
S2E9 - Bound by Blood

Published Feb 6, 2023, 11:00 AM

Kat and Dom are back - but this time Dom has a WAY more comfortable chair. They discuss their biggest horror movie icks, Kat recalls a jump scare during a makeout scene with Alberto, and Dom demonstrates the wrong way to drive a car.

Hello, Bye, I had a change of scenery. I'm fucking so excited. I've stolen Dan's chair, so much more comfy than on this stool. Anyone who was listening in the last episode. We we recorded these episodes back to back and then usually I sit on a stool, and I just got this new reclinate chair. I'm very excited about it because i'm now and these are the things that excite me. But normally Dan is on it. Again, if you were listening to the last episode, I explained this is and his chair. He was trying to interrupt quite a lot, but he hopped off. So I've reclaimed it and now I'm really comfortable. But I'm just like, this is my fingertips touching my computers. I'm just too far, Like I have to get off the chair. Then I'm away from the mic, and it's a whole thing. So if you see me doing that, or if my voice dissipates for a second and then it comes back, that's why I'm doing my best. You'll get through it. I know that, and I think so I have faith, have faith, like rearranged everything. It's fantastic. I don't know why I'm a I forgot my tea so much better. Okay, what we're saying, I forgot my faith. Goddamn it. Stop. I can even recline a little bit. Oh, this is the best purchase I ever made. Man, lucky you. I'm so excited. Okay. I mean to set up like a real podcast office in my I mean it's like it's my office is like a little inlay under my stairs and it's I love it, like it's my little space and I do my audition work and stuff in it. But it's like fucking chaos and not even worse. Now I'm gonna have to like fix all of this ship that I've just made terrible. But you've got like a little Harry Potter room, a little Hrry Potter room. Yeah, And like my I've got all sorts any like tools and I can see it all now, like tools and boxes and spare pillow cases are all in the like in this little bit that I can figure out where they were supposed to go, and all sorts of nuts stuff. Well, shall we dive in, Yeah, let's dive in. Welcome back to return to the shadows. Because it's been so long since we've spoken and done this. It's not like it's been three minutes or anything since the last episode, but we returned to season two episode nine, Bound by Blood, which aired originally on February seventeen, Written by the Great Peter bin Swinger, directed by the also great Matthew Hastings, starring Katherine Matamara, Dominic sher with Albert was Andy, Matthew Gario and around be A, Isaiah Mustafa, Harry Sham Jr. Guest starring Elephant Sprang, Alicia Wayne Right, Ariana Williams, David castro Jas, Sooner, Vanessa, Matt Suey Next sig Are Josh war Vath and Lawrence Dickinson. You stuck, You stuck a breath in there, but it was a very Broadway breath. It was very good. I was listening for it because when I did this, I tried to get all of that plus the guest stars out in one breath, and I couldn't do it. But I smoked for a long time. So maybe that's why you've never done that, which I'm very proud of you for. But you right at the end, it was so close. I think it was between let me see here, it was between like Josh, It was between Nick and Josh, So it was like so close to getting all the way through. That should be a challenge. I want to I want to try and get one of these all the way through without having to breathe anyway. I digress. In this episode, Clary faces a world of trouble. Clary is sidelined. I need to bring it closer. I can can't see ship logline. Fucking honestly, got to bring things a little close, no kidding, yes, seriously, um, what happens in this episode, Clary faces a world of trouble. Clary is sidelined by Iris's blood oath, while the down world begins to fall apart, with word getting out that Clary is a key part of Valentine's plan. The down world as are odds on how to handle the issue, but when Iris activates her blood oath, Clary has more to worry about than hiding from Valentine and the down worlders. Meanwhile, Isabelle and Raphael get closer as Alec tries to figure out what's going on with his sister. Oh my goodness, it's going to be cut together perfectly. But if you guys could hear the fucking polava I just had trying to get that out. Nah, it was no one would ever hire me as a first time. It was perfect. I got nothing wrong. Goodness, no, never, you never do that. This is an interesting book to screen moment which I think we should kind of talk about. This is the first time we get to see the down World Council, which is a bigger deal in the book that it is in the show. But I thought they did a really beautiful job of it in the show, bringing in this sort of um you know, there's a representative from each of the down World communities and they come together and you know, deal with the shadow Hunters in their own way. It's a bit of United Nations of the Shadow World kind of thing. But the way that they do it in our show is so beautiful. They have all the banners and they bring it in in such a beautiful way. I can't remember if we actually see that full set up in this episode, but I can't remember that scene. If I'm honest, I'm very excited. But do you remember that, you know they do it sometimes in the training room, they transform it into the council room where they have the banner for each of the things in the big round table. I sort of vaguely remember one of those from season three where we all get each other's powers. It's similar to that, but not quite. Was I in the scene. I think we entered the scene it was. It was a point where we were dealing with the Seeley Queen and I had to come and in Sassa Lola and uh I did that a lot. Yeah. Anyway, here