Kat and Dom are back to discuss more excitement from the Shadow World: Magnus and Valentine merge into “Magnentine”, the coolest shot in the whole show, plus runes and portals and vamps - oh my!
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Hello, Hello, How are you this morning? Down? Hello, I'm fantastic, Thank you. How are you? I'm good. I'm good. I've got Shadow Hunters merch on and I'm this episode great stuff. I can't find the cheat sheet, but I don't rely on it that much anyway, so I believe in you. Actually this episode, weirdly, I remember a lot about For whatever reason, there's a lot of things that remain cemented in my memory from this one. Interesting, I remember the big switching, and that's kind of it. Maybe because it's in the bloopers. Maybe because we have bloopers of this episode, they tend to stick with me a little longer. Oh wait, I'm gonna need the cheat sheet because we've got to do the introduction thing. Got it? Boom? All right, who's doing what you are doing? All of the people today, I'm doing all the people. Okay, fantastic. So today we're diving into season two, episode twelve. The air date was June twelfth, twenty seventeen. Written by Jamie Gorenberg and directed by Billy Woodruff, starring Katherine McNamara, Dominic Show at Alberta Resende, Matthew Dario, Mr To ba Isam and stuff at Harry Sham, Junior, Alam, Van Sprang, Brett, Donna Hue, David Castro, Mimi because because you never get that right, Vanessa Metoi, Will Tudor, Rosalba Martini and Chad Connell, Eric Deutschmann and Jason Wright fantastic who. Wow, that's a lot of folks. And there's a lot happening in this episode as Valentine and Magnus try to escape the prison, Jace deals with a new identity, and the shadow Hunters face a possible uprising of the down World. To put it mildly, that's probably one of the shortest log lines we've had for yeah, and it barely scratches the surface of everything that's happening here. Because we have a little bit of Jason's family history, we have a little bit of Simon Clary info that gets released. We have you know, some Magnus Valentine stuff, and we have a new member to the team who's a you know, very charming blonde englishman. That was last episode we met him, no, no no, no, But now he enters the group. Oh I see he's only met yeah, and he starts, uh, he starts having a very interesting influence on different members of the gang, which we will find out. So this episode opens, what, no, nothing that I just I'm reading the notes and i can just hear you chatting about Will and I'm like, that's fucking cute, that's nice. Yeah, he does, he has, He has an impact on all of us. He does. Indeed. So the episode opens on Valentine screaming in his cell, pounding against the glass as he's claiming to be Magnus Bain and saying Valentine has escaped. Yeah. Credit, we said it previously, just very briefly in the last episode. But like credit to these guys man playing someone who's existed, like a real person, Austin Butler doing Elvis, those sort of things. I've done it once before. When you're playing a normal character that's fictitious, there's a lot of artistic credit, Like you can add things and you can change things, and like this is the way I think he or she should move, this is the way that he or she talks, whatever. But when you're playing something that's already been established, whether in real life or by another actor, there isn't any room for that. This person does things a certain way. There's an architect to how these things are done, and you have to pay attention to the other actors, and these two do such a fantastic job at displaying the physicalities of each other so fantastically. We wouldn't see more of that as we go on, It's true. And then cut to the next scene where you have Magnus Magnus Valentine Parentheses running through Magnus's apartment trying to figure out what's going on, almost like almost even scratching his own face. It's just so brilliant, all these little things, And because we've seen Magnus be so graceful and adept, and then all of a sudden, Harry's just smashing through things and being much more brutish. Oh, and then you know, nothing but a greater demon sitting in your living room sipping a whiskey. Yeah. Yeah. Has anyone know where he lives because he's the High Warlock of Brooklyn. It's just like advertised, I mean no, but it's like, you know, it's like the Prime Minister's house or the President. Yeah, I feel like you would know the White House though, Does he the president? Does he? Yeah? Yeah he does. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Yeah, he lives in one wing and then his office is in the other wing and you know sick. Yeah, yeah, because I don't think the Prime Minister of England lives at Downing Street. I think that's where the offices are, that's where the cabinet is. Oh, I think they have their own personal residence as well. That's cool. Then we don't really have like a down world office space like they don't have. They very often go to the bar. Good for them, good for them, as they should. Yeah, right, but I feel like, you know, Magnus's apartment is where people go to when they need help or when something is going on, or Magnus has enough parties, you know, word gets around. Yeah, that's fair, and so you cute he's in bed. If it wasn't for the world constantly ending, this is a really cute scene. So this is what I always this is. This is why I thought it was so sad that the date was cut previously, because now it goes from you know, this very nice scene where you and I reconnect to I'm just incongrusly in bed with Simon. But I guess it makes sense and it's real cute. That's real cute. This is when he was in good shape. You can see it. You can see it in his shoulders, like the breadth of his shoulders. This is when he was in really, really good shape and that he had to start trimming down a little. Yeah, and you know who knew the boat basin could be so charming that wins good morning day? Honestly, Like, if you look at the square footage of that of Coust, you're fucking fortune in New York right now. It's true, Like you would kill for an apartment that size. Oh my god, yeah, are you kidding? Yeah? Boat based or no, I'd be like hell yeah. Also, this is another interesting like TV movie thing that they do. Nobody's phone is ever charging. Nobody leaves their phone on chart, Like you just went and grabbed your phone for this information. If you guys were in bedding you just woke up, you would wake up in a panic that you were on one and a half percent. You're like, I don't know how I do my day without without this device. It's such a little battery. I don't know what I do Pop quoiz cap, what's the what's the ruin on your left wrist? The front of your left wrist? Oh hold on, let me see which one it is because I don't remember. I'm pretty sure if it's the front of my left wrist. Yeah, oh that is. Are be very impressive it I'm pretty sure it's the funeral room, is it not. I don't know what it is. I think it is. I think it's I think it's the morning room from Jocelyn's funeral. Oh um, but I could be wrong. Damn. Look at holy cheeseballs. He's that man when he works out. Good to love Alberto, no kidding. And then back to the institute where you guys are actually doing business. We're doing business. Oh, Mimi's here trying to try to blame you for everything. Yeah, yeah, you know it is what it is. I really like her necklace. It looks like a weapon hanging from her neck. I think that's again, Shelley with the details. Something we always miss out on as guys. We never get as much like I ended up with one later on in the season, which actually that did become quite functional and I love that, but like that's always something I missed, like, felt like we missed out on. I've seen in your guys trailer. You get like a little like a platter, like a little velvet platter, your jewelry on it. We don't ever get that true the naked seem, which is pretty neat. Well there you go. I mean, if you've got a thong on a velvet tray, that's fun. So now we've got Sebastian making Isabelle breakfast. This man he cooks dream guy, dream guy, he cooks breakfast and soup apparently this but this is like Jonathan pretending to be good spoiler? Is this Jonathan pretending to be good? Or is this what Sebastian was like Sebastian, This isn't I mean, yes, is the bigger question because he stalked Sebastian in order to do this. Obviously, if he ran into somebody that Sebastian knew, he would have to be Sebastian. But that is not Sebastian. That is Jonathan. I know that. I mean, like, is this Jonathan being is it him Fox pretending to be nice? Is this what he thinks is nice? Or is Sebastian just this really nice guy that we missed out on in our series, like because he was it was the story both, Yeah, that's exactly I know what it really liked Sebastian. Yeah, war table I mean given as you know, upset as his cousin was, and in walks Izzy, we're like, oh my god, so happy you're safe. And yeah, when we were filming it, we were all like, he's such a good actor and he's obviously so handsome, and we were all like blown away by his presence and that was it was all of us, even as actors. We were like, where the fuck did you find this guy? Man, Come on, this is ridiculous. He's like, oh, yes, I specialize in greater demons. How apt, how helpful. I just happened to be in the best chances. That's very fortunate. Yeah, And I remember Will and I talked a lot about this moment where we meet, because it's that thing of there had to be this little recognition without Clary realizing it, because you know, they are family and they are connected in a certain way, and that's part of what makes this go the way it goes. But it you know, it had to be just the slightest bit of familiarity without anything else, because would you you guys wouldn't have met no, no, because Jocelyn ran before even his babies, right, yeah, when she was pregnant. Yeah, so you know, but he knows exactly who I am. Right, But have we met? Have we have met? Me and him? Did he talking about? I think you guys might have met as you know, like baby babies, but you wouldn't remember it. And because by the time, he also doesn't look like this, like this is Slashton's face, not Jonathan's face, so he doesn't