Here we are Shadowfam, with another exciting episode where everyone is trying to kill Clary! Plus, Madzie finds a loving home with Magnus, we see multiple role reversals as Kat plays Jace and Dom plays Jonathan, and Kat and Dom remember Kat’s surprise 21st birthday party, complete with cowboy hats.
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Well, here we are again, and so we meet again. Sherwood. Fancy meeting you here? No kidding. I loved this episode. I do too. Can you believe it? We've made it through another half a season? Another half a season? Yeah, we're halfway through technically. Actually yeah, this is just about technically the halfway mark, give or take. Yeah, at the halfway point. If you count in seasons instead of number of episodes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, goodness, gracious, mercy sakes alive? Gracious indeed, Well, um, I believe it's my turn to give the particulars. Correct. I should get closer to the screen so I can read it. You want to take the mike with you? Thank you. Today we're going to be looking at episode ten of season two, By the Light of Dawn. Air date was March six, two thou seventeen. Director was Josh Butler Josh We Love You, starring Captain mcmara, Dominic show At Alberta Rozende, Matthew Jdario Maura to bemm Staffa, Harry Shum Jr. I breathed, Harry Sham Junior, and Alicia Wayne. Right, we're trying to get it all done in one breath and I just couldn't can't even get halfway. Guest starring Alan Van Sprang, David Castro, Ariana Williams, Oh my god, I've lost my place. Ariana Williams, David Castro, Jade Tissun, Nick Saga, Vanessa mit Suri, joel A Belle, Nevin, Patch Kick, and Xavier Chappelle. Um, if I got anyone's names wrong, I desperately apologize. I'm very very sorry. Indeed, indeed, well as always, I feel as though this has been the log line for about seven episodes and probably for about seven more. Clary faces a world of trouble. Valentine's plan is in full effect, and the shadow Hunters must act fast to save the down World. The New York Institute is under attack as Valentine's plan for the Soul Sword is getting dangerously close to coming to fruition. Meanwhile, some of the down Rolders have their own plan to stop Valentine and their target is Clary. Yeah, so everybody wants to kill Clary, and Clary is uh the key that will unlock his evil plot. So basically at this point we sort of breezed over at last episode because we were on many many a tangent. Valentine has the Soul Sword and or he's on his way to get you know, he has the Soul Sword and he's a activated and if he's able to activate the Soul Simon and he has Simon and that's what he needs to activate the Soul Sword. So if he no need me to activate the Sole Sword, that's what was He needs pure angel blood to activate at this moment. Doesn't know. He doesn't know that. He knows you have demon blood. No, he thinks you have demon well funk, that's right. I thought I had demon blood and then it turned out to be angel blood. He doesn't like that, then, doesn't he He does, but he wants you to believe that you have demon blood, right now. That's interesting. That's really interesting because he's so committed to making you believe that you're demonic. Yeah, he misses out on the opportunity to lose you, to use you as a tool. Yeah. Interesting, there you go. It could have been so easy. I held this sword. Yeah, but I think it has to be in the thingy sure. Oh yeah, because it's something to do with our power core or something. Let's watch the episode. We don't know, don't pull up the thread stone, put up the threads. We start. Everything's in chaos, and then little Madsie comes in. Little Madzie. I can't remember why she's being evil right now, because Valentine is is saying that he's going to hurt Iris if she doesn't do anything. Well, Iris isn't good to either. Magsie. Come on, she doesn't know any better, she doesn't know. She's just a kid. I get it, she's right, but she almost kills like eight shadow on. Yeah, it's a really powerful warlock. You know, it's a really powerful warlock, I do. Look, there was such an ominous nature whenever they did this with the flashing ceiling in the institute, it really set the tone. And that's one of those things that sometimes you can't always do lighting effects practically, but they found a way to do that. Heck of a lot on our shop. Yeah, the alarm system, well, the alarm system, the lightning in certain scenes. M hm. I never met this actor who played fair Green. Is he the archer using Alex Boh? Yeah, no me neither. I'm sorry to this man. I'm sorry. He's doing a great job. You got to my ground with Alec for a bit. He this is pre them fixing his bow, because if you look at the how far he's drawn it. So maybe we've spoken about this, maybe we haven't yet. I can't remember when the show started. Alex Bow. Matt's actual bow that he uses in the show was a practical bow with about forty pound draw stringth So basically what that means is like every time he drew the bow and pulled it back, it felt like picking up forty pounds of weight between both of his hands, and he would hold it and would never complain whatever. And then eventually, I would imagine in the second half of season two they changed it for a more elasticated string so he could put it and hold it very easily. But for the first like a year and a half of fill two years of filming the show, every time he drew the bow, he was putting forty pounds of weight. It's just nut well, as someone who who later on had a fair amount of experience with a bow on set, that's not easy. Even I had a bow that was you know, waited a lot less than that, and I had full scenes where my arm would be just quivering by the end of it. Because I haven't had to stay drawn the entire time. It's not easy. But you know, kudos to Matt because he's he fully committed to it because he didn't draw. He didn't draw correctly either. Do you remember he didn't draw with the one above