we are as the episode begins, we get to see where do I forget how it starts? Starts with you guys about to fuck it? Oh my god? Okay, can I just say it was fun for you, but it was fun for us too. But I'll tell you I got the scare of my life during this scene. The way that we shot it, because the canoe itself was so high up in the boat basin. In order to shoot Alberto's in my coverage, they set it up in just sort of a dark corner of the studio. They brought one of the canoes down and just stacked two of them on top of each other so the cameras could get in and around us more easily, and of course, as is want to do when you're nearing the end of season two on a series, and the crew and the cast is very close Albert and I, and I think it's in the Bloopers. Albert and I were doing the scene and mid making out and all this stuff, and Isaiah pops his head out from behind the canoe in the middle of a take and scares the living daylights out of me. Really good. You've ever had a parent walking on you making out with someone? That's that going? And it was never, That's never happened to me. No that I don't think that. I mean, I'm an adult now, like mom sees me kiss decks all the time, but like never in this never in a canoe day that much. It's never been My mom just texts me that's weird. Literally, as I was talking about it, someone's ears burning. I remember this scene being a lot of fun, and Alberto and I got to have so much fun with this, like annoyance with each other. We really got to play with it. Some of this is in the Bloopers as well. Yeah, nobody ever knocks in the shadow world. Nobody, But why would you knock at a boat basin? And it's not a standard place you would need to knock in. This is when he was in really good shape as well. I mean He's always been in fantastic shape. But he Alberto little little fun note. You know. I think it was right at the end of the It was in the mid season break. He got in such good shape that he got told to lose muscle mass. He had to slim up a little because he got in such phenomenal shape that he didn't look vampire anymore. He started to look a little more werewolf. And they were like, you need to slim up a little bit because he was. We were all so jealous when he turned up at the gym that day and turned it, took a shot off for the first time. We were like, it was wild. He had like wings, no joke, he had like wings of muscle down his back. Was insane to picture that. You know, our trainer, our trainer was doing the pull ups and his back is just zero. Yeah. That's the thing with Alberto too. He's he's always been such an athlete. He has so much he has so much muscle memory. He can sneeze near a weight and just be totally stab He's working out with new No again. Now I am too. Oh are you nice? Yeah? I forgot that. Clary hits you in the face with his shirt. Yeah, that was annoying, and that's an annoying thing to film. There were two two that are jumping to me right now, irritating face shots in the show. There was one was this one because ballistically don't ever fly where you want them to fly, Like ball off the shirt as tight as you can and try and launch it across the room. It's going to make it three ft and then open up like a parachute. And then I don't remember if you were here for this one. You remember that you had to have been there, because you open a portal to somewhere and like paper starts flying around the room. And they had a big fucking jet engine basically is what it looked like, like a massive six ft tall fan, and they were just throwing bits of like sort of half crumpled paper. But as soon as it hit the air, it got such velocity that it would hit me in the face and it felt like punched in the face. And I was trying to sort of do dialogue, and every now and then this thing would like crunch me in the face. And you can't really I think I was reading something. I was looking at you, you were looking at me, So it wasn't looking and so it catches you really by surprise. We'll have to talk about that when we reached the episode, because that was very poor planning because you had paper in the face and my hair was just was it. Yeah, we'll get there. That's we got another season before that. Um, currently, my hand is turning necrotic. Yeah, it's not good, not good, not good. Spot. I thought it looked like I thought it started in the middle of your hand for some reason, but it doesn't. Yeah, it doesn't look great because she pricks my finger to sign the blood to take the Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that bit. So it starts from the point where she pricked my finger and then it goes from there. I do have to give Randy Doddlin and his team such a huge shout out for the practical effects, because that was the necrotic hand was done in stages practically throughout the episode, and they what they did the first time they did it, they just kind of painted it and did it manually. But then they started making patches, and so they prepaint these silicon patches and put them on my hand and put everything else and I don't know how much of it ended up in the episode. But Randy, we know his propensity for loving little gross details and just making it as gory as possible. We had one fingernail that was off and another one that was darribling, and all this stuff. They we did some exposed bone on different knuckles and it was fucking grim. There are things, there are some things no matter how gory it gets, there are some things that you're like first too much. Like I have a friend who can't it doesn't matter how fake it is, how fake it looks. Cannot deal with throats being split, and he can't even do it with his eyes closed because the noise of that then sort of triggers him into this place. And for me, it's fingernails. Do you ever see a fingernail come off? And I've never