Guy Pearce on fatherhood, films, cults and that Neighbours reboot

Published May 18, 2023, 7:01 PM

This week we talk with veteran Aussie actor Guy Pearce, whose career now spans four decades, from his debut as a novice straight out of high school in Neighbours, via Hollywood movies like LA Confidential and international hits like The King's Speech, to high-end TV series such as Jack Irish and Mare of Easttown and his new show coming out shortly on Disney+ - The Clearing - an eight-part thriller set in Victoria.

Hosting this conversation - about everything from how fatherhood has changed him, to his itinerant global life, to how he really feels about the Neighbours reboot, is senior culture writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, Karl Quinn.

Hi, I'm Conrad Marshall and from the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. This is Good Weekend Talks a magazine for your ears in which we take a deep dive into the definitive stories of the day. Every week you can download new episodes in which top journalists from across our newsrooms host conversations with the people capturing the imagination of Australians right now. This week we talk with veteran Aussie actor Guy Pearce. His career now spans four decades from his debut as a novice straight out of high school in neighbours via Hollywood movies like LA Confidential and Memento and International hits The Proposition and The King's Speech to high end TV series such as Jack Irish Mare of Easttown and Mildred Pierce, the last two with his old mate Kate Winslet, the Emmy Award winner, has got a new show coming out shortly on Disney. Plus The Clearing, an eight pod thriller set in Victoria. And based on a real life cult and hosting this conversation about everything from his itinerant global life to how fatherhood has changed him and how he really feels about the neighbours. Reboot is senior culture writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. Kyle Quinn.

Thanks, Conrad, and welcome Guy Pearce to Good weekend talks.

Thank you very much. Thanks for having me.

It's a long time since we did this last night. I don't know if you remember that. I remember chatting to you. I don't know what it was for, though. It's for a cover story for the Melbourne magazine, The glossy we used to do a million years ago. And it was a long profile piece. Yes. Okay. In about 2008 or something, probably. That sounds about right. Yeah. Yeah. Much has changed in your life since then. Yes. Yes. I'm a dad now. You are? Yeah. Can we talk about that briefly? Because I do remember at the time you were very much like, I don't think I ever want to have children. And it was all tied to, well, a whole bunch of stuff, I guess, in your life that you may or may not be comfortable talking about. No, that's right. Well, my my wife at the time, Kate and I.

Really, you know, were clear that we didn't want to have children. And so it was a sort of an easy decision, really. It wasn't even a decision. So I was quite surprising when things changed for me. And and I knew I was having a child with Chris in 2015. Well, it was we found out at the very end of 2015 and he was born in August of 2016. So it was quite a quite a change. It's funny because lots of people said to me at the time, Oh God, you know, you'd probably really you're going to be in real shock, etcetera, etcetera. And I said, Well, look, in a way I'm not because I knew why I didn't really want to have kids because what I knew about it was the commitment that it required. As you know, I sort of helped raise my sister, you know, through my childhood. So I was I was already fairly exhausted from from raising her. And I was very aware of the commitment that it that it takes. So once I knew that Monty was on the way, my little boy, I thought, okay, here we go. You know, this is this is it. This is a big change in my life now. It was funny because it was just a matter of actually believing. I think I spent the first two and a half, three years of his life going, I don't actually believe that I've had a child. This is really true. It was the strangest thing. It's sort of really believed that it was true, you know, You know, by heart. I knew, but my head was going, No, you don't have a child. What are you talking about? So and of course, you know, I mean, as everyone would assume and as I knew would happen, he's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, you know? So I'm just so madly in love with him. I can't stand it, you know? And of course, I've just got here to Toronto today, so I left him yesterday. So and I'm only here for a couple of weeks, so it's not a very long time. But still, it's devastating to leave him. You know.

It's part of an actor's life, isn't it? You're always being torn apart from your family. Yeah. I mean, funnily enough.

