborn and she doesn't want to get tsa pre I do it to teach a lesson. No, you don't have to teach your grown adult girlfriend a lesson. I think the real problem here, Gandhi, when you when you agreed to go on this business trip, was Elvis aware at that exact moment that Brandon was also going.
No, Brandon actually was not going until about a week ago. Okay, it was decided he can go and wants to go, so cool.
Okay. So what I would say is if Elvis knew Brandon was going and then upgraded you to first class and left him in the back, then I would say it's Elvis's fault. However, He's got No, it's not. He didn't know Brandon was going. Once Brandon, knowing, knowing that Gandhi is sitting with Elvis up in the front of the front, the front of the front front by the captain, and then Brandon says, I'd like to go because Brandon, because Brandon, because Brandon jumped on board this trip knowing Number one, he gets to spend time with Gandhi, which is a win, knowing that he gets to I'm assuming stay in the hotel room in the nice hotel they're going course all of that, and and all the amenities they're going to have down there, and the beach and the pool. If his only price to pay is a storage seat in the back for well, you know, whatever the cost is, then I don't think he's in a position to complain, nor is he complaining. And I don't think he's in the wrong here or she's in the wrong now. If they planned a trip together and Gandhi and Gandhi said, you know what I hold on. If Gandhi says to Brandon, let's go, let's go to let's go to Aruba. But I make more than you, so I'm gonna sit first class, And since you can't afford first class, you're asking sit in the back. That's fucking rude. And let's a scary move. That's a scary going. No, it's not exactly. If I did the same ship. If I do the same ship to Robin, hold on a second, if I if I if I enjoyed business class tomorrow and I left Robin and Coach, every one of you motherfuckers will be jumping on me for the same thing.
Not at all scary. Here's the difference. Okay, So first of all, you know Elvis needs a flying buddy. He has to sit by some That's not your problem.
That's not your problem. This is about you. This is about you. This is about you and Randon. Don't just hold on. Brandon wasn't going when the Seaton doesn't matter, was going now though? He's now going.
Now he's going, and now, by the way, he's in economy plus like three rows behind us.
Yeah, I still can't use the same restroom as you. See what I'm saying.
Guys coming down there for a work trip. He's about to go golf in Paradise and have the best time of his life. He didn't have to take care of any of this stuff. He's fine, he doesn't care. He didn't think twice about it. Whenever we actually fly together. By the way, I put him on my clear membership and we both are getting prechecks so that we can go through the line.
Haw you get you're so sweet. Look at you.
Extra point because you upgraded someone with points to first class and you want me to send one thousand dollars to upgrade Brandon to first class, which, by the way, there aren't even any first class he's availed.
I'm sure. Let me tell you if I if I question before you do that. I want to clarify something, because she said, if I was if I had money, if I had no no, if there was not a point, if it wasn't points that I had to upgrade her with. If I was forced into a cash payment, I would upgrade her with cash. I would do that just like, Hey Brandon, I'm poor. Yeah, Hey Brandon, would you rather Gandhi spend one thousand dollars and upgrade your ticket or buy you a dinner for one hundred dollars and spend time with you in the Bahamas?
I would. I would rather the money be spent somewhere else, right like rather than it doesn't make it understand, I totally understand what what Scary did said.
No one ever, No, I get it.
I would do the same thing.
Yeah, upgrade me to see that doesn't exist.
If it was possible, if the seat existed, what would you do? Would you? Would you pony up the cash? You would?
Yeah? Yeah, because Scary I'm a guy like you, and I would get all the ship that you would get.
You are not like him, because if you start trying to punish me for things, I'll kill you, all right.
That leads us to another question. Hey, Gandhi, how difficult was it for you to put Brandon on your clear?
Oh it was like two seconds.
Oh, that's something you can do for Robin. Right, I could put her on my clear, but I cannot put her on my TSA pree. She needs to go through all those friggin' she's got her. She's got to do it herself.
But scary. Once you put somebody on clear, then the PreTect thing is actually through clear. Now, No, you just scan a QR code.
It is.
You scan a little QR code and then you sign up online and the next time.
You go to the airport. You don't get it automatically. You need to go through government officials at TSA to get there. The TSA pre.
Next time you go to the airport, you have an appointment standing. You don't even need an appointment. You just go to the office and they clear you. Like Brandon said today, the line was about twenty five minutes. So he didn't do it because it was twenty five minutes. But he's gonna do it on his way back, So it's really not this.
I don't think you get the same access. I don't think you get to leave a cad on and not take your shoes off.
Yes you do. That's what PreCheck is, Toots. Oh, excuse, sign up for PreCheck through Clear. So it doesn't take Robin all that much energy to do it.
If you want to do what happened to them, shit down with the officers and they start grilling you about your life and they yeah, when they found out I got arrested in Hawaii twenty five years ago. Oh I don't know they did. I got arrested in Hawaii? They like, do they?
Do they do? They don't? They Gandhi require you have.
To do it.
Okay, So okay, listen, here's the process.
