Delta Goodrem is about to turn 40. She reflects on her past decades, her learnings around health and life, and why she has maintained longevity in her career.
Find out more about Delta @deltagoodrem or via TikTok here, or see her site here.
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Well, hello there, thank you for joining us today on Extra Healthy Ish. This is of course the big sister podcast, Too Healthy Ish from Body and Soul. I am your host, Felicity Harley, and today I am joined via online studio by the delightful, effervescent and inspirational Delta. Good Room. Yes, she is about to turn forty and she shares today the life lessons that she's picked up along the way. Delta, thank you for coming well back on Extra Healthy Ish. Nice to see you again. Well across the computer, of course.
Well it's like we're in the same room, so I always love our conversations.
Oh now, how are you staying extra healthy ish in your life? Right now?
Extra healthy Ish, I'm feeling I'm feeling like I'm really enjoying kind of getting back to the gym and lifting a lot at the moment and just kind of I'm sort of enjoying that. I think because we've been on the road so much that getting to do exercise has actually been really important to me recently.
What do you actually do when you go to the gym?
Lift weights? I like, because I'm.
Naturally cardio, I feel like I have to do something to be able to keep getting some muzzles. Otherwise, I'm like, I need to run around. I'm always running around.
Do you have a favorite exercise or you just love that feeling of feeling strong?
I mean I.
Think I go in and do I just grab some dumb bells and start listing them.
So you know, I wouldn't take tips from me. I would shit.
I suppose what I like is that more and more people I interview in a coming cross is there's just this rush towards the weights room now where it never used to be that way, even like a couple of years ago, you know, like you, I mean I was a same and many listeners cardio cardio, cardio. But now there's so much joy in the weights room. Well, I don't know if it's joy.
But I really I do actually enjoy it.
I think it's I quite enjoy it, and I think that it has I've learned that that's been the best thing for me when it comes to and I do really enjoy you know a little bit of like yoga or I really enjoy you know, kind of stretching it out and you know, all those kind of exercises. I think between exercise and you know, eating healthy as well, as everything in moderation, does it does you can live a healthy lifestyle amongst.
Does your training in the gym? Does that change throughout when you're on tour or you're obviously recording now, I mean, how does that kind of ebb and flow around what you've got going on?
I think from touring you crave it more because you are And that's what I guess what happens to me because I am when we're on stage, and you really do just have to be feel like fit otherwise you just otherwise, you know, being on in a car for lots of hours or being in a different bed every single night, you tend to sort of need something to feel like your body has some kind of rhythm to it, and that being on stage will give you a lot of adrenaline.
You'll be running around a lot.
And but yeah, it's really interesting comment when you said do you sleep in different beds every night? Because that's so true and sleep is obviously one of the most important things to our health. How do you navigate that? You know, how do you navigate if you wake up and you think, oh, I'm tired, that was a really hard bed or super soft or.
Well, you just have to you just have to roll with it. Like everyone.
You know, it's you know, we all have our hearts of our job or life that we have to just kind of push in that. That is one of those where's just like you know, it is, it is what it is, what a joy. I get a different place and discover it someplaces, an adventure, you know, see the silver life, and I'll be going home at some time to my to my bed.
I'm fine with that too.
Appreciate that even more. Now you have a significant birthday coming up. How are you feeling It's I mean, I am in that decade. It is awesome. How are you feeling about it?
Like I.
Really do.
I mean, it definitely gives you a check in. I think that, you know, my one of my best mates turned forty this past week and it's kind of the first one of our school group that turned forty. And you can definitely see the wow, like the check in with like life. And but I do really I'm feeling grateful and I'm looking for I feel like it's.
Yeah, I think things just get better and better.
As you sort of gain more knowledge of life and continue to learn and grow and all those things.
But Yeah, it's pretty wild.
Yes, it's pretty well. What have some of it talked to us about? Some of your life learnings when you reflect on you know, I mean you've lived, you lived most of your life in you know, we know a lot about you. You've lived most of it in the spotlight. You're harrowing health battles and in your ups and downs. And what are some of your biggest life lessons that you are going to take into your forties?
Yeah, for sure, I think that I actually really all the things that people tell you are true when it comes to health, Like it's the simplest.
I got into swimming.
I never really sort of got into like hot and cold, but that the hot and cold has been a game changer for me getting to do like saunas and cold and I found that to be saunas. I know it's set, but finding like a steam room or sauna, those things have been really game changing armor force and like just taking the vitamins. And I think that also there is something to be said with just that you cannot underestimate the power of just good food, good sleep, lots of water, vitamins getting your body to feel to you. For me, the hot and cold had really for some reason, I just I love it. I think it's been a bit of a game changer for me.
I mean it's funny that we have to preface it with oh, I know it sounds boring, but it is the simple stuff. But that's the stuff that works, doesn't it, Rather than than buying into whatever latest social media trend is trending in the wellness zeitgeist, it's the fundamentals.
The fundamentals, because you think, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, but but.
But and then you go no, no, no, Like the really.
The fundamentals of good health are are true. I mean when I was younger, you know, sort of, I don't think I understood until you really have your good meals or like just some vegetables and food, like just all.
Those the basics.
If you can get really good basics consistently, I've noticed.