look this way, so there's no way I would recognize him. But I'm just I was more curious, like, wait, if he's in Magnus's body, he has Magnus's powers. Yeah, interesting, he can't control them as well. Yeah, oh yeah, I remember because he gets me later. Yeah, and that's right, because he's trying to make a portal. He's trying to do all this stuff you can't. So now Asazel and Magnus are still talking because Asazel's you know, trying to get Magnus to Magnus Valentine to get them out of there so they can, you know, take over the world and do bad guy stuff. A Lightwood, that's funny, get rid of him. I need your help tracking his Azel. Yeah, I'm busy, I got a client. Magnus says, well, do you because as Azel's right, there, he's like, oh, he knows sums up right away. Alec knows sums up right away. That's not my boyfriend. Yeah, and sound like my boyfriend. M m sounds up right away that a boy Let's see again, Malick is the healthiest relationship on the show. I said it once, I'll say a million times. Yeah. So Harry again does these amazing things where he's not only is he pretending to be Valentine in Magnus's body, but also is putting together these two are in a relationship and you can see like wheels turning. How do I make this into something that I can use and whatever? Which is great. Oh, so we need to talk about this stunt. Oh my god, looks like it's on green spring. I think it is. I think that one shot of him find it it's not. No, they did it all practically. Really, that's amazing. Yeah, and I'm pretty sure they ran the camera on the dolly with him as he was doing this. Oh that makes sense. They did that with me a few times too. Yeah. Yeah, which is great because it's so it's they figured out the way where they could put because they put the camera on the dolly and then they put you on the dolly and then they just goo it works. It looks quite well. He got him. I love how Alex still hasn't quite figured it out. You know, at this point he's probably assuming, oh, you were weird because you were being held hostage, something that couldn't be undone. Oh oh, that's right. So Azazel was the one who said I can switch you back and rank him out back. But now Azazel's gone. So Alex shot Azazel with an arrow and he disappeared. So now poor poor Valor Magnus Magnet thinks he's trap Valamagnus, Valor Magnus, your first instinct was right there, yeah, and then as Magnum tine in the basement, then I guess, yeah, I guess it sounds more bad guy. So I love that this office that Mimi's in, um the inquisitor now, yeah, is just like the rotating office. Just whoever takes it over. You know, there's probably file boxes with everybody's personal facts. It would be very shadow huntery that you're allowed like one personal photo and you just literally take it out of the frame and then the other person puts their personal family photo in and that's how you decide, like oh, mem he's in charge right now. Okay, there's a photo of her and I guess me her son, but we don't know that yet. Yeah, wouldn't be am I have grand grandson? Yeah? Yeah, like Alder Tree brings a tea kettle in the Art of War. Yeah that's right. Oh great, we're going to become guinea pigs for the Claves science explode? Right? Is this We don't have that fight scene in this episode? Do we? Or do we the training scene that's this episode? That this episode again one of many reasons this episode stands out of my memory. Holy shit, Dot turns up at Magnus's door looking fabulous, like head to toe, How Dot should look like? This is because this is kind of the first time we've seen her as like her Warlock stuff, not the antiques, not the not the sort of showmanship, not a prisoner, not being poisoned. It's like the first time that she's been able to go home and put on like her Warlock outfit, and she looks like a different person. She does back in her all of her Warlock glory. Yeah you damn we ever find out what her mark is. I'm trying to remember. I feel like we established it during the pilot, and then we just haven't seen it. Since I haven't seen it. Yeah, I feel like it's it's she's got an eye thing. Maybe you think it's an eye thing. I think so, but I'm probably very wrong. Please don't crucify me, book fans. I'm not saying nothing. Oh then we're back in the prison. That's still not strong enough to create portals. Oh wow, wow torture. Oh how I forgot about this? Geez, shadow Hunters, it's not great. Oh, we're back in the greenhouse. We used this so much more in this season. I literally never set foot in this place. I never stepped into it once, and I think in the books, yeah, never, And I think in the books it's where we have our first kiss. I'm not wrong. Never once, never want step in it. That's probably why they'd never put you in there, because if they did, people would be like if you and I were in the Greenhouse and we didn't make out, people would be upset. Yeah, she's coming clean to Simon. Thinks she's coming clean about the infan and she also comes clean about something else I think, or maybe that's later in the episode. So Valentine is still just you would think by a certain point Valentine would change