Joseph 'Rev Run' Simmons

Published Feb 5, 2024, 6:55 PM

Founding member of the legendary RUN-DMC Joseph 'Rev Run' Simmons talks new documentary and more!

Real Fun with Mario Lopezebel.

Mario Lopez jording me now on Zoom.

Founding member of Run DMC, Member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Joseph Simmons aka Reverend Run.

Welcome to the show, sir, How are you?

What's up?


Chilling, chilling, chilling.

Oh, so good to see.

I gotta tell you before we start. I just want you to know that my very first concert ever was Run DMC along with the Beastie Boys Together Forever Forever too. We're back in nineteen eighty seven. I saw at the Santego Sports Arena and I was like, Wow, Wow, that blew me away when y'all came you remember that show?

Do you remember that show?


My god?

And when you all came out in my oh, I was like, and I'm like this fourteen thirteen, fourteen year old kid.

And it just oh man, And I just turned me into the biggest fan.

So it's crazy how music can just take you, just transport you back to a certain time. Remember when I was wearing I remember when I went with my uncle.

It was just so cool.


I love that you you remember it, which may makes me really excited to see the new Peacock documentary Kings from Queen's.

Are you happy with the way it turned out?

Yes, it's good. I love it awesome. It's cool. It gives you the history of run DMC.

It shows you where it came from, how I started DJing in Daryl's basement and I moved on to holding my craft in my attic. So going back to Hollis Queen's was a really cool moment for me. I was like when I went to my old house, I was like, wow, so up there is where I learned how to DJ, because you know, I like DJ and more than I like wrapping.

Yeah, I loved by heart I used to have. I had the turntails back in the day.

I loved it.

And you know what's funny is that you mentioned Hollis So I like to do. My kids gave me to do these old TikTok videos and stuff. And for Christmas we did Christmas in Hollis, my son and.

I time and Hollis Queen. Hey. Then Colin Green, I think it would be on my show today.

I'll show you the dance.

I'll show you that said I did with my son on the on the video right there.

I wanted to see that.

Yeah, oh that's great, man. It correct me if I'm wrong.

I mean, I know there was other rap groups prior to you, but y'all were the first really rap group to sort of.

Transcend outside of the hip hop scene and go mainstream.

And you know what I mean, even like little Mexican kid like me, like you know what I'm saying it just because you just y'all transit, right, there were the very first ones.

Well here's the deal.

There was things going on before us, Like you know, there was pretty big hits. They had the sugar Hill Game of course, and then there was Melly Mel with Red Master Flesh that had the message.

Right, I think my body I remember Arena Toys, right, I mean I think Melle Mellon that were doing tours.

But it was like with Rick James or the ball Kas.

When run DMC came along, we started doing tours in our own right, So we were playing Madison Square Garden as the headliners.

Yeah, so it was going down, you.

Know, but it wasn't going down like when run DMC came with our own tour with the beat like you sort of these people was that was that was like brand new to see rap groups headlining their own tour.

Yeah, I was very first concert, which was awesome.

I love that.

Yeah, man, people tell me this was my first CD, this is my first concert. I'm like, how can everybody say this is their first CD or their first.

Concrest I'm telling you, but I tell you everybody, I'm.

Telling you because I think because y'all are the first. Like I said, that kind of transcended outside of the knee, you know what I mean. And it was cool and it was edgy.

And it was it was it was great songs and then they got big, right exactly now, who inspired all you guys as artists?

I'll tell you who inspired me was Grandmaster Flash, Mellie Mel, Furious Five, and.

The Cold Crush Brothers. The Cold Crush Brothers was.

From out of the Bronx and they came with a style that was so organized. Grand Master Cavs was actually a dude who wrote the rhyme for the Rapper's Delight.

Rapping the Light was the first big hip hop record. I remember that, and.

That's why when they go I'm the c a s. And because he was saying he the Casanova, he wasn't. Kaz was casting this dude his rhyme book.

Oh god.

