Danny's a single parent while Jesse & Joey are in the woods, following their Disney princess dreams! Danny's dedication to the girls is unmatched, but we have to point out that there was a VERY simply solution to his problem. Oh well, the joke's gotta work and we love America's dad nonetheless!
Can we talk about these forest animals for a second?! How much did you love this episode as a kid for that sole reason? Jodie has some fun memories from set that you can't miss!! It's all right here on How Rude, Tanneritos!
I'm trying a center part, you know, so I don't look like a geriatric millennial.
But you know, you look adorable. But I think people should part their hair according to what they think looks best on them.
I do.
I actually really like a center part, but my hair did that when I put the headphones on.
So well, it looks good on you, but on me it looks terrible. I don't do a center part. And people are so devoted to the center part, and I'm.
Like, guys, center part is great if you have a really symmetrical face.
True, I do not. You don't.
Most people do, not know. Most people don't. Most people don't have a perfectly symmetrical face. So like when you party on the middle, I find anyway that it starts to bring out like things that are like you start to notice the two.
Halves aren't exactly the same.
I don't know, see, I just think when I think of center parts, I think of either Wednesday Adams or that famous painting with the farmer and his wife and they've got.
Like the American Gothic with the parts. She has the center part, like I think of do you know that they were actually brother and sister?
What? Yeah?
American Gothic. Uh, it's uh, it's a brother her husband.
And no, they weren't a I mean that's sort of the implication in the painting. But the actual people that post for the painting were were brother and sister, and they it was I wonder how they feel about center parts, you know, like I don't know.
I don't know, I don't know.
I'm sure everyone is just waiting with baited bread to find out.
Good morning everyone, How many drinks do you have? What do you what do you drink when we're doing these podcasts, because we're talking about how each.
I mean I have I have water because I before we podcast, I.
Go to the gym. I work out in my trainer at like eight in the morning.
So by the time I get back to start recording, I have hopefully stopped sweating and I'm still drinking water. Good and then of course the elixir of life coffefee.
Yes, I've got coffee today. I've got my normal peppermint tea and then my water. But today I was like, I'm a little tired today, so I'm going to have a second cup of coffee. So this this is an experiment.
Might be busy you're getting wild. Now watch out.
If I decide to have more coffee.
I'm us just like, do we need a second pot?
I mean, like, I don't know, pot turteen cups of coffee is probably good at I'm a d no, but I drink like half a pot in the morning.
Probably well all the But you you metabolize caffeine differently than I have that.
Weird twenty three and me thing where it was like you have a thing.
I'm like, okay, random, I didn't even know what that was, but yeah, that I I metabolized caffeine quicker, so it probably.
The eighth probably. Yeah. I know. I'm a one a day er. I can't like with my anxiety, I can't have more than that. And I just drink enough coffee than poop and then I'm done for the day. It's like, why bother drinking.
More Coffe'm so glad we got on this Wow Center parts and morning.
Everyone get this.
Welcome to HRT.
We are aging ourselves sentenced by sexion.
Everybody poops. It doesn't matter your age.
I can't give everybody. We're not even having this conversation. You know, Poop. I thought you're almost a direct.
Descendant from Dave Coolier. How do you not want to talk? Well, I know, I maybe we only talk about poop?
Is not I'm like, no, it's fine, we can.
I just feel like nobody, okay, we will not we won't talk about I was just explaining my coffee habits.
Which this is all eighties. I'm just gonna say.
She just asked me what I was drinking, and suddenly we're talking about poop. I don't know what the hell is happening, but uh, it's gonna be an interesting show.
What happens when I come to coffee I start talking about poop?
Oh boy, oh boy, Well we're in for it today.
Were so?
But how's your weekend?
It's been great. Holly had a birthday. This dog made it to eighteen years old.
Shot, she's an adult.
She can vote now, she can buy cigarettes like she is just Oh my.
Does she have just a cigarette hanging out of her mouth?
And some scratchers? Although no, Actually, if they raise the age, isn't it twenty one? Now twenty scratchers.
Or cigarettes for cigarettes? Oh that's good news, excellent? Yea great. No, I think the should raise the driving age, like just to keep you know, I think that anytime you can mature your brain more before you could decisions.
She could join the armed forces if she's so desired, she'd be really helpful. She at eighteen, but she'd be super helpful. But right, I mean yeah.
But like most adults, you know, her birthday was not a huge deal.
Like she's eighteen.
She can't really have any doggie cakes. I mean party, you.
Can really hear it if you're sang happy birthday to or anyway.
Just got kidney disease, so she can't have one of those little cakes. We just gave her extra like little kidney treats, and she hates other dogs, so we didn't have a party. So it's just like another day. And I'm like, yeah, welcome to adult. It's just another day now.
It's just it, right, this is it.
You're eighteen now, it's I know we always give we give Lisa uh some steak on her gotcha day because we don't know her actual birthday, so but we know we celebrate her little steak like she doesn't get treats on every other day of the week and the year.
Yeah, I want to come over for Lisa's Gotcha Day.
I want steak seriously.
Yeah, I can't believe Holly made it to eighteen though.
That's I know. We're thankful for every day we have her. We don't take it for granted. Yeah, that's why I didn't say anything like, oh, she's having it br I'm like, well, she's got to make it to.
February four Yeah. Yeah, you don't want to know, you don't want you don't want to start celebrating an eighteen year old dog's birthday before.
The day before. She made it. She's a Valentine baby February fourteenth, as far as we know. And yeah, she's she's a good little girl. She's very she's happy and help. So I'm happy today that she's she's my good girl.
Oh yeah, yeah, that's so cute. I love it.
So what have you been up to? What's what's going on in the week.
Did some did some girl Scout cookie boothing over the weekend?
Tell me about the booth.
It's a little bit easier now because the kids are older, so it's like, you know, whatever too, they can do boothing like on their own, like one parent or whatever to Scouts. But I was there, it was a little slow. We thought it might be a little bit busier on the holiday.
Weekend, but we did. We It's just been slow across the board, which I understand.
I understand it's you know, and also that they've been really promoting like why I'm online. Okay, you know, which kind of screws you if you're standing at the booth.
You're like, or here at your grocery store. But no, it was fine. Oh. I actually ran into.
Someone who had worked on Hollywood Darlings as a magic consultant. What we had a whole We had an episode where there was a magician, but it was an adult magician.
Anyway, it's a long story.
But he came up with his girlfriend and they were gonna buy stuff and he invited the girl.
Scout trop to the magic castle.
So I'm gonna we're gonna try and plan some sort of magic castle, like.
A little field trip. Yeah.
Oh that's so cool, Adam, Thanks Adam. It was fun.
Good dude, Adam. Oh that's so cool. Yeah, I love that.
But yeah, we did that.
And then recognize, here's my thing because I did the cookie booth for a long time. And if you're out like at the mall or in front of a grocery store, do you get recognized and then the more important question do you use it to your advantage when you're selling the helping the girls sell the cookies.
Uh. You know what's weird is I don't really think I've gotten recognized it.
Yeah. Wow.
Well I also.
I'm like, you know what I mean, like and I'm like sitting kind of off.
To the side, but I don't. I've never gotten recognized. And I think.
Because people are busy talking to the girls and looking at get the truth, and so I'm like, cool, I'm just gonna be over here. I mean, I think maybe one or two.
But but yeah, it's not Uh, it hasn't happened like a buck bush.
Okay, yeah I would. I would get recognized when I would do the girl Scout booths. But you know, I'm the cookie mom, so I'm like handling cash and like I'm you know, I said, oh, they want a selfie or whatever. I said, you know what I'm I'm working the booth right now, but I would love to take a selfie with you. And if you get a free autograph with every signed the box, I would just sign the cookie boxes right there over my autograph's the cookie box and they were thrilled, and so it was just like, you know, I'm still selling and I'm I'm providing to the fans. It's it was a win win.