tactics. You would think it's not Valentine, it's Magnus. He doesn't know and he's being tortured. Isn't the shadow onters ways, which in this instance is brutality. We're not listening to a word, just saying that's the end of it. This seems so heartbreaking to me because you can just see in this again, Alan is so brilliant. You just see the love in his eyes. Yeah. I mean, look, if there's anyone who's going to figure it out, it's Alec. I completely agree, acting with your eyeballs acting, because it's not even the rest of his face. If you took that away, I would still believe him. I'd hear his words and just see the surface of his eyes. I would still believe him. Yeah, but it was so I read the script and Alex even trying to get away, and Alan's like no, no, no, no, yeah, so good telling him all these things that only he would know. Oh God, Matt, Matt and Allen they never really get to act together, but they're so good together. So good, how do we fix this? I'm excited to see how this episode ends. Also, that chair is awesome. That I think is an antique dentist chair. Yep, I'm pretty sure with straps added to it. By the way, added to it. How they come they're old dentists. They were like, strap you down and here we go. Here we go, Here we go. This is a good fight scene. Yeah, I love this fight scene. This was one of the first times this is I remember this being the first time they sort of let you loose and you got to actually do some some like competent shadow hunter stuff, you know. Yeah, Well, because Darren had been on the show long enough and we talked for so long about because Jace fights a particular way and Alex fights a particular way, and Clary was just getting to the point point of learning and training as a shadow hunter that she kind of got her own version of that. Mum, once again, I always love doing these scenes with you because we just got to play, and we always were able to find so many moments within them, fun little fun gold eyes, gold eyes, gold eyes, gold eyes, and gold room. Little thing about the gold room we get out. I don't know if you guys get this actually, do you get the BCG Do you get that shot when you're a kid. We get it in school. It's a very common one and it almost always leaves a little, tiny, little circular scar which is directly underneath the room that goes gold. So it turns out that shadow hunters also get the BCG. They get that injection. There's no other reason for that scar to be there. Makes sense. Yeah, And I just love that you flip over the inquisitor. There's that's one thing. Just Jake's cockiness is always just like no, I'm just gonna do this. Yeah. And and she doesn't blink an eye. That's that's what you do it. And it's a thing. And she doesn't blink an eye. And again, Mimi doing that job, like we did that. That was a practical effect, Like I did it. We did it a couple of times with her pacing it out. You can't see when you do a backflip. You can't see until you're fully upside down. So you're at the absolute beck and call of Mimi and then Dean and Darren. Dean especially in these moments, because like he's the one who's pulling you up, he's keeping you at the right height and landing you safely. That was all. Then the backflips. You know this. The backflips are the easier ones of the two. The front flips are hard work. The backflips are the ones where your body sort of takes over. So those guys did all the work there, not me. Yeah, that's true, but I had forgotten this. Clary's Clary's Run power isn't working her. She's not able to activate her Sunlight Run or use it anymore. And that's what failed with a saisal. That's why the whole switch Drew happened. I still can't figure it out. Do we know? Why? Do we ever figure out why that's happening? Yes, we do, we do. We find out later in the episode, and it's it's one of those things where it's the Morgenstern versus the Lightwood. How their powers work and how they access their their power specifically. It's interesting. It's sort of different shadow Hunter families seem to be able to use their powers in different ways, which I think is kind of cool. You know, it's because it exists in our blood and it exists who we are like that. Yeah, it's different. This is a cute scene with Raphael's Graham's sister. It's really cute. It's really lovely. I remember how touching it was. You know, it's emeralds still take Isabella is still taking care of Raphael's family. Yeah, I love that. Simon is just utterly confused by the whole scene and then realizes that, oh, one day I'm going to have to do this with my sister. Yeah, one day, and my mom and potentially as kids, Like he's in a relationship with you right now, shadows as a mortal. They your kids would be born mortal, right, Yeah, well we don't know. We don't know what they would be necessarily. Yeah, yeah, I don't know there's ever been Actually, no, he can't have kids because he's a vampire. Oh really yeah, vampires are sterile. Part of that situation. Yeah, poor Alec is having a rough day. Yeah, has that a rough day? Oh yeah, this was right once they that's one of the first episodes. They'd built that little that