lost a fingernail, so I don't know where this like trepid fear comes from, but it's something for me that I watched this movie the other day where zombie movie where the not the other day? I watched it years ago, but and I haven't watched it since because this one shot, one of the zombies scratches at like a door, and as they scratched it, all of their fingernails peel off the back of their hand, and I was like, that's me done. I'm never watching this movie ever again. No, sorry, I think Alan's in it is true. I'm sure Allen's and everything and fucking everything good for him, but you know that is true. It's uh. I have it with with skin slices. If it was like a first cut, even made into a cadaver or somebody you know gets it, even just needles going into skin on him, I don't know what interesting the first one. If it happens the second time, you're all right, yeah, yeah, it's like the initial cut of it. I don't know. I can't that's so interesting. Have kins he tell you the story about how he, like cheese, grated his finger once and it came out in is it like Julienne when you made Julian potatoes and they come out in a little zig zag. He hit his finger with that and it took out a zigzag chunk of his hand. He has a photo of it. It's really grim to ask him to next time you see him, ask him to tell you about it. Go on. So Alex Kinsey, who actually has new music coming out as well, so make sure you can listen to that as and when it comes out. Hot Messes hands down like my favorite song of all time. So you need to if you're not already doing it, you're not already doing this, but as soon as you're done after this, going download and listen to hot Mess by I love hot mess It's one of my favorites. Show. Now, what's happening here? Magnus and Alec are talking and they're in the daylight, and I really like we get such a rare They started happening a little more through season two, but it was so rare that we got these like really nice, sort of seemingly naturally lit daytime scenes. This is in the studio because the balcony was in the studio, but it looks fantastic, and there's something really nice about the sort of dichotomy of like, it's what's it called, it's a pathetic fallacy where the weather directly relates to the emotions of the characters, Right, is that? Right? Yeah? I think the one thing I learned in school is pathetic fallacy, and it's like locked in my brain somewhere. I can't do simultaneous equations or a tax, but simultaneous equations, that's up there, staying up there. Yeah, it looks fantastic. I love a good daytime scene. We come to Magnus for help. That's what's happening. They have they're having a nice moment and I need to help learning. Yeah, you're dying. It does look gross. Yeah, Les brulet is what it's called. The burnt flesh. Fantastic. Thanks Iris. Once the magic reaches your heart, you're a gonna Yeah, that's not good. No, it doesn't have that long. It's moving like in the time it took us to get from the boat base into there. It's taken over most of your hand. Yeah, it's pretty quick. It doesn't say a timeline. It's probably smart filmmaking wise. Is it smart not to give it an exact like it's going to take exactly twelve minutes it's going to be dead. Sometimes you need that though, but not not in this case. Nicks back, Wait, welcome back alder Tree. Where was he for a whole episode? Good grief. I don't know man doing something nefarious, Like he has the Art of War on his book shelf and that's how we started it. Yeah, you know what I mean, Like that's that's his priority. Who's the Arts of War. But is it some sue? Yeah? Have you read The Arts of War? I have read parts of it. I had to read part of it for school, but I don't think I ever read the whole thing. To read the Arts of Wolf for school part of school. M hmm, International literature section. Yeah. Interesting. Um where were we? Back to older Tree? So he's getting his claws back into Isabel's situation. Yeah, this is creepy. This is a creepy little sub story. Yeah, but then we cut to Jade Wolf and Luke is is gone, Oh no, not again again. Some pickle just on the phone in the background. Awesome, Okay, some of my best work right there by the ducks again. I remember them. Oh that's right. It's because they put me by the ducks again. And I remember talking about it and they told me that it wasn't that they cut the scene from the previous episode. So I was like, oh, I just I'm not going to I guess I'm not going to react to them a second time. It doesn't make any sense. Don't cut it again. So they don't cut it again. Yeah, so it just got that whole like arc just got kind of next. I thought it was a fun little thing that he This is such a weird thing to be afraid of. Afraid of ducks, there you go, even dead ducks. It's true, it should be. But speaking of dead things, Clarie ends the scene by putting her foot down and saying, Simon's coming with them, because you know, if I'm gonna die, I'm going to have time in with me or something. Then I go to the boat basin to try and get him. But I will say this is one of my favorite scenes and one of the silliest scenes I ever had to do. Oh yeah, the with the vampire confiding a c G I with vampire werewolf. That's it with the werewolf. This was fine. You this fucked you up? Do you remember? I do? Remember I do. This is why you should always listen to Darren McGuire, because I didn't. I was supposed to be standing this whole fight, or sitting like I am here at first, and you know, as things go, when Simon passes me this boat or I ended up on my knee and Darren, after we blocked the scene, Darren said to me, he goes, you know, do you want to put on like a shin pad or something, because it's gonna be a while, and you know you're gonna be and I went, no, I'm fine. I was My shin was black after because it was half a day. Well, you