For love everybody. Love it, win win for everybody.
Yeah, the Girl Scout counsel is listening, all right.
The Girls Scout counsels like that. It's very serious.
They're like they're like hoa's you know what I mean, Like they they are on the lookout for making sure you haven't crossed council boundaries for selling.
And you can't have like series, can't drag it to like the sports practice.
Yeah, no illegal wagons. No, no, you can't.
Don't be dragging a wagon the day before you can because it comes out in like you know, they.
Roll it out in uh phases. Oh yeah, anyway, these cookies, it was uh yeah, it was. It's just relaxing. You know.
It was the holiday weekend, so you know, the kids were off school Friday and Monday, and uh yeah it was it was nice, mellow weekends.
Cool, love it, love it, Glad you had.
A good all right, Well, I mean, do you think we've tormented everyone enough that we could finally get into an actual.
We stopped talking about poop, so they should appreciate that. And yes did we though, because now we were doing it again. I won't talk anymore about poop. How about that?
Every time you say it, you're talking more.
About poop, poop, poop, poop.
Oh my god, let's get to the show.
Welcome back to Howard tanneritos. I'm an overcaffeinated Andrea Barber.
And I am just along for the ride Jody Sweeten.
And today we're discussing season four, episode twelve, Danny in Charge, which I think is a take on Charles in Charge. I don't know, probably appropriate title. It originally aired December fourteenth, nineteen ninety, and it goes a little something like this. When Joey and Jesse take a trip, Danny is alone in caring for the girls for the first time. It's hard to believe this is his first time.
Yeah, I feel like he's I mean, before the guys moved in, he had to care for the girls and they were little, holy literal and wasn't wasn't yet able to dress herself, and you know, drivers.
Up, she wasn't a therapist yet she was still talk.
So like, I feel like Danny's done this.
Before, so too, but the storyline has to whatever you got to make it. You need a story, a storyline, and it's very relatable single parent woes or just you know, even if your spouse is out of town or whatever. It's it's hard to juggle.
All of a sudden, you go, oh, yeah, I actually.
Takes a village. Yes. Yes. It was directed by Joelswick, it was written. The teleplay was written by Boyd Hale and Scott Spencer Gordon, and the story is by Stacy Hurt. No guest stars this week, just uh.
Wow, just the well other than the animals.
Yeah, lots of animals. What was the animal budget? I was in Heaven that season like that. You had dogs a few episodes ago. Now we've got like every animal in the forest animal huge animal training budget.
I mean look season four Full House, ABC, we were doing You're good. That was that back in the days of network television, you know, and a nice long season.
Yeah they were. ABC was like, you've done a great job.
Yeah they got they got money for skunks, you know what I mean.
There's just that's yeah.
Man, I got we gotta get an animal trainer on here one of these days, because I got questions like I think they de skunk. They must have skunked this.
The way I think they removed the glands. We'll get pop'll get there. We're we're only we haven't even started the teaser.
But we're gonna talk about glands. This goes along.
A sorry guys today teeser Michelle's room.
You're just take over my job just because I'm so all over the place today.
Okay, we can switch. You can be me who's usually all over the boys, and I'll be the responsible one who actually keeps the show going.
We've switched bodies trade ease. We start in Michelle's room with the teaser. The guys are tucking Michelle into bed on the night of her birthday. It's still her birthday. She decides it isn't quite bedtime yet. Jesse complains, we've been celebrating all day since you woke up screaming, get up, it's my birthday. Joey lays down the law say good night, kid, but Michelle says, I'm not a kid anymore. I'm four years old. Danny gently explains that even four year olds need their sleep. He kisses her forehead and says good night. As the guys walk out, Michelle asks, are you sure there's no more presence? Danny nods the party's over. Then he turns off the light and closes the door behind him. A devious smirk crosses Michelle's face as she says, not for me. She pulls herself out of bed while singing Happy birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me. She pulls out a huge piece of chocolate cake from under her bed.
A bit concerned about Michelle's uh sugar binges, you know what I mean, Like it feels like like we're uh there's some disordered food choices maybe happen.
And we had DJ passing out for just weeks ago. Now Michelle is hiding chocolate cakes under her bed.
I mean, this is not a good message because obviously she carried it off the stairs by herself.
Well, no one's watching her race, I mean birthday, Like she's just had hours by herself.
She had plenty of time to get the contraband to her room. But this is this is consistent. She has loved cake for like seven episodes now, So I do love cake.
I totally understand, but I try not to hide it under my bed.
True anything for the kitchen, Yeah, anymore. Yeah, no, she loves her cake. But it's just is she really a direct descendant of Danny Tanner if she is hiding cake under her bed?
That, oh yes, because she is going She's going to be everything that Danny is not, you know what I mean, Like she's the baby and she's like, I'm just here to burn.
It all down.
She's a rebel. Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, that's right.
Come on, you've seen Michelle.
She she didn't give she doesn't give a flying about it.
She No, this is Michelle's house and we're all living in it. Okay, this is true.
We should have retitled the series.
At this point.
Well, I can't tell you how many people say they called it the Michelle Show.
Yeah, Michelle Show, Yes, all the which.
Is I mean, she almost demanded it, so I understand. She's very like like this is mine. Yeah, so I get it.
I get it. She was ruling with an iron fist, no doubt. So she stuff some big piece of cake in her mouth while finishing the song, and many more. You know, I'm kind of surprised you didn't devote a whole episode to Michelle's birthday, being such a main character at this point, she only gets the teaser. I mean, you know, we have twenty two episodes to fill for season fourth. Give one, give an episode to her birthday.
I'm sure we will at some point, oh for sure, to remember some sort of circus.
Already we do that.
We did that one was that Michelle's birth There were scary clowns.
That wasn't you. That wasn't Stephanie's birthday. That was Michelle's.
No, it was somebody's. It was Michelle's. And we got stuck in the thing in the garage. We've already was having a circus birthday.
We've had Michelle's burg al I've been there, done that.
She's good for never mind.
Yeah yeah, and we don't want to have any more terrifying clowns than we absolutely need to.
And those were horrific.
Yeah, never again. So next in the kitchen, Michelle joins her two older sisters at the kitchen table to see what they're up to. Stephanie proudly shows off her Science Fair project, which is made of various vegetables to replicate inside of a human brain.
I always just think about the prop person that had to make that happen.
I think Roger Montesano.
I always think Roger Manson was like, I've got to build a brain out of what.
So ourt department must just gets.
The weirdest request of like, okay, but I need like a Rube Goldberg machine, which is one of those like things that you know, you does this and then it drops here and then it does but like tomorrow, tomorrow.
Tomorrow, and then we need to be able to reset it for the next.
Taste, right right right, yeah, man, okay, can you please look up the anatomy of the brain and replicate it with crud tae.
Yes, yes, yes, okay. Well, if we can't find Roger Montsano, we should get Steve Jared, our prop prop master for Fuller House, would be great on the show. Make a note of that. So she is proud and Michelle looks at her perplexed. I got cauliflower in my head and DJ jokes, no, but you once put a Lina bean up your nose. Then Kimmy makes a grand entrance in a very colorful outfit.
I don't remember.
Out was Wow, it was a lot, there was a lot, it was it was a bold choice.
Dare I say it? Really?
I don't remember this episode in itself. But I remember this outfit because it is.
So well, it had like it's unforgettable.
Wait it is. It's bright, it's got like Wooly Wonka candy things. It's got racing stripe pattern like, it's just got a lot in denim of course, like anything.
Goes denim on denim on denim.
Yeah, just this the Canadian spray painted tuxedo.
Is what you were wearing.
It was a lot.
It looked like it's spray It was like spray painted though, you know what I mean, Like it looked that was like kind of what it looked like.
