Episode 158: My Dog Ate One of My Chickens

Published Jul 6, 2023, 7:01 AM

There’s chaos at Ruby Ranch and it’s time to discuss it on Calm Down with Erin and Charissa! There’s some unfortunate carnage at the Ranch for Charissa as the animals are out running wild. They also turn their attention to wedding season where big questions are asked about selecting your meal option and wearing proper attire. Stick around for a controversial discuss about the new Barbie Movie.  

You can't get them off, and then you've ripped your ariola right off? Yeah? Did I say? Calm Down with Erin and Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio. Howdy y'all. I'm still in my farmouth. This is I'm out on the rand ranch and I just had to deal with my sick chicken. I'm gonna talk like Terry Bresh all the rest of the Yeah, what happens there? And that hospital is not overcrowded? What happened? Whoa? Hi? Everyone, Welcome to Calm Down Podcast. Per usual. We got a lot of topics to get through. I had a chicken, so I have these. I have dogs. Your four dogs that stay on property right not willis a daisy. They come with me everywhere. The four dogs that are on property Nala, Bear, Pilot, and Norman. They police the property and keep all the bears away. They're lovely. We love them. But Nana and Bear are puppies. Nala got ahold of a chicken the other day and it's not good. Thank got Tony, my sweet ranch hand, would takes care of everything while I'm gone. I went to feed the baby chicks because I got about twenty baby chicks. Three of them died, which is normal, and then so I have seven coll on it of the Yeah, it's part of like so you know, survival of the fittest darkness around here. You know, it's like, not all of them make it. Did you find the chicks? I found one baby chick one morning when I went to feed it, and it was in there, and it made me really sad. Feathers or feathers oh so that the baby chick. No, like that was just that one sided. There's a little nursery on the side. So this is why you're not gonna come to the farm. Come on, come on down. I'll keep you in the penthouse.


So I found a little baby chick. Okay, so rust in peace that one died in the egg or halfway out of it. No, no, no, no, these are like baby chicks that are growing. So there's a nursery on the side of the chicken coop. You keep them in there until they're big enough to survive on their own out in the chicken coop. So I went to feed the baby chicks and I saw the bigger one in the little pen next to it, and I was like, Tony, why is the big one in there. Nala got a hold of it, so I have to put ointment on it, and it's in the hospital. I know. There's a whole it's a whole thing going in its neck, on its neck, no, on its back, on its back, and there's like a big chunk missing the feathers. I know. And here's the problem. Daisy chases after them too. You should hear me. I'm screaming Daisy half the time because she's never seen chickens, so she just thinks she's playing with them. And I'm like, they got it. Wasn't her, they got a hold of it. Anyways, there's a lock one on here of the ranch, and I would aman and just like just another day's work over here. Oh my god, never a dull moment, never adult moment. And I just I gotta go feed the pig. Terrifying birds, which we've discussed before on this show. And part of the reason why is my mom had these hanging pots outside of our house in Florida, and these birds would come and lay eggs and they would have their babies and the babies would try to fly.


Then I would always have visions of going to school in the morning and I walk on the baby's dead body who tried to fly out of the pot but couldn't fly and went died on the cavement out in not our house. And I'm get into the bus stop and I stepped on the carcass. So from now on, I can't do a bird. I can't do a chicken. I can't do anything. I can't do anything with beak and the weirdness and the carcass and the crunching and it's all things. Well, then you won't be coming to Ruby Ranch anytime soon, because these chickens need a lot of love and attention. And here's the thing, this is why I think I need to become a vegetarian again, because now I love the feet, the feet and feathers. They have feathers on their feet. Right now, I do think I need to become a vegetarian. I go through these phases. One time I was a vegetarian. I was a pescatarian, so I only ate fish. But now that I got these animals, I feel like I should like move away from the meat because like I treat them like they're like my own little pets. But then then I'm going to the kitchen and having a chicken caesar salad. It feels a little hippop. I've never met a rancher that's a vegetarian. This has got to be the first one ever. Look, you know it's different here at Ruby Ranch. You never know what you're gonna get. I'm not a real rancher, you know, but I'm just trying.

You got the murder?

Oh yeah, this is These are available online. This is my test.

What shirt?