know, it's we've talked about this before as well, like it's part of it. You don't you don't feel it at the time. You have the adrenaline running through you. You're doing what you enjoy, like and the stunts became such a heavy part of what we do that you don't feel it at the time, but you, especially you Brew so easily. Aleshasa but this was I remember you showing me. I was like, that's bad, really bad. There you go. You learn, you learn, you gotta listen. I had one, not as bad as you, but I Bruce fairly easily also. And they had one in at the end of season three where I have to go to elbow someone and I'm supposed to miss and hit the wall behind them, and they were like, just don't hit the wall, and I was like, okay, I won't hit the wall, and then take number one sure enough, just went straight past it, put a little dink in the set like whatever, and did the rest of the scene. And they're like, I think it was either Darryn or Max who came up and said they'd seen it, and they went, you want some ice? And I was like, yes, please, please don't tell anyone, Yes, please had like some ice and some advilt, but don't say I would like some ice. And Advil shout out to Drew our set metic, who would sneak us? Advil and I at at need give it a moment, so you keep going, um, this is this scene. Though I do remember talking to Matt Hastings, who directed this, and to Darren about how we were going to do this, because obviously the werewolf is entirely c g I, but it can look really odd you're fighting something and there's nothing there. And we tried in a few different ways. So we did. We did a lot of takes, and I think what they ended up using were takes where I was just battling by myself. Um. But what we tried it first was they put they put one of our stunt doubles in a full green suit and had her be the werewolf and fight me, and I was I was glad we did that first because then I had at least felt what it was like to have somebody there and to have some force to kind of work against. But I think in the end they ended up not using her until there was the because there was that moment where she flies over the trash can um and they used her for that. I think this sprint too. You ran so fast at this, Yeah, that sprint essentially, this is in the bloopers as well. I was like trying to stop because it's all gravel out there. If you remember before, it's fully graveled, and the stop it was like it was like a four ft slide. And I managed to stop this lied right sort of on my mark, which is very rare for me. I very rarely hit my mark. It's just ask anyone I've ever worked with. It's I had this this camera operator Patrick, I should text so much. You see how he's doing on that on partner track, and he could, like by the end of the show, he would go, dumb that mark on the floor. It's not a fucking suggestion, all right, that's where you gotta stand. I was like, oh, ship bad, you say, the nicest guy who's doing everything in jest obviously, but like he was right, I wasn't on my mark every time for camera team trying to adjust to me just being fucking useless the whole time. There you go, Yeah, that's all right. And again the clever this is something again in Supernatural series that I always find charmingly funny when you know somebody's naked but they don't want to show it. There's just like a cleverly placed box. Yeah yeah, or or you know when it's pg. Thirteen and like you're like wearing underwear right after sex. Yeah, you know what I mean, Like when did your boxes come on? Like why is your why is your bra on? The sense at all? But like because it's Pg. Thirteen, that's why we're not allowed to show any of this, you know what I mean. And then you know Alicia wearing a rock solid Panda T shirt and a Simon hoodie. Yeah, this is this is solid though, that she does such a good job here because this is the first, the first time we get to see this, Like she doesn't like being caged, right, she doesn't like being put in? Isn't she afraid of that? She's like intensely claustrophobic, And this is the first time we get to see a little element of that face sort of coming out in her, which I think is really cool and it's done very well, and it's this this thing too with you know, all of the down roaders in this episode have, particularly Simon and Luke, have such a conflict to confront here because technically speaking, Clary has to die to save the world. Yeah, if from what the characters know at this point, and that's why. I mean, you know, Meliorn Maya, everyone's trying to kill her. Yeah, but you know, given the fact that they're heroes and good people, they are trying to find another way. But it's one of those things. Do we save the personal work, do we save our our communities? Yeah? The acceptable loss? Right, Like, what do you I mean if Clary isn't a part of your direct community? That answer is fairly obvious, right, Like do you save your version of Clary? Or do you say this stranger who is Clary to somebody else? Like it's a fairly obvious answer. And then you get into the more sort of political military version of this, which is acceptable loss, like do you kill one to save two? Probably not? Do you kill want to save a hundred? Maybe? Do you kill want to save a thousand? Now you're starting to tip the vote a little bit, you know, what I mean, like that interesting. I think we've spoken about it before. Um, but that's sort of yeah, that interesting world where you like interesting, there is a number that you would say yes too. Yeah. It just depends on the person and the yeah and the parties involved this scene. There's so many scenes in the show that I've forgotten about this. That's one, for example, where Luke is like, I have to stay behind, and Clary is going, oh you're not are you past it? Okay? Well, where Luke goes, hey, I gotta stay behind, and