Minisode: Ranking Season 1

Published Mar 21, 2025, 12:00 AM

We're taking things allllll the way back to Season 1 with inspiration from the Full House Reddit community!! (Go give them some love at r/fullhouse if you haven't already). We're telling you what we think is the best episode of season 1, the worst episode, the funniest episode & so on and so forth! Play along and tell us your thoughts over on our Instagram page: @howrudepodcast AND on our TikTok page: @howrudetanneritos. 

Well, hey, they're fan Doritos. Welcome back to a brand new episode of How Rude Tanaritos. For this week's minisode, we decided to take to Reddit again and we'll be playing a game that the full House fans came up with. We're going to go through season one. We're going all the way back and ranking which episode we thought was the best, Which was the worst, which was the funniest, and so on and so on. So are you ready, Jody?

I am ready?

Shall we rank it? We gotta like dust off our brains and remember right, see.

I had, Yeah, it took a lot of dusting. I barely remember this now. It's like I never watched it at all, but I started.

The audience already knows the answer to the worst.

I don't think yeah, should we start with the Should we start with the worst?

The worst? On the count of three, one two, three secrets.

CRUs Yeah it's Janis was right.

Janis was right?

Yep, easily the worst episode. I don't think there's been a worst episode since Secrews. I think Secrews takes the cake for all seasons.

Takes the cake.

Although whatever that weird Michelle dream sequence was was also creepy. That was very and the Howie stuff was low. But again, uh, not as bad as secrews.

Yeah, still not as bad as secrews. Yeah. Yeah.

I keep waiting to assign, you know, to crown a new worst episode, but for.

Me, it's it's it's still there, still there, all right, So okay, worst is out of the way, done.

The best episode.

This is hard because there's a lot of gems inside knows this season one.

But I feel like it's it's got to be the pilot.

That was my answer. I was gonna say the pilot of all the good ones, the pilot. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, the Full House pilot was one of the best pilots in sitcom history.

Oh it had everything.

It had. Yes, you know, you immediately know who the characters are, you know their personalities, you know their relationships with each other, you know the challenges that they face. It has heart, it's funny like, it has it all, and it has stood the test of time for the last thirty seven years.

So I know what You're right. I'll give you that.

I will definitely, Yeah, But yeah, I just thought the best episode. It just it's you know, and maybe there were other ones along the way that sort of like the storyline was greater or the whatever.

But like, this is that pilot. I can.

I can picture it so vividly, and I know our Fana Ritos can as well, like.

What we were wearing, what we were doing, what.

Like, it's just such a that that episode is such a memory and it's such a great Yeah, it's such a great episode where you get to meet the Tanners and all the adjacent people.

It was. It was great.

There's so many iconic moments, like the shot of Dave and John walking, or going down the stairs with the baby. Yeah baby because they don't want to smell the diaper.

Yeah. Yeah, many moments step one, step two, step yeah down the yeah.

That one and it was that the one that how do you roast a turkey?

Yeah? That bag walk into the kitchen and I set up on the chair and there they've got Michelle in the pot. You're gonna cook Michelle. Yeah, then roast a turkey.


So many iconic lines and moments. Yeah, it's a pilot.

Okay, hands down, it's the pilot. I agree, Okay, let me it's.

Episode I'm gonna have to Okay, let me you and I'm going through.

I'm gonna go through the list here. That's that's a hard I'd like there's really funny scenes, but as an episode, as a whole episode, I don't know. I might have to go with the pilot again, Like, I know that's repetitive, but.

A pox on our house is pretty funny.

The chicken pox, the chicken pox episode.

Yeah, the oat boats.

Oat boats pretty sister.

Okay, so the boats one I thought was very was very funny and very true to like sibling rivalry.


Yeah, that's a standout episode. But for funniest, I mean I love to DJ Tanner's day Off where we go meet Stacy q at the episode that was that was a great one. Is it the funniest?

I don't know. I'm gonna go with the pilot.

I think the pilot was if I can repeat an answer, I'm gonna say the pilot was the funniest because the visuals of these dufuses trying to take care of a baby and not knowing what they're doing. That is visually very funny, very true.

That is very true.

