Body Image, Sex, and Your Marriage: Answering Your Toughest Questions
Does your body image affect your marriage and relationships? Yes. A lot. Today, Heather revisits an interview with Dr. Juli Slattery--clinical psychologist, author, podcast host, and all-around expert on this topic. Heather explores the most common questions on the topic and gives you Dr. Slattery'…
Helping Your Husband Understand Your Body Image Issues
If you're married or in a relationship, this episode is going to be key to helping your husband understand why you feel insecure, have body image issues, or don't see your body the way he does. Christian body image coach, Heather Creekmore offers 6 tips for you to share with your husband (or listen…
Jesus Didn't Look Like an Influencer: Dying to Live with Margaret Jen Burke
Consider today's episode a heart check-up for your spiritual health. Today Heather chats with author Margaret Jen Burke about her book titled, "Dying to Live: Letting Go of Earthly Treasures to Find Eternal Joy." In the book, Margaret Jen challenges American Christian women to consider the ways the…
If I Could Just Get Back to The Body I Used to Have: When You Long for Your Pre-Baby, Pre-Menopause, Younger, Smaller Body
Have you ever said, "If only I could just be the size I used to be... then I'd be happy." Or, maybe you've thought, "If I could just weigh what I did before the baby, or menopause, or when I had the eating disorder...then I wouldn't have body image issues." Oh, friend. In today's episode, Heather …
Can I Trust God With My Body Size? Featuring Amy Carlson
Author and Christian Body Image Coach, Heather Creekmore continues her conversation with eating disorder expert and dietitian Amy Carlson. Today they get to the spiritual root and false beliefs around what God expects of our bodies and body size. Amy brings encouragement, hope, and truth to this tr…
Why Hasn't God Answered Prayers to Eat Less? Featuring Amy Carlson
You feel like you've invited God into your health goals. You've prayed. You've asked him to help you eat a certain way. You've asked him to give you "self control" around certain foods. Maybe you've even asked him to zap you skinny! But, it feels like he's not answering. It feels like it's hard, yo…
4 Ways to Break Free from Emotional Attachment to the Scale
Does the scale determine whether or not you have a good day or a bad day? Does the scale's readout have a weird, mysterious power over you? Today, Christian body image coach and author, Heather Creekmore talks about why the scale holds such power over us, what that number means to us, and gives fou…
Why You Need a Healthy Soul in Order to Have a Healthy Body
Pursuing physical health seems to have great benefits. Longer life, more enjoyment of life, compliments from friends who notice . . . But, what if the best way to become more physically healthy is to first become more spiritually, mentally, and emotionally healthy? In fact, what if a lack of spirit…
Thinking About Your Weight as a Part of Your Overall Health (Part 2) Featuring Dr. Mikala Albertson
Heather continues her conversation with author and board-certified physician, Dr. Mikala Albertson. In part two of this two-part interview, Heather and Mikala discuss why women feel so much shame around weight and BMI and how what's most healthy for some women is going to be to not focus on weight …
Doctor Says Weight Loss May Not Be Your Best New Years Goal featuring Dr. Mikala Albertson
Today Heather is joined by author and board-certified physician, Dr. Mikala Albertson. In part one of this two part episode, Heather and Mikala discuss why women feel so much pressure to do and be everything and "look good doing it." They talk about control, striving, believing that we can control …