Its hey, it's it was trendy in some circles. I don't know what circles look you look adorable. Well, thank you to be fair.
Uh DJ in this episode looks like she's going.
To court or something like. I don't think like her wardrobe as as bold and bright as yours was. I was like, is she does she work in a mortuary?
What is like black pants and like a long sleeve like cream shirt.
I was just like, wow, really, we're like like a middle school or like middle schooler.
Okay, well, she's the editor of the paper. You know, she has to look like a boss woman.
She is serious.
You know she's gonna go straight from the yearbook room.
To the two of you together. I was like, wow, this is what.
A juxtavi Part two ends of the spectrum. So Kimmy greets the girls Buenos Dias last Tanna readas. Okay, doesn't have the same ring. It's not altos and it is no, no, it is not there. They were so fine.
Is this the first reference to Tanatas?
Yes? I think this is the first Tanna readA. They say she says Tanna read us, So the whole thing is still wrong.
But well, well not technically because she's referring to three women.
So technically tr would be.
If she were referring to the whole family, it would be loose.
Okay, see when.
Five years of Spanish rally around there, nice watch everyone's gonna go yeah, you're wrong.
No, but I was surprised that it was Tannatas.
I was surprised too. It threw me for a loop. I definitely for olat of tan ritos. But yeah, that's okay, boyin us DS last tanner Ritas. I'll take it for now. Kimmy takes one look at Steph's science project, and her face sours you sad looking breakfast. Steph smirks in response, this is what's inside your head half a brain and she laughs. Then Steph puts her califlower brain pieces into a tupperware container while telling the group, I don't want dad to see this until the Science Fair. So remember, you guys never saw my brain and Kimmy mok's I never saw it. Used anyway, they're building, They're building the frenemy ship. You know. It's yeah, yeah, yeah, it's deliberate.
We're getting the zingers in Steph, Kimmy, frenemy ship is.
Building, it's growing. I love it. Just then, Danny hurriedly walks into the kitchen and tells the girls to gather around for a family meeting. They all oblige, including Kimmy and Danny. Begins when Jesse and Joey left this morning to go shoot their commercial, it dawned on me, this is the first time we're gonna have a few days to spend together, just the four of us. Kimmy corrects him, you mean the five of us, and Danny shoots her a fake smile. Kimmy, I can count. He tells his daughters not to make dinner plans tonight so they can celebrate the occasion. DJ smiles, I'm there for you, Dad. Steph slings her backpack over her shoulder and reminds Danny not to forget about the science fair after school tomorrow. Danny nods he can't wait to see her surprise project. Michelle button, I know what it is, and Stephanie gives her a knowing look. Michelle corrects herself, no, I don't. Steph leaves and Kimmy and DJ start to gather their things to head out too, but Kimmy reveals, I got so caught up in this family togetherness, I almost forgot. Kathy Santoni is home with the stomach flu.
Girls Santoni, Oh, it's always Kathy's.
It's always Katy, always Kathy Santoni. Yeah, she is the one that's driving the plot every single time. You know, he's a great plot device. So the girls are ecstatic about this. They shout all right in high five. Danny hears this and decides to lend some fatherly advice. It's not nice to celebrate your friend's digestive disorders, but DJ explains, I'm her understudy. This means I get to be Juliette in the Drama Festival, and Danny shouts, all right, Anny high fives DJ. DJ tells him it'll be this Wednesday afternoon, and Danny says, I wouldn't miss it for anything. He gives her a kiss and heads over to Michelle to get her ready for preschool. He slips a card again on to Michelle while her arms stick straight up in the air, and then he recites his schedule for the day after.
I had to say, though, I was.
I was like, so, she can't put on a sweater, but some but she's been getting herself dressed and her hair done and all this suff but now suddenly she I guess the implication is that someone gets her dressed in the morning, but we know that's not true.
But we know that's not true.
Danny is just Danny's no, he's just going through the motions.
She doesn't be She's like, oh, I'll pretend like I can't do anything, you know what I mean. She's like, I know that I can like drive a car and make a martini, you.
Know, right, otherwise she might get caught with her her cake upstairs. A little bit absolutely makes sense now, So after he drops off Michelle. He will head to work, then do the marketing, clean the house, send Kathy Santonio get well card, and still have time to put a hot dinner on the table. He carries Michelle to the door and boasts impossible for the average father, yes, but not for.
Me, because I'm Superdad.
He flips Michelle into the Superman flying position and flies her out of the house, singing, Superdad, you can eat right off my floor. Superdad boy he is. He's really got a can do attitude about you know, he doesn't seem stress so excited about this multitasking single parent thing. You know. Yeah, I admire him. I would be yelling at people.
I'd be like, ah right, yeah, I'd be like, I have to do this all on my own.
Now he's excited to show off, uh you know, his multitasking skills.
Yeah. Well, and he just loves being a dad. So I do love that about Danny Tanner. So after they leave, DJ looks at Kimmy and realizes, wait a minute, Tomorrow is Wednesday. How can dad be at Stephanie's science fair when it's the same day as my drama festival. Kimmy shows no concern. He can be in two places at once.
He's super bad, been there and that was such a relatable thing when you're like, oh, they both have a thing on the you know.
Who like is so relatable. Yeah, so relatedle doesn't.
Matter how the kids open house and you're like, oh, I got you know, usually they'll give you time, like to go to two classrooms or something. But yeah, if your open house or they're back to school night all is on the same day as the one in high.
School or whatever, it's a bess.
Oh yeah, it's true. And and your kid will always give you a guilt trip. Like to this day, Felicity still talks about how I missed her kindergarten circus ring Master per Foreman, And I'm like, you're seventeen, you're still talking about kindergarten.
Oh, That'll hold on to that for yeah forever.
Like my mom didn't love me, she didn't see my circus performance, right, And you're like, I what, I've given you everything, right.
That's what she'll say at my funeral. You she'll put it in my friend.
Yeah, it's already in the funeral. Yeah.
Yeah, she's just written down her funeral file for you.
Is just every time that you've done something wrong, all.
Of the disappointments I've created.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, because that's what we do to our mothers, for moms, foor moms.
So next we are in the middle of the woods.
This entire storyline is so it's weird, like were they running out of ideas?
Like what who came up with this? And this isn't like a low budget thing like that set the animals, like this was a big budget for a for a bee storyline.
Yeah, And it's just I just I was like, why are they why are they in the middle of the woods.
Now their nature I thought they were advertising guys. Now they're nature photographers.
Well, the fox is part of the commercial. I know what they're advertising, right.
But if a director's doing a commercial, first of all, they're director is also which kudos.
To them, But like, I wouldn't assume that someone who.
Could direct a commercial would also be able to do some like nat geo sort of photography.
You know what I mean.
They needed to outsource some of this for sure, but they are taking initiative. Yeah, they don't want to just in his leather jacket and boots in the forest that don't spec a dust on him though, clean just he Yeah, I was shocked.
How did they get out there and just sleeping bags on the ground, like not a tent.
Now there's no tent, there's no shelter, there's just you know, they're they're rough in it. They are roughing it all to catch this fox in the wild. Because why work on a set with an animal trainer when you can just go out.
When I do that, or get stock footage because I'm pretty sure they still had stock footage at that you know what I mean? That would have been to me the simpler and cheaper way to do this.
But you know what, I'm not an.
AD executive director, wildlie photographer, So yeah, you've never done an AD pitch with puppets in a boardroom, so you know, we.
Can't really Actually I have no the.
Hole people I could actually see, you know what?
You would be the one to go into like a pitch meeting with puppets.
Yeah, that's on brand for you. Jesse enjoyers standing quietly behind a tree while their camera equipment is positioned in front of a small hole in the dirt. But Jesse has had enough already. He storms out from behind the tree and announces We've been out here for three hours. The fox is not coming out. I hate it out here straight out of the gate. Like the level of aggression.
