#329: Skeery identifies a character flaw in Brody about him always having to be the funniest in the room and have the last word- and Brody debates him on it; Brody turns down a last minute invite to a steak dinner; The boys handle auto problems differently as proven by Skeery's destroyed destroyed tire fiasco; The light in Brody's car is clowning him; Parents who enable and encourage their teen daughters to gamble.
Start Up, dot Up, start Up, Brooklyn Boy Boy start Up, Brooklyn Boys, start Up, dot Up, They making noise, dot Up, start Up, dot Up, Episode.
Three twenty nine. It's the Brooklyn Boys Podcast. What's going on? Everyone? How you doing there? David Brody?
Do I count as everyone? I wasn't your bustles to answer?
Are you? Oh? Yeah? You are? Everyone? All right? Well, I'm doing well. I have a lot of things to talk about. I've got some some.
Sound clips to play. Yeah, I'm very excited. Good, I'm excited too, you know, it's uh, I'm most excited about something you're unexcited about.
No, yeah, yeah, of course, because.
Slices, slices. Listen, I'm not Lena tell you what it is. You know, when Scary and Brody, Brody and Scary have an argument or debate, and you know, sometimes people think Brody's right. Every once in a while people think Scary's right.
More often strong opinions.
Yeah, yeah, So we had a conversation a few episodes ago that rolled into slice time for weeks. People had a strong opinion on it. Scary's wrong, Scary's right, Scary's bougie, Scary's right, but he's still bougie, all kinds of opinions, and sometimes the universe has a way of smiling down on Brody. What I don't understand, first of all, how how you think that this is funny to you? Or this is even it's not fdvantageous vacation to me? How is it justification? It's not a justification. Mark into Brody's right column. That's all I feel bad for Skary. You might as well just tell us talk about it right now, because because I may have to pause, because I'll tell you as soon as I get this phone call, I gotta run downstairs.
Yeah, okay, deal, Before I tell you what it is.
Just in the.
Slices, I want you to leave feedback on this talkbacks and let us know if it proves the point that Brody was right.
So a normal situation will be handled normally.
So Scary texts me and says, oh I got a situation. I'm like, oh, that's a ten minute situation. Oh no, I'll call Montfran much bigger situation. Scary, tell us what's going on in your life right now as we speak. I have the top line, what happened to your car? Well, I guess, don't don't give the details of what's going on. What happened to your car? Scary, You're I hit a pothole and it ripped a hole in the side wall of the run flat. Oh so scary as a flat tire. Now remember now, hold on lots of potholes where Scary lives a lot to get the.
Run flats right. Well, here's the thing, and I'm I mean again.
The reason why I'm panicking is because I got one eye on on what we're doing here, and the other one is on my phone. Because okay, because I have a toe a toe truck, we'll get there. In a normal situation, when you have a flat tire, a man or or a woman with skills, a person who owns a car.
And change their flat.
Either take the full spare out of the trunk if you have one, well, put the doughnut on the car and go get the flat fixed.
But Scary's tire is shredded.
Well, it's not ready. I'll say this. When I was coming out, I went on, when I was coming out of the gym this this afternoon, early this afternoon, a lot of law go on I was, I was coming out of the gym.
I went to the valet, and you know what, there it is there. It is the valet.
No, no, no, the valet. The valet had my car ready for me. Palk your car at the gym, your boysie, bastard. There's no where to fucking park. Okay, there's nowhere to park.
To walk to a park.
Park in front of all the courthouses where everything is.
There's no parking there. You were forced to park in a lot. It's not a valet. I'm sorry, yeah, yeah, right. So I went to the right. It's a talking lot attendant.
The parking lot attendant valets the car. Do you have no choice? You pull up, you have them a keys and you go. So when I came back, I'm looking at I'm walking toward my car from the front and then and I'm looking at the driver's side front wheel, front tire and I'm like, it's a little like like bubble there. So I'm like, what the fuck is that a little friction? So I went over to it. I bet down and there's a huge gash on the sidewall of of the of the tire.
But it's not flat because I have a run flat. They didn't go flat.
The whole point of having a run flat is you could still drive on it until you get to safety, or do you have a chance to change it.
That's a luxury I pay for having a run flat. So now, do you remember hitting a sidewall or something? This morning?
When I was getting into work, Right before I got into the parking garage, I heard a boom, and I think that was the fucking thing. But that they I think when the car went into the pothole, there must be some something sharp on the side of the pothole that ripped the shredding.
That's shredding. Now not your neighborhood, but gone you way to work.
It was it was It was a Manhattan in midtown where there's the city is riddled with potholes right now because it's the changing of the season right now, and then some of those holes haven't been filled and then the weather's changing. So the fucking ASPA is like doing weird things. And so yeah, so this potholes everywhere. People in Staten Island call it ashphalt asphalt. So so yeah, so I apparently I rode on it all morning.
You didn't know.
Thank god, I have a big trip. I have like three big trips coming up in the next three days where I have to go for more than twenty thirty miles.
And thank god I saw that.
Thank god I went to the gym today because otherwise I wouldn't have seen it because I don't want to look at my car. Yeah, I always give it when I valley the car, I have to give it to you all once around to make sure they didn't like bang it up or whatever. Sure, so I'm looking at the thing, oh shit, tire chain, and I knew. I knew it wasn't any foul play by their part. I knew that exactly what it was as soon as I Oh my gosh, shit, it was the fucking pothole this morning, and somehow I was able to drive on it all day. But anyway, so I called the BMW roadside assistance right and now now I'm assuming roadside assistance for a BMW means they're gonna come to you, bring a spare tire and replace the tire right out. What it is that's well BMW, Well, BMW, that's the dealership that the service center could dispatch someone, I guess.
But but I am.
I'm under contract where I get for free BMW roadside assistance. What is there to come and bring a tire, replace the tire for you, and then you stand to come down.
Your own home. They give you a toe. Well it needs a new tire.
They could they get they could run flat you know, bring that fire.
They can't.
Well, I'll tell you this. The people who are bringing the tow truck told me, yeah.
Wood truck.
Well it's they're gonna. They're gonna flatbed the car to my dealership. You know why because it's an all wheel drive car and you can't toe it like that. They said it will ruin the car. The lady on the phone from the service center car neutral. The lady on the service center said, in the service center for BMW said you cannot tow the car. The car has to be flatbedded. So they're sending some friggin towing company with a flatbed to my place.
I gotta put they gotta put.
The car on the thing, send it, ship it off, have the tire replaced and brought back to me tomorrow morning. Okay, So the slices, scariest whole bougie tire system has now cost him the use of his car. He's gonna lose his car until tomorrow because they can't bring a tire and they can't bring it back. Well they can if I really wanted to, BMW said send me the loaner. But I'm like, by the time you're bringing it back, that's not bringing it back.
