Phone Tap: 5th Proposal's The Charm
A young man is in love and wants to do something special for the girl of his dreams! It’s not the romance of the century, it’s your brand new Phone Tap!
Phone Tap: Grocery Store Granny
One of our listeners emailed in and asked us to prank her sister who is turning 49 soon! So today we’re offering her all the perks of our new Senior Citizen program at the grocery store!
Phone Tap: Clown Parade
There’s nothing we love more than using our computer generated robot voice to mess with people who think they’re speaking to an AI bot. We’re doing it again to a hotel receptionist in your Phone Tap!
Phone Tap: Gentle Car Talk
Today’s Phone Tap victim is a mechanic at an auto body shop, and Brooke's calling from corporate to institute some new, gentler rules about how he’s allowed to talk to customers going forward!
Phone Tap: Spare Room Roulette
Today’s Phone Tap victim listed a room for rent online so we’re using every Phone Tap character in our collective bag to put his patience to the ultimate test!
Phone Tap: Pizza Re-Do
What do you get when you take a Type A person who’s a little uptight, and on top of that they’re mad they got the wrong pizza delivered? A perfect recipe for a Phone Tap!
Phone Tap: Kid's Birthday Party Surprise
Today’s Phone Tap victim works as an entertainer for children’s birthday parties and while she normally dresses as a princess or a mermaid, we have a request we guarantee she’s never heard before!
Phone Tap: The Name Shame
Today Brooke's pranking a mother, and calling as a substitute teacher who has a few aggressive suggestions for how her child’s name should actually be pronounced!
Phone Tap: Turning Necks and Cutting Paychecks
In your Phone Tap Brooke's telling a guy that corporate is reducing the size of his paycheck each week, and it might just be what sends him over the edge!
Phone Tap: Mr. Wax On Wax Off
Today’s Phone Tap victim recently went and got a massage and made the mistake of telling her friend the masseuse was “kind of cute.” We’re taking that comment and blowing it out of proportion!