you get to see once again father and daughters say goodbye because they both know that if they don't figure this out, if they don't find Madzie and Luca is technically our best tracker as well, but because the down world is also trying to kill Clary, that's the thing they have to do. And you see it. You see it in Isaiah's eyes, so clearly you can tell he's a dad. Sometimes it's just oh, dots back, oh, zombie dot Oh, yeah, I forgot about zombie. Oh and we're taking the van. Oh this was that's right. This is Valentine's fun house. Yeah, just fucking creepyr set. The one thing I remember on this set, and it sticks my mind so fervently, and I don't know if it's in this episode or or a later episode. I can't remember, but your chain to the floor at some point in this set, and it's I think the one and only time that I got you with the sword in the entire four years of filming, and I felt fucking dreadful. Really remember that I clipped you in the leg. I think, like I have to, I have to cut the chain. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's in this set because now, like my heart rate is going, I feel so guilty that it happened. But I clipped you in the leg and you you muscled through and like, you know, everything's fine, don't worry about it. You did a very good job. But I still feel bad to this day about that because I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got you. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have no recollection of that. So it does make me feel a little bite poor Dot again one of those characters that just goes through it. But I will say, you know, team megap team fantastic job. But also that asked and I would always joke because she came back from the dead, so many times. I remember sitting there on this day talking to her, and she's going, this has got to be my last episode, right, I mean, this is got Like I'm just never know sci fi and fantasy, baby, you just never know. Like nobody really stays dead. Who stays dead on our show, Lilith? But only really because we didn't do a season four. I'm sure she would have come back. They fucking adored Anna. Yeah. I mean I was going to say Jocelyn, but no, no, no, she comes back in a memory, gone but not gone, like the actor came back. M Valentine. Nope, got him back. Oh alder tree, We're an alder tree. We're an alder tree. Oh there it is. I found it. I was reading The Art of War now, just a slight bit of a symbolism, that little, yeah, little light reading. Do you think Sun Sue's family still get like a pushback? Do you think they get any money for us putting this in? Like? When was the Art of War? And let's see that. I mean it has to have been forever ago. Jesus Christ. You want to know when the Art of War was written? It's hard to know exactly when the Art of War was written. But most scholars think it was written between four seventy five and to twenty one b C. I'm pretty sure it's common law copyright. I think so. I want to say so. But also someone should do that tracking and see if Shadow Unt Zoe is the many money like family dream, Like, yeah, we are used seventeen dollars for using inflation or does it? Just imagine? Yeah, can you imagine like if it's the one like notice of the thing and it's like twelve million dollars or something insane? Oh my god, the entire budget of an episode. Um, okay, So now moving on from that because we don't want to any past past two before we get everyone in trouble. Um, we have Isabelle and Raphael making Tomlis to malays. Also, can we just talk about Raphael's apartment real quick and how fantastic it is? Okay in New York as well. I don't think people realize how expensive New York is unless you live in New York. It is wild, like what I spent I spent eight months filming Partner Track there and it the rent Like I I almost punched the lady in the face when she told me how much I was playing for end. I was like, you had in your mind, I want to I want to rent it. I don't want to buy it as a condo. And they were like, no, that's the price per month. I was like, oh fuck me, holy sh it. Okay, well there you go. Just cost of living in New York is so much anyway. But you know, vampires don't have to worry about that. Really, that's true. That's true. Another pro vampire thing. Oh and then Luke goes all tough love with Maya. This is what you were talking about. How you get to see her come to the surface. But at least he leaves their snacks. I've got lots of snacks, lots and lots of snacks. She does do such a good job in these scenes again same as Nicola, like it's very it's all just very like real, it's very grounded, it's very raw. She does such a beautiful job with all of these moments. And here's the park. So last episode I mentioned, oh there's that park. Now we're back at this tracking dads and we're trying to figure it out. I do love the sort of relationship that you two have in this episode. It brings me so much joy. You both do such a great job at that writing that line of this this triangle. Oh yeah, I don't think this would have worked if we disliked each other in real life. Oh no, I don't think there's a way that this could happen. Like, you have to. We talk We talked about it all the time. It's all about trusting the person who's working with you and them trusting you and proving to them that they can trust you and vice versa. Like there's no there's no other world to that that this relationship works. Like you have to, you have to you have to trust that person well, and you know, we talked about this all the time with the show, but we were so lucky because all of us fell into that trusting kind of relationship very quickly and each of these that's why each of these relationships on the show means so much and why I think the audience connects so much to them as well, because we trust each other