two below. He drew with a pinch because he would hold the arrow off knock so they didn't have to C G I every time. So he would hold the arrow so if the string is here, that the far tip of the arrow would be behind the string. So even if he did accidentally let go, there's no way that the arrow could fire. It's the safest way for it. Should never say fire with a bow. I know better than that. There's no way the arrow could loose and actually be sent forward. So he was holding it like this like a pinch all the time that forty pounds was holding it with a pinch. Man, That guy is strong. And Alec is stuck in the for you. Yeah, and here comes back elevator. Sorry, he stuck in the elevator, this gag. I'm at the voice. Cool because somehow Valentine has your number. Oh no, it's Simon's phone. That makes sense. That makes more sense. So we're in. We're in creepy carnival again, and Valentine calls Clary this gag that they're about to do. I can't remember if it's now or if it's a little later on. It was like Alberto's worst day. But god, it looks good. It's a bit later on, but we'll get it, I think so. But let's find out. I love the way that Alan plays when he speaks to his kids, because there's always this sense of just he's just so kind to it. Yeah, it's really odd, but there's you know, the words he's saying or evils. That's tricky, sweetie. I love you. Please come activate the sword and kill half the people that you love. Okay, I'm waiting for you. If not, I'm going to murder your best friend, your boyfriend. Otherwise I'm going to murder your best friend. Brutal. Oh that's it. They need lightning. They need lightning from the institute, like angelic lightning or something. That's what they need to activate the sword. I gotta say, I'm just the title sequences playing through right now. It's such a cool title sequence. He did such a good job, which if you remember, we shot that in like half a day, just in the stunt room. Well, at least for me, I was shooting something else, So it was like between setups they would they would make me sprint down and be like, hold a stork. Go okay, what am I doing? Look this way? Okay? Yeah, back and forth, back and forth. Yeah, it was cool though, really cool. Yeah, they did a really good job. I love Clary Luke moments that make me so happy. I think I just miss Isaiah. I get it. He needs lightning. Oh yeah, the the power core. That's right. Okay, see we got this figured out. Caught up now, Alex not picking up because he's stuck in an elevator. He's stuck in an elevator. And then we found oh that's right. Dot is not dead yet, Demon Dot, Demon dotstill about somehow demon zombie Dot. How is she still? She just survived everything? Good for you, Dot. I think Dot, the how powerful Dot is is massively underrated, because if she survives all of this and gets knocked down all these times over and over again, she's got to be arguably more powerful than Magnus Dangerous Dangerous Territory, or at least at least on that level. But no, if you think about it, she didn't mean it, be nice to her. She's crazy. She had her heads on the way to work today. She doesn't mean it, but if you think about it, she's got to be at least on that level, like on the same seriod. She's got to be within the realm for sure, like the most powerful warlocks out there, definitely, because she gets killed arguably like seven times in the show, more than anyone else, for sure, more than you more. I only got the one maybe later, And now she looks great. Okay, you know what if Magnus can heal that, that's the more powerful warlock stand corrected. Yeah, oh there, we got to see our first glimpse of like golden demonic hand person. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, Magnus jumps into our memories that's right, and he sees the vision and goes, oh, that's not good Demonic Morgan Stern. Wrong, Jason, it's not you. But we just don't know that yet. Yeah. Did they learn nothing from Punchy Punchy Alec last episode? Such a big risk? Sorry? Uh? Isabel and Raphael are cuddled up on the couch. Oh, guys, come on, Alec is going to be paste. He's already locked in the institute he's gonna be upset. Maybe that's why she Isabel goes, Oh, he's an elevator. Now I can sneak out, I can sneak away. God David Castro Castro man the powerhouse. He's like, no, I don't want to kiss you. I want to drink of blood. But that's yeah. I like these scenes, these scenes where they are so like in anything, not just in our show, but like in anything. These scenes where there's so few were and everything's just done between the actors. I think is so impactful, especially in a show like ours, with so much is done with the words and the action, and you know, it's a big Like, these moments of stillness I think are really powerful. These guys are doing a really good job. This. Oh, this scene I actually forgot about. It's this is the scene where he comes out as a sexual. Is that the right way to say it? I guess I think so. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. But that's again, It's something I love so much about the show is that we were able to be so inclusive of so many different everything. Oh but this is bad. What's he doing? Why is he not telling her that the institute has been invaded sneaky, sneaky, sneaky Sneaky's wants to keep her safe. Maybe that cows looks so comfortable. Maybe no, just like velvet be no good for me because of the pets, like just be covered in fur in a day. But yeah, you what is he planning? What is he thinking? Well, um, he probably wants to kill Larry. Yeah that's right. Yeah, everyone still wants to kill Clary. Huh. Yeah. Remember we only really got Maya of my two. That's a shitty move. He put the phone up high so she can't reach it. Come on, man, that's not cool. It's not OK. It's kind of unfair. I love these stock shots of New York. Honestly. It just transitions so well into a not stock shot, which was awesome because it was stock. And then I was