Full Show: Ricki-Lee Reckons Only Serial Killers "Wear Jeans" At Home

Published Mar 12, 2025, 9:08 AM

Ricki-Lee is back and she kicks off the podcast with her hatred for Jeans! Turns out, she's not alone with fellow Hollywood actor Kevin Hart hart revealing why he's swapped them out for his slacks!

Joel reveals that the bush may be making a comeback after a woman in the UK undertook 'pube plants' to get hers back! We also unpack last night's episode of Australian Idol and find out who made it to the Top 10.

Then, we dive into the Glossy's and discover the first victim of Paris Fashion Week, a plot-twist for Wendy Williams and decide whether this pop star's son could be the next big artist!

Plus, The Wednesday Wheel is back and we play the 'Sweet Treats' Edition of POVO.

Welcome to the park.

Is everybody?

Oh that was fancy? One cigarette begin a teller cigarette cigarette, four.

Cigarette, sank cigarette.

Seven cigarettes, six cigarette.

I don't know how to count.

What about this? I'm a French person in Japan. Itchy cigarette.

Isn't cigarette?

Kylie and Ike's performing in Tokyo tonight. She yeah, friend texts me like, just I'm going to see Kylie in Tokyo tonight.

That was the text. I was like, cool, like.

Nothing else, happy for you?

Have you sues? You should write back. I'm seeing Gracey Abrams in Auckland, I'm seeing doing the in La. I'm seeing post milin Jolly rollingd Vegas up yours.

That's I'll do that right now. I'll send that text right now.

Unless it was that that text, and don't that.

I don't think he's got a lot of a girl or in London.

I know she was in Pullier basketball.

No no, and same as the basketball. We love the basket with balls with the basketball.

What's happening with the NBL at the.

Moment, Melbourne Ida are doing very well?

That's cool.

Yeah, that's our team.

What's happening? Where are we up to?

Well, there's a lot of running, a lot of running, a lot of hoops.

You know what's happening? Where are you up to?


Is the season finished?

I had to pause at the other night. I have to go to bed. I haven't finished the season. I've got a binge. It a binge of the season. Find out later.

I enjoyed the podcast, guys, what's happening on today's show?


Huge show?

Did you guys miss me today?

We spoke about you.

That didn't sound convincing at all. Asked me, did you guys miss me yesterday? Sounded the same that you actually did you guys miss me yesterday? But that's the same.

It's like you didn't miss It needs to be like more enthusiastic as Joel.

Did you guys miss me yesterday?


Yeah, you guys did miss me? Okay, I'm going to have next Tuesday off.

I've done more than neighbors, Thank you very much?

Have you acting wise?

My yes, acting wise? I have done more than neighbors. I don't just play me Allsop the gay stalker.

You played Joel crazy the stand up. I know that you're in Adelaide at the moment for you, but what else have you done? Acting wise?

I was on it. I was in It's a Date. Yes, I was in.

I was.

I was in the TV show that's on Netflix called Sisters. Thank you very much. I'm on a Netflix drama.

You're a Netflix star. Yeah, very We need to put that in the banner of our show.

Have you ever been on fisk? Seems like a bruising fisk.

No, I haven't.

It's got another movie.

It's called Okay. That's in the podcast.

But are we laugh on the radio?

We laugh? Start show.

Is Ricky Lee, Tim and Joel you're reporting for driving you crazy?

Here we go, Ricky Lee, Tim and Joel my idea of a very nice day out.

It should be a crime.

It's so good.

Yeah, as soon as you hit four o'clock.



How about harbor Ricky Lee?

Oh she's back and wow. We learned a fair bit about you yesterday. Ricky Lee, What did you learn about me? We did a whole phoner on you because you.

Just got people to ask question. No, we more.

About Ricky and Rich locking eyes at the pub. When Ricky was stelling me at the Spin, you were spelling a jugger beer.

Apparently I was.

It was very late. It was about one am.

We've been at a like a some kind of party, some AFL thing.

Yeah, it was after an AFL game. We talked about that, honey yesterday.

Oh oh really yeah, we had people calling in asking questions about you and you're just answering on your.

Behalmy, were you lying or you've been truthful?


Last night, I mean that we were on the money. I think yes, And we're here with Lieutenant or left Tenant creases like you.

You a green shirt and you've got dog tags around your neck dog tag no ncholace with the love heart.

So I don't know. It just looks like you're in the army.

Basically, I'll take that.

About to do ten push up.

Here's what else? You'll take another chance to win a car with us on Friday that is happening the de Pals seven and another shot in Friday's draw to go on the Nova Redroom Global too with.

Us cool busy. We're up to puss his bow in here and.

As well, let's kick off with Cyril, shall we Happy Wednesday?

Ricky leads him, and.

I want to go and see Cyril In's Red Room small as he has your opportunity after seven tonight you were here yesterday and I missed out and giving you a message. I want to pass on a message from someone that you love.

Two yous, who did I miss?

No. I ran into Peter rovers in yesterday, my love and he was by the way. I will say we love Peter Rowit and Channel nine Zone. And in Sydney there's the new Metro, which I've spoken about on this show before. Yeah. First thing he said to me was how good is the new Metro? I know because where.