and it allowed us to kind of go to places and play with things and find moments that otherwise we wouldn't have if we had our guards up. Yeah, I agree. Also remember this, remember this truck and how it smelled like gasoline? The whole time. Yeah, we can never really figure out exactly why it smelled like gasoline because it run like it was functioned. But there was definitely a gas leak in it somewhere yep. And inevitably, every time we did a scene in there, we'd always get a little bit delirious as a kite. And this scene we actually shot so I don't I don't know if folks know this, but so we shot this scene inside our studio on the blue screen. But as you can see, the van is still moving when you so this scene, Simon Jason Clary are in the pandavans. They're driving to the next location trying to find Massie, but they know they're running out of time, and you know, Clari is going, look if it costs me my life, just don't let the down world go to waste, you know, don't let it be wasted. But technically speaking, the van is moving as though the word driving down a road. What it actually is is it consists of a lot of our our grips and a lot of our crew members outside the van bumping into it and rugby tackling it as hard as rugby tackling the van over and overcame basically like our six biggest crew members, like our biggest, strongest dudes, and they were like, hey, come on, we're gonna like shoulder barge this. Normally. This is like a low budget way of doing it. Normally, what would happen is you put it on something called a gimbal, which is a big machine, and it literally does this underneath it and it like drives. You've seen cars, you, I promise you every listener out there has seen a car in a gimble at some point, because if you've ever seen someone driving and doing this with the steering wheel, cars on a gimbal, whether it's on the street or not on the street, because nobody drives like this, because you'd be doing this on the road, be going all over the place. Um, that was very visual, and I'm aware of that, and we're doing a podcast. I'm aware that that was a very visual thing for me to do. But you know what, maybe we'll chake picture well I think so, yeah, thanks clear And just at the end of the scene, Clary slowly just passes out. That might have just been you, That might have been a youth thing like you were getting more ghastline than the rest of us. You just slowly went out, she goes. So now we're back with the down world counts. But instead we don't have the room at the institute yet, so they're at Hunters. Mhmm. Here's what they did with this Milion's look in this is fucking unreal. Like the change here with the armor and the scar across his face. This looks so good, so so good. He's just so unequivocally badass. He always makes an entrance and just the presence with which he brings every moment that he gets as Meliorn, I just can't get over it. Calm, it's the calm mhm, brilliant stuff. Also, why is he the only one who brought back up buddies? Yeah, they were all confident enough to not need it otherwise. I can't believe you gave way my jacket, Rascal. I know the holsters as well. I miss putting putting my holsters on every day. I miss it too. There was something really cool about it. It made me feel like him and made me feel badass. I missed doing it. I was on the see that's much clary dead Okay, well, dang it. And Mayas Mays having a moment. Alicia does such beautiful work here, and it's it's the way it's so phrenetically cut together and the way it's shot with the fan doing that oscillating light throughout the scene, quite honest and lovely. Oh yeah, I forget she because she will stout at the end. That's right, just to tear the place to shreds. That's always fun when you get to have a scene where they just go just destroy. Everything's breakable, break everything is breakaway, except I have a seen like this in season three. Everything's breakable and it no, it fucking wasn't. It wasn't. There was one thing that wasn't. I punched the ship out of that thing and split my knuckles open. I was like, oh no, that's the one. And they literally gave to you after as they were like, literally the one thing, the one thing, this is the one thing that is unbreakable. Like, sorry, yeah, did you I've totally forgot about the run up the van that Alberto does in this next thing New Vamp runs up the front of the van. Yeah, so, which was awesome. What are you watching? Sorry, I'm Simon and Clarie on top of the van and just given our van conversation earlier. The first thing I say in the scene is if I'm going to die, it's not going to be in this van. Thank you Pete been swinger because he picks up on every detail. I mean, it's a really lovely scene between you two, though, really lovely. I remember, Yeah, both of you do a really fucking good job here. This was in the studio. I was here this here this day for some reason because I'm not in this scene. But I don't know why I was here, but I remember watching it and being like, Wow, this is this is fucking awesome. Thank you. It's one of those things where the our crew was so wonderful with this, and we had so many directors that were great with us. They would just give us the space to to really play out these emotional things and to go there and stay there and be in that space. I miss getting to play with you guys. Yeah, I mean too, me too. What are you guys arguing about Magnus and Alec arguing about something Alter Tree? I want to say, No, it's a she thing, something to do with she. Maybe Iris Isabel as a warlock. They were talking about a warlock. Couldn't be Iris. I think they're talking about because Isabel went because he knows that Isabel's after you, Infann because she went to the Hunter's Moon to try and get it off a warlock because he's got the warlock to the ground of