How to Take Time off From Email Marketing

Published Dec 11, 2023, 10:00 PM

As we are barrelling into Christmas, school holidays and trying to get everything wrapped up while still battling school concerts, Christmas parties and the last minute shopping, you may be dreaming of that moment when you can finally put your feet up with a glass of wine and take a breathe.

But what about your business? How can you take that time off while still showing up for your subscribers, customers and clients? And, even better, how can you still continue to get sales?

Of course my answer is email marketing and this is the perfect time to have a look at ways in which you can make it a whole lot easier on yourself.

Inside this episode, I’m sharing my top tips for taking time off your email marketing and how that also supports you taking time off from your business as well.

I talk pre-scheduling, easy content ideas, honest communication, automation and even *gasp* not sending anything for a short time.

There’s a handy tip in here for you so gift yourself a few minutes to listen so you can get even more time back later.


If you want some shortcuts to getting some of what I spoke about sort out check out these courses:

Ecommerce Automations

Services Automations

Welcome Series Builder - Ecommerce Edition

Welcome Series Builder - Services & Digital Products Edition

Starter Sales Funnels


More helpful podcast episodes:

EP70 - Quick & Easy Email ideas for the End of Year

EP59 - Holiday Proof your Email Marketing

Want to see more of what I get up to when I’m not podcasting? 


Easy Email Marketing with Yael Keon

Easy Email Marketing with Yael Keon is the go to podcast for all things email marketing & automation 
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