We're still doing a podcast. So let's let's make this quick. Right cry to this.
You have clear through Clear. You can scan a QR code, put all of your information in. It signs you up to have a standing appointment with TSA. Whenever you come back through the airport, you can choose to go. So when will you guys come back? If Robin does this, when she comes back, she can just go sit down with them. So we'll have to wait in whatever line that is. But it's like twenty minutes and get her clear a prey check. It'll be fine.
It was.
It was twenty five minutes for me because it was Detroit Airport.
I don't know how long it is.
But either way, it's not gonna take forever. She's not gonna have to like set an appointment and go all right.
We're gonna agree on this didn't turn out the way Scary thought. He thought we were gonna ambush Gandhi and make her feel bad and and and she's a horrible person. Yeah, he was like, you tryna get Gandhi on the phone. We're gonna rip Gandhi. When do you hear what she did? You're gonna be bro You're gonna agree with me. Fuck cars, she's fucking up branding over I did it take. I'm like, hey, hey, hey, hey, that's foul grass language. I appreciate you. You go sit in the back of the plane. Shut up.
He's in seat eleven. F. He's gonna be fine. Wait, Brody, did Scary tell you what he did? As far as switching the first class and leaving me with all his luggage while he's trying to be mister freaking Marder over here.
That's a love and another episode. No, come on, now, we can take a scary Let's take our last break. You don't want to hear this, Jesus Christ. Perhaps it's part two of the Gandhi Uh okay, Gandhi. Gandhi's with us with Brandon and and of course all we gotta talk about your sauce on the Sauce on the Side podcast, which everyone should be listening to. If you haven't, start listening to the book through Sauce on the Side podcast. All right, Gandhi, Yes, Ahad.
So scary out here acting like a superhero when it comes to traveling. Let me tell you what he did. We were all all flying to Universal, We're all sitting in economy plus. Scary decided he wanted to try and upgrade to first class in case somebody didn't show up. It turns out that person didn't show up, so he was able to move up to business class seat from where we were. But he had already put all of his things in the overhead bin. By the way, you're only supposed to put one item in an overhead bin and not your coat here. He put both of his items in the overhead bin and his coat. So now it's above us and he moves up to business class.
Okay, they switched me out after we were all the whole plane was seated, and they said, mister, yes, okay. I wanted to be clear that I didn't just leave my shit there, but everything was. All the bins were closed, they were going to take off, and I scurried up to the front where they put me. Let's be.
Yes, that's what he did. So his stuff was in the overhead bins near us by the way again a coat and two items, which makes him an overhead been pig. So that's okay.
Fifteen he goes up to the front.
So now he's sitting in business class now while we go to get off the plane. I would assume a normal person would just wait and come back and take their things. No, scary group texts everybody. And I'm not kidding. This is what the group text says. Please grab my jacket, my backpack, and my suit case. What's across from you?
Yeah, because I can't go. I can't swim upstream.
Okay, don't interrupt this train. This is how his text came in. I'm not kidding you, Brody. It's across from you. It's a black backpack, leather backpack. My black leather jacket is on top of it, and the dark brown toomy suitcase over ten to a black backpack. Please grab it. Okay. So he's now instructing the group to fetch his things so that he can get off the plane when he left that crap back there. So okay, So everybody gets off the plane. I grab all three of his things and my thing, and I get off the plane. One would expect that Scary would be right there, right outside the doors where you would normally wait if your luggage was gate checked, at his things, the door of the plane.
The door of the plane. She wanted me to wait. That's where she wanted me to wait, in the middle of traffic when everybody's trying to get off the plane.
Hold one question, did Scary Did Scary look back and confirm and see that you took his stuff? It's too far back, No that that they They didn't come out for five minutes. Dude, we're talking about row one to ten. It takes me. You got off the plane, not even knowing for a fact she got your stuff or that she could help. I forget. I figured if I texted the whole group that was each one, there were five of them, each one would have one of my items, and know that they're not helping.
It gets it gets better. So normally, again, they gate check luggage all the time. So there are people standing there right when you get off the plane. All the time. You weren't holding up traffic. You weren't blocking anything.
Wheel Chair people, they're sitting there where wheelchairs waiting right wait, so again you're not blocking anything.
You can just wait it right behind them to get your bags. So he walks all the way off the plane, off the freaking whatever.
They call it, the jetway, the jetway. Did he did he go to the United Lounge?
He basically, so he's gone. He gets off the jet way, he crosses the aisle, he's standing across the freaking airport just he can with Elvis, and here I come with all of his stuff, lugging it because he expected.
All of us.
That's great, that's great. Listen, that is that is that is wrong on so many levels. Okay, not only did anyone confirm in the text message, they would get his stuff. Yes, no, well no, they gave me a verbal before the flight started. As I was walking away from everybody, I turned to Abby's sister, Oh no, she with us. Someone was with us, and I said, and they were like, don't worry, we got you. We got you. So I'm like, okay, good. Now, keep in mind when when everybody went when the when the flight's over, you hear the thing everybody gets up to the scene time. There's no way for me to go from row one to row ten to grab my chest. That's like swimming upstream. New Yorker would have been able to do it.