little back corner by the elevator, the alcove. Yeah, it's fun for us to go back and watch this stuff because they we get to see and we get to explain to you, like little pieces of stuff was at It's almost like we'd saved up enough money like when you're a homeowner and you're like, oh, let's do the kitchen extension, Like, let's do this, let's extend this, let's build this into place, and like slowly, over the course of three and a half seasons, they like built little bits of like new stuff, which is really cool. It's exciting for us to come on set for those first times and see this once again. It's it's so nice that you guys have a moment here too, you know. It's it's that herbit. I think if no one else is going to believe Alec except Jas Yeah, and they can figure it out together, and they just kind of cycle through there. Well is it their snows, their snow. It's you know, making the impossible possible. Oh, this is the Oh there it is. This is the coolest fucking shot, Billy. I hope you're listening to this. This is the coolest fucking shot. So when Magnus turns up to talk to Valentine, Magnus in Valentine's body and Valentine and Magnus's body watched this carefully. It's very easy to slip by. They angled the glass so that Magnus's reflection is what Valentine walks into literally the tip of his nose matches up perfectly with Magnus's reflection. It is the fucking coolest shot. I think it is absolutely outstanding. That might be the coolest shot I've ever seen on our shows. Same on the other side, mcials, it's not cgi. They did it with creative filmmaking, and that is fucking unbelievable at Full Star Wars with it. But and here comes the inquisitor. Oh goodness. I love how they're both trying to make their powers work and neither one. Cane was like, no, no, I don't know. Honestly, for audiences watching, this is what we feel like we look like on set because we're doing all these things and obviously nothing's coming out of our hands. And as silly as this looks to you viewers, this is what it looked like every day for us on set. Vampspeed. Vamp Speed was the hardest one. I think, Oh my god, I will never forget the one time I had to do Vampspeed and how much you all just laughed. It was great fun. These shots are also unbelievable. The overlap of the two of them in the same costumes It's unbelievable, this whole section of filmmaking. Billy credit to you man. This is really some outstanding stuff. Really is My goodness, I haven't watched this since an air. It's so what it's happening is as they're they're torturing Valentine because the inquisitors, you know, obviously inquisiting inquisitor is gonna inquisit, you know. But we get to see Magnus's childhood trauma resurfacing as these things happen. And that's which we really have barely touched the surface of, like we've spoken about it once or twice. When he finds the snaky knife event the curve knife. We find out more about that, I believe next season. Oh, and then prepare him for execution, so they're gonna they're gonna just kill him now. This scene was actually the first scene I got to shoot with will ever, and I think it was one of his first scenes he got to shoot as well. And it was so nice. So we just got to sit in the greenhouse and talk about It was rainy, so we had like a raind layer something. We just got to sit the greenhouse and get to know each other and talk about the scenes and the characters and the relationship and what was coming and kind of work all those things out so that when we did this scene, we were able to kind of establish that connection that they have and that familiarity that they have. And you know, when a guest star, when somebody knew comes on the show, it's so rare that you have that opportunity, and we'll turn out to be one of my closest friends. In the end, guy, we like, well, you're a wonderful, wonderful dude. But it's story wise, what's happening in this scene is, you know, Clari's been told since she was a shadow Hunter, emotions cloud judgment. Emotions cloud judgment, and that is, don't lean into your emotions. It will hinder you in your powers, and it will hinder you from being a good shadow Hunter and being a good soldier. Clari's powers have often exemplified themselves in moments of high emotion. Sebastian is the first shadow Hunter who's come in and said, well, if you have all these emotions, if you're going through this, use it, harness it. There's a power in that there's a world in which it begins to cause Claria to question everything because that makes sense to her in the person that she is and in the way that she goes about life, that logic means more than anything else. Yeah, I mean it's interesting. I think you know, these guys, the shadow Hunters, as we were trained from from being very young babies, you know, whether it was in the institute or through Valentine and whatever. We were trained to suppress those emotions and function that way, which I think, actually as a soldier, is the most efficient way to do anything. However, if you haven't been trained that way, you live the first eighteen years of your life understanding that emotions do run