I mean again, Like here's now Jesse's yelling in the woods. Now you know, we got Jesse upset in every location.
Now DJ's upset, but it's really Jesse's up Jess upset. Jesse upset for like most of season four and one and two and three. So Joey remains calm as he reminds Jesse to be patient. He runs him through their commercial idea again. Once that fox pops his head out of the hole and zips across the forest, we'll hear fox fax machines for a fast fax facts with a fox, and Jesse sneers, forget the fox. I'm freezing my fanny. Joey unzips his giant puffy jacket and lends it to Jesse for warmth. Jesse snatches it from him with aggression. Joey tells him to mellow out. Animals can sense bad vibes, right, Like this is true? Like animals, Yeah, they're like, oh, you're yelling?
Why am I going to come out of my wool? Yeah?
He's the foxes clothe.
It's like sort of nocturnal, Like, don't they gonna come.
Out at Oh yeah, I think they do. Well, let's not like these guys did research on habits of foxes.
They found a fox hole. They all like, they were like, well, this is a foxhole. They obviously know that.
They know that. Yeah, well, how did you know it's not like a like a raccoon hole or a coyote hole or some other type of wildlife hole or you know, I know what you're thinking. I'll stop saying the word hole. So Joey decided, okay, so Jesse mocks him and Joey he tells Joey to shoot some good vibes into the hole so the fox will come out and play again.
One of those things where I'm like, I know that, yeah.
Oh yeah, that was a thing that they said. So Joey decides to do just that. He bends down in front of the hole and does his mister Woodchuck impression, hoping that that will lure the fox out of the hole. Then the impression doesn't provide the intended results, Jesse snaps cut the voic, says, stick your hand in there, and yank the fox out. Joey shouts back, no way, I know my cartoons. I stick my hand in there, and he gives me a stick of dynamite. Jesse scowls at him and tells him to get out of the way. He marches up to the hole and yells, all right, you furry faced rodent, get your little fox buns out here right now.
Jesse again, just the peak of emotional.
Boston. Boston foxes around ye yelling.
Animals didn't even do anything.
So when the fox doesn't appear, Jesse size they don't listen, so he demands the head out of these woods and just get the shot at the zoo.
Probably smarter. Why didn't we start there?
Because they're not going to get a permit, Like are they? You think they're gonna plan in advance and like get permission.
Well no, they just shoot it on a little camp quarter, you know what I mean. Yeah, gorilla style. I mean that's a little confusing, it Yeah, gorilla.
Style at the zoo with a gorilla with a U g u e.
Yeah. At the end, So Jesse bends down to retrieve his things, but he comes face to face with a skunk.
So cute skunks are adorable.
He really is cute. I mean terrifying, but it's cute. Joey warrens, no, sudden moves. You scared that skunk? He sprays us, and we don't go on a date for a year. Jesse calmly asks the skunk to excuse him for a moment, and he offers the tiny creature to use their roll on deodorant if needed. Then he frantically grabs onto Joey and tells him to do something. Joey thinks for a moment and realizes he speaks skunk, so he tries out his pepe le Pew impression on the little guy. I love Peppy leap like, this was a great impression.
I laughed aloud the little the little French skunk, and.
Though the impression doesn't to wow the skunk, it lures the fox out of his hole.
Who knew he was a peppular Fu fan. He's like, I don't, yeah, don't wood Chuck me ide a skunk.
He's into The Skunk's not the Woodchucks. So Jesse notices this and urges Joey to turn on the camera to capture it, but Joey shakes his head, no way, I'm not getting skunked, thankfully. The skunk starts to walk away, but the fox has the same idea and flees in the opposite direction. Jesse tries to shout after the wild animal, but it obviously doesn't obey his command. Jesse wonders, now what do we do? Joey suggests they sit and enjoy the beauty of the forest at night. He loves the forest sounds in particular, and tells Jesse to listen. Joey surprises him between a cricket imitation, then he does an owl, and then he imitates the flapping of wings in the distance.
Basically, this is just a scene with excuses for Dave to do voices.
Maybe that's the point of this whole storyline, is just he can do his.
Voices, you know, Yeah, Dave can do his voices, and the skunk, a woodchuck, a fox, I don't know, all sorts of fantastic, mister fox, and yeah, all sorts of things.
Yeah, he'll meet his quota just in this scene alone. It's fantastic.
Can you imagine though, if somebody actually did voices like that all the time, you know what I mean? At some point I get it, Jesse, I would snap, I.
Will stop it. True. I mean, yes, I can understand Jesse's gets impatient with this, but I'm sure the girls love it, like they're living with Joey and he's always doing the cartoon voices. So I bet he's a hit with the elementary school set.
I feel like Michelle is very judgy though. Michelle's like, yeah, yeah, she's just very much over it. She'll tolerate it, but only if she gets cake, you know. Good point.
Yeah, So Jesse smacks Joey upside the head and tells him knock it off. Jesse complains about how much he hates the woods, so Joey tries to lighten his spirits. You just have to open yourself up to the natural beauty that surrounds us. But Jesse's not convinced. There's no central hating, no pizza delivery, and no place to plug in my blow dryer. Ah, this is why he doesn't like it. He reminds Joey that there's no people out here because as soon as Man invented cars, he drove out of there. Joey asks why he feels the need to yell yeah, yes, yes, Joey.
The first intelligent thing that you've said in this entire scene.
Why are you yelling, Jesse?
Why are you what you even need to yell all the time? I don't know, yelling small forest animals?
I mean, good lord, Yeah, he's running out of things to yell at, so he's resorting to small forest animals. So Jesse responds by yelling at him, and yells at the poor creatures too, and Jesse spits back at least I don't talk to them in stupid little voices. I hate to burst your bubble, but very few of these animals have ever watched cartoons. Joey is shopped at this cruel remark. You are really starting to bum me out? Are you happy? I was in a great mood and you just ruined it? A smile spreads across Jesse's face. Actually, I do feel a little bit better. Yeah, like this is I don't know. I'm still trying to understand the point of this storyline, and I'm like, normally, I would think when writers put people into a forest or nature, there's usually an element of danger or escaping something or hiding from something. But no, it's just the danger is what Jesse's temper.
Getting skunked that's the decay, okay.
And Jesse hates it, and then it gives him someplace to go because they you know, then he's.
Like, oh, look at the beautiful woods.
He's a cheaping heart, so that gives him something. And they also need something that's going to keep the guys out of the house overnight. Oh okay, that's the whole The entire thing is that they need the guys to stay uh like out of the house. And you know, we've already had people locked in a auto garage, so we get we're running out of places to leave people, right.
The writers had to get creative, all right, Well that makes that makes more sense. This isn't a high stakes storyline. This is just.
Like a but the point is that they need to be gone for like a day and a half. Yeah, okay, all right, so he can have his Superdad moment.
Yeah he's all about Superdad. Yes, uh speaking of Superdad. In the kitchen, Danny is setting the table when Michelle walks downstairs. She happily waves hi Daddy, and Danny is happy to see her. He asks if she would like to be Daddy's special helper by helping him finish setting the table. Michelle nods, it will be my pleasure. Danny giggles and then gets cut off by the dryer buzzing. He realizes the clothes are dry and grabs the hamper to unload them, but just then the oven bell dings. Danny grins, ooh, my famous tuna noodle casse role. Well, the hamper still rests in one hand.
Wait, did you just make a face about tuna.
I know this sounds so gross, and I love tuna. I did make a face tuna noodles. And my mom used to make something like this too, and I was like, I don't know, just some doo. Tuna and noodles don't go together for me. I need like a bread or a biscuit or okay, something just okay. I don't know.