They were the men of the people.

In Sydney there's a Metro station right under the building and he can go straight into the city, get his suit dry, plane and comes straight back for the for the nightly news.

People should do that for him. Pete's not doing that. Let's be real.

He wanted to pass on specifically two years. So please give Rooky Lee my love.

I love you, Peter.

Yeah, and Jessica Rowe got in touch with me and said, get away from my man.

Does you know what he does, because obviously he had his surgery on his throat, He's got a big thing of water and then in between the stories on the news gets to blow.

Bubbles because that gets your vocal cords it's a it's a yeah. It's one of the things that you can do to warm up your voice. You just like blow that you've got your little.

It's good for your vocal phone.

You can make a little as you're doing it, and it like it's a soft little warm up for your vocal cords hopefully in the bath.

Wow, you got some power down there.

That's right. Very popular, very popular. Boy. Hey, let's talk jeans next. And we want to know do you wear jeans at home? And if you do, are you a serial killer?

Are a serial killer? I think? Even to work? Like, yep, you're all serial to work? They're not comfortable.

Jeans at home?

By up, Ricky leads him and Joel somebody stopping.

On over riding solo, but the three of us back together. You know why it feels nice. I mean my big baggy jeans, That's why it feels nice.

I know.

I was so on your side, Ricky until you said no jeans to work? Chance to work?


Are they?



Are you actually comfortable when you're sitting in a tight pair of jeans that's digging into.

Your heaps and you would have like pull it.

Up over you.

You're dressed like you're working at lu lu Lemon every day because it's comfortable.

This waistband goes all.

The way up here. This is an inner city workplace, is a high powered media organization. I know my trench coat on.

Every now and then because it makes me look fancy, like I've actually put effort on it in like it was a fitness first and last night, Okay, had a bad night. I was up on the couch. I was coughing all night. Leave me alone.

It' aren't tired at the moment, though, that's not.

You don't have these hips.

Everything is tight on these hips unless unless it's elasticated and light crap.

Oh but I thought you were saying a blanket rule, no jeans to work or is this just a wiki?

Lee the hatred.

This is a personal vendetta I have against jeans and people that wear them, because I think you're all serial killers.

I will say, I do get changed when I get home, but the fact that now baggy jeans are back in, I don't rush them off my body as soon as I used to back in the skinny jeans days.

How tight are they on your little waist and your little hips? Oh yeah, you got some space. They're fine.

They got a little bit of stretching.

I know, but I just I just find it. I find it.

I have a real deep hatred, and anyone in my life knows that I hate it.

And Rich last night.

Actually sent me a video of Kevin Hrh on TV talking about how much he hates jeans as well.

So he was on with Jennifer Hudson. You know the Jennifer Herdson Show.

You know, I love Jennifer Hudson, which you guys don't think.

You've never seen the Jennifer Hudson Show.

Are you surprised about it?


Not. Every time a guest comes on, right, they do this really cool thing like down the Whole Way, and they welcome people and they make up songs.

It's very cool.

I like it a lot to I love it.

I'll send you there's.

A really good one when Gwen Sdefani rocks up and they all sing a whole black girl to her. I watch it and make you watch it in this next song, so that I can guarantee that you've seen it with.

Your personality to survive. Now, sorry, I.

Know, welcome, welcome, Okay, So this is Kevin Hart talking about his absolute hatred for jeans.

It's all pants, all slacks, slack.

I'm over forty.

I feel like a good pant is necessary. Jeans hurt and are not comfortable. I need a comfortable slack. I need something that I can move in as something as soft.

I don't like how jeans my knees.

They hurt my knee don't tell that, and it hurt my waists like when you sit down, like our jeans dig in my waist.

Yes, Ellen's old set, honestly Ellen's old scene. I also wish jeans hurting my knees was my biggest problem on a daily basis.


Oh my, all my myriad of your am exoskeleton problems.

You're tied.

Shorts are ridiculous as well. We're talking about these yesterday. They were like Jeane did.

I was in Minden shorts because I came straight from Melbourne to Adelaide. I couldn't get into my room. Did my sound chick came straight in here to broadcast to.

The name those shorts on the plane, jol those little shorts that at one time you accidentally showed someone in the gallley you pene.

Yeah, No, I didn't the shorts weren't the time it was. I read that like I'm a freak. I put on the shorts that the shorts.

Can you not?

Can you not put words in people and ideas in people's mouth. It's not my fault that something fell out the side.

It was not. It's not my fault.

You're oh yeah, like I wanted to show the poor emirates, you know, like lady serving.

Me in Melbourne. It was no, it was not. No, it was not.

You know that you're liked in White Loatus.

No, haven't seen that episode that is Lucius Malfoy. Whos draka?

That thing was? It was quite well, just a little little surprised.

Was wider than I thought, it was darker.

Yeah, well you should be.

You should It sounds like you're jealous because you have nothing to fall out the side.

Well you don't know that. You don't know that. But I just try and only like take it out when I'm not on planes.

Or competition at four eighteen in the afternoons.

