AFL Round 1 Predictions - Hawks vs Bombers Smalls & Underdog Wins! | AFL Today Show

Published Mar 13, 2025, 9:46 AM

The AFL Today Show brought to you by TAB are here for all your Round 1 preview needs, starting with an awesome chat about debutants with star journalist Jess Robinson and previewing every single game over the weekend with teams, odds, stats, debates, best bets and tips!

The panel full of banter chat about who will win each match, best on ground, value bets for the weekend, multis, what to keep an eye on and finish with Big Calls where close games are predicted and small forwards are expected to dominate!

Get around the AFL Today Show brought to you by TAB and panelists Liam 'Stats Guy' McAllion, Leo Mullaly and Marcus Bazzano as they talk out all things footy for the 2025 AFL season!

00:00 Intro
04:43 Jess Interview
57:57 Outro

👨‍💻 AFL Today's Podcast Expert Panel:

Liam 'Stats Guy' McAllion
Leo Mullaly
Marcus Bazzano
Jess Robinson

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Tab where on you win some you lose more.

Thursday Night Footy is here and the AFL Today Show brought to you by tab is here for all of your Round one needs. I'm your host, Liam McKellen, also known as the Stats Guy. I'll start off with the man over there. He's got the bell. Let's go Liam, he's more than Liam.

I'm good mate.

How you going very low? Skip it? Eye over there, very very well. And we've also got Marcus Barzano in the middle playing Tomorrow night Big game. We're all going to it tomorrow. So he's up and about me and are going to be We're gonna be scrapping. We're gonna bessing. Why because it's going to be a draw. Because we love each other. That's what It's gonna be a draw. There we go. That's a big call. Obviously. This is gonna be the Thursday Night previous show brought to you by tabs a fl missed by one. If your disposals leg thiss is by one, TAB will still pay you out as a winner. Download the tab app today. What are you really gambling with? All Right? Another great show as always like to be. We have great shows every Thursday night this end of the second one. But we're they're great shows. Are you going to say that? We're going to actually have from the desk with Jess, So Jess Robinson, journalist is jumping on talking all things debutants, Round one debutants, some big calls, rising star calls and things like that. I'm going to go through some AFL news, all the Round one matchups with tips, odds, stats, debates, everything. There's gonna be a few tangents that these lads will go on.

I'm sure, no, absolute, absolutely, absolutely absolutely, thank you for your honesty.

There's going to be some best bets, big calls from the weekend from each of us, and then what to keep an eye on ahead for Round one. All right, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Please subscribe, it said, pleasing the thing, Please do it.

We should read out lock on the Cricket Show how many we've got and that's what I was going to say, track, I think we should.

So we're we're close to four k point nine to nine.

Wait, really, let's get their four k by the end of the show.

All right, we'll have a look at that at the look there we go. We will have a look of course, we'll have a look, I feel sorry for what are you talking about? And then follow AFL today a across all the socials and on Facebook it's Aussie Rules Today. Lots of stuff going up on there. Chuck my super coach team up on there. So roway on TikTok. That's what I was about to say.

Free you win if you ever come up against that square.

Yes, that's what he's doing. No way, Tom Len's underrated to pick. There we go, and of course get around this on all the Spotify, Apple podcasts, any other podcast platform will be on there all right. That's the intro. Dun Lad's news ticker quick News Ticket because there's not as much news at the moment. First one, the heat policy is an effect for SAT Day's games. I think it's going to be thirty seven in some parts of the country, so it's gonna be longer breaks, more hydration. And I saw people in the comments, degenerates commenting on the yeah they're generous, Okay, commenting on the AFIL post, this is this has gone too far. This is too but like it's fair enough. I want to AFI player to die on the field. Can we get a heat policy in this studio? Because I don't know.

It is so hot in this studio, like right now, und of the time might be by the end of.

The show though, Yeah, that's true. That's true on Sunday.

Get a bit sweaty in here.

Yeah, just how we like it sitting.

In the middle in between these two hot studs, so I feel the brunt of it.

There we go. I just brought up the heapoles there. Now we've talked about. Yeah.

I think it's fair. It's good.

We're gonna look after the players, exactly, the pure bread, more hydrated, the better they play.

Yeah, better footy. Yeah, like people. It's a quick math right there. Yeah, doesn't. It just eats up into a little bit of time, into the breaks, and that's it.

Just more time to get some bicy and butches exactly. Nuggets and knowledge or there nuggets and knowledge. I go for some nugget, go for some knowledge.

The next one in the news is Brandon Maynard was involved in a car crash. So that was obviously not good at all. But he is okay, and everyone involved is okay. He's still expected to play that day. Now, I feel like we don't like Braiden Maynard, but of course we don't want it to be in course crash because there was a few comments on AFL pages that were just laying into him, so they turned off the comments. Just no matter who you are, he's just a player on another team. You don't need to do that. So glad that he's okay. I'm surprised he's playing here because apparently it was a very full on car crash. H jeez.

I'm surprised he's playing because he's overrated, sympathy selection.

I think he's a cult hero selection slash like brings the teams it is.

It is obviously sad he was in a car accident, so hopefully it's all right, and.

Have our prayers out for Lucky Hunter as well, who was on the other side of the car crush.

Marcus, Jesus, he's doing that every single show. That's it for the News. I'm calling it for newsticker right now, though, very exciting segment with Jess Robinson from the Desk with Jess AFL today here with a brand new segment We've got from the Desk with Jess. So we've got Jesse here. Thanks for jumping on Jess for this Thursday night.

Thanks guys, I'm beyond excited for round one.

Yes, it's actually starting the official season. Last week didn't really count, so we can actually have some footy this week.

The hypers well and truly here now absolutely.

We've got Leo as well. Here.

I'm here to buy it, you know, just sort of like the tree in like a room, like I don't know what.

You're always green, you'ing green, You're ready to go. So today we're going to go through the debutants with Jess with Leo of round one, because there's gonna be a lot of debutants. First one we'll quickly touch on because I think as this is going out the game, maybe on. But we're gonna touch with Richmond. So they've got three debutants already anounced midweek. We've got Sammy Lawla, We've got trainer, and we've got Armstrong. Are we excited for those? Jess?

We are absolutely excited for those. Sammy number one pick. He you know, I had a concussion hairline fracture only sustained in feb has overcome all that. This kid's exciting, Like this is what Richmond fans need. But then they've also got a couple of key position players jumping in. You know, first game in it doesn't get much bigger than MCJ carton.

Yeah, they must be like crapping their decks. Ye yeah.

Sammy Laula seems like a.

Confident lad, so I don't reckon he would be but training and armstrong, like I don't know, it'll be nervous on the big stage.

What's seventy eight thousand, Yeah, there'll be a lot of people. I still think they'll be a bit of nerves for Sammy Lawler because I know he sort of acts like that. He sort of struts his stuff around a bit. But first game of the.

Season, what's the bet his first goal will be like a fend off snap and it's just like an ode to Dusty and Richmond. Fans are just like, yes, this is our boy, this is our boy.

They would love that talking about their boy Carlton. So you've got the great Camper rally, They've got the Camparelly Twins. Now the first Twins to make his debut is Lucas Campberrelly. Very exciting for Culter fans.

