➡︎ The Jubal Show’s First Date Follow Up
What happens when you get ghosted after a first date? You call The Jubal Show and have them find out why! It's like putting yourself in a situation to get roasted, when you really just want a second date.
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Brook is on the phone today for our first day follow up and she's getting ghosted by a guy named Craig. So in a second we're gonna call him and see if you tell us why he's ghostinger or maybe get her another date. But first, Brook, how long is the vinces you heard from Craig?
Hey, oh gosh, I haven't heard from Craig in a few days, which is weird because before the date we were texting all the time.
Have you reached out to him in that time though?
Yeah, Well, at the end of our date, he was like, okay, well just hit me up when you're ready to hang out again, and so I did.
And then Cricket like just nothing.
Okay, thanks, let's go backwards and play detective. Tell us about your date.
We met on a dating app, like most people. I think it was Hinge, and I had seen on his profile leader he had like pictures of him doing that axpiring thing. So I set up the perfect date where we threw axes, which, by the way, is really freaking hard than you think. Oh my god, my shoulders still hurt, so he totally kicked my butt, but like it was super fun, Like we had fun challenging each other and we were having so much fun that we went to the bar next door and kept happing drinks all night where we played stars, where he also kicked my butt. Again, I'm not very good at these things, but point being that we had a lot of fun. Like he was laughing the whole time with me, Like it's not in my head, like he really had a good time, I'm pretty sure.
Well, other than laughing and stuff, what kind of gave you the vibe that he was into it?
I mean, he asked me to go home with him?
Did you go?
I did? He did? I mean I felt safe with him, like we've really connected or so I thought.
Well, what happened at his place? Did all kinds of fun things happen?
Uh, there were some fun adult things that happened.
But I'm like a.
Little worried because when we first got to his apartment, he has a roommate that was just chilling on the couch and we like said hello to him, and he was really hot, and in my drunken state, I may have been like, oh my god, your roommate is totally fine. So I don't know if that like offended him, but like I clearly went into credroom so that she was not going to hook up with his roommate. I don't know if that's why he's ghosting me.
How would you feel, Jubil, you take a girl home to hook up with you, you have a roommate on on her way to your bedroom. She says, Man, your roommate is so hot.
Yeah, I guess it depends how hot he is. It might be like, yeah, I agree, I know he's very hot, but you're with me, so probably wouldn't bother me that much, although maybe it should. I don't know what did he do when you said that.
He just kind of ignored it, like there wasn't a reciprocal conversation about his roommate being hot.
And then I was like, oh, I'm just like drunk and rambling.
But then we just started making out, so, you know, no more conversation needed.
I wonder if he like kind of got in his head and thought maybe you were fantasizing about the roommate, would you still follow through the hooking up with a girl, Jubile if you knew that she was thinking about somebody else.
Depends how much I liked her. If I really liked her, no, but.
She's thinking about somebody else, wouldn't that be worse?
Well if I didn't, if I didn't really like her that much. Whatever, Yeah, you think about whatever you want, okay. Yeah, but if you liked her and then I liked her, I would rather be thinking about me, Yeah for sure. Yeah.
Well that's why I want you to call him, because clearly, if he's thinking that, it's wrong, like I just made an off the cuff comment while drunk, so I want to make sure he's not like looking too much into it. I really liked him, like a lot, Like we had a lot of fun. I really want to see him again. He's super hot.
And how did things end when you left?
Yeah, I mean we had a nice time together and he said, like, you know, hit me up when you want to hang out again. So I felt like we both were into it and wanted to go on another date. But then, you know, I texted him, it's been a few days and then now just nothing.
Okay, Well, we'll see if we can figure it out. For you, play as song come back, and then call him and ask him why is ghosting you? And maybe get you another date?
Are cool?
Thank you?
All right? We'll play a song come back, get your first Day follow up next if you're just joining us for today is the first day follow up. Brooke is on the phone and she's getting ghosted by a dude named Craig. So we're about to call him and see if he'll tell us why is ghostinger and maybe get her another date? But first, Brook, why don't you refresh everybody's memory on your situation?
Yes, so met Craig on Hinge. We had a great date where we played some sports y light games that I sucked at. Then we went back to his place and we had a really great night together. But I may have put my foot in my mouth and made a comment about his roomy being hot, and I'm wondering if that's why he's now ghosting me.
Okay, all right, are you ready for us to call him?
Okay, here we go, Hello him. I seen to Craig. Please, Yes you are Craig. How are you? My name is Jewel. I host the radio show. It's called The Jewel Show.
Hi, Craig, I'm Nina. Also on the show, Hi, I am Victoria.
How are you?
Hello, I'm fine.
You ever listened to the.
Show Let's Do It all the Time?
Oh? Sweet cool man. Well then you've probably heard a first day follow up before. Yeah yeah, oh yeah, perfect. Well if since you already know, I'll say it anyway. A first a follow up is where if you go on a date with someone and then you ghost them, they can email us to get you on the phone and ask why you're ghosting them. And we got to email about you, Craig, you.
Said you got email about me? Yes, okay, I am.
I was from a woman named Brooke.
Yeah, she emailed us, told us about your dates. Say, she really likes you, but she's confused because you haven't called her back.