through you and do need to be a part of you for you to progress as as you know, whatever you are then learning to suppress that eighteen as next for the impossible. So I agree with him. I think you should use them. Yeah, so we'll see how that goes. Now, Izzie's having a meal at Jade Wolf with Simon. That doesn't happen very often. I know this again, this is one of the things they made us wait for Sizzie for so long. But it's these little moments that helped that pay off in the end. That was the season four relationship that was going to be the season four relationship building. Certainly we got to see something towards the end, Simon, I thought you knew. I knew what. Oh. So for those at home that are watching that, we um are just figuring things out. Isabelle just casually told Simon that Clary and jasonre not actually related, which Clary doesn't know, but jays, oh yeah I do. Now, Sorry I didn't tell him. Oh that's right, I didn't tell Simon that's what it was. Oh no, oh no. And then a portal shows up, so it's Rafael. Rafael. Oh, because they're all trying to figure out why he's a day letter. No, it's this, it's the sister. He doesn't want Simon around his sister. Oh, but also he can walk during the day. Uh werewolves? Luke? Oh that's right, I remember this. Luke just opens the door and they're all like, oh no, yeah. Sun light. I've always I always again, Billy with these shots. I just love the shot of Simon and Luke just with the sunlight pouring in behind in the back, that like freaking super eros. Oh. And that's when he asked himself of the day. Later, that's what it was. I knew that was going on in this scene. So Simon's in hot water with the the Vampi friends target on his back. Now buddy, and now we are back in the institute. Yeah, and uh, Alex having doubts, but in Quister's going, no, we're just going to execute him. Yeah, we're gonna despite what the claib said, We're going to do it. The clave said no, it's like we're still going to execute him. Oh dear Odd. You know, it's interesting you can tell there's a certain family lineage from that sentiment. I just love the way that Magnus Magnine looks at you in this scene. I remember it actually being kind of heartbreaking. This like what he says, it's nice to be like this, It's nice to be like friends, because that's that is what Valentine wanted. Like he as much as he wanted a weapon, he also wanted a son. He wanted that paternal sort of relationship and that the way Harry did it, and I'm sure Alan had some input as well, that like, it just broke my heart and it was really it was one of those really like difficult things to be a part of. Absolutely and now it's the tension that they were able to build in this part of the episode. Oh I remember what happens now? I don't. Still I do. I'm very excited. What was your issue with the chair? You didn't like the chair? I didn't like the chair. Well, later on I end up in the chair for reasons. I remember. It's not it's not fun, it's not comfy. Let me put this way. I wasn't particularly thinking about comfort during that scene. So I don't know. It just creeps me out. It's one of those things you'd see and you know, underground torture chamber. Maybe. Yeah, m Alexander is not sure. Ah, so what is Here's what I want to know. What is that message situation that's happening? How is he doing it? Yeah? Is that supposed to be a fire message or is it supposed to be like a half portal that that Magnus is doing or is it a parabutie thing. It's not a parablet ie thing, because if it was, he wouldn't be there, Harry Magnus wouldn't be there. Oh so now she can see it too, Okay, so it's not a parabet. I think it must be am it's got to be a it's a magic thing. Yeah, he's harnessed just enough of Magnus's power. He's figured it out. I think that's why they're they're pulsing, because he can't control it properly. Oh and he's holding jas Ransom. Oh shit, and this is where I'm found to having My parents are Oh yeah, oh are you go? I love how Jasus? Like, really, they're trying this again. You're telling me I'm related to somebody else already tried this. I'm not doing skin. Oh. This actually might be the episode where Mimi gives me the ring. Yeah, I think it is. Oh yeah, they go, there's the ring her unborn son was eating alive or was he? This is so this is different than than the books because in the books she does Selene does take her own life, but it's Valentine that saves the baby, not that the body was ravaged by werewolves and then the baby was not dead. And one hour is not a lot of time to accomplish things in the shadow world. No, a lot, and a lot is happening in this episode. Magnus gives them one hour. Valentine, Magnus, I still don't know what to come though, Yeah, Valentine Magnus, whichever it is, but it who lives in penthouse too, you know what I mean, lives in that penthouse across the ward. It's like fucking again, like I'd pay such a lot of money for this in New York. And they're always there's always some ship going on. There's always some weird fucking shit going on in this penthouse. Hate it here. There's got to be some kind of glamor or maybe just I hope