Just absolutely, it's impressive in the midfield. It's going to be great to see, you know, how he works with the likes of Crips and Walsh and just how that dynamic plays out. It's going to be a big game. Yeah, a lot of uys and I think these four players are going to be the story.

Yeah, absolutely, What do you reckon?

It's interesting because I reckon we'd be talking about Jagger Smith in this position instead of CAMPERI.

See how he goes.

I'm not too sure about him, Like I'll be honest, I don't know too much about him, but if you can just feel a role, He's got the stars around him.

He could sort of feed off their energy a little bit and hopefully kick a goal. We'll see. Yeah. And then the last debutante, well sort of in the Carlton outfit is Nick Haynes. I don't know how it is. I can't believe he's still but he's been a solid player at the Blue, sorry, at the GWS, and I think he can do a job at the Blues.

What do you guys think all over two hundred games of experience, that's gonna.

You know, Holdsten? Yeah, I don't know.

I feel like Carton is still missing that sort of second key defender and he's like a third almost.

I don't know.

We'll see how he goes. I think I think he'll do all right. But yeah, I just I still think Carton's back line is a bit susceptible.

He's got great hair too. If I don't know if he's still got the top not, I haven't seen him around as much.

He's still got the big, the flowing hair, I think, so, Yeah, I just I don't Reckon can't have many blondes on their team, the opposite to Geelong.

Yeah, well, guys, I was actually speaking to t DK a couple of weeks ago, Yes, you were, so, you know, we spoke about Lucas. He said, these guys they're training like as good as you can imagine for the first year players, and he was hoping that one of the camp early boys would be coming in early.

So you know, he got his wish.

But I think Carlson fans like, what's the pass mark for the Blues because they're going to be expected to win obviously, like over what Richmond's been to.

Smash him, they have to smash them. But I think we just talked about on our Wednesday show Midweek Madness, that I don't think they have that in them for the first game of the season. They often are very close games. Last year was five points, so but yeah, what do you think that what's the past?


They have to smash them?

Well, yeah, I mean considering the preseason they've had with all the injuries, Like that's why I was kind of putting it to you guys, like is it is it a twenty point when is it just getting the job done just for round one?

Just to kind of like, I think it's forty plus. I think it's sixty plus sixty.

I still think with their injuries, they've got a lot of talent. Then Richmond, everyone's expecting them to have a very very down season. So I just feel like if they want to be top six, top four and Richmond a projected bottom two, they have to make a statement.

Sixty plus they got to. Yeah, do I think they will? No, No, but they they go to prove that they're up in that top tier. So I agree with that one. Touching on more debutantes, We've got North. We've got a lot of debutantes for North, but first game of Fino Sullivan foss is what the people are calling him down at. Just leave this under you guys. Yeah, we've got the North fancy and Jess, you're excited for I'm excited.

We're wrapping our North Blue Yes, the both.

Of us.

Pino Sullivan number two picks, so we've got number one and two picks on display this weekend, which is so exciting. But against the Dogs, I'm really excited to see how Finn works with Again, similar to what I said before about Lucas, but like, how does Finn fit in with the likes of Simpkin Ldu and you know it's gonna be good to watch.

Yeah, it's a good midfield. Like you can say what you want about North not the best forward line, not the best back line. The midfield can win you some games.

It is a couple of games don't come for our forward line. We've got Jack Darling now not so class, he's kicking sixty plus this year. At least.

Harveyis you know, is perked up absolutely. And then we've got some of the more experienced ones coming in that are you touched on Jack Darling, Luke Parker, Caleb Daniel. What do we think, guys, who's going to make the biggest impact of that experienced player?

I really do think that Caleb Daniel is going to make so much difference to the defensive line. I feel like we've seen it in some of the practice matches as well. He just knows what he's doing and that's what they need.

Especially a guy that can hit a target almost every time he kicks it, which is what North is lacking in general. Other than cheesel or mckirtchery.

I think, yeah, that's pretty wild hitting a target.

Yeah, that'd be nice. What do you reckon?

I think, Luke Parker. I don't think you'll have the stat line of like most players. I think it'll be below average stat line. But he's sort of that experience in the front half and the like. You can put him into the field and just say we need you to just stop the momentum for a bit. You need your experienced head and he might not get a disposal, but he might get an important tackle here and there and absolutely just be an important voice out on the ground and also just give you a bit of mongrel.

Like I feel like Northol they get picked on easily. I can just stand up and give it back a spirit. Maybe I don't know. In there now. Touching on Essendon, we've got I think the most exciting player from the draft, Isaac Cco. He was lighting up pre season with four goals. Do we think he can bring that sort of form into the season, Like that's it's a big ask, but I think at least a couple of goals a game or Yeah, I feel like.

He is going to be one of those guys that delivers on a big stage. Yeah, he looked more than comfortable in that community long Yes, yeah, that's no easy task as well coming up against the Cats, but he looks comfortable.

Yeah, I think he'll be right. I think we've talked about Hawthorne's back line.

It's quite strong, but I reckon there are a few times on Friday against the Swans where the pace of Papley of shocked them a little bit, and I think Caco's got that explosiveness that could.

Maybe just rattle me as a Hawks fan. We'll see, hopefully, hopefully he stays quiet for my sake. There's a few Yeah, guys in the draft where you go, they're not going to be nervous, Like maybe he just shows that on the outside, but I don't see CaCO being nervous at all. Like, I know that was only a preseason game, but Gelong a very experience got really good players. Obviously Hawthorne's gonna be really good as well. He just doesn't look nervous.

Drafts are becoming more like that, I reckon. I just don't really care. Like you look at Nick Watson last year.

He doesn't. Even when he first st.

He's switched on.

Yeah, he's any bond. When I even listened to him on the radio stuff.

Did you see the clip of him in a podcast and talking about his diet.

Yes, I haven't seen that. He's incredibly on it, like very sweet. He played all fifty. What was his resting heart? Right, it was like I saw, I saw that.

I mean, my key thing that I took away from that was the avocado. He moved his avocado from breakfast to lunch oh one, and then the fats moving from.

Okay, he only eats whole foods, right, that's what he said. And he doesn't let anyone else cook for him. So when it's lunch at the club, he makes all so he's increased. He will play it all fifty.

I like that. Somehow I've got how do I do that? I love it? I love it. And then the last one that we wanted to touch on was Brisbane obviously, Ashcroft is a famous name already and they're saying he's going to be better than all of them. Levi, Ashcroft, the youngest Ashcroft is going to make his debut, most likely this weekend. I'm excited for that as well.

Yeah, I think that that'll be exciting for him. Him and will just like the connection because they would have played together all growing up for Sandy and at their junior club. Yeah, it's going to be exciting to watch him. How do they how do they just keep getting stronger?

I'm thinking of them? Yeah, what are your thoughts on, Levi?

Well, is this going to be a Josh Nick Daykost dynamic?

A good core? I hope not more those? No, we do we need more like the camp Valley Brothers, the Twins, Like we need more brothers? Go onhead. I like it.

Yeah, I think it's a It's a great storyline for Brisbane. I mean, it doesn't really get much better. So let's hope he makes his debut and you know it's looking.

Likely Yeah he will, yeah, unless something happens, but he's an absolute freak, so he should. Yeah. All right, that's all the debutantes we wanted to go through. We're going to finish off with some big questions here. Out of all the players we just read out, who do we think is going to make the best debut this weekend. I'll start with you, Jess.