Win we'll get back to Kevin Hart and the second But Natalie Jean's at home. Where do you stand?

Absolutely all the time.

I love wearing my jeans.

Yeah, what kind of jeans you got, Wow, I've got well, I've got a few different pairs, but the ones that I absolutely love.

They're really high wated.

I've got a little bit of stretch, not.

Too much, but they are like a skinny leg jean.

I don't care if they're out. I'm wearing them anyway. You get a girl, friends, you get a girl suddenly. My question is that when you sit down.

Joel doesn't care if it's out either. It turns out on planes.

When you sit it was and it all it all gets like kind of bunched up, you know what I'm saying.

Yeah, but they're still comfortable.

These ones are so like just comfy.

I even wore the long haul on a flight a couple of years ago, like America.

That's well, I'm going to start doing that as well, because I had it. Yeah, you can sometimes have issues on the plane when you get a little too comfortable and recline and you're wearing shorts.

Yeah, most people have underpants that can keep it in as well.

Oh Joe, were you wearing the shorts that had the little undies in them?


One day, when you fly first class, you'll know that you can really relax and get kickback. And they do have short versions of pajamas as well.

Short versions.

I had short sometimes on the plane, because you're a predator, doesn't.

This is Ricky Lee on over.

One wheel, one spin, Spin, What what you got?

What you go?

Here we go.

I was on Jody and Hazy this morning, Adelaide's wonderful Breakfast Old and Over, and I broke their wheel.

Oh, Joel, you're gonna have to pay for that out of your own money.

Staring at it right now, I feel so guilty. What are we playing.

Now? We'll play Pavo after five. Someone who's not Pabo, like the opposite of Pabo would be King Charles.

Yeah, I still I still like naturally call him Prince Charles.

Of course. But I love him so much. He's like my fashion icon.

Yeah, he really is.


When he wears a suit and he does his tie not properly, and he's always double breasted, it's just perfect and pockets in his baser So I love that. It's why I wear shackets all the time.

And nicely, you know, just a little bit of a babe, you know, it's nice to look at.

The environment a nice things, you know.

Oh God, imagine those fingers.

But he's got He's got a podcast, guys, The King's Music Chrome Is that cool? What?

Yeah, he's all about the music.

King charge he loves thee my life.

Music has meant a great deal to me.

It brings us joy.

So this is what I particularly wanted to share with you, songs which have brought me joy.

And this is my favorite. You're not going to ever believe that this is a song that brings King Charles joy. And are you ready for this?


I think I know?

Take it away.

King Charles Calo came to Saint James's Plaace to perform this song in twenty twelve. The Locomotion This is music for dancing. It has that infectious energy which makes it I find incredibly hard just sit still.

Doing a parody. That's how I record my podcast is sing the big desk start that.

He's got a very good voice.

The King's Music Room on Apple Music.


This is a King, Ricky leads him and Joe.

I love that. All right, let's back announce it. King Charles style.

That is kindly know with the locomotion, fun look emotion, fact hit me Yes.

The film clip directed by Mick Molloy's brother.

Oh, he said that the other day, and that blows my mind.

He told me that lunch. I'm like, no, like yeah, wow, like crazy, that's cool?

Is so cool?

Show no business like show business, Like.

No, I know what about this? What about the business of transplants? Joel crazy?

Yeah, let's go bullshit. I didn't know this was a thing, right, but let's let's go there. Healthcare worker so Fia she rate recently. You know, she actually reached out because she wanted people to know this to a new newspaper in the UK and revealed she was she was constantly shaving her bush because her.

Maybe do this. She was constantly shaving.

Her thank you our point each time I need it, because she was embarrassed that hers was a bit sparse and patchy, right, poor, so fair.

She was upset that yeah, and it.

Was she wanted a full bush.


Well, she was like, it's on me, It's on me, because she's she was like, I've shaved so too much over the years. I've been getting in grown hairs. And she was starting to present how much effort went into being you know, like like you know.

Ful, you know, so you want to gone. I don't want to.

Well, she thought she did, right. So, Sophia has since discovered a thing called pupy care. It's got a really obvious well, she's discovered puper care transplants. I wasn't sure how else to put it, called pube plants. And she decided to undergo the surgery to get back the The procedure took her two months and cost ten thousand dollars. But Sophia, she's bloody soaked. She said it was worth every penny. And she also said it's really sexy because you know, you have something kid going on underneath your.

Clothes, in your gls. I'm assuming so i'd hope so for ten.

Minutes, just like a week, stay like her permanent.

Because it's the like she she took her two months to do it.

It sounds like it's like the opposite of the getting rid of it, like getting it all lasered off. It's like you go for like, yeah, you have to go get it done, and then you go back six weeks later and you get it done. However many times, three, four, five, six, seven, eight times, however many times you need and that's amazing fertilizer and stuff, and I like.

Sow them in, just like off your head and yeah.

Yeah, yeah, because you can never tell that that's happening.

Oh my gosh, I can't believe actually wants more.

It must be back in fashion.

I've heard of it being back in it in a way. But you know, each of their own.

Elaborate because I don't know this area. Literally, what do you do.

In your area?

Standing on the toilet with a p.

