Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian WomenCompared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

How Attachment Impacts Our Body Image Issues: A Deep Dive into Attachment Styles & Body Image

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Do you know your attachment style? In this episode, author and body image coach, Heather Creekmore delves into the intricate connections between attachment theory and body image issues. Relationship security, particularly with primary caregivers during the first year of birth influences our levels of anxiety about weight and dysfunctional behaviors such as restrictive eating even as adults. Heather explains how insecure attachment styles—avoidant, anxious, and disorganized—develop from insecure interactions with mom and contribute to body dissatisfaction or a "problematic" view of one's body. 

Secure attachment, on the other hand, fostering emotional regulation and coping strategies in infants, can lead to a healthier view of one's self and one's body. But, it's important to note that even those raised without secure attachment can find a new secure attachment in God--the perfect parent. 

If you've ever wondered what your childhood, past, or early years may have to do with your current body image struggles, this episode will enlighten, educate, and surprise you!

Here's the podcast Heather references in today's episode: The Place We Find Ourselves Podcast:

Here's the study she references -- the PubMed Study on attachment style and body image issues:

Ready to dig into why you're stuck in body image issues? Join us for the 40-Day Journey that begins on January 7th. Sign up or learn more at:




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**The Go-to Podcast for Christian women who want to improve their body image and stop comparing them 
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