Warlock. And they figure out that she's going to Raphael because Meliorn called out Raphael for fratt nosing with Isabel and Magnus. There it is. There, it is again with the treats. Again with the treats. Ariana's a little smirk gets me every time. Is this the scene you were talking about with Alan? Yeah, it was. It was actually Matt Hastings's idea and did a very good job. He wanted that he like gun slingers, right, so like you sat at the poker table and you just you just get your trigger fingers sort of hovering over the trigger of your gun but not quite there yet. But you have to be smiling because nobody else can know what's going to happen until it happens. And it was I remember this being a really cool scene and it was something new for us because normally it is all blood and guts right away, you know, fighting whatever, and this was a nice sort of change of pace. Where it did get to be very still still very tense, but very still. Yeah, and once again you have the ace in the hole going, hey, sure you can do everything you want, but Claire is going to die. Claire is going to die, and she's your she's your tool. You two are so fantastic. You wouldn't kill your falcon when you're a boy. Get out of my face with that. Keep throwing in the falcon. Get out of my face? You kidding me? Where is my falcon? Yeah? Where is your falcon? I think Decca has it. I definitely stole it from set. I remember that because it was big and heavy and uncomfortable, and I remember trying to stuff it in my jacket and that was hard work. Ah. Yeah, this apartment, man, you had your mind. An apartment not only big enough to have a grand piano in it in New York is going to cost you a fortune. But they're enough to have a grand piano and then some with like extra space. No way, you're out of your mind. As Yeah, brutal tum. Oh man, you wouldn't want him coming at you, Matt. He's a big dude and he's very athletic. You wouldn't want him to be mad at you, you know what I mean. I don't think he would ever. I think he's too intelligent to ever throw a punch at someone. But you wouldn't want him to. No, he'd be one of those quiet ones too, because he's he's yeah, most because I've seen Matt Doocen where like this. Yeah, and you know, once he's it's he's just so good at damn all, he's already going for it. Well, and you know between him and David, you know they're both going to commit. And then Harry comes in it does that? Oh yeah, oh oh, some real serious stuff. Alec angry, Alec pisted it both rafaelam Magnus. Magnus is in a difficult spot. You know, he cares for Rafael, but Rafael also did a bad things much as he tried to go against it. Yeah. Like, no, I don't think anyone's anger is misplaced necessarily, or I don't think anyone's anger is unjustified, but it is misplaced maybe maybe ye. Well, and all of the down worlders are in a really heightened spot because there they just learned that their entire existence could evaporate at any second given the Soul Sword. So it's you know, everything's a little bit more intensified at this point. That beautiful car. Why didn't we see that car anymore? It's like a classic Lincoln. I guess it's I guess it's Rafael's. But like, why didn't we put that in more? At such a cool car. It may not have been hours. It may have been a just for this episode, for the shot for this car, and then never see it again. Never had like we had the Va, but we never had like a Shadow Hunters mobile, which I think was a wasted opportunity. Well shadow and just don't drive. Yeah, but we changed a lot of things. I drive one time, drove up with the bloody nose. You drive, Yeah, but like I figured it then, I would, Yeah, I drive. I drive one time right lamp post um. I would have figured it out. Maybe not the best idea at Alec knows how to drive, Yeah, but he knows, but he just won't do it. Yeah, it's none. I'm still dying, dying slowly. Yeah. They added these patches of it right at the end. They added a patch up my neck and catch it down like these fingers reaching down towards my heart. Yeah, you don't go long I'll touch your face with my good hand. Yeah, like yeah, just simon being the German phol. This is how much he loves you because he's like, oh yeah, you can. Like is it contagious though, because it looks like I don't wanna I don't know if this is the right option here, Ah, straight into the arms, okay, And so this shot as Clarie and Madsig reconnect and the blow to this healed. We we had to do the scene of my hand transforming back at the last minute. Was one of those reshoot days where we didn't have a lot of time and we were picking up all the spots on do you remember this? So Sarah our stand in our female stand in the healed hand you see is actually her hand because mine had all the gross stuff on it. And then she knelt behind me and hid under the camera and I put my hand behind me and she, you know whose line is it anyway, style, stuck her hand through mine and just held it up. And yeah, Luke popped his shoulder, didn't he. So towards the end there are a couple like someone else's arm I think literally at the end, someone else's arm through Luke's jacket when we when we have Luke on the show, we'll have to talk to him about this, because what it was is they literally wrapped his stunt double in a green sheet and put on the green screen and then had this double stick the I don't know, we'll have to have Luke explain it. He's got a video somewhere. But now we're back in Valentine's fun House of Horrors. Here it is, this is the scene. This is the scene where I have to do your chain. Yeah, I don't know. I missed how we got here? How did we get here? So we got here. So as soon as Madzie Madie heals me, we poured it away and we're back in the Carnival of Horrors. Because you bribe a girl with enough frozen hot chocolate and she'll bring you your