Though, Kate and I missed each other when we were together, but we were really. And it's different, I think, with a partner because you can have good conversations with each other and you kind of, you understand it, you get it. And we also it was really important for us to have our independence as well. So those times away were great. You know, it was I missed her and we missed each other, but there was some sort of relief about it too, in a way. Whereas of course, now when I'm away from Monty, it just tears my heart out. Can't stand it, you know, really like, Oh my God, this is horrible. So it's really and of course it's horrible because I know that he's doing his utmost to be okay about it, but I know that it's there's turmoil inside. And he perhaps can't quite fathom what that is. And that's partly my projection onto him. But you know, that that hurts as well, knowing how it's affecting him. I think that's the thing.

That parent child relationship, you know, your experience of losing your father at a very early age and then having to play kind of parent to your sister who has a how do you frame it, a learning disability? Is that the best way to describe it?

It's funny, isn't it? Because, you know, the terms kept changing. She used to be mentally retarded and then she was mentally handicapped and then she was intellectually handicapped and then she was intellectually disabled and then she was socially disenfranchised. And then there was just, you know, my mum and I used to just laugh about, okay, what's she going to be called this year? You know? But yes, a learning disability or intellectually disabled is what I've still sort of say, really.

But just in terms of that that relationship between a parent and a child, I mean, you must have had a somewhat different take on it than most people do, I think, as a result of your experiences.

Yes, I think probably and I think probably on some level that adds to my pain when I leave my boy now, because it's some sort of reflection of having been left as a little boy, as we know, you know, when my dad died. So I've also got to be really careful not to keep projecting that into my situation and sort of make it be dire and make it be really painful because I also don't want to make it I don't want my little boy to to see it as any more painful than it is. So I've just always got to be a little bit careful with that.

Where is home for you now?

Well, still Melbourne. I still live in Australia and I'm trying to get there as much as I can. I mean, I'm working more in Europe these days than I am in the States and I'm working more in Europe because I'm there, therefore. Closer to Monte and being able to sort of see him when I can. Whereas up until about 2014, 2015, I was working, as you know, in the States more. And then just sort of going straight back to Melbourne in between. And these days I tend to do more shorter jobs. You know, I'm not playing such lead roles anymore, so I'm doing jobs that are really only two weeks or three weeks. So I'm actually stringing sort of more of them together means that I've only sort of got two weeks or three weeks in between. So then I'll flit back to, you know, flit back to Holland and see my little boy. And we had a big chunk of time in Australia last year, which was great, obviously to do the Neighbours reunion and to do another reunion, to do the finale and to do the clearing. So I certainly try to get back to Australia as much as I can, but you know, it's a long flight across the those ditches.

At the risk of really pushing the relationship here and going into territory, I shouldn't. Are you increased still like officially partners? I mean, how does how does that work?

Uh, yeah, I don't know. I don't know the answer to that. I think we're very much partners because we're the parents of Monty. And, you know, we're. I think we we were sort of thrust together very quickly because the pregnancy occurred very quickly rather.


Try and work out whether we're a good couple with each other, let's just firstly focus on being good parents for him and and do that stuff. And we've actually had with a great therapist who I know who who's sort of been helping us kind of manage this, you know, and this is this is quite personal stuff, obviously. So I'm slightly dubious about or careful about what I'm saying. But we really love each other. We really adore each other and we really are very aware and sensitive of the importance of our connection and love for each other because of Monty, because of our child. And I think we both think very much in the same way Chris and I. And we know that, you know, we've probably got some things to work through as a couple. So on some level, we've put those on hold. And rather than us having a difficult time together and having that having any effect on our child, we both know we don't want that to have an effect on our child. So we're sort of taking time out, as it were. But we're working very well together to try and remain being a good working pair of parents for Monty, because we both know that's the most important thing in the world. And I think the other stuff, the the relationship stuff between her and I will will either fall into place if it does or, you know, at some point we need to just work out what we want to do with that, you know, so we've taken the pressure off ourselves and go on, let's not try and be a couple and make that work. Let's just focus on our boy.

All of which strikes me as the last time we spoke, it struck me that you exhibit a degree of consciousness and reflectiveness about your life and your work. That is, I think, uncommon. So you know, good on you.