like, well, how did they get an undercovered police car SUV driving down the road? And then I was like, oh, that's that's Luke's car. That's awesome. Mhm. See again, this is such the advantage. We have this scene on the phone where you see Alex Stockings way through the institute. That's the advantage of having a set that we did because our institute by this point was a couple of hallways long and class corners and corridors and everything fighting O circle members, circle members. But here comes this scene. He's not so bad. He's not so bad, badass cigar. Look at those swords covered in blood. Jeezus, they really up the gore factor. This might be it might be his neck looks a little weird, so I'm guessing that this is the most person needs some more incentive. Can we just shout Alberto for being such a trooper for through this entire scene. I mean, obviously enthused to do it, but well, at the beginning, I'm sure, but towards the end it was real shitty. No, We've said it before and I'll say it again. Fake blood is horrendous, Like it's no matter where you are, it's horrendous. It's much thicker than regular blood. It's sweet, so it gets very sticky. And then, as we find out in this when you've got a lot of it and it's all underneath you on a leather sofa, it goes kind of solid and you can't get up. So he was like literally glued to this. Oh it's not in this scene, in the scene, never mind. Spoiler spoiler we'll get there. Are you cross? What's going on? He's pensive, something's happening. This is another thing that I always appreciated about our writers is they found little pockets throughout to keep these character relationships going. Even if you hadn't spoken to someone you knew, at least at some point soon here it comes. They always catch up and they just to keep holding them. I'm not going to talk too much more about that, because it's again Valentine just being Oh, I love you, sweetie. Yeah, nope, wrong. You can kind of see Alberto now that I'm looking back at it. He's holding blood in his mouth. He's also holding some and there, oh, there it goes. Oh god, oh oh it looks so oh god, it looks really real. So for people at home who don't know, this is actually a very sophisticated set of like tubes and makeup and prosthetics that happened to make this work. So he has an entirely fake neck on that is pre cut obviously before they put it on him. There's a slit in it, so he has to hold his head sort of somewhat down to those two pieces meet in the center, and inside of that piece are two literal arteries, not literal arteries, fake ter plastic arteries, plastrick plastic arteries that attached to a pump system that's full of blood. So as soon as he lifts his head back, the two pieces of fake throat separate and the arteries start pumping from behind. There's a team of people behind the sofa, turning valves and making all of this work, and then the blood will start to pump out of it. So if you ever see it happening on screen, that's how it's done. But it's hard work for the actor, really hard work. Well, absolutely, and he and Alan had to be completely in time as well because to get the you know, the sword and the head rays to happen at the same time. But this is this is what we're speaking about, you know, poor Alberto. This was probably a twelve hour day of shooting and once he was bloody, he had to stay bloody. And yeah, you don't change it in his own blood all day at least it was inside. Yeah that's true. Yeah, fake blood outside for that many hours is not Again, it's the skin thing. I can't I can't do it. Although they didn't cut away when it actually happened. Now vampires do heal, but not this quickly. He's quickly. Yeah. Yeah, so he's going to die, but not as quickly as a human would die from such an injury. Yeah. Again, the flickering lights. M this is You know, if alder Tree wasn't a bad guy, I would have loved to see the buddy cup of alder Tree and Alec institute. I'm still not sure that he's a bad guy. I think you think that because he's got a British accent and I'm not here for it. Not all British people are bad guys. I'm not about it. They are in our show. They in this show. Yes we are, that's true. Yeah. I'm trying to think of one that isn't, and I don't think there is. Ragner Fell, Ragna Fells, British. Yeah, thanks Ragna for keeping us, keeping us on the straight and narrow. I appreciate it. Oh oh it's my I remember I was like, she almost got run over. What are you doing? Your crazy kid? She's not happy. The tip of my sword is bent. I was obviously sat on it in the car man. She cracked me good. I love seeing the team as it kind of comes together just the way you and Luke are handling it together and the way that you know it as you see the team building. Obviously, Maya becomes part of the team later, but yes, yeah, of course, what's a team without a little punch up every now and then. You know, I will say she I don't think had very much, if any, combat training, Alicia, And this is the second fight scene that we've had together, and she did an amazing job. There was one where she had to just square punch me in the face and every time was an inch and off away from my nose. But she never hit me once. She's very very controlled, which is very impressive. Yeah. Oh, now Isabel hears her cellphone. It wasn't that high of a shelf. She's got heels. He didn't account for the shoes and didn't Yeah, he didn't think about the shoes. Raphael, You dummy. Oh I remember this scene again. You get to see this beautiful shot and it this is again. We just spoke with John ray Kitch, who was our our locations manager. It's such a beautiful marriage of location and construction and set deck and VFX because you see the sort of greenhouse that exists practically, so the sort of middle tier of the Institute exists practically in that park. The gravestones were brought in by construction and set deck and then the church in the back is VFX and it's seamless. They did a