In your Phone Tap we call the manager of a popular coffee shop and tell her that her regular staff is gone and its just Old Alan Winterbottom running the shop and he needs some help!
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Today, we prank a woman who's fairly high strung because of her stressful job managing a well known coffee franchise.
Oh oh my.
Gosh, I know, but high strong people are so fun to prank.
I mean, she works really hard, rarely gets time off. She needs it, though, So what are her employees do to pay her back once she's finally relaxed on vacation. Yeah, ask us to mess with her and tell her. The only barista working today is a brand new hire. An octogenarian named Alan Winter brought him who's never made a cup of coffee in his life, but he's excited to tell her about it. In your phone tap right now?
Another Hello, Hey.
Hey, shut up over there, I saw you stealing spoons? You got paper?
Reps Kellian get back here?
Oh hi, who's this.
You called me?
Who is this?
My name is Alan, Alan went to your bottom. I think you're my manager.
I'm sorry, what?
Yeah, you know Noel. Yeah, she hired me yesterday and she gave me your number in case of emergencies. I should call you.
Noel hired you.
Apparently she was going to some kind of shindig Austin City's limits to get mucked up whatever that means.
Are you right now?
I just needed a job and the post office wasn't hiring, so Noel said, Okay, put on this apron thing.
Wait, you're at the comstock right now.
Who's with you?
Who's with you?
Uh? Well, nobody. There's a long line of customers, and I can't find the ham for this matcha Giado.
Thing ham for a macchiato.
Oh yeah, that that's it, the fancy Italian sandwich thingwich.
It's a drink.
Is a drink, It's a drink.
Oh not put ham in it?
I thought it was one of them new fangled devil foods like avocado toast. Young people love.
You even drink coffee before.
Oh gosh, this is espresso machine has got so many buttons.
It's like it's a.
An alien space. Oh my god, would you look at that it's doing its thing all on its own. What's wrong with this thing?
You know?
It's just coming out brown?
Well, that's coffee, coffee brown.
When are people spending so much money on this crap?
They want to and it gives us work today, you're all.
Getting ripped off. You shouldn't be buying this. I can make it for myself at home for thirty cents.
We don't have jobs, alan if they do that, we don't have jokes. By the way, well, I got you on the phone, some wah who tried to break me with a sissy drink it down. It was so dumb. Hold on, he said, half calf oat milk, extra foam with exactly two and a half pumps of.
That's a real drink.
That's a real order.
Onto the love of God, stopped calling customers drink sissy drink.
Oh so it's a real drink.
Yes, I guess the probably.
You shouldn't have slept and.
That's my bad.
How you did not slap a customer?
Yeah? His lawyer called, what Oh yeah, I kind of admitted to it.
No, no, no, he was not happy.
Though, Oh my god, it's not happening on my vacation.
I'm not happy either. It's my break time and here's about forty people in this giant line right now. They're all pretty angry with me.
Well they should be.
Well, I'm tired, so maybe maybe I could clear him out by telling that story about how I survived Niagara Falls.
How are you well?
I'm old enough to take prank phone call request from your coworker Tyler. I still thinks those are funny.
What happened to the noise?
Why is it quiet?
Because all the customers left when they realized that I'm actually Jeff from the radio show Broke and Effy in the Morning and we're doing a phone tap on.
You, Vicky. Are you joking? No, I'm serious. Your coworker Tyler wanted to set you up for a prank because he said you're on vacation and he wanted to mess with you. No way, no way. Yeah, he seemed pretty frustrated there for a second.
I'm not really sure why.
I was frustrated because I thought that this was my last day with the company and they were going to fire me.
If that's the.
Caation, you're on your way out. Can I get a free muffin? Yummy?
If I ever hear that voice again, Vicky, don't be afraid.
You sound like a cutie. Didn't we meet over She's when I was stationed in Normandy.
That was probably my grandmother. We look exactly alike.
Oh yeah, she was a fire cracker.
Wake up every morning, have weekday mornings on the twenties, Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning,