The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #328 and earlier.
Brooklyn Boys podcast get reactions.
This podcast depends on you, baby.
Free. That's right.
It is slice time for Brooklyn Boys episode number three, twenty eight and beyond beyond goes beyond backwards, beyond backwards. That's what I meant. Yeah, this is.
The show that you control.
You leave the talkbacks based on our main episode, which was a very good episode we just had.
By the way, would you agree, Yeah, yeah, I we had a lot of fun on that one, we did. Yeah, so so yeah.
So if you listen through the iHeartRadio app, you have the privilege of doing one. Uh that would be setting us as your first preset please in that.
Already know, no, got to keep from I've already heard this.
No, but some they heard it, but did they process it. See a lot of times people will forget to do it. They're like, oh, yeah, I gotta do that. So this is just a reminder that if you haven't already in the new version of the iHeartRadio app, it's very imperative that you make us the number one preset please, the Brooklyn Boys podcast number one right up there. All right, let's get to the talkbacks. Thanks for dropping us feedback and clicking that little microphone.
All right, hey, this is Maggie from Miami, but now from Cape Coral. Going back to the Spruce episode, Scary you said, Okay, Michael Jackson, it's human nature. I think that was Madonna, and I really hope I'm right.
Because you're huge.
Where you correct, somebody make sure you're right.
And I didn't google it.
So fuck it. You should have googled it.
Michael Jackson, right, tell him that is a nation that, by.
The way, that does googles.
Madonna have a song called human Nations. She may, but Michael Jackson had the popular one. If I mean Madonna. It's on Bedtime Stories. So both the correct Michael Jackson had the bigger head with a different song altogether.
Reggie, here, listen. Brody and Scary.
If I ever adopt two bonded kittens from.
Brooklyn that are boys, I will name them Brody and Scary.
That is the promise I make to you.
Wow, that could happen like that.
That is going to be, you know what. She's going to make good on that too, and she will do it, and she's she's gonna get some kittens. I could feel it.
She didn't say when I adopt them. She said, if I ever adopt them, that's someone of those like you know, she may she may be on her way to be to the you know yeah yeah, like Lion's main.
It may may, it may increase brain function.
Hey guys, Laura from CT here, I feel that the TC is worse. So I would say that the T word for me is worse than the sea word. And back in the seventies and eighties, if someone called you the T or the sea word, it was pretty bad.
And for them to try to.
Make the sea word a nice and pleasant thing and have a great C day and so on on.
And so forth, I don't think so. I think it's nasty and we shouldn't be using it.
I agree, I agree, and T is worse than C.
Hey guys, Hey guys, Laura from CT Brody.
That guy, by the way, she's got C and T town. I love it. Ct.
Hey guys, Laura from CT Brody. That guy drove his.
Car through the CarMax doors because he didn't like his appraisal offer on his car, so he just flipped out on them. So I guess he was yelling before that, and he was really upset about it, had gotten his car and then decided to crash through the doors several times and injuring all those people. Just absolutely crazy that you would get that upset offer an appraisal offer. We're not taking the car from you, and I'm sorry that your offer was. It's just crazy that he drove it through the doors because now guess what your car's worth?
Shit, because now.
It's destroyed, and then you're going to jail for attempted murder because of an appraisal.
That you didn't like.
Like I said, we're not taking your car from you, and you can go on Kelly Bluebook. You can do it privately, do whatever you need to do to sell it for the amount of money that you wanted it for.
All right, Yep, she rests her case and she's making argument. She's making a left you hear that.
I heard it, Laura from CT Brody. I'm with you on the pizza. I live not too far away from New Haven. I've had Franks, I've had Modern, I've had Sally's, I've had other different pieces. Yes, it's all the same slice of pizza, not like in New York. But you can get a Sicilian, you can get a Grandma you there's like different types of pizza that you can get.
Not in Connecticut. It's the same slices over and over. I literally get a.
Sicilian slice from the shop right where I live, because I cannot get a Sicilian from any other places, like those big places. Everyone's saying has the best pizza in connecticuts, but in the New York I don't agree. Yes, the pizza is good, but yeah, so New York pizza is better because you can get different varieties of slices, not like Connecticut.
Right before you, before you leave us talk back, I said, well, you can get a sausage or a shrimp or a clamp. Those are toppings. I'm talking about style of the actual dough in the bread. You know, the pizza.
Parte leand from Ohio. I am suicrry people.
I didn't know it was going to pick up on the audio. I remember when Juan Valdez flush a toilet on us.
Oh he took it the guy anyways, My bad, guys, My bad forgiving you don't remember, scary he was on the toilet when he left to talk back.
I remember that. You can hear it.
You heard the acoustics of the bathroom. You know what he manned up and left to talk back. He admitted it so.
Land from Ohio. So, Brody, you were talking about pizza.
That doll has to be sugar list, of the the sauce has to be sugar list, it has to be all natural. And then last it has to be your community that helps you make the pizza. That's how you make a pizza. Other than that, it's not even warorth it. Fuck this corporate ship.
I love that.
Yeah, I just I don't eat corporate pizza. So it's on a conveyor belt. Chances are I'm not. I mean, I yes, once every five years, I will. I will go to the Domino's when I'm really hungry at one o'clock in the morning and know other pizza place.
Keep it local, small business.
Liam from a high You mentioned, Brodie a couple of weeks ago about me saying about uh prayers.
That was when scary it was on vacation. So I'm saying I didn't know that.
That was a week before, a week before.
So let's get that right, Okay, thank you?
You love his patience right in the middle of a talk pack.
I don't know.
I'm sorry, Liam, I don't know what you were referencing. But I was probably wrong. Okay, I just don't remember any prayer conversation, or I just don't.
I'm Brody.
Brodie's admitting he's wrong. No, I just don't. I can't argue that I was right because I don't remember it. So okay, I like Liam, Like.
I said, he stood up Brooklyn left that first talk back.
So all right, Brooklyn boys, this is your boy Aaron from Saint Louis via Canarsi.
Scary Jones.
If you.
Could get on a pickleball court and play around with Brody, you got another thing coming. I've heard you get winded running for food outside the studio. That's how are you going to get on a pickle ball court for five minutes?
I may have to practice. I gotta ramp it up, Buddy.
Lewis via Canarsi again. Secondly, Scary Jones, real dick move, leaving your girlfriend at to go through the line by herself in the airport. In fact, such a dick move. Need a picture of you sitting in first class on a T shirt with the caption Brooklyn Boys podcast dick pick I'm out.
All right?
Well, well, first of all, I didn't leave her in at least I didn't leave her an economy like Gandhi left her boyfriend.
No, oh yeah, she didn't leave him an economy.
Once again, once again, I paid for the upgrade for my girlfriend. And let me give you some now that we've gone on the trip and we've come back, I left her there again because she just refuses to to this moment. She does not want to get the TSA pre or the or the global entry. And I'm just over it. I'm over it. It's been years now where I've been trying. And I will take her to the airport and I will gladly, you know, sit there with her doing the interview process. I will walk her through step by step. She does not want to do it for sheer laziness. It's got nothing that she's.
Not with your argument. You already put fourth arugment on the episode.
All right.
By the way, in terms of a scary playing pick a ball, let's remind the audience that you once pulled a muscle in your back because you yawned wrong.
That's true, but that was when I was you know, that's before I started working out. That was fourth quarter scary. All right, I'm back and hit the gym on Friday. I'm back to the gym with your car.
Hey, by good boy Shamie from Queen's here.
I got to tell you guys about this weird thing that happened at the doctor's office day. So I'm at the doctor's office. It's a privately owned doctor's office, and I'm sitting in the waiting room. The reception people are behind the desk eating lunch, and all of a sudden, everybody hears from the back where the exam rooms are. Yeah, I know I'm fucking late on my child support payments.
So we're all looking around like what was that?
And the guy yells again, something like you you're the fucking floor or something like that. And then suddenly this guy storms out from where the exam rooms are. He's obviously on the phone and storms out of the office. And I said to one of the reception ladies, I said, because you know, this is the perfect place to have that argument on the phone, right medal of a doctor his office?
Why not?
People have no class? But thank you so much. Yeah, that's funny. I like that.
Hey, Brooke, boys, what up is spoilation? Mike so strange dog names how Jetski Brian's cousins came up with named Brody for his dog. Well, here's my hypothesis. His cousin is probably a pro wrestling fan, and there was a wrestler in the late seventies to the eighties, Bruiser Brody's.
He's really like tough, badass guy.
Yeah, so Bruise of Brody is like a really badass wrestler from the late eight late seventies through the eighties. So yes, I think that's how Jesske, Brian's cousin got the name Brody for his dog.
Checking them out Bruise of Brody.
Ducks Out of Rings season one, episode three, And another note, did you guys check out the dishwash episode from Fresh off the Boat?
A chance to do that, Abrickham Boys, Okay, thank you so much, Asian Mike cool Hey for the record.
Growing up with a unique name like Brody, which is not as unique as it used to be. Believe me, I knew everybody named Brody that I could claim, So yes, Bruise of Brody, Sheriff Brody, Steve Brody who jumped off to Brooklyn Bridge. Yes, there weren't very many, not like Adrian Brody and Adam Brody the's actors.
Now, oh no, not as Brody's and Brady's. Everyone Brody. What's Brody Jenner?
Yeah, well there's always been Brady's, but Brody wasn't as popular a name.
Now it's a first name. I don't think Jetskee.
Bryan's cousins, uncle's roommate's mother in law named their dog Brody because of a seventies wrestler.
But I like the reference.
You never know Abrickham boys, This is Marylynd from Omaha. I'm listening to episode three twenty eight was Scary and Nate at the rooftop bar and the girls means about your codes. I am so laughing, And what came to my mind was like the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
We don't need no water.
Let the motherfucker burn. Anyway, it was a great story. I I'm sure that the boys.
How great is she for with the way she speaks, Hi, you all from Omaha and it says motherfucker.
But the motherfucker burns.
It's like two ends. I like it. I love that about people. I love that it's like almost like the like two sides of the same coin.
Let's be real here, Scary doesn't give a single flying space fuck if Gandhi upgrades her boyfriend's tick to first.
Class or not to the Bahamas.
The only reason Scary brought it up is so he can play mister big balls.
And be like, look at me, I upgraded my girlfriend's ticket to first class.
Goodness of my heart, I'm shoe.
No, I did it. I did it.
I brought it up because people were attacking me for not waiting for her for the TSA pre so I felt the need to jump in and say, well, aha.
Gandhie doesn't upgrade her boyfriend. What's worse.
I was making a comparison after the fact because people attacked me first on this and that was months ago, so and they do it often. So all I'm doing was defending myself. By using that as an example, you're showing how I was the man in that.
Keep in mind, Scary is the same guy who if if the if the building was on fire, he would run out of the building, leaving his girlfriend behind to die, and he would let you know that she died with a real fur code on, not a fake one that he bought her.
That's a terrible analogy because he went out in style. You know that's not true.
You would run out of the scary we've seen when shit happened in the radio station.
You were the first one to run out of the studio. Oh no, not talk about that. I wouldn't buy her a fur coat. You don't believe. Let's get out of the studio.
Yeah, I want to say, didn't you? Did you knock Gandhi over running out of the studio once?
No, I knocked Dan yell over because we were off the air. Oh yeah, right, yell over. Sorry, my job depends on it.
Yeah, this is.
Shira from South Jersey and Rifka. Nobody cares what you think. I thought it was hysterical about the twin feet or the sister feet. You are being salty and we don't want to hear it.
Yay, by oh god, sounds like she's creating a rift cup between the two of them.
Okay, nice play on.
I forgot to mention it's also possible that you don't like that conversation because nobody would buy photos of your feet.
So yeah, yourself, thank you, Love you be boys.
Love you too.
Let's know again, no slice fighting, No, come on, that was very slicing. Yes cutting, Hey.
Scary, you were just talking about how Gandhi needs to financially hurt to pay for Brandon to be in first class. Compare that to you need to be financially hurt compared to Brody for that steak dinner. Not one that's given to you for free, but you need to financially hurt. So, hey, you own that steak dinner still, and you said it yourself. You need that financial hurt.
I I for the record, I bought him the steak dinner twice. Listen to previous episodes.
You'll hear you can't legitimately say you bought me a steak dinner. You didn't bite ay the time. Nope, they gave it. They just happened to be just it used to be. It was a compe.
But you you walked up to the hostess, You're like, I'm Scary Jones.
From that they knew who I was. Yes, yes, you put that. You you took the reservation as Scary Jones. You have I'm Scary Jones.
I was Duran Brody and scary and Brody. This is well from Brody. I missed those pick a ball stories. Matt Thank god you brought some home. I like, you know, the jingles from Scary. He never brings those home. But yeah, let's go back to the to the podcast that I talked about a few weeks ago about getting Reggie, Trucker and Wan Valdez into the mix. It's not like Slice time because it would just be them three talking without Brody and Scary without other people. Let's just let them three. So I saw that Reggie already approved. She is down for the podcast. So let's get Trucker to agree, and let's get all the other slices to agree. Come on, The Brooklyn Boys Presents Major Slices Podcasts. We all talk about how we want to hear more of Trucker, we want to hear more of Reggie. Wherever the hell Wan val does is I don't know, but let's make this happen. Guys, come on, we need another podcast of them three, just them three going at it, just the three of them, bring it.
Let's take a pause for the cause right there. How about that with Scary and Verdie.
We got a lot of these today, got a lot trying to catch up. Something was screwed up at the computer when I logged on.
Earlier, but I think I fixed it. Something was weird. You're a nine point six four million dollar sound system.
It was it was the the iHeart talkback system, which was faltering. Things were out of order and jumbled up. But I think I had to do a reboot on that.
He guess what's going on.
It's meeting and they'll have more trucker one more time.
You're not sure, Barbara, you know, Brody, give him a chance, man, he can go play people mall with this five hundred dollars shoes.
He can squeak all over the place.
Oh it'll be awful, Mandl fridge shoes going all over the place, lift right up and down. MA, come on, deal, my schot man, don't be like that. You know, everybody got to start somewhere. You know, I definitely don't think he'll look I mean, he'll be good at pickleball, but you know he'll definitely look good doing it, because you know, he's got all the boogie clothes and he'll you.
Know, he'll probably go buy a boogie racket and all that.
And then you don't they say, you know, it's not about how good you are, it's about how good you look.
Newing it or that's right.
Definitely think that he'll look good doing the pickleball thing there.
Thank you so much, Trucker. You're right, it's all about the style.
Yeah, you'll lose a lot of nothing, but you'll look good doing it exactly, and I'm okay with it.
Theresa from Vero Beach, Florida. I'm aware that's some stare in my hair. In fact, to be fair, some really despair of my hair. But I don't care because they're not aware, nor are they debonair. In fact, they're just playing square. They see hair down to their say beware and go off on a terror. I say, no, fair ahead, that's spare is really nowhere. So being like a bear, be fair with your hair, show what you care, wear it to there or to there or to their A few dare my wife bought some hair at a fair to use as a spare.
Did I care?
Contrare fair hair?
Hair is fair?
In fact, hair can be rare. Fred astaregut no hair, nor does a chair, nor does a chocolate eclaire. And where is the hair on a pair nowhere, Maul Frere. So now that I've shared this affair of the hair. I'm going to repair to my lair and use nair. Do you care, here's my beard? You don't weird, don't be scared.
It's just a beer.
By the way, that was a poem by George Harlan.
I have a great thing, guys.
I really thought we had an original slice there. I mean write it was a podcast you to share, And I do care? What if people wrote us a poem? I was just thinking about that as you As that was rolling through, I'm thinking about it. My mind went off into a place thinking that what if these slices became Shakespeare. They wrote us some prose or a.
What is it?
A high coup? Shakespeare didn't rite haikus. No Shakespeare.
Shakespeare would write a play. He wrote a sonnet sonnet son, but a haiku? How about a limerick? Come on, let's have a let's have a Brooklyn boys slice his limerick contest.
Now Brody's ticking it through.
No, I just think.
Scary Jones. He's looking thinner.
Some might say he's a winner, but despite all of that, he still os David Brody a fucking steak dinner.
I'm laughing at my ass off at this fucking scary asking Gandhi and the group to grab his bags bullshit, scary.
I'm sorry, brother, I usually agree with you, but this time way fucked up. You could have went in the middle of the flight to grab your ship from that row and put.
It up by you.
Once you were in me have to take off. All the cabins were taken.
No, it's not a cabin If you didn't overhead bins were in use, all of them.
They closed them and they were all full. There was a full flight. Whatever c you were in had to be empty. There was no one there to put their bags up there.
If you hadn't gone back door in the flight, if you didn't think about it, you should have at least, at the very least waited by the.
Door of the plane.
Yep, that's just fucking wow.
Yeah, I'm sorry, bro.
I usually agree with you, but this time it's you.
I can hear that.
You right.
Have a go on, guys, scary.
Do you realize how bad you fucked up? You lost Vinnie on your side.
Vinnie from Brooklyn has turned on you. Vinnie's always on my side, Vinnie's my boy, not anymore. He crossed the line. Next thing you know you're so wrong. You lost Vinnie.
Next thing, you know, Rock and Steve over here. That's right, he's gonna be against me on this. No truth, you told couldn't do it mid flight. It was a full flight. All all the cabins, all.
The bins were taken. They really were.
But yeah, maybe I could have waited at the door. Maybe I could rut your seat. No, there were people wanted to get out. The one person or two people you left it can get back in your roll.
Yeah, I don't know. It was no excuse me comes too much. She was too much wool from CT again.
I just want to say, bravo, bravo. If Robin wants to be lazy and I go through the damn pre screen just to get on the plane quicker she wants to go through that whole process and let her be you did the right thing. Enjoy your drink at the bar while she hurries up. Also, by the way, if you guys were running late as some freak accident day and the only way to get to the plane on time, if you had to go through the screen, but she had to wait, and there was a good chance you're gonna miss his flight. Would you leave, by the way, Maybe Robin has something to hide. Maybe she doesn't want to go through the whole screening process because they might find out she's actually an alien.
An alien. There it is, there, it is.
Well, she's banging the TSA guy actually recovered all that, and she is really okay with with all of it.
She's she's okay with doing it. She just doesn't want to do it. She's for whatever reason. Oh, we appreciate her laziness in giving us content.
Yeah right, we wouldn't have anything to talk about if we both had TSA pre That would be boring.
Yeah, horn canals flowed.
Jew okay you ha blow jew Uh you brought the coach? Oh my god, skare You're right? We don't relay down here. But I went to school in Philadelphia to Drexel for five years, and my god, that was the most annoying part.
Actually, after like two years, I just would pregame so hard.
I didn't want to bring my coat and I just fucking dealt with it because cod checking is the fucking worst, and like in Philadelphia, it's all shiit bars, So there's really no like coat hanger things.
Oh yeah, they don't even give you those but if he you know, coat hanger things.
Yeah, but the other thing is you don't want you you don't want your coach to get destroyed. But then the problem is half these places charge you like five dollars or more for a co check. So it's I don't know, to catch catch twenty two. It's their way of making more money on you, you know, with the co check. But yeah, there's not enough hooks to go around, that's for sure.
Hey, b Boys, Christy from Saddlebrook, Scary, I remember you saying you'd been going to the gym and you're working out, getting into shape, and I know you're losing weight, you're looking good. So I'm going to give you a six on the pickleball court. I think that's fair.
Plice for life, sho six points.
I have to say the fact that Scary's lifting some ten pound weights has nothing to do with the skill required to learn how to play pickleball or the endurance.
That's all big difference.
Brooklyn Boy is all from Jersey.
Hey, I'm talking about the guy from Koki Cheese at Brodie used to work with, and now he's gonna have to give him.
A gift and the guy going away.
Listen, Brody, do you want to give gifts away for people you haven't seen in a long time?
Huckett, give me a gift.
You've never seen me.
But I'm a nice guy.
I call into this show and say, some crazy shit, give me a gift?
How about that?
How about that? How about that? Well?
I appreciate your generous offer to accept a gift. The person in question of my story is someone who I was really good friends with for a long time. You and I have not been that yet, but who knows.
Brooklyn boy, he's ball from Jersey, probably back to back talk back, but we'll give a shit Scarry, did you really ask me, Spruce, if.
You went to finishing school? What is he back in the fifties trying to.
Make sure that he's a properly and going to do the things that lady.
Is supposed to do, walk books on top.
Of her head and walk tall and spit properly.
What's the fox? Jarry?
Finishing school?
Holy shit, my man, it was a fucking joke.
Brooklyn Boys Fall from Jersey. Listen to the podcast, Spruce. He's talking about the environment, and I aloud, change Wade speak. I absolutely agree with him. Kay to the West. When I was eleven to do it Jersey Uh came up a different country.
And now when I talk to people, they say, I sound like I'm Jerseys, like I was born here. You definitely pick up the accent from where you live. So yeah, good on Spruce and uh, my.
Man, that's my man.
Everyone's man, Spruce Man. He got a lot of feedback. We got to have him on more often we do.
Hey Brooken boys, Dallas from Philly. Just commenting on this water bottle fiasco. I'm surprised that Rody doesn't use her to use the Ottle water bottle because for me, it's just it's cheaper to use.
The water that I have in my house with a filter a rabbit than spending money on a case. Every week. I drink too much water. It's really the only thing that I drink, and it stays cold all day.
Shout out to my hid.
Your drug much sheeper than Stanley.
And okay, okay, we build it. Part two.
Not surprised that Scary is gonna buy his water every week. He probably doesn't buy.
And spends one hundred.
Million dollars on water. He's just as the mind that throws out the bottle throws out. The plant that doesn't care, gets warm, gets a new one because he lived at Beauty Life.
Thanks, I use it. I like Poland Spring for the record, that is not a boogie water. That's a scary What what bottle am I holding up right now? A Poland Spring bottle?
We both drink the same. So I love that you gave a shout out to your water bottle. That was great.
Second of all water water, Philadelphia Water. Third of all.
Yes, it is more cost effective to refill your water bottles.
The problem is.
The water in my particular town in New Jersey is hard. It's hard water, meaning it's minerals in it. Like so when I get it on my car, the water the car turns gray from the minerals in the water. I don't want to drink it, and so I don't want to put it in my water bottle. So I buy water in water bottles, and I guess I can buy larger jugs, and I just I'm also lazy, So the combination I buy water bottles plastic one and plastic.
Similarly, here in Jersey City, we have some shit water. If we were in Brooklyn, right now. I'll drink the water all day out of the faucet. I'll take it.
I have a fire hydrant. I grew up on the New York City five Burroughs water system, the best, fantastic water, very very.
High, highly grated water. Jersey water war is terrible, and I live in a town where the water is worse than terrible.
Oh well you should come to come to my house, Brody, where the fucking water comes out brown half the time.
It's terrible. Well that's because Greg t put Bully on cubes in your showerhead years ago.
Bruce on the motherfucking loose. So I was passing through Georgia. I'm a rug that run fucking dude. I led to Georgia and I got up at the drug stop, and that shit is contagious because I judged my man like twenty people what the fuck? And talking about the accident.
Danielle's sons, Spencer, I think it was.
He went to England for like a month or something.
He came back and he was already talking like fucking Peppa Pig, what the fuck?
And scary TSA has never removed any of my items because I've never been on a fucking paye, you bougie bastard. You can buy two thousand dollars rum flags, but you could play about thirty dollars jail.
Come on, man, I'm always on your side.
But fucking shit and brody thinking pickleball and the fucking extreme four.
Shut the fuck up, bred He's not rocket science.
Man. Anybody can play.
Even my five year old son to playing pickleball.
So shout up, there's a cardboard fucking paddaway.
Wow, this guy is just fucking roasting U huh. Serving enough, Hold on, let me address that. You're very funny, but pick a ball is an actual sport requiring skill.
Yes, you can play. You can pick up a paddle and hit a ball.
And by I'm saying my kid plays wol football, he could play Major League baseball.
To answer him.
About what he said about me, just because I've been on a plane does not make me bougie.
There are a lot of other things that make me bougie.
But just the fact that I'm traveling on a plane, millions of people do it every single freaking years.
And here's what else To that point, Traveling on a plane is a luxury that some people have, right of course not bougie it It is something to be appreciated and not taken for granted.
I was on.
One plane trip in my life until I was twenty one, so and I've been fortunate to have gone on on the number of planes since then. But not everybody flies. But I wouldn't say it's a bougie thing. But if you fly a private jet, that's booge.
All that said. Scary has flown private Jetsy as well.
All that said, I like you, buddy, who are you? And you didn't identify yourself. But anyway, keep leaving talkbacks, especially if you're going to roast Brody.
I love those.
Here about Broden scary, but maybe scary Brodie this time about the plane and upgrade and all that. Yeah, I gotta say, I kind of see what's scary saying. WHOA, I'm sorry. Using the points is totally fine. For Like, I think that counts as cash because it's he had to spend that money to get.
That cash back. So I think it's a mute argument.
You know, cash back is no money that he couldn't spend on his girlfriend. I mean, I'm sure Gunn is a credit card. She could use her points also to upgrade her.
She had points?
Is that a question?
And sorry, last one on this How can.
You compare TSA pre check to upgrading your girlfriend to first class?
Thank you? There is no comparison.
I think ninety nine out of one hundred people would take the first class and wait even two hours for TSA, then get clear and sit in economy.
For a four hour five hour flight. Thanks just saying so good an.
Economy. Love you so close? You one thing I gotta I said it. I gotta correct you in the clear.
A point is moot, moot not mute. Mute is either you can't speak or you just turn the volume off the television.
Yes, mute is what we're going to do to our microphones right now, as we take it by, as you take a commercial break.
The book Glynn Boys Podcast.
We will be right back.
People are very opinionated today.
I like that you gotta play different bumpers into spots. Keep playing that one, it's my favorite, I know, right, But I play the ones that have our names in it, and then play the ones I created with.
Ai Dan Hey Laura from Connecticut. I give Nate props for standing up for himself. So now you let them in.
You gave him a chance to get their drinks, and they think because you're five feet away, they're going to take the hooks.
I'm sure everybody else in that bar had stuff somewhere and they weren't near it. That's just absolutely crazy. And then for them to call him out and try.
To make him look stupid and try to say he's not a man, it's even worse.
It makes us females look worse. And now they want to yell and scream at him.
And then what happens if she did hit him and then he hits her back, Then all of a sudden it becomes an issue.
Oh a man hit me.
When you got in his face and acted like a fool, expect something could happen, especially when drinking is involved. You might not remember what you did, You may be blacked out. So at that point she shouldn't have done what you've done. Maybe she was drunk too, but it's just disrespectful.
Good for Nate, yep, these were Grant argue with that, gross examples of human being. Seriously scum of the earth. But what are you gonna do? I mean, sometimes you just got to be the bigger person, right, But Yeah, but Nate was He wasn't letting anybody get past him. My god, he stood there with his arms crossed like, looking down on them.
I'm surprised if they were that drunk and arrogant, they didn't take the coats and drop them off the hooks.
It was.
Yeah, I can't believe they let people like that in such a high, high falutint lounge.
Okay, Brody and Scary Brian from Mickey Mouse Florida Scary, you're talking about how GANI needs to have feel the pinch on her wallet. Yes, my man, you're saying that you don't want Brody seat dinner. You didn't feel no pinch with getting it off comped and freeze.
Come on, dude, what's up with that?
People are picking up on your inconsistencies.
Brody Scary, Scary Brody, Alice and Philly again. I can't believe thinks it's totally fine to just abandon his girlfriend insecurity, calling her lazy and saying he's punishing her.
Fine, don't take.
Your shoes off, get your little easy breezy through TSA. But at the other end of that X ray machine, you better be sitting on that bench. Waiting for me. Me and my husband don't have global injury, but his mother and his mother does, and when we go together on trips.
For the record, I wait for her on the other side.
Anyone who said anything different in the lying and is going for a joke, No, that's you going for a joke. I did not wait for her in the lounge. Despite what you said, you weren't even there. You asked whole Gandhi said you were in the United Life.
He was being cute. I waited for her on the other side. I always do.
Alex from Philly Part two, My mother in law waits for us at the end of the X ray machine. She doesn't go all the way into the lounge, kicking it back, having drinks. So we're waiting in the line. Your perk is that you don't got to take your shoes off and go through the hassle, not that you get to just leave us.
For Gandhi and Brandon. It's not the same thing upgrading your girlfriend.
That's a nice thing to do, but Gandhi's not obligated to upgrade Brandon.
Brandon could upgrade himself. But at this point I'm scary.
Okay, Alex's gonna be a pile on.
Scary kind of slice time.
I could tell it you don't upgrade your seat and then expect everybody else to go get your shit for you. If you upgrade at your seat, it was your responsibility to take your shit with you. And if you couldn't take your shit with you, then you sit in your nice comfy seat until everybody deep planes and you go back and get your own shit. And if Gandhi was nice enough to get it for you, you should have been waiting right at the edge of that ramp and Alex from Philly again. You should have been waiting outside that point door while everybody passed you by to get that stuff from Gandhi. You made her drag it all the way up the ramp, all the way out into the gate airport session. That is just wrong, you little tiny Gandhi.
And your big selfie. Just let her carry it by herself. Shane, you are a juke.
No five people. One thing.
Another thing Gandhi left out from that conversation, which I will tell everybody here, is that it was a group. Stop finishing my sentences, let me let me talk and defend myself. Let me defend myself. I I group texted five people, including Gandhi.
It was Andrew. There was no there were there were people in that.
Group that went on the plane, but three of them were and they were all sitting next They all could have grabbed something, but for whatever reason, Gandhi wound up seeing the message and took all three items.
I did not expect her to take all three items. You didn't even check, You didn't even like look back.
One was a coat, one was a backpack, and one was a carry.
Established that you didn't even look.
I'm wondering if the tables returned and Gandhi upgraded her boyfriend and I did not upgrade my girlfriend, how everybody would have been.
Bitching at me. They would have been bitching at me much more than their bitching in Gandhi. I have a better question, because you know, because.
It was the female leaving the male behind, that's expected that he is to upgrade himself, like she just said. But if it was the op, if the tables were turned, I would look like a real shithead because I'm the guy leaving my girlfriend behind and not upgrading her.
Yes, it's that Elvis upgraded her.
Second of all, I have a question if Gandhi was in row one and texted you and two other people because you were in row ten, would you have grabbed all three.
Of Gandhi's bags? Finished your sentence, The answer is yes. And where would you have expected Gandhi to be? I would.
Up to because if that's yeah, you're a big, big concern about people on the jets off the jetway. Yeah, yeah, scary Jones. Uh known his whole life is the person who worries about other people on the jetway. His first concern.
Okay, hey guys, it's bend over here, and uh I read Brody think is a nice tip? He said, he left a nice tip. Of course, different people think different things when it comes to that. You know, not saying he did this, but twenty percent tip if it's five dollars, that that's one dollar. But you can't give a one dollar tip, right, but you would think it's nice as twenty percent. I'm not saying Brody did that, but different people think different tips are not.
Well, you can get it on.
Come on, he's he's continuing.
Hold on.
You can give a dollar on five if you buy a slice of pizza for four ninety five and you give the girl who rang you up and gave you the pizza dollar.
That's nice you're talking about.
Hey, guys, it's been over one more time. And you know, I didn't think I slipped up when I said that Angel in the song. You know, I thought we all knew the Cowboy Trucker is Angel and Chap from on Maha and all that. And I didn't think it was a slip up when Angel was sitting that song there and.
Who is Don?
There was a slice talking about all the regulars talking about Reggie, and he said everybody, and he said Don, Hey guys, this is the last time here, Yes, sir re Bubber. You know, And I usually read off a script. I usually write down on an iPad and read it from an iPhone. I don't just go off the cuff I'm talking about when I leave the talkbacks. I don't know how many slices do that the way I do. I usually write it down and read the script, because if I just tend to ram along like I'm doing now, if I don't write a script, I just ram along.
And it's better if I write a.
Script that's not him. No, that sounded like his real voice.
Hold on, no way, is it really him, Yeah, get the hell out of here. Yes, that is not him, there's no shows him that that's the real voice. Yes, come on, did we just unearth the mystery of the trucker.
Apparently he's confirming his name, which none of us were able to confirm prior.
That's not him, there's no way that's him. About someone else doing an impression of the trucker. No, that was absolutely him explaining his process.
Really wow, this is this is a big episode that was I refuse to believe it. Let's move on, all right, to be to be continued.
Laura from Connecticut, scary, Why are you so mad at Brodie? You're the one who left your girlfriend, who made Gandhi, who is super small, drag all your stuff, didn't.
Even wait for it.
And it's funny because on my last one I said you are a steak dinner and then you said it right after that.
You should get Brodie a steak dinner too. Now you shouldn't be mad. He's right, you mess up.
I'm gonna give her a steak, so you need to fix it because I because she did me a big favor, so I'm gonna buy her a steak Dinner.
Nice Time, episode three seven. Uh in order, I guess it would be I'm pussy twat kunt Oh. No, I don't find twat offensive, but that's just me, all right, buddy.
Oh oh wait wait part two of this one.
My bad just got to the part where you said, don't say the full words.
I love that.
Whoops, Hey, you b boys, christ you can stadtle book again.
Regarding the airport scary, I think using the terminology punishing Robin was not the way to go.
You don't want to punish her.
You just want to show her an example of how easy it is to go through security, having TSA and pre check and clear, and you know it makes the airport experience much more pleasurable.
And you can tell her it's the process is so much simpler now than it ever was.
I've done this before, We've been down this road.
She's traveled, she's understand she understands we travel a lot together, but she just doesn't want she just doesn't want to get the stuff done.
You know what, it may be, ultimatum time scary, get the TSA, pre check and clear or no more, don't go trips on trips with her, cut her.
Off that's that would be punishing her. Brodie. Christy Brook says, that's a bad thing to do. No, it's a bad thing to say. You're punishing her.
Oh, come on, semantics, who cares by my life? You can teach her a valuable lesson language. It's the same action. It doesn't matter, it's it's physical of what of leaving her behind? Is the word punish my girlfriend? That phrase is not a nice phrase.
Oh it's not a nice snowflake? David Brodie, what's going on? I'm not yet?
Well, no, you fuck, I'm not me. I'm not a snowflake. But then you're gonna punish your girlfriend likes the action. It's the action that matters. It doesn't matter about what words I use to say.
What punishment? That's saying? I I don't I feel you know what?
Listen, there's a way, there's a way to phrase it. You say, hey, hey, listen, say over nice dinner. You're you're taking he out to dinner? Say Robin, it kills.
Me to leave you behind. I've tried this before, Robin.
It hurts me as someone who cares so much about you, it hurts me to leave you behind. It hurts me to watch you wait, and I I can't bring myself to suffer any more pain going on vacation. As much I love you, and we can't go on any more vacations. You get a pree and clear whatever.
I have no more vacations to that.
No, I've never threatened that, but i've I've I've said how much it pains me to leave you behind.
I have.
We've had this conversation in this very manner. Okay, do you think at this point I've lost one hundred dollars? At this point, I've lost all my patients. And it's just gonna be what it is until she's It's not going to change until she's sick of it, until she misses a flight.
Okay, not that Robin would take the money. But is it worth five hundred dollars for her to in other words, if it's forience that she's Nope, Nope, not what I said. I'm asking you how much it's worth to you for her to do it? In other words, would you pay five hundred dollars if she would to do it?
I told her I would pay for it. I would pay for the whole.
I asked, what hand her wait hold on a second, here's five hundred dollars.
Nope, it's not what I asked. Well, I mean, answer my question. What is it worth?
What's more important her getting the clear of five hundred dollars in your pocket? Would you spend five hundred dollars to get her to do it?
Or under understand your question?
What if I guess five hundred dollars from you and magically she would go through?
It would be?
Would that be a fair deal? Would you give up five hundred dollars? Is it that important to you?
Which is more important? Okay? Okay?
If you give me five hundred dollars, I will give her two hundred and fifty to do it, and.
Then you'll keep doing two fifty for a stake down for yourself. No, you still me a steak dinner?
You see, that's why I see right there in the right there in a nutshell, is why David Brosie Brody's an asshole, because he would pocket the two fifty and not count it as a free steak dinner.
Because that is the kind of from That is the kind of asshole you are. You know, I'm a different kind of asshole. I'm an asshole with fifty on a cracker is David Brody? Make me make no sense? No, I make all the sense.
I can't if I gave money, If I gave you two fifty, that would be paying me to get Robin to go through TSA and get the clear you're gonna get related to the steak dinner, you know, handing fifty that that's more than a steak dinner.
No, you're giving me to fifty to get her to go through TSA PreCheck. You're selling five hundred dollars? What I have to give her half of it so she'll do it. But she's not gonna fifty much. She would do it this. You give me five hundred, get it done.
It cannot She cannot be bribed because it's a lazy thing. It's not a money it's the contre Montfrere. For the right price, people will do stuff. Are you telling me for ten thousand dollars you wouldn't do it? What's you doing for ten thousand dollars? Well, somewhere between zero and ten thousand is Robin's number to do it.
Is this lifetime or is this a Brooklyn Boys episode? What's going on here?
It's Bryce Time okay, okay, And and I refuse to be judged because I use the word punish when everybody knows what I'm talking about.
We want to move on from that. No, no, we did not move on. No, we did not move He was judging you.
She just said it was a fucking this place right now, and this is where we've been stopped for the past five minutes.
And then have it on thee for the next Brooklyn boys. I want Robin on the next episode. Bring Robin on the next episode.
Okay, fine, done, Christy again, regarding the luggage scary, I love you, but I don't think it was too cool what you did. I think the second the seatbelt light went off, you could have swim upstream really fast, grabbed your stuff, and then got off the plan. That's nice, waited for Gandhi to catch up to you where you were, and then helped her with your stuff and her stuff. I don't know, it just it didn't sound too good.
It didn't sound Yeah.
I love you too, Christy, I love you too. I love you too, but but please just don't be don't be emotional over things.
That you're hearing right now. Okay you.
No, No, I did not screw Gandhi over and she knows it too. Gandhi's Gandhi. She's she's a menace. Gandhi is a menace. Okay, Yeah, she's a troublemaker. You should see her at work behind the scenes.
She called you out.
She is a goddamn troublemaker. All right, I'm gonna play this full left at three o'clock in the morning.
People live in different time zones, and you know who it was. This person's drunk.
John Roddy. You found the golden ticket. In order to get a steak dinner from Spiry, you just got to go to the base level of the building he works in. Dress up in a suit, say your name is Tyrone from Tom River and say that you're looking for three quarters of a steak dinner from Peter Luger's scary obviously won't have that, so he'll probably just end up buying me a full one.
And there you go.
Problem solved. I understand what you mean when you say, quote unquote punish Robin for the CSA pre check thing.
I completely get it.
You don't really need punish. You mean more of you're gonna be petty, which I kind of I kind of understand that.
I see what you mean.
I myself am not very good with articulating my words when it comes to my wife. I kind of just say things and sometimes they come off as very offensive on what my wife knows me well enough to ex between the lines.
And nobody'll you tell Christy from Saddlebrook that.
On that note, Robin does need to get her asking gear and get that safe stream check because if you're willing to do all the work to get that for and help her along, then it makes it It makes it all the more easier for her to go ahead and do it. Finally, I guess you could stand in line, But I mean, as I said in the previous talkback, it's a little bit of a petty thing to kind of nudge in the direction you wish her to go. So I'm on your side, Scary, don't worry. I'm sure you're gonna get a lot of shit for it.
So I already did, and I will continue to get more.
Against last talkback, But what the hell, no one else needs to follow the rules of three talkbacks either. So question to you guys, when you first started in radio, did you notice that your voice sounded a different way than you had expected. So, for example, people always tell me that I sound angry. Even when I try and be joking. I could say something that any ordinary person was saying, it becomes it would come off as a joke. But when people hear me say it, they're like, ooh.
I don't know.
Was just a question to you, guys, because you always talk on the RAYO.
So yes, he's got a very deep, powerful, menacing voice. And I feel like if he said it's nice to meet you, I would be afraid because you'd be like, yeah, it's it's like he's like an action hero. He's like Schwarzenegger walking into I'll be back. He's got a great voice, right, Yeah, but I could see that, like if he said to me, I love you, I would be afraid to.
Answer your question.
When we got into radio. For me personally, I I I got used to my voice being very different in the very beginning.
I don't listen back. That's the other thing.
I don't like the way my voice sounds, so I don't listen back to stuff if I can help it. But when I listen, when I hear it back, I'm like, that's a different person to this day. Yeah, what about you, Brody.
Uh, my voice sounds twenty percent different than it does in my head, but it sounds like me. So I mean it's you know, it's it's a different pitch. Yeah that I'm used to hearing, sure, but it's definitely me.
I hear it. I go, oh yeah, that's me.
There from OHI colony dropped off for the pool. Uh, respect, Okay, that's Funny's fun that's funny.
Okay, you understood that, right, Yeah, that's the guy from Ohio. Yeah, yes, that was a callback, folks.
A day later, oh Yo referenced the episode three Twary seven with Spruce. Spruce said.
They think that is Professor Wever said he sound like a black ill billy, and Brony said blue billy.
Yeah, as a black dude.
That shit is funny.
Jammy Arrasta Mika Yo, Sarasota, Florida.
I love you man, And it's always Bronie so being backed up.
We always think about the relationship between Scary Jones and Robin as in one sided, and we never think about what Robin thinks. Maybe she's into this soft core dominatrix type of backboard thing and Scary Jones goes like I'm gonna punish you, and Robin goes like, ooh, baby, you've been a bad girl Robin.
Robin goes, yeah, I've been a bad girl. What you're gonna do?