It, it makes a big difference for me.
What about when it comes to your mental health and your mental well being? I mean, how what are you taking into your forties when when it perhaps comes to resilience and finding strength in those really hard times.
Yeah, I think that it's just being able to really communicate with the people you love and open up about it. You have to work hard at processing your emotions, and that's you know, you have to kind of dive into it and allow yourself to find you know, when Oprah used to say, when there's you know, you hear that a harm moment, it's like when you hear that little ring that goes, that's that is it, and then you can kind of you have to go into it to be able to let it go as well. And I think that that's that's something that I don't let anything sit.
I have to.
I have to work through it and take from what I need and then let the rest go longly.
Vipra and I find you and you probably you know as you say, you are your heart and your slave, and you are your heart in your music. I mean a lot of us are privy to those hard times through your music for sure.
For sure.
Like I also still feel as much as I you know, share, I also have you know, try it always hut to be respectful of the line between you know, giving space for people to be there to hear their own life in my music and within my heart. My space is just really open for I love when people share their stories with me as well. And you know, I think that, you know, music is still meant to be the listener's own life. And if I experience something, I experience a lot of things, you know, like all of us, I'm just on the human experience and train and I think that it's music is just the most beautiful way to communicate.
And I really love that about music.
And there's a frequency of sound that hits us that you know has always moved my soul.
We'll be back after this short break with more from Delta. What are you most proud of in your life so far?
It's a great question. I think I said this reason.
I'm most proud of being in this moment right now that I'm in today, that I'm in this moment in my life, that I still feel inspired and excited.
Bit even more that I.
Feel grateful, And I'm really proud to be doing what I love all these years.
Later and be doing it better than I.
I mean, that's a lovely That's a lesson there in itself, isn't it. I Because I'm sure you probably didn't approach life and your music at twenty five in that way. Perhaps not at all, not at all.
I feel like it's just really cool that I feel like I'm going into my best moments yet at this moment right now, and.
I think that that's from just guys. You go along the way, you're just learning and you.
I feel like that's something I'm really proud of right now, and I'm excited about what the future holds.
Why do you think you've had such amazing longevity.
Because I don't.
I think that my intension came from a place of love, and my intention has never wavered from what I got into this for.
And you still enjoy it.
I love it more now than I ever did.
Oh that's it. What do you love so much about it?
All of it?
I think that you I think that there's a great error right now where in where you know there's creat I just enjoy that. I've always been a creative and I think I get to express that in different ways.
What are you actually? Where are you now? And what are you doing with yourself? What's what's to.
Make a new album? Because I'm so grateful that it has been such a busy season of being on the road, But I do have to make more music to be atful to content. Because whilst I love playing all the songs that people know and I.
Will continue to do that. It is important that there are some new songs for me.
It's a new inspiration era. As you said.
Now we also we've got this new ABC show you're on. I wanted to talk to you about this because I saw I haven't actually watch it yet, I saw the trailer and it's just such a beautiful show. What's this all about?
Yeah? I just I have been sent the show that they were making, and I thought it was just incredible and beautiful. And it's basically it's called The Assembly and and basically all these wonderful all different age groups in all different fields come and ask questions in a very open manner, and everybody has their different trials and tribulations.
And it is it is just beautiful.
It's an open forum of conversation and buying for journalist spots.
I think at the A B C.
So I thought it was I thought it was an amazing concept and really really loved our day and loved the questions and I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.
You know, when you're answering that, I was thinking. One thing in my opinion for your longevity is that you pop up everywhere. You just know you see, oh there's delterrigin. Oh there's Delterri and which is which is lovely? Trust me? You see yourself. No, no, no, it's a good thing. And you know also seeing you in this magnificent dress in the new ad for Optics this that that dress is amazing.
Thank you very much. Yes, tool Addict made it.
And it was you know, we had when we had the concept of we had this conversation about what the commercial was going to be, how we're going to you know, kind of be playful, and the team had this great idea and we were talking more like, let's just you know, if it's even more kind of dreamscape. If the Jen who's in this store in Optics comes into the.
Room and I am all you know, it's.
It's even more I guess it's sort of a strange fantasy to come in and there's a big dress. And so we had this idea to kind of elevate it with this big dress with the orchestra, and at the same time she's hearing all these songs about you know, artichokes having hearts and you know, just keeping it keeping it on brand. So it was it was really fun We had a great day shooting it. Actually, it was a great, great crew, great creative. So it's a lot of fun. And I think Optics are uh you know, they're a really wonderful team to work with.
Yeah, they need to start selling that dress. Delta loves the story. It's okay, I might have to. Yeah, the AFL Brownlow coming up. I might have tort go and scatter it out for that.
Let me know if you wanted anyway, It was lovely chatting to you. We're looking forward to hearing more from your music. And thanks for joining us again on Extra Healthy.
Thank you so much for having me.
Come on my people, let's all come to the weights room. I feel that is where the party is happening. Lift strong, Feel strong, Be strong. Oh and also, if you do want to see Delta's magnificent dress, check out the advert for Optus's seven day free network trial because it is magnificent the dress, that is. If you also enjoy this chat, make sure you rate and review it, or you can subscribe to this podcast.
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