Well, my heart says Fino Sullivan. It really does. But I just feel like maybe it's Isaac. Yeah, I think it's Kaco. I'm also just very excited about his story, like his family history, like traveling from Iraq. There are a few countries to get to Australia, and then footy is not like you know, wasn't the first kind of sport to come to mind for them, But get the system and you know, and I just like the story story. I think it's going to have a great game.

Yeah, I love that. I was going to say Kako, but I'll go a bit different. I reckon Lawler. Yeah, I don't know.

I just O'Sullivan to me is a bit of an easy answer. I think he's going to dominate. I just think Laura might just I don't know, twenty disposals two or three goals and just give Richmond fans a bit of peace of mind going into what could be a long season.

Yeah, I need someone to stand up and then in an exciting factor they do.

He has a lot of room to get a few touches. Well that's it and a bad team, so that's pretty cool. I'm going to go the easy end to leave by Ashcroft. I think he's just because we're saying best debut. He is the most ready player in the draft. I think he's got the big body, can barge out of the contest and Brisbane, you're going to get a lot of the ball just from locking eel handbling it to you or he's even his brother. So I'm going to go leave by Ashcroft as the best debut. Lastly, last thing we're going to say is who will be the rising star this year? We're doing big calls on this segment with Jest today. Who do you reckon will be the rising start of all the rookies this season?

Jess, Well, we had about three minutes notice for this.

Yeah, as usual with this.


It could be it could be Oh, I'm really taught here, But it could be Lucas Camparelli left to feel like.

I didn't expect that he did one free season.

Yeah, it could just be someone completely left a field, and I'd be very excited about that.

Nelson fans will absolutely love that. I I like it.

I really love the idea of a left of field one because it's just like a pick fifty something.

It has happened in the past.

Yeah, like giving it to all the all the high picks. But I think Levi Ashcroft for the reasons he said stats guy. I think he'll be the most consistent player.

I feel like the.

Others might drop out of form here or there, like CaCO and Laurla a bit more explosive players. Ashcroft will just be a consistent professional. If Kaco kicks above thirty five goals, that's a lot.

Yeah, I think then he's a lot of riding stuff. But that's a big ask, especially when.

He could do it, like when you look at their forward line like he's the main small guy.

Yeah there, but yeah, if he kicks that many goals, and I reckon he will get it. But I'm leaning towards Levi Ashcroft as well. All Right, that's a wrap for from the desk with Jess. Thank you very much, Jess jomping On.

Thanks guys, Excited to see what comes in round one.

Let's go back to the usual show, all right. That was from the desk with Jess. Awesome chat there, Leo with Jess Robinson. That was good fun. I rated it. Yeah, it was really good. I like that in rhymes. Yeah it does, it does.

All right.

This is the biggest part of the show, the Round one game previews. The real foot is back. We've got nine games. Everything is the stars of a line. We're ready to go, ready to go, Friday night, Thank you lord. It is Leo versus Marcus, or as most people call it, Hawthorne versus Essendon lads Friday night at the MCG. We're actually all going to be there. I'll be cheering on the Hawks because I hate the Bombers, but you'll be fight up for the bombs.

That's the plan. They could also make me very depressed.

That is true. That is true in typical Essendon fashion. That's all right, all right. We'll start in the order that I'm looking at it here. We'll start with Hawthorne. You can talk through the ins and outs. We're going to go ins and outs, then talk through the game after that.

Wow, this is a big out, not really good.

I'll let it. James warfles out it's a decent.

Yeah, he's underrated.

Josh Ward comes in, so it's really his time to just make his mark on the team.

He has a big head.

That's a good observation from a fallow big exactly. I was gonna say that, but yeah, but yeah, Hawthorne's team pretty stock standard. Just putting players where they want to on this team. Sheets Cicily's on a wing again. I'm sure that would amuse you, stats guy, you love it when they do that.

No, I don't put him anywhere. He's a good man.

But the team looks pretty strong. I didn't expect too many other changes. I think the mcg ground will help us.

We love a bigger ground.

We're playing well on the g So yeah, I'm happy with the team.

Very nice. Wasn't have been dropped or.

That's a great question, you know, keep bringing that inside? Yeah, all day every day. What about Esson for you, Marcus? Well, obviously we haven't seen last week. At least the Hawthorne got to run out on the park.

So new faces Isaac CaCO, that CaCO and Caddy and the forward line. Jackson Pryor debut for the club. Look, his dad played for Essendon as well, but he didn't play enough games to be eligible for father son. So yeah, he's in a line of defense and on the bench. One of Sardis Hobbs, Shield Gresham or Desma will be the sub. It will either be Hobbs or Dema.

Be confident in that, it won't be sadest confident because we need stardusts for super corot.

Startists look good in super coat choosers start O Hooly, I think we know for a while though he's not playing.

Not playing. Yeah, he didn't play in the last pre season game. I don't believe, so that's right. Anyway, talking with the game a little bit, bogey team alert, there's a few bogie teams this weekend. The Bombers have been the Hawks in six of the last seven meetings by an average of twenty seven points as well, Leo, how do you feel about that one? I know the Hawks look like a better team.

And the seventh one was just by a point as well.

Yeah, yeah, it wasn't that Tim O'Brien kicked the winning goal.

Harry Jones debut. I think, yeah, he just sprayed it. He kicked like zero five or something.

Yeah. That really surprised me though, because the Bombers just love playing the Hawks. Yeah, they do, and it annoys me. It's just a formal different nowl boys, they are a lot different Hawthorns. While won their last eight matches in Melbourne, so that includes a few the finals you've obviously got. Yeah, a lot of matches at the MCG and things like that, so they're pretty happy to play the G and yeah, anything any other talking points on this one that I think it will be. I think it would be a good game, big crowd. I think it will be a bigger crowd than tonight's game. Agree. Do you guys agree with that one? Because Richmond fans aren't going to want to watch one hundred point loss. No, yeah, anyway, all right, our sponsors are tabs, So I'm going to get through some of the odds here today. So we've got Hawthorne at dollar thirty four. Their head to head heavy favorites pretty much in this one. Essdent are three dollars fifty. I think that's well deserved. After the Hawks, I think they could have won Bay even more against in it. They were absolutely awesome. My best bet. Everyone's talking about this man. He dominated in preseason and now he's giving us some good odds With tab Isaac Kaco two plus goals at two dollars forty, I really really like. Obviously we haven't got the form other than the preseason. He got four goals against Geelong in the preseason. And then the Hawks, I think they've got a lot of big guys, but the smalls, I'm not as quite confident on their small defenders. So I think Coco can at least get two guys. I reckon he could even get three, so I have a look at that on tab. But two plus is two dollars forty. All right, lads, what do you reckon about about any of that? And then we'll get into our tips in margins as well.

I'm so excited about the small forwards just generally in this game. We'll get to my big call later, yes, but they will have an impact tomorrow night.

Oh is that the four minuim mark? That is the four minima? There we go, So we'll get into our tips. I'm going Hawks by twenty five points. What do you go later? I'll go Hawks by twenty one.

Hawks by thirty seven, thirty seven, thirty seven. You're not confident this, no, unfortunately not And I think, yeah, Hawthorne look pretty good and they're going to be very good throughout the season, so lovely.