I just try not to look.

Try and not snip too much.

All the kids are going God, all right. Next, we'll go through some of the Idol last night because it was live. That's why you weren't here.

You know what.

Sabrina Carpita wrote a song about you. Actually, it's called busy Woman.

What Eat Him?

And Joel et Cetera over.

Sammy c Biz There woman busy Ladies on Telly last night on Idol. I also noticed Am got a little special tonight on Channel seven. She died at the chapel.

Yeah, it's going to be awesome.

I can't wait.

Yeah, I'm very excited.

She's also busy woman.

She's a very busy woman.

She's been on tour, playing all around the country.

She's not replying to my yes.

No, and she's she's been in and out of Queensland.

She just got out of the way of cyclone Alfred in time to be there for Australian adults.

Yeah, pretty crazy.

About now in chill business.

Last night's a live results show. Also nice that you've already from dress and mix it up a bit.

I wear a different dress every night.

Except for the ones that when you don't, that's.

Got old dress. It's the same dress. But right, I woke a little black dress last night.

I had so many oh I know the one, yes, you showed me, Gorge.

It was kind of like a little tuxedo up the top kind of but not really. And I had so many layers of spanks underneath my dress.

Can you like, I've got like a big deep belly button.

And that's right, you don't really have one, do you know?

And it's kind of I don't even have one now, but like under dresses, you can sometimes see it.

So I was thinking.

About all of the ways, the fun ways that I could maybe mask it in disguise, and I was thinking about putting booby tape across.

It, like or like poly filler.

Yes, sometimes you know the little inserts in brass.

I put the round part on the inside.

A bit of duct tall button and it's like it's been redacted.

Yeah, exactly exactly.

You know.

So I got to wear a little black dress. I don't usually wear black on TV, but it's my favorite color.

Twelve became ten.

Twelve became ten, and it was really sad because we actually said goodbye to two amazing women. But I want to kind of run through the show with you guys, please Sunday Nights show, the two people that made it in the bottom two were Bonnie and Mazuki, who were both insoretible. Mazuki is our rapper's going to win no Joel sadly no, and Bonnie is our kind of live auto tune artist. And then from Monday Night's show, the two in the bottom two were Aliyah, who's our R and B soul queen amazing and Hannah, our disco queen from Perth. Now what happens and a lot of people talk about this. I see a lot of chatter about this. Why do they all perform again? It doesn't matter the votes already and it has no impact on the votes. The reason we get people to perform again is to show you Australia, Why they deserve to be on the stage, why they're so good so they all get to perform again.

If they're in the bottom.

Two, people ask that how dumb they do?

Because I think I think they're like, why are they performing?

It doesn't matter.

Just get to the results and tell us.

Like someone who said to me, yes, why did we have the show off when the show's not until seven thirty?

Exactly because I'm there from ten am rehearsing the show that goes live at seven.

My face takes three hours.

Wilson's got the chopper some of the stuff from last night.

Yes, so this was Bonnie his second chance performance was down by Jake Shawn even disguise down love Bonnie, He's such a dude.

Then Mazuki performs Mazuki It.

Is our song? Plays by coy.

Lore old enough, and then the beautiful Aliyah smashed Who's loving you.

Out of the park?

Who's that?


Jackson the Jackson.

Jackson five Jackson.

She gives me real Jess Malboy. Her voice has got a lot of similarities to Jess Melboy. She's incredible. And then our disco diva, Hannah took on Blondie's heart a glass what. Yeah, she's such a belter, so sadly too incredible women.

I'm not probably not.

I voted for these girls. They are that everyone's allowed to vote.

You should call democracy vote, you should be able to do that.

I'm so Fromski.

Sadly, Mazuki, get your head read.

I thought was gonna win. I have said that since day dot.

Isn't it crazy?

Are you serious?

I thought Masuki was going to be such a great winner because it's so different for Australian idol.

Well, that's what I thought was so cool was that she brought something to the stage that no one had ever done on the artist stage as a.

Want about he had a shadow with death. I take im, look at my leg for real lives. There's nothing less.

Hasten ants so long that even my mama Mama's.

God, damn, that was so cool.

I was wrapping along with your side stage.

I felt so cool. I did feel cool because I knew all of the words.

It's one of those songs that you know like that and Shoop and water Man like you know every single word. And then Aliyah, the beautiful Aliyah went home as well.

If you're killing.

If you, Oh, I am going for Guzella now, but maybe I shouldn't say that. Maybe I'm a bad luck charm.

I'm not voting for anyone anymore.


That was giving me Mary Jay, it was giving me s WV.

It was giving me Me and Amy dancing in a car park somewhere when we were fifteen. All right, so that's ten now, top ten night.

You have to vote for the people that you want to stay in the competition.

Ricky leads him and chel somebody stop.

It's always nice when your heart's open. Open hearts surgery the weekend.

Oh, Ricky loves open heart surgery.

Hey, before I kick off the glosses, officially, you have a late breaking bossy.

I know Donald, yes, former view panelist and many other things, but our favorite show, The View.

She's revealed.