very very good job. But this was one of those very very cold November days and I remember this, and we couldn't get the atmost right, do you remember, Because they kept trying to pump the atmos in but the wind kept taking it right back to the week of changing. It was a nightmare atmos again. It's like like dry ice almost just like a smoke that they send out and it makes everything look kind of creepy and atmospheric. Um, and that's why they call it atmos. But obviously it's a much more practical with application inside where you can control the wind. Yeah, try watching this scene where David's trying to kill me. Poor Alberto is not doing so good now, all the downloaders getting double crossed by each other. Nobody could agree, And that just the way with our show, And that just the way. What is Valentine on about? Even a slime out, sorry, even slime outs will walk into a trap if it wants the cheese badly enough. And you, my friend, you're the cheese. Is the cheese. He's the cheese, all right, Valentine. Give him on too much power and he'll start making up his own idioms. Yeah, no kidding, right, give him man a soul swords and all of a sudden he started monologueng did he ever stop monologue? It's a good point. That's a good point. He likes the sound of his own voice, Valentine, not Alan. Alan's a lovely man. Where did they film this this? They've got the scene where they're trying to kill the power. I guess on the roof of the institute. Where was this? I mean, it has to be a set somewhere. I'm going to guess it's, you know that balcony that used to build, or sometimes it was the balcony alcoholics office that they would repurpose, and sometimes it was just a little corridor that they would set up on the blue screen. Yeah, I wonder, because that set was the same set when you were on the roof cheering up. It was the same one when Alec came to talk to you, and then that became part of the one where we fought on the roof in season three. That was that was on the stand alone stage. That was on the yeah, the green screen stage. Yeah, so it must be just part of that that they were slowly so. I didn't think we had it yet. I don't know. I guess we did. That's one of those It's probably one of those things like the subway station, where as they would have pockets of budget, they would build like a corner right, slowly acquire it. Yeah, that makes sense. Yes, there we go. I remember why he's not such a bad guy. I knew, I knew he wasn't a bad guy. He she, his wife was bitten by werewolf and transformed, and that's why he's now so stringent on the rules. I remember, he's not a bad guy. No, he's just wounded literally and figuratively. Oh bless him. But but slightly prejudiced. Yeah, a little prejudice for sure. But I loved her, but I could never be with a down roller. Well she was attacking him though, Yeah, but she was new, she was new. But what do you do? Like, do you do you get her a look? Yeah? I mean she wouldn't have us. Yeah, but like with her claws still inside you like, how do you, how do you deal with that? Well, okay, yeah, but you know, like get her get our prator lupus and then figured out from there. We don't know about that yet. See, it's always it's always me. It's always me given always spoilers. But this this was on you. That doesn't happen sort of like right at the end of season three. I know. But it's a thing in the books. It's like, it's like the m sex fans, but book fans, you already know what we're talking about. Well, in the in the show or in the book. Sorry, the Prayer Loopas is different than in the show. Oh really. In the books, it's it's sort of, um like a sponsorship program for new downlolders. Interesting. So it's just a bunch of downlolders, usually were wolves that are recruited to be guardians for people that are yeah, or for people that need to be protected or people who are a bit risky. They sort of assign you a prator lupas and whether or not you know about it, to kind of watch you or take care of you, help ussure you into the world a little bit. But but it's a slightly different prator loopas got it got it ship now here the ceilings come. My goodness, this was a big episode for us. There's there's a lot of moving parts in this episode. Also the number of times I either had to storm through those doors or was brought in through those doors, or somehow storm out. The last thing I ever did was storm out. The last thing you ever filmed for the show was storming out those doors. Remember, oh no it was the ballroom doors. Was the last thing you storm but yeah, but still one doors. Alaric, Joel, Yeah, Alaric coming back around. This was fun. Cat Clary walks in. She's going to give some of her blood, her blood for the people who are physically watching to Simon to keep him alive. Cat, you did a very good job in this. I remember talking about it, and you sat differently, you moved your body differently, you were like physicality wise, you moved yourself a different way. As happens. Also, I got to do the infent here for the first time because there's a vampire that tears. So that's you know, oftentimes in the show when we're crying because of an emotional scene, doesn't matter really where the tears fall and how they come out. But This is a very specific thing that Emirod had been doing that they had worked out with the infant where there's this one tear that rolls down your cheek as the vampire venom is getting in your system. Um, and what they would do is they have just a little individual pack of vising is drop it on your face and you can go Okay, you're ready, You're ready, let it go. Yeah, as that happens. But you know, that's that's again something that I love about how collaborative we all were with this show, because I you know, we were able to go to each other and go, okay, Emarad, what did you do and how did you do it? That we can keep the mythology consistent or you know, when Alberto established how vampires are, Alberto and David kind