All right, Okay, what else we got? The funniest, saddest, episode. I mean, i'd say the one where we talked about Pam dying but that never happens. So yeah, no, I think that we we sort of do.


The return of Grandma was kind of was kind of sad, wasn't it, because like Grandma is leaving and.

Well, which is the one I don't know. Wasn't there one.

I'm trying, I'm scrolling through where no, maybe not it was maybe that was the second one where we watched the old where we wind up watching the old videos where.

Season two, Yeah, season two, you know what I think is sad, but it's sentiment. Yeah, miracle I was gonna say miracle of Thanksgiving because it's your first Thanksgiving without your mom. Yeah, and DJ can't make the picture perfect pumpkin pie and or she does the picture perfect pumpkin pie. That was definitely a very sad moment. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the.

Miracle of Thanksgiving is is kind of sad because it is it's the it's a milestone, uh for the family of like the.

First Yeah, yeah, first I would say, I would say that's sad. Also, even though I didn't love these episodes, the seven month Itch episodes where Jesse leaves it's only sad because of what it does to the girls. Like I don't agree with his decision, right, it's so sad that the girls have lost their mom and now Jesse's like, wow, I got I have to leave and so and he's having that midlife crisis and so I'm like, that's that's so terrible to do that to the girls.

Go through the seasons and do some sort of a graph of when of Jesse's like I have to leave moments and then what happens and then you know what I mean, and.

See if there's some pattern.

Yeah, yeah, see, maybe we can figure out like what it is that sets him off.

Yeah, it's usually like towards the end of a season. So right, what is that like February March? Yeah, what is it about that that time of year that Jesse flies off the handle?

That's true?

Uh oh now, okay, this one most forgettable episode?

Okay, you're asking menopausal women's which is forgettable? Yeah?

All of them? No, most forgettable.

Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna say Jesse's girl just because there were so many girls. I don't even know which one they were talking about, So I can't tell you what that episode was about which girl it involved. Who was he making out with in the house. Yeah, it's Jesse's girl.

Yeah, I yeah, just because I don't.

Yeah that or the boxing episode.

But the boxing well maybe I see, I'm like, but no, but the boxing episode had the tie tack. But the only reason I remember the tie tack is because that was my bit and I remember.

What it looks. Oh that's right, okay, okay.

But no, I think I yeah, I think I think I might agree on you. On you, I might agree on you.

You can agree on me.

Anytime you want, Jody, I might. I might need a signature for you first, you know, boy, I might agree.

With you, uh and say that yeah Jesse's girl.


The family is up telling a bedtime story about a girl that caught the eye of both Jesse and Joey, because that's the family bedtime story that we all need.

Is this?

Oh so this is okay? Someone, this is the one where Jesse's hitting on a girl, but she really likes Joey.

Oh right right, she fell for Joey.

So yeah, yeah, I again, I thought it's most forgot it's I can't tell you any plot points or what you know. Yeah, but you know what I do see here the Big three to oh. Halfway through season one, Danny turns thirty.

Ah, okay, so yes, so he turns thirty and this is when Jesse wrecks the car. He was trying to put in first seats or car brantals or something and.

Rex the car drove it into the survives.


Oh no, no, he was fine. The car went rolling.

Right right, and nobody even asked him, how are you, Jesse? You know, everyone was like, anyways, the car right, that's right, Okay, okay, what.

Have we got.

Let's what about weirdest episode? Weirdest episode besides Seacrew. It's like, yeah, right, maybe the Mad Money one. Jesse has a gig as an Elvis impersonator.

Yes, yes, like really I know, and the and the and the eleven year old loan.

The low yes, the loan, and we do the isn't that the flashback? Yeah, that's a fat school yard, which I liked that scene. But other than that, this was a weird.

It just I mean, there's so many weird moments sprinkled throughout the season that it's really hard to pick one.

It is. It is.

Our very first promo. I mean, when they're chosen to appear in a local promo at Danny's TV station. It's weird simply for the fact that this family just seems to wind up on TV and lucking out all the time, almost accidentally, Like do you know how many.

People about them? Yeah?

Yes, okay, what's uh?

What is what? I'm gonna say? Weirdest? Oh okay, you got what is it?

What you got?