it's not like it's just a normal person who works just like an everyday job, and it's just like this bullshit, like I hate this place. I just got zapped into another room and that was the scene where I forgot to lock my shoulders in place. So the shackles I have on are actually quite heavy, what about eight nine pounds. And when I landed, I did the landing fine, and then when I landed, I let these ghosts the inertia took them into my chest and just knocked all the window. Me and all of the stunt guys are like behind the door and they're like good man, I'm like Nanana, And once again, the one thing that can save the day is the one thing that Clary can't do. And again, I remember we talked a lot about this scene with Matt because he's you know, he's doing there, going well, Alec is just standing here. Why isn't he intervening? Why isn't he you know? But I think Alec is the most perceptive of us all. He can tell that Sebastian is an experienced shadow hunter, and he can tell what's going on. And I don't know, I think him. Look at him making a potion, look at Alan making a potion as magnus. It is exactly what he does with his hands. It is so right. So let me cut back to outside the door and Sebastian basically gets in Clary's face and said, hey, here's all the horrible stuff that's going to make you feel something. Yeah, feel it. Your father doesn't love you, your mother's dead, she's never coming back. And it works. And the only reasons to yeah, the only reason he knows how to access it is because he feels the same way. You're all learning the road, no one loves you, and they're about to drink the potion to switch themselves back. I remember this stunt too, We did this other so okay, so this wire stunt when it cuts back inside and both of them are kind of lifting off the ground and they're switching back into each other. It's again, it's another advantage we have of having this br studio and our amazing stunt team who's able to rig this, but also the combination of practical and visual effects when they're both used, well, the way that their eyes go black and you almost kind of see their souls being sucked into each other. All with an open portal, All with an open portal just sat there, but portals one way. Uh yes, So the thing with portals is you have to know where you're going. Yeah, otherwise you end up in limbo. I remember they're only open for a particular amount of time or unless they're you know, clothed. But uh this so I love that. You know, as soon as they're release, they start grappling for the portal and then Claire just runs in it just tackles them through the portal. Claire's like, yeah, I know how this works. Boom, where did you go? Thought? Nice? Yeah? Nice, that was brave. You didn't know that that's why you were going to end up um well, because it would be clary that controls where it goes at that point, because you were thinking about it, because I you think of the place you want to go, and it takes so the portals are like like multi use, but you it's you the user that Oh I see, I know that. That's interesting. It's that's why when right before Jocelyn pushed Clary into doth portal, she goes, think about Luke, right right, right, and so she pops into the police station or find Luke or whatever. So obviously, well Luke's at the police station. Yeah, look at that good boyfriend helping to clean up the mess. Yeah, bless him, honestly, considering what they just went through. One broken bottle on the floor doesn't really seem like that bad. It doesn't seem too much. Yeah, right, A lot of expensive stuff in that apartment lot could have gone south, a lot of a lot of stuff that had been broken. I also assume Magnus's apartment is a bit delicate in a lot of those ways. With all of his magical items and tinctures and potions. Can you imagine how many things could just accidentally get knocked together and just explode? Well, yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, how many of those two things next to each other, like an accidental atom bottom. Yeah. But also because so much of it is antiques, Like there's a lot of stuff in there that's one of the kind, right, Like, there's a lot of stuff in there that must be worth an absolute fortune, especially the statue of the googly eyes on them. I mean the statue of the googles we know was process that now lives in Harry's house. Oh does it really Harry as it? Yeah, he took the one of the busts from in there. Nice. Yeah, this looks like a quick props fix. I don't think it was, because there's a lot of background that don't have umbrellas. I think they didn't know it was going to be raining. Oh, this was definitely a quick fix because I remember that we were shooting this in January or February, and you know that in Toronto that's when all the weather happens. Yeah, so I remember the scene. Yeah, yeah, I think I went to visit set that night and it wasn't it wasn't just rain. It was almost snow. That's how cold it was. So, of course, just a nice little quick fix with an umbrella. It does provide a nice symmetry though in those that kind of medium tight shot m h oh, yeah, I remember this scene