The thing is you're in the hands.
I said, she could be home for dinner, but instead as she can't, so they're gonna send me a different woman to cook my dinner. I'm saying, as you like, that doesn't not the same time. My dealership is up in Westchester, dude, it's it's so much shit.
For those of you who don't know the area, that's like an hour and a half away from where Scary lives.
Yeah, you couldn't get a local dealership to honor any VMW dealership I know, but these are people that take care of me and rush me to the frigging beginning the lama v I pay't.
To deal for you. They're taking your car overnight, holy ship.
Yeah because yeah because no, no, no no, because it's it's taken.
Forever and run flat tires.
So I'm gonna get my car toe go away to fucking canvas with me, and they'll bring it back with some tourist stickers.
I hope they give you some souvenirs on the trip. You are something else. Let me finish.
The BMW roadside then calls the local towing people and it's up to them to come out.
I'm waiting for the local towing people to get here. It's been two hours now. Had I had they this all been taken care of this morning, they could have towed it to the dealership, they could have changed the tire, and they could have sent it back to me all in one business day and it would have been great.
However, I'm waiting forever and ever, forever.
Ever and ever for this freaking towing company to come. Now. BMW dispatches the company, so I don't want to get into the minutia of it.
Get a new tire? How much does this cost? Easier costing me free? Ninety nine? Because it comes with how you're going out tonight? Yeah? Yeah, how are you getting there?
Sal's picking me up? So bow Yeah, Sal your free money pal. He's picking me up.
Oh that's Sal. Yes, Sal, We're having a dinner tonight.
That was gonna be something I was gonna talk about that I was gonna actually talk about this with you on the VS take place that stayed place to five hundred dollars steak nives not that place, No, No, someplace nearby there. But anyway, that's I digress. Let's finish this here. So the PO needed a call tonight, you'd have to pay an uber so you'd be out that money.
But I'm not going to be sALS driving.
I can't believe the system. I can't believe the system you put up with. And you think it's fine from without your Corte twenty four hours okay at tire, but it's not. It's not BMW's fault. It is the fault of the local towing company who decided to wait two hours.
So anyway, here's what's gonna happen.
That you can't There's no bm does a BMW dealership much closer to you that would also, you have a contract, you don't need to be taken care of. And I don't want it to go to I don't they wanted to bring to the want in Manhattan. I don't want to go to that one. I don't want my car to go to that one. I want my car because did people there take special care of me? My deal is ship carry. He already told me they already, they already told me. We have the tire in stock. Listen, there could be some wheel damage. We don't know what's going on. Let's take a look at it. So anyway, the whole thing is a jack you up.
For suspension, prepare ball joints.
Stop when you have a BMW. You don't deal with that ship. It's all part of the boogie price you pay.
This is why I pay. What I see, this is this is to me, he doesn't cover pothole damage. Yes, the tire will be free because I have the tire package.
Remember that if everything else is damaged or they tell you it's damage, you're gonna be paying.
A shipload of money. Listen to me. Listen to me.
This exactly exemplifies, with an underscore and an explanation point, why I paid for the tire package, because you can be without a car for a day. Well, first of all, hold on here, these frigging run flat tires go for six seven hundred dollars. See, this is no two hundred dollar tire. This is not hundred because you brought the tire. Had you brought a regular two hundred dollar tire? You wouldn't be going This car uses run flats, doesn't use regular tires. My tire, my Goodyear tire Champ. I wouldn't have a frouity. It's what you're paying into this, because that's the this is the the Kingdom. You've entered that kind of money. You should get your call back to say, hey, they should have brought the tire too. You know what this is allowing me to do. It's allowing me to do this podcast. I don't have to get under my car. I don't have to have a doughnut. I don't have to change anything to get under your car. Why would you ever get under your jacket up? I don't have to jack the car up. I don't do anything.
I don't have this.
The last time you jacked up a car never so. So my point is it's gonna be handled in the background, Brody, they're gonna.
Show up, but no, it's not.
My car is gonna be flatway, It's gonna be flat better away. And then tomorrow morning I'm to wake up and get a call that it's on this way back to me, and they're gonna flap at it back to me with a brand new fucking tire bro.
That is how I roll. That's how your car doesn't roll because it's got a flat time tomorrow. But the thing is you and I we're very different people.
So go to I go to Luis's the flat fix. I get down and you have every right to it. I'm not criticizing people who do. Do not take this as a as a put down to anybody who does. I just think it's spending a lot of money for shit service. You're losing the car for its service. It's a white club service.
They're coming to my They're coming to my.
Address, picking up my car and flat but they're not even towing it. They're gonna flat to bringing it to Montreal, apparently because that's where I wanted to go.
They could bring it to the city. They actually said, let's bring it.
Telling me this, there's no BMW dealership in the county you live in. There's three of them closer than the one that I go to, right, so choose one of.
Those and gets your car back.
I like my people at my service center in Westchester, the West cause you know why, because west Chester is Westchester is best Chester.
That's right. I love it.
They take wonderful care of me there I have in personal relationship with everyone at that freaking deals. What are they gonna do for you? Different than putting a tire on your car. They're gonna bring me to the front of the line, and the front of it now. Now the thing is the front of the line is tomorrow, because by the time it fucking gets there, it's gonna be close a bit, Brody. No, white club service means the totruck company brings it back to you after hours, they pay the extra money. That's white club service. What you're getting is you're getting ship. You're getting the basic bullshit. I got your sal picking me up for dinner tonight. We'll talk about that in just a little bit and and tomorrow. Any man about that I wake up, Brody's gotta be in maan at something else here it comes and that will launch us into that next topic.
Why is sal picking me up? That is a you you want to take it?
And then I gotta talk you about my car problem because you're not gonna believe this.
I think my card.
I want to talk about my car real quick before we talk about your salad dinner. So you guys know I have a Dodge charger sure.
A lot of car talk here, a lot of car talk.
So the headlight system, there's a light that's a ring around the frame the glass right. So the headlight is glass right, and there's a ring, a light ring around it, and inside the light ring is a high powered.
I think it's an LED bulb.
I'll tell you the kind of bulb it is, because I have to pay extra money for the bulb.
Not that it's bougie here it is. Let me tell you the name of the bulb because it's a uh, the special bulb.
It's a high it's a high intensity bulb that that sits inside the headlamp the case right.
So about about a.
Month ago, I'm in the car with my cousin and she says, hey, it looks like the road is darker on my side of the car, on the passenger side. I so, that's weird. I don't know what's going on. So I pull over and I see that the light ring around the frame. That's fine. And when I turn the flashes on to make a right, you know, turn signal, that's fine. But the the high intensity bright bulb is out. Oh, so I'm like, oh, crap, crap, I got to replace the bulb.
So I order the bulb.
It's like fifty eight dollars on Amazon for the well reviewed one that matches the same specs as the original one on the driver's side.
