On today's new episode the Bayer siblings are thrilled to welcome New York Times bestselling author and lifestyle-experiment master, A.J. Jacobs! They're talking all about childhood Participation Trophies, from the meaningful to the demeaning. Plus, humor that upset us as kids from the Trix Rabbit not getting his Trix to the Home Alone villians getting violently pranked by Kevin McCallister. A.J. also tells us the hilarious but intense way he broke his dried mango habit! But, wait, there's more! In a rousing game of CHANGE.DORK, we're talking games with this gaming extraordinaire, from (Rubik's) cubing being taught at school to Wordle having a theme. A.J. even has a great tip for playing Connections that really foiled the game's creator. We even read a petition by A.J. that he wrote while writing his fantastic new book, "The Year of Living Constitutionally," which is out now! Be sure sure to check it out! Order "The Year Of Living Constitutionally" HERE.
Hi. I'm Vanessa Bayer and this is my brother Jonah.
We're two siblings who love to talk about our childhood and nostalgia and how it shaped us into the people we are today.
Who are unpuzzlingly pleased about our guest today.
Welcome to How did We get Weird?
I know we're both really excited about our guests today, and we recently did his podcast and something kind of funny happened.
Do you want to talk about it?
Our guest has a really great podcast called The Puzzler and was nice enough to invite us to come on together. And I had some sort of technical issue where my audio was very slow.
Everyone's out.
Yeah, So my audio was very slow, and it was in my headphones too, and so I was sort of matching my own cadence as I was here myself. So instead of talking like this, I was like, Hey, guys, what's going on? And it was so hard for me to also chime into a conversation because I'm moving so slowly. What did it sound like to you? To me?
It was just funny because our guest today and the other hosts like don't know you, so they don't really know what you talk like, and so it sounded like like we were playing games and you'd be like, I don't know the and sir, but I will guess. And I at some point had to say, just so you guys know, like, this isn't how Jonah talks.
Like it you'll kind of ki or anything.
Just yeah, I said, this is something's going on with the audio. So I'm maybe we should introduce our guests and see what his experience was like.
Check us out on the Puzzler. And if I sound kind of weird, it's no fault of theirs.
It's my own well, right, because as you said, you started sort of like matching what you were hearing in a way.
It affected you.
It affected me because because even afterwards my wife was like, why are we talking about that? And it kind of a long story, but yeah, let's get into it. Our guest today is a journalist, author, lecturer, podcaster. You can hear his podcast A Puzzler we just talked about. He's written a bunch of amazing books that I've read the Year of Living Biblically dropped out Healthy in his new book, The Year of Living Constitutionally, Please welcome A. J. Jacobs Hey, aj, Hell, you know I had to do that.
That was I don't think I laughed harder at any puzzler than when you were talking, because I actually do know how because I listened to your lovely podcast, so I know that you speak at a normal speed. Not I don't want to know.
It's true, say what's normal? That's right?
Sure, speak at a relatively fast clip. And and you were speaking like you would have just suffered a stroke, and so that I was a little worried at points.
So I was, but then.
You explained what was going on, and I felt better. Now. The funny thing is, well, one of the funny things to me is the producer said, well, this is just going to be on Jonah's end on his computer. Once he uploads the audio, it'll sound fine. So I was like great, and then we upload the audio. To me, it did sound fine because I'm not like an audio file. But the producer was like, he's still slow. He is, So they are going in and speeding you up fifteen percent. So you are the first time ever on our podcast that we will have an artificially sped up But it's you know, now I understand why you were matching your own lag right, So that makes sense. But it was just fantastic. It was one of my favorites. And and you did very well on the puzzles. Despite being midstroke, you were actually very good at solving puzzles.
I'm glad to hear that because it almost felt like a weird, like anxiety nightmare, where like I've been a fan of yours for a long time. You know, I have autographed books from you, I've been to your readings, and I was like so excited to come on the podcast, and then it's like a bad dream where you're on the podcast and you're talking in slow motion and there's nothing you can do about it, and you're like, how is this happening?
It's hilarious, I know, because you couldn't help it. But again, as I say, I, if I had never heard you, then I would be like, oh that's nice, and Vanessa to do something with her her brother.
But I said okay today, and yeah, so just eighteen percent not to bad.
Yeah, just fifteen just fifteen, not even fifteen.
Fifteen percent percent, that's it.
That's nothing as fifteen percent.
Although I've been trying to listen back to podcasts at one point two fi speed, like a little faster to get through them, and I had to stop because it sounded, especially podcasts I listened to a lot, it sounded so unnatural that it was like taking me out of the car. Have you either you tried speeding them up at all listening?
That's interesting, Vanessa.
I have yes, and sometimes I enjoy it, and sometimes it does feel unnatural.
I hear what you're saying. AJ, do you ever listen to podcasts, I.
Must confess I am a two I'm a two x er. Really well, don't be so impressed. I still I miss like forty percent of it. I just am okay with that, but they yeah, I it depends on the podcast, especially British podcasts. Then I have to go one one and one and a half mad sim okay, yeah, and some but some like if it's uh, if it's NPR, I feel sometimes going two x is just like speaking at normal speed. For some reason, when you get on NPR, you just there's some.
Fair specific cadence.
And have you also ever noticed how on NPR specifically the hosts have such weird quirks, like like Franco or Donia's like always signs off and he goes Franco or Donias and then and then the other woman always goes terry gross, Terry gross. But then the other woman goes like, you know, and then there's that woman who goes like and in the news she talks like that, do you know what I'm talking about?
I haven't heard. I don't listen that much, but that is hilarious. I'm gonna listen.
They are all the rockiest people. It's so crazy their voices there. And then there's one woman who I love who always sounds so out of breath and she's like, this is going on in the country, Like I truly, their voices are like they're just all little characters. And I that's a very condescending way to talk about these very serious but so I don't mean it in that way. I just mean their voices are God. I wish I could play them for you right now. What I'm talking about is I feel like I've gone on for too long.
No I love. Well, maybe it's a conscious decision, because I mean, sure you have. And I actually have a weird voice. It's sort of like I've been compared to Horse Shack or Adam Sandler is a little bit more positive spin on it. But yeah, it's sort of like, you know, a navelish voice. And I used to hate it. I used to be so embarrassed and I tried. I even took during my health I wrote a book about health, and I took voice lessons so that I could try to sound like, I don't know, like one of the Helmsworth brothers. And it was unsuccessful. But now I'm fine with it. I'm like, I don't care, it's it's fine and uh and it's come in handy like twice because I'll be, you know, be talking to my wife at a movie theater and someone will turn around and be like, I recognize that voice, you know, wow, So so there you go.
That's great.
That's great. Aja.
I'm curious, like the first book of yours that I became exposed to was a know it all. We read all the encyclopedias, and I'm curious, speaking of listening, are you were you a fast reader as a kid or you a fast reader in general? Because that was obviously a big endeavor, right.
I wanted to read the Encyclopedia Britannica, which doesn't really exist anymore, from A to z SO, which is thirty three thousand pages and yeah, I definitely am a fast reader. But I'm you know, I'm a skimmer.
I am.
I guess skimming as a very negative connotation.
I don't.
I want to come up with an alternative to skimmer, something like.