Off the plane.
I'm not sitting there waiting for the whole plane empty out. I got friends, okay, So I thought I got friends on board. I thought I had friends on my board who got my back. You know what you could? Okay, let me sup in here.
I am looking at the text messages and there is not one person who even wrote back to you except for me. And I said, I'll do my best. I promise nothing, and you still got off the plane and left all your crap back there even responded to you.
Here's here's my take. Number one, he asked the lowest member on the totem pole, Abby to get my bags. I'm saying it because you don't have ties to her. She doesn't. You don't know her for twenty years, and she's like the little girl. Abby's like, oh, I'll do my best. That's not a confirmation, that's I'll do my best. Then you make no effort to be a New Yorker and jump your ass back and get you bust your way back to those seats I got. You could have, like I got to go to the bathroom. My bags are, you could have gotten back there. Then you compound it by getting off the plane and walking a quarter a mile away with no confirmation than anyone's. I wanted to get out of everybody's way. I wanted to get out of everybody's way. Yes I did. Okay, I have a question. Where was your seat in row one? Was it in the aisle or the window aisle? Okay? You could have stayed in your aisle seat until Gandhi came up nine rows with your stuff and taken your stuff from her and said, stop struggling, thank you so much for getting my stuff. I will carry it from the only ideas we know that she was carrying all three of my items. I thought between the fire and.
Then, even if every single person had one item, you still wait and take your stuff.
Also, her recollection of Abby is incorrect because she wasn't even on our plane. She flew from LaGuardia with me.
Who was it that was on the on It was Andrew? There was the three.
I was the only person who responded to you. Look at the texts.
Was in that group? He was in that group? Was it Deanna?
Someone was in that group, Elvis, Danielle, Nate Me, uh, I think that's Froggy Andrew. That was everybody that you texted has Those people weren't even on our plane.
And I'm al even better than Abby. Abbey said, should get the I'll do my best from another fucking airport. Yeah, So so all you had to do is scary was saying, you know what, guys, can you just carry my stuff up to row one and I'll get it from you? Guys you got off the plane. Not only did you not even know if anyone was getting it, because you know those fucking people, I'm just like them. I would have been like, fuck him, let him get his own bag. They should have gotten off the plane and made you run back up the jetway, get back on the plane and begged them to let you back on to get you bags that were still stuck in ten because you fucking left your shit in row ten, didn't even confirm that anyone helped you, and you didn't care who did it, and you assumed they would all can And you know you waited all ahead in the airport. You should have been in the uber point. I'm are. I just want to say thank you. Oh my god.
Lets the record reflects. I'm the smallest one of the group. I had all the stuff by the time I loved my ass up that jetway with all of his things and I saw him, I basically threw it.
You know what, Gandhi, thank you so much. You know you know what I'm gonna do. You know what I'm gonna do for you, Gandhi. I am gonna buy I'm gonna buy you a steak dinner. You're gonna teach her. I'm gonna buy you a steak dinner. Yeah, Gandhi, You and I and Brandon Brandon two, the three of us. You're gonna go out for a big, juicy steak dinner at the stake cows of your choice. This is a standing offer here today on the Brooklyn Boys Podcasts three twenty eight. Oh, I will, I will just to fuck you, Brody, just to fuck you.
Watch, We're gonna get a seven course meal, the best fucking steak, flaming yon that you've ever had in your life. Because I owe you. I owe you Gandhi. Guess what who? I don't owe anything to this asshole over here here, David fucking Brodie. And you know what, it's okay because I got the greatest gift of all you being fucking wrong and told you're wrong by other people besides me. You're a horrible What have we learned today thanks to Gandhi? You're a horrible boyfriend and you're a horrible friend. That's you.
You know what.
I don't like this. This is how this fucking episode is going to end like this, great Gandhi bandon, thank you for being here today, Yes, thank you both thanking me what a loser I do a podcast? Thank you for improving our relationship. Love you both.
Don't forget about me tomorrow and Economy.
Appreciate it. You can take off your fancy shoes and kick back Land guys, I love you.
Bye bye.
Wow. All right, all right, gotta get out of here. Hey, listen on the way out, David Brodie your first preset. People listen to order. They know they've heard this before. No, this is about radio. Make us your priest, Greg who does the Greg T Live podcast every Monday morning from ray Katina uh In in Edison. He invites everybody to come down and see him this past this past Monday, Danielle and I from the show from the Big Show went on and did the podcast. This video on YouTube. It's everywhere at Greg T's world, on on his on his Instagram. My point is support Greg T. Definitely go to see him if you're in the area. And I'm hearing now on a future Greg T Live in April, David Brody will be making the journey down there and uh and hanging out with him on a future episode. So that's correct. All right, good, that's it for this week. All right, we are out of here. Enjoy your trip for lying first class. You are the fucking worst boys, boys rock Broker