of figure that out together and then taught everyone else and stop him, don't stop him. You've got you've taken all of his blood. Leave him be taken near all of my blood, your rascal and and transform mm hmm, yeah, I remember you and I sat and talked a lot about that scene. Yeah, because it's it's tricky, isn't it, Because you don't want to you don't want to kill the reveal, but also I feel like there's some things, like, especially Jason as a soldier, his movements that he wouldn't ever be able to hide because this is how this is how he's been stringently trained to move more and sit and stand and do things. Um, and you did a good job. You did a great job. Thanks, very happy to let you play me. We all kind of got to play each other from time to time. Yeah, it happened quite a bit, play other people. Yeah, no kidding, Yeah, Okay. This scene with Harry I have to say, one of my favorite bloopers of all time, and this might have been. This was the first time Harry Um threw a blooper at me. So Harry, because he's such a total pro and because he's an amazing comedian, Um has the ability to know exactly when and how to throw in a purposeful blooper but not tell anyone about it and not disrupt the flow of the day. And this is the first time that happened to me because we were walking in the hallway and you know, you have those scenes where it's like Clary what and the line was supposed to be Oh, I think I hear them down the hall, or they just make sure that Valentine doesn't do this, this and this or whatever it is. I'm here for you, and he goes. I just say or more on carn that's funny. Well that phrase manages to sneak itself in just fucking everywhere. Good marketing, I guess. And there she is, little Maggie. Go get a Magnus, Go get a little Maggie. Yeah, it's like Magnus, don't kill her, but just go get her. Don't kill her, not that Magnus would you know, she's busy doing some killing of her own. It seems little innocent Madzie can Magnus suffocate? I think? I mean, I think the thing with warlocks is they are immortal unless they're killed. They're not They're not invincible. They just live forever. But they do breathe, not like vampires. Vampires couldn't suffcakes. They don't need to intake oxygenize. Right. Yeah, I just think he's more powerful than she is, right, that makes sense. He probably can, you know, sort of counterspell to something. Yeah, he did, Lie, Madzie listened to Magnus. We all do bless her. She just needs she needs a decent parent in her life. That's what she needs. Yeah, and look she gets one another down world safe safe in the arms of Magnus. This is so is a fight scene coming up here, I think, And this is this is always a trepidous one. Is so. One of the actors that I'm fighting is one of our stunt coordinators for this section of the season, Max White, who's a brilliant martial artist, like a really scarily good martial artist. And when you're when you're fighting one of those guys, I mean, they're always watching. Dean and Darren were always ching, so you always want to do your best job anyway, but this, when you're actually dancing with one of them, it's really it's really hard because you're like, wow, you taught me this, and I know that you know all of this, and like it's it's like sort of Darth Vader Luke Skywalker thing. Like it's really it's really quite intimidating to do it. Um, but I think we did. We did. This is one of the more technically complex fights that we I ever did. Even though it's very brill it looks like it it's amazing. I think given what we were discussing earlier about the nature of Jace's blood and what just happened with um our vampire friend here. We were going to have to come back to that later because at the end of the episode, if you remember, things change for our dear Simon because of that moment. Yeah, this fight scene, I remember it was. You know, this was right when I started to really feel confident in, yeah, in being able to jump into these fight scenes because we've been doing it for you know, arguably a season by this point, with Darren, Indean and Max and training really hard and it's still on the show. Yeah, I remember it was the first time where they would come in and give me a note or we had we I think we had turned this one eight degrees or something from how I learned it. There was something about it where I actually felt as I go, oh, no, I actually I have enough base of knowledge that I can flip this in my head and not feel, you know, worried about it. They're still on the roof. It's still on the roof. They're still trying to figure it out. Oh, circle members. The inchronicity of their unsheathing very cool. We need a different word for that, because it's not unsheathing, like we're not unsheathing anything fair enough, but appearing sounds kind of lame, like we're not appearing our swords. I think Hastings used to say activating, which sounds kind of better, but I don't know. Fans listening out there think of a word for when our weapons field. Then they developed we did a verb ver mhm that a girl is he barely even standing and she still took out two or three circle members. I didn't see him any there were yeah, look what you've done, auder Tree, because you are Although he did warner, he wasn't. I think we disagree on this one. I think I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. I don't think he's a bad guy. I think he was trying to help. He warned a told her what the potential side effects were, and she got addicted to the thing like we do that is now with heroin addicts. Would give them methodrone methodone. I mean, although I do think there's a bit of an art of war to it, because he did at one point go yeah, yeah, now that I've got you needing something from me, give me whatever you know about claric. Yeah, that's fair. That wasn't great. There's a book moment coming up in this scene with you and Simon, and I remember I remember him telling me about it in the hall way. Of course