It was just shocked because I know your love of the tuna melt and you're like tuna noodle. I was like, oh, there's lines that.
We don't I have lines that I won't cross it I get a tuna. So just then the phone rings. He ditches his other tasks so he can get to the phone in time. He answers, Hello, super Dad, and it turns out it's Becky tell Becky he doesn't need her housekeeper because this single parenting thing is a piece of cake. Then another bell chimes from the kitchen. He states, oh, gotta go, that's my vegetable medley. Then all the buzzers and timers start to go off at the same time, causing Danny to panic. While the phone is still attached to his ear, he tells Becky he needs to go now because his shorts are cooked and his noodles are dry. He pulls two heart on the phone and the cord unplugs from the wall. It's mayhem. He quickly turns off all the buzzers and timers, and then Michelle catches his attention. He asks what she's doing, and she stands next to the table, proudly being your special helper. She places a container of baking soda onto the table, next to every other condiment she has managed to pull out of the fridge. Danny asks her to put the condiments back in the fridge, preferably how she found them, in alphabetical order. Then DJ and Kimmy walk in, giving Danny a pleasant greeting. He walks up to DJ and beams Juliette. How was rehearsal.
Have you never seen two middle schoolers walk in that happy.
Yeah and willing to talk to the adults? Yeah?
Was like, oh hey, I was like, no middle schooler ever does that? They walk in eh?
Eh, I w was school and then maybe my way up to the room. R. Yeah. This is not true to life people. So DJ admits that rehearsal was hard work. She must have done that kissing scene with Romeo fifteen times. Danny's jaw drops fifteen times, and DJ shrugs, I had a lot of catching up to do. But you're coming tomorrow like you promised, right, and he doesn't hesitate. I will be there in the front row with a bucket of cold water. Danny looks over at his youngest, who has loaded the condiments and all of the place settings into her tiny chopping cart. He asks, why did you clear everything from the table, and she responds, you said put everything back. She's not wrong, you know she is not wrong. He ryan's her. I meant the condiments, not the plates and silverware, and Michelle says, through gritted teeth, this is not my fault. Danny agrees with her to take she's had enough. I don't blame her. You know, she's just like, I work for free in this house. I give you guys free mental health. And I'm asked, yeah, yeah, this is just this is too much of an ask. So just then Stephanie runs down the stairs with enthusiasm. Let's eat. I gotta put the finishing touches on my science project. Danny offers, if you need any extra help, Superdad is here for you. Stephanie thanks him, but says he can't see the project until tomorrow at the science fair. Danny's eyes widen tomorrow Wednesday, and stephan nods, which prompts Danny to turn to DJ. Isn't that when you're doing Romeo and Juliet? DJ nods, and Kimmy sarcastically says, bingo super Dad. Danny looks between both of his daughters and apologizes, Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I promised you both. Stephanie argues, you promised me first. DJ retorts tell her you're coming with me, Dad. Stephanie shouts no, tell her you're coming with me. Jimmy decides to get in the middle of this, telling Danny this would make a great game show. Mister t Hoodia love more Danny grabs her shoulders and begins to push her out. Let's say, what's behind door number one?
Would you look at that? It's the exit, and closes the kitchen door behind her. DJ continues this argument, addressing Danny, you said you wouldn't miss me playing Juliet for anything. Danny realizes, yeah, he did say that, but he doesn't know, and Stephanie cuts him off. You're not coming to my science fair? How could you do this to me? Steph runs upstairs before Danny can explain, and DJ is smiling at her dad with approval. Good choice, dad, Danny points.
Out, something like an older sibling to just enjoy the pain of the other one.
That's not kidding what they want. There's no empathy, there's no.
The one walks away crying, they're.
Like, ah good, Yeah, they do not feel bad at all, just like I just want to win. When so, Danny points out, well, he didn't actually say he was going with her, and DJ shouts, but you promised me. Danny nods with understanding, but DJ's not having it. Fine, break a promise. Why don't you just go with Stephanie? And then she storms away too, And these girls are acting so bratty, you know, it's like, this is what happened.
You're like, Oh, the day's going along so well, I've got everything done and then all of a sudden, it just the bottom falls out and you're like, oh, I screwed it all up.
Yep and bless.
This was the moment when Danny was very relatable, when everything was just sideways and the kids were arguing, and you're like, oh, I literally can't do anything right. Yeah, you can't, he can't win. This is you're right, so relatable. We have all been here. Yeah.
So, before Danny can follow the girls upstairs, Michelle calls after him. I set the table again, and Danny tells her they are not eating right now. Michelle throws her arms in the air, complaining he's driving me bananas, and then she goes upstairs with them.
Did he ever get the stuff out of the stove?
No? That comes later, right, No, when he takes brain out some Yeah, that's the next scene.
Yeah, No, he didn't.
This stuff still stuff still burning? Maybe or well, I'm just saying I don't know. I'm gonna say he doesn't matter.
It doesn't again, I'm picking at things that don't matter.
But I just he like left the room after all the panic about the hamper and the.
Food and the stuff, and then didn't didn't do any of it.
No, technically, wouldn't it still be like dinging and beeping and doing stuff.
He turned the timers off, so I don't know, but he did drop that super dad bit really fast like this, Yeah, straight to reality.
Yeah, you'd be like, wow, I really feel stupid.
Saying that now. So upstairs in the hallway, Danny urges the girls to talk to him. At that moment, DJ bursts out of the shared room and shouts at Stephanie, I'm sick of you wrecking my life. I'm sleeping in Uncle Jesse's room. Steph gives a stern nod fine and slams their bedroom door shut, and then DJ yell's fine and slams Jesse's door shut down the hall Michelle stands in her bedroom doorway and screams fine before slamming her doorshut just like her sisters did. Danny questions Michelle, why are you What are you mad about? And Michelle opens the door with a grin I'm not mad. I like this game, and then she frowns and shouts fine. Before slamming the door shut again. Danny sighs with defeat. You know, this is the perfect amount of Michelle like for this age four, Like she's cute, it's now and then. But it's not like they're giving her the weight of a whole storyline to carry age like. This is just the right amount of Michelle, the right balance. They're doing it right. So next in the kitchen, Danny has wrangled all of his daughters to the dining table to figure out this dilemma. He reminds them, we have two events and one parent. You know my motto. When life gives you dilemmas, you make dilemma.
Oh man, I'm pretty sure that's why Beyonce named her album that.
Yes, give full Hops the credit please, Yeah?
Yeah, yeah.
But so shockingly no one laughs and Stephanie points out that he is obviously stalling. Danny. Siys, before I tell you my decision. You both understand that I love all of my girls exactly the same. You know that, don't you? And stephan dj oh, for sure, depending on how they're.
Acting, you.
Would you like them differently depending on I love you the same, I like you differently, Yes, I tell my kid like Hey, I don't like you today, this behavior all know.
I will always I love you, I do not like what you're acting.
Like, yes, that's so true. So Danny turns to DJ and says, I'm sorry, I cannot go to your play, and Stephanie shouts yes. Danny turns to steph and continues, I promised you i'd go to your science fare before I even knew about DJ's play. But DJ's obviously hurt, So that's it. You're not coming. Danny tries to reconcile. I promise the next time you're on to play, I'll see it twice.
You gotta you know, stephan got there first.
It's true. I agree with this decision. I really don't.
I do too, And it's a hard one. Like it's hard.
I've been there when it's like one has a performance and one has a game, and you're like, oh.
No, you just have to choose one and promise the other one you'll show up next time. There's nothing else to do, so Danny says he hopes that they can all have a nice dinner tonight as a family, and he stands up and tries to shed some light on this storm. I made my fabulous tuna noodle casserole, and some absolutely glorious steamed vegetables.
Oh, every child's favorite.
