
Once deemed evil, Brujeria and Hoodoo are surging in popularity with young people

Published Nov 10, 2021, 5:56 PM

America is home to many spiritual practices that were once considered evil - like Brujeria or Hoodoo. But today, more people are looking to reclaim these ancestral traditions.This hour on Disrupted, we hear how slavery gave birth to Hoodoo and how young African-Americans are embracing their past. We learn about Brujeria, a witchcraft tradition from Latin America. And, the legacy of Pamela Coleman-Smith - a forgotten artist who changed the face of tarot cards.


Disrupted is produced by James Szkobel-Wolff, Zshekinah Collier, and Catie Talarski. Our interns are Abe Levine, and Dylan Reyes.