Well, thank you. I mean, I really like to communicate and I really like to be honest about what's going on for me and the people around me. And I think if I've got issues with stuff for myself and if I've got issues with other people, I really need to get it off my chest. And Clarice is the same. She's even more so than me. She's, she's super sensitive and she's a really beautiful human being. And I think if things are tense for her, she just can't function. And I really want to make sure she can function well and she really wants to make sure I can function well. So we both sort of go on, let's really look after each other and care for each other. And in a way, we're getting on better now than we than we ever have. And as I say, we were sort of thrust together very quickly and the pregnancy happened very quickly. And so that we were trying to sort of pretend, not pretend, but we were trying to convince ourselves that that we were a couple. And it was perfectly right because we sort of had to because we had a child together. But now we're going actually, let's let's just focus on the child and try and be the best individuals we can be. And, and really respect each other and respect ourselves as much as we possibly can in this process, you know, and and it's so much better if anyone has got kids, knows that you're just in each other's pockets constantly because of the child. So it's fun, you know, it's fun. And we've we're at a good place for the moment, which is what.

I'm going to ask you, because this has a certain personal relevance in my life to put pressure on that relationship.


I mean, you know, where all of my friends I mean, I was, you know, for want of a better expression, I was stuck in Holland. I mean, I went to I was in America doing a film in the February of 2020. And then in the March of 2020, I went to Pennsylvania to start doing Mare of Easttown and it got shut down on my first day of filming. They'd been filming for months and months and months, and on my first day it got shut down on March the 12th or whatever the day was. And I couldn't come back to Australia because if I came back to Australia. Australia wasn't going to let me out. So I went back to Holland waiting to find out when we could continue on with Mare of Easttown. So I was in Holland for quite some months during 2020. As I say, sort of waiting to find out when we could continue on. And in those months while I was in Holland in the, you know, the mid part of 2020 and all of Australia was sort of held to the ground with guns to their head because the because the restrictions were, you know, above and beyond Holland basically went, Oh yeah, maybe if you walk in the park, maybe you don't know, keep a metre and a half apart maybe, Yeah, that's, that's the restriction. So here I am talking to my friends at home who are locked in their houses and getting fined 1600 bucks if they stepped outside. And you know, in typical sort of, well, I shouldn't be too critical because I didn't have to experience it, but I was so.

I was so.

Pained to hear what all my friends were going through in Melbourne with COVID. The restrictions, as we know, were worse there than anywhere else in the world like they really, really were. Although, funnily enough, I was talking to a dad at the school that my boy goes to from Panama and he was telling me that they were just as bad in Panama as well. But that was so bad in in Melbourne, whereas in Holland it was pretty lax. It was pretty lax. You could walk outside whenever you wanted and go for a walk in the park. And you know, I think there was three restaurants closed in the whole of Amsterdam, you know. So in answer to your question, no, COVID didn't really put pressure on us as a relationship. And in a way, you know, Monty, because I forget it's 2020, so was that many years ago. So he was still going to Croatia a little bit or I think they might have actually really limited that. So I felt I spend lots of time with Monty. It was fantastic, you know, really, really great.

So we're talking about family here, which is pretty pertinent to this new show, this Disney+ drama made in Australia, The Clearing, based on the book in the Clearing by Jp Palmer.

Repeat after me. Mother. Your love binds us together as one family. One heart. Together we are united. Alone we are blighted.

Baby, you must be initiated.

Get those kids out there to give me nightmares.

Tell me about your role in it and tell me about what what drew you to this project. And I'm always assuming it's something other than the paycheck.

Yeah, it is always something other than the paycheck. Although I have done a couple of jobs in the past where the paycheck certainly was very exciting to me and the jobs were fine, but in the end, kind of had that that sort of bad taste in your mouth.

Are you going to name names here, Guy?

