Margaret Levi reimagines an economy that works for everyone

Published Oct 27, 2021, 3:48 PM

Capitalism is a major driving force in American society. But the COVID-19 Pandemic has shown that the system doesn’t work for everyone and what we prioritize matters.

This hour on Disrupted, a conversation with political scientist Margaret Levi on the future of our economy and how we can find dignity in work. And economist Janelle Jones talks about the importance of the Black female workforce.


  • Margaret Levi - Director of Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, Professor of Political Science, and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University
  • Janelle Jones - Chief Economist for the Department of Labor

To learn more about moral political economy, check out the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences' website.

Disrupted is produced by James Szkobel-Wolff, Zshekinah Collier, and Catie Talarski. Our interns are Abe Levine, and Dylan Reyes.