I think we time that pretty well. A bit to be desired. Okay, there we go, always improved. We can't improve. We're going to be improving every single show Saturday now, so we've gone through the Friday night game jump up for Saturday Super Saturday. We'll just call it that. Why not? Geelong verse Freemantle is the first Saturday game at one twenty at gm HbA Stadium. You want to go through the team's lads, Yes, you are going to assign us. I will go Geelong to Marcus. Yes, that for you, wonder it's allays are.

On this man throughout the throughout the preseason because he will Actually maybe not, because he missed the games through the injury, it could have been a bit of a doubt to feature in this one. But he does feature. Bailey Smith will make his debut for Geelong. Yes, does he rock a long sleeve?

Long sleeve?




Willie Roffe headband is them? I like you will I Reckon?

Yeah, because it'll be sweaty it's a hot day, he said, Will cotton On make headbands.

Just for him? Yeah? Maybe, but he's the beginning for the Cats.

He's the beginning for the Cats. Obviously, they're gonna need a lot of effort from Shannon Neil this season with Tom Hawkn's retirement, so it'll be interesting to see how he goes because I think Geelong fans have some high expectations from him, and.

I reckon, Yeah, Maxie, you've got a very just the depth is crazy. You got loss and umpres Max Holmes. I think in every sort of level of their defense, mid forward, they just got depth everywhere. So I then they're going to be really good the Cats. What about the other side, Leo Frio, everyone's talking up man, let's do it? How good?

Yeah? Like this team.

Murphy Reid making his debut. Shy Bolton is not in this lineup, I believe. I think Walters also misses as well.

They both didn't make the.

Flight reading and ruck as well.

If you want him on your super coach to be interesting.

The big man though, Josh Tracy up Ford, I think you put this stat in stats gone, I'm going to steal it from you.

A few goals in the.

Last five games of last season.

He's an absolute man mammoth, and I think he can take a bit of control because the Cat's defense is very strong, has a system, but they connor O'Sullivan at the back line, but he.

Is a bit raw.

They don't have that hYP I don't think, and I think Tracy could maybe exploit it.

Who kicks more goals this season? Tracy or Miss Tracy Tracy? Yeah, I think basically bean.


I think Tracy, because he's going to be the more deeper for a Miss sort of plays thats and a half forward or huts or high half forward role, I reckon, whereas Tracy's just play bear in the square a bit, just just get a few bear in the square. Yeah, heard bear in the square. I've heard of it, but I don't know what from. Probably Jason Dunstall was a bit of bear in the square or Gary Albert Senior sometimes did that. I reckon, you just stay in the screen and take hangers on people. But I think they're gonna go really well in terms of the matchup though, Geelong have won their last seven season openers at gm HbA, but Freeo have beaten them at the category the last two times, so it's I wouldn't say like a full on bogie team, but not many people, not many people, not many teams go down to Geelong and beat them down there, but free I know how to do it. They do.

And I think back in the day when they were on that ridiculous run of wins the gm HBO. It was Freeman, wasn't it.

They're broken? Yep, it was. So they know that they know how to play down there. They're pretty good. Now we're gonna have a look at the odds with Tab once again. So he got Geelong a dollar forty seven. This one is a lot closer than the other games. Freemantle at two dollars seventy that's the heads ahead odds. I've been talking this guy up all pre season. The boys on the show will be loving this. Grind at my's twenty plus disposals and to kick a goal is my best better this game three dollars odds for three dollars in odds with Tab. I'm really liking this. He's had twenty three in a goal in their last meeting and average twenty one disposals two goals in the last month of last season. He's been turning it up to another level. He doesn't just get goal assist this man. He knows how to kick a goal. Don't worry about his finny kicking action. He knows how to finish through the big sticks. Twenty plus disposal as well. I think he had a thirty plus disposal game in one of the matches him in preseason as well, so he's in really good form. I'm going all in on grime Mice. There's any other any other thoughts on this game? Geelong for out?

The only thoughts that I have is, is you sleeping with a picture on the roof of your of your bedroom.

Of grind min Nah? That would be scary. That would I don't know about that. What he's saying he's ugly? Nah, just that would? I don't know. One that is very true. That's very true. Oh, let's move on, take up, take out? We got the alarm quickly. Do the tips? Are you tip? In this way? I think Geelong by about ten points. I'm gonna go.

We're gone, Geelong going, Geelong, Thinklong Who I'm going Freemantle other end of the stick, Gelong and they're good, but I think Frio. I think this season is the season they have to do something because they missed out last season obviously, So I'm going to go eighteen points.

Eighteen nice, I'm going free by five points. They've had a lot of close matches at gm HbA. They know how to win down there. I know they're the underdogs, but I think they can get the job done. All right. That's Geelong taking on Freemantle. Next one on Saturday four fifteen at the SCG is Sydney taking on Brisbane. Obviously this is their Grand Final rematch Sydney still Scott. Who's gonna be and who's gonna be? We'll start off with you, Leo, who do you give me? Sydney? Please? Now City?

They bring in Joel Hamling and Riley Bye.

I think handling. That's a great Nickome.

I think Joel Hamling's coming in to show up the back line a little bit in terms of height, I think. And they want to play mccarton forward, don't they, So that probably plays correct. Adams and Chldrick go out both injured.

I'm gonna Rodricks, what were your thoughts on mccarta and forward?

It wasn't very good?

But he's as well like McDonald and McLean Wood, wouldn't.

He They made it all the way to the Grand Final and crap forward? So they don't need him, says the North fan. Yeah, one of the best bards in the conference. That's about it.

Sydney the team does look pretty strong, but I don't know if they can they can hold off Brisbane.

Brisbane looked pretty strong. Yeah, like Sydney's team looks strong and then you look even on Brisbane. Brisbane's team ins and outs. Brisbane team.

We've heard some news. You've always going to be the sub. He is part of that bench. So for super coach you have him, you might want to get rid of him.

Should be a rule, you know, how to put debutant in the subs. Sub shouldn't be a thing.

But on on the bench his brother will Darcy for Brenistavic and Kalamarchie who you all won't think would be a sub because.

Of the sub. He was a great inclusive interview.

But the bigger who gets the feature against Sydney unlike in the Grand Final, so he gets his turn against the Swans this time around. But yeah, very strong, they're always very strong. Interesting to see how the forward line plays without big Joey Danahers.

As Alex mentioned, he wants to go full hippie this year. We're going all in on Eric kim Pood. He has to kick three goals a game to like behind proves wor he's going to kick a lot of behind us, but to prove his worth a bit because Logan moras against a lot how many? How is that? Well fifty, that's a forty five plus fifty plus two goals a gifty plus yeah, just over two goals. Again, you want your too four kicking at least two a game probably, and then you got Logan Morris. I really rate Logo Morris for the line, So I think that's actually going to be still a really good forward line even though Joey Donhur is not in there.

And I'm still waiting to see like like cam Rainer went up a little bit last year, but I'm still waiting for like Zach Bailey, Everyone's talk when is he going to be unleashed? And last year everyone thought it was the year and he just.

Having a breakout year for the last five years.

Yeah, but he just needs to go next him and fighting the battle of like, yeah, we're gonna break out this year and then no, yeah is.

Better than one hundred percent one. Zach Bailey overcame is way better at cooking than playing footy. So a good chef is oh yeah, he's literally bulls comment that'll that'll rattle him. You don't like chefs.

I don't like.