You know, yeah, cruiser.
I don't know what it would be, but yeah, I'm what about you all? Are you fast or slow readers?
I'm a very fast reader. Oh that's good.
But I don't feel like I have a great memory, like someone's like, oh, someone will mentioned a book a bik I read that book.
In the book, would you think, I'm like, I don't.
I feel like I paid attention the whole time, but I don't remember any details of it total.
Well, I actually I have that problem, and I have a file. It's one of my favorite little rituals. I have a file on my computer called one Thing, And for every book I read, or every conversation, every podcast, I try to write down one thing because otherwise I'll remember zero things, but at least one, and they're not always like the most sophisticated things. Hold on, I'm looking up now what we've got?
Podcast with Joan and Vanessa. What do you have? Well? Nothing? Yet.
But there's too many options, too many options already. Yeah, this was from Election, the movie with Will f Was that what it was called?
It was Matthew Broderick, the Reese Witherspoon.
No, see I labeled it wrong.
They did later.
I love it was. It was with Will Ferrell and and he played campaign campaign Yes, right, And so I wrote down the greatest American who ever lived, Jesus Christ. I just I just thought that was a funny line. I'm never going to use it for anything. But if I didn't write that, there's literally zero I would remember from that movie.
I'm going to start doing that because I was thinking about getting like a digital notebook or doing something, and then I was like, I'm never going to use this thing. Yeah, this is a better idea. This seems to manageable one thing, one thing.
Yeah, I recommend that.
Yeah, that's really smart. I think that's really smart. By the way, I am a very slow reader. It takes me such a long time to read stuff. Jonah's very fast.
Hold on, I'm just looking up because I watched your show, Vanessa, I love I love you.
Well, that's so nice.
I'm trying to find the notes. That thing yeah, yeah, which I know we're in. I'm having trouble. Uh, there's so many loves in my one thing file because it's hundreds of pages. So it'll take me. I'll tell you afterwards when I track.
It's so nice. I'm honored.
One thing I think that you love that we share that. I don't know why I know this. You must have written about this in one of your books, but it stuck out to me. Was you were in one of your books you're eating dried mango. That's true, that's true. Excellent memory. Yes, yes, that was the health book. There was a whole I had a whole section on it because I was addicted to dried mango.
Oh it's so good.
So you both are are dried mango fans.
Well, Jonah eats it a lot.
And one time, Jonah, this was probably a year ago, Jonah and his wife Vicky stayed at my place and left some dried mango here and I ate it like it was I couldn't even I couldn't get enough of it. And I was like, oh, I can never buy this because I'll just eat it immediately.
It's like for roll ups.
Yeah, so you yeah, I have not had it in about twelve years.
Because of that book.
My feeling was, it's so good and you're kind of lulled into the idea it's healthy because it's right mango.
Really the dry part it just like concentrates the sugar, so it's really like Reese's Pieces or something. So I one of the strategies that one of these health professors had recommended was sort of a blackmail yourself strategy where if you want to quit smoking, you write a check to a charity and say to your friend or your spouse, if I start smoking, send this check now. But the key is it's better if you do an anti charity, if you do something horrible that you disagree with, because then you really don't want the check sent. So I wrote one hundred dollars check to the American Nazi Party, and I gave it to my wife and said, literally, if I have a mango dried mango, send this. And it worked like it was so effective. There was no way I was going to donate to the Nazi Party. And she would have done it. She's like, you know, she's she commits to the bit. So it was, uh, yeah, that's that's my That's why I haven't eaten mangos in twelve Okay.
So the fact that you do all of these kind of lifestyle experiments, it's so crazy and I feel like I'm so interested in this kind of stuff too. How do you feel about like this is different than what you do? But were you very into like borat and that kind of stuff? Like how did you it's different? But I'm just curious, like what your thoughts were on stuff like that.
Oh No, I'm a huge fan of Sasha Aaron going. I mean, I I don't think I I I'm trying to. I am pretty open. I've done a couple where I'm undercover and I can tell you about those, but usually I'm just out there and you know, very honest with what I'm doing.
So I admire him for like him going, as you know, into these crazy right wing places and just that would terrify me. So yeah, more power.
Yeah, yeah, how do you get?
I guess my question would be like, as someone who's kind of self conscious, you're put in these situations, like especially in your new book, The Year of Living Constitutionally, where you're going to like elections and trying to give people cake and like get you know, do all the Yes, you got.
The tricorn for you.
But to me, it's like when I'm watching, like in Practical Jokers or something, I'm like, I can't go up to a stranger and say something that seems terrifying. How do you kind of work past that? Are you like, Oh, I'm doing this for my book. I kind of have to do this as part of the rest.
Definitely that, I mean, I think I admire actors. I've never been an actor, but I feel that sometimes I take on a role. I'm like, Okay, this is my role. I'm going to try to live by the Bible or I'm going to try to live like a colonial guy. And you now go method like method acting, but this is method writing, and I just and my son, as he likes to say, you know, commit to the bit. I just go all in. Also, there's I would be humiliated. It is humiliating to, you know, go out in public wearing a tricorn hat and carrying a musket or whatever. But it would also be humiliating when I announce that I have a book that I'm writing to everyone, and then at the end of the year it's a boring book. So sure, like that's sort of that there's a little bit of motivation, like I'm in it, I've announced it, I have some responsibility to finish this up right.
It's really impressive. I did one thing when I lived in Chicago. I was really I was, so this is the It just made me think of this, and it's not nearly as cool as what you did. But I remember I was at Nordstrom and they were giving out twenty dollars gift cards if you did this dating on demand you made if you if you signed up for this dating on demand thing, and I didn't realize that you had to make a video like a dating video that it went on Comcast cable and you basically like people could watch it online anyway. So I wanted to get the twenty dollars so I but I had like a boyfriend at the time, and I, I don't know, I like didn't want to do it as myself. So I decided, Okay, I'm gonna I'm going to do this thing, but I'm going to do it as someone who's really shy, and I went by Vanessa and stuff, but I was like, I'm going to act really shy and I'm going to act like I don't have a personality and I don't really know how to be on camera, so I kept so I so I committed to this bit and it was sort of got myself into a situation where and if you google Vanessa needs a date online you can find it.
A friend of mine put it online.
But so I committed to it, and I could tell the producer was getting so frustrated with me because she'd be like, what, like, what's what's something that you like a guy? And I would like think for such a long time, and she gets so frustrated, and then I'd look at her and I'd go like, well that he's.
Maybe he.
Happens to be tall or and I'd go on, like take such a long time. And this woman kept going, don't look at me, look at the camera. Don't look at me, look at the camera. And I knew that because I was like doing acting like I knew, I knew what I was supposed to do.
But I was like, I have to fully commit to this.
And I was like, if I started laughing now, this woman will be so mad at me and I won't get the twenty dollars, which was like at the time, like that could help me get like a really nice pair of jeans, you know, Like I was like, I won't get the twenty dollars, and this woman will be she's furious with me as is. She will be more furious if she knows if she finds out I'm like faking this, so she would be like they'd be like, what's what's the What's like something that nobody knows about you? And like kind of like asking in like a sexy way, and I and I think I said, I can't even remember I said something so boring, like I said something like like I remember she said, what's the what's the coolest thing you ever did?