I don't really like the way that it came out, but you know whatever, it's free. What else is happening? Oh? From our pregame, I was hot and bothered. For those of you guys that don't know, we do a little pregame or answer some of your guys' questions and it comes out on Tuesday, Monday, Monday. Excuse me, you know you just lose TRAPI day trying to stay away from those chunks. That's great.

Just heaven.

Is this?

I would know it's heaven? Okay, So there I'm fired up, and I won't get into the nuances because well, speaking of is this, iowa know what's heaven? Yeah? Yeah, exactly. I'd rather die, so I can't get into all my thoughts. But God, I wish I could. Okay, But the thoughts I do want to get into is we were talking about our favorite characters on Yellowstone. One of our wonderful listeners asked a question about who was our favorite? You mentioned Kevin Costner, and then that parlayed itself into the conversations about divorce and his well ife. Now I get it, they've been married almost twenty five years. I as somebody who've been divorced and went through this ridiculous system that we have to pay people. I don't understand the money allocation and the absurd amount of money that some people get to ask for in divorces. Don't I'll never understand it. Why does she need two hundred and forty thousand dollars a month for her children a month? What are the I'll tell you what these people are eating wago, they're not vegetarians. I don't understand. I need some I need a lawyer that listens, a real lawyer that listens to this podcast to explain to me the money allocation, because like even with Tiger Woods, wasn't it just as girlfriend they weren't even married, Like, she need a certain amount obscene amount of money every month for her lifestyle. I'll tell you how much money I've ever gotten in a divorce. Zero zero money. So I need someone to explain to me where these astronomical numbers come from, because I am just at a loss. My girlfriend taking a loss who has two kids sent that to our little group chat as well and said the same thing. My only thought is, I mean, I just got done listening to somebody tell us how expensive high school is or schooling, So maybe that takes a good chunk of it their extracurricular activities. Who knows what they have in their lifestyle there, But somebody was telling us some cray cray number a year about and how much their their school costs. So I don't know how many kids they have, no idea, But yeah, no, And this is not some indeicting that. I don't think that anyone you know in divorces for various reasons shouldn't be allocated a certain amount of money to take care of their children or themselves or whatever. But when you start telling me that you need a certain amount of money for your lifestyle, stop it. Like I am so confused about the system. And this doesn't mean I don't want to be educated on it. I just know that from my own experience. It's like somebody has to explain to me what we're doing with two hundred and thirty eight thousand dollars a month or whatever the proposed amount is. And then if you don't even have kids, then I really need to know what we're doing because I'm doing something wrong, a lot of things wrong. So please send in all questions related to that that can help ease my my tension over this situation. Yeah, obviously a lot of bills that I don't have the luxury of paying or having in my life, but yeah, sad, Sad said sad. Now, speaking of divorce though, it's wedding season, and I have questions because I've never had a real wedding like where I send out invitations and any of those kinds of things. So the protocol on RSVP and like filling out you know, are you having the tops or loin? Are you having the chicken? Are you having? But I think they give people many options anymore. I feel like you know things as you are. No. I've been to two weddings recently there were no options, and I was so worried that I didn't fill it out and I said to Jared, what option did we pick? And then he gets all hot and bothered because he's like, I don't know. And then he's looking around at other tables, worrying that we're not going to get set you know what I mean? But I know exactly, I'm like a family style. I don't want the option. You know. Well, this is why I freaked out. Because one of Steve's great friends is getting married and he put us on a tex chain and said, hey, do you guys want the sir Lloyd the chicken or the vegetarian? And I looked to Steve and I go, did you not fill out the RSVP? Because I'm a big person who's like this is this is your like, because I'm a year into this, really chusty, but like these are his friends and he's entd in panning out, he's interested, right, So and I walked the invitation over to him and I said, you need to fill this out and send it out because I got a big thing about like, don't make me be that person that is the asshole that the groom or the bride has to text and be like total citiots. Didn't fill this out totally, No, I sent it in, So then I get even more Wait, I don't think you did. I think it slipped in between. This is the thing about sending out mail, because mail is not really a thing anymore, which is what it's always like, Oh the checks in the mail. Who's doing the mail anymore? I don't. I just I never get anything in the mail, I mean honestly. And so when I said to Jared, you should he goes, I to send something. I go, yeah, put it on our mailbox. He goes, they don't do that anymore. Who doesn't do that anymore? No, I'm throwing a flag on the mail situation because I'm going to tell you what I had to do when I wanted to mail out a thank you note, because I am a big believer in those of your But now I'm having a hard time finding the mailboxes. I'm driving around the neighborhood looking for the blue because you're not going to put it in your mailbox. I'm not going to put it in my mailbox. Fuck around this house. The last shocked. They don't take it too soon. And no, you can make all the jokes at this one, because we got to laugh at this joint about the robbers. This is crazy though, when anyone's like, we're going to put something like a check in the mail, No, you're not. I'm never going to get that check. Wire it wire putting checks in the mail like we've got venmo now, yeah, and I need them to stop putting limits on the Venmo. Everyone's got Venmo. Don't tell me that I can only venmo x amount in a week. Now I'm having to tell somebody like, hey, I gotta wait till next week and I don't have enough money and there's no cheeks. Yeah, don't exactly planting checks. My body can't cash top gun. But yeah, I don't think you put it in the mail. And even if you put it in the mail, it's probably still sitting in that random mail box. They wouldn't have sent a follow up tax about the shrimp or sorry I made that up. I hope you get shrimp because that would sound great in Cabbo when it's a hot night. The fish because I'm a vegetarian. Now, because I'm gonna tell you what I'm not. When you get the thing from Delta and it's like, oh, pre order your meal, right, you think I'm doing that? You're lucky at my asses, even on this plane, and there's no hell that I have pre ordered my meal. Yes, so tick, of course you do this chick. It's like she's like over on the road, She's like, what hotel you staying that. I'm like, I don't even know what city I'm going to. I just go to the gate and hope it's the right gate. You are so organized. I'm not. But I get very, very worried that I don't know which way they're taking the order. Are they coming from the front or are they coming from the back. It has to do with your number. And I haven't paid attention. So you know what, I've got a lot of status. I've lived my life on a plane. I haven't had kids or a long marriage because I've been on fucking Delta, American Airlines or United. You don't have to pay child support right now, do you? No? You don't exactly. But if I don't want the gross meat option short rib option gone because I may want a little nibble of it, I want it there, so I'm ordering it before well. But see that's exactly the problem is that I sit here and complain when she gets back to me in five sure, and she's like, oh, this is but this is what I love. When she she's like, would you like that?