No, no, no. Well, the time machine, probably, if I was to name one, would be the show, you know. So we all know how that film turned out. And, you know, I mean, I got to renovate my house, so that was good. But but still, you know, that's not the feeling you want years after you've made a film as to why, you know, as to why you chose to do it. But no, I don't do things for the paycheck. I need to get paid. Obviously I need bills and, you know, etcetera. But now it's about, well, it's different things for different jobs. You know, sometimes it's about a role I've never experienced before, or sometimes it's the idea or it's a director, you know, it can be it can be a combination of things or a role. I sort of feel I might have done something similar before, but I know I can do something kind of different with it. It ultimately has to feel like a story that stays with you. Like when you read a book and it just inhabits you and you inhabit it. So I have to have that feeling about it and that I can then sort of swim around in it. Otherwise the work is too hard. It's like pushing something uphill, you know, It's just sort of too I just don't believe myself if I'm not swimming around in that world after reading it and I'm having to sort of construct it, then I just don't believe myself and most likely will end up not being believable when people watch it. So this was fascinating. I mean, it came about firstly because two very close friends of mine, Matt Cameron, who wrote it, and Jeffrey Walker, who was directing it, were involved, and I've worked with both of them initially on well, I worked with Matt initially on Poor Boy when we did the play of Poor Boy. Yeah. And, and and I knew Jeffrey when he was a kid so we've known I've known both of them for quite some time.

Jeffrey Jeffrey was on Neighbours as a kid, wasn't he.

I think he did some neighbours as a kid. He'd done a lot of other things prior to that. Yeah. You know, it was in Proof. He played Young Hugo Weaving in Proof back in 1980 or whatever.

I think he interned as a director on Neighbours. But probably after your time, right?

Yeah, he was. I think he, I think perhaps he'd acted on neighbours and while he was there said to them, I actually want to be directing this instead of acting in it. So they get, I think his first sort of directing opportunities and proved himself immediately. He's hilarious. Jeffrey because when he was a little kid, he was like a little old man. And now that he's 40 or whatever he is, he's like a little kid. He's just the most fascinating Benjamin Button kind of character. And I absolutely love him to death. He and I are very close and I just love talking with him about anything family, parenting, films, whatever. He's wonderful to work with. So he and Matt approached me about the clearing, and I knew that they were doing it because Matt is a very good friend and he'd been telling me during the whole process about the thing that this thing that he was writing. And then when Jeff asked me about it and about this particular role, it just immediately was quite fascinating because I always love a character who is so extremely sort of trapped in their own belief system. To the detriment of their own health or everyone around them or, you know. I suppose on some level, I personally feel a bit like I'm always at sea. I'm quite specific and I'm quite organised and I'm quite sort of thoughtful, as you point out. And you know, I'm not a mess as a person in life. I'm really quite together, but it always takes a lot of work for me to be together, I think, you know. And so when I come across a character who has this singular belief about something, it's always really fascinating to me and really sort of appealing. It's appealing to play that because. In that singular focus. I think they they tend to sort of miss what's going on around them. And that brings great drama, that brings great sort of comedy. It's a fascinating trainwreck to watch. And with a character like Bryce Latham, who I play and this is sort of highly intelligent and sort of exists in a in another universe, really a sort of a metaphysical kind of universe. And he's talking about, you know, stratospheric scientific ideas that no one else can really get a grip on. I just found what these guys had created in that character really interesting. And then particularly the the weird connection between he and one of his students who Miranda Otto plays in the film, who comes to him at university. I mean, he's a little bit older than her when he's lecturing there comes to him sort of wide eyed and and really makes it very clear to him that she fully understands what he's on about and actually brings her own interpretation of this. And he is just floored. I mean, she's beautiful. He sort of falls in love with her, even though he's sort of asexual. But in her he sees a voice of what it is he's trying to get across, where he is quite socially inept. Yes, he's a lecturer, but he's but he's, you know, awkward in her. He sort of sees this movie star who could actually sort of take this idea further. And so together they begin this group and she's able to sort of wrangle people and he's he's up with some quite highfalutin professionals, judges and doctors and lawyers. ET cetera. And obviously, it's in a time where there's sort of new age, new ways of thinking. And so it was a really interesting idea. And I was on board straight away. And for me, it was I was planning to come back to Australia anyway. It was just a matter of then working out the timing and making that work, which we did.

We'll be back in a moment.