You know how a lot of celebrity said that they were going to leave the States if Trump got in. She is the one that's well, she went prayer. I think she Rosey Donald commit. She's moved to Ireland. She now lives in Ireland, like.

How Ellen blamed that on Trump too. She just left because no one in America likes her anymore. She was trying her hand in a different country altogether, and.

The glasses on street.

The glossies, what's happening?

Oh this is Chapel Mange and she got something new to moan about.

What's she moaning about now?

But how uncomfortable the eyelashes are underneath the eye.

Well, you know how everyone's in Paris for fashion week?

Did you see Kate Paras?

Yeah, she's back on the skoo fields. I think, hey, that's right. It's nerve wrecking me a Paris fashion week.

I thought it was a video and it wasn't. She was moving in normal time.

Cha chavel is moaning about a wardrobe malfunction.

Her red leather dress, red leather, yellow, leather, yellow ripped at the back. I've just become a Chapel Finn.

And she was not hot to go.

Oh that's the worst.

She's got a cute, but it's like a little upside down.

Love her to cut that tag off your underpants?

Well, she's not expecting it to be out.

There, just me and panty.

She could, she'd fit in at the Pink Pony Club in that. I'm quite impressed us.

Good stuff you and the music stuff. For speaking of music, who would have thought. Talent runs so deep in this next family.

Oh my gosh, okay, this is Britney Spears right, another super cooked thing.

I was watching the tiles, the floor tile.

Did you expect anything different from O's. You know, she's a little bit she's a little bit interesting, she's a bit special.

Our girl.

We love her.

But she is kind of going off and talking a bit of gibberish because her son was playing piano in the house, which she hadn't seen her sons for a very long time. And now now all of a sudden she's not paying Kay fed his.

Child support. Now the kids are back in her life. How convenience.

So listen to this. This is Britney's son. This is Jaden, of course, Jayden with why playing the piano? And then this is mama Brittany's reaction.

Oh my god, I with my bones and my heart and my lungs and my ass.

And my broad and.

Yeah, same, I'm scared. That doesn't sound like her.

Okay, I'm just hanging out next Glossy, Please, what's happening with this lady?

So she has been in in a conservative ship, much like Brittany, and then she was in her I think New York an apartment and she dropped a letter out the window saying help me.

Assisted living facility, but she no one could prove that she was actually so.

This is the order of events. Had a note out of the window of her assisted living room saying help Wendy, not help, I need Wendy's help.

Wendy, she's the one named celebrity, so you know she helps done.

I saw something that Harvey the TMZ had done this whole thing. He'd done an interview with her through through the glass in the assisted living facility, and it's it's really weird.

What's happening.

Well, then she was taken by the ambos and police after a wellness check, and then how's this? This is the kicker. She has now said to appear on the view what on Friday, So we'll have that for you on Monday.


And because she passed her psych evaluation, I think she got yeah, past ten out of ten.

She's fine.

They're saying she's fine. There is no reason she should be under this. Conservatorships.

What she had to say about it all, it's a matter of time. She's not lonely.

I love her so much.

And final glossy. This is also pretty cooked. Galgadot, Yeah, Galgado even is gad gal I think you. Gallaghan Doo urges people to watch Snow White, now snow White, the remake, which just had so much controversy anyway, very woke, no no difference, no white, very woke, very strange. I don't even feel Disney or pumped about snow White. They just want to get it out there and get it done.

Yeah, let's move on.

But gallagh Doo was jumping into her car and this is what she said about snow so.

Excited to see the Snow White movie. Do you think people should give it a.

Chance of it good? Just have a good day. Of course, it's a great mone.

She's just like, leave it alone.

It is them as now, Oh my gosh, what are we doing here?

Been invited to the premiere next week? You'd think the premiere is not after it's been released. Anyway, check your local guys with snow White. If you would like to get the running on Friday for Nova's Red Room Global till we did it after the news.

Unfamiliar job and say and take the rest of the day off.

Wow, this is really see yes, talk about we're coming it up. I think we should come a bit by calling it. Gels in Adelaide has got his second night of his show Gluttony tonight.

Yes it's it's filling up. But if you want to come along at APM tonight, Life Enation, dot Com, dot a you it's a lovely and I'm performing in.

Don't and don't you think, Joel? If we called it you would have a better show.

A good point we watch at a week he's over.

You know why else we should call it? We announced on Monday overs Vedroom Global to it presented by our good friends at Expedia. You were made to chase your travel passions Expedia, you were made to put them all any one's stress free package Expedia made to travel. Could be traveling with us to see Dean Lewis live in Novus, Red Revert the House of Blues in l a. You got Vegas with Jelly.

Roy if you don't behind Vegas.

Auckland with Gracie and yes, Ricky post alone Posty. We'll see somebody in the running to come along with us. And on Friday we are announcing the first winner to join us on Nova's Red Room Global Tour.

Ricky leads him and Joel et.

Novus Redroom Global Tour presented by expeeny Eates. Pretty much, you're boarding pastes through the world's biggest artists up clost and personal with us.

La Vegas Room Global Powered.

I mean seeing Grace in Auckland and Dean in in La and Posty and Jelly in Vegas, but with us as.