All we have left is the the morning oats? What happened to the omelet? We don't have any egg off around here because you didn't pre order missus three sixty. Look, I don't like to brag, but I am a three sixty member, and you want them to start greading me that way? I don't want them to say. I don't want them to I don't want them to say to me, thank you so much for being a diamond. I'm a three sixty and you know what, I'm gonna start saying, I'm a three sixty because that membership is only year to year and mine's up in March, so I only got a certain amount of time to really soak that thing in three sixties start calling me by what I am? You know what, I'm gonna call it bullshit? I have two million on Delta and not a three sixty. I got two million on American, not a what Why am I getting like? Because because you're picking about your meal. Because you're picky about your meal, I'm not picking it out to me. I can following the rules I follow the rules. They asked me if I want to pre order? Sure, do you sent the email? Why wouldn't I? I say, give me the scraps. I'm just happy to be here. And that's why you're a three sixty. That's bullshit, because I I am a meanable, every amenable. I got a freshen up on my bow cap. I'm open to anything that they want to serve me as long as I'm served. I hugged a paper. I hugged a flight attendant on my way off a plane the other day, and she tweeted about it, so why should be that's cute. She came up to me and was telling me all her drama about like fertility and all that stuff, and she sure shit much like me. Like she goes, guess what I'm doing at eight am tomorrow and I was like, I don't know, but are you guys out of the white wine? No, I'm kidding. I didn't say that. She was like, I have to go Christ the Blood of Jesus Christ, and yeah. So then I was like, good luck. And then I gave her a hug and then she was like Aaron Andrews so nice, And I was like, hey, you taught me on a good day when you had my food option. Now make me a Delta three sixty and I'll really pass out there. Make me a bicycle clown. No, that's very sweet, And I love that you have always advocated for flight attendants because there are the people that think that they're just there to serve them me. I'll take those cold oats, you go ahead. You know what the sun chips though, we got to start rotating that snack basket. I don't want to see the sun chips anymore. Okay, I don't feel like they even have those anymore. What fight are you on? Maybe that's what they offer safety? Yeah, all right, next, So those those are our perils with the there's always going to be a flight story or a travel story when it involves us. But going back to the wedding thing real quick, and I would love your guys' advice. Your guys is are your listeners? Are you still with us? Okay? It is so I have a real thing because again, as we've learned anything from me, I'm not a plan ahead goalp right. What tipped you off? Yeah, start from the beginning. So I had this wedding to go to, but it's a black tie wedding in Mexico in July? What are we wearing? This gets real, like are we wearing a black dress? Or are we wearing not a black dress? Because it's July? Like do you wear a short dress and that's not black tie. I also don't want to show up and be like the girl because this isn't my friend group. It's like Steve's friend group that I only met. We met when we were on begause once or twice. So it's like you don't want to show up and be like, whoa, where does she think she's going? The oscars? Like how am I gauging what to wear at something like this? Well, two things I'll tell you to definitely pack in your bag A travel stick of deodorant because everybody's going to be look hunting for one, because I don't care you're sitting there at the vows and you're like doing you know one of these like try to look like you're wiping something off and then you're sniffing your pipe. And then a travel size I've done this before, the stretch oh yeah, or you got to like get it back just strap, yeah, I have done it all. And then a travel size thing of perfume as well, so you can spray on yourself. But I've done the spray perfume. If I don't have the travel deal, I always did the spray into that for your fall. Yeah. Well that's the last thing I'm worried about because I'm going to have no friends and it's going to be bad for my relationship if I smell bad. So I'd rather deal with the follicles at another time and get right up in there. I'll tell you when you'll be dealing with them at the pool the next morning, when you go to lift your arm and you've got a red ringworm like thing because it's eaten into your follicles, and then you can't shape, and then you then try to put theodoran on and it's stinging, and then you're just at the pool with your arms down the whole time. It's a real thing, you know, there's always something. So what am I wearing? I'm packing the yodor and I'm packing per few. I hope those are already packed. I do know that much about life. Dop me. If you've heard this before, long flowy huh okay, yeah, backless. I mean, I wouldn't care what we were doing at that point, I would want the least amount of clothes on my body in July in Cabo. You know what I mean, you better if you don't have a stick on bra because that thing's going to be at your sliding right. Oh, there's no chance it's going to be a set night. Yeah oh yeah, This stickbraw is really interesting. How about when you have to are we folding them together? Then we're you know, latching it with the weird class. Weird class? What's that class? I don't like that class at all, and it's so ugly and there's no time where it's like I've tried to like take that off to be like sexy, and it's like it's what it is, okay. Or you get the petals that are like leaving the mark and then you can't keep those, like you can't get them off, and then you're like ripped your ariola right off?