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I think for for the listeners who may not know what the clearing is about, I think it's useful to reference the real life case of the family. Now, I know this is a fictionalized take on the Hamilton Byrne led cult, but it does seem that there's quite a lot of overlap. It must be said the kids with with the, you know, the dyed blonde hair, the sort of they've been sourced from, you know, I guess they were fostered or adopted or but illegal. Yes, that's right.

There really is overlap. There's no there's no doubt about it. I mean, I think for all sorts of reasons, you know, legally, among others, it's a sort of a territory that they couldn't emulate with all the real names, with all the facts of that scenario. But it was such an unusual and quite specific. I mean, one of the other interesting things, things about the family is that it's run by a woman. And that's quite unusual. I mean, we all know about the David Koresh's and the and the Jim Joneses of the world and all of these men who, you know, gather together groups of vulnerable people. And you could say, I suppose usually for for good in the first place, in the first instance, and then power ensues and certain relationships begin and it gets out of hand, which is very common even, you know, when you look at the show, The Vow, Keith Ranieri, who had that Nixon cult, when you look at the beginnings of that, that seemed like a fairly legitimate just sort of business operation. Business schooling, you know, didn't have anything culty about it at all in the first place. But even he and his situation got carried away, you know, started to lose his footing because of the young women who were idolizing him. ET cetera. So the the sexual power that occurs is fairly common, as we know, when it's a male running these cults. But obviously, as you point out, one of the things that clearly is an overlap and clearly a source from the original material is this idea. And obviously in the family's case and Hamilton Byrne was running that, but that a woman is is running one of these. It's very unusual, really interesting. And you know only in Melbourne.

Well, I mean that's the thing. It is, it is such a Melbourne story isn't it.


Yeah. It's very, you know, and the idea of it being about grooming very young children, it's quite spooky and harrowing. It was quite strange filming. And I have to say, you know, we, we read these things and go, wow, what a what an unusual and sort of harrowing world that we have here on the page. And then, of course, you start filming these things. And I've done a lot of heavy, heavy, you know, work. And, you know, you can have a good laugh about what you're doing on set sometimes. But when you're there on set and there's 12 little kids with bleached blonde hair going, Oh, wow, this is really creepy.

Well, you you started as a as a kid actor, right? I mean, you were eight or something when you when you first started acting, right? That's right.

I did a lot of theater when I was a kid.

I'm just wondering about that duty of care thing. You know, that must be something. And now that you're you're a parent, you know, you must just. That must just really burn quite brightly in your mind. Well, it really does.

And I sort of wonder whether, you know, it's I mean, you look at that film that we did, I nearly said flammable children because that's what it was called when we shot it. But the name changed to Swinging Safari, which was a pretty much about 70s bad parenting or 70s kind of loose, loose parenting. You know, I think our parents back in the 70s were just sort of sending us off to whatever group we felt like we wanted to be part of. But of course, you know, a lot of that came back to sort of bite parents on the bum. And these days, I think there's a lot more, you know, checks and balances and, you know, my my little boy in Holland goes to an international school and it's like it's like trying to get into the airport every time I bring him to school in the security. It's an American based school. It's full on, you know, And I'm like, wow, in my day, I guess my biking and, you know, whatever it was, now it's like security passes and it's the whole thing. So it's a very different world now.

Where are you at the moment? Montreal or Toronto?

I'm now in Toronto. I've just arrived and I'm about to start a David Cronenberg film.

Oh, wow. Okay.

Yeah. And I've just finished only a week ago, so I was only seeing Monty for a week before I then headed off again. I was I was just doing a film called The Brutalist, which is with Adrien Brody as the lead playing a post-war sort of Jewish immigrant architect who's arrived in America to make a new life for himself. And I play a kind of a wealthy landowner who discovers who he is, who realizes who he is, because he's he's sort of on a. He's on a building site working as a construction worker. And I've done some homework and found out who he is. And I employ him to to build a sort of a state or a giant community center for in the name of my mother, who's recently passed. So but it's very much his story. It's very much Adrian's story and trying to make make ends meet and make a new life for himself, as I say, but really centered around brutalist architecture.

Is it based on any particular architect or is it a concoction?