he did. I would have killed you. I would have let you that moment direct from City of Ashes, Yeah, which this whole episode is sort of loosely based on the end of the City of Ashes. Got it, you know, just suddenly there's a just plug in, plug in Excalibur and the middle of Excalibur outlet, just in the middle of our institute. They just brought it with them. Yeah. Yeah, I was on the boat. It was on the boat. Yeah. Maybe I don't know. I'm making things up now. These scenes are so fun, like when we get to play with some of the physicality with Simon and Chase, like we really had a good time being able to do this stuff, like we the jab to the heart and the sort of moving away a bit like that came from I actually think that was Alberto's idea, and we have a couple of scenes like that later on as well. And it's really fun when they won because it means that they're trusting us with these which which is really nice, but too because Alberto and I get to like play and and work sort of some ideas with each other, which is really good. Fun. Usually happened at the keg over a couple of beers. That's a great idea. I had the same thing with Alan too. You know, again, we talked about trust all the time, but by this point it's like, yeah, just dragged me across this floor and I'm going to actually cite you and you know it'll be great. Yeah. The stained glass windows, just the color that they bring to everything, it's so beautiful. Yeah, although the scene always did kind of remind me of a parent telling you kids, like go and do your chores, do the thing, go to the just like, no, I don't want to do You think I don't want to do the thing. But you know, he's he's asking her to kill the world, So I think she's warranted in being but with just like more drama. That's ainy bit more drama, just a little bit, a little bit of get in there him that a boy. I have pictures of Alan and I are doing this where we look like we're an ice skating duo. I look at the army ready to go. That's Alberto with this sword. Yeah, I love this. I loved this moment when you finally see the down. This is again why I wish we had been able to do more of the book six stuff, because that's when you really get to see the arms of the shadow Hunters in the down world, building and working together. We never we never got into full war, which, yeah, it's a shame. Oh punch out, It's a great shot. Great shot. Only Isaiah has a big enough fist to completely black out the camera with one punch. Only Isaiah is like such a he's in such good shape and he's such a big dude. The rest of us you would see past it. But he managed to entirely cover the camera lens, which is amazing. Now, at this point, we thought you had demonic blood, right, so you thought we thought it would destroy the Yeah, I would disable it or no, I would pull it out. But it would kill me. It would kill you, but you know, but yeah, yeah the issues would be over. Oh no, it does say destroy the sword. Yeah, which is why he made you believe you had demonic blood. Okay, this is why he didn't miss an opportunity. He created an opportunity to because he was a tool instead. Oh goodness, gracious mercy. This makes me so sad. Yeah, there's a lot of dead Downwolders. I remember filming this. It was it was there was such a weightiness to it, even on the day because we hadn't done anything with such a mass kind of casualty yet, and obviously the you know, different departments really went all out and made it as brutal as possible because we were allowed to do more at this point. Yeah, it is weighted, isn't it. It's really something like because it's not just what's happening in the institute, you know, two dozen, three dozen Downwold has just died. It's like, this is the scope now, this is the potential for what he has, which is so dangerous. It's like, wait, you're not my brother. No, you don't know that yet, that's true. We just know that. But that's the big that's the punch of you. We just know that we don't have demon blood. That's the only thing. Oh, ship, I just remembered that we get to meet Sebastian in this episode. Jonathan, all right, it's somehow just got an alert like, remember you're filming the podcast soon, Yeah, just in time, two hours late. Jase just can't catch a break, just can't do the right thing. A lot of cry in this episode. Ohm, I was angry. Yeah, you know, as she should bical so that judgment car but you know he wasn't to know. Luke wasn't to know that this was going to happen. This is almost to like the plan in essence worked like it we saved everyone, like if we if we'd been okay, like if we'd known the information that we or if the information that we knew was correct, then we would have won. Oh I'm just got attacked by a wolf. Which wolf was Oh that's that's I was there. Yeah, I forgot about this. This was a cold day two. I remember this was the fight brutal man. Everybody was such a trooper this in this episode. So can you get monologue so I can put some clothes on. Yeah, no kidding, I remember you guys doing this fight. This was this was rough because it was I remember you telling me it was so cold. The swords were even harder. The swords are pretty much solid. Yeah, the rubber Eyes swords that were supposed to be safer were pretty solid. Although the Soul sword, the handguards of the Soul sword were never rubberized, so that in fact, in this shot here you can see it. It's it's protruding quite deeply into my chest, and I think later it protrudes into my neck, and I remember it. I remember feeling it. It was just it was it felt like steel. It just felt like steel because it was so cold. But again, that adrenaline just kind of gets you through it. He just told you, Yeah, he just told me. He just told you. I know, but I keep it from you for a while. Right. Oh, fisticuffs, Yeah, fisticuffs time. This is again what I love about Darren's work. It's so brilliant because yes, you have swords and all these cool weapons, but in essence, after