angel daughter. Apparently, how did they get all that ship in there? And this is the studio right, This is Studio B. This is Studio B. But remember they would just open an elephant door and they could bring all of it in because that we never saw them open hardly, but they were kind of on the far side between all this stuff collapses and all of this stuff can like you woh, I was like, how did you get a merry go around in there? But I guess it will kind of comes apart and how they move it in pieces. Yeah, I remember we all had probably an hour or two just to run around and take pictures on this set and just literally horse around. It was too much fun. I think they sort of let us do it on purpose too, because they knew if we if they didn't give us time to do it, we would do it while we were working instead. I remember, yeah, the first time I saw like my bedroom set, Silk was like everything in here is practical, and I was like, what do you mean? He was like everything like the pull up bars, the punch bag, like everything has been made so it works. And I was like, oh that's cool. Why did you do that? And they were like, because we know you. The first thing you're going to do is jump up on the pull up bar and start doing pull ups and if it wasn't attached, you gonna rip it right out of the roof. I was like, you right, or kick the bag or something. And so they don't proved it, they domproved it. They did. Yeah, bless him a nice little face off. Father. Daughter been like, hey, could you could you have a slice of humanity? He goes no, Um, oh yeah, then Jason Simon are trying to find Clary as always? What these creatures very vampires? Right? Yeah? Were they? Why don't they have all this stuff on their face? Hold on, it was a vampire and a sey No, No, they're just I'm pretty sure they're just vampires. Might be vampires addicted the infan No, it's goin on here, let's find out. Oh, it's the uprising, the beginning of the uprising, beginning of the Downwold Uprising. There must be listeners who watched the show, and it's like screaming as you fucking idiot, How do you not know? It's the creatures from valentine Zoo. Yeah, we know. We did a lot of episodes. It's been a lot of years. It's been a lot of years. Yeah, because this is basically, yeah, Valentine's trying to create a situation in which people want the downworld to disappear. See, they don't look like normal vampires. No, so these are Valentine's experiments from Chernobyl. So these guys saw all the cages that you saw in Valentine's bow and all the stuff and the people you saw kind of around edges of the carnival there, they're his you know, creations that he's unfishing on the world to to show how bad demons are basically or anything with demonic blood. They look a little like vampires and a little like werewolves and a little so it's sort of indeterminate downworlder. Yeah, there you go, Jace, Yeah, and Simon, let's go look at us working together. Oh that takedown, we'd go, Wow, there's a lot of anger in this episode. Yeah, Luke in to save the day. My hair in this episode has changed lengths like three different times. What's going on? That is mental? What is happening. I'm into it. I'm super into it. And then back to Maya who gets out. Poor Maya shared a rough time and now you finally found the carnival. H Oh. We have Alex facing off of Alder Tree once and f all oh because now he knows what Alder Tree is hiding. Correct, correct, Oh, that's why he was so in tune with the infan Aldert Tree was an ex field medic from the War of the Uprising. That's what it was. These little details man, way to go, Pete Way to go, Pete. I love Pete's dialogue. Every time there's a Pete ben Signer episode, I can tell Yeah, we're back in creepy Carnival. This is where I got. Yeah, I feel bad. I remember it all happening. Oh man, I could probably count the times that I hit someone on the show on one hand and this was one of them. Sorry again, don't don't even don't worry about it. Oh he's so at the freezing moment. These are hard work that when you get frozen in place, they're hard work. Yeah, I forgot that. Alberto got to fight Alan mhm, little little vampi Valentine fistfight. Yeah, he gets some fun Alberto Allen fights stuff or not fight stuff, but they get some fun scenes together. Oh that's right. Little foreshadowing there that he hasn't by the throat, by the throat and by the forehead. Oh interesting, Yeah, well spotted. And that's the end of the episode. Oh my goodness. Valentine drags Simon through a portal. Oh dear, yeah, oh, sorts of stuff going on. Poor little misguided Madsie. You know, she's just trying to get some hot chokolate. She doesn't know raised the wrong way. It's not her fault. Yeah, man, nobody's born evil, you know what I mean. Well, next episode is the end of the first half of season two, and I can't believe we're already this far. But next episode is a big one. I don't know if if you remember, but there's a lot do you remember? I remember? Lots of stuff happening. Um, well, but that's for next episode, which we are filming tomorrow, so we don't have to wait very long. You guys have to wait for a while, but we don't have to wait, It's true. But we will see you tomorrow. Yes, we will thank you again. Bye. Returned to the Shadows is hosted an executive produced by Me, Katherine McNamara, and Dominic Sherwood. Our executive producer is Langley. Our senior producers are Liz Hayes and Diego Tapia. Our producers are Hannah Harris and Kristin Vermeilia, and our intern is Sam Katz. Original music by Alex Kinsey and performed by Alex Kinsey and Katherine McNamara.

Return to the Shadows with Katherine McNamara and Dominic Sherwood

Hosted by Katherine McNamara and Dominic Sherwood, Return to the Shadows will bring fans into the Sh 
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