Cooking anyway. Some more match insights. Obviously, the last meeting was the sixty point lines win in the Grand Finals. Do we think this one's are going to be a bit scar from that? Yeah, quick thoughts, I think so. I think I think they might be a little bit rattled in that, even if it's at the SCG, they'll be rattled. Lushbacks, lashbacks for sure. The odds with tab of course Sydney two dollars and ten cents very rare that they're the underdogs at the SCG, Brisbane a dollar seventy four heads ahead. I think those odds are about right. If this was at the Gabba, you heavily skew it towards Brisbane. My best better this game, though. I'm going to keep rolling this until he doesn't do it. Chad Warner two plus goals. It's gone down from three to seventy five last week to two dollars sixty this week. We cashed in last week and he's just so attacking out of midfield so two pl goals I really like as the tab best bet. All right, lads, finish off tips margin who we tipping?

I think Brisbane get this done within.

Three goals, Okay, I agree with that. Yeah, I'm about the same.

Yeah, well, yeah, I'll go four or five goals Brisbane.

Oh you reckon, it's not going to know exact list.

No, I think they're just they've got a better list. They've got a bit of squad out there at the moment. And yeah, I've wasn't impressed by Sydney last week.

But we go.

Let's see if they can bring it back out the scars. The wounds might creep open a little bit.

Yeah, no, I agree. All right, that was the Grand Final rematch. Let's get into that Saturday night. There's two Saturday night games in Melbourne, which is a little bit controversial, but the f one's on. They're trying to trying to do the schedule around that. We've got Collingwood taking on pot Adelaide Saturday night, seven thirty five at the MCG. I'll start with you this time, Marcus. You a bit of Collingwood for me, please? Who's the ins and out? Well?

They were very, very poor last week and get into GBS.

Very bad, very bad.

They are going to be bolstered by Dan Houston making his debut for the club. Lackie Sullivan also comes in out Hoskin, Elliott and and add Allen.

That's gone. That was pretty good last week.

But I thought he's going to play every game.

Just for context, context all.

Summer and Alan get him in your He's going to play every game. He's got more heart than He's got more heart than a lot of this team gets.

I thought, I thought memory he played on his debut. I thought Damn Stay was a little bit more.

So forgot how to play.

He kicked, kicked, kicked more goals and remember how to play football.

And obviously you know there's there's been rumors and concern about Nick Decos from his your joint foot injury.

Well that's yeah.

Yeah, cramped up and c cramped his way out of the game.

Not enough pickle juice could save that man. Leo, Leo would never cramp. He has a lot of pickles. I don't think I can't remember last time my cramps because you have a lot of pickles. Leo weed right now will taste like pickle.

Just to test it.

Leo about the color green. Yes, obviously Dan Houston is playing against his old side, so that's very exciting Australian Leo. Ins and outs for Port or anything you want to talk about.

Well, there's no wins or out stats guy, because it's their first game. Obviously, they've got Jack Kosis and Joe Richards playing their first game for the club.

And actually Joe Richards came from Collingland.

Yes, Richards Cup and Duston not the Dan Houston Cup. Joe Berry making his debut as well.


This team they got Finlason listened to and half back. They just look a bit short on mids. They've got Horn, Francis Rosie, but pow Pepper's listed in their wines on the bench.

I don't know.

I feel like if they could Collingwood, the old legs of Collingwood, if they can quell Rosie in Horn France as they go a long way to winning this game.

I agree. Well, no, they're gonna put William jew in there for a bit. I really rate one of the best names.

And Buss but Drew to dekos Oh.

Could be, could be, could be good.

Like the tall forwards we just mentioned, Memory mixed day and obviously my check against a very under man Port Adelaide because no Radigalia, no Zurk, Thatcher both injured.

Finn Lason could do better down back than Thatcher.

True, but then literally it has to He's not going to have the intercept role.

It's going to be taken.

Away from Bergman, who can intercept.

I reckon shift that I've actually lost the last four meetings with the Pies as well, and then in the Dan Houston Cup. He's had twenty five plus disposals in seven of his last eight matches at the MCG. And when you play for collingwoand you get to play there every week, so he'll be loving it. So they play there what eight eight times a year? Pretty much? Yeah, I hate how much they played anyway, Getting into the odds with tab now Collingwood dollar fifty eight, heads ahead. This one's really close. Port Adelaide two dollars forty. The best bet in this one for me is I usually go to play a pick, but we've got a little bit different. I'm pretty confident on calling to this one, so I'm going a multi with Collingwood heads ahead and under one hundred and sixty seven and a half total points, which gets you to the odds of three dollars and ten cents with tab ninth and tenth on offense these two teams. Last season, Collingwood struggled, only scoring fifty two points last week's I'm pretty happy on the under, and I don't believe in Port's offense that much. You gotta rely a bit too much on georgeyard Is. He's got to kick a lot of goals. So I'm going the under and Collingwood head to head three dollars and ten cents. There, all right, we're finishing off with tips and margin, lads, or doing any other thoughts, Not really really, I will give thoughts with the tips and the margin. No worries. What do you what do you typically Pies by under a goal?

I think they've bounced back, but their heaviness in the legs will We'll get to them, especially in a hot day.

Very true. Actually daykos could cramp up again, so out cramp costs. Yeah, and apparently actually Josh Dacos is obviously playing listen. It's not worth a reaction though one exactly who are you do? I'll I'll go the Pies by four goals. I think they get the job done of Butters.

Butters out tall, defensive, radically, jerk thatcher out and Collin would have a pretty good recording and similar believe.

I'm going at Pies by ten points. I think this is going to be really close. I just they actually match up pretty evenly, especially the Pies last night. They were horrible. They need a bounce back and I reckon they'll get a win at the gym at the MCG. I don't know what at the MCG. All right, the biggest game of the round, lads, my Western Bulldogs taking on North Melbourne Saturday night. I can't believe this is a Saturday night boring seven thirty five at the Great Marvel Stadium. Here we go, lads. Who wants to do the Western Bulldogs? This won't be on Channel seven? No, definitely was playing at the same time. Who wants to leo you? You often talk about the Dogs? You can have this Dogs team is yeah, it's not great.

I don't think no, They've got a lot of outs. So there's starting on ball trio with Sander's, Richard's.

Is good, Liver is good, this guy's got this guy is good.

But I don't know there's just like a lot of middle of the road players there. But I just I wouldn't be surprised that this come out and smash you like it's just classic North classic Dog sort of thing to do.

I think I wouldn't be surprised. Like either way, Well, the Dogs have actually won the last seven meetings by an average of fifty eight, where that does not at all. That all started when Josh Bruce kicked ten and I said to my mate, I wasn't drinking that day. I was like, if Josh Bruce kicks ten, we've got to go to watch this game in the bar or do something else. Because that was the downfall.

Who doesn't have that record against North Melbourne not a team, Most.

Teams don't have that record. Again, dogs love playing us and I'm hoping this is the changing the guard anything else there les We've got Matt Kennedy making his day.

Matt Kennedy making Sam Davidson and Josh Dolan who were pretty impressive in the prackic game against Hawthorne in the fall. Yes on a wing was incredible. But a lot of big outs for this Dog's team. You know, no Bonds, no Jamara, no Liam Jones con sas guy, take us through the North beat This has to beat this dogs and.