They have to match otherwise it's gonna look weird. So I get the bulb. I look.
I watch your video and how to fix the bulb, and it involves take it off the inside cover by the engine and reaching in and around and up.
Or you can go in through the wheel.
Well, take off the little cover by the wheel and reach it underneath, which I don't want to do. So I go in through the top and I unplug the thing and.
It goes on. So I'm like, oh, it must have been loose. So I put it back.
Together and I drive, and I'm driving for two weeks and the light's fine. So I said, well, I'd better return the bulb to Amazon for fifty eight dollars because you can only keep it for a month before you can't get your money back.
Is that you follow that? Sure? I don't need to pay my mechanic now, I don't need to change the bulb which is loose. No problem.
So I I go to Whole Foods. I return the bulb. I get my fifty eight dollars back.
The next day, the light's not working again. I'm like, son of a bit to just return the light. So I order the light again and I go to my car and the light's working again, so that the bulb arrives two days later. Because I have Amazon Prime, I'm like, I don't I don't need this, So you know, I said, you know what, I'm gonna play it safe. I'm not gonna open the package, you know, the bag that it comes in. I'm and put it in my trunk, and if the bulb goes out again, then I got the bulb. No problem, sounds good. I drive three weeks, the bulb is fine. Now I'm facing like another like a week before. I if I if I don't send the bull back, I have to I own it. And I don't want to own a fifty eight dollars bulb. If I don't need it. It must have been a glitch. Maybe there's some dirt in there. It's been working with three weeks. I bang on it. I hit the glass. Nothing, it's not loose, nothing, it's great.
Like three weeks. The bulbs fine.
So I'm going out to dinner last night with my friend, and I said, you know what, I have to go on on the road where there's a Staples. You can return things at Staples now for Amazon. And said, I'm like, you know what, my bulb's working. Fine, I'm gonna stop at Staples on the way to dinner and I'll return the bulb. Turn the bulb, go to dinner. I get a notification on my phone the sixty dollars okay with tax, Your sixty one dollar credit has been sent. Your refund has been processed. Fantastic, scary on everything.
I hold, Dear.
I go out to my car and I start the and I do the remote start because it's rained outside last night.
I already the bulb of course. The yeah, well that's Murphy's law, right, how does my card? No, when the bulb arrives, it works.
I send the ball back twice now, yeah, twice, I've sent the ball back. The bulb was fucking with you. So guess what the bulb number three just arrived today. It said same day shipping.
It was.
I guess a local distributor had it. Yeah, so I had it already arrived. I have it now, so I'm.
Gonna go I have to replace the ball. My bulb was out.
Maybe maybe it's a problem with the socket. Maybe there's something else going on there.
I don't know.
Scary, but how the f does it know the minute I send it back to go out?
I don't know. Well, you know what I would have done. It's like I would have called and have my car with your car.
I would have a car flatbed into the dealership and said fix the headlight. I guess what it would be free slices?
Is this like? Is this happened to you where It's like it's like when you hear a noise.
And you bring it to the mechanic and when you get there, it's not making a noise anymore. That happens all the time. That's with everything you know. So so, so you have the bulb and my hit the ball, so at least you have a car.
I don't.
Right now, I'm about to not have a car, as they're going to. Actually, when we take a.
Break, I believe the guy is almost is close by. Yep.
See I could see it. I could track where he is. He's about he's about eight minutes away. Tell you he had a story about dinner and I tell you it's.
Not really a story.
It's just basically like, you know, Sal's coming to pick me up. We're getting we're getting the crew back together again. We've done these before. We've also talked about this on the podcast before, where every once in a while our boy Sal and Josh and Brandon and Bernie and me we get together, you know, we shoot the ship. Yeah, I know you call. You called Josh and on the phone he said, don't invite Brody. Now I remember. Now we could have Josh a Sala on the phone if you want it. But but I didn't. I didn't invite you this time. You were you were Okay, let's put it this time. Well, let's put it this time as supposed of which time?
Six time? Okay? Six times.
We're going to a great spot in Red Bank, you know, awesome restaurant. Yeah that we we And this is a steakhouse that I don't know if you've been to before. You've definitely sent me video of it on TikTok. You've sent me links like, oh look at this, check out this place. Here's the here's the issue with this, okay, And it's not an eight realion issue because it's a table for six and there's only five of us going. So I could, like right now here on the podcast, invite you to come to dinner.
It's okay.
By the way, I send you videos of steakhouses in hope she'll take me to one, not saying that you can take five other people. Yeah, but this was a plan that was put in This wasn't a plan that was put in place by me. This was someone else that made this plan. But it happens to be the guys that you know and you hung out with back in the day.
Sure, And you know what I thought about it, They're not really big drinkers.
So if you came, I don't think it would be a big problem. I think this is the kind of thing they have to get, like a week of preparation to think about first. How funny would it be if you just showed up.
It would not be funny. It would not be funny for me. It would be funny for you, it would be funny for everybody. No enough, wouldn't it be a pleasant surprise for.
Ho the waiter? No, I tried.
You might be happy to see me, Brandon might be happy to see me. Not Josh and I butt heads. Joh Josh is high maintenance.
You know why because you are. I'll tell you why.
Because you are one of the same Josh, and you are the same person you. Josh doesn't like that. He tries to get an insult fight with me and I shred him. Well, the thing is, you guys are both snippy, You're both very sharp, and you're both very young. He likes to be like the King Snipper, and if I show up that he's second fiddle, you can't see you. So you have to always be the funniest in the room. I can't help that.
What am iuch? Just to not be funny? How's that possible? See? This is this is one of the This is one of the best. Like you being bougie.
That's like you go into Applebee's and go and take an update to Applebee's.
You couldn't do it. No, this is not that.
This is this is basically a show like a duel, you know, like a no duel.
He doesn't have a gun. No, it's not a duel. There are no guns, and a duel among his among professionals, aren't duels among under swords involved in duels.
I'm going tell out to Alexander Hamilton who got shot to death. Yeah, well in a gun duel. So oh that's right, that was a duel of gun. But no, I do think that is a character.
Flaw that you have shot shoot swords at each other.
No, I think it's a character flow of you. Let's not forget about that. That's over, we passed it. Uh it's it's I think that that is a problem. You cannot you're asking the scorpion not to sting the frog. Go look up that that that fable, right, But it's okay to let other people win win an argument, because winning it's about his results that we're gonna sit there when he starts ribbing me win a rank out contest, win a battle of the battle of the jokes.
See, the thing is both of you are jokesters. You guys are the same you guys Scario asking you would you go and buy a used uh I used Hyundai as you knew, right, then, don't ask me to not be the funniest president at the table. Same thing. It's who you are.
