Today’s Phone Tap victim works as an entertainer for children’s birthday parties and while she normally dresses as a princess or a mermaid, we have a request we guarantee she’s never heard before!
It's Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning, and today's prank call is to a woman who works as an entertainer for children's birthday parties. Oh interesting, So she dresses up as like Disney princesses and runamaids and stuff. But this time one family's made a special request for what they want at their five year old's big bash, and I'm gonna offer her double the pay. Wow. We'll see if she thinks about it. In your phone tap right now twenty Hello Heidi, it's Dave from Parties and Entertainment. Oh, hi, Hi, sorry, I know we've we've never met. I'm new here. We just got a request to hire you for a kid's birthday party next Saturday.
Okay, but normally you guys just to me an email.
Right, Yeah, I know, but this one's a little bit different and it would just be easier to tell you about it over the phone. Oh so, I hope that's okay?
Yeah, sure, what's the deal.
Yeah, it's it's for a five year old girl. They said there's gonna be about fourteen kids there, so that's pretty decent size.
Yeah, okay, so I'm assuming it's a princess gig. What do they want?
No, well, see that's the thing. They don't want you to dress up like a princess.
Oh do they want me to dress up at all?
Well, like I was trying to tell them, like you normally do Elsa and tinker Bell, you do wonder Woman, they didn't want any of those, So okay, what they said is, uh, they want you to dress up like Annabelle the Doll.
No way, are you serious?
Yeah? I know it's it's weird.
For a five year old girl's birthday party. That's weird.
That's what the parents wanted.
Oh my god.
They said that they would buy the costume for you, and that their daughter is really into horror films.
Fine, horror film.
I'm just giving you the message. That's what they say. Mom. She just wants you to stand in the corner of the party, motionless, not even facing the children.
What the hell?
Yeah? And they said, we'll give you a fake plastic butcher's knife. What And at one point, the dad's going to play some horror music over the speakers and that's when you turn your head as the kids watch you mutilate a pinata.
You've got to be kidding me.
I'm not. And I'm just reading off the notes here.
Oh my gosh.
Again, like this is the reason why I called you, because I know this is totally out of the ordinary. But they said they're willing to pay double.
I was gonna ask, what's the freaking pay double double? Willing to pay double?
Right, So I thought maybe you'd be up for it.
But the other kids at the party are going to be freaking traumatized by this.
I mean, I guess. On the on the plus side, they're only five, so they'll probably just forget about this whole thing in a year or so.
Are you? Are you?
Yeah? And they do want you to do one other thing?
No, what the hell?
They said that it's a deal breaker if you don't do it.
Oh god, what is it?
Yeah? I'm sure that the kids are probably already going to be screaming once you kill the pinata, thank you, right, But what they want you to do is act like you're eating it and put some fake blood capsules.
Hell no, okay, no, this is crazy. I mean, there's some step people out there.
I'm with you. I know there's weird requests, so it's just weird.
It disturbed. This is worse than weird.
Look that's the whole reason why I'm calling and asking, what do you want me to tell the family?
What would you do? What would you tell the family that was you asking them to do this?
I mean, I like horror, okay, but five year old?
Would you feel guilty about that? About terrorizing five year olds literally with the butcher knife your blood?
Maybe you might have a point.
I just I don't know. I don't my.
Lord, If you don't want to, there is another gig that's at a senior home where they're asking you to dress up like the grim Reaper for a birthday.
Hell, I'd rather do that than freaking terrorI okay, okayo Oh my gosh.
Is the money the same, No, it's it's normal pay. But the good news is they want you to cut the cake with your sickle.
Oh that would be fun. Okay, Well, I mean I would feel better about.
Doing hold on, hold on, And then one more thing. When you walk around the room there, you're supposed to whisper into each of their ears see you later tonight, a reaper voice.
What is happening with these requests? Are you serious? Right now? Where are you getting these people?
I don't know. I think it's because they listen to Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning and those prank calls that they do, and it's just a really bad influence.
Yeah, you know that radio show that you're on right now, Because my name's actually jeff we're doing a phone tap on you, Heidi, this is a joke.
You've got to be kidding me.
No, unfortunately, I'm not.
My god, you are such an all I am not.
Maybe your friend Lauren is, because she's the one who sets you up kidding me. No. She says that you got a weird request to play Corella Deville the other day and that people aren't just doing regular princesses anymore. That's not as much of a thing.
Oh my god, is that true. Oh yeah, that's true.
But if you're not cool with dressing up as Annabelle, you're still okay with eating the pinata and the blood capsules.
Oh no. The week up
Every morning was fun tabs weekday mornings on the twenties, frooking Jeffrey in the morning,