a while, people just throw them down and just brawl it out. And it's it's that journey of emotion and story and character within all of this. Oh, Claire is going to create another room. Oh yeah, what do you do? You deactivate it? I get an angelic vision and I deactivate it. Nice. But it is blows it is, doesn't it? Oh no, it doesn't. It doesn't. It disappears, it goes, it goes somewhere. In fact, I know where it goes. I know who ends up with it. M hm, and tell you about that in a minute. Mm hmmm. It gets too hot to handle, it does indeed. Oh yeah, that happens. Happens a lot with swords, so it happens at least one more time with a sword. You almost kill him. Yeah. If you weren't there, I would have killed him. Yeah. I would have liked. I should have like, good job, should have let me. Yeah, I wouldn't have died. Yeah, sword's gone once again, Clary, if you have a priceless weapon, don't take your eyes off. Maybe stay by it, maybe hold onto it. Yeah, for goodness sake, she doesn't know. Put it in a picture. You know. Again, this is when I wish we would have used that. It would have been so useful on your hand. Put it in your hand, and then it's always there, you know what I mean, Like can't be taken out. Oh that would have been cool. Yeah, and then I would have been a really good idea man. Again, way to go randy with just the little bits of scarring and just snoody lits and things. And it does it looks like my eyebrows split. Yeah, Because that's the thing with shadow hunters. They're tough. And they heal. They can heal a little bit. But if you see a little bit of damage on the Shadow Hunter, you know the extent of the damage that it must have really been. Remember the scene with Alec and Magnus outside and it was outside and fans had found us, so they had to try and set up blackouts to keep the ending of the series. Well, that's not the only scene that happens out there, and it must have been the same day, right, Yeah, it was back to back. I think they did this one first though, and so we were already just proposed by this time. Yeah. Yeah, they at least kept this one kind of under wraps because you know, people didn't know yet. But by this point the show would you know, the first season and part of the second part of this Path had started airing, I think at this point yeh yeah, because this is it because he says I love you for the first time. This is the first time he says I love you now because of the distance that we filmed between Oh, is it is this their first No, it's not their first case. Um, it's the first I love you but obviously, but because of the distance, there's no world in which they would have heard him say, I love you, but people but they're they're wildly the fans that they would have put it together. You know, they go to like a fucking lip reading expert. Wait a minute, I think they out see them kissing. Yeah, you gotta know something going together. Poor Joel. This is his final shot, and this we talked about this. We did talk to Joe, so if we were not being mean, we did laugh about this with Joel. We're not making fun of him behind his back last episode that as he said, though I agree with him. I think they're really terrible. It just looks like he's mid transformation. It looks like he's half wolfed and it didn't quite you know, don't fitness mouth the teeth wolfed or like maybe he was. It's like his jaw was half there and didn't quite. I always liked this shot where Simon figures it out. It's something to do with the red glaze through the stained glass. I always thought was really beautiful. M hmm, because he's expecting to burn and it's just daylight. Huh, daylight. So for those who aren't watching with us, we just watched um Simon discover that he doesn't get burnt. By sunlight, meaning because someone drank angelic blood, which we didn't know. He's now a daylightter you can walk in the daytime. Did we know that that was a thing that would happen. No, we didn't even know dayletters existed, because they were they were almost a myth in the shadow world. You know. People knew that that they were. They had been told of, but there hadn't been a daylighter for thousands of years, got it? But there hasn't been one since. Yeah, yeah, got it. Trying not to spoil anything and getting better. All it took me was like fifty episodes of podcast before I can figure out and not spoiled. Ship Man Alive. Hopefully if people haven't seen the series, they'll forget by the time they get to things that we spoil. Yeah, maybe hopefully, I don't know. Hopefully. Oh, they're having issues. Ralphael and Isabelle shout out to the hair department. Man, her hair always looks glorious. It's always on point. She always looks great to stuff. It's usually stuff. It was Steph, wasn't it. Yeah, you tell Alec before you tell me. Come on, Yeah, well I don't tell you. I don't tell you right away is the thing. It's your fault, Simon, my fault because you're happy he's trying to do I'm trying to do the right thing. I'm trying to do a good thing. I don't want to throw like a wrench in the mix. I suppose that's not your fault. Now, Oh, I remember this scene I shot him my birthday with Luke. The scene with with Luke. Yeah, I shot this on my birthday. Was this the birthday that we surprised you or was that season one birthday? No, that would have been I think that would have been this one. That would have been this one, right, you film a tape with me? It was like a tape I got like four years ago, and I fucking panicked. I was like, Ship, Yeah, they were like, we basically set up a birthday party for birthday. Was your twenty one birthday. So we set up a surprise party at a sort of our favorite bar, the country western bar. And then they knew who we were and whatever. So we called ahead and we were like, can we have a corner? And they gave us a little set up and a cake and stuff, which is nice. And I was like, Ship, they have to set it up. So I called Cat and I was like, hey, I just