And then Scary goes like, I'm gonna teach you a lesson? You want to learn a lesson? And then Robbie goes like, oh, teach me. And then Scary Jones goes like, you're gonna have to wait on the line and you're gonna get frisk by men and you're gonna like it, and hey, you we can bus your bhama this and it's always brown and scary. On the topic of the two girls with the only fans are gonna do only fee my opinion is, if you're going to do it, do it. Don't think about it, don't talk about just do it. And if you're willing to do something, then you're willing to do everything. I mean, it is for money and you're not sure in your face and uh, lately the trend is Harry Armpit. Are they willing to do Harry? And it's always brody and scary.
Episode three, twenty six minutes, seventeen oh nine, Scary John says, I sickly want to go through fire first number two, Scary, it's on the record, you said it, and then you say, yes, I really want to go.
If I could go, please, Scary read the transcripts. Also, the transcripts say Scottie, can we fix that?
And we can't.
This is your boy homeobolest out next time. Okay, I need to take a breather. Can we take a break?
I think we should.
I could.
How did your peak come out the way it usually does? Hard and fast.
And jasom NJ episode three twenty six, which I didn't finish listening to. However, the reunion with the friends, I don't know. Get him like a book or something, or maybe a gift card.
You got to go.
I know he's moving to another state and you didn't see him to begin with when he was in Staten Island, but you know, get him something and then go up with good times and have a good time. And then let me see what was the other one?
Okay, So did you think out loud during your thirty seconds that you have to leave talk about?
So the other one was Scary's friends hitting him up, or friends past friends or something. No, you just say I can't do it. You know what, you're good enough to like. See if you could get them a ticket now, But they didn't even contact few years ago.
Screw them.
The hell with it.
As of the accident, I was from Brooklyn. I'm here twenty four years in New Jersey. I still got the god damn Brooklyn accent. I was in Staten Island, then New Jersey. I still have it, haven't lost it? All right, it's me again.
I'm j Fomenj.
I have not lost my Brooklyn accent. Everybody hears it. I can't stand it in New Jersey twenty four years and I still can't lose it. So I'm with a lot of people in New Jersey that definitely don't sound like me.
But it does happen.
People don't lose their accent.
All right.
Well, love you guys, and can't wait for the next episode of Slice time one more all right.
Take it easy by one more?
Sorry, here it.
Again about the episode three twenty six.
I still didn't finish it because I'm at work and I'm on my break now.
But I am so you got to have spruce on more often.
He cracks me.
The fuck up, you guys were great and scooty there. Stop feeling sorry for someone I have no money. I know that feeling.
Just don't do it.
I know, just don't do it.
It's a scam, all right, Love you guys.
Bye E two MJ.
Brooklyn. Boys, what's up? This has been from upstate listening to the latest episode. I'm up to the segment with Gandhi and Brandy to I mean sorry, Gandhi and Brandy. It's great conversations, great to hear. Sounds like the cruise all back together again, Brody with the jokes and the slip comments, back to back to back. It's wonderful, but scary. Oh my dude, you sound like an entitled piece of shit.
Okay, yeah, you sound like an entitle piece of shit.
Like I get it. You got upgraded, so your ship stairs where it is. But Nick, my man, you gotta go back and when the plane lands, go back get your ship or wait in the row like they all said, until they catch up to you, and then take your ship from them. They're not your fucking bell boys, of your peasants. Go pick your ship up. Bro, my man walked all the way across the airport and.
Not wait.
Okay, they again, they exaggerated it. I waited right outside on the right off the ramp. I wanted to clear the ramp because people, it was a very narrow ramp. Okay, people trying to get past me.
Yeah yeah, okay, right people.
I could have waited at my seat, could have done that. I didn't across the airport. Okay, okay, one more time, go ahead. What do you gotta say?
But on your other point, scary, I kind of feel you on the whole t s a pre check ship. You told you you tried to convince your lady to do it a few times, and she shot it not to.
She still doesn't.
That is on her.
Like you tried to convince her, like come on, I'll pay for it. She still decided not to, and fuck it. That's on her. However, I don't know how to fuck you do that walk through and just sit there and wait on the other side while your lady's online. And I don't know how she doesn't rip you when you want every single time you do it, because I wouldn't hear that. Brooklyn boys, keep up the great work. The last couple of episodes have been very entertaining, not saying they aren't always, but these past two are really on the next level. Hearing from a Man Spouce and the LuSE, Andy Gandhi and Brandon was really good. Also talk back from Jay or Jay from Philly Man. That dude is hilarious. We got to hear from him more often. A great Anyway, Everybody, enjoy your week, happy saying Patty's Day. I hope everybody's drunk on some whiskey and shit.
I yeah, I have a whiskey joy.
The big controversy yesterday, well with me anyway. Just a reminder for next year, if you write Saint Patty's Day, it's PA D D y apostrophe s P A T t Y is the short abbreviation. It's redundant the abbreviation for Patricia or not. It's not short for Patrick m. So it's Patty with two d's yep. And I'm not Irish.
By the way. I saw a guy pick a ball.
He had a green shirt on and it said I'm still I'm still I'm still effing Italian.
So it was a green shirt just because somewhere in green I'm still effing it Dialian.
I love that.
I need that.
Sean, Washington State Hey, I cannot believe scary. You are the most selfish person. You should have sat in your seat, just stayed there waiting for your items to come up from the back. We know that is crazy. You sit there and get off the plane thinking everybody's just going to serve you hand and foot.
It's unbelievable. I mean, you are very, very selfish.
And if you don't believe that, something's wrong with you, dude, I mean, my god, don't do that to your friends. Sean from Washington State. And then Gandhi was such a sweet person. I cannot believe she did it. But she grabbed your three items along with her three items, sat there and dragged it through that aisle. I don't know how she did it, to be honest with you, I have a hard time getting mine and my daughter's stuff going through this the aisle. But then you're not waiting right up the outside of that airplane where you know there's plenty of room. You just sat there and did your own thing, knowing that someone's gonna serve you hand and foot, and you don't give a ship.
Last one Shohn from Washington State, Hey, guys, I love you guys so much, Brooklyn Boys is the best. You guys entertained me so much, but scary this one, this one really bet me the wrong way with you. Just this gives you an opportunity just to do better. I mean, think about what you're doing and just do better.
That's all you gotta do. Be a better person, be better with your friends. That's it, right, have a.
Great one, guy, you don't. You know what's fascinating?
Not one comment though about how Gandhi left her boyfriend in Economy and didn't upgrade him.
I did think she.
Left him there. They didn't go as a couple. It's her business, not the good.
I still it's fascinating, fascinating girlfriend.
That's why.
Am I a sucker for up getting my girlfrien Because.
She's an a dog. She could buy her own ticket, and I'm great herself.
I'm just just getting it more from all angles this time. I can't fucking win.
I can't. I'm I'm not in the mood to agree with you today.
Just not.
You never are. When are you ever in the mood to agree with me?
There is a Thursday in twenty eleven that I remember correctly, I agreed with you.
Thank you, mister Washington State.
For your feedback, Broken boys, how you doing this? Is a Fernando from a Woodbridge regarding thousand dollars on the flight. I totally agree with Brody, so there's no reason to get into that.
But Scary.