Did I? Also, I will tell you I do have a story a free meeting Jared's dole single obviously had to go to an event. There was a guy there I may or may not have been interested in, was wearing a backless jumpsuit because I thought it looked so cool. Did the stick on bra? Was so nervous to see him. By the time I saw him, the thing had fallen into my stomach because I started sweating my boobs and my stomach, so yeah, fell right off and he came up to me. No bra, but in fact it's at my tummy, so no, I'm not pregnant. I just have droopy boobs and my stick on bra sitting at my navel. Who wants to like, no, who's at my table? Okay, table number four? Come on over here, we're serving the shrimp. Well, at least you are wearing a bra. Because to your wedding, Because again I don't plan ahead. I went and got this dress and I thought it was like so cute. Never tried it on, because why would I do that. I just get it in the mound. I'm like, oh, this is adorable, throw it in the suitcase. And I was in a real not wear a bra face because I don't have any booths. And then it's what the time when Aaron goes yes, you do, I say no, no, And so in every one of the pictures from Aaron's wedding, I am intoxicated and it looks like I am at magde like with her her areola in this democh already and I'm like, do you want to lift those things up? And the dress that I roosh thing it was so bad, Oh my god, it was so so much color. Friends with me ridiculous. Shut up. So I'm wearing something flowy and I'm not wearing a bra perfect. That group of gals are really gonna like me? Comes throlling in. There is this It's like the line from Cocktail with Tom Cruise. Who is this over there? Pocahontas waiting for everyone to notice her. It's a very cult following of Cocktail. But Brian Flanagin, Doug Coglin, anyone that knows that movie The Blonde and that was so hot. Hans Zimmer did the music. Okay, fuck anyways, somebody who's never looked bad. Barbie and Margot Rodney looked phenomenal in all the premium and and the promos and all of it. But guys, we have a special Barbie. Let's go it is Ken, our version of Ken. Yeah, does what I can. His name is Ryan.