So Grandmaster Caz gave I think Big Bang Tank his rhyme book. And when he was rhyme and he was actually saying Kaz his.

Name, Oh wow, that's wild.

Never got Dad, never got the credit. So the Cold Crush Brothers was who I'm in V. So when people like Ice Cuba, younger people are like, oh run DMC uh, they they inspired me. I understand where they're coming from because I was so inspired by and Will Swift said the same thing. We were all inspired by Flash on the turntables.

He was Grandmaster Flash.

We had jam Master j h EMC and Grandmaster Caz was gmc.

Gmc right got it, and Curtis Blow before.

Okay, let's go back to that.

So Curtis Blow was with my brother Russell, So I was a kid waking up in the morning when they would come in from they went to c CNY College, cooking practice for them, trying to be down. So they made me the son of Curtis Blow. I was in DJ for Curtis Blow way before run DMC was put together.

He was before then.

Yeah, Curtis Blow was early on and he had two records before run DMC came out in right Christmas Wrapping Red, and he had the breaks.

The breaks, give it up, give it up, give it up. He always had that same kind of kittens, I love it right.

So I was down with Curtis Blow before I put together Run DMC.

Oh man, that's awesome.

That's awesome.

And was there, Mama, when you realized run DMC was about to become something bigger than the Queen scene.

Do you remember like a particular moment.

I remember the Fresh Festival. This is before the concert that you saw. We would play stadiums. We were playing with the Fat Boys, remember.

The Fat Right, of course.

So we would do these concerts and we played Madison Square Garden around that time eighty four eighty five.

I was like, oh, this is big.

Yeah, We're playing twelve fifteen, twenty thousand people a night around the world.

So when the Fresh Best verse hitting.

Around eighty four eighty five is when I realized, uh, oh, this is huge.

And I always wanted to know this was the Adida saying just something that happened by accident. Do y' all just like Adidas or did they reach out to you? Because they all should give you some stock.

And there was a spirit behind us.

We would go on Jamaica Avenue and Queens and new things were coming out with pumas and Adidas sneakers and cool things that you really couldn't afford. But then we got little hit records, so we could have pulled out a pair of Adidas shell toes and we were just wearing it because we wouldn't change our clothes when we hit the stage. Just what whatever we had on, that's what you would see. And that's why I says on Adidas the recond my Adidas. We took the beat from the street and put it on TV.

Yeah, yep.

So Adidas came later and said, how can we be down with what y'all are doing? And then they gave us an endorsement deal and all this stuff. But we were gonna do it whether they gave us a deal or not. We were loving those street clothes.

Yeah, oh damn.

They got lucky.

Then Adidas just got y'all giving them hinds ketchup.

They would yeah, hines ketchup. Well, my corn flakes.

Right right right right. I'll never get that. That's a moment I remember when I said, my dude and the lights went on. I go, oh, and I'm a little kid going on.

It's so cool.

Now now I know the jam Master J trial is actually going on. Right now, I believe you confident there's gonna be a justice enclosure.

You know the way I look at this because it's it's so much, you know, so much love I have for Jay.

When people ask me about the first thing I.

Want to do is more than talk about what happened and what's going on.

Is number one, I love him.

Number two, I miss him, and I like to talk about his legacy. Jay was the nicest guy in the world, right, really nice, like a gem of a human being.

But he was nice on those turntables. So when Jay would.

Hit the turntables, it would drive the crowd crazy. So for me, when I hear about you know, when it happened, and now.

What's going on and caught it and all this stuff, I just go back to the love that I have for him. And my main quote that I.

Tell everybody that's i've been on this tour talking about the documentary is I love him dearly and I miss him dearly.

That's awesome, man, that's awesome. Well, I got to tell you.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you in person and looking forward to checking out the doc. Uh you be sure to check out the doc Kings from Queens is available right now on Peak Talk. Reverend Ron God bless my man. I'll see you in a bit. I'm gonna see you in a bit, looking forward to that video. I will I will take care of down with Mario Lopez

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