Yeah, you could, I know, but at some point you have a you can have a little bit of it. Who makes that shirt you wear and you're like, I want you to say Haines's Hanes. Yeah, okay, okay, what does that mean? Come on, it's who you are?
Oh oh, because I wouldn't wear a Haynes T shirt.
You wouldn't wear a Haynes T shirt. It that's theory. It's one hundred and twelve dollars a gentleman preferring are okay?
The reason why I bring it up is because I feel that you've done to You could work.
You could work on yourself.
You could work one working on myself. I'm a funny person people like to be around. No, no, no, but hear me out. Okay, a table around, table of six people. All right, friends, it's okay that during that time, you know, if there's some insults running around and we bust each other's balls and we like, you know, hanging out talking to each other, making jokes, it's okay that you don't get the last word in. And that's not okay with you, But it would be nice if you could just let someone else have the final word, or let someone else.
Win the battle and the duel win the duel, we'll call it that.
You're talking about a battle of intellect and wit and humor. You want me to defer to somebody else for that? No, not defer, but like, it's okay you to throw the fight. You're asking me to go into the ring and lose. Hey, Muhammad Ali, why don't you stop beating up the other guys? Why don't you just lose once in a while. I'm the greatest of all time. But all right, I'll lose this one. You're not hearing me because you're a man. It's so extreme. Is that what Aaron Judge did in the World Series? Did he just drop that ball because he felt bad? He's wanted to make friends with the Dodgers.
It has nothing.
It has nothing to do with a competition sport where please, people are playing for our championship rings.
And that's different. This is the game. This is the game of.
Life, the game of life. At the game of life. Okay, I just leave as a talkback.
Should I go to dinner and tone it down and let Josh insult me and and needle me and you.
Can have some some barbs back and forth the two of you or whoever.
But I should lose, but let him. Here's the thing with friends. Do I start with him. Do I start with him? Do I have a he lights you up? He starts right, but with me?
Why shouldn't I win? Why should he start with me and win? You need to do both that. I don't need to be with someone like that.
I'm around.
When I go out with my friends, they're like, they appreciate my humor, and nobody insults anybody. No, but we all we all laugh. We have laughs at each other's expenses. But that's what friends do. We'd like to have more laughs.
In a group of a table, you something somehow, you take over, you dominate the room, and then everyone.
Winds up like just like, all right, Brody is brody. That's that's who I am. You know us did that? My mom did that.
She dominated, She she entertained everybody's center of attention.
I'm not saying, listen, it's okay.
It's the wrong group of people that it's the wrong group of people scary, it's totally okay.
If I can't be myself, you want me to tell them.
You can be yourself. You're not hearing me out. We all can be I'm myself, but we all You win something here. Thing in a situation like that, you win something, you lose some. No, because you don't lose some.
What are you talking about.
Me to TGI Fridays, an order burger and that's your dinner.
Okay, I could do that too. No you, Courtney would kill you. I'm a chameleon. I could fire any situation.
Yeah, okay, okay, I get fish. I can go to I can go to dinner with you, with with these people, I'm not supposed to like talking about the places. I can make jokes about the about the service. I can make jokes about politics or sports or current events. But I'm telling you Josh cannot control himself. Josh will make a comment like, oh, we better not order a drink because brunis don't get what your.
Joke. That's funny, so we laugh and we move on, though.
Right then I'll make a joke about Josh ordering three appetizers the fat fuck, and then and then and then and then Yo, he'll say something about me, and then I'll say something about him, and eventually it'll be just me going against him, and he'll devastate. And that makes it very uncomfortable, right that he shouldn't started with me.
But that's what makes it weird.
Te to friends this conversation with him. Have you talked to Josh about Hey, listen, don't start with Brody. You know you'd get your ass handed to you. Did you have that conversation. No, Hey, Josh, I'd like that Brody. You know, he's a great guy. Fun, we're gonna laugh old times whatever. He's gonna make anybody laugh a good time. But Josh, you shouldn't go after him because he will shred you. But it's not about that. It's about everybody getting in there. It's he's your arch nemesis. I find I'm his arch nemesis. I don't think about him. He's not my arch nemesis. He said, he's a mosquito to be swatted away, Okay, And that can come up at the table, you know, like I swat you away.
Yah, you're you're a little I'm gonna flick you like that, well, flick you like a flee.
But the thing is in a group setting at dinner like that, everyone everyone can get.
It's like a roast, you know, you know the roast when you see the rocket. And I don't have that.
Brandon and I don't have the relationship, salam I don't have the relationship.
Who else is gonna be there? Brandon, Sal, Bernie and me.
Oh, Bernie, Bernie. I have a great relationship with Bernie each other. Yeah, Bernie's Bernie's effect and Josh, Josh, Oh, well, Bernie's terrific. Okay, So but when friends get together, you know, the sparks fly in all directions.
Everybody gets a little bit of it.
The thing is, you can't take a little at any of it without becoming, you know, engulfed in flames. And then you have to just crush everybody and then everyone's like, I'm sorry I went to but thanks Taylo Swift. Sparks Fly, Sparks Fly. Yeah that's a deep cut.
So deep cut. Yeah, well that's a good song.
Uh, you are mistaken in thinking that we're all good friends and that we're gonna, oh we all trade barbs.
Only Josh, only Josh.
I have a calm relationship with Brandon, on a relationship with Sal. We talking about the Mets. Brandon's a Mets fan, if I remember correctly. Uh, Bernie's great guy, worked with him a lot, and I like Josh. I like Josh, he can't help but start with me. So you tell Josh Hey, Brody's coming to dinner. Just don't start with him. We'll have a great time. But unless he can do that, I'm good. I'm good. So here's what you need to do.
You need to you need to plan a dinner which you and me and Bernie and Brandon and uh Sal.
And then call Josh up and say, hey, Brody, Bernie, Sal, and Brandon and I are all going to dinner. If you'd like to come, You're gonna need to tone it down.
I like that.
I like that.
Brody Brandon, Brody, Brandon, Bernie and Sal.
Yeah, Brody, Brandon, Bernie and Sal and three bs, two s's that makes more sense, Josh doesn't. And a lot of b sing at the table, a lot of bs and a lot of yeah. And then you tell Josh, hey, the five of us are going out. There's an empty seat at the table. Josh, if you'd like to come, you have to tone it down. Don't start with Brody. Let him have a good time, let him join himself. I think failed to see my point. Friends, you see my point.
I do. But you have that conversation with Josh. I could have it. I could guess we're going out.
Okay, Yes, yes, I can have that conversation with Josh. Okay, then do that. Do that tonight and I'll and you'll see.
Me next time.
All right, my toe truck drivers here, I gotta go get my car put up on a flatbed and tote away. All right, Well the slices won't know, but I'm gonna I'll see you in twenty minutes, scary podcast.
We will be right back.
Oh my god, what a fiasco. What happened again?