I have to win this game. You have to win this game of football. I don't agree with have to beat them, but I think we can. You have to, you have to, you have to.

This is what I hate about nor fans. Get the winning mentality through your card. He doesn't have to win this game of football. You need to win seven games and this is one of them.

I'll say one thing. If I believe that we're gonna win or not, does not affect the on field performance.

It's about the mentality of the club. It's always Paul, North Melbourne. We don't have to win this game.

So and then you lose.

It was a lucky Hawks it loves by eleven points and you're like, oh, that's an honorable loss. That was actually pretty good.

Guys, isn't okay?

Continue? Sorry, we've taken up more than half exact about nor No. Whatever, anyway, you've done pretty well. That wind to get fight up, all right? The inns for North Melbourn. There's a lot of debutants. You've obviously got Caleb Daniel, Jack Darling and Luke Parker coming over from other clubs. I'm really excited to see all of them. Because you've got Caleb Daniel, who could be literally one of our best players off half back. I think he's so good, his ball us is going to be invaluable. Then you've got Fino Salivan. He looks so good in pre season, Foss. Everyone's calling him Foss. So you called me foss, call him Foss fossil. Yeah, you have other reasons, but Foss looks really good, really good for super coach. And then Jacob couldn't Stanty now you're talking about, Yeah, Luke Parker's there, Luke Parkers in so he's Luke Parker's experience. Are very excited about the other Sydney man, Jacob Konstanty. He had three touches in pre season. They're like, oh, did you have the best? He must have the best three touches in the world, ever, because how do you get picked for that. I'm very annoyed with that pick because we actually have a few good small guys coming through. I think Canson Junior must be injured because he was in the team. He's in the team as well. Yeah, I don't know about can Stanty. Can't stand him you can't stand him. There we go. Let's have a look at the tab odds for this Saturday night fixture. Bulldogs are a dollar thirty two. North Melbourne head to head three dollars forty. That's been changing a lot in the market. A lot of people are jumping on North with all these outs for the Dogs and the fact that Larki's playing because a few people thought that he might be out. My best bet in this one is the man in the Hawliman he dominated last year. I think he's going to be the best ruckman in the competition this year. Tristan Sherry twenty plus disposals and to kick a goal this in this game is three dollars with tab. He dominated Tim English last season with the stat line of twenty plus and a goal. I think he can do that again. And he had twenty plus disposals in four of his last five games. So jump on Tristan Cherry with tab three dollars. I think that's really good odds. All right, I's finish it off. We've talked enough about this game. What do you reckon for your tips?

I thought you were talking about kel Daniel when you're talking about the man and the helpman.

Yeah, definitely not.

What are warning up on? A rent and a half back? I'm going to you the way you read the lawn, bloody.

Calargo faining, checky buggers with the with the line up there? What do you reckon for your tip? Dogs?

Just I need to see it from North Melbourne first before or I can look back them in on the tip.

Fair enough. North have to win, but they're pathetic so they won't. Dogs by seventeen at North fans are so happy to win. You have to win this game. They will win. No, they have to win.

They doesn't mean they the.

Fact that you were going all in that we have to believe what you don't believe in us. No one believes in us. Why would I believe in North?

You're the North fan.

I don't believe you're a fan. Actually, I take that back. I'm tipping us by one single point. I'm gonna have a heart attack at the game. It is going to be awesome. I'll be visit the family because half my families don't have a heart attack.

Half of your family's dogs go for the dogs.

You said family dogs. I said, they go for the dogs. They're dogs. They go a lot of breeding going on and then half of us go for North. That what you're talking about. Anyway, I'm going North. We're gonna win. I can't believe you didn't tip us. You said you were going to tip us.

No, I didn't. I say you have to win the game.

Last week I think you said that. Anyway, that's enough Sunday games before these two get canceled over here Sunday. Here we go, Sunday a massive block bus day game between Adelaide St Kilda. I'm not happy with this. Why I'm not happy with the Odela team. I will talk about this so you can do the Adelaide team. Adelaide think a Sunday twelve thirty five at the Great Adelaide Oval. Hit me with the teams Adelaide to start with markets.

Obviously, there's a lot of fresh names as well for Adelaide, Isaac coming from GBS, Alex, Neil Bullen from Melbourne. You've got looks of James Peteling, Toby Murray and Sid Draper on the extended bench. I've got a funny feeling Matthew Nicks is going to put him as the sub.

Put him as the sub. I think on the he must hate dan Kirk.

Yeah, it's a shame because I really like the look of Sid Draper so far. I think he's going to be a gun this season, absolutely top five rising star.

You only played him in a quarter though in the preseason, which has been but maybe it was just conditioning or things like that.

So probably for that reason, I think he's going to start as the sub in this one.

But Miller's hundredth Oh, there we go.

If Sid Draper and Toby Murray get on the park, it'll be their debuts.

There we go. I don't I don't mind this Adelaide team. You've got Peteling obviously on ball, which would be exciting. You've got Rob Dog who's coming up a hole in one. I don't know if he saw Riley O'Brien. He rocked up into their training facility with his golf clothes. I love it, his vibe. He's always very funny. Well didn't he received the phone? Or nicknat? Didn't he did? He's been involved in what's a random little fan? He's a good guy. Ban I reckon not that one, but we'll catch up. We'll go to a gather around there. We sat killed and Leo. There's a lot happening. You're the only person in the world that believes in Saint Kildo.

Let me talk you do this winning team right here, this winning well they have a lot of milestones and debut ones.

I've got about five debuties and you're saying they're gonna win.

Jack Jack mccrade two fiftieth, He's going to brings it over joy job Zach Jones, hundred and fifty Shore whatever, Kila Kila could make his debut, Boyd could make his debut.

Box Or could make his debut.

Hall could make his debut, Connell could make his What that feels They're all going to be in the middle of the gatorade.

Shower after they beat this team.

Is team's cooking up something.

You've got sync there, You've got nasty got gars see the most positive about any deal.

Yeah, North though, I'm going to throw up with this team.

It's such a bad they're going to shock the world. It's possibly the worst. This is the worst team. They got the same forty and full back. They're going to win this game. I don't know about that team. Sat Cadlo, I do love Nassy's in my super coach team Wagon and Miller are you like anyone in this Saint team? I don't really.

Absolutely, he's a fan of me. Actually he asked me for a photo. You would not believe this, Bradley Hill, because.

He saw you on the cricket today.

We were me and my mates were out at pub golf in our mascot was a little baby and we spray painted at blue so it had a little baby had his little tequila shot. We brought into the bar.

We snuck it in. He goes that your baby.

I said, yes, Bradley, it is my baby. And he asked me, He goes, we'll go a photo with you later? What we'll both having a we will? He asked me that.

I'm sorry. That's that's bonding right there.

That is trueman bonded the you're in there.

We go talking about bogie teams before. Adelaide's bogie team is the Saints Adelaide No round oogie team is the Saints. I'm saying the other way around. Adelaide have a good record against Saint Kildo.

Yeah no, you mean you gotta word that the other way.