As far as teaching Robin a lesson, that's pretty douche. Okay, maybe she wants a pun the shield. Maybe she wants to teach you a lesson the lesson of freaking patience. I mean, come on with broken boys. Fernando again from Woodbridge. Perhaps another lesson that Scary should learn. Maybe learn how to wear clean unholy socks, you know, maybe that are we helpful?
They said wear socks, clean unholy socks. Yeah, without holes. That's a lesson. That's a good advice.
All right, I'll take it.
Hey, you old Brooking voice, what boys and Mike so uh hey, Episode three twenty eight, Brody is wrong, No, old coon tree Montfrere. Frere is actually brother translates a brother friend is me. So it's on the contrary my brother and I think it was made popular by the Simpsons Bart Simpson when he was no mill without his butterfinger or something like that.
No, No, as much as you may not agree with this. The world existed before the Simpsons. The Simpsons got it because it was already a famous expression.
That's true, very true.
Yeah, So from why I know, it sounds like it was from the butterfingermmercial.
Absolutely you heard that from that girl on TikTok.
Yeah, so from what I know, it sounds like it was from the Butterfinger commercial with Bart Simpson and Millhouse. He did that, or it could have been from the Simpsons episode and they were like T shirts that you could buy back then that had a picture of Bart on it, Bart Simpson on it and it said and they had him saying, oh con Tramon Frere. All right, shout out to my girl, Maddie from Brooklyn and Bronx.
How you doing girl?
Wait, wait for it, Brody's about.
Rody's about to prove you wrong here with a simple Google of the origin of Coram.
Yeah, I'm looking hold on, all right, I'll move on if you want me to go back to it.
Hey, this is Devon from the Princeton area, longtime listener, first time talkbacker. Nice I got Awagh in on this whole scary Robin and TSA PreCheck.
Situation here we go.
I'm one side. I need a bad guy for using something he paid for and planned ahead to have invested a lot of time in. That's like shelling out for a Disney fast pass and then standing in the standby line just because your friend didn't feel like upgrading. Hey Devin again, So like I was saying, let's let Scary slide through TSA like the VIP aspirationally thinks he is, grab a drink on the other side and meet Robin at the gate with a with a cocktail like a true gentleman. So if she wants to live in the slowly in life, that's her choice. But expecting Scary to suffer just because she didn't want to fill out a form and go through the promotion.
That's a that's not TSA pre check. That's TSA pre wreck behavior. All right, that's it for me.
Nice call persons.
She felt so strongly for that that she she felt like this was going to be her first time talk back. And I appreciate you and I respect you, and all the negativity has been erased.
I'm glad, I'm glad we're ending on this. Well, we're not. We have a few more left, but a party to jump in.
You will have to correct me. I know that The Simpsons has been on a very long time. But here's the actual explanation of the expression all contram on fran does my brother?
What would you say? Nineteen eighty eight? That's to be exact.
When yes, on the Tracy Ullman Show eighty seven, then okay, go ahead.
While it's difficult to pinpoint an exact date, the French phrase all contramon fre meaning on the contrary, my brother, has been used in English speaking context, including America, for quite some time, likely since the eighteenth century, when French culture had a significant influence on society. So I'm not sure, scary, but I think the eighteenth century may have been right before the first season of The Simpsons.
I believe so it was that seventeen eighty seven instead of nineteen eighty seven for.
Two hundred years.
I do love a Simpsons a good Simpsons reference, so props to you. But no global expressions did not start at least that one on the I heard it came from a Butterfinger commercial.
It's very funny though.
A boogam always what a patch boys and mic so scary.
Fuck the clear and the pre it's not even that good, and it's it's about the same price if you get Global Entry instead. I got Toble Entry only cost is like about one hundred and twenty one hundred and forty bucks. I got that coop with four to five years, and it includes pre TSA pre when you sign up for it, and you get like a.
Interview with Customs Border Patrol.
Very familiar.
Yeah, and like it already includes pre TSA pre check when when you sign up for it.
So after you get approved, you get an interview with the Customs Border Patrol. It's not through TSA, it's with the US Customs and Border Patrol. They ask you a few questions, you get approved, and you get everything. So like when you re enter the US from traveling outside, you just come right in.
It's like quick, sure, you know. It's just better than Clear it is.
I got them all. I got all three.
I got Clear, pre and Global, and I want her to get all three as well, so we're on the same page.
I have.
Clear maybe yeah, I don't know. I don't have Global yet. Global is amazing.
As you're entering the country, they just you stand in front of a camera. It takes your picture and then you keep walking, and then the guy at the desk knows your name already, Scary, Yes, keep going, just keep walking.
Where everybody knows you want to.
He did not call you scary, right, yeah, last name scary, yeah Anthony? All right, yes, well we got four more A form.
More Brooklyn boys is te way. I'm a little behind because you guys walked an episode on Friday, Slice time came on Monday, episode came shortly after that. You guys are actually keeping to the normal schedule. So I made a list of talkbacks and I decided from that list which ones I wanted to drop. He's organized, which is stupid to say, because you're not just gonna stop right here for starters on that episode. I am a Kendrick Lamar fan. And it is not weird for Brody to not have heard not like Us because he doesn't listen to hip hop in the same way that Scary does not watch Marvel movies or any TV for that matter. My analogy, even though it is a huge cultural thing, you don't watch it, So him not knowing not like.
Us is not so not like us.
Being on the Super Bowl where seventy billion people saw it isn't it reason for Brody to know not.
To know it?
Scary, scary, that's a terrible point. The point is I didn't know it before he sang it on the super Bowl. We referenced it after.
The super Bowl.
Yes, but I had never heard the song before the super Bowl, never heard it. I can't go into the conversation.
I understand that.
But the point, the fact that seventy million people watched it during the super Bowl doesn't mean I should.
Have heard it.
But that's why you should have learned it. I could understand a word he was fucking saying. How could I learn it? Okay? And I didn't like it?
Why would I?
I don't like I didn't like him, I didn't like the song. Why would I go learn it now? Memorize it? Okay? I can sing we didn't start the fire?
Because I like Billy Joel, I like the music. Let t White continue. You angry little man. No, I'm not angry, nor am I little, and you should absolutely I love to you. I'm just not a fan of Kendrick Lamar. Didn't say he's a bad he's a talent. Are certainly a bigger thing than Kendrick lamar.
Crap, pulling an MJ from j there. Speaking of TV, Scary mentioned taking quartercep mushrooms again, which he won't get this reference because he's too cool to watch TV or play video games. But soon it will be the Brooklyn Boys podcast with Brody, and which Brody will hopefully get.
Yes, you see white least but not least.
I find that Threads I end up arguing with nerds about Marvel stuff more than on Blue Sky. I will not use the other app for many reasons. I won't use that one, but Threads I end up with Marvel nerds arguing with me about Disney taking over and it being lame as if Disney has not owned Marvel since and man two, that is all goodn't I?
All right? Folks? I think we've all said a mouthful? What do you think? All right?
Absolutely? I'm here, Yeah, I agree we've said a mouthful. We've said less than a mouthful, and slices said a lot of mouthfuls.
Yes. We appreciate everybody's talk backs this week, Thank you so much.
Especially the ones that disagreed with Scary not quite the opposite Montreat reactions.
This podcast all depends on you,