And I said graduated from college? But I'm trying to.
Remember when she said, what's something no one knows about you? I think I said I thought about it for like like literally like two minutes, made her wait while I thought, and then I said, like I can speak French or something like I like, truly she was like dying.
This woman was could not have been more furious.
And I didn't think it was gonna And part of my reasoning, I think, was that I thought this is going to be so bad. They're not going to use it, but I'm still going to get the twenty dollars. But they were so desperate that they like edited it down and they used it. So when you go to it, if you Google you search Vanessa needs a date, you'll see a version of it, but it's so edited down. And still they can't get rid of all of my like pauses and stuff because I did them so much.
But there's something about like putting yourself in a.
Situation like that where you're like, I, I actually have have made it so that like, if I don't fully commit to this thing, everything all the part sort of right.
Right, Wait, can I do one follow up on that? Did you ever get any dates out of that? Anyway?
That's the question.
So I think at the time I didn't really First of all, again I had I think I had a boyfriend at the time, but I also didn't really understand how it worked. I definitely use the gift certificate immediately, but I don't. I didn't really, And then I tried to look. At one point I tried to see if I had gotten any like people trying to reach out to me, and I could it was like too late, it had left the.
The thing had expired.
But when I used to do stand up at colleges and stuff, I used to show it and talk about like because people online like make comments about it, like she looks like Napoleon Dynamite.
But but uh, but I don't.
But that's the question that I can never answer that everyone asks is did you get any dates? And it would have been really funny to see who would have reached out to someone with that.
Like that was interesting. I can tell you quickly about my online dating experience because I met my wife before online dating really happened, So which is sad, I think. Uh, But I we had a babysitter, very beautiful babysitter, and she was single, and my wife and I were like, we should try to set her up and she's like, eh, I said, well, have you tried match dot com? That was what it was, that was before hinge or whatever, and she's like, oh, no, I would do it, but I'm just I don't. I'm too lazy. I don't want to have to type it all in. And I was like, I'm a writer, I'll type it for you, like I'll write, I'll just set it all up, put your picture up, and then you go on the dates and that'll make it fine. So I did it, like I put picture up first of all, Like within ten minutes, I had like three hundred guys like interested in me and I again, it was the committing to the bit, like I knew they weren't really flirting with me, but still, like I've never had that much positive feedback, so it was exciting. And then I started I started to get like a little I don't know what the word is. They would like write you hot or something, and I would I would, you know, try to say give them advice, friendly advice, like you know, that is not the way to engage with me if you really want, you know, let's let's have a real conversation.
And so funny because normally someone would just absolutely ignore that person. But to try and like have a teaching teachable moment with bit, well.
That was it.
I wanted to, yeah, to help out and yeah, So anyway it went on and on. I got way too into it, and she did go out on several dates and never never actually.
So you kind of screened the dates and you were I.
Would screen like I found two or three who I thought were very nice and and yeah, some of them I mean, I got this one guy who's like, I'm married, so I'm not mister right, but I could be mister right now and then. But this was very ethically dubious of me, Like I said, oh, tell me more, what are your fantasies? So I got him to write all of these fantasies I know. But then I was like, you disgusted me, I am so then I turned on him like, as you know, I sort of lured him in like catch the predator type thing, and then I turned him in and was like, you make me sick and trying to pick up women married guy, and he's like I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry so that I'm not proud of that. That is not ethical behavior, and uh yeah, I would not do that again. But I kind of just got swept up in the day.
It almost felt like, you know, I know you're someone who loves puzzles and games.
It feels almost like a game of like just.
A little yeah.
And I justified it to myself like it was for the greater good because I'm trying to find an actual nice guy to step up with a babysitter. H there you go, but there you go.
Well, We are going to take a quick commercial break, but we'll be right back with AJ Jacob.
And we're back.
So, AJ, you had a really great topic for us to talk about today which we really made us laugh, which is participation trophies.
Now, what sort of made you think of this topic?
Well, I was just trying to think of memorable moments from my childhood and this is certainly one of them, for better or worse, mostly worse. And I want to also hear your trophy stories because I'm very excited. But this one was. I was part of an afterschool sports program in middle school and we would play sports, including Newcomb. Do you remember Newcomb?
Is Newcomb like kickball or like.
A dodgeball dodgeball bat, but it's it's volleyball for people who are not that athletic.
It's like, instead of hitting it, you you catch the ball and then you throw it.
Yeah, we were playing Jim. It's also so weird that it was called Nukeom. We could do a whole episode about the names of Jim Jim sport. We definitely like, I remember the gym teachers saying like, we're going to play new Comb today.
I just looked up New Coomb before this because I thought it might be talking. I actually didn't look up what the name was. But it was invented around the same time as volleyball, and for a while they were neck and neck, like imagine universe was the big exactly.
Taking off a volleyball feels like the right name for what that is?
Where's you go?
What? Right?
I don't even think the inventor was named Newcombe. She was a woman. That was exciting. It was like one of the first women invented sports.
That is very exciting. Now, how how did it differ? Because from volleyball.
Instead of volleyball, you hit you're not allowed to count. You have to hit it with your hands, right this one you actually try to catch it and then throw it over the net. And if the ball hits the ground, then you lose the point. If you if the ball hits the ground on your side, you lose the point.
Can you hit it like a volleyball though, like spike it's off the ground.
I'm not sure. That's none of us.
Definitely not good at Newcombe.
Well that was the segue because I was bad a I was bad at it, and then this particular day I was particularly bad at it because I had peed my pants, like because I didn't like going to like the public restroom in Central Park, so I peed my pants. So I wanted to make sure that no one would look at me. So I stayed way in the back, no interaction with the ball because I didn't want to catch them.
Can I ask a.
Question, were you in a gym, were you in a different outfit or was it your outfit for the day.
I think it was my outpha for the right because this was okay after school. Yeah, right, So I pee my pants. So I stayed away in very low profile. And then every week at the end of this sports program, they would have a trophy ceremony and it every week, Yeah, every week, because we need the positive approval, we need liked. And so that week they announced like the five kids who won, and I won most Improved Player, which already is a condescending category, you know, it's like you suck less and then the but then, of course I knew it was totally fake that they had decided because I didn't touch the ball, and then I had to go up and get my trophy with my stained pants and it was just horrible.
So that was, yeah, I was that.
Do you think people noticed.
That's a great question. That is a great question. I certainly, well, I still remember it. So whether or not they noted it, like, no one made fun of me. That would have been taking it to a new level. But yeah, it was. It was not pleasant. So that and I was trying to think. I don't think I won many other, if at all, trophies, So that was a memorable trophy. And yeah, it wasn't. It was a participation trophy in that it was totally rigged. It was clear that I decided, he hasn't had any trophies, so we're gonna throw them one. So that was my trophy. But what about you you all? I want to hear your trophy.