If it looks like Ryan Gosling, then I must have been doing something wrong with my notebook.

Ryan Gosling is just and all be all, there's no better Ryan Gosling than Notebook Ryan got Noah. Yeah, But this is Ryan, our wonderful producer who you guys hear us talk about all the time. He is, unfortunately on the listening end of this podcast. And then the really unfortunate part is the editing part of this podcast and has to hear it twice because once is not enough. But Ryan, we were talking before we came on here about the movie Barbie, and then we're like, well, we need you to come on and explain your position because we're on the other side of this argument. So Ry, as a wonderful producer, set up the conversation the topic and let's debate.

Look, I think it's fairly obvious.

I don't think on the target demo for what this movie is supposed to be, you know, the audience they're looking for. But I just don't get it, Like I don't understand what this is about. Like I know, Barbie a very popular doll and toy for you know, decades now, but what is the movie about? Like there's no story, she was never a real thing, Like there was just different dolls. How dare you like I don't like Trish Formers. It's like good versus bad. Same thing with g I Joe. So like, is there some villain in the Barbie Is universe that I'm unaware of?


Okay, everyone that you never knew all this?

Well, yeah, no, there's no villain in her world, in Barbie world except for Skipper when she was trying to be callous. That's just no. Well, sit down and stay a while. Her sister, but no, I think what was it her sister? It's her younger sister, Skipper. But I think that Skipper should be upset with her parents for calling her that. No, I'm kidding for any of our listeners names Skipper, I think what they're do.

Oh all of you.

If your name is Skipper, I will give you two hundred and thirty eight thousand dollars a month in alimony because I don't know. Show me your birth certificate and your parents first card, because I need to know what's happened. I think there's a twist with this whole Barbie Mo movie. I may have made this up in my head or thought I watched sixty minutes and it told me, But I think she it's almost like got a little mermaid twist to it. She wants to be a real person, get out of Barbie world. I think maybe she's in California. I bet if you know anything about California, there's a few villains there. Kidding, but yeah, something that like kind of I don't know, puts Barbie in danger. Maybe Ken. Maybe Ken's messing around on this side, you know, see exactly. So I was gonna say, Ryan, So, as someone who played with Barbie's way too long, I think I've told the story on this podcast that my sister dated the quarterback of the high school football team and Brad Gerber was his name, and he walked in and I was playing with Barbie's and I was fifteen years old. That is way too old. Again, Everyone do what you want. I'm just saying it's too old for me, and my parents should have like told me to stop. But I was playing with Barbiees for a long time because it's a fantasy wolf like you've got this. She for it, and she gets the hot guy, and she's got this cool Barbie dream house and she's like it's this like magical world of let's be honest, bar boobs and her waist or unreal too. I mean she and literally are unrealistic. I think they actually like determine. There's no way that someone physically could have that small a waiste, big of boots. Now you probably should anything, but good for you. You don't have to wear sticky broth. You're not wearing anybody. She needs just nothing. But she needs nothing. But yeah, there's going to for sure be storylines because everything about her life was this enviable thing as like a little girl where it's like you wanted to be Barbie and live in this imaginary world. I'm with Erin though, she's got to try to get out of the imaginary world to become like a real person.

Okay, but why do you want to see Okay, if this is the plot, why is that childhood lord?

Why a perfect world? Why doesn't she just want to stay put in bed?

We'll find out. That's why you got to watch Ryan.


I think that's what happened. Yeah, probably, Okay, listen, something's going to happen.

My wife's all in. My wife loves Margot Robbie. She wants to see it. So she is so clearly a thing. I just can't understand what could be going on here? That's so intriguing.

How much would it take for you, Like what would your wife have to like ask you and say, like, hey, Ryan, I really want to go to this movie this weekend. Will you come with me? Would you go with it?

Yeah? Of course, because we have the trade off. Between nine months out of the year it's all football and sports and everything. So she does that no problem.