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
I remember she's she's she's beautiful, she's one of them. She's gorgeous. I mean she I'm a sucker for red lipstick and she wasn't well. I had a lot of fun. Whether she's she's gorgeous, she's fun. I had a great time with her. We went on a date acts throwing she's not good at it. Uh, went on another day, I mean on the same night.
Throwing and then you know, like hung out and went back to your place, and she thought you guys were really vibing.
We yeah, yeah, we were, we were.
Okay, I gotta be honest with you.
She's kind of weird to me. She's kind of weird to me. Okay, Well we got back to our place, well, I mean my place. I'm sorry, I'm talking about the place and everything. Well hooking up, we're having a good time. I'm robbing with everything's great. And she asked me to bark.
Like a dog, like a dog like bark.
Yes, she asked me to bark, and okay, I did it, but I didn't feel quite comfortable, you know, because it's barking.
You know, this is the first time anybody's asked you to bark in the bedroom.
Yes, yes, dal quickly came out.
Yes that it came out. It's very Yeah, I'd never had I mean like she was asking for like a husky what wilder barks. It wasn't the two while stuff. She wanted real like like from a gut bark.
How far into the you guys getting intimate did she request us?
I would say, all of maybe it is five minutes, five minutes. You know, well huggin we're kissing, calls it coming off and we're about to do it, and she's like, hey, I like you to bark for me. And she was an assistent like like like her voice dropped like five octas, like I really wish you would bark for me. You got it?
Whatever, hand able because I'm barking.
I'm literally barking for my life right now because I don't know what this one was about. I mean, she's cool. I mean she brought a bag.
In a room. People, she brought a bag in a room with me.
I don't know what's in the bag. You could have been like t Didy party favorite.
Probably her purse in a leather satchel.
It was a leather bag with a clip you protect me. I don't know, I don't know.
She's cool.
No, she's cool, and she's beautiful. My god, red lipstick. Oh but it was just too much.
But she's beautiful and the red lipstick and everything else, like that's why.
That's why, I mean, I gotta judge. I know you're on the radio, but I'm.
Just letting you know.
That's what's scared and U off. Okay, the barking got me.
You couldn't have been that scared crag, because jeez, you barked for me like it was no problem. You can't and you set white shid wi Are you bothered after the fact?
Woh whoa whoa whoa whoa wha wha Is that is that? Brooks? Yes? Oh see I knew what I was.
Gone again? Okay, okay, Hi Brook, Hi Brook him tie Brook?
So wait, did you did you really not like it? Because I am a very consent based person, like I would never make you do something you're uncomfortable with.
You stared at me like Hannibal ruptor.
Like the next answer.
Should have been, yes, I was scared, Brooke. You mean I don't know you?
Plus that bag?
Brook, Honey, you you brought the.
Axe from off first date.
You brought the.
Ax home from off first date?
Your hands, you're like.
A right, Like, how did you get out.
The how did you get out the club you brought to act with you? You stole to from first I did not like to.
Act with me. You're being ridiculous.
Listen, I'm just saying they.
Actually sound really good together. I don't know about you guys, but.
Oh yeah, so like Hopefully it's okay, Craig, because we're stilling some tea. He talked about my bark fetish.
Well, Craig has the first fetish, and listen, it's.
Not really my thing, but I'm going to give you my feet if that's what you want, and I give him to you.
So like, hey, hey, hey, hey, no one talks about the feet. That's a personal thing to me. I love the feet. The websites that cater to feet. There's no websites catering to dudes barking.
My friends.
On the dark Web. Yes, on the dark Web they are. And I don't want to be a member of that little little scenario. I don't want to be a dark Web member. Like, oh, look at the dude, he's in the lips. Let us skin barking. Oh there goes one down.
You don't at all, Craig.
Barking is a gateway drug man.
At least the.
Leather and whips and dominatrix healed on a neck. I don't know her well enough like that. I don't know.
Let's have a conversation and we can get to know each other and slow down in the bedroom if you're uncomfortable.
Yeah, I said it spotted to the fly.
Say you know, I want to back of the milk carton talking Bob.
Last time I saw him, he was walking, Craig.
Would you like to go on another date with Brooke? We'll pay for it and then you guys can have more of a conversation.
Heay, book, When you saw him, my roomie, how did you? What were you thinking when you said he looks hot? What does that mean?
I totally knew you were about my roommate. Listen, you're totally hot, and so is your roommate. Hidy hot doesn't take away my attraction from you. I realized I was kind of drunk and I shouldn't have.
Made that comment.
And I can see why you might take that and feel insecure. But I really like you, not just because you're hot, because.
You are, but because we have fun to get there.
You're crazy, obviously all I just want to make sure that we have an understanding that I'm the hot.
One here, thank you, the bark one, since you're going to take me out again?
See see that's why guy? All right there?
Yeah, bark once if you want to take her out again, a fair request.
Twice if you really want to do this to me.
Aren't you're really gonna make me bark.
Yeah for yes or two for no?
Okay, bok park bock park.
Wow, So you've got me walk already. It's looking a good relationship if I'm barking on the radio already.
So is that a nos in, Craig?
Yeah, no, bark. I will go out with you again and make sure I bring my column.
Jubile's first day follow up