Get excited, girls, right yeah. He uncovers the pot with the veggies and Steph sticks her fork in to grab some. To her surprise, she pulls out her cooked cauliflower brain replica. She screams when she witnesses this. This was my science project. Danny asks, you made a side dish for your science project, and she clarifies it was a brain and you boiled it. Danny is shocked. I'm so sorry. I thought Uncle Jesse left it for us for dinner. Uncle Jesse would not leave you vegetables or cauliflower.
And also if you saw a cauliflower with things toothpicked in specific places like that, wouldn't she be like, this looks this looks like someone did this for a reason.
Yes, yes, And to be honest, it didn't even look ruined, like it just looked. I just wish which a brain is so it.
Liked more accurate.
It might it's you can just say like this is like one half of the brain.
You know, you make and then you go and then this is your brain on drugs. Yes, squishy one this is.
A lesson, right, you see this is this is not the crisis that they're making it out to be. So so dj sarcastically says, ugh, this is a real tragedy. Speaking of tragedies, Romeo and Juliet is one of the best. Steph rolls her eyes. I guess Dad can go see it now, and Michelle chimes in, I'm hungry. Can I have some brain please? And Danny hands it to her. So back in the woods, the sun has risen and Jesse is chipper as ever. He says hello to all of the forest animals before kneeling by Joey, who is still in his sleeping bag. Jesse recaps his morning, which included watching a beautiful sunrise by the lake.
And getting is closed directly, apparently because he is still spotless.
He's still spotty in his leather coat.
Yeah all black, by the way, and not just not a piece of lint on.
Him, No, not a speca dust nothing.
I'd love to go camping like that. I'd be great.
So when he receives no response, he opens Joey's sleeping bag and starts ruffling his hair to get him to wake up. Joey groans, at the sunlight and admits he didn't sleep a wink. Apparently, an army of ants turned him into an all night salad bar.
Oh I had that happen in Panama. It's not fun.
Oh, getting attacked by ants.
Yeah, like biting outside in the rainforest. Yeah, well there was one incident with biting ants. But then also like something sticky got left up.
Oh. I bet they're bigger in Panama too, Are they like those big.
Red Well, there was like the little ones and then yeah, then there's the big like you can see the little pinchers on him. Oh, you got to flick off anyway. I was like, oh, it just brought back memories.
I was like, oh yeah, oh God, ants in your bed when you're sleeping outside is not fun.
You're like, oh, yeah, that's right. So it seems that Joey and Jesse have had a role reversal. Now Jesse's trying to cheer him up by pointing out all of the wonders that lie within the forest. Joey is really confused. Did you have a close encounter with a wood fairy? Jesse shakes his head and admits, I was just thinking about what you said. I never realized how beautiful nature really is?
Very true?
And what prompted this change of heart? Was it like you just got a good night's sleep or what like?
I guess I mean, apparently just some rocks in your back is all you need to you know, the show had a great sleep, and now he has fallen in love with the woods.
It all it takes is a sunrise over a lake and he's he's fully young.
You know what, I'll take it. I'll take it because at least he's not yelling at forest animals.
This is true. Let's not question it. Let's just take it as Jesse's happy.
Great, everyone's gonna have a good day. Yeah.
So Jesse tries to rub off his good mood onto Joey and tells him to do a voice. He picks up a twig from the ground and suggests, do mister twig. How does mister twig talk? And Joey stares at him utterly unamused. Twigs do not talk, and Jesse wonders, and why not in the words of mister woods, and then he imitates the Woodchuck stands and begins his impersonation. They're made of wood.
I think Jesse got a hold of some mushrooms on the poor You know, he is entirely too happy, entirely too happy all of a sudden, that makes glorias. We're all one. You're like, you ate a mushroom, didn't you?
If he's doing the woodchuck voice, absolutely sure, this makes three more sense than a good night's sleep or a sunrise. Yes, he is eating wild mushrooms. So Joey can't help but chuckle at this impression, and then he does his own mister Woodchuck impression. They do look pretty appetizing. He thanks Jesse for cheering him up. He knows he was being a crab. Jesse apologizes for being a crab too. Then he suggests they go on a hike and Jesse can show him the lake nearby. Joey nodds, I'll grab a couple of granola bars, some toilet paper, and then we're out of here. They start to gather.
The paper was a very prominent thing in the background. By the way, did you notice I did not know shot.
No, it was, but like it was a role.
But then it was like pulled out and like kind of over some twigs, and I was like, did we.
Need to see the toilet paper like that. I don't know.
Everybody boops, it all comes back. I should have just shut my mouth. Hey, that's what you get. You know, it's accurate, it's true to life. So they are start they're gathering their belongings, and Joey starts whistling Happy Trails. The guys start to sing the song in unison, and this prompts a little bunny to hop over to them. They continue to sing, and a raccoon appears by Joey's head, and then a possum shows up nearby.
Oh, I think possums are cute. They are cute.
They I think it all. They're furry.
They've done and I have pictures somewhere of me and that raccoon. You do, yeah, because they the trainers. Whenever they bring animals on set, I like one of the things that you know, every kid wants to I want to be a veterinarian. And then you find out they have a really high rate of yeah anyway, so yeah, yeah, yeah, well anyway, So they would bring all these cool animals in and part of like what the teachers would do is have them like come in or I'd get to go out, and they'd like, tell us all about the animals. So I have this cute picture of this little raccoon like with its face or its hands like on me.
Yeah, it's really cute.
They are cute.
I mean they are and smart.
They're smart. They're known as dangerous. I don't know if that's great, but maybe just dangerous to other animals.
Not dangerous, no, And I think people also think of them as like rabid, like if you see them, they're you know what I mean, like they're going to attack you, and it's like, no, they just are looking for your trash.
Yeah, they just they want trash, right, yeah? Or rodents? Do they eat little rodents? I don't even know what they eat, but.
Trash, I'm not sure. I'm not sure, but but I I yeah, there, I don't know. It's a good question. Have to look that up.
And how do okay, so how do they how do you deskunk a skunk? Let's get back to this very important topic.
Oh, I mean I I look, I'm again not.
A vet, as I said, but I believe there are like.
Little glands in the rear uh side of the skunk uh and that that is what shoots out the the scented stuff.
Okay, So I believe it if.
You remove those you that you basically have deskunked the skunk, so like people that have them as pets or things like that, or trained ones. I don't know if you really train a skunk, if you just kind of let it do whatever skunks do. But yeah, I believe that you that that is how it's done. But please someone correct me if I'm wrong, be like, you know nothing about veterinary science, and I will agree with you, and uh yeah, but I think that that's what happens. So it's just about the time I had two skunks in my driveway that wouldn't let me pull in the middle of the night.
I had a five minute stand off with a skunk in my driveway like one in the morning. It was ridiculous.
Wow, they're balls.
They were in my driveway and I was gonna pull in. No parking on my streets. So I'm like, it's one o'clock more, I'm like, yeah, pull in, and it's just there are they stared at it, which it's yeah, tails up and I'm like, oh great, so and I can't honk.
At them right right one in the morning, and they will they will. So I'm like, oh god, we're rolling down the road.
I'm like systems like trying to like scare you, but I'm not gonna want to scare them, you know.
I sat in the car and stared at these two skunks who didn't move for minutes.
Wow. Yeah, normally you think they'd be scared of a vehicle or a human.
Well, I think they were, which was why they stood frozen and had their tails up and They're.
Like, we were coming for you. And so I was like, okay, I just I just want to pull the driveway.
You guys can go over the Tober's house.
Yeah. It was like just a little just like a foot over, you know.
And I was worried to get out of the car, I know, because they're unpredictable. But when you see, my dad.
Got skunked as a kid living at Tomato Juice a couple of years ago.