So yeah, any movie or whatever will happily go and do that.

That's a nice arrangement. So for three months out of the year, she'll you have to do anything, she says for the most well.

Yeah, well usually twelve months out of the year.

But also thought it there's no way they would have landed Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling if this wasn't good. You know what I'm saying, Like why I don't I don't.

Know what the Cats they've had like every celebrity, I mean, how he would never Actually I will say I love.

Think she brought it up. Since you're bringing it up again, Hans Zimmer is awesome.

So Cats is the longest running musicals.

Were doing do a movie and everyone said it was like the worst movie ever.

Yeah, Taylor Swift was in it. Not everything translates to the big screen. But it's one of those things that Barbie is Americana. It is like the things that little kids grew up but little girls grew up with and loved. I'll speak for myself, and so I'm just excited to see what they do with it. They're not going to to Erin' point, They're not going to be able to cast those guys if it doesn't have like something decent behind. Did you see the promo famously, you guys ever seen did you see the peely promo? Oh my god, did you ever see the promo yet? Where they had her like foot up kind of in the high heel, and then she wanted to wear a sneaker and she couldn't do it. Like that's cute, that's funny.

I think it's like you.

I think it and good Ryan doesn't know what we're talking about. She has Barbie has feet that stay at like this all the time. Heels. She doesn't half platform.

For us.

I'm sure it's gonna be wonderful.

Well, you know what, she can never wear those things in lamb. I'll tell you that. Come on tap irrogating the lawn m that's right. Well, Ryan, we appreciate you, haang in, and I'm sure that the majority of men agree with you. But I hope that you enjoy the movie with your popcorn and your soda. What do you get when you go to movies? Are you a popcorn?

Really popcorn? See? I like the movie theaters where you can get a beer with your popcorn.

Then it's like, oh yeah, fancy, oh yeah, perfect little salt.

I'm a little.

Weirded out by those like lied down movie theaters. Like what are we doing here? Like in the bed?

That's a little tough. Yeah, I don't I'm not here to take a nap. I'm here to just be comfortable. So I'm with you on that.

If you're tired to take a nap, you don't move to know, Butter, that's a sex or no, Butter, that is good?

Oh butter. Yeah, if you're going for it, you got to go for it.

I know.

But sometimes you have to go straight to the rushroom if you do too much. That's a lot of grease. I'm just saying it.

I mean, you know what you're signing up for. It's not catching you by surprise.

That's by the way, you're not eating chili. What do you mean you have to go straight to the that's a lot of popcorn and hurt people, just like milk duds. One time I went and saw Turner and Hooch and bought a thing of milk duds. I lost four molars in it. They stuck on my teeth and they pulled them all out.

There's no way you lost four.

My teeth were the kind of teeth that hold on by a root, like held on by a root. So they were like all ready to go. And so literally, I yeah, ate milts.


Yeah. Hey, by the way, this makes the question. Let's open this up for viewers' questions and answers for the pregame. We do need Ryan, or they do. Ryan also didn't sign up to always be on the podcast. But we love your but we do need male perspective because we appreciate when guys weigh in on this. But it's a nice point counterpoint, because let's be honest, like we're guys. You and I think a lot like guys Aaron, but clearly not in the realm of Barbie, and we hang out with you a lot of guys, and so it's nice to have our kind of people in So Yes, I would love to continue this with Ryan and if any more I want to be on, let us know. Yeah, come on over. Who's that guy that wanted real estate advice? Ryan? As our producer, I know we have to wrap up the show. Is there any last words that you'd like to say to the viewers of Calm Down podcast and listeners?

We have the greatest Calm Down community.

Everyone who showed all their love and support to you, Carissa after a very unfortunate thing you had to go through. All the people who stayed along for all the great times and laughs. We're just happy to be back up and going and heading into another fantastic football season.

Ryan, you're the huge I can't even handle you. And by the way, there is plenty more goodness around the corner.

Just you guys.

Wait, we're just getting started. I may have some shitty things that happened to me, but there's gonna be a lot of good things that happened. So stay tuned. That's the tease. And be nice to people. Yeah, be nice and pre ordered meal. Calm Down with Aaron and Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio apps, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast

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Calm Down With Erin Andrews and Charissa Thompson is all about the conversations you would have with 
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