Yeah, a bit of a concoction. If you spoke to the director, he probably would have some clear references for you on on that. But he's a very interesting filmmaker. He did a film called Childhood of a Leader, and he also did the film Vox Lux, very young, only 30 odd years old, really brilliant, just amazing guy to work for. So so that was fascinating. But I only just finished that about a week ago. You know, suddenly I'm here going right.

Is it a lead role for Cronenberg?

Vincent Cassel is the lead. I sort of play second fiddle to him.

How does that feel to be playing second fiddle? I mean, does it feel like the weights off your shoulders and you can just turn up and do the work?

It's a little bit of everything, really. I mean, you know, there's a part I love playing lead roles. I really do. I mean, I love it for I love it for all sorts of reasons why, you know, your ego is one thing, but the the time and the journey that you have as a lead, as a lead in something is really satisfying, obviously, because you can really sink your teeth into it. And also it's it's the experience you have with the people you're working with. If you step into something and you're only there for two weeks, it all feels a bit transient and then you've left and a year later you're doing the press going, Oh, that's right. I you know, like when I when I did the lockout, I was only there for three days and then we won the Oscar and it was going, Congratulations. And I'm like, I don't even remember really doing this. Whereas if you're there, like when I did Spy Among Friends, you know, I was there in the trenches with Damian Lewis for five months. So I really was, you know, part of the team that in itself, because I love that camaraderie that occurs when you're when you're working all together for a long period of time. So there's that as well as the, as I say, the ego. Stone It's not even just the ego stuff. It's the satisfaction of carrying a story. Yeah, I'm happy to play second and third fiddle, absolutely and utterly, because to me, all the people say there's no such thing as a small role, only a small actor. So if you're playing someone who who has some purpose, then it doesn't matter if you're only in two scenes because you give those two scenes everything you've got anyway.

Who's the best person you've played against, do you think?

Well, it's hard to say. I mean, I always come back to Hugo Weaving because I just adore Hugo and he really is exceptionally talented. But, you know, I mean, I've I've worked with some really great people in my life, you know, and and I always say one of the best things about being an actor is working with better actors. And also you've got your own show about three feet in front of you. But with Adrian, you know, he's an Oscar winner and we're doing scenes with him, you know, last week and the week before was just such a privilege and astounding, you know, really. And it's great watching other people work. It's great really seeing how other actors work and, you know, and if you connect with them as friends, you know, if you can kind of connect as good, respectful work colleagues, that's a great step in the right direction. It's terrible if you if you want to connect with somebody and you know you're rubbing them the wrong way or they're rubbing you the wrong way, you think, oh, well, this is going to be tough, you know, which happens occasionally, not very often. But I worked with John Hurt, you know, Emily Watson. I mean, Emily Watson's just extraordinary. And these people, those people that are in that really in that top bracket, that's a whole other thing they've got going on. I reckon I'm really sort of cerebral. I'm really analytical and and a lot of my work comes from working stuff out. Whereas for a lot of these people, they're very smart. Absolutely. But there's just a natural, there's some natural thing going on that you can't teach. I don't reckon So, yeah. I mean, Carys Harris is an extraordinary actress, and one of the things that's extraordinary about her is that she's so in the moment it can have an effect on on the rest of her personal life because she can sort of lose things and she can you know, she doesn't think ahead enough or she doesn't reflect on something, you know, far back. And if she can wonder why something's happened to her. Yeah. So I'm always highly organized and on the lookout for things, you know. But there's something about Clarice when you roll camera. She's so unpredictable and so exciting to watch. It's amazing. Really amazing, you know? And those people just like Philip Seymour Hoffman. I would have loved to work with him.

I have to ask about Kate Winslet. Well, she is amazing to work with as she is on screen.

Kate and I have very, very good friends, very close friends. We literally text each other, if not every day, then every couple of days. I mean, we are. In each other's pockets constantly. Love each other to death. Absolutely adore each other. We share a birthday, so. And she was a big neighbors fan, so I think that's got the ball rolling, you know? Yeah, she she's amazing because she has everything going on. She's highly intelligent, highly analytical. She really works out a lot of stuff. But she also has that magical quality that I was talking about that she's just a naturally organic and sort of unpredictable and exciting natural talent. She's amazing. And if you're if ever I talk to her about it, she's like, Oh, shut up, darling, shut up, shut up, shut up. You know, let's talk about cooking. She's amazing.