I don't think so. Saint Kilda's just continue anyway. You could be right, actually, anyway Adelaide have beaten them thirteen of the last fifteen times, which is really surprising because Adelaide haven't even been that good probably in the last fifteen times I've met, so that's a bit surprising. And the alarm's already gone off. Je I'm going to go into the odds with tab now Adelada a dollar thirty five, I think because it's at the Adelaide Oval. Saint Kilda three dollars twenty five, which is the head to head markets there my best bet of the game. A few people have been talking him up, talked him up late last season. Mitch Hinge twenty five plus the Spurs is at two dollars twenty five. Perfect for a multi as well. I think that can add a lot of value. He just gets a lot of run and carry and can get a lot of the footy. So twenty five plus the spursers with Mitch Hinge really good on tab. All right, we've already gone over the time. Let's just go tips on this one.

Cruz by thirty seven points thirty seven Ye, Saints by four four points.

Yes, geez sat.

The fact that he has more faith in the Saints team than North Melbourne and the Dogs.

Yeah, what do you doing? Mate? What's with that? Yeah, Saints made finals two years ago, that is true. I'm going Crows by twelve. They're going to break my heart again, but I reckon they'll win. Seventy four seventy four percent of them are making their debut though. Yeah, and anyway, we have gone way too long. Adelaide Saint killed on Bloody Yeah all right, two games left. Melbourne taking on jed OUs on Sunday three twenty at the mc J. Let's look of Gas Games of the g this weekend. I'm just realized. So let's go through the team. So wants to start? We'll start with Leo. He'll get us back on track. Melbourne, Yes, go through that for doing Melbourne team? Please for ins and outs.

Melbourne, Well, they've listed a lot of debuts on themselves. Oh my god, Bailey Fridge one hundred and fiftieth game. But they've included Harvey Langford, Xavier Lindsay, Matthew Jefferson, Aiden Johnson and Jack Henderson all listed for their debut. The last two I listed there are from where we I only know two of those players. Well that is that?

Did they?

Because I'm going to know, Bailey Fridge, Sorry, I'm in the debuts.

Obviously, Langford and Lindsay looked solid in pre season. The other guys, I'm not.

Saying all those players are on the extended bench.

Okay, and it's a Sunday game. It is a Sunday extra extended bench.

But yeah, this D's team, it's not too bad, you know. It's it's got the pillars there that they do. But it's just that we're going to say it every time we're talking about a Melbourne game, it's going to be the kicking inside fifty and actually kicking and winning score.

Yeah. The forward line is still pretty as relying on rude disco Turner. He can pop up, yeah he could, but he's not like the guy that you can rely on for two goals.

I just all think they'll be better than last year. But back and Oliver looks like it's back to his best.


Just quickly go through that six that they have and we'll go through the five not Viney in their forward line. How many goals can they realistically realistically kick?

Well, Bridge can kick three? No, No, for the year. I think Fridge gets forty.

Van Ruin has to get forty five, Turner's probably only getting twenty.

Five and Chandler just got average goal game.

Yeah, they probably that they won't. Yeah, you're right, there's not enough goals there, which we talk about all the time. What about the Giants side, Marcus.

Well, the Giants so could have a couple of debutants Oliver Hanniford, Cody Angove as well, but.

Begin Brigsy obviously.

Yeah, where there Sam Taylor, there is a begin though I thought it was going to be out for a little bit longer, but he finds way back into the team. Tom Green, It's going to be huge for their midfield. And look, we thought they were depleted last week, but well they just they were incredible. Fink Callahan looks like a twenty million dollar player now, oh not just not just seventeen. So look the ins there for the Giants Hanniford, ango of Green and Leak Aleier obviously a bit of an extended bench as well.

Nice I might have to adjust my super coach. I brought him Fink Callahan, but he could because we'll get a one hundred I reckon even with Green in the side. He's a very good player the Giants. I've actually won the last three meetings with the Demons at the MCG, so that's really surprising. And they obviously, I think had really good time. They'll really well coached, and then they executed the plans so well last week against the Piler. I don't even think they played like exceptionally. I think they just had a really good plan. Think they're gonna have another good week here. Let's have a look at the odds with tab heads ahead Melbourne R two dollars. JWS are a dollar eighty. I think that's really good odds for jedis even just heads ahead. That's I thought they were gonna be a lot shorter in this one, especially their dominant performance last week and their great record at the MCG, which I just mentioned. My best bet in this one, though I know Tom Green's back in the side, but I'm still going to back at Finn Callahan thirty plus disposals at three dollars. If you're gonna tag anyone in this site, I think Tom Green is the more taggable option. Finn Callahan is just in great form, great form of preseason, great form and opening round. Even if Tom Green comes back in, they can just give a little one two to each other, thirty plus disposals three dollars with tab I'm really keen on all right, lads, tips and margin to finish off on this one. What do we think?

I think Giants by nineteen.

Really you normally saw it with the devil on this one, So demons, let's do it. Yes, Oh yeah, I agree.

I think the Giants win this, and they win this sort of comfortably. I'm gonna go five six goals.

I'm going at Giants by twenty. I'm going to touch on that in my big call. But they're all around that three goal mark. There's a lot of games like that, so twenty points. Melbourne didn't look too bad in pre season and the Giants they have a really good record at the mcg all right, last game the Battle of the Coasters lads, Gold Coast sorry, West Coast versus Gold Coast Saturday, six to ten at Opta Stadium. This, actually, I reckon, could be a fun game. It's the last one as we're doing our Sunday rap show, which would be very exciting on Sunday night. Leo will be on that one. We'll start with you, Marcus, do you want to have a look at the West Coast team ins and outs.

Yeah, obviously got the pair from Richmond Leam Baker, Jack Graham coming into the side to make the debuts Matt Always as well from Carleton and the underrated pickup.

I think, do you think I really rate Matt Always? I know a lot of them. I really rate it questionable? Questionable. Well, we can see what you do.

What he can do out on the West Coast. Archer Reed could be in line for a debut.

Probably not those he's in the lineup. I thought he was Pacific coach because he's forward roughed your position.

That's a good shout. Actually, there we go.

So a lot of fresh faces for West Coast and look, they're just still going to be their gaining experience. Get more games on the under the belt for the locks of Harley Reid. See if Jake Waterman can repeat his.

Last season.

And it's a little bit different in the back line as well, obviously with Tom Brass. So West Coast will be oh god, West Coast keeping on West Coast.

They will be good to watch.


No, actually they have some fun plight you like you're saying they've got Like even mcgoverny, he was really good last season, even though he was getting older. They've got a lot of good players, but just not the depth. I don't think a lot of their depth players aren't there, but always Graham and Baker at least add to their depth. It'll be they'll be a little bit better. I reckon. What do you think for the Suns Leo ins and outs as well?

Talking about a Richmond Richmond pair, Well, no, it's only it's only really I thought Noble played for Richard your half back there, Noble and will be making their debut.

Off superstar Johnny Noverlec's not a bad.

Back line you look at it.

It's very well balanced, got Collins and Ballard the key pillars, Land is a lockdown Powell.

Intercept and Noble and really just run for days.

We've said this a lot though the Gold Coast team on paper. I just said their back line on paper, but I think the whole team looks really good on paper, but they just they just never Actually they've got some random players here.

Took Miller. It's center forward. You'd like that little.

I think what midfield.

I think it's similar though to Melbourne, Like you look at that forward six, Yeah, that's not great goals was enough lacking.