But seriously, folks, which is the one with Joey and the Talent Scout and Philip Stiller.

Philip Stiller, that was, Oh, it's so weird. You're having a coffee.

It's so weird.

I'm choking. No it that was kind of weird, wasn't it. We got kids in a night club, We've got We've got Phyllis Diller, phil Still takes overhas all over.

Yeah, I feel bad for I always feel bad for Joey, right, Like that was, uh, the only good part of that episode was Philips Stiller. Like that was let's write an episode around Phillips.

The best and the weirdest part, you know what I mean?

Yeah, Well, there was a creepy clown and the like a picture of a clown in the back.

Oh, wait, oh that was I was going to say the birthday one, but that's season two.

Right right, We're gonna have to do this? Are we doing this for every season?

I think I think we're gonna have to do it for every season. So we're gonna have We've got the the We've got like seven categories, we've got all the first five that we did, and then the weirdest episode and uh and let's okay, best episode to watch with your family.

Oh okay, so like most family friendly tgis on the couch from the whole family. Well, I'm not gonna I've used the pilot too many times, so I'm not gonna say the pilot. I'm gonna say the First day of School because uh, well I'm in it.

It's Kimmy's first appearance. But I think it's great.

It's all about Stephanie and your fears of going starting kindergarten, and DJ's embarrassed about something and trying to avoid school, and I just like, I love.

First day of school episodes.

I you know what, You've got an excellent point. And I'm not just saying that to agree with you and wrap this episode up. I'm saying that because you're right, because everybody relates to first day of school jitters. It's something that the kids, the parents, everyone has experienced. And yeah, so it's like a it's something that you can all watch together and parents can be like I felt like that too, and kids can be like, oh my gosh, somebody else you know on TV felt like that too, and and then you felt like that too.

It's very wholesome, relatable, and it's just cute too.

I just and I think I was wearing that, uh that that dress with the giraffes on it was it was like, it's the one I have and I'm wearing in this picture where it has like the white collar.

And like it was like in the first season.

Maybe no, this wasn't the blue little sweatsuit.

No no, no, no, not.

The blue sweatsuit, but it was it had like maybe it didn't even have giraffes on it.

Maybe I'm just imagining things, but it was like.

There's yellow and blues, very bright, had a white collar, and I think that was Steph's first little.

Day school dross. Well, yeah, very cute.

It's you were adorable in that episode. I think I think it's very wholesome, so.

Yeah, I like that.

That's a good that's a good, a good wholesome episode.

Okay, cut what I like? I fan Urrito's.

If you have any other categories that you want us to like, I don't know just what other categories you want us to rate.

Season two is up next, so help us rate season two.

Pick some categories.

Well, we'll do these some similar categories, and then if somebody comes up with some wild hilarious one, then we.

Will go for that as well. We'll do that. But you have credit to send us messages.

Uh. And you can do that if you follow us at how Rude Podcast on Instagram or you can email us at Howard Santurrito's at gmail dot com. And uh, you can visit our merch store with howarudemerch dot com.

We've got new designs coming. We're having some fun stuff with that.

Uh. And make sure you're liking and subscribing to the podcast, because then you get all the new ones first, like this fun little minisode which just came in right in about fifteen minutes.

Yep, we hitter actually did a mini minisode. Crazy.

We didn't go twice twice the amount.

Over the length we were supposed to do. You know, every once in a while we get it right.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

So yeah, even a blind chicken gets a kernel of corn occasionally.

I mean, yes, similar.

Uh well, remember everybody, the world is small, but the house is full.

Well, my house is full of TVs with bald eagle live cams. But that's that's from a different episode.

Ok, let's go yeah, no, that's yeah, you're right, let's uh yeah, the house is full. And Andrew's house is full of uh bird cameras.

So live nest cams from the bald Eagles, Boy and Big Terrible.

I blame you know what. I'm sick. I blame the sickness. Yeah, you get a pass, Peter, get a pass. Today's sin. It's the last episode of the day. I can't hold together. But we've been talking for four hours. It's time to wrap it up. Good by everyone,

How Rude, Tanneritos!

How Rude, Tanneritos! A Full House Rewatch Podcast is here!! Stephanie Tanner and Kimmy Gibbler are 
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