World Champion boxer Floyd 'Money' Mayweather stops by to talk new fitness supplement line, boxing and more!
Real fun with Mario Little Pez's real Mario Lopez joining me right now in studio one of the greatest former world champion boxer, my man, Floyd Money Mayweather. What's going on, Floyd?
What's up? Mario? Thanks for having me on. Good morning to everybody.
I should say, thanks for taking the time.
I was trying to think first time I met you, man, I don't know you what long time now and you've been killing the game for decades now, which is awesome. And it was interesting talking to you just before we got on air because I had been to your house. I was fortunate enough to go to your house interview a while back in Vegas. But you got properties all over a little bit, and you'd like to move around.
Huh real estate? Real estate is I love that. Real estate is what I do. But I like to move around.
I don't like to just stay in one spot. I like to, you know, keep it moving, hop around a little bit. I was good to hop around.
Yeah, no, you could do it, man. Good for you, and this is really cool. You've launched your own fitness supplement company called One of One. You got protein, pre workout, greens, hydration, all kinds of stuff. Yes, what made you decide to get into the supplement game?
I mean, I mean, excuse me. For so many years, I mean just fans from all from all around the world and from all walks of from all walks of life, they've been asking me about you don't have no vitaminline, you don't have no supplements. So what I did was I did some research and you know, have some major major players on my team start working together. They did their homework and we came up with the one of one supplement line. And the reason why we called it one of one because everybody is a one of one.
It's true.
And so and you know, even like what some are our supplements, you know, like far as, Like you know, you get dehydrated, we got you know, so you can get rehydrated when you dehydrated. So and we got protein, we got different things. And all our supplements are clean. So that's what we're talking about. You know, if you're putting something in your body, we want you to be able to put something clean in your body.
Well, you're the perfect person to endorse and promote something like this because obviously being a huge fight fan, yes, and a fan of yours for a while you've never gotten out of shape. I've never seen pictures of you heavy. I've never seen like whether between camps or outside. After you retire, you always in shape. I mean you got crazy workout hour unless you're working out like three or four in the morning sometimes, but like you never saw you about that life for real, And that's admirable man, especially as age. You know, you know.
I never wanted a pop belly. I never wanted to So.
I'm with you. I'm with you.
My whole thing was always, never get a stomach, no matter what happens, even if I'm not cut up or ripped up, never have a stomach.
Yes, So because it's ironic because a lot of fighters they do, they balloon between fights. Especially when retire, you just get straight issues.
But the one on one supplement line is clean. It's all about being clean and after you work out, you want to put something in your body. Before you work out or after you work out, you want to put something in your body that's healthy and that's clean. So that's the reason why I started the one on one line. Even though you see other different supplement lines, when you use the one of one supplement lines, I don't care what type of athlete use our supplement line. You're not going to be caught for a banned substance. So you know a lot of supplement lines have banned substances, you know, in their products, and we don't.
Yeah, okay, obviously representing you because you were clean through the whole career. So that's great.
Speaking of which, I just have to talk a little bit about boxing and stuff. I can't believe it's been twenty seven years. I was looking up since you won your first world championship. Yes, you defeated Hernandez. I remember that.
Well, it's been closer. It's probably been like what, well, I think I was a professional not even two years.
Yeah, I mean you had an illustrious amateur background though too, so you were coming.
There were not many fights, you know, not like so it wasn't that.
Many, huh right. It wasn't like a a silly little a Chenko kind of deal.
Like I think he had like three or four hundred fights.
Yeah, how many? How many amateurs you have had ninety now, okay, but not me. But then you were in the Olympics and they kind of yeah.
We're talking about within actually within only nine years. Yeah, from age ten to nineteen, only ninety fights, so that's not really a lot of fights.
That's not a lot of fights. But you had dad. Yes, I come from alcoholm though.
I come from a very very experienced family, right, so yeah, I had more experience than everybody else.
Right, and you they had you, They had the d sharp from the from the get right there. What do you remember about that time? And you know, you're like one of the last of the Mohicans because you were a very active fighter. Now, Floyd, this whole generation, man, they don't want to fight you. I mean, you had you fight. I remember one time you fought like you fought like five times in one year.
No, I fought actually before before I fought for the title. I thought, I think a year and a half, not even two years. I fought seventeen times before two years. Look at that.
You'll never see that these days. And that's and that's that's uh, that's sad.
It's changed drastically. Boxing has changed drastically. I kind of feel like it's my fault when it when it comes to the money part, because now fighters want to get paid, but they don't really want to fight.
You're exactly right, and you know, I kind of give it your sands far as your fault.
But look, you did I did, I did fight the best, what you.