I have some, you know. I was researching this little too, you know, participation trophy. This is like kind of a controversial topic because it's sort of uh, you know, and this is just what I found on Wikipedia. It says it's caused some controversy. Critics argue it promotes narcissism and entitlement among children from their giving and incorrect assumptions regarding the psychological benefits of self esteem. Critics also note some children do not value them as much as they do quote unquote normal trophies that are given to winners. Right, I could see that, Yeah, yeah, I can see that. Defenders say that it teaches children that trying their best is good enough even if they don't win. And a backlash against participation trophies happened in the nineteen nineties. And you hear this like this could be like a right wing talking point, be like it's coddling kids, like everyone gets a trophy now, and it's but I feel like I definitely got participation trophies. I can think of two examples, and one I felt was didn't make me self conscious. Like I was in a bowling league after school. I remember this in middle school, and I was actually like a pretty good bowler with kids are with adults with kids. It was we would go we had this bowling alley pepper Laines, which was right next to a Bob's Big Boy, and we would go there on the bus after school. And yeah, I mean I was in the hundreds. I had a team with two other guys. Every year at the end, you'd get a little trophy, but if your team won, you got like a slightly taller one got it. So I have like twenty of these trophies, and I think we won like once or twice. I have the taller version. And then I thought was fine, you know, it's like I did it. You get a trophy. It has your average on it, which was cool, right, so you could see your improvement. But then I also went to like a sports type camp, I think at this school of Gilmore, and it was a sports oriented camp. And at the end, like you're saying, we did have a trophy thing, and it was getting towards the end and they're reading off the trophies and I'm still kind of waiting around. And then I got one and it was for like computers, and I'm ninety nine percent sure there were no computers at this camp. Remember ever seeing a computer using a computer. I don't know if we even had a computer. And I remember feeling like, okay, they're giving me this trophy, but I don't I remember, even as a little kid, sort of being like something seems off here, right right, right right, yeah, And it kind of made me feel bad in the sense I was like, I know you're trying to make me feel better, but this makes me feel like I'm worse.
Six nights.
Yeah, do you what do you think was going on in their minds that they're like, if we did have computers, this looks like a guy who would be good at them.
Yeah, I think they were brainstorming and they're like, okay, we're out of the sports trophies. We still got these three kids, Like what what else? What are kids into? Out of computers? We don't have a computer. It's okay, just put computer on it. Like it was like I think it was very thrown together, but like we gotta give Jonah something hilarious.
Congratulations, Yeah, thank you.
I still I think I still have it somewhere, so I should I should look it up. It might be in our parents' basement.
And what about you? Do you remember any you know?
I remember when I went to overnight camp and it was like a horseback riding camp, and I was pretty bad at riding horses, not really why I went. I went on to become a counselor there and I taught drama, so that kind of shows you you know where. But I remember getting at the end of camp, like getting all these ribbons for horseback riding, and they were like the crappiest ribbons could. They were like they were like white and yellow and like they were like the color of like like they so they were so they were like awards, but they were just like yeah they were they were like participation, like you know.
They had red, white and blue.
Yeah, maybe they.
Had names like you know, improved or something like that.
But this is really funny. I actually did.
I got to do an episode of The Simpsons that was all about this. No way, yeah, I got to and I looked it up and because you know, there's a whole wiki Simpsons, and it's called A Father's Watch and it happened to be nominated for a twenty eighteen Writers Guild of America Award and Animation I guess, which has nothing to do with me, but I've you brought the words to life, I exactly. I played this woman, Clarity Hoffman Roth. Basically, the premise of it was that Marge was worried that Bart was like gonna be a failure, and so she turns to this parenting expert who like and that was me.
And I come to the school and I say that.
All kids should get trophies, and then basically all kids start getting trophies, and Lisa is like this isn't okay, Like you shouldn't give kids trophies for doing nothing, and then Homer starts like a whole trophy company, and then basically Lisa brings in a different child expert who says like no one should get trophies and doesn't even give trophies for like people winning actual awards, and so anyway, it's just really crazy because this was the whole I.
Was so lucky.
I was so excited to get to do The Simpsons, and this was what the whole episode was about.
That weird.
Yeah, yeah, I love it.
So when you do the Simpsons, are you in the same room as the other actors or do you do it solo?
I know you do it solo, or at least I did it solo.
I don't know how they record, but I was in a recording studio and some of the writers and stuff were on, like I like on video I think, right, And but it was really cool and I actually have a friend Jess, who writes for The Simpsons, and it's so cool to be It's crazy that it's still going on.
I know, and it is still good. That's the crazy thing. Because I hadn't watched it in several years, but we had Mike Grease as a puzzle. He loves puzzles and he's a long time Simpsons writer. From the first episode, Wow, yeah, he said, so I watched it because I am yeah, and I was like this, they did a great parody of that woman who started the scam blood testing.
Yeah of that? Yeah?
And they sent you some stuff. Did they send you some action figures or something?
They sent me, Oh my god, they sent me so much merch after I didn't remember.
I had a red wig that was like, uh, we.
Got a pick of you in it, I think, Jonah, it was what character is that?
Wow, that's big.
And they sent me a bunch of action figures and like little action figures and I think DVDs and a bunch of stuff.
I think I gave some of it to you, Jonah.
Think something to Dan Ozzy because don't remember Dan into the Simpsons.
Yeah, I gave him, gave him nice.
I loved watching the Simpsons. I always thought it would be interesting if you tried to take the same script and acted as a tragedy, because it is quite you know, you've got this guy in a dead end job. He's totally unqualified. He chokes his kid. Apparently they stopped choking Bart.
Now the way that my episode ends, it says Homer tries to cheer up Bart, And I got the whole synopsis off of again Wicky Simpson's Bart and Grandpa make photos for an article together right before Bart breaks the watch when it ends up on the floor and Grandpa strangles him.
My episode was twenty eighteen ended with strength.
You know it just I read the headline just a few months ago, like, oh, interesting, stopped with the physical abuse. Yeah, okay, which is interesting.
I remember there was an episode where Homer gets injured and he falls down a cliff.
Do you remember that?
And I remember that episode because I saw it several times. I don't know it was on TV a lot. I was so upset by that episode. Interesting. Yeah, it was really upsetting to me. What was that He was falling down a cliff and he kept hitting it and he was like, I just hated it.
I was like, I felt so bad for him.
Well, it is interesting because my kids, when they were younger, the comedy things that were supposed to be funny or one of my kids was just horrified by the treatment of the criminals in home alone. Yeah, he was like, yeah, they are so cruel to them. He hated ice age had that little squirrel that would always try to get the acorn and it would always elude him, and he could not stay in the room, like he had to leave the room.
Yeah, that kind of stuff used to upset me too, Like I would remember even like the tricks are for kids, where the tricks rabbit would kept trying to get tricks. Yeah, oh yeah, yes, and they would like keep being like, no, you can't have them. I felt so bad for that rabbit.
Great point, Yeah, give the damn rabbits. It's like tricks, what's so hard.
It's interesting how sometimes that stuff is meant to be funny and that for some of us it was just so upsetting.
One of my triggers, and I have no idea why is The Carol Burnett Show had this cartoon thing at the end or at the beginning, and it had this woman she was like mopping and then she scratched her ass and it made like a little like screechy sound of her scratching your ass, like Kirk, And for some reason that made me so upset that I could not watch the Carol Burnette show, which I know she's like a genius, a comic genius.
Well, sort of related to that, Jonah and I have talked one here about how we couldn't watch the opening credits for Mama's Family. It was wasn't Carol Burnette Best Friends with Yeah, it was like a Spinoffish.