Well, with us, and it's not just one stuff that you get to come to.

It's just like, oh, well, we'll see you in New Zealand and then you go home and we do the rest of it.

You come on the whole trip with us.

Yes, we can go see the Pirates show at whatever that hotel is called the Fountains of the Blunt.


Well yeah, you know, they're giving away some travel experiences, so so you come along. You can see stuff like the Aucland Skytower, Madame Fussord's in Hollywood. You can do the Oh my god, I did the zip line in Vegas, the old Vagas, yeah, years.

Ago, something like you in a past life.

It was to the radio Adventure. I didn't do it because we had to find that video. We trapped on those weird cameras, you know, that British guy that does all those that trains. Yeah, we had cameras like that on our helmets. Oh Lookavy now, Josh, when was the last time you've been overseas?

Last year in July whenever?

Oh that's annoying. Oh well you could go again this year. You can go again this year with us. You're in the running on Friday. We could be calling you back.

Amazing, Thank you.

Who would you like to see the most? Gracie Dean Lewis Posty jelly for sure. Yeah, I thought you're talking to me.

Yeah, I agree, Josh.

Do you guys going to see the most?

I'm excited for Gracie Abram because you're you've really got me into her.

Yeah, Posty probably Posty Jelly Roll would be great. Dean Lewis our old mate at the House of Blue. Anyway over FM, doc commodoate you. I think the Wrecking guys have another chance in the morning, and then you could be going with us on Friday and we can make the first ball.

Ricky leads him until.

Yes we could there we could on the next chance to get into Friday's draw for Nova's Red Room Globel too. It is with Ben Limabella to six. So jump onto our website or the overplayer app nov fm dot com. Are you and you can be in the.

Raunana Yes, Hess Jessica, he ask Jessica.

People watching Busted bust and One basically is what we're doing now. Thirteen twenty four ten check on.

The phone Bustard bust In one.

Yeah, yeah, Bustard, Busted and Money.

Yes, I shall, I shall explain. A teacher has quit, but there's a there's a little hook to this. A teachers quit after his thirteen year old students filmed him during a physics lesson. Right in the video, the teacher opened his laptop and he didn't know that it was still connected to the projector behind him.

To the whole class.

Jessica, of course, what starts playing in Jessica, adult teach, Yeah, close your tabs, Yeah, right, and it starts playing for the whole class to see. As the teacher started smiling at his screen. He doesn't know it's still he gives one of those real seedy. The school tried to blame the teenagers for playing a prank, but he admitted that he clicked on something and on some website that he wasn't aware of open.

The teacher didn't quit. He has now been fired.

Show us your history teacher.

What grade the kids are in? Before? You know?

Froteen? So what's that great eight?

He's seven? Maybe you're firing a teacher's pretty pretty nuts.

Well, there's a whole lot of bannaked ladies as.

On that. On that you've got a hand in your ass.

On and his little smiles. That's the worst part, Lecturus.

Alright, of course immediately I think of his.

Of course, all right, your type, no, of course not call us.

You can remain anonymous if you'd like. If you've been caught, if someone's caught you watching the we'll reward you if we get one call, I promise.

Tricky leads him and call for skill.

Where's I planned to be so fat? Fifty five years down the road? You will not be able to carry me down the road or whatever the lyrics.

I think it's figuratively, isn't it, like you know, yeah, yeah, like I'll carry you anywhere you want. I mean not.

Actually I personally won't actually absolutely carry you.

I won't touch you even.

Good luck with that.

Now, let's look on in the.

School yard, just very very quickly way to phrase that. Yeah, this teacher, he's been busted. He's been busted, busted. Well, he wasn't busting one, but he's been busted watching a naughty adult film with some ladies. Excellent, you know, work doing what they do best and naked ladies. Yes, and they're at their work.

He's at his work, but his work happens to be school in front of children. Yes, attached to.

The projector, and the whole class has seen it, having their ass Simons.

They're just leaning over the disk and handing over their disk disk.

Simon, you were caught, were you what happened?


Game? Yeah, I allowed my son to use my Google account pre school computer. You can already see where this is going.


He's going into class showing on the on the laptop and open up the tab. And there was a certain no powerful orange and black little movies.

I'm dad, Simon, sorry.

Your personal favorite Simon.

Yes, yes, he could. Even he came home and told me about every genre that and yeah, so I was like very red sage.

Oh you've got something to bond over, something extra to bond over.

Now connected, everything is like just lay off? Can my laptop just be my laptop.

I mean it's a good way to get into the conversation about the birds and the bees. I guess you know you're going to have that conversation at some point.

Yes, but just leave me alone. Just let me have something on my stuff. Yeah, don't touch my stuff. It's like remember when bluetooth speakers are just starting and then.

Yeah, I've been sprung before. Yeah, really, when I've been connected to a speaking.

Yeah, Jared, Hello, all right, tell us your little buster story mate, go for a safe place.

So I was managing a certain supply store, had a couple young, younger employees.

I like to play some pranks.

I needed a bit of clarity for my decision.

Making throughout the day.

To clear the head.

After popped into the.