I thought there's some care of your cause on its way to cana all right, we had to take a pause for the cause. Yeah, during that commercial break, we stopped and I went downstairs and I had my car put up on the flatbed and the guy was pulling away. So that's great, cars on its way to my dealership, Thank you so much.
So I go back up the elevator and I get to the top of the landing and I get a text message that says, hey, we're arriving now with your flat with the flatbed to pick up your car. And I'm like, huh. I'm like, you already picked up my car. So I called the number and the guy's like, yeah, man, I'm coming down your block. And I'm like, what do you mean you're coming down my block? I said, you guys came already, you left, you's on this way to the dealership. Yeah, so he goes no, it's he goes no, because I got a call to be here. I went back down the elevator, I went and met the guy. And now I'm thinking, oh my god, was the first guy like a fake and he just stole my car?
Did he just try? Was he not? Did he intercept it or some on the on the radio like go pick it up or some kind of a you know right or whatever it was.
I don't know if people intercept communication, email, text messages.
Who knows.
So I was like, dude, my car and I'm like, it's the same company. So the same company sat down two dispatchers for my car. So I said, no, bro, call your friend.
So he calls.
The guy confirms that he's already halfway to Westchester with my car. And then this guy shows up. So I was like, listen, man, I gotta go. I gotta go back upstairs.
I gotta work. So what.
Yeah, So whatever it's. It's it's all like, are you getting your car back tomorrow?
Yes? Tomorrow morning.
But flat tires, everybody, This is what you get to deal with. Yeah, so I think the first guy stole your car.
That's what I'm going. Oh yeah, go with that, Go a good copy.
You'll never see that again. Okay, So here's what happened on my end while I was waiting for you. Oh, I think I told this story. So my podcast studio is on the ground floor and the main living level is one flight up living room, kitchen, dining room area. And whenever I'm going to do the podcast, m h, I say podcast.
Why you with bring well? Hold on, I think I've told the story.
My dogs are the dogs because they want to sit on the favorite couch, which is in the podcast studio, and.
They only get to sit on that couch during the podcast.
Yeah, because I'm never in here unless i'm editing audio or something. So most of the time when I'm in here, it's doing a podcast, which in addition to this podcast, which is twice a week, I do the Marvel Movie Talk podcast, So.
At least three days a week I'm in here. So they like to come in here. It's warm.
One of my dogs sits on the floor in the corner and one of them sits on the couch.
He loves the couch. So when I say, guys, I can't, they go.
And they run downstairs and they run to the podcast door and they go, Okay, Well, here's the thing. While I was waiting for you, I'm watching the Mets Cardinals game, killing time because they're playing a spring training game. And as a guy on the team pages, he's Hispanic, so it's pronounced pies.
Yeah. Okay.
So I'm like, every time I hear them say pa has it sounds like pothead to me. So I'm like, oh, potheads up. So I said piehead, and my dog said I said podcast, and.
They went flying down the stairs. Oh man.
So I have to now be careful I don't say pothead, pot hesse or podcasts because they're gonna think, yes, we're here already. E. They're all excited. So uh they love the podcast. Big fans of the Brooklyn Boys.
I got to give a shout out to Howard Stern. Howard Stern was hilarious the other day. He put this up on his social mediu. I guess we could play it as long as we give him credit that it was his. But we sure we talked about the guy in the NBA.
What's his name? We said, we mentioned this on Slice Time last week. Right, guy in the NBA, what did he do? The guy in the NBA. His last name is Dick. No, we didn't talk about that. We didn't. Maybe I was talking to somebody else about it. You're talking to somebody else. Well, you know about the guy. His last name is Dick. His name is Grady Dick.
Right, I don't know, Gray, there's a guy named Grady Dick in the NBA.
Are people buying his jersey? I'm sure you know what. I'm sure they are.
But the problem is if you watch the broadcasts with them, Yeah.
Dick Dick.
Oh, Dick is penetrating like like they do all this. Their basketball terms fit in perfectly with a name like Dick. We had talked about it on this I guess you talked about one of your other podcasts. Maybe you were talking about it with Josh at dinner.
No, we played it. We talked about it on on the radio on the radio, but we didn't play the audio. But you can because it's a you can play the audio because.
It's a guy's name. So why didn't you play it on the Morning show. I don't know.
I don't know if we got around to well, we're gonna play it right here on the Booking Boys podcast. We got the maybe first you heard it hit second because this is Howard's bit. I don't know how many slices listened to Howard and heard this bit. I said, you're probably hearing it from the first time.
Probably so.
So Howard's team got together and they took a montage of all the broadcasters talking.
About Grady Dick. Grady Dick.
So here's, uh, this is Howard on his show talking and then playing the montage about Grady Dick and I love you up.
Set it up, love you Grady Dick.
So the announcers are having a hard time all season because the guy's name is Dick, throwing them off their game. I don't know what's going on, but but listen to this.
This is Dick trying to penetrate inside. They trying to go back door with Dick. Dick aren't charging to the cup.
Dick is gonna scold Dick was coming wide open back door.
Dick couldn't hit it. Dick goes down, Dick rises up, Dick goes down. Dick is after Dick's struggling big time tonight.
And it's a big deal. The guy's name is Dick, you know, and there's no reason to get too uptight. But NBA announcers are now stopping saying Dick's name. You know, they're being manto like, hey man, I'm not saying Dick anymore, you know, like, oh yeah, because really.
They're discussing how they're not going to use Dick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Gritty Dick's lard bucket of the game brings it back to nineteen Let's just call it Grady. Let's just call it Grady for the rest of again. Number four gritty. I'm not going he didn't bore a baller right here, y'all. And they pointed that out, Brady Dick. I can't say his name.
His name.
I'm not going to say Dick is dribbling. I mean, then you'll think I'm maybe funny. Dick is penetrating, Dick is going in.
Yeah, I watched that five times. He's also showing he's showing the clips too. At the same time, one of the greatest college basketball announcers of all time was Dick Vitale.
You're not going to say his name.
I mean, Dick is a no, but yeah, but that's what's his last and that's Dick fight Coal's his first name. In this case, it's his last name. And they always they always called them by their last names. So yeah, but this basketball players whose last name is gay, you'd say gay is penetrating. You'd still if he's if you're penetrating, you know the defense, that's.
What you're gonna say. I get it.
But as adults, you're you're drawing attention to it by by saying.
You're not going to say it was that? Was that Charles Barkley or is that shocks on? One of them? Was Shack more of an attitude, I'm not going to say. I's call him Grady from here on out. So is that gonna be one of.
The first basketball players they call him by the first name instead of the last. Well, Grady is always to me. Remember the show Sam from the Sun. Grady anyway, I thought I thought that was hysterical. It's very funny, but thank you Howard for the laughs. So well, that's like, that's like uh Keith and Z constantly saying uh uh uh cha chazh chism. His name is Jazz Chisholm right, chieh right, what was the guy in the NFL. He was on the packers fudge Ho Ho something or other?