Fought the best. But I'm saying even before you got up there, like you just said, you fought seventeen times.
Before for the title, Yes, right before you fought.
They're not doing that now. They're not that active before they fight for the title. Even I see, like you know, young very talented guys like of course Stevenson or even Tank. These guys are not as busy as I feel they should be. I don't feel like they rob themselves and the fans of getting a lot of their prime. And it's just kind of frustrating to see this era. Man.
You know, boxing has totally Boxing has totally changed. It's been a drastic change. And I mean, you know, I had my era. You know, I had the Floyd Mayweather Air, which is is still the Floyd Maywether Air because fighters still want to, you know, they still want to they want to use my blueprint, which I'm not mad at. I mean that's a great thing for fighters to still use the Mayweather defense still want to be paid like Mayweather. But Mayweather fought the best and that's what these fighters need to do. They need to fight each other.
That's exactly right. I mean it being a fragmented sport. And obviously with the politics and all that, how much are the fighters Can they really demand these fights if they want the fights to really havepen Floyd, I.
Think whatever, what I think, just you know my take on it is what's her these fighters is the money were paying. We're paying these fighters a lot of money, but we're not getting a show that we really want. Whereas we had twenty four to seven, we had all access and with social media nowadays, with things being so accessible to different fighters like far as with television, computers, cell phones, I didn't have that when I was coming up, and so I was self promoted. And when I say self promoted mean that I got trucks and put my face on it. I spend my own money on billboards. So if you want to become huge, you want to become big, you must bet on yourself. And that's what I did. I bet on myself. Even like with my supplement line, I want athletes and just the normal people that work out every day get the supplement line. You need it. It's going to help you and you got to you got to realize the body. The body ages every day, so we have to continue to work out, and we were given so we're given so much, so much draining the body by working out, we had to replemage the body, so we had to put something back in the body. So that's why I started the one of one supplements.
I like that you brought it back to and me being in my fifties now, can't be lying about your age anymore. I think I need it more than ever. You're gonna have to hook your boy up. But you're right as far as getting older, you got to even focus and make your health a priority even more, both outside and what you put into your body. Yes, so that's good.
But I know, and I know, and I know you crazy. I mean, you're a hell of a box and you're hell of a boxing fan. You even you box a little bit.
I'll still get in there. I still get in I still be sparring in my fifties, which they say I shouldn't.
Who are you sparring?
I'm sparing all the dudes that due is the gym. We'll ever get in there with me? Who like other fighters or just other dudes that just you know what I'm saying, I want the winning head gear, you know what I'll just be getting now. I cut down a lot. So now I just maybe like once a week, maybe once every two because because you know, the body hurts and I'll be getting headaches and I've injured everything you can, you know all that. But it makes me feel young.
Well when I was when I was competing at that, when I was competing when I was young.
He said, sparking.
I want to say that, I want to say this when I was co des ice, when I was when I was young. I mean, I love the sport of boxing, but once you understand the business part, you look at it, you look at boxing in a total different way. Yeah.
No, of course I can imagine. But I mean you're like a savant, so I gotta imagine you still love the science.
Well I don't. I don't go to the gym and workout anymore.
You really, you don't. I thought I've been seeing videos you working out.
Absolutely not really once in a while, So once in a while I go, do it, we do an exhibition.
Is it because you don't like it or you just rather you did it for so long you just rather do something more.
I'm more of a basketball and football fan.
Yeah, no, I know, I know you like to love basketball. I'm still huh a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, you know. You know, I'm a little different from the other fighters far as with my investments, right, So I still I'm still able to live the same life I was living when I was fighting. No, I know, You've done a wonderful job.
At the highest level. So I'm blessed. I had a great team, great people around me, and a great thing about me was I picked the right pieces. Yeah, you know, to the puzzle. And I'm still like I said before, I'm happy. Every day I wake up. I chase happiness. You know, I don't chase I don't chase money. I chase happiness. And if you chase happiness, everything will be right there for you.
Hey, you conquered the game. Man, blessed right there.
I'm just curious, just as a fan right here too. Give me your mount rushmore, your top four opponents that you face that were just kind of either difficult styles for it or they just kind of made it. I mean, obviously we're vic Chorice, But I'm just saying, like, you know, you really had to work dificut.
I don't want to. I don't really want to put myself in a situation because you know, every time I say something, it always goes If I say something right now, it's gonna go viral.
So but like you want, it don't matter.
We we'll just say this in fifty fights, whereas you got so many different old school champions and old school fighters that paved the way, and a lot of fighters that I competed against, and it's just in my era. So what I want to say is this, Floyd Mayweather has beaten more Hall of Famers than any other fighter, and I did that in only fifty fights.
No, I'm very very well aware, So I was just curious. So actually, you don't want to rank the other four that because you already beat them sort of matter.
I don't want to do that.
Really, you don't want it's because you don't want to give them props or you don't want to, uh, you don't want to necessarily rate.
That I give every fighter that competing that that I competed against, I take my head off to them. I mean, I'm just I'm a scientist. I'm more I'm a scientist, you know, I operate. You know, it's calculated. Whereas I've seen something the other day. Uh what they was when they was talking about you know, certain fighters and about offense and defense. Of course, you know when I got later in my career, it was more defense. But remember I was always off I'm always the first thing. First thing, first is always cautious. Always be cautious and smart. Of course, unless you get hit, the longer you last in the sport. And that's that's really it, you know. But it's it's so many fighters out there right now to this, I mean right now, all the young fighters that's on the rises out there. I'm proud of these young fighters.
Okay, so let's talk about them for a second.
Let's talk about them.
Give me, give me, uh the fighter. You you know, you want to make sure you don't miss his fights when he's coming out right now. You know you hear you hear.
He's gonna fight you see you see.
Yeah, I like Key Sean like that whole division is tough right now.
You see your core? Yes, would let me tear Terrence Crawford? Yes?
Absolutely? Can I ask your opinion on the roach tank fight? I remember, can I interrupt? I remember when you broke your hand or you hurt your hand.
Well, I need to let the people know this what they need. People really need to know certain things. They said, Well, Floyd took a knee. I didn't actually take a knee. I turned around.
No, but I know you turned around because you hurt your hand, right.
Yes, but when I when I turned around, you know it was considered a knockdown.
You didn't argue.
I don't complain, I don't cry. I complain about nothing. That to do my job.
No, I know that's what I'm saying. You didn't argue. So that's but that to my point with that was a perfect example. Is you know you hurt your hand, right, yeah, and you turned around. You were in pain. Obviously it was the rest discretion. You didn't argue. They counted that. But shouldn't it count if you regardless of the reason, whether you get hit or not, if you take a knee, it should at least be a ten to nine, if not a ten eight. You certainly can't have your corner come up and start wiping your eyes and stuff on the apron. You know that.
Well, when someone when a corner get up hop up on an apron. That's that's either if you take a knee, that's considered a knockdown, which is two points, and if your corner hops up on the apron, that's a disqualification.
That's what I'm saying exactly.
So you have to look at certain things. Yeah, so you know, you look at the Devin Hackney situation that got overturned, But then you look at the Roach situation is not going to really get overturned because you have to look at who brings more to the table, and Javante brings more to the table than Roach. The business, so it's it's a business. So I knew that the New York Commission wouldn't overturn it. You know. But but but but it's really about it's really about being fair. You're exactly right. But a lot of times they look at this as a business. I said. That's why I said, on on the business side, it's totally different.
I agree. I agree. Hopefully they'll have that rematch. We'll get to see it again, see what happens. Your thoughts on huh the potential Canelo Crawford fight.
Canelo is in a no win situation. He's in a no win situation, and I know people want to say, well, what do you mean He's in a No. One situation because of this. If he be Crawford, they're going to say, you're supposed to be them, You're a lot bigger. And if Crawford beat him, it's going to turnish his legacy. So I mean, it is what it is. I mean. And then when you know, one time I spoke about you know, I know, at one particular time, Crawford was he was wanting to fight with Canelo, you know, extremely bad, and ben Avena and Benavidez wanted to fight Canelo really bad. And then when I spoke about Crawford and Benavidez connecting and fighting, everybody said, oh, Floyd is hating. Fighting is fighting exactly. Fighting is fighting. You got if if if you guys can't get if both of you guys trying to fight the same fighter, he don't want to get in the rank with none of you guys, then y'all fight.
That's the way it should be.
And then they said, oh, it's hating. It's not Hayten. I'm just I call a spade a spade. That's what I do.
Yeah, and that should be good business man. I can talk about fights all David, Damn, they make me go. I want to make sure everyone checks out the new fitness supplements.
You're great at You're great at You're great at this. So giveing the website all the details.
Everybody's gonna check out the new fitness supplements. You are one on one dot com. You are one on one dot com and of course you can get all the infod on with Mario dot com. I'm gonna check it out my yes.
And also I want to make sure I get because you work out, you stay in shape. I still still and you still look young, thanks Champing. So I want to make sure you and your team get supplements. And I just want to say, you know, thank you for having me on and I look forward to coming back. Well.
I appreciate that, and congratulations on your new venture and I look forward to uh. I look forward to checking it out in person. UH. Floyd Mayweather the man, thank you so much and again appreciated, Mario.
Keep up the great work
With Mario Lopez