When you're spouse expresses a desire to accomplish something important to them, encourage them to fulfill their dream. Don't be a dream killer.
Is there something your spouse has expressed the desire to do, such as lose weight, write an article, go back to school, or learn to ski. Then why not encourage their dream?
Doctor Gary Chapman with a love language minute.
Many dreams are killed by a spouse or friend who says it's not realistic. We can't afford it. You won't follow through. Why be a dream killer? Learn to speak encouraging words such as I know you can do it because you are an excellent writer. If you want to go back to school, we'll find the money. If you decide to go on a diet, I'll be happy to join you. One encouraging statement can be the difference between success and failure. Remember, we give life or death to people's dreams by what we say.
Doctor Gary Chapman is the author of The Five Love Languages. For more, visit five Love Languages. Com.