Ohh uh uh uh no, no, no, no, there's one guy with some crazy name with.
With yeah, hold on, everyone's going crazy and who knows the packers.
It was like ho ho Dixon or oh something Dix something Dix, Ho Dix or I forgot, I can't. My brain My brain is like mush at this point. Ha ha Clinton Dix. That was it, Clinton Dix cl to Dix.
But imagine his took He just took his stepfather's name or whatever it was, one of his parents' names.
It would have been like ha ha Dix, ha ha Dix. Right.
Anyway, listen, there's a place in Long Island called Dix Hills.
Yeah. I think we should desensitize Dix, don't you think? I like? I like, I prefer if they stay sensitized.
That's just me, okay with Scary and Brodie, I I need help.
If you ever heard a you know those things?
Uh you see him on TikTok Instagram all the time when they show you like eight things and they say concentrate on one of these eight things, and you'll hear that, yes, right, like you'll hear like a song lyric. But then they'll play they'll show you like six things that could be. And if you think you hear that, you hear that, you know I'm talking about it. Of course, with the same thing, can hear You can hear the same thing, but if you focus on it, it sounds like a different word.
I'm listening onna play a piece of audio and I'm going to tell you who it is, But first I'm gonna play it for you, and you tell me what you think he's saying.
The first time I played him was they Tried?
And I think he was the only.
First take on the album.
And okay, what do you think he said? I'll tell you what I said something he said, let me hear it again. Yeah, okay, I think he's saying the first song he played on the album was Betty Tried, Hey, Betty tried?
Ye first played him was they Tried? And nothing is the only first take on the album.
And then after that, what do you think he tried? Betty tried, Betty tried? Yeah, okay, so I know who that guy is. I'll tell you who he is in a minute. So I'm like, there's no song by that band called Betty Tried. So I recorded it on my phone and I kept listening to it. Betty Tried, Betty Tried. So that's one of the lead guitarists for def Leppard.
Uh huh.
So I look at every song deaf Lepid's ever recorded. I know there's no song called Betty tried. My favorite band, no song called Betty Tried. Then to the clip and he's talking about the first album they're recorded, which is Pyromania that he was on. Yeah, and I look at I know all this, all ten songs but nothing Betty tried.
Driving me crazy, I start looking for lyrics.
I start looking unreleased cuts, demos, songs def Leopard never released called Betty Tried.
Can't find it? Listen to it again? Here it is first play was that he tried?
And not think he was the only first take on the album.
What is it fair to say he's saying Betty tried.
Yes, slices before I tell you what he actually said, Leave us to talk back, Paus the podcast, leave us talk back.
Let us know what you think he's saying when he said this he tried first take? Okay, now now now slices and scary.
I want to tell you what he said and see if you say, if you hear what he said or Betty tried? By the way, did you think he said Betty tried the first time?
I did. Okay.
The name of the song is stage fright, stage frown, Yeah, laid again and You're gonna hear it.
Layden was Baye try and not Things, The only first take on the album. The first time of Laydoon was Baye try and not Things, the only first take.
The first song I play was stage fright, stage fright, styge fright with his accent because he's British.
The first time of Layden was bay try and I think he's the only.
First take first song of play was Stye age fright. But it's not like Betty Trump.
There's a lot of the examples of that on Instagram. It's kind of fun everywhere. Yeah, and it's always it's molded to how if you put the thought in someone's head, they're gonna hear it one way, and then you put another thought in their head in here it the other way.
Now we mentioned Keith Hernandez Mets announcer and how he gets things wrong or says things he shouldn't. Yeah, they show a clip of a guy paddle surfing, because they're a spring training now, so that there's people on the ocean right outside the stadium. And I believe this guy was a little fat, a little heavy set, a little bigger of a man.
Here's Keith Andnandez. That's that's quite a skill.
It's good for the abdominals.
There, that's a good exercise for tummy, for the abdominals. Oh, you spoke over it.
Listen, good exercise tummy.
Okay, you can use it, did you him? No, he goes, it's good exercise for the abdominals. He goes, looks like that guy, Could you look like that? That's why I love he. Here's a clip from the Here's a clip from the news. See if you can figure out what's wrong talking about a current situation.
Markable moment in the White House today when President Biden asked Janet Mills, who is the governor.
Of may Yeah, she's talking about a confrontation between the President and the governor of Maine.
Let's do it again. Tell me what's wrong.
Markable moment in the White House today when President Biden asked Janet Mills, who is the governor.
Of may You don't hear the problem. Now, this happened a week ago. Listen, he said, President said, President Biden, that's correct. Yeah, you're playing an old clip. For a second. I'm like, I assure there was an old clip. No last week.
Okay, this is a word. This is a word I've never heard before because it's not a word.
Ready, Yeah, she's bringing a woman from Eaton whose son is disabled and relies on Medicaid for home healthcare services.
Similarly, similarly, not a word. No, it's not a word.
Similarly similarly word similarly, let's hear it again in context.
She's bringing a woman from Eaton whose son is disabled and relies on Medicaid for home healthcare services.
Similarly, similarly, not a word.
Okay, another newscaster. Now, if you're familiar with the character of Michael Scott from the Office, one of the things he was famous for was fucking up common expressions. He would always get common expressions wrong. Okay, so if you're going to quote Michael Scott, you should quote the mistake. Of course, he would say, okay. So he had a famous expression, you know, the expression how the tables have turned. Yes, he would always say, or he has said on the show, Oh, how the turns tabled?
Well, how the turntables? That's what the turntables. Listen to. This guy on the news got.
To quote Michael Scott from the office, how the tables have turned.
That's the correct saying. That's the correct one.
You're not quoting Michael quoting quite a referencing Michael Scott.
Is that so he gets you? Ever wrote that in the teleprompter? Fucked it up? Mmm? Yep, yep, ummm. Here's another.
He's a golf commercial that pissed me off yesterday. The best killed golf stands in the way of an unprecedented three feet for Scottie, there is now and he is making a historical type run.
Did you hear that? A historical type run? Yeah, it's history. Historic. Historic means you're making history.
Historical means you're studying history.
Lastly, I have a great job for our show now. Seth Myers does a bit called.
The burn Zone. Okay.
And sometimes when he goes on a list of things he's attacking and if he attacks something on the list, you'll say, I'm complaining about paper straws, whatever, and then if something is related to that, he'll do a sideburn. Okay, we'll go, oh, sideburn cups or whatever, and the voice goes side burn cups. I've heard this talking about Adrian Brodie's long speech at the Oscars.
Hold On Sweet Texas to music.
Furst up, springing forward, Hey, springing forward. If I wanted to lose an hour, I just watch Adrian Brodie's OSCAR speech.