Well, you see it on screen, I would say. Absolutely.

Yeah, absolutely. And I would do anything for her. Like she called me up and said, You have to come and do Mare of Easttown because we've just lost the other actors playing the role and we've changed directors. And she said, You cut me to do it and you're coming on these dates and this is when I went, okay.

I do have to ask about neighbors. You came back. You were very generous in, I think your presence in that those final episodes. And it was a lovely storyline as well. I have to say. It was such a nice kind of sense of wrapping it up and then they go and started again.

Yeah, I was a little thrown by that because Annie and I called each other and went, What do we do now? Because we're in the we're living in the street. And she said, Well, why? Because I'm on the show anyway. What are you going to do? I said, I don't know. So we're in the process of working it out.

Can we expect to see you return?

You may, you know, because obviously, if I'm going to extricate myself from the show, I have to do it in a you know, I want to do it sort of respectfully. And I wasn't just going to go, oh, well, bad luck, You know, you had your chance. That was it. You know, So there may be a little appearance or two, shall we say.

They've ambushed you.

That's all right.

I'm happy to be. It feels like a cul de sac, right? A career cul de sac you've been.

Yeah. It's the gift that keeps on giving, as they say.

So, Guy, if we could just throw a few quick questions at you. First up, what's the best advice you've ever been given?

It used to be what's your side? And the other side will take care of itself, which somebody gave me specifically as I was backing a car out of a driveway. But I found that I could apply that advice, you know, to many different scenarios. But now the more recent and best advice that someone gave me just before my son was born was always be the parent. Always be the parent. And I find that the test the test when I'm with my son, for me to be be a child with him or to, you know, to be the needy child sort of rises up. So I have to remind myself always to be the parent.

I've got to say that is exceptional advice and I wish I'd taken it a little more often in rearing my children. But anyway. All right. What's your idea of the perfect good weekend?

Or being at home, watching the footy and making music in my studio and maybe drinking a bit of champagne with it.

What's the last great book you read?


Wow, That's a tough one because it's actually been a long time since I've read a good book. Um. Because I read so many scripts. Wow. Can I come back to that?

You can say, What's the last great script you read?

Yeah, the last great script I read. Well, this one that I'm about to work on, this David Cronenberg film The Shrouds.

The last great film you saw.

I watched recently with my son. Fantastic, Mr..


And it is genius. I think it really is genius. Wes Anderson's work is wonderful, and I'd forgotten how good it was actually. It was great and it was great to watch it with a six year old.

Have you ever done any voiceover animation stuff? And he and he work in that space?

I did for the film back to the Outback last year or the year before I did. I played Frank, the Spider in in Back to the Outback and Monty, my little boy, you know, it was finally I could do a film that he could see. So that was that was good.

Cooking at home or eating out at a restaurant.

Cooking at home.

Do you have a go to dish?

Yeah. It's usually either a sort of a rice, rice and vegetables type thing, and it'll steer more towards sort of a fried type rice thing occasionally. But I usually try and keep it pretty fresh and pretty healthy and steamed and dark rice and, you know, maybe a little bit of chicken in there. But I'm trying to, you know, steer away from meat more and more these days.

This is a throwback. Dope or wine?

Well, if anything these days, it would be wine. The pot smoking stopped for me in 2005, thankfully. But having said that, I was going walking down Queen Street here in Toronto, and every second shop is like a marijuana medical marijuana, not even medical marijuana. Just I was like, wow, okay, am I going to find myself slipping back into pot smoking pot? Well, here in Toronto, I don't think so, thankfully. And, you know, I must admit, the hangovers from pot were always easier to deal with than any hangover from wine. I think it's probably the sugar. So I tend to stay away from the wine as well these days as well.

Guy Pearce has been an absolute pleasure talking to you. Thank you so much for your time.

Thank you, Carl. An absolute pleasure. Good to talk to you as well.

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