Felt like the same show to me, Yes, but yeah, I remember this was the era where you you know, you're just flipping the channels and you have like three channels, and so you kind of have to watch whatever's on. And I remember, right Mama's Family opening comes in and I would start crying because I.
Was just like so bummed. What was it exactly that? I don't even think I remember that opening.
I think it was like a picture of the house and then like the kind of cast members kind of watch like really eighty SITCOMI walking through it, and it was this kind of country song. But I remember as soon as I saw this like this house and the words Bamba's Family, it was like, oh.
No, it was really muted colors and it felt sort of depressed.
There was something about it just I hated it too.
I was like, I if I.
Again, we were just sorting about it.
I would rather like destroy the TV, like throw it through the window than have to watch this like.
They watched Can this be chips or something? It was like scary.
It was like run, get the remote so you can change the channel before the credits start playing, or just cry it out or just cry it out, or just cry it out. But it's funny how some of that stuff is just like horrible.
Yeah, yeah, it's too much. Yeah.
I remember, I love Taxi, but I just hated them for some reason. I did not like the opening theme. Same with Barney Miller. That's probably before your time. But they have this I actually I take that back. I kind of like the They started with this deep bass like boom, yeah mom that one.
I like.
There's a commercial and I don't think we've ever played it on our podcast, but it's for a certain type of mattress and they go to the owner of the mattress and I have to fast forward through this. I have a similar MoMA's Family opening reaction to it, where the owner starts talking about why the mattresses are so good and I'm so sorry to our producers and stuff. I don't think they advertise on our podcast. But they go to the owner and he goes, you'll getting your mattress and it's fresh for you every time we make the mattress when you order it, and him saying it's fresh, him describing the mattress as fresh.
Is so like, it makes me so up.
That's a weird word. And it's a weird word.
You will hear it on every podcast you listen to. And again not doing us any favors by they definitely will not sponsors. But it is so upsetting to me when this guy says, there's a lot of commercials are triggering for me in that way too, where there's like something they say, and Jonah and I've talked about I'm a big I've noticed commercials a lot. I'm very into commercials, so I like have strong feelings about them. But when this guy says, you're getting your mattress fresh, I just I have to like faster, I have to like skip forward so I don't so I don't get it. It'll it'll like wake me up out of bed. Like if I'm listening to something right when I'm waking up, I'll be like, like I have to fast forward that.
Can I tell you? I know you have to go to commercial. But one other triggering commercial for me sure was in the nineties. I would commute. I worked at a newspaper and I would drive and they had this commercial for Amco, which I guess is like a muffler situation or something, but they had this little thing where they go double a Amco and it was the sound of a honking I'm not a very good driver, and I would always get confused, like is someone honking at me? And I was so upset by it. I called Amco before you could email, and I said to them, I was like, this is really annoying because I don't know whether they're honking at me or it's part of I'm never going to go to Amco until you stop using. And she's like, it's a very successful commercial, so.
Wow, I'm surprised you got to someone who gave you a serious aunt who.
Gave that sounds like bad customer service to.
Me, by the way, because we listened to the radio so much in our cars. Commercials where they have cars honking to me is like, you guys can get the fuck out of my face. You swear, but it's like that makes me so mad. That also reminds me another commercial that got me upset, which I don't know if they're still on. It's for like Oragel or something, and it's people talking about their teeth hurting, and they like the commercial starts with them going like like.
The burning the pain.
They go like it burns it, it's a sharp pain in my tooth, and it's just like, I don't need this. I'm pretty sure it's for Oragel again, but they're like the burning, the sharp pain, like yelling into like the commercial.
It's so like whoa, you guys, like you.
Can get this across in a much chiller way, right, that is funny.
Yeah, I've never heard that, but I.
Don't want to.
You guys got to get a totally different, different tone, different tone with this, because this is, uh, yeah, you don't want your Yeah, you are assaulting us.
You're assaulting our ears and expecting us to buy your aj.
What if you did a book where you just watched commercials for like a year and no actual shows.
What do you think do you think that would be interesting?
I was once well this was in I don't know if it's interesting, but I worked at Entertainment Weekly magazine, a long time ago when it was still a magazine, a print magazine, and they assigned me to be commercial critic, so I would have.
To like, this isn't my dream job.
That's you would be good at it. I would felt underqualified because I was like, I don't want I'm assaulto. I'm not the kind of critic who likes to be snarky. But that was sort of the brand of EW. So I had a collection of like phone phone ads that I had to do, and you have to have one that's like a low grade. So I found there was one with top and that was just, you know, it was too easy, but I went for it, and I was like, you know, this is I'm sure I made some bad pun like, you know, calling failed commercial land. I don't know what I say, but something I said something very nasty and I gave it a C minus. And it turned out that the company whatever it was, sprint like would advertise in Entertainment Weekly and pulled two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of advertising because of my stupid snarky line. And my wife worked in my She worked at Entertainment Weekly on the advertising side, and she was like, why did you do that, and I'm like, they told me that, like I have to say one snarky thing, and she was like, so that was the end of my career as a commercial critic.
That is so funn This brings me to something that I had been wanting to ask you that I do you think you had in your books? But for these books, like you change your lifestyle for the period of when you're writing the book, and how has that affected I'm just curious how your family and friends sort of react to that.
Well, it's definitely a mix. It's definitely a mix. So yeah, I'll give you some examples, like the when I did the book about the Bible, there were parts that my wife actually did like like I did become more grateful.
That was one.
Yeah, there were a lot of positive lessons from living by the Bible. But then there are also a lot of craziness. So there was in the Bible in Leviticus, if you take it really literally, you cannot touch a menstruating woman because she is impure. And if you take it really literally, it says that a seat where a menstruating woman has sat becomes impure, So you're not supposed to sit on the seat and My wife was like, this is so offensive. So she sat in every seat in our apartment while she was menstruating, so that I couldn't sit anywhere. So I ended up standing.
I ended up.
Buying what it's actually I think it's in this closet. It's a little portable stool that you can like open up and put on the subway, and so that's what I ended up using, because I also figured everyone every seat on the subway has probably been sat on by a menstruating woman. So yeah, so there is definitely a mix. This one where I lived by the Constitution, there were parts she loved, like as part of it, I joined the regiment in New Jersey that re enacts revolutionary war. Oh wait, I think I heard something that you might be in, so I want to hear about that. But anyway, she got into it. She put on the bonnet, she was like, we had a great time. On the other hand, I bought a musket because that to express my Second Amendment rights. And even though there was no way there's going to be a musket accident in our apartment because it takes it's like fifteen minutes to load a musket and you have to get the lead balls and it's very difficult, but still she hated it. She just hated the idea of a gun in our apartment. But I want to hear about I think Jonah had emailed me something that you have also had a reenactment.
Yeah, so, I when I was in college, I wrote my senior year, I wrote a paper on Civil War reenactments. And it was this class called like writing in the documentary tradition, which meant like you have to write papers. He was like, our teacher was, like, documentaries, it's not it doesn't mean it's a movie. It's just anything that you look closely at and that you basically try not to take any opinion of. So like kind of similar to what. So, I went to a bunch of Civil war museums. I went to school in Philadelphia, so there's like a lot of that stuff. And then I went to a reenactment, and Yeah, it was just wild, the whole experience of hearing people.