To the bathroom stalls and uh watching a little Orange and Like video and a speed up process, and one of my workers went to pull a prank on to unlock the door to scare me as someone went to walk in and yes, full court pecker in hand on the side, which was obviously a giveaway.

Did you did you?

Did you get to the end?

The problem was I was mid finish when I opened the door. I was very lucky that he thought it was a scared look.

Yeah, but that's your look.

Yeah, that's he's still managing office work.

So are you've moved on? No, I'm not. I'm not there anymore, Jared. Not the chemist Warehouse want to be associated with that behavior. But I did say i'd reward our call, so a hundred bucks for you and our other like too, thanks to our friend the Chemists Warehouse. Well done, guys.

What's the moisture?

The problem was I was mid finish, Tim and Joel.

It feels like a different thing.

A right, never mind, one, let me las another round, another round, another round, another round, another round, another round, another round, another round, another round.

A scratch. They're playing in the Irish Festival JOm mc Connedy's Irish Festival on Sunday. Another round. You should watch the film there. But it's pretty great.

This makes me thirsty listening to this music.

You might split the g.

You know you're old when you start getting heart burned.

Oh yeah, I reckon.

When you turn thirty you should get like an immediate scriptore.

It happened to me when I first started doing this show.

I think I spoke about it quite a bit, and all the time and then then you guys, the listeners actually gave me my life.

Saver told me about nexium and it's the greatest in the history of the world.

And my little old friend overhead, one Tim Blackwell last weekend when we were at lunch, guess who had heartburn.

The first time?

Really you had to pop off to the chemist and get some one.

Oh my gosh, I take one like it's prevented.

It totally might start doing that anyway.

There is a bar in Ireland that now you know, you have all of your your beers on tap, you have all of your spirits hang it upside down, that you can go and get shots.

You can buy shots of gavescon there.

Now that is for you.

Speaking of isn't that good?

Speaking of Ireland?

I heard mashed potato today referred to as Irish guacamole, and I'm never refer to any other way.

Oh, I love Ireland. If you are in Sydney the Domain in Sydney on Sunday there should be a few tickets left for German Kennedy's Irish Festival Mina. I've mispronounced that.

As well as Ricky leads him and Charles stop.

Kendrick and scissor Luthor here on over the whole game.

Some dues stuff to my hips.

Yep, I know what you you want.

That goodness glory.

It's the farm, oh yes? Or the beat that what was that? Was that?

But that.

On the drums when she goes it's sick. A rhythm makes me want to move my body.

Yeah, someone would always do that for the money, the cost.

Of living some beat news. Actually, in the world of sweet treats. It hit me last week this news the teeth. Yeah, discontinue the mad about teeth. No one never knew it was called mad about teeth. It's just teeth. Obviously. When I was a kid, they were actually the size of my whole mouth. Now they're like.

The teeth. They don't have much flavor to them, a little kind of like a spear and kind of taste. You'll take them over a milk bottle. I think milk bottles are a bit boring.

I like to start with the milk bottle and work out to a black cap.

You do a raspberry after the milk bottle, then you do a pineapple.

Yes, but what a at this? Now they're orange snakes? What's going on in Alan's I'm losing their mind.

Just give me a red snake.

They're turning orange snakes into passion fruit. I mean, what's happening Alan?

Passion fruit?

Because Alan getting a bit old.

Al's getting a bit fretty Allen.

So let's do the Sweet Trees edition to po me. Ricky splaying for you.

Helloa, Ricky.

Dol's got you today?

Hello, Hey, Joel, Hey, just center, Thanks girlfriend, just reaching into my bag.

I like to get a pen to play this. I don't know why. I think it helps.

You have to text me around so though, but I like to write it down for too long, just in time.

What have you been up to today? You've had a big day.

It is the best of five?

Is it?

Just do whatever you say best the three? That's just the best of three wins. Yes, that's what you normally about, Okay. If I was to purchase a Buller creamy classics ice cream tub.

Gosh, yeah, from cold and Death for me?

Yes, delicious? How much of that cause bullet tub? How many? It's too late? It's a two letters up.

I think that's that is import of ice cream. The last time Harriet would have been a child. The last time I bought one of those.

I ate being on the ice cream with the children all the time. We've got into the Hershey's caramel syrup as well.

As bull If you don't man, yes, I love my ice cream ice cream. That the same on soy ice cream.

What about about tip from Vanilla ice cream little tea spoon of soy sauce. Oh yeah, it turns into soldied caramels straight away. Yes, Also the olive.

And you have so you might as well just drink a bottle of vinegar. You're in, gel I am, I've blowed.

My aunt's You're in.

I feel like no idea you would buy ice cream all the time, Joel, you love us all the time.

I love ice cream.

It is closest without going over. Don't forget. That's our ross gone over. Joel said six dollars fifty and Ricky said twelve. It's eleven.

Got this It was eleven?

My god, that cozy lives because it was never eleven dollars of Buller ice cream fancies.

Yeah, but that was in. That was in, like that's Ben and Jerry's territory.

Okay. If I was to purchase a Cabary milk chocolate caramela, Kula share pack.

Yum, yum, twelve pieces from this is in my writer?