got an audition and can you come and help me tape it in my apartment? So she comes and she helps me tape it. I'm like checking my phone the whole time to see what and for some reason, I picked like the darkest, like tear fueled audition. I spent like half an hour to an hour just bawling my eyes out, and then Cat started crying. It was just a nightmare. And then I was like, all right, let's go get a drink. Deal with this, and then sure enough there was the surprise party. I was like, why didn't I pick a nice audition? Take audition? Why not? Ian? Do you remember though, even um, we needed a little more time because not everyone was there yet. And so I feel like that that one episode of The Walking Dead had just come out where like four people die in the season finale, You're like, hey, have you seen this scene? Is so cool? I got it. It's just oh my god, I've been waiting for because you used to talk to me about Walking Dead and I'd seen a little bit of it, and you know, just starting with this dark, tearful tape and then you showing Jesus. I just we just didn't plan it well enough, like the timing was all off, but it worked out. It was wonderful though. I ended up you know, we had an amazing night with cowboy hats and a mechanical bowl and it was fantastic. So thank you. You are very welcome. Yeah, but actually it was this During this scene, Alberto came up to me at one point because it was it had turned midnight and it had gone into my birthday, and he came up and he was like, hey, happy birthday. It was very nice. Oh look at him go in the sunshine. Poor Chase. It's at a rough time. This was a rough Jace episode. Again. I just remember doing this and trying to run down the stairs and not trip. Yeah. Stairs a tricky man. Stairs a tricky They're never an easy thing to do. So here here it is see the guy with the soul sword final final seconds of the midway through season finale. This is Sebastian Jonathan, the first time we meet him, and they hadn't cast him yet because it's the only shot we have in the season. So that is me. I was going to ask, did they have you do that? That's me make sense and asked me to do it right. I'm not sure how it happened, but that looks like Will's what it's so so interesting. I don't know if Will mimicked me, but I sort of on the fly created like a Sebastian Jonathan Jonathan walk that wasn't a Chase walk because it couldn't look like Jays wondering off with this thing. Um, So I sort of on the fly, And I think it just was one of those fortuous things where Will's interpretation of the character happened to sit with what I had sort of sent me figured out or he put because Jason Jonathan was raised together, so the part of what Will did was was Jay stuff and vice versa. So I think it was just a very fortuitous thing, you being you, knowing this story in this world, thinking about what that character would be, and putting that together. It makes per sense that it just worked out. But I thought it was cool because there was a there was a time there where they toyed with the idea, Matt Todd and Darren and myself toyed with the idea of me playing Sebastian throughout the Jonathan throughout Sorry confused because we meet spashion first and toy did that idea and they just went the main reason and thank god because Will does a fucking fantastic job and I don't think anything and then get Luke later on. Doesn't they all do an amazing job. I quite liked the concept of doing it. They just went, there is no world in which we can schedule this to work. There is no way. There is no way, Like what we have planned is like two versions of this character, so it would be three people you would be playing for you know, eight to ten episodes, and then it would be too and whatever. There's just no way. Um. But it was interesting we did toy with that idea, just just for a second, because we're supposed to look so alike, Like it would be contact lenses and you know wig for hair color changes just slight or you know whatever. It was like different changes, um. And in fact, I think clean shaven they want they he was always Jonathan was always going to be clean shaven, and they were like, how quickly can you grow the amount of stubble that you have? For Jason, I was like it would take probably three days to two to three days, and they were like there's done. There's no way it can't be done. Thank God, because Will does an amazing job, and honestly, that would have been exhausting. You were exhausted enough doing everything that was exhausted enough. No kidding, Well there we go. But my goodness, what mid season finale? That is what a mid season finale? Pete, amazing job, Buddy josh An amazing job. Good grief. All the does everything, the c g I, the set teams, locations, everything, this was. This was an incredible episode of TV. Enjoyed it, leaving a cliffhanger for us to come back to leaving a cliffhanger for us to come back to new characters. But listen, everyone, thank you so much for listening to our silly ramblings again for another hour or so. I appreciate it. Thank you for being with us, and make sure you tune in next week for whatever they've scheduled next week. I don't know. This is the thing with podcasting is we bank so many of these. We never know what's going to come out. So every week I'm kind of going, oh, cool, what do I get to see what my antics were? Next? Yeah? Exactly, yeah, exactly, what did I say however many weeks ago. I don't know, but hopefully you all enjoy it and thank you for joining us for the podcast. We really love doing this and I hope you enjoy listening. Have a good one, folks. Returned to the Shadows is hosted an executive produced by Me, Kathryn McNamara and Dominic Sherwood. Our executive producer is Lingley. Our senior producers are Liz Hayes and Diego Tapia. Our producers are Hannah Harris and Kristin Vermeilia, and our intern is Sam Kat's. Original music by Alex Kinsey and performed by Alex Kinsey and Katherine McNamara