I let her out at like five in the morning to go putti and she just made a beeline for this skunk or is it sprayed her right in the face. And I didn't know, like I did everything wrong. Apparently you're not supposed to bathe the dogs after they get skunked.
Because it sets in the tomato juice, the acid.
I think, yeah, the tomato juice.
You did this in fuller No, I was gonna say, remember when I was in a vat of tomato juice holding a baby?
Yes, yes, see, I didn't have any tomato juice on hand. I just threw Hollie, who was like she had like the skunk juice in her eye. I felt so bad, and so I threw in the bath and she smelled for a long time, and it permeated the whole house, even though it happened outside. Poor kids were like, oh, and then they had to go to school and their friends were like, you smell like pot. And I'm like, it was just a bad, bad situation all around. So who there you go, folks, there's your your skunk knowledge tales of the day. There we go, Where the heck are we?
So we got possums, we got raccoons.
We got bunnies.
The bunnies to deer walk over, and then a bird lands on Jesse's arm, and finally the fox appears outside of the hole. Jesse continues to sing the melody of Happy Trails, but replaces the lyrics to slyly tell Joey to grab the camera and film their furry friend. Joey does as he's told, and the film's the fox. As the two of them finish their song, the other woodland animals stay right by them too, and the crowd cheers at this incredible moment.
They became snow white.
Yeah, snow white. It was. It was a great little nod.
It's so cute. It was so cute.
That was like my dream as a kid to like go into the forest and just put my hand up and have a bird land on it.
Oh you know, I was.
Like, I just want so bad. Yeah, man, Yeah, this was a.
Great he was really cute, really ridiculous storyline that didn't make any sense because if they grabbed the camera.
Today to get the fuck, why didn't they just do it tomorrow or yesterday? What anyway, Well, skunk is whatever. It was a ridiculous storyline, but I'll let it slide because they were cute. For the animals, they were cute.
Joyce was a good payoff, and we weren't in those scenes. To hear Joel Zwick, the director, yell, I'm sure can you imagine him shooting this scene?
With each individual shot the animals, each individual shot of the skunk and the possum, and just him freaking out in the booth about like get the yeah, I need the skunk, the fight forward, yeah.
Oh joel uh So. Back in the kitchen, Danny is reading the newspaper. When DJ hops down the stairs. She greets him by saying, hark, oh, father, my first scene beginneth at three point fifteen. Be thou not late. Danny responds in the same tone, I'll beeth there. Then DJ's demeanor shifts as she looks at the cauliflower brain sitting on the table. She asks that, what's that doing here? I thought we ate it. Steph shows up at that moment and looks up the vegetable in awe, my brain, it's alive, Danny adds, and uncooked. I stayed up all night finishing it. Steph grins. I know that looks like a ten minute project, Like, really, you just need some toothpicks and come on, Danny.
Anna bell pepper, maybe a baby tomato here and there, you know. Anyways, he's making it way more complicated than it needs to be typical Danny fashion.
Uh so grin. Steph is excited. This works out great, you can come to my science fair. She gives Danny a big hug, and DJ is upset. Yeah, it worked out great for you, Danny clarifies, And for you, I figured the whole thing out. Steph. If I go to your science fair and leave at exactly four eighteen thendeed, I'll make it just in time to see your second scene. But DJ bursts his bubble in the second scene. Juliette's dead. Too bad, you can't see me when I'm alive. She turns to leave and gives her dad a sad goodbye, and Steph reveals some not so great news too. You're gonna miss the judging, which is pretty much the reason for going. She grabs her cauliflower and heads out, also giving him a disappointed goodbye.
Also a relatable parenting moment. Yeah, when you've.
Literally been like, no, I've got it, everything's gonna be great, and then they're like, actually no, it.
Still sucks someone. They're both still upset. Someone is always upset, like gonna.
You can't make anybody happy, And that's at that point, that's just when you go, you know what you're everybody, Yeah, it's fine, I'm just not I'm not gonna do it anything.
I'm gonna go take anyway, make it equal. Question, though, why didn't he just switch the order go to DJ's for the first act of DJ's play, and then go to Stephanie's judging, which presumably is in the second half of the evening. Like that seems like a.
Simple Well, this is this is why moms do things.
This is n just kidding some great dads out there too.
Yeah, but it very true where you're like just flip it.
Yeah, we're problem solvers. But you know that's the storyline has to work, So storyline's got to work.
So up in Michelle's room, Danny follows Michelle into her room, and Michelle says, let's play Horsey. You be the horse, but Danny's eyes are heavy as he admits how tired he is. But Michelle can't take a hint and responds, Okay, I'll be the horse, and she starts walking on her hands and knees, making horse noises, but Danny scoops her up and announces I have a better idea miss ed. Since we've got an hour before the science fare and the play, why don't you lie down and take a little nap Michelle argues, I don't want to take a nap, but Danny's not messing around. He responds, Danny, Daddy doesn't really care. Daddy had a hard day at work. Daddy was up all night performing third grade brain surgery. He places Michelle onto her bed with no ifs, hands or butts, and decides he'll lay down with her for a couple of minutes too. In one instant, Danny is fast asleep and Michelle is surprised. She says Daddy, but he doesn't respond, so she decides to sweetly sing rock Goodbye Daddy to him. She covers him with a blanket and gives him a little kiss on the nose before saying good night, and then she hops off the bed to play with her blocks.
It was very cute.
That was so sweet.
I don't like it, although I'm surprised she didn't pull another cake out from under the bed.
I was waiting for that like that. That would have been an excellent little button on that scene.
Yeah, so maybe this time it was a bunt cake, you know. Oh every time it's just a different kind of cake. It's a different cant.
She's just working her way through all the flavors. Ye. So later that day in the kitchen, Stephanie bursts the door and announces, Dad, I'm home with my prize winning brain that you didn't show up to see. But she gets no response, and she says dad, and she's confused. Then DJ storms in and immediately corners Steph, okay, little kiss up? How did you convince dad to miss my Romeo and Juliet. Stephanie is just as perplexed considering he missed her. It's fair. DJ wonders where is he? He wouldn't just not show up, and Steph's face drops? Do you think something happened to him? DJ is frozen with fear. Then both girls start to shout for their dad and run up the stairs to search for him. Back in Michelle's room, Danny is still fast asleep on the little bed while Michelle continues to build her block towers. DJ and Stuff run past the door screaming for their dad. In response, Michelle demands that they be quiet. Daddy is sleeping. DJ and Stuff come running into the room immediately and hug their dad with relief. They're so happy he's okay. Danny wakes up in a daze, assuring the girls. He's fine, but then he takes a look at the time and panics, six o'clock. I slept through everything.
This is what happens without cell phones.
Yes, yes, or proper sleep like, this is why you shouldn't be building brains in the night.
You and you lay down and take a nap without a little alarm. That's it.
You're done for the night's all done. So DJ promises him it's okay. They're just glad nothing happened to him. Danny shakes his head with disappointment. Oh, I'm so sorry. I wanted to be there so badly and I let you both down. He admits, this single parent stuff is not as easy as I thought it would be. DJ points out that they didn't make it easier for him, and they apologize for being so selfish. Now this is not true to life. What kid comes like? What kid apologizes and make that that turn that quickly? Right?
And I'm like, I'm I was selfish? What I mean, I would be like all that on the floor.
Right If kids ever said that, I would be flabbergasted.
But yeah, that's okay. These kids are I mean, my kids have said it, but certainly not in the moment. They've like it was taken a couple days, and they'll get.
Takes a few days before they are willing to admit it.
Yep, but they we don't have days. We have twenty two minutes.
Yeah, we have to, like, we got to make it out of people.
Let's go.