I mean, I felt like the reenactment.
And I don't want to say this about reenactment civil warry enactments in general, but I do think if you have if you are someone who likes to drink, you can just sort of like sit and be like, you know, you know, you're not fighting right now, but you're like take But it was just like it was just really an interesting The thing that I always have wanted to do like some kind of a project about because I find it so interesting is women at Civil warry enactments because they are so bored and they're you know, sometimes they're doctors.
Sometimes they have hat boxes. They want to tell you, like.
They don't have a lot to do those so they sort of are trying to pretend.
They just have to pretend it's a civil.
War, right, you know what I mean, Like they don't have as much action to do, so they're just sort of like sitting around.
Just the whole thing was so fascinating to me. And there was there are these two museums in Philadelphia that sort of have one has borrowed stuff from the other. One one's much bigger than the other, and they have sort of like there's some beef between them, and oh really, And one of the professors that I spoke with a lot impersonates a general and he goes to different schools and stuffy and you ask him questions as though he's the general.
And a union or a Confederate.
Union, and it's been just fascinating, yes, for sure. And people I remember someone saying like, I know you because nobody wanted to be in pencil. Nobody wanted to be Confederate, and so I remember it was like some people had to be Confederate though, just so there could be a war. But I remember this one guy saying to me like he's like, I know the people that are on the Confederate side aren't really Confederate, a lot of them, but I still don't like them. And it's like, well, you know, that's so nice for you that you get to be on the side that you chose as opposed to. Just like there's so many, you know, and nobody wanted to die because they came all the way this way and they have their outfits and all that stuff, and so you just see people get sort of quote unquote killed and then stand right back.
And I love it.
I have just a couple of quick comments on that. I mean, first of all, I did die, and I loved it. I died in the Battle of Monmouth because it was super hot August day and these are you're heavy, you're in wool and I was like, this is enough. So I died. I made sure to die in the shade and I was so I was like lying in the shade and it was fun.
It was uh.
I remember I was dead. I was a patriot, a continental soldier. But I die next to a red coat. And then this other red coat guy comes over and talks to the one of the dead red coat. He's like, hey, how's your beautiful wife, And the dead red coat is like having a conversation with this guy. Ah, I heard you went on a cruise. And then so we lived at this whole. So it's very social even if you're dead. And then the other thing, drinking is big yeah, because day drinking, Like yeah, they just drank all the time. And then the the other one is oh the women.
It depends on the regiment within the reenactor community, because some regiments are very strict and we'll only have the women be like a mile away because that's the way it was. The women were doing the laundry and they were like cooking and but but way back from the line. But some are and now there's a movement that women, if they choose, can like put on the uniform and go and fight, and like the really staunch conservative old timers are like what's going on or women on the front line. So yeah, it's like, uh, it's a little bit of a controversy, but I support it.
Yeah, I support it as well. We're gonna take a quick break. I just wanted to say really quick. I thought about one more thing. I did get a participation trophy for finishing kindergarten. Nice feature missus Kohut, who's sad she passed away. Still when I was young, but this trophy really meant a lot to me. I still have it. It was a little cup and so I was a really little kid. It was kindergarten. But in that case, I think it was a great participation trophy. I think it really did help my self esteem, and that is like a kind of a sentimental participation trophy I have.
So I think there might.
Be something to the idea that when you're still really young and a trophy, you really feel proud of a trophy. Once you reach a certain age and the trophy is for something that feels like unearned, then yeah.
And it was for finishing kindergarten.
Didn't have like a GPA on it, it didn't have like, you know, it wasn't huge in all the measurements and comparing myself to others.
I was just like, I got this cool thing for going to school.
Most like a diploma, a diploma for graduating really and.
Probably did it? Was like nap, I don't know color.
It was cute. You did a good job.
Yeah, congradually passed.
I went out of the first grade. I finished all of high school. So not a big deal.
We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back with Ajjcobs.
So, AJ, now we're going to play a game, which we know is something that you.
Love to do.
Love to do it, and I love listening to your game. So I can't wait to hear what you cooked up.
Okay, So we cooked up a favor of ours called change dot door.
Change dot door.
Otherwise known as let's make fun of people who don't know how to use change dot org. And so we're going to bring up three different petitions that people have made and we're going to each vote for which one we would sign if we had to sign one of them.
Love it, love it, thank you. I'm very appropriate from my Constitution bookcase petitions.
Right, So this first one is called petition for cubing to be taught at school, and this person says, cubing has become a major By the way, there were several of these that wanted the same thing to become. Yeah, yeah, a major trend with students sweep the nation. Cubing refers to the act of solving a Rubik's cube. Cubing helps memory logic thinking, helps you create a plan, mapping out your steps, and improves your reflexes and reaction time because you need to move the cube fast. Not only that, but have you ever been stressed or bored after doing so much revision? Okay, Cubing is a way to de stress and concentrate on something else for a while. This could improve your efficacy at work after you finish your cubing break. So, in conclusion, this person is saying they think that cubing should be taught at school and.
It could help their academic results and their social life. This guy thinks that cuban could basically help.
Change kind of change the world.
Yeah, Aja, what are your thoughts on this one?
Well, I am and also I'm curious where you where you how good you are are a Rubik's cube?
Well, it's a good question because my previous book was about puzzles, which is what spawned the uh the podcast, and I have a chapter on Rubik's Cube. First of all, I grew up at the right time. I was in the early eighties. I was like thirteen, but I was I remember watching That's Incredible. Did you ever see that show before your time? It was sort of like an early version of I don't know People magazine but on TV. But yeah, they had these kids doing them super fast, and I was like, I'm not gonna compete with that, so I'm just gonna give up and just be above it. I had the sort of same thing with D and D Drag Toungeon and the Dragons.
I played once and I got killed within five minutes and I'm like, this sucks. I'm not even gonna invest. So I never did Rubiksu, but for the book I did. I finally solved it with I had a coach, a woman who was one of the speed cubers, and her record was like fifteen or sixteen seconds, which is pretty good. The real record, the number one record is three point four seconds, which is insane. It's just insane. Oh and I also reviewed one of my was a guy who held the North American foot solving record because they have all these other things where you can solve it with your feet or you can solve it blind folded, so he he. He was a little upset because they used to have foot solves in the official tournaments, but then they decided it was unhygienic. His point was, your feet are probably cleaner than your hands, so it's really not fair. So that's a petition that I could really get behind. Let's get the foot solving back back in the official But I actually I do. I agree. It's fun and it's like, I don't know how much it teaches you to think. If you do it without watching the YouTube tutorials, then it's actually really thought provoking. There's no but there was no way I was going to do that because that would take years. But the YouTube tutorials, it's more like you're memorizing a bunch of algorithms. You like, turn it twice to the right, three times to the left, And so I think it's good. I don't think it's gonna solve our educational problems, but I give it a moderate thumbs up.
What about you too, I agree?
I think it would be. I mean, I have a Rubic's Cube. I've never solved it. I've never really seriously gone online and tried to learn how to, Like I've looked it up before, but I've never I've sort of lost patience and not like stuck with it.