Sideburn Brody. So I got side burn Brody. Now love that. I love that. So I got that. What we're gonna I'm gonna send it to you for the podcast. I Burn Brody, side burn Brody. Yeah, thank you. Adrian. All I have I have a moral question for you coming up?
Oh well, I'm a moral person most of the time, so I should do well. All right, Right after that, we boys podcast. So we went to the Bahamas and we're hanging out at Atlantis last weekend, and.
Your girlfriend was still a TSA at the time.
That's a whole other story. No, we wed a good time. And then so Nate and I were sitting at the blackjack table. It was late at night, and all of a sudden, a family comes by a girl sits down at the table next to us, Brody. Okay, she was eighteen years old. And by the way, it's eighteen to gamble and eighteen to drink in the Bahamas, so she wasn't doing anything illegal. Okay, here's the weird part. The parents were standing right behind her. Okay, and the father handed her three hundred dollars and said, okay, just put it on the table and just let go and then let them.
Don't touch the money and let them and then okay, he's.
Gonna give you the chips and you're gonna put one in the circle, put one green, one in the circle.
They were teaching her how to gamble. They were two parents, a couple was teaching were teaching their daughter how to play blackjack. And this was her first time playing blackjack because she didn't know what to do, and she was asking everyone for help. But her father's like, you're gonna hit, and in order to hit, you have to point down at the table. You have to point at the table. That means, give me a call. Where he's gonna teach her, not in the in the hotel room, not watching a video like that'ney on the table right.
Well, that's not the issue that I really have. It wasn't that. It was it was you think she's too I think it's weird. I think it's weird today allowing it that well was the thing.
I mean, it's it's legal. She's eighteen. She sits down, and they thought she was younger. But you have to be eighteen to gamble.
I'm assuming, I'm assuming eight Were you attracted to her? No, it wasn't. I'm eighteen.
Okay, great, But I'm just where's your where's the moral compass? Here?
I mean, am I wrong? I don't have carrol? Is it a moral to play blackjack? No? But I feel like the parents are being enablers.
Hey, here's three hundred dollars and let's I'm gonna show you how to gamble, how to play black My guess is she was learning Lonnie does not have the same value.
Wait what they were rich?
I would teach my kids how to play the nickel slot machines.
See the difference.
Okay, I don't think it's a probab Listen, if you told me that was showing her how to use a crack pipe, I'd be like, Oh, that's a bit, that's not really what I would approve it. I just thought because I just thought it was like promoting gambling. But then I figured, well, she'll probably do this behind their back, so she might as well try and win some money she's at it, and do learn the right way. Well, the last cruise I went on with my family, my at the time twenty year old daughter, yeah, nineteen, maybe nineteen, I don't remember. Nineteen or twenty, maybe she was nineteen, played the slots.
Okay, yeah, but what is it difference? Were you give them five bucks, ten bucks, twenty bucks? I gave her. I think I gave her ten bucks, twenty bucks or whatever it was.
This way the slots. This was three crisp one hundred dollar bills. That don't heard.
That kind of money.
Proportionally, twenty bucks to my daughter is about the same whatever I gave her. So you're saying, I do get what you're saying. I told it's just weird. Hey, here's three hundred dollars. Let's blow three hundred dollars right now at this table, and uh, you might like it so much that next time, you know, Do you think I'm not trying to say.
That daughter, what three hundred dollars value three hundred dollars the same way we do.
You know, Atlantis has those super yachts parked right outside, right. Yeah, so there's a good chance they're rich and them three hundred dollars is ten dollars a good chat they are, But is it I'm I'm talking about more of that. They're promoting gambling now, they're promoting sitting down and having fun. It's a game of chance. And if she's eighteen, she may doesn't have her own credit card yet, maybe she doesn't have access to bank. I found it awkward. Listen, I'm not trying to come down on it. I guess better teach them the right way. So well, it's like the same thing what they say with like an Italian and Latin households and French households where you know, you introduced alcohol at an early age where there's wine at the dinner table every night, so basically, you know, you kind of give the kids wine, and so this way.
They only becomes twelve years old.
Thirteen years old, my mom would give me a sip of her whiskey sour or apricot sour or whatever.
It was sweet tasting.
No, but I'm saying on a daily basis, there's wine drinks or didn't affect me.
A lot of my friends grew.
Up with wine, did not with wine at the table, So it was introduced at an early age. So then I guess when they became of age it wasn't a big deal. But I can't desensitize the stigma around things. Then you're not going to do it because it's it's a thing that's I think if you like, don't touch alcohols, it's you're not, you know, an adult in an adult then you drink it. To be an adult, You're like, oh, I'm gonna look, I'm gonna drink alcoholic. So by baking it, by making the gambling not taboo, like you know, it's okay to come into a casino, drop three hundred dollars down and the start gambling. If you have an addictive personality, it's a problem regardless of who you are, if you're someone who's like and regardless if you've got it, but regardless if you've got your story at eighteen, I mean, because shouldn't they have saved that till like she's like, I don't know, in her early twenties or something.
Eighteen, it's really young.
Yeah, but if she's not going tomorrow, you might have still been in a thousand dollars. Does she have one thousand dollars in her pocket to go down and we're not looking.
I don't know. But it's not the it's not the monetary. I don't know.
If the prince is probably having she might be having sex already. She maybe she's probably she may have gotten drunk when her parents weren't aware of it. I don't think gambling, gamblessing like those things addictive things can be dangerous. But if you desensitize it and she's like, oh, I played, no big deal, then it's not a big deal. So if you make it a big deal, I don't know. I mean, three hundred dollars is a lot to give a kid. I would put her at the ten dollars table and give her fifty bucks, forty bucks, yeah, and be like, yeah, make a couple of bets. Yeah, you're done, forty dollars, you've done. But maybe three hundred dollars to them is irrelevant. I don't know, all right, I don't know. It's not what I would do, But you know, three hundred dollars to me's a lot of money.
Yeah, she was, you know, she was looking around too, What should I do on this? Should I hit? S? S I stay? Should I whatever? So we we kind of gave we helped her how to play. You helped her, we all did. Yeah. Why why wouldn't we help her?
I don't know, because you never know, because you know. Because again, there's two mentalities. We've talked about this on anim we'll move on. There's two mentalities that if you play with someone at the table who doesn't know what they're doing, it screws up the whole table, does it right?
If they well, because the cards are the cards.
So let's say she's got a seventeen, Yeah right, and she says, hit me, Oh my god, I'd walk away, I get up, hold on, and she gets it. She gets a ten, and then the dealer has to hit. And if the dealer got a ten, he would have busted and you all would have won.
And she fucked it up.
But if she takes a ten and the dealer had eleven, then you kept a ten from the dealer getting twenty one. Correct, there's no way to know what your card ultimately did to the rest of the deck because the next hand you may have all won. But there's a probability because of the cards that are in the deck.