being creepy. I mean, you got to feel bad for for Sebastian. You gotta feel you gotta feel bad for the Bastian a little bit like if you didn't know, he just thrust you out. Yeah, I know, but he doesn't know any better, Okay, well, aside from the brother sister stuff, aside from aside from that little that little but if you think about it without knowing that it's a new shadow Hunter and from Clary's perspective, you know it's a new shadow Hunter, So I would feel bad for having to deny someone. I don't feel bad for Sebastian at all, fair enough, It's just like he's so nice and he was like, hey, do you want to grab dinner? And she has to go data of the Empire. Yeah, it's a bit knowing what we know now, it's so creepy, so creepy. I still can't believe that the incest storylines went on for so long in the books. Fucking blows my mind. Yeah, I don't know. I can't speak to that. This is a nice scene as well. It's a nice, very genuine scene. Simon so so self sacrificial. He's willing to end the relationship as long as Clay's happy. Yeah, this scene was fun. So this scene between me, Me and I was really good fun because there was a version of this where I said stuff back to her and we, I think on the day, ended up taking all of that out. She says everything and I don't have any words, and it's just reactionary and I just got to sort of watch and listen to my grandmother telling me, like, this is who you are and this is where you're from. And it was it was fun, you know, it was like painting with the empty spaces, you know. Yeah, and me Me's so fucking brilliant, like being what. It's such a gift to be able to work with her, it really is. I miss her so much. But sometimes, you know, as to your point, you don't need the words, especially in a situation like this, because we've seen Jason's story, We've seen how much he's been trying to figure out for most of his life who he is and where he fits in and what his family lineage means. And for the fourth time, you've finally gotten an answer, and it's Finally, the truth that I come from this line, like this actually revered line of shadow hunters, the shadow hunters who have been respected for generations. Is like, it's just the biggest thing to him. You know, he's always going to be a lightwood in his head. That's that's how he was born and raised. And but this like knowing that there's that you have a history rather than it just being a big question mark above your you know, your last name is a is a huge thing. Well, and so too. He spent so much time thinking that his father is the bigs villain of all time, and he finds out that his father died a hero and that he was one of the most revered and most beloved and most mourned shadow hunters in so many years. And you know that he now has a family who loves him and wants him. That's huge, I warns him, You're right, that's a big thing. Yeah, Well, here we are at the end of this episode. That's this next episode is interesting because this next episode, it's one of those where you know, this was shot back in what twenty seventeen. I was really proud of our writers because they started tackling some things that were not necessarily seemed tackleable in television, or at least in this kind of television, and it's when we get into the whole kind of down world tracking bits. Yeah, and it's really interesting, and I was really happy that that, you know, the show took that head on and played that out in the way that they did. It was brave. It was a brave thing to do at the time because they I mean, these like issues within the world. We've said it so many times that so much of what we did under the guise of something a little fantastical actually was grounded in reality and ended up being sort of a narrative of what was going on at the time, and that you know, these stories needed to be told from that perspective. We needed to understand them from that perspective, and we still do and we still need to continue writing and making those stories. So kudos to the writers for taking those steps, especially in a young adult show. You know, I think it's arguably more important to put those stories in there with the new generation, who you know, have their futures to make these actionable changes. And yeah, it's a brave thing to do in a young adult show because it's not always as easy as I was putting a conversation like race in. You know, with that something we need to cover, so let's put it in. It's not always that easy, so good for them for putting it in. Yeah, and well done to folks like you and Ali Show who were most involved in that storyline and able to kind of play it up. But we'll talk more about that next week. We will next week. To get yourself off to something. Go do you. Thank you, Thank you guys so much. Thanks guys. Return to the Shadows is hosted and an executive produced by Me, Katherine McNamara and Dominic Sherwood. Our executive producer is Lingley. Our senior producers are Liz Hayes and Diego Tapia. Our producers are Hannah Harris and Kristin Vermillia, and our intern is Sam Kat's. Original music by Alex Kinsey and performed by Alex Kinsey and Katherine McNamara