Yeah, twelve pieces.

Caramela Koalas, how much if it's in your writer, you definitely know, don't know someone else, Camela kohalas, So twelve little ones.

There's normal sized Caramela's.

Okay, okay, I'll go my normal answer plus calls he leaves, plus caramel inside at the one minus okay, Oh you shake your mouth.

Okay, I'm putting lodged at lodged.

I prefer they just to get there's the plane.

Then you both said eight dollars. It's seven dollars. You both over.

Both went over.

So if you get this next one, you have one, thank god, and the game's over. I want to purchase a Woolies Dreamy chock Chip Cookies five pack. I'm dreaming so much. Chock Chip Cookies five pack. How much these are so good? Sure?

Oh my gosh, I don't know how much they cost, but I buy them all the time. Lodged My answer, I like to dunk them in milk.

Okay, Unfortunately, you're both in. Ricky said two dollars fifty and Joel said seven three dollars eighty Ricky, you have one.

I need to buy them more often, so that means we have one left.

It's time breakers.

That's a bargain because they're really delicious cookies.

Bags, Kittles, Skittles. It's a big bag of skittles. It's a thirty two pack of little Skinnies. Variety packs of Score from Kmart. Is a big bag of Skittles.

Thirty two fun sized bags.

Fun sized bag of Skittles.

Winn I'm going back to my answer, lodged. I'm going back to my classic answer.

Rickie says fifteen. Joel said eight. They are eleven dollars. Joel, you are the winner of this, which means just center, You've got yourself a three hundred dollar voucherry chemist warehouse. Well done, Bedlemonbell coming up up for six o'clock and then more invite Sonoma's Red Round with Cyril in the Surgery with Smallsey Tonight. Now, I've gotta say Friday is a big day for us. We are giving away a brand new d Pal suv. Take the wheel of the dpaal s O seven with an all electric suv. Contact your nearest showroom or learn more at depail dot com. Dot a you it's so electric song?

This is it?


Someone had it on my electric blue oh ego, my electric blue iPod Mini and I was in school.

Really yeah, very kind of off brand for me, right, this does.

Not sound like something that you would be listening to all school.

Young divers and all Ricky Lee.

How its journeys to do a really good parody of the song back in the day. I can't really say it on there, any of the lyrics on there.

Well, please don't know.

I get very excited when we start talking about this because I feel like we should be like cool.

Karma collected, but like, oh, this is so normal that we give away. We're giving away a car, We're giving away a sixty thousand. This is not like just this small little giveaway prize. This is huge.

Yeah, Elise, Like, if you don't get that.

High lease, how are you feeling? Do you need a new car? Babe?

I do toot army about it.

Sister. Well, here's what you need to do. You have to tell us the electric item that Joel's in the back seat of this deep our using electric item is the keyword here, not so to stream that we've got on Monday or you've been listening.

Good girls.

At least, as I said, you still are hugging it in like that's not as distant to the soda stream, which doesn't use any.

Power that at all.

They're just big.

It's an electric item. Anyway, that's obviously just my thing, your bug bear. Let's let's get it. We're going to Sydney today for our finals. We've we've had we've had a Perth finals and Adelaide finalist and Melbourne finalist. We've got Sydney and our Brisbane tomorrow. I assume process of elimination with the cities. That was your thinking, Yes, let's we go back to Perth. Just that's a big cooky. At least tell us the item and you are in Friday's rare a one in five chance to weigh sixty thousand dollars deep suv.

Yeah, I like Elise.

I wanted to do well, Elise, what do you think that is?

I have one more time? Yeah, that's Chel saying, oh, by the way, I had some part of the clue.

Was there another clue?

No, it was just the just the sound. What do you think that sound was?

I say, ooh a lot?

So ignore me saying ooh, okay, thanks alas beautiful touch to the listener.

You're also on hold for a bit, like just have a couple of ideas in your head, Sean. Would you like to hear it again? Sean?

Oh, absolutely, yeah, I feel like maybe beer.

Oh here, any other clues.

It's pretty good show.

I didn't even realize I was giving clues.

I would have to go with a coffee grinder, okay, not a.

Coffee grinder, a coffee grinder, okay. Summer Hello, Summer, Hello, what do you think it is in the back of the D Palace?

You be okay, I guess like.

One of those like handheld kitchen mixers.


That's what it is.

Well done, Summer. Look at you, Summer, straight off with the bat with an answer, and you've thought about it and it's corrected. You have won in five chance doing this sixty thousand dollars D Palace, you'd be what car are you driving at the moment? Is it terrible? It's not terrible, but I've.

Got a sixteen year old that's going to need a new car, so I think it's hoping you sake mine, then I get a.

New You want this car, all right? You're going to Brisbane tomorrow the next finalist from Rizzy. So jump online, now FM dot com today you it could be you. Good night one have fund another lie to not Joe have the best time Joe.

Like and if anyone wants to come down to Trick Avenue and then you'll take it higher. Who is them?

Was Country never

Ricki-Lee, Tim & Joel

Three of Australia's most respected personalities, Ricki-Lee, Tim Blackwell and Joel Creasey, come t 
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