Will Graham took Ben Ainsworth, Jake Rogers, Ben King, and Ethan Reid's rock Yeah, big guy. And they're not kicking that many goals. Jake, Jake the Snake, Jake Rogers, I don't mind him a couple of games. We kicked three plus last year. If he can find some consistency. I think I think he kicked I was probably against think of Jake Waterman. No, No, I'm thinking of Jake Rodgers. I think it was against North. That's probably why I remember it. Uh yeah, So that's the the teams Gold Coast well as well, have won the four of the last five meetings. The loss that they had was like last year where they couldn't win away obviously two and nine away. So that's the big worry. H and do gold Coast I was wanting to put this to you guys. Do Gold Coast need to smash them to prove that they're any good? Like will they get a bit of confidence if they win this like thirty plus. I don't think they need to smash them. That's away from home. They just still get a win. They win not fair enough. They head to head odds with tab West Coast are at two dollars fifty five. This is pretty close. Actually, Gold Coast one dollar fifty two. My weird I've got a weird bet here for my best bet. I'm combining both teams in this one. I think Gold Coast will get the job done, but I believe it's going to be a close game. So I'm going Gold Coast heads ahead and West Coast plus sixteen and a half for a multi of four dollars ninety. So I think they're going to keep this under three goals West Coast, but I don't think they're going to get the job done. The Suns are a much more experienced team. They've got the stars and things like that. So four dollars ninety I don't mind that as my best bet. Do you, though? Do you think that's going to happen? Yeah, because you've you've backed Gold Coast by twenty. I was going to change that. I haven't changed that since it was going to change it anyway. Timpson margin, I'm going Gold coastye fifteen twelve points. I think it's going to be two goals. I think genuinely West Coasts. The more I think about West Coast, they weren't even that bad last last season. All they what do they? I think they've got the finished sixteenth Yeah no, but they've got a lot more wins wins, six wins, six wins, I think, so they weren't too bad. They can keep this close over in the West and twelve points and that helps my better as well. I agree.

Look, they're a different team at off the stadium, they're a lot tougher to play.


I still think goal coasts get the job done.

Not a smashing it. No, I'll probably go twenty points yep, suns, but under a goal, under a goal, so nel bider thet go. That helps my pick too. Before we get into the last part of the show, let's get into a quick break without sponsors at TAB because nine game is going to be a big missed.

By one on the AFL. With TAB, you can stay in the game missed by one on any disposal's leg and TAB will still pay.

You out as a winner.

TAB where on imagine what you could be buying instead.

Big goals for around one, lads, is my favorite part of the show. I'll start as you, Marcus, what is your big call for around one of the AFL season.

Well, you have to start with me because I'm climbing the big call from last week because the tick. Even though the boss said Nick Daykos would get injured, I'm still.

Getting I'm killing this week. Yeah, but he got he got injured out of the games. I'm the ruler of big calls, and I will say that's a tick because we're not going to have many ticks on the big except for this one. I'm going to and O.

I'm gonna go Nick Watson, Jack Innovan, Isaac Kaco to combine for ten plus goals on Friday.

That is a very big will kick or Watson all three Guinea will kick two.

So no, I think the small forwards gonna play a big PARTI gonna happen, but there's a big to be cool for a reason I would love to see happen because I love watching small forwards on what's your big cool?


Well, I was gonna go next, but I'm happy to do my one. My one is not as excited about he didn't get the segway. What sorry about that? All games this Friday onwards are going to be below a twenty point margin. It's going to be a huge call. Any smashings, and I genuinely think this could be one of the closest rounds in history if you take out Carlton Richmon, because that could be a smash.

I'm so excited for Dogs to beat North by twenty one.

Well, that would be that would be wild. But genuinely, I think this could be really close. A lot of games are going to be decided by three goals. I'm just looking at all of the games. They're all just seem really close matchups. So all the games Friday on, all of the light So the games.

Games, you've all them by twenty five.

That's all right, that's right, it's gonna be fifteen.

You're big the way mate, the contradictions you do.

He's the host. No one that was watching this show would have even realized that he's the bus just thrown under, as.

I'd be called.

I think Jerry and English have a huge night on Saturday Night, a right. I think they're gonna come by for fifty plus disposals and two goals.

I think Jerry's going to be the All Australian ruck this year.

I think English is going to bounce back and have a huge season, and I think it's going to be one of those games where the game itself might not be great, but you just want to sit there and watch.

The rucks, watch the ruck You never really say that's true, and I think English, Yeah, he was injured for like the first half of last year. That's why Cherry did tell him. Cherry, I feel think is the better player. Yeah, but they could easily do that fifty plus two goals. I love that. It'd be really fun. Lastly, before he finished off, keep an eye on, lads, what do you keep an eye on this weekend? For round one? We'll go with you later.

Start with player fitness.

I just want to see these teams sort of cope in the heat. Yeah, Saturday, and just like off a preseason. Remember last year the Hawks Sesson and game, which was Saturday or Sunday, Saturday Saturday. It wasn't like crazy hot, but it was hot and we were cramping the whole last quarter. We could not keep up with fitter than last they had a better preseason. I just want to see that in a few games where the teams can sort of keep the run in the legs, especially on Saturday.

I like that, Marcus, what do you keep an eye mainly the way that Collin would bounce back. Yes, there was a lot of talk about them or even myself thinking they're probably the team that can go all the way this season. Yeah, but to be fair, they did face another team that I think will be right up there with them. But still that performance wasn't good enough and I think they have to bounce back. And obviously Dan Houston debut as well. It helps him in Adelaide.

It's against against his old team. Against Adelaide though, should be fun to watch. Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on most of my Kevin Ian is going to involve super Coach. I'm keeping an eye within Callahan now because I've got him in my super Coach team because Tom Green was.

Out, because he's good looking.

He's very good look He can always keep an eye on thin Cahan. But I'm just excited to see if he can have that sort of impact with Tom Green and the team. I think he can, so I'm going to keep him in my super Coach team, but just keeping an eye on because if he, I don't know, only has twenty touches, that's a little bit of a worry for super Coach, not for the Giants, because you want Tom Green back in your team, but just in terms of super coach, I'm going to keep an eye on that. Interesting all right, that will do us for the AFL Today Show for the Thursday night preview. If you enjoyed today's episode episode, make sure you subscribe to AFL Today on YouTube. All worst at the goal of four K and then we're going to be above Actually are we out four We want to know exactly what we're on. That's what I was gonna ask you.

Three thousand, nine hundred and ninety six. Oh so when we started recording this, we've gained three subscribers beautiful, so we're all huge, Okay.

I reckon. Over the next couple weeks, we're going to aim for four point five K. So make sure you hit the subscribe button and start all the shows on your podcast app. All of our other shows as well are still going on. We've got the Cricket Today Show just wrapped up, the Champions Trophy. Might do a bit of an IPL you guys love a bit.

Of il I reckon.

Then we're going to do AFL W Today later in the season. Right now, there's also hold on tickets True Blood's Honest Beers there's a lot going on in this studio and a lot of shows to get around. Thank you very much to Joe behind the camera for just all this shambles that we've done. Thank you very much to Lea shout out Gerald, good girl, and thank you very much Marcus. Thanks HERP, well HERP, I don't know about that one. And thank you to our sponsors TAB with their AFL missed by one. If your dispose is like this is by one, TAB will still pay you out as a winner. Download the TAB app today. What are you really gambling with? See your sonay To wrap up all things round one, that's another episode of AFL Today done where at. Because a nights game is going to be eppy.

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