Yeah. Michelle frowns, I'm sorry too, but Danny reminds her she had nothing to do this. Michelle shrugs, I don't want to be left out. Danny pulls Michelle onto his lap and DJ and Steph take a seat right next to him. He tells his daughters that they are the greatest and he feels like the luckiest dad in the whole world. Steph smiles, You're the greatest dad in the whole world, and Danny grins, oh shucks. Then he asks the girls what the greatest dad in the whole world slept through. DJ tells him the play was great, but Romeo had the hiccups, so they had to cut this kissing scene short, and Danny fakes a frown. Then he asks Steph about the science fair. She reveals that her brain won a special prize most biodegradable. Danny congratulates her and tells the girls he's going to get dinner started, but DJ has a better idea. Since their dad does so much for them, they'd like to cook him dinner tonight. Plus Steph offers Michelle to be their special helper. Michelle hesitantly agrees, Okay, but I'm not setting that table, mister. The girl set out, and Danny watches them go with a giant smile on his face, and that is our show.
It was a very cute little moment at the end with the girls and Danny.
Yeah, this is this is where Bob shines. You know, he is such a great America's dad, and he is trying to do it all, but he's humble and he's honest, and he like, I just love Danny Tanner. I have such a greater appreciation.
I mean, yeah, no, Danny Tanner's great.
And you know what I thought about two is that he hasn't done this before because his mom was.
Living with him.
Okay, that's right, so.
His mom was there, so this is kind of the first time that he's.
Had to do it without, like Jesse and Joey good points, Yeah, I forgot about Grandma.
Yeah, and three is overwhelming.
Three is two is hard, but three is I can't imagine game changer.
Yep, that's why I stopped it too.
But yeah, I I this was a cute little moment at the end, And it was a cute little moment at the end of both storylines. We got fuzzy forest animals, We've got cute little dad daughter moments. Yeah, ties it all up a nice neat little bow as full house, does I kind of give you that warm, fuzzy feeling.
You know, sometimes you need that. It's maybe not true to life, but sometimes you just need a happy little bow, right, and then you can go to sleep at night and not have nightmares.
Wouldn't it be amazing though, if like you did something like accidentally sleeping through both of your kids' performances, and instead of like it being a three day thing where they're just pissy and attitude and whatever, they're.
Like, no, no, no, no, we're going to make dinner for you. I'm sorry. No no, no, I'm sorry and and basically like bow their way out of the room. Do you imagine that?
No, I need to sit my kids down and force them to watch this episode.
You see this? Do you see how they're getting along?
They're doing it right right, and.
Your kids are like, yeah, we're eighteen and twenty one. Bye yeah, real late suck.
I know, I wish this was true to life, and maybe it ain't in some families. Not in my family, you know what.
I this is part of that lovely, wonderful like scapism that Full House offered, which was just come to somewhere where everything does work out perfectly and nobody really gets mad for that long except Jesse because he's mad over.
Like seasons, right.
But you know, it was like this was a very cute little full House thing, but it was h.
It was again felt like one of those.
Meh storyline you know, I mean, like nothing earth shaking.
Or super like critical totally really happened.
It was like one of those which you could do when you had twenty two episodes that came out once a week.
You know, you could have.
Those episodes where it was like that's nothing, We're not going to really do anything too big in this one. No guest stars, no, well except the animals.
The animals.
The animal uncredited. I'd like to know that bossums name, you.
Know, yeah, they should have names and credits, like the dog from the one episode sparky or rightly or whatever.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Barkley has an IMDb. What about these poor little bossums.
Barkley's a producer, you know, Like, I don't know what that's right, but that's right.
I forgot about Barkley. He's very yeah, demanded, I got crediting together. But no, I liked it. It was cute. Now I want a pet raccoon.
It was a little fillery. It's like a like a filler episode, but not in a bad way like it was.
No, No, it was just just not in a way where I was like, I wish I hadn't watched that, like that Michelle Princess.
Episode where the adults played kids that just popped into it.
I was like, what is one that I really wish I could scrub my eyeballs off? And I was like, oh, And all of a sudden, I just pictured that scene with giant Michelle and the three adults and I was like, yeah, that.
One, that's the one. Yeah, that's please strike that from your memories. Let's get a lobotomies so we don't have to ever.
Did you did you have any uh everywhere you look moments?
I don't I'm failing greatly. He had the failing.
I know, we failed.
I mean we're season four. There's how many this one?
Yeah, there was not I didn't see two. I didn't see anything.
Because uh, we didn't have guest stars. There was no like extras where we're like, oh that's so and so, right, nothing really outside of the house other than the forest scene, but it was pretty like stationary kitchen, bedroom forest sort of thing.
They been in the Tanner backyard, Like the backyard just expands, you know, Actually.
It might have been it might have They just went way to the back. Yeah, way to the back.
Yeah, you're back in the backyard.
And suddenly they're in They're like, who needs a tend We're in the backyard.
What's the worst that could happen? You know exactly.
Yeah, they just went like several thousand acres back into the backyard.
Just expands it.
It just expands, and and Kimmy's house is right on the other side.
Yeah, just keep going.
You'll eventually it's like what was that those kids book Wayside store? Oh yeah, Sideway stores from Wayside School and yeah, and it just like the how the building went sideways, but like or maybe I'm thinking Magic School bus anyway.
No, No, I think you're I think you're right. I think you're right. But no, it's you just look for the Ostrich and then you'll know you've reached the end of it.
Right, If you find the Ostrich, you've gone too far in the forest backyard.
You need to turn around.
Yeah. I love it this show. I love this show so much.
It's so wild and yeah I'm ridiculous and I love it and I'm proud of it.
I do too.
I love this show. It's like I mean, with it all over again.
Yeah, you weren't in it too much. You were only in a couple of scenes.
No, my sole purpose was to inform the audience that Kathy Santonio is sick and so DJ now has the role of Juliet. It is my only purpose.
Well, it is that, and to show off that outfit.
That's true, the outfit that was it really you know, Roberta was holding onto that for a while. She was like, for sure, for just the right time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I see that outfit again too. Maybe not, but it might come back.
I'm sure we'll remember it if it pops up again. I have a feeling we'll go. Oh, that one kind of like, uh, the Mermaid butts Onesie, The Mermaid butts onesie.
Yeah, that which is.
Now my name for it, the Mermaid butts Onesie, which again I would seriously rock.
You would rock it, you would rock it. But me as a thirteen year old, no, I was.
Not like anyone could wear that and it looks amazing. Anyone put it on Bob great comment, sure everything, It looks great on everything, because it's just ridiculous.
It's just mermaid butts, rightid.
Butts and weird tattoo things and and and it's and it's.
You look like you could be racing a bicycle.
Or uh like I don't know, we're getting ready to like do tattoo somebody.
I don't know.
Yeah, there's so many it keeps you guessing guessing.
Oh Kimmy does.
Yes, Well everybody, speaking of guessing, here's one thing you won't have to guess, which is what I'm gonna say next.
Uh, you know the drill.
Make sure you're liking and subscribing to the podcast wherever you're listening to it. Make sure you're following us on Instagram at Howard Podcast. Start sending us an email questions concerns, uh, veterinary facts, you know, whatevs.
And that is how Rude Tannerritos at gmail dot com.
And also make sure and visit how Rude merch dot com, which is our merch store. We have some fun T shirts and hoodies up there.
Uh. And I think we're gonna it's gonna be time here pretty soon for some news designs.
It's time. It's time.
Information might be one. We just create our own mermaid butt onesie. Yeah, can you imagine? Oh, it would sell out just for me. I'd buy all of them. But yeah, how Rude merch dot com make sure and go check that.
Out too, and we will see you next time. And remember the world is small. The house is full of forest animals, just full of them.
Just I love it.
Well, it's like snow why, it's like some dwarfs house.
It makes you so high, washing dishes.
They're hanging along.
They're just so happy.
They know forest animals.
We all need more forest animals in our lives. By