Do you have one in there?
I think so that if I can pull this out, this would be cool. Hold on, I know this is a pot.
No, take your time.
I watched I watched that documentary about it, and I just cannot believe how people's minds work, that they can solve them so quickly. Like to me, I don't. My brain just doesn't. Isn't like picking up on things that way. And I think of myself as a pretty intelligent person. But yeah, well wait which document was it? The one about the autistic solver? Yes, that was a lovely I thought that great.
I loved it.
Here's a regular one. But I had a whole collection for my books, so I had and this is a four by four which I never saw. My son solved five by five.
And then you got the weird ones where it's like different shapes, like you can get ones that are in the shape like there's one in the shape of Michael Jordan for some reason, like a Michael Jordan's shaped cube. So, yeah, people, it is. It is quite a lovely subculture.
I was going to say you could only teach like a few days of class on this, but it seems like you could move on to other shapes and it could be kind of like a semester long thing exactly.
I'm just trying to impress. I've never seen cub Oh yeah, like this one. Whoa, I don't know what the deal is this one is. But because it's all one color, so that's there is a Ruby's cube that changes colors. It's like, call wow, is like an April Fool's Day.
That's crazy. Well, I'm with you. I agree that this should be. This would be I mean we don't have to like have a whole Rubik's cube class, but maybe during a math class, during something it could be taught.
Jonah, what do you think? Do you think it should be taught in school?
Yeah, I mean I think it's cool. I think it's a cool idea.
Last time I was visiting you, you had a Ruby's cube, Yes, And I spent a lot of time trying to solve it and it was I didn't do any tutorials, and it's so difficult.
It's so difficult.
It took erno Rubik the Inventor a month to solve because you to tour.
Yeah yeah, I couldn't see that, so Vanessa. Actually, I think at some point got me a little two by two one like a key chain one. Oh yeah, and I still can't solve that one and I have it. Wow, So I think it actually probably would be a good skill. I'm sure you can apply it to other things in life. But yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah, I'm sure you know whatever, like trigonometry I never used. I'm sure at least this would be a cool party trick.
So yeah, why not?
Yeah, and have you solved your Rubik's Cube, Vanessa, or it's more.
I've never solved it, but I but you're inspiring me.
Maybe I'll go online now, Like I would like to think if I looked up tutorials about it, I'd maybe be able to solve it.
Yeah, there's like I mean, it did take me, I would say, an entire day. So yeah, I don't know if you have a life.
With the tutorials, it still took you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe I could get started and kind of come back to it or something.
Well, but I am also a little slow. I'm very bad at spatial puzzle.
I bet you're better than me at it. Those sure, Jonah, do you want to read this next one?
The next one is called make wordle relevant. We love wordle, we play it every day, but wouldn't it be more fun if the words chosen each day we're topically relevant for right now, Like imagine Spember twenty fifth the word is Santa, or on New Year's Day the word is birth. I'm sure you can think of loads of other ideas at them as comments. Let's get the attention of those running World of to inject a little extra fun into this community. Ajo, what do you think about a topical wordle.
That is interesting? Well, first of all, thank you for choosing puzzle based petitions. That was very thoughtful of you. And I would say my guess is there probably is a news based wordle because I once counted at the time it was like a year ago, there were like, you know, one hundred and forty different wordles. There was there was like a naughty wordle little I think it was called with like naughty words like Penis and Boner, and then you had Yiddish wordle, you had no then there's one. Weirdly, I'm not a big sports guy. I don't know if you two are, but we had this basketball player named Yako Purdle on the Puzzler yesterday, and there's a basketball wordle called Purdle after him. So yeah, there is a ton of wordles, and so yeah, I'm you know, I'm all for it. I'm not like, I don't think that it's like a passionate social justice cause for me that there should be a a wordle with And you can also see it going dark, like you could say, like you know whatever, like COVID or something you don't want.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So uh but yeah, I mean I I am. I would say I am passionately neutral about this one. I wouldn't I wouldn't be upset if someone made a wordle that was yeah, timely, but it's not something that I am going to march in the streets for.
You're in good company because interestingly enough, I saw the editor of Wordle for the New York Times, because since it's gone to the New York Times, Tracy Bennett, she I saw she i guess. She's done other interviews about this as well, but she was on Watch What Happens Live on Bravo. She was the bartend and Watch What Happens Live and they asked her what the most controversial word has ever been, and it was on Thanksgiving a few years ago. She the word was feast, and I guess people were furious, really.
And I know exactly why.
I guess yeah, a lot of people were really mad because they were like, it's two on the nose, like why would you do this? And then she said like a year after that and like people were like, we should have more themed things.
So it's like there's a real you.
You sort of being neutral on it is exactly right because there's people who really hated it, and then there were people who in the end were like, we want more of this. So people are very split, very split on this one.
Well, I will say I want to hear Jonah's take, but I will say I do love the anger and fury that the New York Times puzzles seemed to invoke. First it was spelling be and people were like, I cannot believe moon man is not a word. And I felt it too. I just did not tweet about.
It like, yeah, yeah, I agree.
I decided not to take it public, and then the new one to get angry Connections.
Oh do I get mad at Waina.
I feel like that game is sometimes it is so off the rails. What these words have in common for anyone who hasn't played it. It's like you have to group sixteen words into four categories. And sometimes I go, this is such a stretch. And I have a group of friends and we all text about it, and sometimes my friends will point out. They'll be like, she's wrong on this thing, like this one is incorrect. But the way that they try and fool you on it, it's like, at least with wordle, it's like you're just guessing. No one's trying to sneak anything past you. With Connection, what are your thoughts? Do you like Connections?
I do.
I love it, but I get frustrated too. I actually we did a live puzzler show and win a lou who is the other.
I called her Whino win excuse me, she was.
The guest, and she got angry at me because you know, I said, the first thing I do when I open Connections is I shuffle the words, so it rearranges them because I know that she's trying to trick me by putting them in a service.
Morn she is.
She puts she'll put like goldilocks, like today like goldilocks and bear next to each other, right, So you're like yeah.
And then and she's like, I spend hours setting it up and it's like, well, yes, exactly, you're not my friend. And she's like, I thought we were friends, and it was like it was very awkward, and now I still I told her I wouldn't do it, that I would stop shuffling, but it's still the first thing I do.
I open it and I show that's.
One of the smartest things I've ever heard. Do you want to hear something that I do on wordle that I think is that is a hack that I've created that I think is one of the smartest things I've ever done.
Yes, of course.
When I'm solving wordle and I have down to like I have maybe two or three letters and I'm missing some, and I basically know where the letters that I have go, even if I'm not one hundred percent sure. I put x'es in where the spaces where I don't know what the letters are and somehow seeing an X in that space as opposed to seeing the wrong letter or just just envisioning it in my envisioning letters in my mind. Somehow, putting an X where you don't know what the letter is, you can like solve it immediately sometimes because the X just looks like empty space, whereas any other letter sort of right. It makes your brain think of, Yeah, so that's my trick, and your connection trick is so good. And you know what whin a it don't don't don't get First of all, don't give us the option to shuffle if you don't want us to. And second of all, you're you're walking on a You're walking a real thin line here. She I mean, for all the people that got mad about feast on Thanksgiving, I'm that times one hundred. About some of these connections, I go, this is a real stretch, ma'am.