There is no right. But you don't know.
Heart taking that ten could have kept the dealer from getting a blackjack next round.
You don't know. She's fucking up everybody. Of course, you have no idea.
If she's fucking up everybody, you have no idea to gambler's fallacy, you have no idea.
So are you helping her? I don't know.
If you tell her to hit and she gets a four and then the next guy needed a four, you fucked him.
Yeah, Well again it's statistics probability.
Yeah, it's probability. But it's also you have no way of knowing if you're helping or hurting anybody. All right, So whether she's good or not, I'm not I'm not a great player. Yeah, but we tried to help her out a little bit, you know, and not helping her and the father was helping her out because because at the end of the day, I know, people at the table get mad when there's people who aren't good.
Oh, how could just split aces? You're fucking everybody up. It's not about being good.
It's about following basic strategy and what the what the book but says to do to fuck up is you. You only fuck up you if the next card happened to have been something that would have helped you.
It's random.
I have no way of knowing that if I take the four you needed, yes I fucked you. But if I don't take the four, it could have it could have been a different card. I have no way of knowing it's gonna be a four. I didn't be like, hey that's a four, he needs a foe. I'm to take the four. It's all random. You can't get mad at the person next to you taking a card. Yeah, it's again. And as far as the kid, I'm fine with it now she was fifteen. If she was fifteen and the parents were like, oh she's eighteen, we vouched for her and you were like, this kid is fifteen.
Now she was when she is. Yeah, but but still she looked young. She had a young fase.
So anyway, all right, what would you like to say?
You have had a question. I have a moral question for you. How many more breaks do we have? This is it? So you might as well just go for it right here.
My moral question. Do you know have you seen the loyalty tracker smart ring?
What's that? Well, it was a big story. Uh, let me see. I pull up the notes for it. Hold on MM.
A loyalty tracker smart ring developed by a dating app, aims to protect detect potential infidelity by monitoring a partner's emotional state and activity using biosensors and AI, potentially alerting the user to suspicious activities. So artificial intelligence analyzes the data that it gets from you wearing the ring to determine whether you are excited, aroused, and what state you're in. So so it can tell if you are aroused or exercising. So if you're like with a woman and you're getting turned on, your wife may be home with the monitor on, with the app on her phone, and she can tell because you and she can see your ring is turning pink, and that means that you are sexually aroused.
And I would want this in my life why.
It also says the device will record voice patterns, not full conversations, only take emotional markers and be able to tell how you're sounding, whether you sound aroused or you're being sexy. Talk with somebody anything like that. So would you would would you trust yourself if Robin was able to monitor your ring?
Would you wear the ring?
And more importantly, would you trust Robin to wear would you want her to wear the ring?
No, and no no, there's no reason to you whether if Robin asked you to wear the ring, would you wear?
Because why not? Because it could be a false positive, right it could.
What if it tells me that I'm I'm I'm horny, but I'm not, and it gives that reading out I have no way proving that I'm not. I think this introduces really bad pitfalls into a relationship. What what purpose would this serve? Why would anyone even want this? I want to buy this.
I guess it's to show that you can be trusted.
I think I can't be trusted to like, maybe help keep you from being Uh, you know, we're not dogs.
No, we're not we're not animals here, I mean I feel like you're not.
No, no, no, this is this is introducing trouble into a relationship.
City. So let's ask a question.
If you had the ring on, can you vouch that you've never been out in a club where you've seen a girl and got a little mentally.
We all look.
I mean, of course we've I mean i'd be I'd be living if I said I didn't. If I had a difference between looking and going wow, she's hot between.
I did. Yeah, I don't know. Bro. Think you'd ever turned the ring pink? No? No, I I just I wouldn't even be wearing it. I wouldn't. This would not. This is not gonna happen.
If you had the ring, if you had the ring on and turn pink, would you call Robin right away? Like, no, I've been a baseball game. No, I don't. This is terrible. This is an awful idea. Is this a real life What are you talking about here? Yes, it's a real ring that sad story. Cells buying it obviously. People that don't trust each other.
Listen, people monitor themsell it helps monitor them. Maybe people like no, it does it?
Maybe people buy it for themselves like honey ring No, so you can trust me.
This causes cha.
If I'm going to bang some if I'm a bank, if I'm somebody who's gonna go out and bang somebody, I'll take the ring off. But I guess it tells you when the ring comes off.
Yeah, all of it. It's like wearing an ankle. That's like wearing an ankle. Bracelet you know for something.
Just leave us, leave us a talk back. Would you would you wear the ring? Would you want your spouse to wear the ring? What are your thoughts?
Money? Uh? No, no what? Nobody. Nobody is coming to the plate.
Nobody's gonna hit a talk back and tell you that this is a good idea in their relationship, the loyalty tracker ring.
Fuck that. I think you scamming me. This ain't real. This is I'll send you the articles, Go send it, Send me the article. I don't believe. How are they gonna get my head? No?
But I just think this is a dumb idea. This is the stupidest thing I fucking ever heard. You've heard a lot of stupid people invested in this. How are they gonna get their money back? There's no no friggin way, no shot. Obviously people are gonna buy it. They must know they're not. They ain't gonna make their money back on this terrible Who sending here? People who made this ring should be ashamed. Pink should be ashamed. It's causing trouble in a relationship. It's opening up Pandora's box. Why would anyone do that? Well, if you open up Pandora's box, it's gonna tell you.
What it's gonna turn pink. Who's this Pandora? And why is her box open? That's yead Look at your phone. I can't believe this. No mualty tracker, smart ring.
No, no, no, no, no, this is there Any couple, any couple who decides that they want this in their relationship is asking for it because a lot of things could go go haywire with it. What if it doesn't work all the time, or what if it you know, how accurate?
Really is it? Really?
I mean, do you believe in lie detector tests? It's been proven that a lot of them they could be you know, they could not tell the truth all the time. Maybe they're false negatives or false positives. Right, you trust a lot of detective tests, But experts, I mean experts who read lie detective tests are pretty close.
They're pretty good.
By the way, there's a use of a lie detector machine in the movie Black Bag, which is a fantastic spy thriller.
I just saw it this way.
I'm not I don't know I think this introduces a lot of unnecessary, uh trouble into a relationship. Relationship shouldn't trustworthy, relationship that's not true. Relationships should be It should be a face value. There should be loyalty and respect and trust. When you go out with the boys tonight, ask everybody at the table if they would wear the ring and want their signals.
I'm gonna bring it up. It's gonna be part of it. It's gonna be part of.
The conversation tonight tonight along with I almost invited Brody and I want to I'm gonna record everybody to see what.
They had to say to that.
I can't wait to hear the comments. Come on, Brody, you coming no no, but the ring says, I am
Boys, Boys,