All right, Well, can I just say one other thing?
She's a lovely woman. She is a lovely woman, and we love her.
Yeah, we love a lot of challenged And by the way, I wish her only the best. I wish only the best. And I know I haven't made that very clear. I've kind of made it seem like I have it out for her, and I don't. I appreciate her challenging me, and and she.
I don't have a ton of thoughts on this. I don't play a lot of these games. Maybe I'll get into it, but sure we can. We can do that as strongly as you two about this one.
Yeah, that's not bad.
But this last petition we have was written by you.
Yeah, we were going to make this all games, and then we were. We were delighted to find the surprise of one was made by you.
I'm nervous. I can't remember it.
It's called Help Save Democracy by aj Jacobs, and I won't read all of it, but it says, hello, fans of democracy. I'm an author The Year of Living Biblically, among other books, and I'm currently writing a book about the Constitution. As part of the book, I'm trying to express all my constitutional rights. The First Amendment guarantees citizens of the right to petition the government. So I've drafted a petition I feel passionate about, and I will deliver a paper and ink version of it to Congress in person next month. You already had on more than one hundred people sign with a quill pen, but you'd love more. So your petition is I'm asking Congress to reconsider an idea endorsed by Ben Franklin and several other Founding Fathers. The idea is that the role of president is far too powerful for any single person. Instead, there should be a committee of presidents. It could be three presidents or even twelve, as Franklin once suggested. Many delegates were shocked by the idea of a single president. They called it the fetus of monarchy. And then you go on and basically you list, you show the actual petition that you had people signed with a quill.
Pen, and you ended it.
Let's give the United States the democracy it deserves, not a system of elected semi kings and queens.
Huzzah. I support that petition one hundred percent. I had totally forgotten I put it online because I did most of it on like a parchment papers and had people sign in quill But I guess I wanted more signatures, And yeah, I actually I'm not sure I want in reality three presidents, but I do think the president is way too powerful and far more powerful than the Founding Father's imagined. Yeah, I thought this was an interesting petition, and I actually did. I got hundreds of signatures. It's not in this room, but it's a big, fat scroll, and.
I brought it.
My second cousin works for Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, Okay, and so I got a meeting with him. I put on my crazy outfit, my tricorn hat, and I went down there and I met him and I unfurled the petition and he said he was very nice because I guess he well, partly he knew there was like a TV show filming me, so he couldn't say get the hell out of here, which I probably wanted to. But he's like, you are injecting some logic and common sense into it. And I was like, what that is a unexpected And then I'm like, so you'll sign it and you'll support it. He's like no, but he did agree that the president is too powerful and he's working to take some of that power back into Congress, because yeah, we don't. I am scared. As I said in the book, the fetus of monarchy that they feared is now like a toddler, maybe even a tween, like it is. Yeah, it is way too poud. So thank you I support that petition. One are you.
Good news for you got two hundred and one signatures unchanged that.
Are yeah, yeah, real signature over the one hundred and yeah, and I have yeah, which is not easy. And I'm with you on this, Like I think I'm of two minds. One, like, I have so much anxiety about watching this election cycle through November, the NonStop kind of stuff. I'm like, if you multiplied that by three, that does sort of sound like a nightmare. But I also do think president probably does have too much power. And you know, to your point, and this is obviously a bigger topic. The Supreme Court and all of these things, the Electoral College. We think of them as like these fixed things, but they're not necessarily and they have changed, right, Yeah, so yeah, exactly.
I mean it sounds weird, but Switzerland has seven presidents and like a council of presidents, and like in an alternative universe, they lost the vote seven to three. So seven states said one president, threesays said more presidents. But it should have been the other way, like maybe that would be the norm, and sure, and yeah, part of the hope was it would moderate, so you might have one Trump, but with two mint Romneys. Now, you might have three Trumps, but my fault feeling is three Trumps is not really any worse than one Trump. In fact, it might be better, right, So that was part of the reasoning. Yeah, might moderate the extremists.
Yeah, I like it. I think it's smart. Vanessa, what are your thoughts on I.
Like it too.
I really like it too, and I and I found it interesting. I was reading your book about because you're right, it's like, why can't we change this stuff? What I found so interesting what you were saying about in your book The Year of Living Constitutionally, was like, it is almost like you see what you want to see in the Constitution, especially because it's such an old it's such an old document that is like, so it was sort of like, so much of it isn't really relevant now that you could just take your beliefs and show how they're supported in it, no matter what your beliefs are. So so it's like, yeah, why not, why couldn't we change this? I'd certainly rather have someone if Trump were to get elected, which I don't even want, but like, I'd certainly rather have two other people that are not as insane as him.
In the you know.
Right, well, that is I am so exciting that so excited. I have two more yeah, two more signature sures. All right, I'm I'm going to forge your signatures if that's okay, Yeah.
Please please put them on. So it's so agent, this might be this might be just you know, obvious. But if you had to sign one of these petitions cubing taught in school, make words word irrelevant or help save democracy your petition, which one would you sign?
Well, I want to be generous and give and do one of the others, but I can't. I just have to be selfish and go with my own petition. And so yeah, absolutely, three presidents overcubing. You can have both. You can have three presidents both.
Yeah signs to a J.
I feel it would be also kind of rude for you coming to the podcast and then maybe back to what I was thinking.
To don't feel pressure right here, I'm not put the pressure, but I'm all right.
I like it too, so I wouldn't do it if I didn't feel comfortable.
Yes about you, I I same thing. I I I agree with AJ here. I also love the idea of cubing. But right with AJ right here, I'm not gonna say that one.
Right, I'm going to sign off.
I'm going to sign a J's and and that's that's so. I think it's all three of us. We're in the same That is lovely.
Yeah, yeah, well, thank you and thank you for giving me so much joy over the years and months listening to your show.
So I appreciate thank you for Like I said, I've been to your your book events, and as I said on your podcast, you sent me a postcard right when for your Gratitude book. I think where you said on your mailing list, write in what's going on? I'meli you. So I got this post. I was very excited about it, and so yeah, thank you for that.
It's great coast we're correspondence were yeah, exactly, that's agent.
Where can people find out more about you? You're writing the new book all that kind of stuff. How can you kind of promote this stuff?
Well, thank you for asking. Yeah, the book is out and wherever books are sold, and I have a website Ajjacobs dot com and I'm going to start a sub stack before this book comes out in a couple of weeks. But I haven't started it yet, so I don't have an address to give people, but maybe they can figure it out.
They can figure it.
Yeah, yeah, right, great, and everyone should read The Year of Living constitutionally.
It's really great.
Yeah, and thank you for just the idea of I just can't stop to give out your family sort of.
They are good people, yes, and my son's I mean, my sons sometimes get a kick out of it, but sometimes like the usual level of dad embarrassment, it's like crazy, like times one hundred, and they're like, oh my god, yeah, incredible.
Well, this was so much fun. Thank you to AJ for joining us and everyone for listening.
If you enjoyed this, please subscribe to the podcast and keep an eye out for next episode of How Did We Get Weird, when we discussed more stories from our childhood and cultural touchstones like participation trophies.
Thank you so much, AJ, Thank you